Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine


Location: Shield Outpost ---> Yurb City Outskirts
Objective: Cut off Enemy Assault, establishing flanking maneuver
Allies: Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield l Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles l Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron l The Monster The Monster l Niamh Raste
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Tulan knew the stakes, and thus did not argue with the Commander of the Dire Wolves. He took off his helmet for a brief moment, making sure that Jack could get a good look at him before he did. Only way to let him know that he really did care, that he really did appreciate the sacrifice.

Sacrifice is what made wars into victories.

He gave Jack a nod- which is more than what most, if any people, got out of Tulan in a year.

Kid was probably gonna die here, and he was gonna die with the hope that the Rangers could stop the assault on the city in it's tracks. Tulan had to see that through. He saw a lot of himself in the kid's shoes. If situations were just barely reversed- just ever so slightly, then maybe Tulan would be the one doing the sacrifice, not him.

He remembered his first time being scarred, being beaten like he was. It was not a pleasant feeling. But this man would make that sacrifice.


The sky darkened around them, fires raging, blocking out the light with putrid, black smoke. Tulan slipped his helmet back on, sprinting headlong towards the gunships. He took the lead gunship, standing over Dorn Company, watching them file into the transports- not to escape the battle, but to go fight another. Like Setter Ryburn and Kaiden Rohn before him, great soldiers and Rangers were dying with the hope that they were going to accomplish something great with their sacrifice. He hoped that it would be the case with the Dire Wolves. He looked up, at the shield barely holding. Tulan held one hand on the transport's door, the other tightly gripped around his suppressed rifle. One foot was still on the ground, while the scores of soldiers and Rangers climbed into the transports.

Those that were left would be on their own, left to deal with the incoming rain of brimstone and hatred from the sky. Tulan knew the destruction that was about to come, and wanted to escape it as soon as possible.

Tulan was the last to board, as he could tell- the last soldier that wanted to leave, got on board the transports. His foot lifted off the ground, and he turned to the pilot, giving him a thumbs up. The light inside the gunship shifted to a dull green, and they began to lift off, flying fast and low.

Tulan got on comms, speaking plainly- as he usually did.

"This is Gunnery Sergeant Kor. Our new objective is to cut off the Bryn advance at the city- we're going to establish a position at their flank, then push in to cut off their troops with fires and maneuvers. Heavenshield, I want you to push to the walls first, I'll lead the maneuver element. Take whoever you need with you- I want you to push into the city when we've inflicted enough casualties on the enemy. Air assets will run your missions as a priority. Call out targets as you see fit- these gunships and transports will run your missions first. Kill 'em all."

Tulan checked his rifle, frowning as he leaned his head out of the gunship, watching the line of transports move rapidly to the city.

He muttered to himself something about the Sith, barely audible over it all.
Objective: Insurgent - COMPLETE - Assault
Location: D6
Equipment: Armour | Mauler |
Units: 3894 Brutes, 3,590 Drones - Risen lead | 271 Quilxyn Protectors | 6 Ravagers | 4 Obaliscs | 12 Syphons | 300 Brumaks |
Airborne: One-Hundred & Ninety-Six Gunboats
Allies: Osam Osam | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak |
Enemies: Edsert City Inhabitants | Enlil Enlil | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Odyn Tarsi | Acaadi Acaadi | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol |

  • D5 - 2 Obalisc, 1,46 Drones,
  • E5 - 2 Obalisc, 1,020 Drones, 6 Syphons,
  • C5 - 3 Ravagers, 6 Syphons, 800 Drones, 2,000 Brutes, 300 Brumaks

Even with the haze of some two-hundred and fifty Gunboats in the air it seemed there was no way of stopping the incoming reinforcements of their Silver foes. Though it was no matter, Bryn'adûl forces were spread throughout the city-centre, and from all angles their forces were already breaching the undefended walls. Jedi and soldiers alike seemed to be delivering themselves into the fray, but too few in number to count. When Osam called back, Galak stopped for a moment as their Gunboats overhead lost dozens due to the strafing runs of the enemy fighters. However, those very same Gunboats matched perhaps not the manoeuvrability but the speed of their enemy aircraft, not so easily caught in such a deadly cross-fire as indeed the Brute Gunboats had spread throughout all corners of the city to deliver the Bryn'adûl forces.

