Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We, The People - Dominion for the Commenor Hex


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 13

Terrac was looking forward to taking on [member="Bradshaw Ku"] , and it had been quite some time since he had been able to tell anyone that he was looking forward to something other than more whiskey. The old pilot had probably smiled more today than he had in the past few months.

And then [member="Veiere Arenais"] gave him news on even more excitement. "Well aren't you full of surprises..." He followed the Jedi out to the bridge, eager to watch the display of flying at it's best. "If they fly half as good as me, then it should be a good show." Terrac of course was very good at flying. It was in his blood. He enjoyed the thrill of it all, especially when it came to near misses. Something about being mere inches away from death made him feel more alive.



Olivia was glad to stear [member="Bradshaw Ku"] out of the Palace. He didn't need to bother Kay when he was in this type of mood. Yet as she listened to him, she understood why he was this way. The Queen had yet to listen to Veiere's advice and even her own when it had come to the matter of Brad. After living on his own for over a decade, the youth was now sheltered and forbidden to speak of many things. Hopefully that would change.

She patted his hand while they walked. The fresh air would do him good. "Your mother has good intentions. Try to keep that in mind. She only wants to protect you. And you aren't the only one that she's detracting from going after those that have hurt her most. Veiere is one of them too. And you may be kept a secret right now, but it won't be that way forever. Give her time to adjust. She has a lot on her plate and when she knows that she can trust you with some of her responsibilities, you'll have tasks to do. Your mother hasn't gone anywhere really, so that's why you haven't taken her anywhere yet. As for what she wants from you?..." Olivia paused for a moment as she thought of an answer. "Only your mother can say. What is it that you really want? Maybe there is some way for you two to meet in the middle..."

A message from Palace security was patched through to Olivia's comm. ~[member="Ultimatum"] is on his way down, requesting to see the Queen. What timeframe should we give him, Ma'am?~

"The Queen is in a business meeting. I'm sure that he could wait a half hour upon his arrival. It shouldn't take much more than that."

~Affirmative Ma'am.~

Olivia still had time to speak with Brad. She knew that Ultimatum was patient, after having dealt with him before. "Sorry about that. Now, where were we?"
The merchant could feel his stomach flip over as the ship began to lift off. "Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, everything will be fine..." He almost yelled out loud when the ship started up toward the atmosphere, his legs shaking as well as the ship when going through the atmosphere of Commenor. He dare not look out to side windows, or anywhere just thinking he would look in a direction toward the ground and try to bail, begging to land.

Darben leaned a bit to the side to hear [member="Macoda Haberon"] question. He was still holding tight onto the seat as they traveled through the bright tunnel of hyperspace travel. This time he glanced back to Mute. She seemed fine, shaking a little. She did not seem to be confident in flying, but was surely more so than Darben. At least the sight of her calmed him somewhat. "It's a long story." A story that, now that he thought about it, would be something to tell on this journey. "I was a trader on Corellia. Never left the planet, not till she came running into my store. Obviously she must have stolen something, as she had a bunch of...well, not sure if they were gangsters or otherwise. But I was forced to leave and now...well she tags along." He said all this while keeping his eyes on her. She sent a light smile his way. "Never got an answer, she hasn't spoken a word."
Post 7
Mac looked over to [member="Darben Skirae"] as he shot the Free Lady into hyperspace. "Relax minister, you are in good hands." It wasn't the most personal remark but it was at least true. Mac after all was a decent pilot and he had experience with the Free Lady. He was glad that his question about Mute had served to distract the minister some what. Still, Mac's interest was captured somewhat by the mysterious Mute. In some ways, she reminded him of the deaf girl he ran into at Nar Shaddaa. Mac briefly wondered on what happened to her, he hoped that she was ok. He looked back at Mute. Why would she tag along? What was her goal?

All that Mac could say to the minister's brief explanation was "Ah" and he left it at that. After about ten minutes of silence, Mac took over from the autopilot and brought the Free Lady out of hyperspace. Cato Neimoidia was only a short flight from Commenor. The lush planet came into view and Mac honed in on what looked to be a capital city or palace of some sort. He wondered if [member="Lady Kay"] had let the Neimoidians know that they were making a diplomatic visit. Two Neimoidian ships appeared and flanked the Free Lady as Mac descended to the planet. He managed to make contact with the security ships.

