Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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We, The People - Dominion for the Commenor Hex

Darben had his eyes on the pilot as [member="Macoda Haberon"] walked around him and down the hall, down towards Lady Kay's ship, The Free Lady. He had not been in it himself, so it certainly was an opportunity. Mute followed close behind, sticking rather close to Darben's back. He glanced back to her, just to check on her, before turning back to follow Macoda.

"Then this will be a first time for us both" Darben said, trying to brighten his own mood up with small talk. But he didn't have nerves of steel, so it was hard not to be nervous.

Before them once on the landing pad was The Free Lady. A ship of the YT-series, judging by the shape. Darben was from the planet of their original manufacturing, so had seen many YT-series in his lifetime. "The Free Lady..." He missed Macoda entering the code, and only stopped looking over the ship when the ramp hissed down and Macoda headed in. Darben and Mute followed. Mute preferred to be in the lounge, whereas Darben could not deny that he was in fact curious to see a ship from the cockpit. Slowly, nervously he put one foot after the other to get into the seat then buckle himself in. His fingers curled around the bottom of his seat, and he gave a quick nod to show he was ready. As ready as he could be.
Post count: 9.

"Commander on the deck!"

One of the officers called out as Veiere and his envoy stepped on board the The QueensGuard, the Crew all swiftly stepping to either side of the corridor and raising their hands in salute of him. It was somewhat intimidating to experience given his wish to be anything but to these men, yet he dared not let that ease of compassion show as he continued to walk down the center lane with Malk Quor, the Gyndine Minister at his side.

"Impressive, isn't she"

The man smiled as he looked from trooper to technician, man to man as they passed seemingly glad to experience the integrity of Commenor's naval officers. They had all instantly recognized Veiere to be the commanding presence on board, his rank exceeding their own as Kay had made certain of it, they weren't yet to be Wed and even so, she had gone the distance to give him the level of authority worthy of his soon to be King, it was a tremendous responsibility and for the thousands of lives aboard this vessel, it seemed they would all fall under his command. It had been similar with the Chimaera though they had formerly been an Imperialist people and finding themselves led by a Jedi Knight hadn't come easily; here on the other hand things were different, these people had not only recognized him yet too held an immediate show of respect for him and what Veiere represented from Commenor, they knew that his word followed the will of their Queen, not only by duty but by complete loyalty to the trade worlds people too.


He agreed quietly, soon looking ahead as a female officer strode towards them with a device in hand. "Report from the Estavan, Sir" she spoke in short, handing him the device before stepping aside, Veiere reading over the report whilst walking towards the securi-lifts and preparing to ascend to the deck of the bridge, the command center of the giant vessel. According to the report it seemed that Terrac would be here shortly, the flight through hyperspace wouldn't take them long at all. Turning back to hand the device back to the woman, he nodded in thanks and spoke quickly in response before entering the lifts.

"A person of import is to arrive here shortly, have him escorted to the QueensGuard and make certain he's comfortable. Join me on the bridge so that I can introduce him to our progress and...-Get the man a glass of whiskey first, he may not feel so confident seeing me again without one...".

With that, the group ascended toward the seat of power on the vessel.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 9

Terrac kept quiet during the trip to the QueensGuard. It wasn't as though he was brooding, he was just pondering. There were many things going on in his mind and he wasn't entirely certain of what [member="Veiere Arenais"] wanted him for. Though he was 90% sure that it had to do with flying. What else would he be needed for? To be a drinking buddy? Highly unlikely.

As the transport docked, Terrac was already unbuckling his seatbelt and getting to his feet, stuffing his flask into his pocket. He headed down the ramp, along with some of the officers with that all too familiar grumpy look on his face.

To his surprise, an officer stood waiting with a glass of whiskey. "Welcome aboard, Captain Terrac. I have been ordered to escort you to the bridge." He held out the glass for him.

Terrac took it in hand, giving it's contents a whiff before taking a gulp. Oh it was whiskey, and not the cheap stuff either. He gave the officer a small smile. "I think I'm gonna like this place." He then coughed a bit and gestured for the officer to lead the way. "Well let's go then. We don't want to keep everyone waiting."

"Yes sir."

