Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public When the Cards All Fold (Kaeshana/Invite)

[member="HK-36"], [member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"]

Siobhan shot HK an annoyed look. "I got possessed by an ancient Sith Lord once and a Mad God summoned by the Bando Gora tried to drive me insane. I have plenty of experience dealing with 'dark taint', thank you very much. I could just as easily turn the game around and mention that episode about with the Machine God's Champion on Gehenna or that if we actually end up facing darkside sorcery, we cannot rule out mechu-deru being used against you," she said bluntly.

Not very nice, but she was not a nice person. HK did have a point, though she was loathe to admit it because she was the prideful sort. One might add that Sio's primary power was telekinesis, especially since lightning would only be of limited use against HK anyway due to the electrical insulation his armour had. Light Side crystals would not nullify her telekinetic onslaughts. However, Coryth's words seemed to pacify her a bit. She really liked the redhead after all!

"We'd like to have you along, Phylis. It would be appreciated. If you can imbue more crystals, that would be appreciated. For now, Coryth needs a good meal and proper rest. I'm not taking no for an answer. You're not charging into a death world. Hevana, make sure she doesn't wander off. I'll have staff bring a bed in for you. Phylis, I can arrange a room for you." Yes, Mummy Sio, whatever you say! Who put her in charge again? Well, she did it, using the authority granted to her by herself.

"I'll see to my own mental defences. Using shiny darkside, non-evil magicks," she added. Well, that and for some reason she was feeling the craving to have a smoke. At about this moment [member="Mirien Valdier"], whatever she was doing, would feel certain words resonating in her mind as they were transmitted through their Force Bond.

Hi, darlin'. Gonna be going to Malachor. You up for making darksideish toys against Sith mind rape? Yes, Siobhan was joining the telepathic long-distance communications club. At least as far as her Force bond sister was concerned.

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
"You don't have to worry about me," Hevana said when Coryth brought up the possibility of being mind controlled. "Almost all the genetic and Force tinkering my grandmother did to my mother I inherited, so I'm just as much a freak. Well, except for not getting any Force powers. Still got the resistance to mental attacks along with all the other mental bits, so the cube should have little to no affect on me. At best it might be able to try and annoy me to death."

When Siobhan gave her order, Hevana did not need any convincing. She would have probably done so anyway. Still she could not help herself from giving a perfectly strait salute from her spot on the bed. "Yes ma'am. I still have some extra glue if I need it."

A mischievous grin spread across her face as she glanced at Coryth. Coryth might be stubborn as they came, but Hevana never gave up before accomplishing her duty. In this case her duty was keeping the woman she loved safe. That would certainly mean she would put double the effort into doing so.

Even if it involved glue.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="Phylis Alince"]
[member="Naamah Aesham"]

The box chuckled in a most grim fashion, for it seemed it might have been happy, perhaps even excited. Oh, child I must show you the path to the Rishi Maze... I must!

Yes, true acolytes of the darkness, of chaos. They, like you, enjoy the destruction of life so very much. Delighting in torturing a being until it can take no more, all to see if it was truly worthy of life to begin with.

An audible sigh was heard.

Sith these days ... are not even worthy of the name. For they are all too cowardly to do what really needs to be done. They shy away from the destruction of worlds, the murder of billions, the tearing of holes in the very fabric of the force! They are nothing! They know nothing! It was never to be about order! Only chaos and destruction! Clearly it was a sore spot for the Box of Doom.

The Box seemed to pause for a moment, as if to collect itself.

But you, you are not like that. There is a dark beauty in your mind, I can see it, feel it .... taste it. You are not them. You would be worthy to be called such, should you ever choose to take up that mantle.

And yes, it would be a Jedi with the shiniest of halos... The one the head of my living order, could not break. I destroyed him, for his failure and took up the task myself. She is coming with friends, a Master of the darkness, though not a Sith. A Master herself, though gravely weakened. Maybe another Jedi Master will be joining them, we shall see. And two others. A droid, and a soldier. A challenging group, no doubt.