Even with a loss of twenty two of their Gunboats, they still held the numerical advantage. Seventy of their Gunboats would head in the direction of the Shield Outpost, opening fire at the transports attempting to escape and the gunboats and Busyr Transports delivering reinforcements, making a circular wall of spiker fire directed at those attempting to escape and those being deployed to the battlefield whilst the remainder hundred and fifty would continue to attempt to hold the skies. They would attempt to move to keep pace with the various fighters and bombers, boxing them in between their vastly superior numbers.

Turning to the Risen-Srael, Galak would give an affirming nod. "Go! You have this!" Galak directed one of the Ravagers to follow Osam in his advance.

The massive beasts would dart off, leaping far breadths of land as they moved through building to building; crushing everything in their path to reach the Rise-Sraels position. The Ravager would find themselves confronted with a barrier, produced by a Jedi. The massive Ravagers saw red, seething with hate and blood lust as it would dart forward slamming its elbow and fist into the force barrier with all of its physical might; essentially ramming the force barrier to try and break it as it shrieked.

On the ground the Emissaries forces would continue to take hold of City Centre, fighting against the natives - enough spike rounds and they'd shatter like glass. However, his focus was ripped away from the battlefield as he looked to the sky - nearly thirty gunboats were obliterated by some form of falling debris.

"Cover! Take cover!" Galak cried out, but he did not look away. He couldn't.

Hundreds of black shapes, moving like blurs he could not understand. His mind flashed, his skin pale and weak as something cold and wet lathered him in the stench of frailty and death. A white tendril
- Kesh. When the white life draining energy had taken him, dominated him. It made him feel weak, helpless. A tear escaped him as he stood frozen as the debris came crashing down - that feeling of helplessness locking him in place. Everything, every sense was numb as his Glaive fell from his grasp, clattering against the ground. He was shivering - a cold sweat encompassing everything as the shadows consumed him.

A large piece of debris fell on Galak, crushing his left arm underneath its weight. The Brute howled in pain as consciousness faded and returned rapidly in succession. When he saw light again, he could not move. His arm had been pinned or entirely crushed under the piece of debris. But he had to keep fighting - he knew that. He was a warrior, an Emissary. The Chieftain was still in the fight - so he had to be too.

Galak raised his dual wrist-blades attached to his right gauntlet, staring at them.

He knew what he had to do.

  • Thirty three Gunboats lost.
  • 74 Drones killed.
  • Gunboats evade enemy aerial trap.
  • Galak sends seventy gunships to attack various transports, gunships at/around shield outpost, others remain to hold the skies.
  • Galak sends Ravager to assist Osam, Ravager attacks Coren Starchaser
  • Twenty Six gunboats lost to debris.
  • Galak partially crushed under debris.
  • Prepares for something... unpleasant.
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Equipment: In bio
Location: Edsert
Objective: Survive
Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland , Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn

As Amani stood up, she reached at her side one more time, panting shallowly and wincing with each breath. “No... no not really.” she answered Ura honestly, though as the Force Body began to take effect, her pain subsided, and she was able to maintain her footing. However, the collapsing of her lung was still taking place, meaning she was running on borrowed time. The padawan glanced down at her numbed arm next. It was bad. She’d hardly had the time to worry about it, and in spite of her tourniquet, blood was still seeping out, and the arm had faded pallor in color.

At this point, Amani had like the others begun to sense the Battle Meditation now reaching across the city, bolstered by Elise and several of the others. This, combined with her Force Body, amplified her strength and, for better and worse, her boldness. It was all she could hold onto to stop from succumbing to fear entirely. She turned to Tarish Galland, who had now jumped on the scene. “W-Wait! I can still help!” Amani didn’t like feeling useless, and she gave Ura a look to show that she wasn’t planning on leaving.

Suddenly, a flash in the sky had taken precedence, as hyperspeed meteorites barraged the planet’s surface. Amani could only watch in shock as Barrien just managed to stop them from being annihilated by the shower of debris and fire. However, it seemed the ravager had no intention of relenting, its berserker rage unimpeded by anything else going on. It ripped off the piece of a building, hurling it at them with ferocious speed, and Amani turned back to see so. “No!” She screamed out, reaching both arms out wide and attempting to throw Tarish out of its path with a Force push, and similarly redirect the attack. Subconsciously pulling the debris towards the left, it twisted and tore across the ground vertically, the sharp and jagged sheet of metal now hurtling closer to her. Though the Force slowed its speed enough to prevent her own immediate death, it was only barely so. The roof crashed into the walls of the building behind Amani… catching her left arm with it. In that brief moment, it was like everything slowed down, and all the noise around her was drowned out. After a resounding crash, the others would see her now lying against the building barely conscious, and the arm seemingly trapped underneath the metal shrapnel and rubble from the collision.