~This is the Free Lady carrying Minister Skirae of Commenor. We have come to treat with the Governor of Cato Neimoidia.~

~Yes sir, follow us. We will guide you to the Governor's Palace."~

Mac was thankful for the guidance. The lush planet was cloaked in a thick fog in many places and it would be hard to navigate without help. As Mac got closer to the surface of the planet, a mighty palace emerged from the mist, perched on a series of rock outcroppings and arches. Luxurious bridges extended out into the mist below. Mac landed on a landing pad that was guided by the help of Neimoidians with colored lights motioning for him to land. The platform itself was guarded by two hulking Neimoidian brutes with fearsome vibroaxes.

Post 1

The concept of forgiveness had been the topic of one of the last conversations between [member="Lady Kay"] and Ghorua before she disappeared. Ghorua had done terrible things, not only to her, but to plenty of people. By all appearances, the Herglic bounty hunter had been nothing but a calculating, immoral brute. Kay was one of the first to see past that, to not only forgive him for what he had done, but also to accept him as a friend.

Things had been much simpler back then.

When the Lady disappeared, Ghorua had expended plenty of time and resources to find her. Despite all of his expertise, however, he couldn't find anything. Not a trace. But he held onto hope throughout it all, because Kay forgave him, and he couldn't give up on that.

Then she returned, proclaiming herself Queen, with yellow in her eyes.

Understandably, Ghorua had felt loss and betrayal. The Kay that returned was not the same as the one that had left. All evidence pointed towards a shift in her personality; the sudden deaths of the Elders, a sudden spike in trade deals, and a sudden mass-production of warships. It was as if Commenor were gearing for war.

The Kay he knew would never have even considered creating weapons to kill others.

Since her return, Ghorua had stayed away from Commenor. Whether it was his hurt feelings, or guilt, or something entirely different, he didn't know. He couldn't bring himself to be in the same proximity as one he had once called his friend. He had kept tabs on Commenor, however. His old friend, [member="Darlyn Excron"], had made quite the name for himself as the Head of Security. @B'enor Benjeel had become the head engineer, which must have been a big change for the Chadra-Fan. [member="Veiere Arenais"] had began his own order of Force-Users, dedicated to Commenor.

It seemed like everyone had taken to the new Kay like a fish to water.

Ghorua hadn't.

The Whalebone rocketed out of hyperspace over Commenor, the cargo vessel descending towards the Chasin City spaceport. Ghorua sat at the console, pressing buttons and flipping switches. His eyes were hard, like obsidian glass, his mouth only a thin, taut line. He stood slowly, stepping away from the console, and running a massive hand over his slick skin. He glared out of the viewport, as if daring the planet to do something.

"Good day, Whalebone. This is Chasin City spaceport control. State your business."

Ghorua felt a smile tug at his lips, more of a nervous habit than anything. "Control, this is the Whalebone, I'm here on business for the palace." As he waited for the spaceport to check his credentials, he sent a message to the palace, little humor in his voice.

"The Shark has arrived on Commenor, as requested. ETA, thirty minutes."

Ghorua went over his ship's comms, a slight jolly tone making it's way back into his words. "Squid, get up here. I need you ready for anything."

[member="The Squid"] was a valuable new piece of equipment to the Shark, as well as a staunch ally. They had already completely a few missions together, and Ghorua couldn't deny his effectiveness. They had gotten a message from the palace, either from Kay, or one of her lackeys. They'd wanted to hire him for a bounty. Ghorua had debated on it for some time before deciding to go.

Forgiveness was important, but the large Bounty Hunter wasn't ready for it yet.

- [member="Macoda Haberon"] - [member="Darben Skirae"] - [member="Ultimatum"] -
Post Count: 14
[member="Lady Kay"]

The QueensGuard

Commenori Receiver


Stars stream-lined passed the front of the bridge, the two great vessels preparing to exit hyperspace while Vikras, Veiere and Terrac all stood at the head and watched the progress if the QueensGuard and the Receiver's first true venture. Their destination had taken them deeper into the Gyndine sector to which the shipyard held a known 'graveyard' of sorts, a sector of space that they utilized for the testing of weapons and defensive capabilities of the vessels they manufactured. Out there, in the middle of nothing, they all felt the engines pull back, the point of exit breaching into a bright light before the stars all suddenly ceased in their rapid passing and before them drifted an almost endless field of debris, old ships broken and useless, a much larger flagship that looked to have been involved in some great war within the center of it all, broken in half yet still offering a great first target for the smaller squadrons aboard the Super Carrier.

Now with the potential harm of the two capital vessels, Vikras Ansion turned back to the bridge, leaving Veiere and Terrac to watch the show. "Shields to full, set us to yellow alert and have all hands on station!" He barked the order, moving to the center of the bridge to where he had full over-all control of the vessel, overseeing all that his officers were doing. Opening a channel through to the Commenori Reciever, he'd leave the call open for the duration of the tests to ensure that all went smoothly. "Receiver, this is Admiral Ansion. Deploy five of your X-Wing Squadrons and have them take up Defensive formations at your bow..-Send the other half ahead, have them scout the debris field. Let us see them in action, I trust you to employ all necessary pre-cautions however...".