The officer turned on his heel and led Terrac out of the hanger. The old man followed, taking in the sights. Was he to run this whole vessel? That would be a great promotion. But there was a downside to all of this too. Just that thought was enough to sour his expression again, as well as his mood. He had another gulp of his whiskey as they entered the turbolift. What was he going to do when he saw -her- again? There was plenty that he wanted to say and do, but for right now, he was hoping that she wouldn't be on board. The message didn't give any indication that she was. But that could have been done on purpose to ensure that he would answer the call. Typical.

The turbolift's doors opened as they reached the bridge, the officer gesturing for Terrac to step out first. With his drink two-thirds gone, he exited the lift, taking in the hustle and bustle of the crew. No sign of her. Instead he saw [member="Veiere Arenais"] with some well dressed official. Terrac approached the pair. "Pretty ship you have here, Veiere." For the moment he held back any snide remarks.
Post 5

"Good question." Vitor softly smiled. "Most defense contractors nowadays will give you a portfolio with their products full with technical details that only engineers and experts can discern. That's where the issue lies. It's not the engineers that are going to be using the products right? So you give the tech to a soldier and you expect him to know it when he meets his adversary but he doesn't. So that problem becomes your problem. Corondex is there to erase that issue, Lady Kay."

The Sith tapped on his wrist datapad releasing a holoprojection of distinctively armed men instructing other armed men in the use of various weapons from firearms to rocket artillery.

"The price we would give you includes a sufficient training plan for your armed forces provided by men who use these arms every day."

[member="Lady Kay"]​
Terrijo: Assult on the Entourage

Post 4

Tiali Leans to the edge of the corner listening closely to the group's conversation, is that.. is that the guy talking himself up on the com channel earlier Tiali think's to himself recognizing Darlyn's voice. Tiali quickly takes in a breath trying to hold in a laugh under his helmet, as he waits patiently thumb still resting on the button.

The man started to steady his breathing, Darlyn's calmed voice helping the man settle the situation. Raising his hand to present that he has no weapons with mention of pirate. His ton turn to an appreciative tone when he hears they're happy to help "oh thank you, thank you, thank you all so much!" He turns around taking a wobbly step forwards pointing in Tiali's direction "She is this way qu...."

Tiali pushes the detonator unfolding his plan, the device (an explosive charge) Placed on the mans back earlier instantly explodes throwing pieces of the man in every direction. Leaving a very minimal amount left where he was standing. The shock wave, flames and black smoke instantly disperses throughout and around the immediate area.

Dropping the detonator Tiali's hands swiftly move to his holsters pulling out his twin LL-30 pistols, he moves around the corner dropping to one knee. Smoke blocking his vision and not getting a look at the hostiles before he has no idea where they are, raising his pistols he rapidly opens fire spraying and praying in the direction of Darlyns Squad.

[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="AD-Iqatar.13"] [member="Stardust Raxis"]
Post: 10.

Veiere turned when he heard the voice of Terrac complimenting him on The QueensGuard, truly there was nothing else like her in the fleet as of yet so Veiere could only presume that Terrac was surprised by the new addition to their Navy. "Commenor's reach has expanded to other Worlds and unfortunately, we're having to prepare in the case we're overrun by invaders or criminals of the like...", he responded nonchalantly as he turned to face him front on and took a couple steps to meet him half way, extending his right hand out in greeting of the old friend; "I'm glad to see you're still well...-The last time we spoke..." His gaze dropped for a moment, considering his words in the company of the crewmen; "I feared for you" he concluded, a frown to his features as he understood well how the change in [member="Lady Kay"] had affected them all back then.

Turning soon to acknowledge and speak to Vikras Ansion, Veiere's tone changed to one of request though his words spoke no question in what he expected then, "I need some time to talk with our friend here in private, We'll use the O-C-C" he nodded to the Admiral and soon gestured for Terrac to follow him to the back of the bridge to which the bulkhead opened and they soon entered into a corridor leading down to the Operations Command Center for the ship, a room of which only the highest ranking personnel on board were briefed and otherwise oversaw all primary and secondary systems functions of the vessel as well as the crew and overall morale.

Had Terrac any knowledge of capital vessels such as the QueensGuard, he'd instantly realize that his being allowed into the area was well above and beyond regulations for a civilian, even if he had been the personal pilot to the Queen herself once upon a time; this was a gesture of trust in the man coming from Veiere and stopping none to gauge his surprise, Veiere lead him to the far wall of the room to which consisted of one large view port (window) of which spanned from one corner to the other, gazing out the back of the Quadanium Giant.

