Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We, The People - Dominion for the Commenor Hex

Post 2

Darben Skirae was greeted by almost walking into someone. He went wide eyed for a moment out of surprise, taking a step back. She went straight to asking name, rank and reasoning. However, he did not really have a rank, at least that's how he thought of it. The closest he could think to that was his position as Minister. "D-Darben Skirae, Minister of Trade. [member="Lady Kay"] asked for me" he replied, explaining himself to her.

Speaking of which, he could see Lady Kay. He stepped aside to let [member="Darlyn Excron"] move past him, then waited for [member="Katrina"] to let him past. As he waited, he listened as Kay spoke to someone else. She mentioned his name, someone named Mac ([member="Macoda Haberon"]). And when he heard his own name mentioned, he also heard the reason for him being here and shot Mute a worried glance. He wasn't worried for her this time, but rather himself. Space travel did not sit well with him. "" he muttered to himself with a shrug.
Post 4

[member="Lady Kay"]'s whispering calmed Mac greatly. He never knew how she could calm him down but so far she seems to have an ability to. Mac suspected that it maybe some sort of Force ability but he didn't want to dwell on that. He locked eyes with Lady Kay and nodded his head.

"Aye my lady, I'll keep him safe, I promise."

Mac then dismissed himself with a bow and proceeded to walk out of her office. But blocking the way was the private who was told to guard the door and an official who was trying to enter. The giant pirate approached the two an outstretched a hand towards [member="Darben Skirae"].

"You must be Minister Skirae." Mac offered a firm handshake. "Lady Kay has ordered me to take you on a diplomatic mission to Cato Neimoidia and treat with Neimoidians. My name is Mac, I'll be your pilot and guard for today." Mac looked down at the minister, offering a smile.
Post: 5.

Glancing from person to person within the Lady Kay's office, Veiere stood in further silence having been introduced to [member="Macoda Haberon"] and then having seen to the moment in passing. The aura of the man felt somewhat heavier than most of the others though Veiere passed it off, choosing not to delve any further for the sake of the mans privacy and instead turning to listen to Kay as she whispered about their venture being cut short. Up until now, Veiere hadn't quite known what to expect let alone to hear of their trip being held off though for whatever purpose they were to travel for, it seemed that things here would keep them with their hands full.

As was typical of himself, he naturally felt out of place in such an environment, he detested politics and held not the patience for it these days despite his past training as a Jedi once, now long ago. Peace of self it seemed came far easier when put against such environments and what little comforts they brought, however he was soon to be King, for a second time...-And though he had better incentive this time around it was only Kay Larr herself that kept him on the fence with the proposed title. The Knights of Commenor were to be his home, his place away from her when they were to focus on their duties and otherwise their relationship would take priority in the time that they had free. Naturally the pair both wished for more of said free time yet when there was a world relying on at least one of you, things often grew far too busied for such luxuries.

He found in the moment that he had no valid reason to excuse himself at this point, not only were there others typically foreign to their government here but the prime reason he had ever been in Kay's employment still stood at the height of his priorities and that was Kay's protection. Sure, it could be argued that he was no longer her personal bodyguard and that up until recently, [member="Darlyn Excron"] had been in charge of her personal security, who could say that it was not still a husbands duty to ensure such a thing. Be it his instincts from the former career now behind him, or his place in the Order of which he stood to protect and serve where he could, or more likely and far more significantly the love that he had for the woman; against all his preferable options he remained at the back of the room behind her desk, keeping his front to all and his back against the wall in a casual lean, he remained, observant and quiet.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 5

Kay smiled and nodded as [member="Macoda Haberon"] went off to follow her orders. Hopefully [member="Darben Skirae"] would be put at ease on his trip to Cato. At least he didn't have to travel far.

