Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What're You Doing In My Swamp? | First Order Invasion of Galactic Alliance Held Dagobah Hex

Location: Dagobah high orbit
Allies: [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] [member="Mazik Stazi"] [member="Mathieu Bahreiko"] [member="Lokthra Dawning"] [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: FO [member="Hogrum Veed"] [member="Charlotte Reed"] [member="Sieger Ren"] [member="Robogeber"]
Directly engaging: [member="The Major"]
Theme: Strike! (Shadow Dragon)

"Ouch: the unidentified object got away!" Carmen reported while the sensors registered one jump out of the system.

"The enemy is retreating; meanwhile, the enemy exfil is being cut to pieces, with no attempt whatsoever at returning fire" the sensor technician reported, upon seeing one last blip disappear in a flash.

"We must pin down the enemy in this muddy quagmire: Locus of Control, Big Seven, fire at the Hemwick, bombers, trap the Tirade and its surroundings into a hail of plasma bombs!"

With [member="Roth Tillian"] covering the bombers inbound for the surface, the bombers were headed just above the tree cover, bombing the areas near where the Tirade made its emergency landing. As plasma bombs were dropped, the area around the Tirade was turning into a fiery trap threatening to engulf anybody caught in that muddy area. But that interdiction field in orbit, that which allowed her to microjump behind Carlyle earlier in the battle, made it so that said unidentified object will come under fire if pulled out of hyperspace. The gunnery crews of the Lothal were calculating firing solutions for whatever was possible to fire at that ship, ion cannons, turbolasers, heavy long-range solar ionization cannons, while remaining mindful that the main batteries, its heaviest guns, would have trouble tracking that ship, thanks to its hardpoints' lackluster traversal rates. And also accounting for any possible reversion points. Here Cathul couldn't help but laugh at the enemy exfil's predicament, as the two frigates kept firing hundreds of turbolasers and a few cluster missiles at the Hemwick whose mobility is now much more questionable for a ship that size: the Tirade's predicament already compromised the exfil, shooting down the Hemwick will cause the enemy attempt at exfil to fail.

"Open a channel on the main C2 frequencies, FLEETCOM and ground ones"

"Roger, roger"

"The enemy exfil while the enemy battle fleets are stuck in a dangerous quagmire" Cathul reported to the main commanders, including [member="Mathieu Bahreiko"] (Admiral Nai), [member="Gir Quee"], [member="Mazik Stazi"], and of course, [member="Lokthra Dawning"], in space, alongside [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Lyra Sunfell"], [member="Coren Starchaser"] and other high-level contacts on the ground, including the people at the FOB.

Robogeber and the Concordia both have had fire control problems, the exfil force may well be led by a pilot brought in a CIC in an attempt to mask the full extent of First Order's piloting problems, which became apparent when two of them crashed at lightspeed: has the blockade in the Metharian Nebula caused the enemy to get caught into a hubris trap? Or were they attempting us to fall for a hubris trap, while feigning a fire control problem? It seems that the Metharian Nebula blockade also caused their supply of bravery to run low, she thought, while realizing that Robogeber didn't open fire on the shipyards, nor did he return fire to Lokthra when she fired at his flagship from below. The enemy ground forces will themselves find in a precarious position if their naval forces in orbit were being obliterated, four different patrol-sized fleets scattered as they were. Meanwhile, since the two fighter squadrons were out of cluster missiles, they were recalled to ship in order to get rearmed; in fact, the fighters' survivability was higher than expected, much higher, given that they preferred to launch cluster missiles at range.

  • Fired at the routing straggler [member="The Major"]
  • Recalled both fighter squadrons
  • Used the bomber squadrons to attack the area around the Tirade's remains

Capital ships:

ANS Lothal (Lothal-II-class artillery carrier) | Shields: 40% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: FIV Tortuga (if devoid of a HIMS, otherwise N/A)
ANS Locus of Control (C-9980-class frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: FIV Hemwick
ANS Big Seven (C-9980-class frigate) | Shields: 100% | Hull: 100% | Firing at: FIV Hemwick

Attack craft:

24 Chiloon-I fighters returning to ship
24 Chiloon-II fast bombers attacking the FIV Tirade and its surroundings
Location: Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Black Sword, near Dagobah
Objective: Charge
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Mathieu Bahreiko"] (Admiral Nai)(directly coordinating with), [member="Mazik Stanzi"], Cathul Thuku, Tristram Vos, Qymaen sil Jurai, Galactic Alliance, CIS, Silver Jedi
Enemies: [member="Hogrum Veed"] (Directly engaging), First Order, Galactic Empire remnants

Admiral Quee watched as his volleys of warheads struck at the Machete. Explosions rippled around its shields even as a variety of point defense fire, passive defenses, and electronic measures fought back the tide. If anything, his probing attack only whetted his appetite. It seemed likely that he would have to study the data more after the battle to get a better understanding of the First Order's missile defense capabilities. Perhaps he could learn something from them and incorporate them into his newer vessels. The man from Hast dismissed those ponderings from his mind as the Black Sword and its consorts entered standard weapons range; he would need all of his focus to effectively lead his ships and peoples into combat. Captain Waters turned her graying crown towards him after barking a quick order to the ship's sensor officer.

"Hibbs is analyzing damage to the Machete now."

Gir nodded, "Focus all fire on the Machete in interim. We will need to shift fire soon though."

His eyes jumped around the tactical holo, noting that Admiral Nai's forces had successfully deployed from their hiding spots to attack the First Order vessels, and appeared to be drawing the majority of the First Order's fire. The Say My Name stood resilient in the face of such devastating power, largely due to its advanced cortosis-derived power generation, yet Gir was certain that it would not last like that indefinitely. He pursed his lips. But we got them in a good position. They can't present their fronts to both of us, which means that with the right maneuvering, one of us can get into position to rake them from the rear...His eyes watched the Say My Name unleash a synchronized salvo of Javelin hypervelocity rounds at the FIV Daring. Gir quickly type commands into his console, breaking up his arrowhead formation. The Crestrunner, Hound, and Thorn broke off to engage the damaged Machete at close range. The Crestrunner sought to block the Machete's forward path while the Hound and Thorn circled around to attack the enemy warship from its vulnerable stern. The Black Sword slowed down and entered a slow arc that would eventually take it behind the FIV Devastator's stern. Gir grumbled as he watched his sluggish warship gradually come around to make its maneuverable.