"I'm sorry about what happened in Chasin City..." He spoke first, bringing the most significant subject into play before it could be dismissed; "I don't know what became of Prazutis but I did my best to avoid violence and stir up a political fight, I did not want the people calling us traitors for what we were doing..." he admitted this guiltily and though justified in his mind, it had done little to deter the remorse and feelings of responsibility over it all. "Kay is faring much better now...-Her recovery was long, complicated and her memory almost completely lost of everything good. It took me a long time to earn her trust again, let alone try to reintroduce her into the woman she used to be...".


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 10

Kay listened to [member="Vitor Avendahl"] as he spoke of engineers and product details. What he was saying was quite correct. Did he mean that they have their items with instructions in simple forms that anyone could figure out?

That question's answer came soon enough as Vitor showed her a holovid of a training session taking place. She leaned forward as Vitor clearly had her interest. His prices might not be as competitive, but he had an edge where others did not. "How intriguing. I think that that certainly puts you above the competition. I haven't heard of anyone else offering such services with their products. May I see a catelogue of them? Or at least a few samples?"


Terrac wasn't all that surprised to hear that Commenor was expanding it's reach. Isn't that what all evil dictators did? He reached out and shook [member="Veiere Arenais"] ' hand. The look on the Jedi's face was a genuine one, especially as he spoke fearing for the old man's life. So he had to believe that he was telling the truth.

He followed Veiere into the OCC, looking out of the viewport that he was led to. Right away, the topic that hurt him the most was brought up. Terrac finished his whiskey in one large gulp. "I know it wasn't your fault. It was hers. She let us all down. You might have forgiven her, but I haven't. No sob stories about memory loss is going to change that. How do you know that she isn't playing you for a fool?"
Post Count: 11.

Veiere nodded in understanding, Terrac was right to be skeptical, to be on edge given their history shared and their mutual distrust of the way things had fallen upon Commenor yet he knew not the nature of the Queen like Veiere did. "I get it..." He admitted, looking to Terrac sympathetically, "You're right to question it all, and no one would blame you given all that you've gone through but Kay's not to blame, there was someone else pulling the strings behind her. Prazutis, a Sith Lord had held her captive and tortured her..." He exhaled slowly in sighing fasion, having to slow himself down in order to explain this one, he wasn't sure how much Terrac really knew about Kay and her secrets.

"She's force sensitive..." Veiere spoke as if reminding Terrac, surely the man knew, he'd been her pilot and trusted friend for years since before Veiere had come into their lives; "And around the time of her coronation as president I foiled an attempt on her life, we were nearly killed but we survived and in that experience our connections to the Force were bound. A Force bond, a link between two peoples strong in the force that can be formed across consistent lengths of time together, closeness to one another and then too near-death experiences. This is something the Jedi have studied for years though I never expected to have gained one with her nor for it to have helped me so much as it has..." their Force Bond was the sole reason that Veiere was still able to remain so close to Kay, to have been able to convince her to trust him the day of her return despite her Dark-Sided influence.

"I don't think it was anticipated just how strong our connection was, either" he continued. Kay's memories had been taken from her but they were then two halves of a whole, where the Force was concerned. Much like the light and the darkside of the force, you could not have one without the other and where Kay lost a part of herself, Veiere had been able to fill that void. "We had trained together before she had gone missing, we had explored telepathy briefly as well as the construction of her lightsaber of which I believe you were the last to be seen with it...-Something I'd like to discuss further in due time as it could help restore the memories she's still struggling to get back" he hoped that Terrac still had the weapon, for inside was the Crystal that Kay had imbued a part of herself within. As was the play for every student guided by a Jedi, he had told Kay to spend some time meditating over the Crystal, that connection with the object of such immense personal value was what Veiere hoped would act as a catalyst to her recollections.

"We have been able to share memories. She has shown me the torture that she was put through..." His jaw tensed, it wasn't an easy memory to fall back on and it stirred the buried anger in him something fierce though he remained in control and refused to show it; "We are together now...-I know her through and through Terrac..-So do you. The woman who showed up and declared herself Queen wasn't the real Kay that we love, you must understand that...-I will prove it to you over time".