She glanced over her shoulder to [member="Veiere Arenais"] as he stood behind her desk. She knew that pose and that look on his face. He was torn between wanting to be there and not wanting to be there. As always, she knew that it was her that kept him there and no other reason. Yet if he had something pressing to deal with, she knew that he would excuse himself.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"] soon came in. He greeted her with a bow and so she did the same, but just with a bow of her head. "Lady Kay is fine. Please have a seat. Sorry if you had to wait, but it's been a busy day. Now what can I do for you?" With everything seeming to go on at once today, she just couldn't remember if Olivia had told her of the purpose of Vitor's visit or not. Normally her days weren't so busy. But with expansion comes more to be responsible for. She wondered if she was ready for it. Here's hoping that she was.
Objective: Terrijo Assault on Entourage

Post 3

Tiali pops his head out around the corner looking left and right... then left again. Walking out he begins to make his way in the direction of the fighting, until something through a window steals his attention well.. a couple of somethings. Three commenor war ships exiting hyperspace come into sight shortly followed by the open channel message. Releasing A sigh Tiali Wonders just how much more of a mess this can become, he continues watching as the drop ship begins to makes it's approach until... The sounds of sobbing is heard followed by a man telling them to "shh".

Turning around instantly following the quieting sounds of sobbing, finding it's origin from a room with it's door cracked open. Peeking in his finds three people, two civilians and a one security guard. Thinking quickly he formulates a plan in his head a way these people can help him. Putting his sword onto his back his now free hand hit's the terminal opening the door, with the element of surprise on his side he quickly raises his blaster firing a round into the guards head killing him instantly. Both civilians taken by surprise they jump in fear about to scream "No No No Don't scream shhhhhh I'm so sorry about that!" The two stare at him scared out of their boots his voice lowering trying to calm the two "All this Chaos, pirates and fighting It's all happened happened because of him right underneath All our noses."

Leaning back out the door he looks if anyone's approaching "I think we're in the clear." Fully entering the room "Now I know what this looks like but you have to beleive me I mean no harm, I'm here to protect you" The man struggles to squeeze out a sound let alone a word until he gets out "B...b..but you killed John." Tiali Releases a sigh approaching the man and placing a hand on his shoulder "I know I killed Jerry I mean John, but he was going to take you both away and probably make you slaves trust me... I'm a jedi." Looking to the girl being the other citizen, Tiali begins to kickstart his plan. Now raising his voice to heighten tension "Oh dear she's going into shock." He approaches her quickly "Ma'am I'm going to need you to lie down." he helps her down slowly shuddering in his hands he try's the best he can to do it as soft as possible "Shh shh you're going to be okay, everything's fine." pointing to the man Tiali signals him to come closer and the man warily slowly follows the direction. "Look I'm going to stay here with her, I need you to go out there turn right then left there should be some military personnel go up to their boss And ask for help and lead them here. Do you understand?" The man replies tears shedding from his eyes "I can't go out there I'll d..." Tiali interrupts pulling out a device from his utility belt attaching it to his back. Tiali's tone turns desperate as he stops whispering "That's a personal shield blaster rounds can't hurt you when you're wearing this, and I'm giving it up for your safety. Now Go!" The man nods Running out the door making his way towards Darlyn Excron's squad.

A smiles lightens Tiali's face under his Helmet proud of himself, "You really sold it lady, good job." Her face already wet teary face freezes in overwhelming fear, Tiali quickly throws a punch coming in contact with the temple of her head knocking her out. Standing up he quietly exits the room tailing the man he just sent out.

The man's face lightens up in joy when Darlyn's squad come into view. "Oh Praise the stars your here!" He begins to pick up the pace towards the solders "S..S..sir's we need your help Sara she need's medical attention immediately the Jedi sent me to get you!! please." Tears still streaming down his face, his voice shaky, studded and desperate.

Tiali halts at the corner listening to the conversation, smiling at the amount of lies this poor man has been told. His hand reaches into his pocket pulling out a detonator, flicking open the top casing he rests his finger on the button.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
  • Terrijo
  • Post 4
Darlyn's senses immediately were on alert when a 'Jedi' was mentioned. Darlyn had come alone, there was no reason for a Jedi to be here. The SSC was well and away, and the GA was ever present on their front with the FO... sure it could be a coincidence but... well he was a paranoid man. His soldiers may have put their rifles down, but he kept his shotgun leveled, glancing around the halls of the ship as he spoke. "It's alright, stay calm. Just stop where you are, and turn around. If there's a Jedi here they're definitely not with us... so we're going to be very careful. Just turn us around, and lead us back to 'Sara'. Are my words clear and understood?"