"This is what we get for making a warship in a rush," said Gir with sigh.

"Threats evolve, and change. It can't be helped."

"Well, might as well put the enemy's mass to our advantage. Weapons, tractor the Devastator. Let's see if we can use their mass to help us get a little bit better maneuverability."

"Aye sir."

By adding the Devastator's mass to the Black Sword's, the center of mass would shift, which would allow the Black Sword to make better use of its powerful engines to get into the right position. But the effectiveness of that would depend largely on the enemy's reaction to suddenly being tractored by the smaller ship. The batteries of the Black Sword began to shift fire onto the FIV Devastator, even as Gir began to plot contingency orders for the inevitable reaction by the enemy commander.

Directorate Task Force Black Sword
Tercel-class Heavy Cruiser Black Sword - Firing at FIV Devastator
MCC25 Danios-class Corvette Crestrunner - Firing at FIV Machete
Liberté-class Light Corvette Hound - Firing at FIV Machete
Liberté-class Light Corvette Thorn - Firing at FIV Machete

Summary of Actions
-Task Force Black Sword fires collectively as a whole on FIV Machete as they enter standard weapons range
-Task Force Black Sword breaks formation, with Crestrunner, Hound, and Thorn breaking to engage Machete as described
-Black Sword moves to attack Devastator's stern, fires all of its weapons on Devastator, and grapples it with tractor beam projectors to better enhance its maneuvers

Cpl. FN-6767 "Scars"
Dagobah Surface, FOB Romodi
Allies: [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Luther Ando"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance | [member="Sol Stazi"] | [member="[/COLOR]Kip Hollaran"] | [member="Lyra Sunfell"] | [member="Nuuc Lapt"]

"I'm going to find myself a seat behind a big gun, this thing is only a losing battle if we intend on losing it." Scars remarks to the Galactic Imperial Stormtroopers she limps courageously beside; more than a few pair of eyes linger over the Tank Commander as she limps with the assistance of a crutch towards an E-WEB heavy blaster sitting in a gunput surrounded by sandbags and ferrocrete; atleast they'd fortified their position she noted inwardly with a Trooper gesturing to the weapon as if to relinquish it over to their newly arrived albeit wounded heroine. Plomping down on the foldable chair to feel its' soaked canvas through her bodysuit the sensation was unpleasant as is the entire planet she thought inwardly. Bringing forth mechanical hand Scars racks the charging handle to channel power into the capacitors with a loud 'clang' sound and then brings right-hand upto the base of helmet with a small grunt. "What I would do for a cigar right now, any of you boys got a light?" Heaving her shroud free and dropping it onto muddied boots she heard a lighter with her keen ears while emerald spheres pierce through the darkness; adjusting to the dark veil and fog that seemed to loom eternal over the fetid swamps. Something shifts in the distance a grey shadow; an Alliance probe perhaps. Receiving the offered Cigar in right-hand before stuffing it between lips and taking a long soothing inhale before pushing a gentle jet of smoke through her nostrils Scars feels a sense of release and soothing wash over her entire body pleasant tingle ticking down spine. Eyes continue to watch the movement before going to confirm. "Do you have any recce sections out there?"

The Stormtrooper to her right shifts his helmet around searchingly and simply replies. "No, why?"

Scars resists rolling her spheres around in their almond-shaped sockets. "Because we're about to get contacted numbnuts on our axis of advance? Now adopt a supported firing position off the sandbags and ferrocrete, wait for my first shot." The Stormtrooper grunts and puts away his lighter, joined by three others they take position on either side of Scars' E-WEB blaster, she leans forward somewhat and places the weapon's gargantuan Iron Sights over a distinctly Humanoid figure with a scowl forming on face, thumbs hovering over butterfly triggers eagerly. Pausing for a moment she raises left-wrist upto Mouth keying the Comlink. "Ando, Wenck. We've got contact, squad-sized opposition force advancing on our loc get o-" The distinct dull distaint wail growing louder as the proton balls soar through the sky brightly forces Scars to cut her warning short and offer a more immediate one. "It's gonna blow, boys!" Scars' thumbs slam down on the Butterfly triggers the E-WEB drums out a hail of crimson red bolts with the first target visibly going down after a shot soars through his throat, quickly shifting fire to left at what appears to be a Startled Infantryman the Galactic Empire Stormtroopers' blaster rifles join the violent cacophony. Explosions ring out all throughout the company harbour raining dirt upon her position littering her soaked brunette bob with soil, graciously blending together. "Keep firing, pin them down don't let em' close boys! Don't let em' close! They'll try to use grenades." Scars notes the steam wicking off barrel and switches to firing short-concise boots towards the Galactic Alliance soldiers; trading fire with them, red bolts went outbound, red bolts come inbound largely slamming into the sandbags and ferrocrete or zooming above them through the camouflaged canopy draped above gunpit.

Lyra Sunfell

[member="Sol Stazi"] [member="Nuuc Lapt"]​
[member="Rexus Wenck"] [member="Luther Ando"] [member="Kyli DT-6767"]​
"Dusk One has made contact! Heavy hostile presence," one of the comms officers called as she looked up from her console. "Casualties already."

"Mortar effectiveness?" Lyra snapped back and moved over towards the display, listening to the reports. They were garbled and distorted by the jungle, but the sound of heavy blaster fire was distinct. Voices were drowned out beneath the sounds of combat.

"Can't say."

Lyra nodded and turned away, her thoughts racing as she assessed the situation.

"Get Dusk Three to move around the west side. See if they can flank and full some attention. Keep the mortars firing on the area." She paused for a moment. "Get word to command that we've located an enemy base."

"Aye, captain!"

The response came back as the comms officer relayed the orders. The fourth platoon slipped away from their location and swung wide through the swamps to come around the enemy position in the western side, aiming to catch them between two sides. Meanwhile, the mortar crews continued to fire the Jairdain's at the same target vicinity, raining heavy shells down onto what appeared to be an enemy base.