"Until that time however...-I brought you here because I trust you, above all else. Like Vikras out there, you're a good man and a reliable one...-Kay and I are due to be married soon and I need people I can rely on".

[member="Lady Kay"]

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Post: 1

It used to be fun.

For a while, it seemed like a jolly good time to be Commenor’s secret prince, to live in a palace and have access to almost anything he wanted. The syndicate had apparently lost track of him, which meant they wouldn’t be knocking on his door asking for the money he’d lost them when he abandoned their cargo along with their ship. Now, even if they did, he could probably pay them off and send them on their way – not that he would be particularly inclined to be so genial. To top it all off, the women in Chasin city were as fine as anywhere in the galaxy.

For a time, he even had a purpose.

He was to be [member="Lady Kay"]’s pilot. But then days stretched on into weeks and he never saw space, at least, not in her ship and not as her pilot. He had strong suspicions that she had at least one other pilot ([member="Macoda Haberon"]) who was actually doing her chauffeuring. Who that person was, was beyond him and part of him didn’t want to know. In his anger and his haste to prove himself to his reunited mother, he’d declared vengeance against Masq, the murderer of Kay’s first husband and his adopted father, as well as her torturers – [member="Thraxis"] and Darth Prazutis. That was supposed to be his other great purpose. But then, those close to her began suggesting otherwise. [member="Darlyn Excron"] told him that vengeance would not make Kay happy and his soon to be step-father, [member="Veiere Arenais"] endlessly warned him about the dangers of walking such a path.

Worse still, even without their objections, the outcome could have been the same for all the lack of skill and control he showed in the force. Darlyn attempted to train him and while he began to show marked improvement in his fighting ability without the force – suggesting that the training was working – his control over the force, or rather, the force’s control over him, remained chaotic and purely destructive. It seemed he only knew how to draw on the force in anger. Even while he did so, the darkside would stoke the flames of hatred, egging him on to new heights of irrational destruction. He’d always had something of a temper, but it was nothing like it had become.

Whether it was because of this increased use of the force, or the frustration from his constant failings, or more likely a combination of both, he slowly felt himself slip away. Now plagued by a single reoccurring nightmare, which he now interpreted as an omen of losing his family, just like when he was nine years old, and just like when he was nine, in the nightmare he was powerless to help. The only antidote to that taunting vision in the night lay at the bottom of a bottle. Which is where he found himself now. Yellowed eyes, a sign of darkside power and corruption but on him, only a sign of corruption with his inability to make use of the power, stared down the palace hallway leading to his mother’s office.

Here, he no longer knew who he was, or who he was supposed to be. On his own for much of his life, he’d worried little about that meaningless sounding question. He always knew the answer, he was a pilot, a smuggler, and a lady’s man and that’s all he’d ever wanted to be. Life was simpler then. He thought he knew what he was meant to do when he first arrived on Commenor. But now, here he was a prince with no responsibilities. He’d seemingly failed in his quest for vengeance before it barely began and it appeared he hadn’t been good enough to do the one thing he was sure he could, pilot.

Who was he, who was he meant to be, and what did he believe in?

Drunkenly he teetered toward Kay's office hoping to find an answer to that question. Even if the answer was that he was just a disappointment.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 11

Terrac just stood at the viewport, his breaths even while he stared out of it. He was listening to [member="Veiere Arenais"] while also trying to envision the stories that he was telling. The lady that he loved as a daughter, his doll, had fallen so much that he doubted she would ever be the same again. Captured, tortured, Terrac didn't want to imagine it.

He knew that Kay was Force sensitive, that secret being revealled to him long ago, yet the Force bond was something new. And it explained a lot behind Veiere's actions. He stood by her side to help her and what did Terrac do? He abandoned her. He wallowed in his own self pity. He had failed her. "I don't have her lightsaber. Einon had it. Where he took it, I don't know. I haven't heard from the lad since that night."

The mention of marriage caused Terrac to look at Veiere. "You're going to marry her? Are you going to watch over her and be sure that she doesn't fall again?" He hoped so. Yet the Elders had trusted her and they ended up dead. As much as he wanted to believe Veiere, it was just something that he had to see with his own eyes. "What do you want me to do?" The seriousness of it all kept his usual grumpy wit at bay.