Amani feels the effects of Force Body and Battle Meditation, allowing her to continue fighting despite her physical state. However, with the sudden destructive meteor shower, she became distracted, and attempted to just barely save Tarish from the sheet of metal being thrown by the Ravager Brute. It was redirected jsut enough to save them from immediate death, but the metal trapped her against a wall by the left arm. Condition of her arm is unknown, and Amani is barely conscious.

Krarolk T'manu

INTENT TO ENGAGE: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Open to engage up to 2 others as Krarolk or any member of the Zealot Elite trio
ENGAGING: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

The glaive struck true, knocking the Jedi to the ground.
However, while Krarolk's thrust had disarmed her and thrown her off balance, she made a swift recovery. The ground had stopped shaking, giving both the Zealot and the Jedi a relatively level battlefield. Now, Krarolk could use his superior strength to annihilate the meek Jedi who stood in his path. But before he could strike, the woman's hands began to glow. They sparked with a powerful physic energy rivaling Krarolk's own, concentrated in a red orb in each of the Jedi's palms.

He watched as she launched one of them at Krarolk's glaive, perhaps with the intent of damaging it. However, the Zealot's reflexes were able to outpace the Jedi's energy beam, and it whizzed by centimeters away from Krarolk and his weapon, which he pulled towards himself. He moved to launch a counterattack, only to realize that the Jedi had rapidly closed the distance between them and still had a second orb of energy in her hand. Before he could react, the second energy blast struck his left knee, ripping a hole in his armor and causing him to stagger backwards. The armor had absorbed most of the blast, but a small stream of blood began to flow out of the skin around Krarolk's knee. Now, the Zealot had a time limit. If he did not eliminate the Jedi rapidly enough, he would lose enough blood in his left leg to weaken his mobility and leave him vulnerable to ranged assault.

With such dangers in mind, Krarolk started an internal timer and wound up a counterattack. Using his unharmed right leg to boost his momentum, Krarolk thrust his glaive directly towards the center of the Jedi's torso.

Note: The Zealot Elite Commander is firing on the F3 outpost from the northeast corner of E2
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Assault - Attacking enemy forces at C7
Equipment: Cuirass & Staff
Aboard: M'gaelak Siege Tower [Atop the crown]
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Galak Galak | Osam Osam | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Rahm Rahm | Drekarys Kel |
Enemies: Engaging [Sort Of]: Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | The Monster The Monster |

As the war raged around them, the Primarch felt minutely bolstered by the presence of the Ashaka, of Drekarys. Even as the Primarch's strength waned he held tight onto what little remained, Drek'ma relied now heavily on his Staff; staggering and limping back up to the top of the Siege Tower as the battle unfolded in the sky and below. But he could not escape dread, from above - massive shards of debris came crashing down.

The Primarch struck the first with lightning, evaporating the shard of metal in a futile effort to save himself. But even so, his body was degrading rapidly now. And using such great power was draining what little strength he had left.

One of the incredibly fast and larger shards of debris impaled the head of the Siege Tower, ripping through into the Command Centre. The Siege Tower staggered, crying out in a powerful roar as it struggled not to collapse. The Siege Tower trembled, its two front legs giving way to its own weight as the massive Siege Tower collapsed, flinging the Primarch to the ground below.

His vision drew black, silence amid the chaos he found some strange solitude. His mind's slow degradation grinding to a halt. Everything paused in an infinite time capsule. But not one of dread, but in relief. Red mist encircled around them, the burning sensation of the Draemidus Prime air fighting back whatever affliction cursed him. The Primarch exhaled loudly, a exhale of relief as the soothing and familiar air filled his lungs.

The Primarch rose, body battered and broken - but his demise halted.

He had found his strength again.
Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Gir Quee Gir Quee Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam Niamh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol The Monster The Monster Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Ura looked at Amani, and heard both her and Tarish spoke up. The Lervon nodded as she went to help he friend, but was surprised to hear the other Padawan say that she could still help. Her eyes widened when she noticed the look Amani had, but she could also see how much energy she was putting in to just stay upright. Ura ran over, ready to keep the injured Padawan safe, and try to talk some sense into her.