"Dusk Actual," the message went, "To Alliance Actual. Coordinates for enemy base. Cleared for precise destruction?"
The platoon of soldiers threaded their way through the swamp with drenched and muddied uniforms. Each step had to be torn free from sucking mud. Distant, as if from a dream, heavy blaster fire echoed through the jungle, but it was too distant to be much of a concern.

The point-man froze as something shifted in the shadows. Two stormtroopers made their way along what passed for a ridge on this world. He held up two fingers and pointed forward. The soldiers all crouched against the ground. Two of the marksman shifted forward and leaned their rifles against a tree-root. The sergeant held up four fingers and they nodded.

In the distance, the distinctive pop and whistle of mortars cut through the air. Three fingers. The whine of air against the shells grew closer. Two fingers. The marksmen's fingers tightened on the triggers. The shells exploded not too far away and as the explosions rang through the air, the marksman fired.

With that, the other surged forward in leap-frogging motion, with continuous suppressing fire as they advanced on the enemy position.
[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Therran Graush"] [member="Elensa Jari"] [member="Ara Zambrano"] [member="Asharad Graush"]​
[member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] @Asaara Vaashe​
The Force flowed from him in a brilliant display of Light that filled him and the area nearby with warmth and light that burned through the gloom. Something flickered in the Force and ducked between the roots as stones and branches slammed against the tree around him. Splinters and fragments rained down towards him, peppering his robes and head, but they were harmless.

He stayed there until the assault ended before rising and picking his way around the tree. They were going to the cave, of course, and drawing from it to try and survive the Force light. Well, when one was using a battery, one simply needed to disconnect the wires.

The old man darted through the swamp towards the now imploded cave. The cave was destroyed, yet the Dark still lingered within. Such physical assaults could not overcome a spiritual matter, but there was something that could.

He slowed as he sensed more of the Ren nearby, but once more let the Force swell into him. Dagobah was so rich with life that not even this battle would sway the Living Force that pervaded it into true Dark. Not in the way that it would blind the Ren into seeing only that.

He approached, weaving through the traps, to where the cave had once been and knelt once more. The staff was held upright before him as he gathered the Force. It grew stronger, more intense, and then he released it once more, sending out another brilliant flash of light into the heart of the nexus.

It resisted, certainly, but Tiland drew deeper from the trees around them and the plants and the snakes and the swamp monsters and every living thing around.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Dagobah Bog[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: The First Order[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: The Galactic Alliance - [member="Veino Garn"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]As the pair hit the ground, Samka was a little surprised that her dainty weight was enough to topple her armoured foe but she’d take the advantage offered. She positioned her body atop his to pin the man to the ground as long as she could manage. He was no doubt physically stronger than her, Samka noted to her irritation that most people were, so this was only a delay while she evaluated his armour up close, Lightsabers locked together as her eyes scanned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Asides from the horned helmet, nothing particularly stood out. Less protected around the joints for flexibility so the standard tactics against a foe who hid behind their armour. Break them out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A small twitch of movement from the side of her vision caught her eye, a gun now pointing up towards her. “No you don’t,” the girl snarled beneath her breath as the plasma went off. A tiny jolt of Force Lightning sparked from her left hand to jolt her opponent’s gun arm, a small shock amed to spasm his hand and prevent an accurate shot. With her next burst of speed, she flipped off of the man, rolling onto her feet and moving a short distance away in the bog. It all happened in the space of a few seconds and only once it was done did she feel a burning pain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Samka glanced at her side, a tear on her cloak and small plasma burn on her skin, the gunshot must have grazed her. The Ren smirked at the familiar sensation. The pain gave her anger, the anger gave her strength and the strength gave her satisfaction. She punched the wound for good measure, biting her lip to prevent a yell of pain.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Let’s… even the playing field, shall we?” Samka thrust both palms forwards then clenched her fists. She focused on the rage, she focused on the Dark Side all around which this planet bathed in, adding to her power, and she focused on the desire to destroy this pathetic little man and crushed him. The Force Crush wasn’t directed at him, exactly, it was an attack on the armour he wore. An attack to break open and cripple his defences so she could tear apart the soft being within.[/SIZE]
Objective: Exfil invaluable FOSB asset | Kill 'Asharad' (Take hold of the corruption) | Eclipse The Light
Location: Near the Cave of Evil [Dropship crash wreckage]
Allies: First Order, Galactic Empire, [member="Varas Kyrel"], [member="Kyrel Ren"], [member="The Major"], [member="Rolf Amsel"], [member="Kayrce"] ; somewhere around [member="Ara Zambrano"], [member="Samka Derith"], [member="Elensa Jari"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Ever Dawnracer"], [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] , [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"], [member="Jak Sandrow"], [member="Tanaski Yumi"], [member="Stephanie Swail"], [member="Nuuc Lapt"], [member="Mishel Noren"], [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]​
Blood ran down his nose, he could even feel the taste of iron in his mouth. The flaring light batted his link to the source of his powers denying him of the divine manna he had so been used to since he could walk. The light burned, it blazed his very soul. Ironic that such a light sided power could deliver such pain. He felt far worse of a pain than physical. One by one his ethereal threads to the dark side turned to ash as the Light seemed amplified from elsewhere.

His knees barely held him. The stripping of his dark side power bringing him to a state of imbalance.

Therran's attack had failed. Mildly shocked by the events that transpired. The illusion of Asharad and Therran's own bewilderment that the dark side of the Force was being shut off by the light at the very moment. Was it arrogance? Was it overconfidence that had brought him to this situation? A blind belief in his powers and those of the dark side of the Force. Unnatural powers that always put him a step ahead, a level above.

In that moment of shock, Graush barely had the time to react to the screeches of someone before two bolts landed gruesomely on his torso. The pain grew but meagerly. No blaster shot, no plasma strike could compare with the purgatory that the Light had trapped him into.

It cannot be...

The Sith called the Dark Side. Roared within for its powers but it all seemed like the scream of the helpless man entrapped alive in his own coffin.

Somewhere there in this hell, Graush could sense his cousin.

We do not kneel.

Or was this another trick by the nexus? It angered him. Stoked the fires of rage within. Abruptly, the inferno of ambition burst through his veins.

A moment before his knee could touch the ground, it halted.

We do not kneel.