He spoke with the calm demeanor of a policeman making sure everything was clear as crystal. There was no room for a misunderstanding here, after all. "Please comply, and we'll be happy to help your friend. I'd just rather not be tricked by a brilliant actor of a pirate, you have to understand." One of the soldiers was taking a few steps forward, closer to the civi with his hands out as a sign of peace.

"Please just listen to the Captain, alright? We won't hurt you, he's just being careful." Step, step, step... the soldier was only perhaps a few feet at most away from him.

Nearby: [member="Tiali Orazio"]

On objective: [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 6

Kay glanced over her shoulder to [member="Veiere Arenais"] , giving him a sly smile while she waited for [member="Vitor Avendahl"] to seat himself after her office was nearly cleared of other people. She had a surprise for her husband-to-be, almost a gift. She picked up her datapad and turned it on, flipping through a few files before she came upon the file that she had wanted. Then she quickly typed up and placed the datapad behind her for him to reach.

On it was a picture of Commenor's latest expenditure, a capital warship aptly named as Queensguard. Details were layed out below which included all of the statistics of the heavily armed behemoth. It was sure to deter anyone from the idea that it would be easy to invade and take over the Commenor sector. Sure they had a lot of allies with interests in the stability of Commenor's economy, yet there was no guarantee that aid would come in time or at all. As Kay had vowed upon her return from captivity, Commenor had to be capable of relying on itself.

The note for Veiere that Kay had attached to the file simply read: ~The Queensguard is nearly complete. She needs an experienced soldier to take care of her. Is Vikras available? We also need to find Terrac. You need a pilot that you can trust. If my notes are correct, he loves whiskey. So a bar would be my guess. I'm good here. You don't have to stay.~

Business and trade deals can be boring at times. And she knew that it wasn't Veiere's cup of tea. She had [member="Katrina"] and other guards to keep her safe in the meantime.
Darben Skirae watched as the one who was to be piloting him came out to meet him where he stood. The Minister of Trade took his hand and shook it in a greeting of his own. "Indeed I am...Not sure if you know, but space travel isn't really my thing. So, could you go a bit easy?" he asked as he started to turn away to head to wherever [member="Macoda Haberon"] ship was. He stopped when he took in mind that he didn't know where the ship was.

"Mind leading the way? To your ship, I mean." The pilot seemed nice enough for Darben to trust him. Not as far as he could throw him, just enough to not leap off at any chance he got. Plus, he trusted [member="Lady Kay"]'s judgement. Briefly he wondered what else everyone else was doing, such as herself. Something was certainly happening that he did not know about. However he did not think to ask his pilot.

"So, Cato Nemoidia. Never been there myself. Heard it's a nice place to visit sometimes." The bird the Nemidians had brought last time was enough to show beauty in their planet's nature.
Post: 6

Raising a brow, he glanced down at [member="Lady Kay"]'s back to which she handed the device to him, albeit with him needing to step forward some though it were certainly worth it. Taking his time, he read over the report regarding the new BattleCruiser being put to work, seemingly well on its way towards completion though requiring some testing to smooth out the approval for the vessel to be built several times over, to Veiere's knowledge it seemed to be the first of Commenor's far more expansive fleet. This specific vessel however was armed to the teeth, possibly more so than the Chimaera had ever been. Glancing back to Kay he tilted his head somewhat as if to look for reassurance as she had mentioned Vikras in her notes. Vikras Ansion had been Veiere's right hand to handle operations aboard the Stardestroyer where Veiere preferred to focus himself on the ground where he felt more at home. Vikras had since withdrawn to teach other officers of Kay's Navy personnel since their departure of Ession and the other northern states.