Meanwhile Olivia sat at her desk and watched as a drunken [member="Bradshaw Ku"] staggered through the hall. The old woman cleared her throat and got to her feet. She knew who and what Brad was. As Kay's assistant, she knew plenty. And right now she knew that the Queen was currently in a business meeting.

Olivia approached Brad and hooked his arm in hers, meaning to lead him past Kay's office. "You look like you need some air, dear Prince. Come with me. Now is not the time to interrupt your mother. You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Why don't you tell me all about it, hmm?"
Post Count: 12

"On the outside, the same thing you used to do for Kay...-It was her idea to employ you under myself but I've got something else in mind for you too. Her son Bradshaw has returned..." Veiere eyed Terrac closely as he disclosed this information to him, Terrac knew well the sensitive nature around Kay's children, yet another show of confidence in the man. "I want you to help whip him into shape as a pilot but also to school him on everything else privy to Commenor and the things you witnessed Kay doing while you worked with her. I want you to help me teach him how to be a man, a real one of integrity, not end up going down the path that Kay did..." Veiere didn't blame Kay at all, he didn't believe any of it to be her fault of course but the way he worded it, he knew Terrac would relate and more than likely agree.

"There's been some distance there, I've got my hands full between training others in the Force, handling our naval affairs and delegating between other worlds now. We have the numbers of a single world governing three at the current moment..." He shrugged a little, as if to emphasis just how little free-time he had these days. Still he didn't regret any of it, everything that he was doing these days were good things for good people and it was a life which filled his head with no remorse, no guilt nor self doubts anymore. "With all my priorities going on at the moment, I don't want Kay's family to fall short on the ball because I'm spread thin. Their father was murdered, they've been through so much in the past, too much to be excused...-Bradshaw deserves some good in his time for a change...-I'd feel a lot better knowing there's someone committed to helping Kay and I see to that...".

"As far as watching over Kay goes, yes that's still my first priority Terrac. I love the woman, I couldn't leave her to be consumed by the Sith...-She may still walk a fine line between the light and the dark though it's by her choice and she's trying to do the best that she can with what she's been left with. I'm not going to let what happened before repeat again..." Einon had her lightsaber, between the two of them Einon was the other one he wanted back in their employ. "Where is Einon these days...-Do you think you could manage to track him down too?".

[member="Lady Kay"]
Ultimatum had been sent the news on the situation developing on Commenor, for once he was glad to hear good news. Rather than the pessimistic view that had pervaded his previous visit to the world and her ruler, now there was great tidings of joy that Ultimatum was all to glad to answer. This time when the Sovereignty arrived above the planet, it was not in quiet and with its stealth activated immediately. He did not have to steal quietly into the planet in order to avoid immediate detection by people who might send word of his arrival to allies who disagreed with his decisions.

Now he was able to come freely, for from what the droid had heard [member="Lady Kay"] was no longer a Sith or directly affiliated with them. It was a freedom that the artificial being relished most dearly. He hoped that it would remain open to him for a long time to come, perhaps even after Kay had passed on. Ultimatum assumed that his lifespan would be colossal compared to that of his organic friends, after all it had been proven many times over that a well kept machine could last centuries if not millennia. And Ultimatum had already ensured that he would look after himself very well indeed.

The longevity of his existence was of little import at the moment however. It was the fact that on all accounts he would be able to once more be frank with Lady Kay and no longer hide his true objectives. Insofar as he could speak with any organic anyways. There were still areas where he believed that organics would fail to believe him, or worse disagree with him, and thus he actively avoided the subjects.

He sent a message ahead, intended for Commenor landing principles, but certainly capable of being heard by anyone on the frequency that was listening. "This is Ultimatum, Artificial Lord, aboard the Sovereignty requesting permission to land. Purpose: Congratulations to the return of the Madam Kay." He wondered who else he might see this day, other friends of Kay's mayhaps?