The last drops of stamina and power being sucked into the funnel of his will. Everything was squeezed completely as the ethereal surged through him once more. Zeal the only drive behind his survival at this very moment. He staggered upwards as the energy rocked him like an earthquake from within. The power of it growing exponentially.

We were born to rule.

The gathering tempest from within was released in a titanic spherical explosion of monstrous reach. The colossal telekinetic shockwave burst from him in all directions disregarding friend and foe. Massive kinetic energy exerted itself picking up anything on its way. Trees were rooted out, fauna took to flight regardless of their will, droids crushed from the kinetic impact, steel was bent and lungs collapsed.

Therran crashed down on the muddy floor of Dagobah. A small beacon device rolled down his sleeve, with a final soft touch with his thumb it emitted a distress signal for help to all First Order and allied personnel. Unlike other FOSB officers, his signal bore a different kind of message -

A Graush has fallen.
[member="Samka Derith"]​
Quite remarkable, really, how she'd jumped out of the way of the shot. Veino picked himself back up, arm tingling from the jolt of electricity. That was something he would need to remember for the future. The woman even punched the gunshot wound and he let out a breath. Ren, always so over-dramatic in everything that they did.

But something seized along his armor and squeezed, pressing in against him. Telekinesis. Good enough for a direct application of Force, but she left herself vulnerable. Her lightsaber was not in hand, as she used both for the telekinetic attack. The plates began to buckle and creak under the pressure and he pushed out in the Force, with one hand. As the shifting duraplast began to bite into his side, he bit his lip. Pain started to weave through his body. The plates buckled and creaked under the pressure.

He fired the trigger again, with the handcannon aimed directly at her. Now that she was farther away, blaster bolts rang through the swamp and spread, too far apart to be blocked by a saber. Veino'd be using barrier to block those bolts or ducking behind cover.

The lightsaber remained in hand as he shifted his stance to hold it parallel in front of him. He pushed out in the Force, pushing back against the pressure to give himself some more breathing space. It pressed in against his mind and his body, but he gritted his teeth. Like balloons, one could press forward and back.

Still, he wasn't exerting enough focus to completely counteract the pressure. He needed his attention for other things.
Objective: Defend
Allies: [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Jak Sandrow"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Mishel Noren"]
Enemies: [member="Therran Graush"]
Wars were always continuing. Coren knew that. And he knew how to draw on that. War brought balance, it brought chaos. But it brought that serenity of battle. When one could feel their pulse in between blasts of mortar fire and blaster shots. From when a starfighter erupted into flame and the winner of that engagement had to dive between it and the next round of laser cannon shots.

That was where Coren was. He could feel the pulse in the Force, from this world, and the pulse of his own body. They were beating as one. He could feel the battle, and the planet. His body and the Force. A deep breath, one, and two. His body was pulsing as he had the shield up. He was working to prevent the shrapnel from hitting him. And focusing on the rest of his team.

Force Light was burning at the dark side, it was using the very planet to hit the darkness around them. TIland, Taheera… He knew them, they were his comrades. But he was not going to be much help. He had to focus on the here, the now. And the battle he was fighting was here. Against the Sith.

It was what he knew, how he knew to hunt and fight. Pushing the Sith back. Even one that was super charged as this Knight here before him. He could feel the warrior, reaching into the well, that one point-source of dark side power on this world. He had his own well, the rest of the planet, the goodness, the light, the life, in the swamp. He was not worried about what might be, or could be, for each of those lives. The light in the Force was something he could reach out to, to tether himself, strengthen his resolve.

He pushed out farther, away from himself and towards the Sith. A blast of energy meeting in the middle. But the kinetic energy was massive, and Coren was thrown backwards. This was not what he was expecting, he didn’t know how to stop it all. He only could throw energy back at it. Hitting the tree. He shook his head. Armor was split but he was conscious.

Another pulse. He saw the destruction left by that Sith. Who else did he fail to protect?


Ever Dawnracer

Allies: [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Jak Sandrow"]
Enemies: [member="Therran Graush"]
Gear: Dawnracer's Gaiter, JSA-VAR, Ranger Armor, Ranger Blaster Stave, Ranger Scutum


She definitely didn't expect what came after her fired shots.

For one thing, she'd actually hit him. First time for everything. Blaster bolts were better than projectiles against a skilled Force user who was otherwise engaged, it would seem. She'd make sure to remember that. Not that it was going to be hard to forget. Lessons learned with pain tended to stick in the mind better than others. Sometimes anyway. She already had a couple cracked ribs and her back was in need of an adjustment. The pain was overwhelming the stim.

But she'd hit the guy twice. That was good. What wasn't good was him exploding in a rage of the Force. She couldn't feel what he was doing, but she could see the effects as Coren was thrown away from where he'd been, and more debris flew up, dirt flying with it. She'd seen storms back on Nadiem that could do that sort of thing. Ciomia had them too. The funnels of cloud would rip everything in their path apart. The path of this, however, was everywhere.

She did what she could to protect herself, lying flat on the ground and reactivating her shield. It helped with the debris and the Gaiter negated the actual telekinetic blast, but nothing could protect from everything that flew around with the blast. As she lay there, trees were uprooted, flying about and smashing into everything. One of those things happened to be her.

A tree fell, smashing down on her legs and pinning her to the ground. She screamed in agony and tried to pull herself free, but couldn't. The soft ground had pushed her down into the muck with the added weight of the tree. It wasn't at all pleasant.

"Help," she called, voice strained and tired.

She hoped someone would hear. Maybe her other Rangers. Maybe.


Well-Known Member
Hex M, 50 GSM \\ Dagobah System
LAAT/i Gunship (Wreckage/Crash Zone) | Combat
The Galactic Alliance
[ Directly | [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Asharaa Vaashe"] | Engaging ]
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
[member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] | [member="Jak Sandrow"] | [member="Ever Dawnracer"]
The First Order | The Galactic Empire
[member="Khonsu Amon"]
[member="The Major"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"]
[member="Kayrce"] | [member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member="Therran Graush"]
The adhesive had done its job - mostly. That much he could see, but moving himself was another matter entirely. Having detonated at his waist, the sticky foam had all but covered the commando in a mess of rapidly expanding goo. In that moment, Rolf wish he could have said he was unfamiliar with glop grenades, but he'd been trapped in a similar situation during the opening blows of the confrontation that had escalated into a full on war between the First Order and the Alliance. Rolf had even been present for some of the defining moments during the offensive, he'd bled along with the rest of them.. and yet here he stood while many of them did not. The present could not be bothered with regrets of the past however, the rapid expansion of the foam now ceasing, solidifying as it caught at least one of the others in its grasp.