"Amani, you're giving everything to keep yourself.... What the!?" Ura looked up, seeing a much different sight than the others. She saw the explosion. but it wasn't blinding to her, at least not in the traditional sense. She could see the power though, and the pain of the carrier's organic backbones dying, along with the ship crews, though.... That was blinding to her. She watched as debris began to fall, her eyes widening as she tried to form a Force Barrier. It only flickered as fear began to strike her. No.... Not like this.... Why would anyone do this!? She couldn't form a Barrier.... She couldn't force it. She was.... Wait.... A Barrier. She looked around, but she was struck by the sense of areas that couldn't be protected. She could see it.... It.... Her crystal mass almost became completely unstable, barely holding onto her form. Those that weren't evacuated, or hadn't gotten to safety in time, or had come the fight for her people. All that pain.... And then....

"Amani!" Ura ran over to where she was, seeing the debris that had pinned her to the building. The Lervon tried to pull the debris away, completely forgetting about using the Force to pull it loose. She just kept pulling before eyeing the Ravager. The green glow of her eyes narrowed as she got up, and her arm shook as she ignited her lightsaber. She didn't even care about what Barrien said. Everything had just seemed to hit her at once, and it was just pushing her to the edge. She charged the large Bryn creature, just wanting to end this fight now.


Surface Forces: Approved Tech Lergara, 50 Lervon Militia Volenteers, 3 Y-TIE squadrons (Armed with V-6 Arc Torpedoes) (24 fighters downed)

The Lergara continued to fight as it was pulled under into the unstable earth below. It called out in Binar as it tried to stomp out the Servitor, but would soon find that it was in a much better place. Above, the sky lit up as superluminal chunks fell from the sky. The Lervonian Fforces, caught facing the Bryan and away from the barriers, would soon feel the power of such a thing. Many were glassed in their place, other injured to the point of almost being killed. Some making it was minimal injury but for a Lervon, melting was one of the most painful things they could experience, only beaten by being forcibly pulled apart. There home.... It was devastated. by the blasted Bryn!
Acaadi's starfighter flew too quickly for him to be able to truly appreciate the intricacies of what was going on down below. The Silver forces were rallying and taking the fight back to the Bryn'dal. He didn't need to see it, the Force moved darkly around the fringes of the conflict.

He felt a touch of shame. He felt that shame because he knew the true core of his fear was not for the numbers dying below. It was because his friends were holding that line. Acaadi hadn't grown up with siblings, he had grown up with the other padawans of the Silver Academy.

Without regard for his safety he wove his starfighter between Gunships, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Then the ship warned of danger from above. Too fast to be craft, no target locks. Falling debris. One instant he was flying straight, the next the cockpit was full of flashing lights and barring alarms. His head was ringing from the impact, his hand had fallen from the stick.

"That's powe gone...Two engines..." His Twintail had lost its tails and was careening from the sky. "Ship, everything to inertial dampeners!"

Every Twintail had a built in astromech. They developed their own personalities over their years of use. This one beeped out acknowledgement of its final order, then that system too fell silent. Its droid lattice of a mind went dark.

Acaadi closed his eyes. Even with the dampeners the impact rocked through his whole body. The nose of the ship dug through the ground as he came to a halt. The canopy breached on its own and he was suddenly assailed by the scents of the battle.

As he drew himself to his feet one truth stood out above all others. He was a hundred yards on the wrong side of the fighting lines.
Location: Yurb D5
Allies: SJO and their allies
Enemies: Bryn'Adul and their allies

As the falling debris made contact with her barrier, Jairdain was mentally stressed in her ability to maintain it. Under normal circumstances, this was a last-ditch effort to stay alive and in essence, that's exactly what this was for her.

Thud...thud...thud...Almost endless hits were like a military barrage to the barrier, yet it held. By some miracle, it stayed up. Maybe it was her sheer willpower that kept it in place. That is until a ship chunk that was the size of a freighter connected. In a heartbeat, the barrier was broken and Jairdain had a difficult time staying on her feet.

With her hands already lifted, she reached out again with the Force to catch the large piece of the ship and she slowly floated it to the ground. Luckily, the area where it impacted was uninhabited and the only damage done was to the ground itself. A large puff of dust and sand was sent up into the air, causing a cloud to additional debris to fill the already clouded air.

Outside of where her barrier had been was a wasteland. Even without sight, Jairdain could see this. Through the Force, she saw the destruction wrought by the destroyed ships that had fallen from orbit. Taking this in a rather calm manner, she started running in the direction of the nearest group of casualties.

The rescue was now something essential.
Objective: Fight
Foe Krarolk T'manu

An explorer’s soul, but an adventurer’s spirit, that was something said to her once upon a bye, during her training as a Warden. And as a Starchaser, that was exactly what they needed. The ability to go far and find the worlds and paths not yet seen, uncover the treasures out in the galaxy, and help those who were lost. That was what they were able to do. But only one side of that mantra was useful here. And she could only hope it was enough to keep the fire inside burning, to keep her ahead of her foes. The Force gave her strength.