Nodding to Kay, he understood her well simply by the look that she passed him, their bond stronger than most understood, their feelings as easily read as the artical she had handed to him, neither one of them blocking the other out or trying to constrain them from picking up on their feelings within such close company of one another; Veiere's approval would be well clear to her. "Please excuse me" He smiled to Kay's guest, [member="Vitor Avendahl"] before leaving the pair to their meeting and Kay watched over by the newer recruit.

Boarding one of the royal transports reserved for government officials, he met with the pilots and soon gathered themselves as they ascended from Commenor's floor, the Battle-cruiser having been constructed off world of Gyndine, they sought to board an assault cruiser first that would take them the rest of the way where he would once again find himself standing over such a craft; or atleast until Vikras met him there. He had messaged the man though the older male had replied with news of another venture on going, he would return shortly yet Veiere would beat him there first however.

"Find out where Terrac is..." Veiere glanced to one of the officers, adding "And be sure he learns who's seeking to talk with him, I do not think he would ignore my request...".
He simply glanced at the interaction between the man and the Queen. Certainly, there was something more than just a simple exchange of words between the two but Vitor would not dwell on it at all. At this moment it did not matter to him.

The Sith took a seat and with a final sweep of the office he laid eyes upon the Queen of Commenor.

"Lady Kay, Commenor is growing." Vitor stated the obvious. "Valuable information has reached me telling me of the needs of Commenor. The needs regarding its defense and security. I, Vitor Avendahl, am a representative of a fairly big arms corporation - Corondex Arms - and we see an opportunity for both of us to benefit from."

The ball was at her court now.

[member="Lady Kay"]​
Post 5

Mac looked down at the minister when he mentioned his dislike of flying. "Aye, I'll go easy sir." He stepped past the private who was guarding the door and the minister. "Right this way to the Free Lady." Mac motioned with his arm down the hall towards Lady Kay's personal landing pad. He began to walk, motioning for the minister to follow him. The minister himself seemed like a standard politician outside of his qualms about flying. Mac judged the mission to be a relatively simple one. The Neimoidians were finicky schemers to be sure, but no harm should come to them over a simple diplomatic mission.

"I have never been to Cato Neimoidia, though I am sure it is a nice planet." Mac's pirating adventures never took him to the planet of Cato Neimodia itself, but he had plenty of experience with the nature of Neimoidians. Mac rested his hands on the two axes that were holstered by his sides. The two finally came to the landing pad where [member="Lady Kay"]'s Free Lady awaited them. Mac quickly entered a code on the outside of the YT-1300 and the ramp opened up with a hiss of hydraulics. He stepped up the ramp and headed towards the cockpit. Mac turned towards the minister. "There is no reason for you to sit in the lounge, come sit with me in the cockpit. That way you can see what I am doing." Mac booted up the control panel that laid in front of the pilot's seat and did some routine diagnostics before take off. After the giant pirate deemed the ship space-worthy, he buckled himself into his seat, waiting for [member="Darben Skirae"] to do the same.


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
Location: Terrijo
​Objective: Assimilate the organics
Posts: 3.20
​Allies: None
Enemies: Anyone For Now

​Leading her metallic brood through the dimly, yet heavily damaged, illuminated corridors toward the medical bay; she observed the carnage around her. Part of her, perhaps her once organic side, felt some dismay at what she saw; while her new cyborg upbringing felt nothing at all. Stepping through the bodies, at times crushing bone under her feet, she marched toward the turbolift that would in fact give them a direct link to the med bay. Just as they were closing the gap, an explosion erupted again from under her feet; throwing flames and debris through the now dysfunctional turbolift's doors.

"How unfortunate," ​she snarked. Turning to the droids, she added, "Well boys, looks like you're up again." ​Now she followed the droids, again, down the only other corridor offered to them, where it twisted and wounded in menacing bends. Again, they came to another door, which was askew and painting perfectly with scorcher marks. From the opposite side, came blaster fire and organic yelling. Her left cybernetic eye brightened as he produced her hilt, ordering her droids into the breach.

