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What is a Sith to you

To me, Sith are malevolent, conniving, driven, and complex. They are convicted in what they believe and/or interpret as truth, even though those truths are entirely misconstrued.


Victory is mine!
[member="Darth Sinna"] - Oh no, I meant sociopathic. Though psychopathic works too. But Palpatine was a cold calculating person. He was a total Sociopath. Not just a simple murdering psychopath with no real plan.

Sith - as quoted from Wookieepedia

"The Sith believed that conflict was the only true test of one's ability, and so emphasized its importance. It was their belief that conflict challenged both individuals and civilizations, and so forced them to grow and evolve. They believed that the avoidance of conflict–like the pacifist teachings of the Jedi–resulted in stagnation and decline.

Another purpose served by conflict was the elevation of the strong and the death of the weak. By encouraging strife, the strong were able to exercise their power while the weak were weeded from the ranks of the Sith. A core tenet to Sith philosophy was self-reliance and the idea that an individual only deserved what they were strong enough to take. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome, as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.

Such philosophies were embraced and taught at Sith academies, where students were encouraged to challenge one another and fight for prestige that would be recognized by the headmaster of the academy. At the academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War, students were tasked with gaining prestige so they might become one of the "chosen few" accepted into the ranks of Darth Malak's Sith Empire. The strife to achieve prestige caused rivalries and animosity between the students, as there were few tasks that offered prestige, and many prospective Sith. Similarly, the students of the academy during the New Sith Wars were pitted against each other in dueling sessions atop the academy. It was during these dueling sessions that intense rivalries were formed - rivalries that resulted in the deaths of students Fohargh and Sirak at the hands of Darth Bane."

Yeah....Sith aren't evil at all....

In regards, the comments earlier about only those that are consumed by the dark side being the cold, selfish, pricks I mentioned earlier.

Darkside Corruption - As quoted in Wookieepedia

"The dark side, much like a strong, addictive narcotic, affected not only the mind of the user but the appearance as well. As one immersed themselves deeper within the dark side of the Force, its malevolent power would take a toll on the body.

Many darksiders experienced a change in the pigmentation of their eyes, as their normal eye color would transform into a luminous, sulfuric yellow. Often the skin would also lose pigmentation, becoming pale and mottled while veins became increasingly visible. The hair would also lose color, making it appear as though the darksider was aging rapidly. The user's voice would also be altered, becoming a few pitches lower and raspier.[10][9]

The effects generally progressed over time and immersion in the dark side, and would not immediately affect one's appearance. Darth Tyranus and Galen Marek, for example, did not suffer any of the physical degeneration of the dark side, and their eyes only assumed the yellow hue during moments of anger.[25][26] Luke Skywalker suffered none of these effects during his brief bout of intense anger that allowed him to disarm Darth Vader, nor did Kyle Katarnduring either of the times that he was (at least partially) driven by the dark side against Jerec and later Desann.[27][28] In contrast, Teneniel Djo, after calling on the dark side to kill a Nightsister in the Battle of Dathomir, instantly acquired a burst blood vessel in her face, something common to the Nightsisters.[29] Of those that embraced the dark side, different individuals would experience different symptoms: Darth Malak, for example, experienced a change in eye color and acquired a slight pallor, but no other effects that could be explained naturally (although he required a vocabulator after his jaw was severed).[30] Only those that devoted almost all of their being to the dark side, such as Darth Sidious, would have their appearance radically altered.[10] It should be noted that Sidious's most drastic physical alterations occurred during the lightsaber duel with Jedi Master Mace Windu; Windu having used his own lightsaber to deflect Sidious's Force lightning causing the uncontrolled energy to radically alter Sidious's physical features.[5]Darth Caedus had his eyes change hue, but after a year of using the dark side, nothing else had occurred.

