Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Where better to meet a Padawan?

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel reflected on her plan – born out of eagerness as opposed to rational thought. “Good point. A small submersible and a docking bay might be entirely more practical and entirely less vulnerable to the elements – or even sabotage.” Sometimes Sorel’s enthusiasm for a project made her leap into solution mode too quickly and she had to rein in her natural eagerness a little.

So she continued to swim around and follow Krass as they investigated the underwater ruins.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was looking at her master and regardless there was a whole lot here they would be able to work with as she was swimming up. The room gave way to tunnels again in the rock and checking her map display they were somwhere under the temple itself in the mountain. Krass was looking up and some of the tunnels seemed to stretch up that far so they might be able to find some back way or if possible they could get a way up into the caves themself. Maybe there was a basement of the temple they were restoring or had yet to restore and this could connect with it. if so then they would be able to work with it even more to provide a few things for the workers to do as they could start and have a way to better access the temple. "We'll see where these go and if they go up to the temple we might have a better way to get in and out of here."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel continued to follow Krass, swimming in her wake and keeping one eye on what might be behind them. For now the room gave way to new tunnels and they must have been inside the mountain now – albeit under the ocean.

The probes Krass had set away were now mapping out their vicinity, showing where tunnels ended abruptly or where they led to other rooms.

And the idea that had occurred to Krass came to Sorel’s mind a few seconds later. There was a chance that the temple below was in some way connected to the Temple above. Perhaps the ancient Jedi dug down to reach the one below water? Or the residents of the now underwater temple excavated up, to the top of the mountain? Either way, the possibility was intriguing.

“Only one way to find out,” said Sorel as they continued to swim upwards.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Perfect, they would be able to do a whole lot as she was coming forward with new ideas for where to go. Krass wanted it all to work out and well her people always liked finding their treasures while she was going. Into the caves until one was reading air, somewhat fresh when she came out of the waters. Showing the crystals around the area and there was several that were glowing so that she was standing there in a shallows area. The different force crystal casting colors around the cave and Krass was walking towards the sections of it that were carved stairs for them to head up. She coudln't see anything but the readouts showed they were not far from some of the areas themselves that had been seen. Mostly for supplies and areas to keep equipment when she came across some stones in a circle and it looked like they had fallen with cracks in the floor but it was less random and more like they had been lifted up and dropped several time. "Why does this set up seem familiar. Like something from the jedi archives.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Krass’ plan worked to perfection. As they headed towards sea level – albeit inside the mountain – they reached a pocket of air. And the fact it was breathable said it was being fed from above, and so was possibly the end of the temple below and the start of the temple above.

And then came the realisation that the area they’d encountered was not simply a room that was part of the temple – but a crystal cave. It was impossible to say if the presence of the crystals – and therefore the Force – was what prompted the caves to be built here, or if the crystals followed the Jedi’s presence. Regardless, they were here and Sorel wondered what type of crystal they were, given they were so different in colours. Adegan or Dantari crystals were her first thought – but she reserved judgement until a more thorough investigation could take place.

But given Krass did not have a saber – and given she’d discovered the cave, Sorel suspected this was more than mere chance and almost missed Krass’ words.

“Sorry, I was thinking. Before we leave, you should select a crystal from here. One that calls to you. If none does, then finding them was a mere coincidence and we should move on. But I have to admit, the stones don’t jog any memories for me. What do they remind you of?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her master while she was thinking about it and Krass raised an eyebrow as she was having to think about it when she gave a nod. She could come here and work on things so that they would be able to train. Finding a lightsaber crystal here would give the padawan a chance as she could then make a technically sound and impressive lightsaber to use that would fit for herself... and be usable with her force hammer. She wasn't going to deny that she liked the idea while breathing in and out as she took off the helmet of the suit. looking around and allowing her force senses to extend outwards when she was searching them within the force. Finding a crystal she knew could be different as it wasn't finding the piece with the greatest clarity or the one that looked best. It was the one that called to you which as a concept seemed silly but she knew the force and knew that it worked in many ways to prove you wrong... The force was the ultimate god of irony when her senses were stretched out and she moved. Feeling something there while she moved slowly and somewhat uncertain at first but there were some things touching the crystals when a piece came to her and she could feel it in the force but it was warm and familiar despite being here in the cold and damp area.... She din't know how much time had passed meditating and trying to search it out. What had felt like minutes but those could be hours with the force when you are meditating.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel followed Krass’ lead and removed the helmet of her diving suit. It was a welcome relief – and despite the suit being comfortable, being able to breathe naturally felt a lot better. Plus her vision and hearing were significantly improved.