The force of the explosion had been blunted by the armor he wore but even that had only gone so far. The wind had been knocked out of him, a momentary blackout followed by a desperate gasp. The thick acrid smell of the chemicals mixed with the violently pattering rain only further increased the momentary sensation of drowning as his lungs fought to provide his body with oxygen. The mechanical systems operated his lungs well enough but even they felt the brief trauma of such a close detonation, even of a non-lethal device. Painfully, Rolf blinked water from his eyes, his body held at an angle by the solidifying goop. Around him he could see only some of the devastation it had wrought, plants and ground alike covered in the inky substance. Behind him he could hear a voice, one of the Jedi. Almost frantically he craned his neck, trying to see behind him - he couldn't tell which one of them it was. As his head turned from left to right, he winced. *Yeah.. that'll have left a mark...* he thought wryly, a dull aching pain settling in across his midsection. Catching his breath, Rolf's eyes fell to the edge of the small clearing they were in, if you could call it that. Motion and a rapid burst of water droplets revealed a handful of Alliance soldiers led by a Sullustan. *A sullustan with some huevos.*

Having walked right up to the edge of the mess of foam, the soldier taunted the First Order Commando.

"That's a neat trick. Got any more to show me, or should we just shoot you now and save ourselves the trouble?"

His mouth was dry, body still trying to catch up with what exactly he was subjecting himself to. He spoke, his voice cracking just a hair as he forced the words. "Do what you will, Alliance dog." he muttered. He was fairly well stuck in this one. Or at least, he'd thought he was. Weaponless, no grenades to make even a veiled threat - there weren't much in the way of options here. *Unless...* An idea began to form in the Commando's mind. He was about to make another retort when blaster fire erupted near the edges of the clearing, colored blasts arcing past where he was helplessly stuck. It was the distraction he needed. Unfortunately for the Storm Commando, his helmet had been discarded not long after the crash, but the remainder of his armor was intact - including the power gloves. Time seemed to slow in that moment. One of the Empire's Commando's had materialized behind an Alliance soldier, an explosion, he couldn't focus on any of it if he wanted to live. Bringing his focus solely on the muck below, Rolf's hands went to work. Already the goo had begun to solidify, chips forming in the thinner areas of the spread. Within five minutes the foam would be brittle, able to be chipped away - at least, he hoped. The rain certainly wasn't going to make that any easier. Just above a violent cacophony erupted, flashes of light illuminating the rapidly darkening sky. *Blast.* The foam was coming away in glops, not yet hardened enough to really give him the advantage. Behind him he could hear the hiss of the lightsaber as it evaporated the rain and cut into the foam. He was running out of ideas, and time.

For a moment, he hesitated there, the world seeming to collapse around him. He didn't have any more options, he didn't have time to think of more, and so he acted. With a speed unparalleled, the man reached to his forearm, peeling away the armored gauntlet to reveal the bodysuit below. In an act of desparation, he began to use the removed gauntlet as a trowel, scooping the blackened foam away from his legs in an attempt to free himself. Aided by the auto-adrenal injection system integrated into his armor he was able to make significant progress, and audible pop sounding as one of his feet slipped free. It was a far cry from escape, but he was getting there.

Almost lost in the wash of noise around him, the rain against the foliage, the sounds of blaster fire and combat, a familiar sound reached the Commando's ears. *A ship.* Hands pausing his gaze was averted upward. Blinking hard a few times as the rain stung, Rolf recognized the silhouette of a gunship - whose he couldn't tell but it wasn't one he recognized. It drove him to dig all the faster, now struggling to get his remaining ankle free of the incredibly sticky foam. Even as he did, more blaster fire erupted. He couldn't tell whether it was friendly or enemy and with a final violent tug he felt his ankle give way, body toppling onto the rapidly hardening foam just outside the epicenter. "FETHING...!" he shouted. As his foot slipped free, he could feel a violent shudder course through his foot, an audible crack sounding as he felt the bones and tendons resist, then snap. Pain drove him to the ground and as he tried to stand he slipped again, this time landing hard on a shoulder. Issuing a curse under his breath, he was thankful for the adrenaline now coursing through his system but he knew it wouldn't last for long. Desperately he clawed his way towards a particularly large fern, hoping that the eruption of gunfire and arrival of the golden hulled dropship would be distraction enough for him to go mostly unnoticed.

Location: Middle of Nowhere
Objective: Maybe don't die?
Allies: Sammy and Alex RIP (GA)
Enemies: [member="Khonsu Amon"] (FO)

If she had known just what one of them was thinking, she absolutely would have changed it up enough to throw a rock at his head or something. But unfortunately, Tryp was too busy trying to not die to focus on 'boys are dumb, throw rocks at them,' so she just kept on keep on-ing as the noose tightened. She didn't concern herself with 'vengeance', with attempting to 'toy' with anyone. That wasn't what was happening here, that wasn't what she was doing.

Grim, determined, Tryp gripped the slug thrower pistol with her good hand, injured arm up over and protecting her head. There was no more popping up, not under the barrage laid down. Occasionally in a moment she'd snatch a shot, as often as not going wild.

She wasn't trying to win.

She just wanted to make it back out of this and tell @Jackon Singh to stay the feth away from crazy mother karkers in gold.

Tryp saw them coming. It was impossible not to. The reflections of weapons lights shone brilliant for snatched moments, even through the mist- it reflected against that gold armor and she had the most inane moment of 'really shouldn't have worn that into a swamp'- she snorted, actually laughing because of just how ridiculous this whole thing was-

And then one of the ferromagnetic quarrels punched through the hollow edge of the tree stump and into her shoulder and there was no more laughter.