In time, the corruption could go beyond mere cosmetic details and directly impair physical abilities. King Ommin of Onderon was a proficient Sith sorcerer for most of his life, and the dark side held him under its decaying influence until he eventually became incapable of movement and needed support from a cyborg exoskeleton in order to survive. The worst case of this transformation would be Darth Nihilus, who was completely consumed by the dark side both mentally and physically. Eventually, he became an aberration of the dark side that existed only to consume life.[31][10]

The dark side could have an even greater effect on the mind, as the user often stopped trusting people and become quick to anger. Following Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader, he believed his wife was plotting to kill him with Obi-Wan Kenobi. His paranoia and anger lead him to strangle her through the Force. Continued immersion in the dark side could even result in insanity, as in the case of Dark JediBoc Aseca, Alema Rar, and Joruus C'baoth. It should be noted however, that the individuals who went insane were all disturbed or traumatized even before their conversion, and the dark side simply exacerbated their conditions.[9][32][33]Darth Sion used his own pain to preserve his fractured and broken body.

It was possible for these corrupting powers to be potent enough to affect those who were simply in close proximity to a nexus of dark side energy.[34] Colonel Tobin ofOnderon, a man who had no known sensitivity to the Force, was so affected by the presence of Darth Nihilus and the Ravager that he fell into madness and exhibited the appearance of one who had immersed themselves in the dark side.[10]

While the dark side could destroy a body, it was also capable of sustaining one. The hateful, passionate, determined energies of the dark side were so powerful that it could prevent death for a body that was far past the point of death for a normal being. King Adas of Korriban survived for almost three centuries. Darth Sion, who suffered grievously in the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War had the appearance of a walking corpse. His flesh was "cracked and scarred" and he had "several thousand fractures in his skeleton," according to a Republic medical officer. He survived through the power of hate, according to Darth Traya, and called upon the dark side to make him near-immortal. Darth Vader had his legs and arms amputated shortly before having his lungs seared as he was burned alive on Mustafar. His life was saved only after intervention by his master, Darth Sidious, and his dark side healing abilities. After his transformation into a cyborg, Vader called heavily upon the dark side to marginalize his wounds so he could again be self-sufficient.[10][35][36]"

Sorry, but those parading around as these hot Sith characters really need a strong dose of reality. Also as noted, the darkside is a corrupting force. If you are willingly giving yourself over to it, expect to be consumed by it. Thus, actual Sith, are what I said earlier.

Now this comment is not made as a dig against writers who choose to play Sith. What I am saying, is, if you choose to play a Sith, fantastic! Play a Sith as they are meant to be, and own the fact that your character is an evil, sadistic, manipulating, jerk. LOL Stop trying to make them normal people with cool powers. If you wish to be a normal person with a bad attitude, just play a normal person of any faction you choose. And be happy with the fact you have such freedom to play with the personality. And that the multitudes of personalities are able to be found anywhere!

It's just as a Sith, your'e a horrible being that needs to be purged by the galaxy. :D

[member="Darth Morgoth"] | [member="Darth Veles"]


Victory is mine!
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Sith are not capable of actual love, like normal people would view it. Love is viewed as a weakness in a Sith's eyes.

Source: Darth Malgus, and his lover

Here's what happens when a Sith falls in "love".

Wookieepedia -

After recovering from her injuries from a civilian hospital on Coruscant, Eleena believed that there was still good in Malgus. They argued and she told Malgus that she loved him. Malgus killed her with hislightsaber, driving it through her heart. As Malgus looked down at her body, he noticed that Eleena was his weakness."

Sorry, but again....evil. lol
VlPER said:
[member="Darth Sinna"] - Oh no, I meant sociopathic. Though psychopathic works too. But Palpatine was a cold calculating person. He was a total Sociopath. Not just a simple murdering psychopath with no real plan.

Sith - as quoted from Wookieepedia

"The Sith believed that conflict was the only true test of one's ability, and so emphasized its importance. It was their belief that conflict challenged both individuals and civilizations, and so forced them to grow and evolve. They believed that the avoidance of conflict–like the pacifist teachings of the Jedi–resulted in stagnation and decline.