Hmmm, you know, child ... If you wish to learn more, to become more, I would be most delighted to share with you the path to the Rishi Maze, and just how exactly to get to my planet.... But that is your choice. I will not force it upon you. Perhaps a sign that the box, actually liked her. For it certainly gave Coryth no choice in what it did to her.
In the Darkness there is Truth
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

If Naamah had not have a somewhat creepy obsession with Mirien Valdier and if the box had not been, well, a box, she might fallen in love with it, at least as much as she was capable of feeling such a sappy emotion. Its single-minded commitment to chaos and destruction was beautiful! See, love consists of more than just shallow fade to black scenes and literacy modules.

"A shiny 'Paragon of the Light' calls a Master of darkness her friend? Shouldn't that make her lose her shiny, holier than thou halo? What happened to clear alignments and 'once you go down the dark path, forever it will dominate your destiny'. Next thing you know, a Jedi Master will be asking for a non-murderous Sith buddy on Spacebook."

The meta is strong in this post. "A challenging group, truly. It would still be absolutely delightful to see the illusions and falsehoods stripped from her mind, to see her being utterly broken, piece by piece, and sculpted anew. What is her name?" Naamah seemed gleeful and almost jubiliant as these thoughts escaped her. However, she paused for a moment as she reflected upon the last words of the box of maliciousness.

"You can guide me to true acolytes of Chaos, who understand destruction as an end in itself, revel in slaughter and carnage? But what is the price I would have to pay? I imagine it's not for free. The dark side is no charity, after all."
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Long distance telepathy, so many uses, so little time. Nothing like a little mind to mind, phone like conversations... Totally innocent! Yup!
Mirien was at her desk, working through a stack of papers with current intel operations on Kaeshana. A smile came to her lips upon hearing Siobhan's whispered thoughts in her mind. Force bonds were delightful things!

Oh, I'm more than happy to come up with some fun toys to make sure no one can touch your mind. And I do have to ask, what's on Malachor?

There was a slight pause before Mirien continued, sending lovely thoughts back through the force bond the two shared.

I heard you'd arrived with an injured Jedi Master, so I can only guess as to what's really going on..... Do you want to meet me somewhere and we can figure out some toys that will work against the Sith mind rape?
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

In writing this post this writer faces a dilemma. Namely one relating the utterly confusing timeline. Had the Second Battle of Gehenna already taken place or did our intrepid adventurers still have to look forward to Cory smash? Had Mirien already learned of her past as a Bando Gora alchemist and endured the trauma this revelation caused her? Given the fact that the thread where she was trying to deal with the pain this caused her is ongoing, that may seem unlikely. could presume that she and Siobhan had not yet recovered several nice toys from the Space Hulk. This writer shall handwave this question and focus on the fun created by telepathic phone conversations between hot ladies who were good at destroying things and tearing people apart.

Evil Sith box of doom that's trying to rape Cory's mind. Supposed to be somwhere in Trayus Academy. Cory's in a bad way, but Phylis dug up some light side mojo that should shield her. I stole a couple toys from the lab of the Sith Lord who tormented her, after ripping his spine out.

Oh, and yes, these words would be accompanied by some rather vivid and terribly gruesome images of Siobhan torturing and then killing the Sith Lord. It was the sort of thing to share between bond sisters. Or whatever they were. Including the holocron. Think it's on transfer essence. You can look over the stuff later. Meet me at the villa.
[member="HK-36"] [member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Hevana Martin"]

Coryth looked over to HK and only shook her head. If it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation, she would have laughed, but not this time.

Her attention soon turned to Siobhan, as she gave orders out to Hevana. "Siobhan, I'm fine... rest can wait. I'd rather we work the details out now, while I'm awake... Then we ... all can rest." The little Jedi couldn't help but protest a little bit. She tended to be rather stubborn after all. Though it might have been a poor choice on Cory's part to claim she was any bit fine at this stage. The woman was hurting, in agony (though she'd never let it show), bleeding beneath her bandages, and still was trying to say she was okay, despite the clear exhaustion she was suffering from.

Then there was Hevana, "Oh, come on... It's not that bad." She groaned. "It's not like I'm dying, this very minute." Though, she'd come awfully close once already. A roll of the eyes followed. A most stubborn Coryth indeed. "Really.... it's fine. I'm fine." Far too stubborn, must be a redheaded trait. That or perhaps in a bit of irony it was that the little healer hated hospitals and doctors.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Phylis Alince"],

At Siobhan reminding the droid of him being controlled by a spirit HK gave out a scoff,

"Yeah, right, and what would be the chances of us encountering some ancient eldritch evil from out of this realm that specializes in taking control of droids without getting close enough to slice them?"