'He seems to be enjoying himself' Veiere mused inwardly as he watched, half turned to look to the bridge as Vikras began to whip everyone up into shape. It was a nice change to have someone else running the show, to simply pass the time as a spectator for this one; turning back to look out from the bridge, he smiled to himself as the Commenori Receiver took the lead and from the sides of the carrier, they watched as the squadrons of X-Wing's left their hangars, all tearing off into flight and taking up formations at the front of the Carrier to serve as it's shield whilst the other half drove forward ahead and sought to route the debris field.

"We have ten squadrons of those...-Twelve vessels to a Squadron, and those are just the X-Wings. Our A-Wing Interceptors are much faster and more precise with their payload, we then have our B-Wing's and our Bomber squadrons, Y-Wings they are. Gyndine Shipyards have provided us with a lot of good vessels, though at a reasonable price I'll admit" he explained to Terrac, whom was no doubt enjoying himself as much as Veiere was. It was encouraging to see everything take into motion after months of waiting, yet at the same time Veiere hoped they'd never have to use these vessels in a live combat situation. Commenor had done well to remain neutral and out of the eye of would-be aggressors; with the addition of such a fleet, he quietly prayed that said hostile attentions wouldn't be drawn their way.

As the Super Carrier drifted forward, the scouting Starfighters were all ordered to open fire on any debris within it's trajectory. Flashes of red erupting from their heavy blaster cannons, lighting up the view from far back on the Bridge of the QueensGuard, Veiere's eyes squinting a little as he studied the smaller craft, all zipping in and out of formation and clearing the path for the much larger two. "This place is often used for military training and testing procedures, Gyndine as you can see have been quite active here lately. They test all vessels coming out of their shipyards. This is likely more for ceremony and our encouragement than anything else, this fleet wouldn't have left the station had they not already been approved. Still, I couldn't turn down the chance and Kay wanted to be certain our credits were going to good use..."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 14

Terrac stood beside [member="Veiere Arenais"] as the yellow alert was called. He wanted to refill his whiskey, but now was not the time. All of the officers on deck were preparing for the mock battle, of which the old pilot was eager to watch. Perhaps one of these days he'll join them and show them how a real pilot flies.

As he watched the fighter crafts clearcutting their way through the debris, a thought occured to him. "Why the sudden build up of our fleets, Veiere? Is there something going on that us common folk don't know about? Is there a war coming?" Others were sure to have the same questions. There had to be something going on. Either that or Kay was just being paranoid. Another possibility, albeit far-fetched, was that Commenor was going to attack another system. Anything was possible in this day and age. He knew that now.

His eyes never left the action going on outside, even as commands were shouted from the bridge. It was well organized. Terrac hoped that it would remain that way when battle calls.


The Whalebone was given the co-ordinates to land in the same port as [member="Ultimatum"] was given. Whether or not [member="Ghorua the Shark"] would run into the droid was anyone's guess.

The Palace's security received the Shark's message and relayed one back. ~Hey Shark. Long time. The Queen's in a meeting right now, but she'll see you soon. I'll let her know that you've arrived. Security out.~

Ghorua's bedchambers hadn't been changed. Kay hadn't ventured into that wing much to even remember that it was there, yet it remained all the same, as well as everything he had left there during his last visit.
Hyperspace en route to Gyndine
Post 1

"Can't believe we sold all that gear," Kala lamented to Symara as they walked aboard the corvette that now carried them to Gyndine. "You sure this place is worth it?"

Lieutenant Tarriq turned to face the Serjeant. "Not really, last I remember the Mandalorians had their way with it. Republic set up a few forward operating bases, had an underground headquarters and a few shipyards turning out old Mandalorian ships, but nothing more than that and a few bittersweet memories." She recounted to the woman, her boots clanked against the durasteel of the vessel. "What's our goal here Major?"

Major Lavali Sanjeet looked up from her seat, down toward Sgt. Kala Matthieus and even Sgt. Halifax, both of them still had their squads but for the most part what had been a short stint as a mercenary company had failed. They lost most of what had been the Lion's Maw and eventually the Red Salamanders. Commenor was now laying claim to Gyndine and it would be here that she'd hope to find asylum or even service to the small nation. Small in the grand scheme of the galaxy at least in Sanjeet's mind. Symara offered up Gyndine because she'd been there, she'd been there and served the Republic was once a bodyguard to a senator as well but that was neither here nor there, now. The engines hummed and the Major's hands moved over one another. "Turn the lights back on, assuming Tarriq's intel is still good."