Another purpose served by conflict was the elevation of the strong and the death of the weak. By encouraging strife, the strong were able to exercise their power while the weak were weeded from the ranks of the Sith. A core tenet to Sith philosophy was self-reliance and the idea that an individual only deserved what they were strong enough to take. Likewise, morality was treated as an obstacle to be overcome, as it got in the way of a Sith's ability to recognize and seize opportunities for advancement and self-empowerment.

Such philosophies were embraced and taught at Sith academies, where students were encouraged to challenge one another and fight for prestige that would be recognized by the headmaster of the academy. At the academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War, students were tasked with gaining prestige so they might become one of the "chosen few" accepted into the ranks of Darth Malak's Sith Empire. The strife to achieve prestige caused rivalries and animosity between the students, as there were few tasks that offered prestige, and many prospective Sith. Similarly, the students of the academy during the New Sith Wars were pitted against each other in dueling sessions atop the academy. It was during these dueling sessions that intense rivalries were formed - rivalries that resulted in the deaths of students Fohargh and Sirak at the hands of Darth Bane."

Yeah....Sith aren't evil at all....

In regards, the comments earlier about only those that are consumed by the dark side being the cold, selfish, pricks I mentioned earlier.

Darkside Corruption - As quoted in Wookieepedia

"The dark side, much like a strong, addictive narcotic, affected not only the mind of the user but the appearance as well. As one immersed themselves deeper within the dark side of the Force, its malevolent power would take a toll on the body.

Many darksiders experienced a change in the pigmentation of their eyes, as their normal eye color would transform into a luminous, sulfuric yellow. Often the skin would also lose pigmentation, becoming pale and mottled while veins became increasingly visible. The hair would also lose color, making it appear as though the darksider was aging rapidly. The user's voice would also be altered, becoming a few pitches lower and raspier.[10][9]

The effects generally progressed over time and immersion in the dark side, and would not immediately affect one's appearance. Darth Tyranus and Galen Marek, for example, did not suffer any of the physical degeneration of the dark side, and their eyes only assumed the yellow hue during moments of anger.[25][26] Luke Skywalker suffered none of these effects during his brief bout of intense anger that allowed him to disarm Darth Vader, nor did Kyle Katarnduring either of the times that he was (at least partially) driven by the dark side against Jerec and later Desann.[27][28] In contrast, Teneniel Djo, after calling on the dark side to kill a Nightsister in the Battle of Dathomir, instantly acquired a burst blood vessel in her face, something common to the Nightsisters.[29] Of those that embraced the dark side, different individuals would experience different symptoms: Darth Malak, for example, experienced a change in eye color and acquired a slight pallor, but no other effects that could be explained naturally (although he required a vocabulator after his jaw was severed).[30] Only those that devoted almost all of their being to the dark side, such as Darth Sidious, would have their appearance radically altered.[10] It should be noted that Sidious's most drastic physical alterations occurred during the lightsaber duel with Jedi Master Mace Windu; Windu having used his own lightsaber to deflect Sidious's Force lightning causing the uncontrolled energy to radically alter Sidious's physical features.[5]Darth Caedus had his eyes change hue, but after a year of using the dark side, nothing else had occurred.

In time, the corruption could go beyond mere cosmetic details and directly impair physical abilities. King Ommin of Onderon was a proficient Sith sorcerer for most of his life, and the dark side held him under its decaying influence until he eventually became incapable of movement and needed support from a cyborg exoskeleton in order to survive. The worst case of this transformation would be Darth Nihilus, who was completely consumed by the dark side both mentally and physically. Eventually, he became an aberration of the dark side that existed only to consume life.[31][10]

The dark side could have an even greater effect on the mind, as the user often stopped trusting people and become quick to anger. Following Anakin Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader, he believed his wife was plotting to kill him with Obi-Wan Kenobi. His paranoia and anger lead him to strangle her through the Force. Continued immersion in the dark side could even result in insanity, as in the case of Dark JediBoc Aseca, Alema Rar, and Joruus C'baoth. It should be noted however, that the individuals who went insane were all disturbed or traumatized even before their conversion, and the dark side simply exacerbated their conditions.[9][32][33]Darth Sion used his own pain to preserve his fractured and broken body.