Then she observed Krass. She remained still and quiet as her Padawan began to look at the crystals. In Sorel’s experience, the Force tended to guide you to a particular one – that typically felt warmer or seemed brighter than the others.

Some time passed, maybe a couple of hours, before Krass appeared to have selected the one that was most appropriate for her. She smiled, it was a special bond between crystal, Jedi and the Force. “Good,” she said, “I’m glad there was one that was right for you.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass opened her eyes while she was standing there and looked at her master and then down to the crystal in her hand while she was thinking about ti and trying to figure out what she would be able to do with it. She was thinking about a lightsaber but that wasn't exactly what she liked to make. her ideas towards it were using something very impressive and very simple like her power hammer or the dirk style dagger for cutting through so many materials. The padawan was ready to also get the real fun of it all when she pocketed the crystal seeing her master with a bow. "I am as well, though now the question is what kind of saber am I going to make with it."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled. Finding a crystal wasn’t even half of the story of crafting a saber. “Many have an image in their head from being a Youngling of what their saber will look like. But in essence that’s all that dream is – cosmetic. How long, how many blades, what materials, what colour. These are minor as it is the crystal that is important to the Jedi. But I sense your wonder is not linked to what it might look like, but what sort of device your crystal will be housed in.”

“It does not have to be traditional, or even a regular saber. It can be whatever you want it to be, in fact it must be what you need it to be. Let your heart and head dictate the form.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm Krass was looking at her master and as she thought about what her saber could be she was going over it. "Hmmm I have a few ideas though might want to go to the lightsaber lab on the library. It has all of the materials and all of the ways that a saber can be constructed." She was looking at more of it to give her some ideas when she looked at her hammer and the hilt. She could think og something to do with it as a grin came to her face. She would just need to get the right materials in the lightsaber lab for constructing the ultimate and perfect lightsaber she would be able to provide more to be with it. "The synth mesh we have developed along with a gincho power cell and a magnoclasp so that it can be connected and used as a hilt for the hammer.... Hmm could work on some of the crystals and having the housing for it be waterproof with special circuits."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel’s smiled widened. It was clear that Krass had ideas for what she would use the crystal for. “There is never a rush in these matters. Take your time and consult the extensive resources at the library. You will instinctively know what is right for you. My own sabers are simply an output of necessity – two single blades that can be joined to create a saberstaff.”

"And I’d be keen to hear what you discover in terms of alternative materials – especially power cells. I suspect my own sabers would benefit from a review.” It was common for Jedi to use the same saber for a lifetime, but it was also known for them to refine and update them, especially given they grew and changed as Jedi over their lifetime.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Hmm she could do that, give her masters lightsabers a small review and overhaul possibly to keep them up to date. They were good sabers but there was a lot that they could do to review all of it. "Will do." Krass was looking at what they had when she was moving now, taking action before getting up to the highest point of the stair case where it had one fo the stone slabs but she could sense on the other side of it. They were opening it all up before she pulled back with her hammer. Focusing the force energies themselves as it glowed along the lines of the synthweave with the lightside of the force. A vibrational hammer that would smash into the door was scaled and set up so that it was breaking through the door not the frame. Opening up into other sections as flickers of light were coming through and reflecting off of bronze mirrors.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
They’d made good progress and Sorel appreciated the way her Padawan was neither in awe of her, nor disrespectful. Too often, those that aspired to be Jedi fell into these two camps. Or worse, they simply fell by the wayside – the life of a Jedi not one they were prepared to commit to, or the life they wanted was not compatible with remaining in the Order.

But Krass had a focus and it most definitely fitted into the ways of the Jedi – and she was bold and determined enough to stick to her ways whilst respecting views that weren’t exactly the same as hers. Sorel hoped she could say the same about herself – but it had taken many, many years to reach that point.

Right now they’d reached some stone slabs and she was pleased that Krass took the initiative. Her hammer would be invaluable in moving them, and so Sorel gave her the space to operate as she made short work of the door, until they were able to see bronze mirrors in the area beyond.