"I'd be happy if my old base is still there, don't think so though," Symara replied with a hopeless tone. She had defected from the Republic after the rebellion and fled back to old Omega Protectorate, Firemane. Even that was short - she'd seen enough on Kaeshana to turn her stomach. The former CorSec sniper and her major, and everyone aboard this ship made the choice to defect from Firemane as well. Didn't make for a great resume but at this point they had little to go on and would most likely gladly submit to anyone who asked for their services. Free of charge even, so long as it came with room and board that didn't involve a forcefield or a set of bars. "Halifax you doin' alright?"

"I'll live if that's what you're askin'," the light infantry serjeant replied as he sat back in the corvette. He watched Matthieus, he watched Sanjeet and Tarriq they were all in this together - they had to be, if Castameer taught them anything it was that this galaxy wasn't meant for solo runs. You either stick together or die a lonely, lonely death. "So, Commenor - huh?"

Symara shrugged and said, "got any better ideas?"

"I don't know, First Order didn't seem so bad."

"Not an Imperial, never will be. I'd die before that happened," Major Lavali interjected, "besides these are good people, we could only be so grateful if they took us in."

One of the officers aboard the corvette gave the Lieutenant a hand signal indicating that revision would be eminent with a sigh, the Lieutenant added, "well let's hope they're into a platoon of veterans because we're almost there."
Post: 4
Objective return order to the streets
Lauri and his squad, formed from remains of his squad and three others, now began a patrol. The streets were still lawless, but Törni intended to end that.

"All right. Stay close, but spread out. And stay alert. I don't want another ambush."
With the check ins from his squad complete, Törni split off from the nine other soldiers, looking at the streets. Hours passed. Still nothing. Maybe things had calmed down with the soldiers' presence.

Then a scream. Törni notified his men he was checking it out, and went to investigate, following his memory of were the scream came from till he was hopelessly lost. People circled hums in an alleyway, obviously failing at remaining hidden. Slowly, they stopped trying, fifty in all, a small mob formed wielding bats, clubs, and other blunt weapons, along with a few knives. Further more, they were becoming increasingly aggressive, th wound taunts and jeering at the lone soldier.

"Squad, I need help. There's fifty of them and while hostilities have yet to break out they are growing increasingly belligerent. Find me quick, I could use the help."

With that, Törni got ready to fight for his life if necessary, making sure his rifle was loaded and safety was off.
Post Count: 15
[member="Lady Kay"]

The QueensGuard - BattleCruiser
Commenori Receiver - Super Carrier

"Sir, sensors are picking up an incoming vessel Port-side!"

Vikras Ansion glanced up across the bridge to their lead engineering officer, lifting his head in a brief nod and making haste to join him at his station. "What can you tell me, Ensign?" he inquired most curiously, not having expected anyone from Gyndine to have sought to join the Commenori fleet, especially not without word of their arrival first.

"She's not one of ours Sir...-She's a smaller vessel, a Freighter, possibly Corvette...-No signs of affiliation with Gyndine Shipyards either, identification codes don't match with any of the fleets, Admiral"

"Open Comm's and relay it through my Station" Vikras spoke quickly, soon glancing back to the forward observation deck and adding, "Have the Receiver prep an Interceptor Squadron. Don't halt the operation, if needs be we'll send the A-Wings out to meet them though I doubt it'd come to that...", Any vessel that size would have to be piloted by one mentally impaired to seek to take on two vessels as large as the QueensGuard or the Receiver. Vikras had no intention of turning this training exercise into a live combat situation either. Returning to his terminal, he activated the Communications array and sent out a broad-range call to the incoming ship hoping to contact [member="Symara Tarriq"] and better determine what their intentions were.

"This is Admiral Vikras Ansion of the Commenori QueensGuard, hailing unknown vessel on intercept. You have entered upon a military operation, caution is strongly advised. I ask that you slow to quarter, identify yourself and state your intentions in approach".


Glancing back over his shoulder, Veiere felt the shift around the crew on deck, their presence in the force so much easier to read than those trained to guard themselves, his gaze crossed Terrac a moment speaking quietly "Things may have just taken a turn...". Unlike Vikras however who was simply following protocol, Veiere didn't feel any need to be set off guard, the Force that flowed around them remained consistent and unaltered in its course, most typically frenzied to him when things were at their worst, he gazed back across the bridge and gave Vikras a confident nod once having caught his eye, both reaffirming his trust in the Admiral as well as the fact that he had been alerted to the change in the situation.