The rotten wood prevented some of the damage, but not even close to all. Tryp's eyes widened, mouth opening and closing again with a snap. A gasp, nothing more before the explosion threw her forward. Exposed in the mud, bleeding from a crater in the back of her shoulder and clearly neutralized as any sort of threat. Fingers curled in on themselves, no longer around the gun, and she tried to roll over, to get to her hands and knees if she could manage it. The pain was almost blinding.

And then a golden boot hit her chest and 'helped' her over the rest of the way, onto her back in the mud. Gasping in pair she looked up at the armored form leveling their bow caster at her face- whether he meant to use it or if it was just a warning, well.

She knew knew.

The mud pitched and swelled around them and something rose from the muck. Disturbed the greater trouble in the distance, all Tryp could see were scales and fins and teeth.

With a wrench to the side, a cry of pain, she rolled hard to the right avoiding the hard line and snap of teeth. The question was only would the armored man be so lucky.
Location: Dagobah, GA FOB

Allies: GA, SJO, CiS and allies
Enemies: FO and allies

Nearby: [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Marl"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Enemies Nearby: @Rolf Amsel | [member="The Major"] | [member="Kayrce"]

Engaging: [member="The Major"]

Sasori Armoured Robes
Murr Earings


[SIZE=10.5pt]Asaraa's[/SIZE] Lightsaber


1 Pack of
Pred-X - Deployed as scouts for the Silver Jedi Expeditionary Force
1 Pack of War-X - Deploying with the Silver Jedi Expeditionary Force

This fight was not going the way she’d thought it would, the First Order troops were far more organised and put together than she’d realised they would be. Initially the Padawan had thought that the conflict would be much easier, against 3 Jedi, even Padawans, working together would be able to roll up the opposition easily. Only…that wasn’t quite how things turned out, blaster bolts had turned into grenades, a simple battle had morphed into an all-out conflict for survival. Now she twisted her head around, blue eyes falling on Stephanie in worry as her lightsaber span in the air, flicking blaster bolts out of the way as she gave the woman a worried look. “Are you alright?” Her voice held a forced calm, a light of concern and a little fear in her eyes as she observed the senior Padawan.

But there was something off, a touch in the force that pulled at her attention, as she pivoted on one foot her lightsaber lashing out to catch a series of blaster bolts that drove at them as she danced to the side, settling into a defensive stance as she caught the bolts on her blade,, sending them flying back in the direction of the woman closing in on them, charging through the swamp towards the Padawans. The Togruta didn’t have time to think, to react as her body tilted forward as she drove forward, boots slapping into the mud as she brought her lightsaber up, grasping it in two hands, the silver glowing blade angled up diagonally across her body as her blue eyes stared past it, focusing on the woman and the troops around her.

The troopers lacked the dark slick pulsing off the knights of Ren, but there was something, the sheer determination to see the planet brought under their jurisdiction despite the death and terror that it had already seen seemed to create a dark miasma around them. It was something she could sense in the force, the pressure exuded, pressing down on her senses as she sucked in a deep breath, forcing her body to keep moving. It would take Stephanie some time to extricate herself from the adhesive mix that was binding her, time that she was vulnerable. So if it meant that Asaraa had to hold the line, watch the other Padawan’s back, then that’s exactly what she’d do.
The Galactic Alliance
[ DIRECTLY | [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] @Asharaa Vaashe | ENGAGING]

[member="Marl"] | [member="Draven Dursden"] | [member="Tiland Kortun"] | [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] | [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] |[member="Jak Sandrow"] |[member="Ever Dawnracer"]

The Galactic Empire | The First Order
[member="Khonsu Amon"] | [member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Emilia Ravel"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Varas Kyrel"] | [member="Therran Graush"]

There was a moment, an ever so brief and fleeting moment where Kayrce, Commander of Inferno Squadron and Special Forces to the Galactic Empire thought that she would make it out of this alive, however it was thrown apart as quickly as she had taken the idea by a pair of Jedi who were like shades in the mist. Where she thought they had been struck by the First Order’s sticky grenade they had proven her wrong by manipulating themselves in such ways that struck semblance to the professional dancers out of Ryloth, flipping their forms to avoid the blast as well as the shots she had practiced at them.

It had been decided then that today, today was the day she would die.

One of the Jedi who had taken to the trees managed to drop right down on the officer, unopposed by the mists and war going on around them. Kayrce managed to release several shots at her attacker, each blocked by a blade that was not the normal weapon of a Jedi, and as her finger released from the trigger Kayrce realised she had to roll.

Yet that moments hesitation was enough to doom her, one of the blades that had been swung caught her shoulder blade, the dull edge however blunt was still a weapon and it ripped through her flight suit and flesh alike spraying the ground in a deep crimson as her roll turned into nothing more then a sprawl across the ground. She released a scream, a primitive yell of pain that would allow all to hear the wound that had been caused.

It was in this swamp that she would die.

That much was now clear to her.

[member="Nuuc Lapt"]

There had been a tussle, several of the Alliance soldiers now aware of the commando within their midst, more worryingly was the sudden realisation that he couldn’t move. Each and every muscle felt as if someone was pressing down on him, something that would have made a lesser man panic.

Yet Inferno had been trained for this, shown what their enemy was capable. First it had been the Silver Jedi, then the rogue elements of the Imperial Knights, the Sith of the Confederacy had come next and now it was the Jedi of the Galactic Alliance. Each were the same, they all clung to this mystical power like a baby to its chew. They depended on it, and Inferno had been shown how much this was. Rhun could see the concentration in the face of the Sullustian, it was instantly an indication of who was partaking in the power and he could see strain.

With every ounce of willpower he pushed back, willing his arm up, pulling against his bonds. The effort was enough to get a physical scream from within him, as inch by inch his hand, grasping his blaster slow raised higher and higher.

“frakking…Jedi…Scum.” Rhun said through gritted teeth before he pulled the trigger.


Either the Jedi would have to break his hold over the Inferno Commando and avoid the shot, or he could take it, die like a good little Jedi. Both chances were risky and would probably end with Rhun being filled with Alliance blaster bolts.

He hated Jedi.

———Commander Kayrce; Inferno One ———

The sound of engines and blasters had filled the air, the cavalry so to speak had arrived. Golden angels on wings baring red beams of death across the swamps creating such havoc that for the lone, wounded soldier a chance had arrived to move away from death.