It was possible for these corrupting powers to be potent enough to affect those who were simply in close proximity to a nexus of dark side energy.[34] Colonel Tobin ofOnderon, a man who had no known sensitivity to the Force, was so affected by the presence of Darth Nihilus and the Ravager that he fell into madness and exhibited the appearance of one who had immersed themselves in the dark side.[10]

While the dark side could destroy a body, it was also capable of sustaining one. The hateful, passionate, determined energies of the dark side were so powerful that it could prevent death for a body that was far past the point of death for a normal being. King Adas of Korriban survived for almost three centuries. Darth Sion, who suffered grievously in the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War had the appearance of a walking corpse. His flesh was "cracked and scarred" and he had "several thousand fractures in his skeleton," according to a Republic medical officer. He survived through the power of hate, according to Darth Traya, and called upon the dark side to make him near-immortal. Darth Vader had his legs and arms amputated shortly before having his lungs seared as he was burned alive on Mustafar. His life was saved only after intervention by his master, Darth Sidious, and his dark side healing abilities. After his transformation into a cyborg, Vader called heavily upon the dark side to marginalize his wounds so he could again be self-sufficient.[10][35][36]"

Sorry, but those parading around as these hot Sith characters really need a strong dose of reality. Also as noted, the darkside is a corrupting force. If you are willingly giving yourself over to it, expect to be consumed by it. Thus, actual Sith, are what I said earlier.

Now this comment is not made as a dig against writers who choose to play Sith. What I am saying, is, if you choose to play a Sith, fantastic! Play a Sith as they are meant to be, and own the fact that your character is an evil, sadistic, manipulating, jerk. LOL Stop trying to make them normal people with cool powers. If you wish to be a normal person with a bad attitude, just play a normal person of any faction you choose. And be happy with the fact you have such freedom to play with the personality. And that the multitudes of personalities are able to be found anywhere!

It's just as a Sith, your'e a horrible being that needs to be purged by the galaxy. :D

[member="Darth Morgoth"] | [member="Darth Veles"]
The dark side corrupts, sure. But you're being completely ignorant to the fact that dark side corruption can variably effect appearance or mentality. I'm aware that you probably have not done much with me, but Silara/Sinna is an insane sociopath. And I use the Sith Alchemic mask ability to cover up any physical issues with my being, doubled with plastic surgery. She's extremely vain.


Well-Known Member
VlPER said:
[member="Darth Banshee"]

Sith are not capable of actual love, like normal people would view it. Love is viewed as a weakness in a Sith's eyes.

Source: Darth Malgus, and his lover

Here's what happens when a Sith falls in "love".

Wookieepedia -

After recovering from her injuries from a civilian hospital on Coruscant, Eleena believed that there was still good in Malgus. They argued and she told Malgus that she loved him. Malgus killed her with hislightsaber, driving it through her heart. As Malgus looked down at her body, he noticed that Eleena was his weakness."

Sorry, but again....evil. lol
Darth Bane begs to differ, and so does darth vader

Random acts of evil like that happen quite often when writers realize the villain is too likeable and the audience roots for the bad site.

And it shows Malgus did not know how to use love to empower himself. My Sith in SWToR believed love to be strength. Too bad she is not a canon character to stomp on these terrible stereotypes where a Sith HAS to do something evil to make it clear to the audience they really are the bad guys.