"In answer to your question, however..." Veiere turned back to gaze out through the viewing port, standing side by side with Tarrac; "Commenor's reach is expanding to the other worlds within our sector, we're hoping that they might see reason to become much more like a vassal state to our own. What it would mean is that they would fall under our governance whilst keeping most things as they were, governing their own people how they normally would though with some new loyalties to the Queen. We would offer them protection, trade tariffs without tax that most other worlds would be expected to pay...The sharing of technologies and military power to further secure our corner of the galaxy..." it all sounded like an immensely large change for Commenor when he spelled it out in words, still coming to terms with it himself though feeling confident that they could offer the worlds closest to them a sense of peace and a different state of living away from the war taking to the rest of galaxy; he spoke softly yet with genuine belief in the endeavor, "The growth of military is a precaution in the case that we do end up being attacked due to this shift in power. For those we have sought to watch over, these vessels and many others will, we believe, give us the means to aid them should the worst come about".
Objective: Terrijo - Assult on the Entourage.​
Enemies: Kay + Her people.​
Allies: Anyone against her.​
Posts: 1​
The black abyss of space pulled at the very fabric around it to pull forth a large vessel from hyperspace. Within a few seconds, a Kossak Class Destroyer appeared in what was an open space. The mass of durasteel was etched with Hutt Cartel logos and paintings. Along the side's the word "Sempra's Damnation" was painted in large block letters. Already the shields were up and functioning and the weapons systems ready to go. Although for the time being it laid silent.

From the bridge Cadan looked over the Terrijo system, he had been told that his long time friend and ally, Thraxis and Tiali were around assaulting a medical transport, and that was something Cadan couldn't miss. He could catch up with old friends, steal some slaves, and to place the cherry on top of the cake he could steal some much-needed meds.

"Prep me shuttle, I ain't waitin' for some other mother karker to steal me meds." Cadan said as he began to storm down to the hanger bay. His robotic arm already hovering over the handle of his outdated DL-18. The Spice Lord was already in full combat gear, consisting of his Raven Gauss Rifile, a CZ Wrist-Mounted Flame Projecter on his left forearm, and a MM9 Rocket System was built into his robotic right arm. He his body was cover by Shot Caller Armour.

Cadan opened up coms with anyone would listen. "Thaxis or Tiali, which chanel are ya lads on? I can't karkin' find it." As Cadan sent out his message, he boarded his shuttle and was en route to the Medical Frigate with a six of each Morgukai and the Cartel Heavy Enfocer Unit. On board the second shuttle was a varying amount of B1's and B2's.

(OOC - Using the B1's and B2's as something for you guys to slaughter!)

[member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Stardust Raxis"][member="Thraxis"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
The droid accepted the delay, time was not of the essence and thusly there was no rush. Instead, when the shuttle landed he calmly stepped down the loading ramp and look about, in a similar way that he had when the 'Empress Kay' had claimed command of the world. It seemed that little had physically changed and Ultimatum could not speak for the mental atmosphere. Yet Ultimatum had the suspicion that the people of this world were far more grateful to have their ruler returned to her natural state rather than just having her return.

He decided to wait, perhaps he could speak with some of the people in the area and get a feel for the general consensus of [member="Lady Kay"]. Or mayhaps that he would run across the massive [member="Ghorua the Shark"], though the droid knew not that the aquatic being had arrived as well. Indeed, Ultimatum's thoughts once more returned to his last meeting with Kay and what they had spoken of. It brought back to memory the station he had been working on at the time. He wondered if Kay even remembered that, certainly at the time she had seemed quite forgetful of their past together. Maybe another mind snap and she had once more forgotten who he was? That was a curious thought to the droid. A person who could forget another in such a manner, not that it was an isolated incident, his focus was on how it could happen. What damage was done to the brain in order to create such a void in memory?
Post: 1
Location: Aboard the Whalebone in route to Chasin City, Commenor
Allies: [member="Ghorua the Shark"]

The Squid, Ghorua’s somewhat newly acquired bounty hunter droid, was an odd companion to say the least. At seven foot six, his athletic frame cut an imposing figure – of course, not so imposing as Ghorua himself. However, it was who occupied that deadly body which made him at best peculiar, and at worst, a gibbering confused and confusing mess. The Squid was just the name the separate occupants of the droid were referred to as a whole, for the droid wasn’t just controlled by one AI, not two, not even three, but four. Not surprisingly, it wasn’t supposed to be like that. The crime lord Hiobbo the Hutt’s lab in which he was built developed four different AI personalities for the droid and were testing them to see which one would make for the most effective bounty hunter. That one would be permanently installed into the body while the other three would either be junked, or, put into other droids depending on their level of usefulness.