Week later Velok would cast Mechu Deru on him.

"Besides, my programming has went through so much evolution and my body was customized so much the only being that would have any clue where my weaknesses lie is either me or a copy of me."

Two weeks later one of his clones, HK-36-3 the Sparklord of Vengence would launch a plot to take his place and infiltrate current Galactic political and military scene.

"And there is not even a reason for anyone to go through so many means to hunt me down, I try to keep a low profile."

The very same week Guildmaster of Bounty Hunting Guild would put a hefty bounty on him for his current regime on Abregado-Rae.

"Anyway, just give me an ETA when we would be heading off on a mission."

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
"We go to somehow existent formerly destroyed planet of evilness, find the box, kick the ass of anyone helping said box, and then destroy the evil box of doom," Hevana said ticking off fingers with each point. "I'd say we've already covered the plan dear. As for preparation, well you can't really help with troop assignments and the like so the best thing you can do to help us get ready for this mission is rest and heal up so the rest of us aren't spending the next however long worrying your going to keel over on us before we even get to point one."

A slender finger reached out and poked Coryth in the chest, lightly so not to aggravate her wounds. "So hurry up and start resting. You're slowing the mission down."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="HK-36"]
[member="Hevana Martin"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Phylis Alince"], [member="Coryth Elaris"]

"Coryth, at this stage the best way you can help is by resting. Something you haven't been able to do in ages. Otherwise you'll just be keeling over when we're on Malachor. As in the evil Sith death world with the box of doom on it. So rest," Siobhan said very firmly.

At this point in time a nurse carrying a trays with food entered. Seemingly taking little notice of the crowd of death dealers she confidently walked into the barrier thingie and placed the tray on Coryth's bedside table. "Yes, rest. Something she can do really well if you're all hovering and crowding her room," she said before turning to Coryth, tone softening. The little redhead might not know it, but she was popular! Whether she wanted or not. "There you go, dear."

At least no one had told Coryth yet that Firemane planned to name a medical ship class after her! "I have some preparations to make. HK, contact your clones and send me what data you have on Malachor and the Trayus Academy. Maps ideally." Somehow these death worlds never changed over the millennia, so even if HK's data was four thousand years old, chances were it was still valid!

"I'll have COAS send a scout ship and probe droids to recon the planet. Phylis, if you need anything call this number," at that Siobhan handed her a card with the contact details of her secretary, Maerys Medea, who was at the office and had been instructed accordingly. "Hevana, I'd like a list for a squad of soldiers capable enough to take along." With that Siobhan departed from the hospital room, her ultimate destination being the villa. Time for some blood magicks! Oh, and in case Coryth tried to sneak out despite her weakened state, well, the hospital personnel had been instructed to gently but firmly prevent that.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Hevana Martin"], [member="Coryth Elaris"],

"I have already summoned them, wireless instant messaging, I have also posted a few things to you on SpaceBook."

Even though the writer was too lazy to actually document his conversations with other droids in writing, plus this writer's cold is gripping him tight and turning into a flu, affecting the planning-to-improvisation ratio of his writing in favor of improvisation and making things up on the spot.

"But I will let them know to bring the strategic data."

The droid nodded, sending out a message via HoloNet to his underlings on Abregado,

Make sure you bring that hardback strategy guide we got from Old Republic on Malachor and Trayus Academy. Sio is being a n00b.

Shortly, miliseconds shortly, there would be a response,

What does 'N-Zero-Zero-B' mean?


"Done, they will fetch the data along with some illustrations and concept art. Concept of kicking Sith arse that is."

The machine would turn its gaze to Coryth then,

"You know very well you can not win this fight, Cory, so just go get some rest."

HK would quip, referring to arguing with Hevana and Siobhan about whether to rest or not.
[member="Hevana Martin"] [member="Phylis Alince"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"But... come on, guys...." The redhead glanced between Sio and Hevana and back, rather indignantly. "I don't want to be resting ... I want to be doing." Coryth grumbled rather annoyed and upset by the situation. Every part of this misery she wanted over and done with. No longer did she want to share her mind with a evil box of doom, that was trying to control her as well as kill her.