[member="Veiere Arenais"]
Post 6

Mac was fully aware of [member="Darben Skirae"]'s anxiety. He was obviously nervous about flying and Mac could sympathize. Not about flying, but Mac had a profound fear of force users. There were even times where [member="Lady Kay"] still managed to unnerve him. Mac, taking extra care to be gentle for the sake of the minister, slowly lifted the Free Lady off of the landing pad. When the YT-1300 cleared the surrounding palace, Mac angled the freighter upwards and ascended into the atmosphere. The Free Lady began to shake from the turbulence from exiting the atmosphere, but the ship quieted down once they left the gravitational pull of Commenor. Mac punched in the coordinates of Cato Neimoidia and booted up the hyperdrive with a whirring sound. The ship shot into hyperspace and Mac flipped on autopilot. It shouldn't take that long before they reached the nearby planet.

Mac saw that the minister was still knuckling the armrest beside him. He figured that it would be best to distract him. "Whose sitting in the lounge? An assistant of yours?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Post: 12

Terrac knew of Kay's adopted children, just as he knew of the tragedy that split the family apart. Just hearing that [member="Bradshaw Ku"] had returned came as a big surprise. The odds of that ever happening was staggering, and yet it happened all the same.

He studied [member="Veiere Arenais"] as he spoke of teaching Kay's son to be a man. Whip him into shape? That'd be entertaining to say the least. Teach him to fly? It'd at least keep him away from Kay, would distract him from thinking about her. One day he'll have to face her, but today is not that day. Veiere had a way with words, a way with convincing others to side with him, to help him. The old Kay that he knew was the same way. It was no wonder that they were so well matched.

Terrac gave him a firm nod. "Leave the boy to me. I'll look after him, teach him to fly and hold his whiskey." The last part was followed by a smirk, though a hint of playfulness gleemed in his eyes.

On the topic of Einon however, Terrac gave a faint shake of his head. "I don't know where he is, haven't heard from him. But I'll put my feelers out there and see what comes up." If Einon hadn't been seen since then, there was a chance that he didn't want to be found. Only time would tell.


Commenor's Orbital Command picked up the Sovereignty as soon as the vessel dropped out of hyperspace. [member="Ultimatum"] was known to them, due to the business ties that his company LOOM had with Commenor, not to mention his relations with their Queen when she was President.

~Permission granted, sir. Co-ordinates are patching through now.~

No doubt Ultimatum already knew where to land, at the Royal Palace.
Post Count: 13

"You might get along with the lad better than I'd like to admit on that front"

Veiere responded to the smart assery in Terrac's remark over the drink, [member="Bradshaw Ku"] too being known for a bit of a booze-hound and a liaison of persons of the female kind, atleast in the lads own mind in any case. It was good however that Terrac had agreed, it meant one more thing reinforcing Kay's past and hopefully someone who might trigger some further progression for his wife in rediscovering herself. Veiere had been working with her closely on trying to bring herself back from that tragedy, the torture and the theft of her memories, things that weren't easy to try to give back to her when Veiere only shared his perspective of events and [member="Lady Kay"] needed to reconnect with the Force and with her life through her own recuperation. The only way he knew how she might do that was revisiting old links of her past in the hope that those memories while thought to have been taken, could really only be subdued for so long. As was the case with every person in the galaxy, while emotions, ideals and memories could be suppressed or manipulated, no sentient creature had the power to remove the natural course of life in another, only the Force in it's mysterious ways could shape a person in such a way and Veiere still to this day believed that Kay could come reclaim what was lost to her, with the right motivation. They only needed a trigger. Her lightsaber Crystal he believed to be one, yet the more familiarity from her past that she kept around her, the higher her chances were...

"Veiere, your presence is requested on the Bridge, we are preparing to disembark".

Vikras' voice came over the intercoms from the bridge, the Admiral informing them of the imminent departure from Gyndine's shipping yards, Veiere very much wanted to experience the vessels first venture first hand. Nodding to Terrac, he soon left the command center of the Battle-Cruisier, speaking as they walked. "You're timing is fortunate, we're testing the Commenori Receiver and her fighter squadrons today, they're going to take up a series of battle-formations and then exert some of their firepower. Nothing like a live combat situation of course but I'm excited to see where all of our credits have gone to..." He was admittedly encouraged by all of this. He had never really had a great deal of experience with such vessels, not until the Chimaera and now in experiencing something fresh and new to his typical day to day, he grinned faintly to Terrac and they soon entered the bridge to witness the two massive ships already in motion, the view of the docking yard already drifting away to the right of their line of sight.
  • Terrijo
  • Post 5

This had to be a record for how fast something could go wrong with Darlyn's day. The civilian's body exploded, moments before Darlyn could shout out about the explosive charge on the man's back. All he could do was yank the soldier that had walked forward back with the Force, reducing his injuries as best as he could. At this point, the other two that had come with him found little alcoves, and dragged the injured soldier into one of them while the fire from Tiali began to come out through the smoke.