​The moment she stepped through the damaged sliding doors, she ignited her blade, prompting the small band of uniformed security team in front of her, whose backs where facing her to give a moment's pause to the newcomer as they turned around. From her body, she rifled off a rocket that exploded around the gathered security forces, then she gingerly walked through them; driving her blade into the horribly wounded survivors while the droids formed a line between her and the other armed group. Retracting her blade, she said over her droids toward the other group, "It may appear we are on the same side?" ​But in her mind, she added 'for now'.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] l [member="Thraxis"] l [member="Stardust Raxis"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 7

Kay gave [member="Veiere Arenais"] a knowing smile and nod as he excused himself. At least she could count on him to make decisions that would suit Commenor, as opposed to himself. She trusted him more than anyone.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"] took his seat, while Kay sat back down on her own chair at her desk. She raised a brow slightly as he mentioned 'valuable information had reached his ears', although that probably shouldn't of caught her by surprise. Not to mention word was spreading that Commenor was growing. That brings forth both good and bad attention. Hopefully they gain more of the former.

Vitor seemed well versed in negotiations. No doubt he has handled business deals before. "Corondex Arms? I am afraid to say that I know little about them. So you'll have to enlighten me, Vitor, and elaborate on your proposal, if you please."


Terrac on the other hand was at the same ramshackle bar that he usually tended to these days; The Old Mill. It was the kind of place that was filled with retired soldiers and the like, so in a way, he fit in. But he didn't really fit in. He had his own little table in the back corner where no one disturbed him. Only his thoughts did that. Ever since Kay's return, the old pilot got even grumpier, if that was even possible.

Two officers soon approached him. Terrac narrowed his eyes slightly as the stood in front of his table. "What is it? Can't you see that I'm busy?" He took a large swig of his whiskey.

One of the officers piped up. "Captain Terrac? We have been sent to bring you back with us for reinstatement-"

"No. I'm not working for her anymore." Terrac spoke over the officer.

"Your presence is requested by Lord Arenais. He wanted you to be aware."

"I thought that I heard word that the Jedi had returned. Tell him that I want a case of whiskey, in advance, before I go anywhere. Otherwise, no deal." Terrac tested their patience on purpose. It was the most fun that he'd had all week. Already he could tell that the officers looked slightly flustered. "Alright, I'll go. But I still want that whiskey." He poured the rest of his drink into his flask and then got up from the table, gesturing for the officers to lead the way. It wasn't as though he knew where he was going.
Post Count: Seven.

The Victory X-class Assault Cruiser paled in comparison to the vessels under construction within the Gyndine Shipyard, though it still far surpassed that of the Vagabond, the light freighter of which Veiere had called his own for so very long until it had been plunged into Voss and he had seen his friend and pilot Cillian Braedon killed. Accompanying them once they'd exited out of hyperspace, a squadron of A-Wing interceptors formed to meet them and to proceed to escort them towards the facility orbiting Gyndine, a space-station that had been there since before the One Sith's reign and so too the Galactic Republic's decline. Vikras Ansion awaited the former Jedi there on the space-station, he of whom was overseeing the final tests of the The QueensGuard and the Commenori Receiver, both vessels having been built yet held no experience outside of the Gyndine Station.

"My lord..." One of the officers of the crew approached Veiere handing him the datapad of which displayed the response from back home on Commenor, the soldiers of Kay's having informed him of their progress, so to speak. Veiere offered a curt nod, soon turning to the viewing platform and staring out into open space for a time, considering how best to tie Terrac down to Commenor and her Queen once again. Kay had wished for Terrac to fall under Veiere's employ this time, not herself...

Re: Terrac


Have this man brought to me, I wish to speak with him in person and for he to understand the nature of his future employment. I am currently awaiting you upon the Gyndine shipyards orbiting the western hemisphere though I do not have a great deal of time, I encourage you make haste before my time is required by the Queen upon our newest addition to the fleet.