She was bleeding heavily, her mouth tasting the metallic tinge of her blood mixed with the water of the swamp. She tried to pull herself up, yet her muscles all but gave way, until a pair of firm hands grabbed her around her waist.
“I got you.”
She couldn’t make out who it was, but the voice was familiar. Comforting.
The scene was spinning, sending her in and out of darkness. Yet the wet had gone, replaced with cold metal and wandering gold gods on wings.
[SIZE=11pt]Location: Dagobah Bog[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Allies: The First Order[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Enemies: The Galactic Alliance - [member="Veino Garn"][/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]She continued to squeeze down on her opponent, bringing satisfaction as the armour buckled inwards. Her strategy however was about bug bites, lots smaller damage to take down a protected foe, a prolonged attack in the open was suicide and young Ren was well enough aware of her strengths and weaknesses to play to them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]So when the Jedi aimed a Push at her to disrupt her attack, she didn’t attempt to counter it, she embraced it. The distance it would create was to her advantage. She fell with the push knocking her back some distance and braced for impact. She collided with a tree, letting out a grunt from the hit but otherwise okay, the Ren scrambled to her feet just as the [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]volley[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] of blaster fire rained down on her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Samka manouvered her way behind the tree she’d collided with, dodging one bolt which narrowly missed her neck by inches while her Lightsaber reignited to reflect an otherwise sure short to her thigh.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]She panted as she leaned back against the tree, using the moment to take a breath, using the pain to motivate her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]No sooner was she plotting her next move when a terrible blast of Dark energy rocked around them. Even from here, the distant blast from [member="Therran Graush"] threatened to knock the lightweight girl off her feet. She instinctively shielded her face and held onto the tree trunk for balance.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]It was the eardrum shattering noise of a tree uprooted and smashing to the ground. She glanced out of her spot now that danger had passed. A large tree now stood between her and her foe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]With a smirk at her newfound advantage, Samka called on the Force to deliver a devastating Push to the newly collapsed tree, hoping to shove it directly into her foe.[/SIZE]

Mishel Kryze

Mishel laid there on the ground, the nice blue jacket she wore earlier was now caked with mud and grime. She squeezed her eyes tight and opened them again, the cloud-smoke-wrecked-sky ravaged her senses. The blades of grass were drowned beneath the weight of her body and those that weren't pricked at her skin. [member="Varas Kyrel"]'s force slow had been part of why she was here. Although Mishel had long since past what could have been considered a proper distance, she had fought against the force slow fairly well until something knocked her off her concentration. Unbeknownst to her [member="Therran Graush"]'s act sent ripples through Dagobah, a planet made of the living force - tripped her up. The moments passed so slowly and yet like a wave of wind that gushed upward into her sternum she flew off the ground momentarily before rushing down to meet the wrong end of a series of trees.

Feth. The teenager had no sense of direction or even where she had been when the neurotransponder cracked she could feel the pain of her leg when it clicked she couldn't. So somewhere on a scale of one to ten for pain she fluctuated between about a five and a twelve. Varas and Kyrel's attempts to break her legs turned out to be futile, the Tygaran teenager's injuries were caused by falling through the trees and landing terribly. Then again, there hadn't been a whole lot of time to react. So much for force speed, eh? Still, she knew that staying down in the swamps wasn't going to help - but she couldn't exactly walk either.

She felt for the communications device but it wasn't there. Mishel didn't dare move for fear of upsetting something in her spine the neurotransponder had never been so abused and she dug her hands into the muck every time it cracked. Teeth gritted down until her jaw could not stand it and she ended up grunting through the pain, refusing to give back into the darkside. If the force light from earlier had done anything it had served to burn at the dark that had been there making the experience all that much more pleasurable. Mishel laid on the ground and pushed out through the living force that surrounded her. Help.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
Objective: Try to hold on
Location: Near the Cave of Evil [Dropship crash wreckage]
Allies: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Therran Graush"] [member="Rolf Amsel"] [member="The Major"] [member="Ara Zambrano"] @whoeverismissing
Enemies: Galactic Alliance [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Qymaen sil Jurai"] [member="Jak Sandrow"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Stephanie Swail"], @whoeverismissing


Unlike the bridge of the Alliance Command vessel where there had only been only one strong Jedi, the swamp was filled with lightsiders who had focused their energy on draining the darkside away from the Nexus and bathing the area with Light. Even as Kyrel offered his own strength to bolster Varas’s waning power, it was too late. The attack upon Mishel to slow the former Ren had taken too much stamina, and the brunette clone was susceptible now.

Instead of infusing her with this need to lash out the way she had during the blockade - to save the Jedi Zark from her father, this time, the Light - washing over her as though she absorbed it through osmosis - created a painful ache as the darkness fled her body.

“I’m not strong. I’m pitifully weak.” While the words were said aloud, her feeble whisper ensured they would not reach her father. Telepathy was out of the question.

Whether the Cave of Evil would survive beyond the battle which raged around them, Varas did not know. She could only focus on whether she herself would survive. One by one she felt the darkness which swirled so strong around her companions extinguish. Was the swamp a graveyard of Ren? Would the purge of darkness on Dagobah last? The potential permanence of the situation frightened her, and she lay back down, catching the glazed eye of Therran Graush across the bog, the Sith unmoving.

Or was it an illusion? Was he even there?

It felt so good to close her eyes too as though she were back in Tipoca City, having worn out her two week old clone body to the tsks and clucks of the Kaminoan, crawling back into a medical pod which would boost her stamina so she could start the next day training to use her semi-atrophied body anew.

She could feel nothing now. Not even Graush’s last stand.

Sleep or death - did it matter?

Varas let her power wane and lay eyelids fluttering, motionless, powerless and incapable of movement.
Location: Dagobah -> Swamps (Location Unknown.)
Primary Objective: Search and Rescue.
Secondary Objective: Advanced Reconnaissance.
Allies: The First Order, The Golden Company.
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance.
Equipment: See NPC Unit Submission.
Complement: Two Phaethon-Class Gunships, and One Sun Guard 'Legion.'