“Are we in the Jedi temple now, what do you think?”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

"We are." Krass was looking at it and she knew this area they mostly left it alone because it was closer to the ocean then they liked. "This is the well, it is a couple meters above the ocean and when it gets choppy it fills up with water then slowly drains. "She was looking at it and pointed to where the ground was wet with more puddles as well as places where the water was comign out. "It is dangerous to explore as we didn't know how much force might be down here or if something might get smashed against the rocks so left it alone for now." She was looking at more of it and wiping at the mirror as it caught more of the sun was illuminating the area around them. To provide visibility within when she could see some of the other areas of the walls. "Looks like the jedi were here though." She pointed to the wall and got a glow rod while looking. "They came here searching and discovered the islands and temples, constructed their own and used the world as a place of meditation and knowledge before they were stretching out across the galaxy. The crystals and the gathered wuffa worms were what attracted them here before the temple was submerged then they remained until finding the Republic and going to worlds like Coruscant and Ossus."

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel was a little deflated. It would have been exciting to have stumbled across some special room, with a deep spiritual purpose for the Jedi. Instead they’d stumbled into a well of all things.

But as she looked around, Krass’ words range true and her deductive reasoning was impressing Sorel. “It may just be a well, but I’m guessing we’re the first to set foot in it for millennia, yes?”

And that was significant enough. To stand inside a Temple that was the forerunner to Coruscant and Ossus was something special. Like being the first to find a dinosaur fossil for a new breed.

“We clearly need to leave this spot, where next?” She was enjoying Krass leading the way.

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass looked at her master and went over by her. "We call it a well master. They likely had a real name for it but once the water started rising and it became like this. With the water coming in and being forced out as the waters rose and fell. It is dangerous to stay but we can start getting out of here now." She said it and the room was special, the room had purpose it was just something that they called it before they had gotten to figure out what it was. Like a box is just a box until you open it and find something... then it is a box of that. Krass was looking up and set a beacon that one fo the gunboats were coming over with quickly. It might be armored and armed but it was also made to go over and rest on water which was more important as they could ascend up onto the deck of it where she was looking out. The massive temple had more thing and they had come out on a whole other side of the island here. Krass was looking towards it and the Library itself as well massive chance to go into a huge lightsaber workshop and lab. Just piles and piles of materials... so worth it.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel smiled. “I have heard of wells,” she said good-naturedly. “But I take your point. It was well made.”

And like Krass, she looked around and was amazed that they’d managed to go from one side of the island to the other whilst underwater. It was disorientating but at the same time fascinating to have travelled so far without realising the fact.

So they made their way out of the water and onto the boat before taking in the vista of the island. The temple seemed reassuringly impressive from here – its size alone lending it gravity.

“I think I know the answer, but where to next?

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Krass was thinking about it and to the library seemed like the best idea. They would be able to easily get there as above in the sky the mass monolithic structure was visible for all to see. A feat of engineering for the jedi themselves but it also served to have so many more things and she had seen some other parts. "To the library, I know there is a lot more for us to do." She was looking at the boat going back towards the landing pad fo the temple and there were some other things, work that they had been working on here before she held her hammer and had a few ideas of what she would be able to do with her lightsaber when she made it and her master. There was a lot more they could do when she got out of the the dive suit seeing the shuttles around them and she could feel the massive station.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?
Sorel had helped her Master in the outfitting of the Library – in its latter stages – so to now use the facility to help her own Padawan felt an entirely fitting and virtuous circle.

“Once we get back to our ship, we can head up there. It is as well-equipped as any Academy – if not better than most. Everything you’ll need for designing and constructing a saber – or whatever variation you had in mind. And I can take the time to re-assemble my sabers. I have a selection of new crystals I’ve picked up on my travels – from Solari to Kyber to more run of the mill. The Force will guide me as to the best combination and I can attune the newly constructed saber to the Jedi I have become, as opposed to the Jedi I was when I first crafted it.”

[member="Krass Wyms"]

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
[member="Sorel Crieff"]

Looking at her master as she agreed and was giving it a nice look. "Perfect then." They could get some stuff from here, head up, construct and see if there was anywhere else they might like to go. In truth as Krass was looking at it there were a lot of places in the galaxy itself that jedi could travel to and she knew there were plenty of places she could go to get herself some crystals for her saber as she walked off the boat towards the ship. "Oh now I am excited, there are some things that i have been wanting to use and set up since we have been developing a bunch of new things within the tech division. Aside from just stronger and more powerful energy cells to increase the cutting capabilities of the lightsabers themselves." Krass returned the gear for it while retrieving her other things like pack and some components she had collected for a lightsaber. The hammer on her hip though she was looking at and got some extra leather that would help it blend in with her hammer.

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