But the Bryn was more than a match for her.

Kaia had her father to live up to, and sometimes, if she thought about it too deeply, it became an insurmountable obstacle. But when she fell into it, that ability of Force Body, not quite the battlemind she had seen by more polished Masters, but something to still keep her focused on the task at hand. Her speed was only marginally enhanced, but as a Warden, she wasn’t used to having to chase down her foe, most being on a starship, but still, she found purchase with her second attack.

Finding her footing at the wrong possible moment, the glaive found her chest, but bouncing off the super lazily still not submitted songsteel, it did cause a dent to the armor as Kaia instinctively brought her hand, a glow, for those keeping track with the Force, with an almost blue-black light, putting enough of the Force between her hand and the edge of the blade, another hand coming around, trying to push the blade up and away from her. A test of the Force against strength.
Horror. Pain. Uncertainty.

Dark emotions tainted the connection between all of them as doubt crept in and robbed them of the sense of unity that they'd amassed. Other Masters of the Force conjured barriers in a bid to protect their allies from the impending end that loomed overhead.

Do not despair.

The King cast off the cloak that threatened to cover his shoulders. The darkness that sought to shroud him and spirit him away through fear, to draw him away from the battlefield, was a mockery. He shared that indignation with his allies.

Flee here? Now? When we have only just begun to defy them?

Debris from on high like Starfall crashed against tangible, yet unseen shielding. The King had already committed to one task. He would have to marry his efforts to theirs in a different way.

No. Have faith in Aslu's justice.

The breeze had harshened, like a single, damning word from a perturbed parent. Shivers ran down the length of his body as the formerly warm climate of Yurb turned to frost around him, and traces of humidity in the air crystalized. They were sucked away, compounded on each other, and began to harden together with the sand at his feet.

The spiker rounds had been waylaid by the build up of ice across their surface, hardened to a point where their weight would forbid them from flying true. As the Bryn'adul closed in on the King, they would understand this immediately.

Around them, the Gale screamed.

In the stream of thoughts shared between them, Elise could see a scene unfolding as the King shared his plan with her.

Osam Osam
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Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F6)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Nida Perl Nida Perl Caedyn Arenais Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Objective 2: Ground 'n' Pound
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Nida Perl Nida Perl , Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol


A vibrant blur of blue energy took to the air overhead as the Jedi Knight Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol took to the flying monsters overhead, the Bryn'adûl Draeyde falling in pieces as his blade cut through flesh and bone. It was a grim moment in which Caedyn would have felt guilt in his relief at seeing the creatures fall, were they spared the time to reflect and dwell on such feelings; Yet the battlefield ceased for no one.

While his Padawan fell victim to the influence of the Bryn'adûl Ashaka warriors, it was another presence in the Force that found Caedyn Arenais from elsewhere amidst the battle for Yurb. 'Elise...' he gave the presence her name, spoken without words but across the telepathic connection in her battle-meditation, 'I hear you. Stay strong, Master'. It was all that he would say, to acknowledge and to remind her that Caedyn was with her and all of the other Jedi laying down their lives for the people of Yurb.

Much more immediate however was Kyra Perl Kyra Perl 's sudden sense of anxiety in response to picking up on the Bryn'adûl Force Users and the influence they cast across the war-zone. "Kyra!" Caedyn called for her attention with a firm and authoritative tone, "Do not give them the benefit of influencing your feelings. Every time you let fear dictate your behavior you put others at risk. Remember what we've been training for" he instructed. The on-going fight gave no room for gentle lessons, no time to sugar coat the hard facts. They were all under extreme threat, tension and the need to keep moving before the invading swarm overran them in numbers.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser 's arrival alongside the various transports bringing reinforcements to the surface of Yurb were a hell of a sight, yet his Padawan's desire to move to help her Father placed him in a difficult position concerning the ethical decision to leave the Lervon behind for the sake of assisting their own where the fighting was at it's worst. Death was thick in the air across Edsert City, losses on all sides and no matter what decision the Jedi Knight would make, more would fall beyond his control or ability to save them.

"Master Triddol" Caedyn spoke hastily, laced with stress as he turned back to the Nautolan Jedi Knight, as well as Nida Perl Nida Perl ; "We need to get these people clear!" Caedyn indirectly answered his Padawan, turning his attention to the priority at hand. He couldn't risk his Padawan running off after her Father into the bulk of the horde. Not without his being there to protect her, and not while the Lervon depended on them for safe-keeping.