His name was Kerlos Lacer. Long before he had signed up with the Golden Company, and had been brought into the fold by the edge of a knife, the man was nothing more than a glorified street rat. He spent the entirety of his youth moving from one flophouse to the next, turning to a life of crime to survive. This often led him down a dark path, one that would - more often than not - end up in getting his hands dirty. However, as he sold his services, after having garnered an unusual thirst for bloodshed, Kerlos went so far down into the abyss that his captors believed he was lost. He was nearly assigned to death row, on some misbegotten world in the Outer Rim, when the Golden Company had found themselves saddled with the wild-eyed youth. It wasn’t entirely their choice, as the teen had stolen aboard one of their vessels and only revealed himself when he was caught stealing from the ship’s stores.

While the Centurion in charge of that vessel should’ve slaughtered him on the spot, the man elected to mould the man in his image instead. Perhaps, with his teachings, the youth would make for an excellent soldier one of these days. Instead of creating something that the naive Centurion could be proud of, his creation - like many things moulded by the hands of sentient life - revolted and walked another path; one that saw the echoes of his past, come to haunt the ever-shifting moments of the present. Kerlos became a brutal enforcer during his tenure in the Golden Company and was often found indulging his unsavoury vices. Though these sins were committed away from the eyes of his brothers, they marked his armour and left his kindred curious what madness lingered behind his lifeless - if not lustful eyes.

Now, with his history laid bare, the savage Sun Guard was the one who stood above the wounded woman - letting his helmet shrouded eyes drink in her every feature. The barrel of his rifle, still smoking with the billowing tails of accelerated discharge, lingered just above her defiant gaze… and slowly… ever so slowly drifted down towards her chest. The others were just coming around the bend, and while it wouldn’t be enough time to do what he wished, he at least could sneak a look at what lay beneath those bloodied spacer’s leathers.

As he liked his tongue and began dragging the tip of his rifle across the bare flesh of her neck, shouts came across his encrypted comms. He couldn’t care less about his Cohort, and even more so about the orders that were being barked across the line. He wanted to see. He wanted to k-

Before his mind was able to process the desire burning within his breast, two glittering Crimson eyes greeted his Golden helm, coupled with the steam of molten breath cast out amidst the mist. It seemed that the shouts had mentioned a hostile contact and that the creature had risen from the depths of the swamp - swatting aside the nameless Centurion as he sought to deny it’s reckless advance. The Sun Guard flew through the air and was impact-wrapped around the thick, crooked trunk of a nearby tree.

Face to face with what the Galactic Bestiary had designated as a Dragonsnake, Kerlos, once a Streetrat and now a Stellar Legionnaire, died screaming in the face of something more monstrous than him. Rows of razor-sharp fangs buried into the powered armour, sundering plates and the mesh beneath with the bestial strength of locking jaws. As the Dragonsnake’s spit-flecked maw closed about the Sun Guard’s torso, the massive creature tore the man in two, leaving his greaves to be swept up in the brackish tides.

It was then that Khonsu himself had managed to join the fray, and helplessly watched as the streetrat he had once saved so long ago - become nothing more than a devoured memory. The creature swallowed the armoured, and meaty torso in a single gulp, without so much as taking the time to belch in satisfaction. Instead, the massive beast swivelled its crimson gaze towards the woman and snapped at where she lay. She turned out to be quite the nimble figure, as its blood-drenched fangs gulped down nothing but mist-shrouded air.

The Tribune had a decision to make. While this woman had shot at his Cohort and had driven several of their mobility shields towards critical capacity; along with rupturing an armour plate here and there, she hadn’t slain any of his men. That was enough for him to consider enlisting her aid - to use her uncanny mobility to act as a distraction while he brought down the beast. However, it was more than likely she’d spit a string of obscenities at him, in various languages, rather than aid the men who had - up until a few moments ago - had been trying to have her killed.

With the inclusion of a damned Dragonsnake in the mix, well that might just change things.

“Woman!” Khonsu bellowed, allowing his Thyrsian voice to be projected through his armour’s vocabulator. “Keep the creature busy, and I’ll bring the damned thing down!” Without waiting for her response, the Sun Guard raised his rifle and started pumping magnetically accelerated rounds into the creature’s thick hide. He knew that the distraction if that woman decided to go along with his little scheme, wouldn’t last - especially when his rounds were burrowing deep into seared flesh. But, he couldn’t focus on that now.

He had to keep moving. He had to keep firing. To stop either, was to embrace death, and after having witnessed his former trainee succumbing to his hubris and desires before being torn in two? He didn’t want to see that worthless revenant when he reached the other side.

| [member="Tryp West"] |​
Tanasuki Yumi

Enemies Nearby: [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Varas Kyrel"] [member="Therran Graush"] [member="Emilia Ravel"]
Allies Nearby: [member="Ever Dawnracer"] [member="Marl"] [member="Tiland Kortun"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Objective: Current Fight Participants [member="Stephanie Swail"] [member="Kayrce"] [member="Rolf Amsel"] [member="Nuuc Lapt"]
Post: 7

The sharp and sudden stopping of his revers blade came as a surprise to Tana, the sudden smell and slapper of blood and muffled cry from the now known to be woman soldier diffidently not being anything he thought would happen. Was not their person a member of Inferno squadron, the special forces unit capable for wiping out an entire Rebel regiment? willing to go through with any order with leaders gave them, the take no prisoners death squad of the Empire?

Perhaps it was just due to the battle, the woman possibly being very fatigued and tried, something Tana could not really comprehend all that well. Regardless such an attack would hopefully render her immobile, forcing her to surrender, it would bring not benefit to the Alliance of Jedi for Tana to fell an opponent in this state, more so as it went against the Riben-Jin code of honor. "Lay down you weapon and surrender, this fight over for you it is", Tana pointed his blade at the woman as she stumbled back, ready to knock her out if need be, but such action would not come through.

A sudden red beam of unknown sorts soon descended upon the battlefield, making a temporary but deadly wall spring up between Tana and the Inferno trooper, "What in the heck is this"? Looking up his brown gaze met some unsightly as gold armor troopers descending upon the battlefield in a very odd fashion picking up the Inferno trooper in a gentle, grasp. "Strange this day keeps getting, but I will not let you get away that easily', rearing his hand and aided by the force Tana threw his right Wazkashi towards the golden solider right arm, the cortosis blade sailing through the air like an arrow.

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