There was little time for pleasantries, and he had three soldiers to protect. Darlyn reached onto his hip, and drew Exar Kun's lightsaber free, igniting one of its blue blades and proceeding to begin deflecting shots off to the side. He attempted, of course, to redirect the shots roughly where he thought Tiali was, but his bolt deflection skills weren't always the best. It was something he still had to work on, but never the less it was simple enough to prevent his soldiers from getting hit while they took cover.

After the three had hidden themselves behind something of a wally, Darlyn ducked down under it himself and disengaged his lightsaber, holding the shotgun in his hands, breathing steadily. "I don't suppose you're the volunteer?" He half mocked, as the two uninjured troopers began to return fire. Darlyn himself would wait a minute, focus on detecting Tiali with the force if he could. He'd rather get close and use the Drifter. He'd never gotten a chance to use it after all.

Over the com channel, he alerted the others about the pirate's trickery with the explosive charge, cautioning them to stay alert.


The remaining soldiers were moving about calmly through the ship, searching for that one pirate they could arrest for certain. While Darlyn was more inclined to leave it as a single survivor, they were more inclined to arrest multiple pirates, even if it wasn't entirely what had been ordered of them. They were obviously frustrated with the situation as Darlyn's call regarding the pirates trickery with the bomb came through, but continued towards the cockpit. The ship was drifting, and among their priorities was stopping the ship from crashing. They of course could do it externally, but this way they could also eliminate hostiles and hopefully find a pilot pirate they could arrest.

Nearby: [member="Tiali Orazio"]

On obective: [member="Stardust Raxis"] | [member="Thraxis"] | [member="AD-Iqatar.13"]
Post: 4

Objective: Talasea

Kendall stepped out onto the streets of the city, rain still pouring as a police vehicle sped past. It's door was charred with blaster fire in a trail from the front bumber to between the doors. Its was a dangerous day for them, rioters and gangbangers both had it out for the city's authority. Coinciding with his thought process Kendall saw the conjugation that they were escaping. Further up the street a large group of civilians were in a fire fight with what looked to be Commenor's soldiers. Kendall ducked back to avoid being noticed.

Examining the battlefield it looked like the people were surrounded by armored soldiers, not typical footmen. He reaches down to his blaster, considering whether he should help the Commenor soldiers, or continue to the bridge in the opposite direction. The armored figures were condensing on the riot, no doubt they had it under control. Kendall gritted his teeth and turned, moving quickly down the street, past an inconspicuous vagrant. They could damn hell handle themselves, after all Kendall isn't a soldier. And he's here to win, not to fight. That riot is only a side affect of the problem, Kendall convinced himself that his plan was more important than one conflict. He got out his datapad to remind himself of the bridges location. If the gang is grouping up there he'd have to wait it out, catch the leader when he isn't expecting it. If Drano really did run this part of town then he'd be invaluable. The people of Talasea would better trust someone who stopped the biggest gang in the area, and they'd be trusting Commenor by extension.

Near: [member="Ardgal Raxis"] , [member="Kalyr Alor"] , [member="Lauri Törni"]

B'enor Benjeel

Head Engineer for Commenor
Post: 1
Objective: Return Power to the Primary Grid
Location: Capital City of Talasea

How many Commenori engineers does it take to screw in a million light bulbs on a stormy planet?

We don’t know yet, they’re still waiting on a part.


“Shorty,” Ben called down to his customized astromech/ slicer droid from his precarious position between two high voltage power adapters. Being small had many advantages when one was a hands-on engineer – not that he would ever admit to being small. Not too long ago [member="Lady Kay"] had very generously made him Head of Engineering for Commenor, a position that took him out of the cesspool of scum and villainy he called home for much of his life and transplanted him into a life of relative wealth, security, and a corner office. He would never complain about having an assistant, and certainly not about all the gadgets, tools, and doodads granted to someone of his post, but when the call came down that Talasea needed engineers to turn the lights back on, he knew he had to personally go, rather than just send a few teams to the battered world. While it was great not to wonder about where and when his next paycheck would arrive, he did have an affinity for the life of dirty cantina’s and dangerous fieldwork. This was the perfect chance to get out of that gorgeous office and into some cramped and greasy spaces, so to speak.