"Master Starchaser's more capable than any of us, and he won't have come alone" Caedyn battled with the assumption, wanting to believe it while exchanging his lightsaber into his left hand, his right moved to draw the CS.38 side-arm from it's holster. It was an aggressive weapon, yet they were facing an aggressive hostile force that seemed intent on stopping at nothing to crush the presence of the Silver Jedi on Yurb. 27 full metal jacket rounds lay within the extended magazine, armor piercing made with only one purpose. A conflicting necessity...

"Alright, let's move!".

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F6)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

The Bryn’adul assault had descended on Yurb, and the din of the brutal front line battle breaching even the noise of the beast ravaging the city. With each passing second, the ground trembled in aggravation, at times making balance seem like a conscious effort. Battle meditation from both forces permeated her senses, giving way to the odd sensation of an icy fist clutching her heart and fire in her veins. It was neither entirely pleasant nor was it wholly repulsive.

Allied ships screamed above them on their way to the front lines, the familiarity of a strong presence not only noticeable to her. “Dad?” Nida repeated, and her voice would have sounded incredulous if she weren’t distracted by the war at hand.

The small group of Jedi had a rare reprieve to themselves in the besieged city, soaking up the presence and spiritual enhancements of those who’d come to join them in their fight. It seemed to be the boost they needed to solidify their resolve. She nodded knowingly to Master Arenais, fearing what would happen as they ventured toward the bunker and eventual spaceport. Amani Serys Amani Serys came through the comms to indicate that their team had received the droids, and were sending them back with civilians in need of protection. Nida’s gut twisted, wondering what thing needed to be distracted. “Thank you—and please, be careful!”

Fortunately they had covered a decent amount of ground, with the bunker being close by. As predicted, the home stretch involved being assailed by numerous draedye, protected from the light by a coating of darkness and invigorated by the shamans. While fighting their way through, Nida noticed one of the beasts heading for Kyra, and the fire in her veins sent her surging towards the enemy creature without much thought.

“Kyra!” She called out to her sister, yellow blade angled back as she pushed herself to gain ground on the creature, Force inspiring her to reach the assailant before it reached Kyra. As Nida closed the gap, the draedye seemed to notice her as being the closer target, and swooped sharply back towards the elder Zeltron with a sudden swiftness that she could neither predict nor dodge. The beast’s sharp talon swung hard into her right eye, burying itself into the eyeball and ripping into the socket. Completing it’s turn upward, the draedye lifted into the air and prepared to strike at Nida again, as the Zeltron howled in pain. Her light saber clattered awkwardly to the ground and both hands clasped over her right eye, blood seeping aggressively from between her fingers and down her hands.

What kept her standing through the pain and fear that she’d lost her sight was the sudden presence of Elise, as if the Master were standing next to her. She was not there, of course, but the battle meditation she provided gave Nida the strength and comfort to slow her breathing and work herself away from a panic attack.

“Please,” She whispered back, not to anyone in particular. Perhaps, if she were lucky, her voice would reach the others, far and wide. “Let us save these people.

"Master Starchaser's more capable than any of us, and he won't have come alone. Let's move," concluded her Master.

"But-" Kyra uttered, a vulnerable edge to her protest as both Nida and her droids pressed further on their mission. Kyra cast an unwilling glance over her shoulder, her attention drawing to the battle they would leave behind. Protect the civilians. They were close to the final bunker, where a path was carved through the mountains. Kyra had seen the map while preparing the first batch of civilians for escort. There was a hidden space pad there. They could fly low inside the valleys and break atmosphere far from the battle.

The battle.

Kyra tripped over debris as she watched the worm wrap around the tall weapon in the distance, guilt growing in her gut at the lives she left behind.

Her father included.

Her attention remained distracted, split between the twi'lek child whose hand she had taken to help over a rubble corner, and the distant sounds of battle as the Bryn found purchase inside the city.

"But Master, don't you think we should h-"


Nida shoved her back, her vision jostling as she twisted her ankle and went down hard on the bolder. Pain blossomed through her, a scream catching through her lips as the empath blindly took on her sister's burden as her own. Her eye throbbed violently, a fact that didn't make sense when she touched it to find it whole. Kyra looked up wildly to find red seeping through Nida's finger tips.