Ps. Inform Terrac that I have a full crate with his name of it, if not only for his personal time.
Veiere was still taking his time to get used to having these people serving under him, the government of Commenor had always been Kay's and though they had not yet married, her people were acting as though he was already their king, it was both unsettling to be given that kind of power, yet too uncomfortable in his anxiety around how he was best suited to applying it. As far as he was concerned, he'd most prefer to continue to serve his soon to be wife, as she knew best where politics were concerned and though he could act well as an em-misery of the nation, residing over people didn't come naturally to him in the slightest, far preferring to see others upon the same level as he rather than practicing superiority across the hierarchy of their people.

"Commencing docking procedures with Gyndine Station, M'Lord" the captains voice called from further back upon the bridge, he of whom was busy with his officers though had found the moment to inform Veiere between delegating across the other readouts, the walls of the bridge lit up like a life-day promotion stall. "Very well...-Take us in, Captain" Veiere responded with a nod and an added smile, preferring the crew to see him as genuine than simply following obligations via his soon to be position as King.

[member="Lady Kay"]
Post 3
Objective: Talasea

Kendall guided his hostage away from the bodies, blaster firmly planted against his back. Noticing a small patch of vegetation in the block Kendall nudged the Weequay toward it, hoping to use the cover of vegetation. The constructed architecture of the capital seamlessly blended with patched of the dense planet's vegetation, a spectacle not seen many other places. The gangster moved to the location with no resistance, and Kendall grabbed him by the arm, pushing him forward. The Weequay spun around slightly, facing Kendall. "So, who's you're boss?" The interviewee made no action in response, just staring at Kendall. growing impatient Kendall raised his new rifle higher, slightly gesturing with it, "You'll want to have you're priorities straight in this situation."

After a second Kendall started feeling an unfamiliar response in the back of his head, something he hadn't dealt with often. Finally identifying the feeling Kendall rolled his eyes. "Don't try to speak to me with that hormonal poodoo you savage. Basic, speak words." The hormonal signals sent between Weequays continued after Kendall's order, and so taking a step forward Kendall swung down the rifle, bashing into his hostage's head. The being grunted in pain. "Basic! What did I tell you!" The other Weequay looked up, and spoke a few words in the alien language he spoke before. "What you don't speak basic?" The Weequay nodded in response. And Kendall stood back, looking up slightly in irritation. "Right, now how does someone like you get around parts like these without speaking basic? hm?" Kendall got closer, "You don't" he fired a single blast through the crouching Weequay's arm.

"AAH OK OK!" He fell over in pain as the Weequay yelled out his surrender.
"That's what I thought, now tell me who your boss is." Kendall stood back up aiming his rifle at the wounded vault of information.

"His name is Drano, and he runs this part of the city, you're dead for messin' with us!" The Weequay started to crawl back to his feet as he spat a threat at Kendall

"Great, where's Drano, if you tell me I can head on over, and get killed way faster. Wouldn't that be nice." Kendall retorted in a patronizing tone.

The Weequay spit up at Kendall, an ineffectual display as the rain pulled the glob of saliva quickly to the ground. "You'll kill me anyway, just get it over with." the gangster is inturrupted by the crackle of a communicator strapped to his hip.

"Braids, the riot's headed toward 48th and main. head back to the bridge, too much heat down there." Kendall listened intently. There was a large bridge south, a lot of foot traffic with the unrest of the city, that seemed like a better lead than anything Braids would tell him.

"That sounds promising, sleep tight braids." Kendall raised his rifle and swung, cracking into the Weequay's forehead. His hostage feel over unconcious, and Kendall scooted him to better cover from the rain, laying him upright. Hopefully the blow wasn't enough to kill him, wasn't a need to kill this one. Kendall stepped back out into the clearing, beginning the trip to his next landmark, turning slightly as he heard the blaster fire from the surrounding streets.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] , [member="Kalyr Alor"] , [member="Lauri Törni"]
Terrijo: Assault on the Entourage.