That was before Ghorua and Ben hijacked the hutt’s palace in their attempt to find the then missing [member="Lady Kay"]. The Chadra-fan couldn’t keep his fingers off the droid, but while one AI was being installed into the hulking form, a stray blaster bolt fried the main terminal resulting in all four AI’s ending up uncomfortably crambid into the body.

The Squid sat at a durasteel table strewn with wires, tools, and other bits of electronics. The accent lights around his body glowed purple, a sign to the outside world that Spanner, the most intellectual and curious of the four, was currently in primary control. He was hunched over with a multi-level magnifying glass in one eye, and a small welding instrument in his right hand.

Just then, his lights turned orange. “Ahh, I’m soooooooo bored,” Spark, the quadruplet’s goofy wisecracking free-spirit, whined. “You’ve been working on this… whatever this is FOREVER, Spanner. Can’t we do something, you know, fun now?”

“Shush. I’m trying to work, this is a very delicate process. Plus, this is fun.”

Lights turned red, “I can’t believe I’m going to agree with Spark,” Hammer, the most aggressive and deadpan of the four butted-in, “But this is not fun. We should be training. Shooting something. Anything else but this.”

The Shark’s thundering voice interrupted their argument, summoning the droid to the cockpit. “I like the sound of that,” Hammer said before lights turned blue and Core, the four’s most courageous and tactical AI, also the group's self-proclaimed leader, took over and quickly heeded Ghorua’s summons.

Moments later the Squid walked through the door. “We’re ready for anything, master.” Core knew they’d come to Commenor to take up a new bounty, but he didn’t know the significance of this particular planet, nor of the woman at the head of its government, Lady Kay. He had noticed the Shark acting strangely ever since they’d gotten word of this new bounty opportunity, though, and while he wasn’t one to pry, he was a little concerned.

“Is there something the matter, master? I don’t mean any disrespect, but you’ve been acting a little… differently as of late. Would you care to talk about it?”
Assault on the Entourage

Post 4

The dim blue light barely shines through the lingering smoke immediately catching Tiali's attention, Tiali rolls his eyes coming to the realization about the Jedi on the other end of that smoke. Not allowing that detail to hinder his progress he continues to spray fire into the smoke, blaster rounds begin to fly in all directions until a deflected round come flying towards it's point of origin. Tiali Quickly moves out of the way but unfortunately to his demise not soon enough, the blaster round hits his blaster in his left hand rendering the blaster useless. Dropping the now smoking blaster he looks at his hand to assess the damage, luckily the Tikulini Leather glove could take the impact leaving his hand lightly burnt as it touch a hot stove.

A small pause hits the air allowing Tiali to hear Darlyn's words loud and clear, Tiali pushes his back against the wall his remaining blaster facing the ceiling. Leaning his head to the side, he raises his voice to be heard in case the firing starts up the second he makes a sound "So you are the child who sent those wonderful word's of inspiration and wisdom. You know what if you stop and give up now, I promise to buy you a kids meal at the Jedi Academy." The two uninjured men already started laying fire on Tiali's position at that point. "I guess that's a no then." he says under his breath, while standing up from the deck back still tightly pushed against the wall.

Finally coming up with a plan he moves away from the corner, taking cover behind the first thing he finds, that being a medium sized crate in the corridor. Putting his pistol in it's holster as he looks back at the rain of fire from the hostiles. Putting his arm on top of the crate he pulls back the sleeve of his coat revealing his wrist mounted sonic pistol. Taking the last explosive off his belt an ordinary thermal detonator, he holds it in front of the sonic pistol's barrel ready to activate the explosive. Creating a impromptu sound propelled grenade launcher.

Last of all is to wait patiently, ready for the possibility of having his plans spoiled.

[member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Post: 3

Bradshaw listened to the older woman’s words of wisdom. He’d been quick to assume she wouldn’t be able to understand what he was going through, but the longer he talked with her, the more he got the impression she knew more than he’d thought and didn’t have nearly as much trouble understanding him as he expected. Her assurance that he might not be a secret prince forever was heartening but also a little scary. Originally, he would have been excited by the prospect of openly being the prince. Just imagine the pick-up possibilities. The longer he lived here and the more he learned of the responsibility [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Darlyn Excron"], and all the other members of the government felt, however, the more he wondered if he was cutout for such a heavy post.

After all, everyone else was out taking care of various forms of business while he was drunk and feeling bad for himself. Not exactly the kind of person you’d want an entire planet looking to for guidance and reassurance in a galaxy ravaged by war.