“Would you give me a-hand?”

His droid, a few feet below him, who was also the same size as him despite his name, whistled an affirmative. Then, somehow, he managed to spring open one of his utility drawers with attitude, and out sprang a manipulating arm with what looked like a plastic dummies’ hand on the end. Shorty waved it around, whistling in excitement.

Ben rolled his rather large eyes, “Reeeeeal funny. Like nobody’s done that before. And where the karking hell did you get that thing? I didn’t install it.”

Shorty beeped and whistled, still proud of himself.

“Look at you, you look like a serial killer waving that around. I bet you’ve been waiting forever for me to set that up.”


“You're pathetic. Now, hand me a B-6 hydrospanner before someone flips the wrong switch on this thing and I end up more lifeless than you—and don’t you dare make a bingo joke!”

([member="Kendall Ginn"]) ([member="Ardgal Raxis"]) ([member="Kalyr Alor"]) ([member="Lauri Törni"])

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
Post: 2

As Bradshaw neared the entrance to Kay’s office, her assistant Olivia hooked his arm in hers and started to guide him in the opposite direction. As desperately as he wanted to talk to [member="Lady Kay"] in his melancholy, he was too wobbly to resist the woman’s tug. Sensing Bradshaw wasn’t in the greatest of mental states, go figure, she offered to listen to his concerns. He knew that she knew his relationship to Kay, she had to in order to be an effective assistant, so he knew he could spill the beans as it were, though, considering how inebriated he was, he didn’t have much of a filter anyway.

He floppily waved his drunken free hand at her as if to say, ‘you wouldn’t understand’, and then he said, “You wouldn’t understand.” He looked at her, or at least one of her, the other’s annoyingly wouldn’t stop moving, and decided to come out with it anyway. What did he have to lose?

“I don’t know what to do. I mean, who am I? A prince almost nobody knows about?” Then, realizing he might have said it too loudly, he inched closer to her and whispered loudly, “A prince almost nobody knows about.” Returning to a more normal distance, he continued, “I thought I could prove myself by protecting her, you know, killing all her enemies. But I’ve already failed, and everyone says she doesn’t want that anyway.” Then, it donned on him, “Hey, you know her,” he said enthusiastically as if he’d hit on some novel thought, “What does she want from me? What am I supposed to do?”

Just then, the odd couple entered one of the palace’s courtyard gardens. It was a lovely, sunny day with a gentle cool breeze and just the right number of clouds to break up the monotony of blue sky. It couldn’t have been more different than how he felt.
Indeed, Ultimatum knew where to land. The Palace was a building he had visited before, though last time it had been worse for wear. That seemed to be a fairly common occurance within the majority of organic cultures, a new regime led to the ransacking of the capital building of the previous regime. It was a generalization of course, but poignant one. It proved that organics had at least a partly destructive nature. Whether or not they followed that tendency or were more in control of themselves depended on the individual, however there were times that even peaceful people lost their control, riots were proof of this.

"Thank you Orbital Command, have a good day." Those men and woman minding the traffic of the space lanes probably had a particularly difficult job and Ultimatum hoped that they would be glad as well of the return of their rightful ruler. Ultimatum wondered if the people on the world had assumed that the Empress Kay, as Ultimatum called her, was the same person as [member="Lady Kay"]. Would they have recognized the fact that she had been corrupted? It had seemed that she was readily welcomed, which seemed to point to a greater forgiveness than what Ultimatum was used to.

As the Sovereignty neared the planet, Ultimatum launched aboard a small shuttle to head the rest of the way. After all, a massive ship would be better left in orbit than trying to find a suitable landing spot. While traveling to the surface, Ultimatum sent a communication ahead to the Palace guards and administration, "This is Ultimatum, I wish to set an appointment with Lady Kay when it is possible." Unsure of any changes to the method of setting an appointment, the droid decided to start simple.

[member="Veiere Arenais"]

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