Post 4

"Oh, I'm sorry, I would have to kindly ask you to not." He snapped back, these were his possible maybe future Citizens on the line and he couldn't just let her go around mauling them all to nothing more than tiny strands of meat. "These are my potential citizens and you murdering them isn't exactly doing wonders for my population issues, M'kay? M'kay." He continued his approach, the medical bay seemed his best bet from everything that had occurred so far. His banging ceased as he tapped a few buttons, the doors shifting open as he saw an all too comforting sight. "Oh goddamnit." He muttered as he stepped through the slaughter, some torn skin, bodies left tortured as their faces registered their last sights. Horror, pain and anguish. "Well fiddly fee. That is..." He paused, counting the numbers on his fingers as he figured out how many he would have to deal with. "Two. I am dealing with at least two assholes." He groaned as he waded through the blood and guts, the crunching of bones beneath his steps, the sound of blood in viscous form leaving a sloshing sound with every step.

He followed their footsteps, their metallic tracks leading on with the sight of blood and guts down the dimly lit corridor. He paid little head to the carcases that were stretched across his left and right, sniffing as he took in a deep breath, "This. This was not my day to try and be a messiah." He growled as he came to the turbo lift, feeling the rocketing explosion shift his balance, an arm pressed against a wall while the other darted along the control board. Slowly the turbo lift descended down with an audible buzz, letting all know that someone was on their tail. "Right! I'm coming up there! And I swear to god if I see my to be possible maybe citizens dead, I am going to be rather aggravated!" His voice echoed up the turbo lift, before taking his first step.

He pulled out what he assumed he needed, around his hands his fingers intertwined between around his DEMP, he really wanted to take prisoners, though with everyone simply murdering it was becoming a more and more grating task to keep up. Tied to his belt was his Stun net Launcher, he didn't think he would need it but if someone disarmed the DEMP might as well have counter measures at the ready. Especially with how often he seemed to come across Force Users, not to mention the Slugthrowers that he managed to squeeze in. Hidden around his hands were wrapped his own custom Lightsabers, the normal ones required too much effort and learn whole new art forms, while these simply worked with his normal movements.

He kneeled down, pulling from his Duffel bag a single smoke machine, putting it down and letting it fill the turbo lift with an ominous load of black mist before pressing the buttons. The machine whirled to life, slowly ascending back up all the while the smoke piled up. BY the time he finally reached the top the smoke machine done its job, all around his form shifted and moulded a veil of darkness, slowly entagling and spreading from the turbolift as he took his first step. His head turned back and fourth his black marred visage twisting and turning between the droids as he let loose a long drawn out sigh. "Right then." He paused, drawing tension through the room as he looked back and forth between the gathered droids. "You one of the lots killing my future Citizens?" He inquired, his head cocked to the side, a deathly visage of rage and anger coiling beneath the blackness as he stared down at one of the droids next to [member="AD-Iqatar.13"].
[member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Thraxis"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Objective assault on the
Post 5

She growled as he spoke, his 'citizens' were nothing more then pirates that had got aboard and started harming people, she stopped looking at a few crew members that had been torn to pieces before she

might I remind you thraxis *She put emphasis on his name* that these citizens of yours have attacked a medical ship and killed some of the crew, I don't care if they are in cuffs I WILL execute them

She said as she heard a explosion above her and slowly started up, she found a hatch and popped it open coming up but stopped as black smoke rolled down, she shook her head and let go of the ladder as she would contiune to head to the

Her foot steps echoed against the walls, surely any pirates would be hiding stayed extra quiet, even so as she turned a corner she was faced with a blaster to the face and some pirate screaming for her to stop, she sighed and raised her arms as her squad mate stayed hidden, the pirate, obviously scared out of his wits, reached for her arms and started placing them behind her back, she pushed back hard slamming him to the wall then turned keeping a hold as his friends fired into his body killing him

She then threw the body to them and drew her blasters firing rapidly and then


She walked into the hangar seeing a few landed ships and what seemed like pirates cuffed, she walked up and shook her head as she got on

thraxis, I'm gonna say this nicely, why the hell do you have pirates prisoner hm? I CAN GIVE NO CARE ABOUT THESE SCUM WHO ATTACK INNOCENT LIVES

With that outburst she turned and fired at a pirate leaving a crater in his chest...she was done and any morality for these pirates was gone...she would kill then without a thought

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
Post Count: Eight.