Then Olivia asked him the question of all questions. The one he’d been asked multiple times by different people while he’d been on Commenor. ‘What is it you really want?’ Each time, he thought he knew the answer. He wanted to kill Masq and everyone else that dared to hurt his mother and his family. That path had only brought him more suffering and more failure, though. It allowed the darkness to take hold. A darkness that didn’t even make him more powerful. Instead, it controlled him, it did what it wanted. He was just the puppet.

Now, he wasn’t sure what he wanted. He shook his head as he thought about the question before eventually answering more truthfully than he’d ever answered before. It was the motivation behind his revenge fantasy and everything else. A breakthrough? “I want to honor my father’s sacrifice. He died so that the rest of the family could live and I’ve done nothing to deserve it,” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I want to prove myself to my mother, make her proud. And I want to find my sister – I know she’s out there, alive somewhere. I’m sure I would’ve felt her death if she weren’t.” He shook his head again, “I just don’t know how to accomplish any of it.”

He surprised even himself with his answer. What was perhaps most surprising to him, was the lack of anger in which he’d answered. Every other time he’d answer the question he felt a strong surge of anger and the darkside pulling him to action. Right now, he only felt drunk, sorry for himself, but a little less lost.

"Certainly." Vitor's reply came quick enough as he tapped a few buttons upon his wrist datapad. The holoprojection quickly changed to an interactive one with an abundance of products where with a touch one could access details and holovideos on any product that was shown.

"These are the products we have produced so far, it may not be a grandiose amount but the reason to that is quite simple." Avendahl said. "We, mainly, ask what our clients want and then produce unlike many other companies. We want to give you what is best for you, so we tailor it in the way you want it. Hell, even if you wanted a special royal firearm for you only, we'd do that, too, as a token of our mutual relationship that I hope we both can forge here."

[member="Lady Kay"]​


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Location: En route to Cyrillia
Objective: Open another office
Allies: Commenor
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 1/38

Away from the constant warfare in Dominion-land, Yula had enough of the Dominion's boneheaded moves, especially on Mandalore. She sought refuge on Cyrillia, where another office could be opened, right here, among the industry world. It was a welcome break from campaigning in the Stygian Caldera (despite her own media company being headquartered in Stygian Caldera space), on Aargonar or Vjun. Also she realized that she had another company to take care of, that it had little room to grow in the Caldera, which was still its primary market. Also, if the story run from the frontlines on Dromund Kaas are any indication, the Resurgent Empire used the very same protocol that failed their predecessors on Midvinter. She would thus fly from Vjun, using a Neimoidian Yacht while the technical problems on her alchemized fighter are still being worked on, which have nothing to do with the nature of the alchemy done on the canopy struts, to get the process of buying some struggling newspaper based on the planet started.
Darben Skirae tried to relax at [member="Macoda Haberon"] words, he tried very hard. The question of his Twi'Lek companion did however bring him out of fear, for a moment. Then there was a span of silence, and that fear tingled at his fingertips, the same fingertips that held on very tightly. Or perhaps they were just going numb from the pressure of being held against the chair's armrests for so long.

But when they pulled out of hyperspace, he felt as if the ship would just drop out of the sky. He either would feel that feeling, or that the ship was going too fast and would crash. When they arrived down to the planet, it wasn't the heights that scared him. It was the fear of crashing, of exploding all over the place. Their destination he could see, hanging under a large stone arch. From a distance, one could mistake for a hammock. A giant hammock. Darben Skirae let himself relax as two ships came up aside and guided them in, with the help of Macoda. The two brutish looking guards however did nothing for him. The only Nemoidians he ever saw were not even close to these ones. "Well...negotiation time it is then." He slowly stood from the copilot chair, his hands refusing to let go for a moment. Mute seemed fine and got up quickly. "You are coming, right?" he asked to Macoda.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 15

Terrac looked over his shoulder as soon as Vikras was notified about the incoming vessel. Interesting to see how this might play out. Various different scenarios played in his head from long ago battles. Decoys and spies were a big possibility. He wondered how many more enemies Kay has made.

His attention was soon returned to [member="Veiere Arenais"] while the man spoke, explaining the reasoning behind the sudden influx of military power on Commenor's end. What he had said didn't seem to be a word-for-word speech of Kay's. It was more from Veiere's point of view, and so for that he believed him. "So Commenor's extending her reach, is she? Better make sure that she doesn't get too big too fast or you'll lose control faster than a Trooper with an itchy trigger finger. I'd take care of that myself, but I'll already have my hands full with Kay's boy. So I leave it all up to you."