A huff came as Cory folded her arms over her chest, a little angry at the situation. It wasn't exactly going the way she planned, and frankly that bothered her... a lot. She managed a smile to the sweet nurse, "Thank you." Spoken quietly for many upset feelings were stewing beneath the surface, that the little Jedi was trying to tame.

This wasn't a fight Coryth wanted to give up so easily. Not in the least. Unfortunately her foes were formidable, and equally determined to force Coryth to stay in bed and rest, even if she really, really didn't want to. A glance to HK, and the little redhead only frowned at him.

At Sio's request the hospital staff would have found a spare cot, and brought it to the room for Hevana. If there was anyone that could keep the little redhead from leaving it'd be the Scout Trooper sitting next to her.

Alas Coryth finally gave in, without another word spoken, though the look on her face was one that could destroy a galaxy. She began to slowly pick at her food, eating a little of it here and there. Clearly, a very unhappy and displeased Coryth, but at least she was doing what had been asked of her, instead of continuing to argue.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

The delights of being a force bonded sister were wonderful, fun, and endless!

Evil box of doom? This sounds like my kind of toy to crush. I see, so Sith Box O'Doom, on dead sith world ... Joy, this day keeps getting better and better. As long as Cory will be alright, I suppose I can live with the lightside jedi voodoo.

The imagines shared, reminded Mirien just how powerful Siobhan was, not to mention frightening when angry. Mmmm, the toys sound delightful, can't wait to look through them and see what we can do with them. Also side note: Never piss you off.

Mirien quickly signed off the last of the paperwork that she really needed to approve before she rose to her feet, grabbed her sweater and headed out the door. Won't be long before I'm there, just leaving now. It was a quick speeder ride to the Villa. Well, quick when Mirien was in the mood to drive like a speed demon. Once inside, she waited patiently for Siobhan to arrive, for they had work to do. Much work, and very little time to get it done in.
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

Sure, hun. The girls'll let you in. Don't entertain yourself too much with them, Siobhan broadcasted back thanks to the space magic handwavium power conjured up by mystical Force bonds. Which apparently enabled you to have long-distance conversations without phone bills. How, the gentle reader may ask, did this work? This writer honestly has no clue, but Rule of Cool is in effect.

Normally Siobhan would have simply flown back to her villa with the power of space magic, but she was weakened by the exertions on Tatooine so instead she likewise used a speeder and had a minion drive her. She had the impression that she would need her strength for the alchemical rituals, so it was best to conserve her energy. In any case, since Siobhan was the sort of person who liked to drive like a speed demon and no traffic policewoman was brave enough to gainsay her, she ended up reaching the villa in good time, so Mirien did not have to wait too long.

Despite the grim situation Siobhan could not help smiling when she saw her and pulled Mirien into a passionate, heated kiss. "There's lots of fun things I'd like to do to you right now...but there's lots of work, alas. Come down to the basement. I can show you the goods there. Maerys got the stuff you need?" 'The stuff' being the crystals or whatever Mirien thought they would need for the voodoo ritual. No need to write two to three posts of Siobhan and Mirien getting crystals and what else and dragging things out!

Regardless Siobhan would lead Mirien down to a special area in the basement, which was normally used for training purposes and, ahem, other stuff. The Shrine to the Goddess Ardarvia was next door. After Siobhan had limped inside the hall she pulled her rucksack from her back and placed it on a table, one by one removing its contents and putting them there for Mirien to see. The booty from the still nameless Sith Lords' lab consisted of all kinds of notes on alchemy in general, and experiments with animals and alchemy. Likewise there was extensive data on essence transfer, and an entire holocron about the process amongst other things. Likewise there was lots of data on creating stable force clones and the Sith's own failures with the cloning process.

Hevana Martin

Hair-triggered Super Soldier
Hevana could tell when she had won, not that it was hard. Coryth was what could generally be described as a "monumentally sore loser." It was cute really. When the cot was brought in she thanked the nurse, though she did not move to it. She did order her own meal through the hospital's room service though.

"I know a few people that might fit the bill," Hevana said to SIobhan before she left.