Well-Known Member
Also yoda say love leads to the the dark side in episode 1

and [member="viper"] I just leave this here

Seeing potential in him, Githany secretly began to train Bane, even as every other Sith Master refused to do so, teaching him the art of Force lightning. It was during this secret training that Githany began to develop feelings for Bane, even sharing a kiss with him.
There is two types of love our society describes. There is conditional and unconditional. A Sith can love but their love is always conditional. Anakin’s love for Padma may have started out as unconditional but later it became conditional. Same with MR Bane.

Being a Sith is a way of life, a culture. That is why there is Dark Jedi and then there is Sith. Their way of life is not a nice bureaucratic democracy where they vote in the people of power. They fight internally over it like Orcs. It is their way to ensure the strong survive and the weak either die or suffer under boots of oppression.

That is why many of them look at love as a weakness. It can be used to manipulate you. Either someone will use it to control you or you will be ambushed and it will be the death of you. Malgus also viewed it would make him soft as the tenderness of a woman is a luxury. Such luxuries for a warrior and a Sith are a distraction.

Cody Weadge

Weadge, Cody Weadge
Sith are fascists, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. They seek change by mobilization of the their state, seeing war and imperialism as means to make their state better. That is why Palpatine could easily be seen as the most successful sith. He managed to change a ten thousand year old government almost entirely, and nearly united the Galaxy. The Empire was far stronger than the Republic ever was.

Cody Weadge

Weadge, Cody Weadge
Yes, but he never counted on facing Lucas >_>. That said ultimately the Empire didn't fall because the Rebels won, it's that without Palpatine reigning his Imperialists in, they tore into each other. The fatal flaw of a fascist regime centered around a single individual.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Sith are fascists, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. They seek change by mobilization of the their state, seeing war and imperialism as means to make their state better. That is why Palpatine could easily be seen as the most successful sith. He managed to change a ten thousand year old government almost entirely, and nearly united the Galaxy. The Empire was far stronger than the Republic ever was.
Excuse me...what?

Not necessarily a bad thing? For who? Leaving aside real-world comparisons here, but how can the Galactic Empire be considered a good thing? Certainly not for the substantial minority, possibly majority of the galaxy which is non-human. Let us not forget that in order to begin his 'glorious reign' Palpatine started a war which killed billions, and through casual mass murder, extermination and 'pacification' he killed trillions more.

Oh yes, the Empire was stronger militarily, but at the cost of being a police-state run by a pair of magic-using cultists.....
Oh yes, well for the Sith it was brilliant. But that's 2 people out of trillions.

What is a Sith to me?

Theocratic totalitarianism in power, religious zealotry out of it, and proof that wearing black does not necessarily make you look cool.
We were discussing the movie variant, I recall, [member="Cody Weadge"].

But sure, if we include the board's population, including NPCs...the Sith are better for maybe 10,000 people out of the roughly 1+ trillion they rule.

They really are the 0.00000001%
Darth Veles said:
the Empire was not xenophobic!

Yeah, they were. If you weren't human, you were trash. If you were a woman, you were trash.

On the matter of what a Sith is, the Sith are evil and self-serving. Some are more clever than others and avoid getting found out two minutes into their scheme. Others don't.

The Sith are selfish, cruel, manipulative bastards who would gladly see the whole galaxy burn if it suited them.

Find me where a Jedi consumed an entire planet's worth of people for power.

Find me where a Jedi orchestrated a galactic war that lasted years, while manipulating both sides to get more and more power.

Find me where a Jedi became deformed and grotesque from their use of the Force.

Find me where a Jedi ordered an entire race exterminated for defying them. (And no, the Sith race doesn't count because 1) they merged with the Sith idea and thus became indistinguishable and 2) the Sith race withdrew from the galaxy on its own, not because of some Jedi bomb to destroy a planet)

The Sith are evil. They are the bad guys. Doesn't mean they can't have depth of character, but at the end of the road they are meant to be defeated.

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