Of course Terrac didn't want control anyways. But that didn't mean that he wouldn't give his own two cents on any topic that comes to mind.


Olivia kept walking the grounds with [member="Bradshaw Ku"] , keeping her arm around his while the young man spoke. The alcohol kept him from lying, and stopped him from being selfconscious in his answers. That was what she was counting on.

She looked up to Brad after he finished. "Your mother faces the same guilt, of living up to the expectations of the dead. The best way for you to honour the sacrifice of your Father is to live. Do great deeds, rescue slaves, help people, serve others besides yourself, do what your Father can no longer do. And as for finding your sister...I think that your Mother would like that very much. It could help her recover as well. You've all been through terrible tragedies. It's about time that you have something good to hold onto as well."


Kay watched as [member="Vitor Avendahl"] changed the holo-projection to something else entirely. She saw pictures of various weaponry, some that she could recognize the basics of, while others were so modified it was hard fir her to tell.

His approach was quite different. A company that saw more to the needs of it's clients instead of the other way around. That would certainly put them high on the list of people to go to.

A brow was raised as he offered to make her her own special firearm. Kay blinked as she thought it over. Something unique to her would be beneficial, and perhaps it would put Veiere and Darlyn at ease if she was an easier way to defend herself. Most didn't know about her Force sensitivity, and although that limited her, it also gave her an advantage in certain situations.

"Thank you, Vitor. I think that you can add us to your list of clientele. I will have my Head of Security contact you in regards to what he'd like his forces to have. But as for me...some sort of small blaster would suffice, one that I could easily hide in a gown. Perhaps even something that looks more like a decoration than a weapon."
Post 8

Mac booted down the control panel and looked up at [member="Darben Skirae"] from his chair. "Aye. [member="Lady Kay"] sent me to protect you, and that's what I intend to do." Mac rose to his full height, towering over the minister, and donned his long trench coat so that it covered his long axes that were holstered on his sides. No need in spooking the Neimoidians after all. He exited the cockpit with the minister and pulled down the ramp which descended with a hiss of hydraulics. Mac let the minister lead as they exited the ship, and the pirate himself was followed by Mute. As they descended the ramp, two Neimoidian dignitaries with tall looming hats approached the Free Lady on the platform.

"Welcome to Cato Neimoidia. The Governor is expecting you."

They motioned for the minister and Mac to follow them as they began to walk to the palace. As they left the landing pad, the two Neimoidian Brutes filled in behind Mac and Mute. The pirate took the opportunity to marvel the architecture and the beautiful scenery. So much blue and green like his homeworld. He decided that it would be best if the minister did most of the talking, it was his job after all.
Terrijo: Assault on the Entourage.

Post 5

Thraxis looks with a blank face between the droids and the single cyborg. "Right. Well then let's just turn you all off then shall we?" Snark-filled his words as he cocked up the DEMP, firing a few consecutive shots, one at each droid and knocking them down each in deft fashion. The cyborg would have been more tricky. At least, they would have been if the DEMP didn't act as both an EMP pulse and a Paralysing shot. "Right. Now then, you lot stay nice and tight here, and when I come back were gonna have a long talk about wonton slaughter." He let loose a jovial chuckle before turning on his heels, descending back down the elevator as Stardust reported once again. He let loose a sigh, such short sightedness.

"Star. I want you to listen to me. And I know that is rather difficult, what with you being a clear idiot and all that." He tapped his fingers on his chin, wondering what lovely words he could use to taunt her evermore. "But. And I can't stretch this enough. If you kill one of my to be citizens. I will. And I mean this quite seriously because you can't stop me. I will destroy your city." His comical tone become harsh and jagged as if slowly digging the blade deeper in. He wasn't going to let wonton slaughter go without a hitch.

His fingers snapped as he walked down the corridor, a single blooded Raxis clan soldier with a gun in hand shouted obscenities and curses, bloodlust filled his eyes as he pressed his gun up, preparing to end a random stranger in name of his sick bloodlust. He took a few steps forward, a thirst in his eyes before a gun cocked, a blast shot and a body caved to the ground. Not with a chest hole gaping in the poor sods body, but a paralysed man sat in stagnant blood. That wasn't the only gunshot, however. He was so close to his ship, the aching cries of a dying man echoed from his ship as he grabbed the man by the tuft of his neck, dragging him through the viscera and grime. "Hey, Stardust. I hope you ain't too attached to your little Clansman." He replied, his eyes ran rampant with rage and pain. These were his citizens, and if Star had such little disregard for their lives than he would show her the errors of her ways.
[member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Tiali Orazio"] | [member="Cadan Tazi"]

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