With the Assault Cruiser having docked with the Gyndine Station, Veiere led by a personal escort of troops, entered onto the shipping yard deck and continued through passed the airlock and check-in stations to be met with an envoy of engineers and scientists, officers and a member from the government of Gyndine. Bowing to the minister, Veiere moved ahead to walk along side the man whilst all others would follow in tow. "Forgive the intrusion, Minister, this venture wasn't scheduled for government relations. I'm here on private business for [member="Lady Kay"]".

"No, I know Veiere...-I've come to meet with you purely out of courtesy. It's rare that we have communication with Commenor in such personal conveniences. I was brought here for an inspection of the station and was informed just a moment ago of your arrival, I thought it best to greet you myself" Malk Quor responded with a warm grin, he was a humbled man with a good heart despite the injustices that had been wrought upon their world over the previous years. Veiere didn't know him at all very well yet with their connections, Malk had already tried to get in touch with him in order to secure their borders and diplomatic standings.

"Well, I'm sure Kay will be most appreciative to hear of it" He chuckles softly, bowing his head in thanks; "Though I fear we owe you much already for your aid in assisting our fleeting productions of late..." He gestured out to the left side of the corridor they walked, the two massive vessels seen upon either side of the viewing ports, enormous compared to anything else Commenor currently held. "How're things down on Gyndine these days" He turned back and slowed in his pace, the group at their back slowing too and waiting on their move to proceed further though their discussion would be respected first.

"The Nanth'ri Route is giving us some grief" Malk admitted rather openly, there being a rumor surrounding rogue criminals raiding trading parties moving back and fourth between worlds; "Though fear not, it will not hinder our trade agreement, I assure you" He seemed quick to apologize to which Veiere simply held a hand up and nodded in understanding.

"I haven't come here to scrutinize your peoples efforts, Minister. I asked about Gyndine itself...-How is your family faring these days. I heard your son recently fell ill...-I was sorry to hear of it, I hope he's recovering well..." Veiere sought a far more personal conversation with the man, wishing to get to know one of Gyndine's leading members on a more personal level as they continued to walk, seeking assembly docks G5 and G6, where the two Commenori vessels were held.
Post 4

"Understandable, my Lady. Corondex has not been dealing much in the Core." He explained. There were more reasons to why it was still not a renown name across the galaxy but business deals, he had found, were supposed to be short and to the point.

And to the point he went.

"My proposal is simple. Let Corondex arm you. We are very interested in contracting ourselves to further improve your security and the equipment of your armed forces." Vitor calmly said. "The technical details can be left to your defensive adviser, unless that is you or such things interest you to the smallest detail."

[member="Lady Kay"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 8

Terrac followed the officers. They travelled by shuttle to what he assumed would be the Royal Palace, yet instead he was brought to one of the landing pads where a freighter awaited them. Were they expecting him to fly for them? He wasn't quite up to it, nor was he sober enough. The answer came soon enough after he got inside for he wasn't taken to the cockpit, but to the passenger deck. He took a seat and looked to the nearest officer. "Where are we headed?"

"Gyndine, sir. Lord Arenais says to inform you that there is a crate with your name on it."

"Yeah? He better not be talking about a coffin."


"Nevermind. Let's just get this overwith." He waved the officer away and brought out his flask, giving himself a generous gulp.

The freighter soon took off for the orbital station near Gyndine.

[member="Veiere Arenais"]


That could explain it. Corondex hadn't spread to the Core much. That could be why [member="Vitor Avendahl"] chose to come to Commenor, especially as they were neutral.

" [member="Darlyn Excron"] was the Head of Security. He's getting promoted to a higher rank, yet I'm sure that he would love to go over the details. However he is on a mission at the moment. But you have me interested. The Arms business is a highly competitive market. What gives Corondex the edge above the rest?"

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