Once everyone was gone but the two of them, Hevana sat watching Coryth. There was worry still of course, but there was something comforting about being here, and knowing how she was fairing. Perhaps she could even be useful if something came up. A grumble escaped her rebellious stomach as she eyed the food, but knew better than to ask for any. It was the patient's food, and the patient needed to eat. Bodies needed fuel after all.

"Once you're better, how about I take you out for dinner? Someplace nice."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Coryth Elaris"] [member="HK-36"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Hevana Martin"], [member="HK-36"]

It was time for the bitchy space elf to appear! Well...actually not. Somehow this one's posts with Tarissa always feature her being aboard a ship. Anyhow, this one is only really using this account to temporarily control the Eldorai nurse who had been so kind to bring Coryth some food and drink.

For the record, this one has permission from Coryth's writer for this post. Moreover, the coin says so and it cannot be defied. It keeps vetoing this one's attempts to kill Siobhan Kerrigan off. This one thinks that the coin is conspiring against this writer. This one really hates their coin sometimes!

Coryth Elaris said:
A soft sigh came as she glanced to the IV bags hanging above her, and took note of the sedative. That was when she reached over with a bit of effort and shut off that particular line, after all, she needed to be awake. Or so she thought in all her divine wisdom. There was a reason people said doctors and healers were the worst kind of patient. Redheads, doubly so.

As it happened nurse Maeve took note of the fact that the sedative drip had been switched off. It did not take a genius to figure out who the culprit was. So she just gave Coryth a compassionate but firm look, then walked over to the IV bags hanging above Coryth's head, reached out towards the sedative and turned it on again. After all, that was protocol and hospital staff had been informed how terribly stubborn the short stack of fire was. Likewise it had been stressed during the briefing that Lady Kerrigan would be most displeased if something happened to Coryth...or she ran off and got herself hurt.

Nurse Maeve had heard stories about the probably somewhat psychotic Vice President of Firemane Industries. She did not want to end up getting Force Choked...because it was doubtful that the Countess accepting her apology would help her if she failed like that. So on it went again. "Sorry, dear, but those are the rules. And you really need rest," the nurse spoke to Coryth before departing the hospital room and disappearing into one of its many corridors. After all, there were other patients as well!
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Hevana Martin"]

Phylis took the card from Siobhan, mesmerised. "You have a secretary? Oh, well, yes, I will contact her. Thank you."
Looking to Coryth she looked stern. "Since you can't cut this barrier out of the ground and carry it, as soon as you step out of the diamond you will be prey to its attacks. Now...sleep."
In tandem with the sedative she used a touch of the Force to encourge Coryth to sleep.

Whilst the short stack of fire slept Phylis took up station to watch, at least for a while. Partly it was to stop sabotage, partly to prevent Coryth slipping away.
After meditating to restore her strength she produced her latest book. It was a sign of how things had changed that this was no abstract work for scholars, but was instead something rather different.

"The Fundamentals of Alkahest by Phylis Alince"
Oh yes, things were about to get a very different spin. This trick with the ward was just the first step.
"I'd like that." The little redhead said tiredly, a hint of annoyance in her voice though. Coryth did not like the idea of being forced to rest in the least little bit. There were so many other productive things she could be doing aside from sleep. The tiny Jedi managed to nibble a little more at the hospital food before she pushed it aside. Even eating, she really didn't feel up for. Too tired, too annoyed, too ill. None of those really registered with Coryth, or at the least she was just trying to ignore it.

"I'm not sure how this is going to end." The little woman said weakly. In truth, that was the part that worried her the most, the not knowing. Most things she had a good idea of how it all could go. "It.. I ... I don't want anyone to get hurt, and I don't want to die." Quietly spoken, as she didn't like to confront thoughts of her mortality. She'd seen far too much death in her life already and the idea that her time might be coming, wasn't a thought she really wished to entertain. Even she knew that the reality was that the Force was limited and so was technology. Her time eventually would come. She just hoped it wasn't just around the corner for her.

Coryth's eyes shifted to the nurse, catching the firm look given. She glanced to the IV bag with a bit of panic in her eyes. The last thing she wanted was to be forced to actually sleep. Technically she was resting! She just wasn't sleeping! "Please... don't." She whimpered softly, but really was too exhausted reach up to stop the woman from turning it on again. Tears glistened in her eyes, Coryth feeling utterly helpless. A feeling she much hated. Her head hung in defeat as she could feel the drug entering into her system, pushing her forcefully towards dreams, and peaceful, blissful sleep.

Ultimately, it was Phylis' words that had her attention. As much as she might have desired to slip out in the middle of the night and head off to Malachor, to leave the others behind so none could get hurt, she couldn't, and knew it. The moment she stepped a toe outside of the diamond, she'd no longer have that safe protection. Her mind was far too vulnerable and fragile to take on the box alone.

Feeling Phylis' touch within her mind, Coryth attempted to resist for a moment, but it didn't last long. For Cory was far from at her full strength. A rested Master, and a sedative she stood no chance against. Her eyes started to drift closed at last, and little Coryth's chest finally rose and fell steadily as she drifted deeper and deeper into sleep, and dreams.

[member="Phylis Alince"] [member="Hevana Martin"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

You know me, when it's work I don't play until it's done. Work and play never mix. No, Mirien was far too proper, wanting work to stay at work. And play to stay at home. Plus she had a thing about public displays of affection having no place in the office.

At least when Sio drew her into the kiss, Mirien didn't have her usual embarrassment issues since it wasn't a public space. She returned the kiss with as much passion as she could muster given the grave nature of the situation. "Yes, a shame that work gets in the way like that."

"Maerys has us covered. I think she got everything I asked for, minus the eye of newt." For the record, she was kidding about the newt...Maybe. Quickly she followed on the heels of Siobhan, down to the basement.

Idly she watched as Siobhan unpacked the bag, "These seem rather interesting. Not every day a holocron of a Sith Lord gets handed over to you." She said, as she picked up the dark crystalline structure and examined it closer. The dark waves washing through the force from it were hard to miss. "As much as I'd love to dig through these now. I suppose toy time will have to wait." A bit of sadness carried through in her tone, for such items were valuable prizes to be sure and well, Mirien couldn't wait to unwrap the dark secrets lying within.

From her own bag, she spilled the contents on the table. Sorting through a small pile of dark red crystals Mirien plucked out two large ones of the appropriate quality and size, each a little long than her thumb and remarkably clear for their color.

"Blood, I need blood." She said quietly, as she sorted through the various objects on the table, and pulled out both a small knife and a vial in which she planned to collect it. "Yours and mine..." Mirien's thoughts going a million miles an hour, trying to make sure everything was in place. "The gods require blood. New life from death, or some such crap like that." She said with a roll of her eyes, trying to inject some bit of humor into the rather dark ideas of what she'd be doing.

A sigh came, as she seemed to pull herself out of her disjointed thoughts and turned to Sio. It was the first time she'd be doing alchemy in front of her, and the idea made her nervous, more nervous than she should have been. "I suppose it's a good thing you are here. I imagine I'll get a little weary during the process, and have to draw from you."
[member="Mirien Valdier"]

"Blood, huh? Kinky. Normally I'm not into bloodplay. Guess I can make an exception if it can help me against Sith mind rape," Siobhan said sardonically. Nothing like a lame attempt at levity when you were about to perform dark rituals that involved blood magicks. "So let's make supplication and pay tribute to the Elder Gods. Just long as Lotek'k doesn't suddenly spawn here because that fether was a queen to kill and he's way bigger than the villa."

Little did she know that she would soon be fighting another one. There had been a time when Siobhan would have balked at the idea of utilising dark rites and magicks. A time when she would have destroyed a Sith holocron rather than take it with her as booty with the intent of unlocking its secrets...for productive, dark is not evil purposes, or so she told herself at least. Perhaps it was simple pragmatism, perhaps a convenient rationalisation to mask her own corruption to herself.

"We'll have to find a place to store these toys. Somewhere out of sight, out of sight. Some place where you can pursue your alchemical studies. Kaeshana's too risky." Either way she did not spend much time pondering this but pulled off the glove from her flesh hand and then took the knife. Without a moment's hesitation she cut into the open palm of her hand and held it above the vial, with blood dripping into it out of her open wind. "Anyway, there you go, sweetie. And sure, you can draw from me. I trust you."

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