"No!" She screeched, a violent telekinetic force shoving off her hair. The bat was sent flying wildly into a column, where it hit hard and dropped limp... pieces of her sister in its talons. Kyra noticed none of this, frantic as she reached out to bring her sister to her. "No," she protested, cupping Nida's cheeks with both hands as she tried to get a closer look. Neither of their pain reached her, her focus singular and unrelenting as she gingerly tried to pry Nida's fingers back.

"No. You're okay. You're okay, right? Oh mom is so gonna kill me. Nida?"

A sharp whistling sound ripped towards them from overhead. Kyra's head pulled up on instinct, a look of disbelief crossing her as she saw the cause. A chunk of flaming metal was falling down towards them. The sky was raining fire, but it was this drop that would kill them. The world slowed.

Kyra pulled her hand from her sister's face, her blood stained fingers raised above her as a beam of light erupted from the tips. Elise's battle meditation sang inside her. Her father's aid roared for release. Kyra let out a breath... and sunk into it. Just like the lessons, right? The light split off from its central beam exploding into a dome the size of the square. It was the best demonstration of her power she had ever done.

As the ship came crashing down on her, she knew it wasn't enough.

She should have paid more attention in class.
Last edited:

Where: The Emerald Undertow
Why: Fleeting
Wearing/Wielding: Fate, Robes, Cryoban Rifle & 5x Cryoban Grenade
When: N/A
Allies: Nimue Nimue Juno Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir Ver'kad Inuk

As the Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir began to rant and rave about roots and darkness Aurelion did not even attempt to understand or listen to it's rambling. He was far too gone, far too focused on the singing chorus their connection had become, to pay the words of the enemy anymore mind. As the grasping tendrils of the Seer began to surge forward the blazing gaze of Jyoti's light would ruin any attempts to seize upon his psyche. The Seer hardly seemed capable of tracking the amount and types of resistance offered to him. Let alone doing more than attempting to simply bull his way through by ignoring them.

The crystalline form of Aurelion's psyche would easily shift and alter, flowing like quicksilver as Jyoti's beaming aura of energy made denying the 'void' the creature brought to bare much simpler now. The crystalline form of Aurelion's psyche molding and shaping to a series of crystalline fins as the Seer cast forth his astral wind. The crystalline shape not even attempting to rush headlong into his enemy, rather, the crystalline fins sat perpendicular to the wind. Tilted just ever enough to guide the wind away from he and his allies, like air guided through a vent, Aurelion simply let the Seer's reckless assault carry the power out into space away from the fleet. Where he could enjoy the void he so spoke of, away from the Force itself, out in the void.

With that handled Aurelion's head tilted forward ever so slightly, his eyes now shut and perception of the physical world all but non-existent as the only grasp he held on it now was the feeling of Nimue Nimue 's heartbeat against his ear and the feeling of Juno 's reassuring grip on his palm. This minor physical movement denoting that now he went on the offensive. The crystalline mass of his psyche altering it's form once more to become a punishing deluge of hammer-blows to the obsidian-walled defenses of the Seer. Each blow, however, came down upon the very same point.

As the blows continued to rain down the 'heads' of the hammers became fine-tuned to the points of picks, one after the other raining down from what now seemed to be a multi-armed, crystalline sphere of the Omnivident. It's shape reclaimed as Aurelion tested how the Seer would handle being on the defensive.

To his allies Aurelion continued to provide a sense of heightened awareness and a sense of purpose, a freshness of mind and crispness of motion and action to aid them in their duties. The most reassuring factor for both Aurelion and those the Battle Meditation assisted being the sheer simple fact that with all the camaraderie, all the assistance and all the effort from the various individuals combating the Brynadul, neither he nor those benefiting from the Battle Meditation would be running out of energy anytime soon.


Equipment: Dual Lightsabers
Location: The Emerald Undertow
Allies: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Elise | SJO and friends
Enemies: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | The Bryn

Elise’s call rippled out through the Force, and Juno was quick to respond. The Battle Meditation she had tapped into had only gotten stronger as more joined together to combat their mutual foe. She smirked again, Pfft. Told ya you needed my help. The comment was laced with sarcasm, but it was a good enough way to cushion admitting to her own request for aid, in her mind at least.

Juno let herself become a part of the vast network of energies, each of their individual strengths unifying into something greater. The vast pool of power now coalescing reinvigorated the master, which she helped return to others in equal measure. Still, she had a battle of her own to attend to. Her attention split again, but not before taking the opportunity to poke at Elise one more time. You owe me one, Elise! Let’s say ah… you buy me lunch or somethin’. I’m not picky. She laughed, then prepared to re-engage the Seer, still taking part in the Battle Meditation and utilizing it for her own efforts.

Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir tried quickly to remove her and Nimue Nimue from the fight, though Aurelion’s newfound power and shielded them, which Juno could feel as well. Aurelion would similarly sense her pride in him at this moment, as they stood together against a ruthless enemy. Juno’s form bolstered, the silhouette quickly moving and attacking the Seer’s energy, cutting at the tendrils that sought to constrict Aurelion. She pushed back aggressively, stabbing into the cracks forming between each of Aurelion’s own strikes, in essence attempting to further weaken its ‘structure’.

You can spare us the boring monologue, pal. You think you’re the first to say you were gonna end the Jedi? We’ve heard it a hundred times over. And, the funny thing is…

Juno’s form pulled back, the ‘arm’ of it reaching out and coalescing a vast amount of energy into it.

We just keep getting back up.

She plunged directly into the Seer’s own form, tapping into the Battle Meditation, as well as Aurelion’s strength. She flooding the cracks with an immense glowing blast of raw Force power, drawn from Jedi all across the battlefield, fighting through her, as she was through them.

Juno joins in Elise's Battle Meditation, gaining newfound strength and rejoining Aurelion and Nimue in the fight against the Seer. She pulls a large amount of energy gathered from the Battle Meditation and her allies to strike at the Seer with a massive Force attack.


Location: Outside city walls
Allies I'm with: Ryv Ryv Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
Enemies I'm in front of: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // Cedric // Elise // Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr // Loske Matson // Maynard Treicolt //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //


Watching the Brutes slam down into the dirt, Ryv continued forward, his weapon raised overhead. The Blade of Ruusan struck downward, repelled by whatever armor adorned the figure's impressive physique. Moving back, the Jedi Knight stepped just out of reach of a backhanded swing of the creature's glaive. As the long-handled weapon swung about, a second glaive joined the first, swinging in from the opposite direction as the other of the two brutes climbed back onto its feet. Ryv's exhaled and leaped up. His body went parallel to the ground as he twisted his shoulders, spinning in place. The world seemed to slow around him at the sound of metal slicing through the wind whistled directly past his ear. Both of his hands thrust out, legs returning to the floor as the duel assailant's weapons went wide. Another wave of kinetic energy crashed into the pairing, only knocking them off balance long enough for Ryv to regain his footing.

"Kee baatu baatu," Ryv grumbled in passable Huttese, his free hand returning to the lightsaber hilt. "Well, c'mon then, let's get this over with," he surged forward, the cyan-blade aimed high in a feint, drawing the attention of one Brute. As it raised its glaive to defend from the oncoming strike, the second met the Kiffar's charge, lowering its shoulder to slam the Jedi Knight backward, interrupting his planned follow-up. "Echuta!" he cursed, kicking off of the chest of the Brute now a bit too close for comfort, sliding through the dirt several feet away. Around the Jedi Knight, soldiers crumbled to the ground, droids and sentients alike crushed underfoot of the seemingly endless horde. Both beasts trampled forward, circling around the Jedi to cut off any attempt at an escape. Seeing this, Ryv shifted his form, offering each of them only his side. He tugged the Blade of Ruusan close to his heart, welcoming the soothing power provided to him as he studied the two aliens.

What did Quill say you freaks were weak to? Ryv searched his memory for answers, drawing back to the meeting aboard Peace, the artificial moon once housing many of the Jedi now serving the Galactic Alliance. It was aboard the mobile sanctuary Ryv learned of the many types of Bryn'adul to fight for their horde. Some proved resistant against the heat, capable of taking even a lightsaber to their flesh without seeing significant injury. If the Master was correct...

Ryv ducked beneath one swinging strike, his lightsaber rising to meet the second. The strength behind the Brute's attack lifted the smaller man from the ground, sending his body up and through the air, only to crash down amid a pile of droid-bits and the crumpled armor of an Antarian Ranger. Exploding into action, Ryv turned the body over and began rifling through the corpse's belongings, searching for one of the numerous grenades provided to the Silver Jedi's forces to aid in Yurb's defense. Finally, locating the cryoban nade tucked beneath the ranger's corpse, Ryv scooped it up and slipped it beneath his jacket just in time to avoid decapitation at the hands of another sweep of the glaive. Rolling onto his feet, he launched immediately into another dive, clearing the range of the longer weapons in a single bound. His momentum ceased as he wound up back on his feet, exactly where the duo encircled him initially. He hooked the Blade of Ruusan to his belt, watching the two monsters as they circled around him again, their knees bent as if preparing to leap at the defenseless Jedi knight.

The moment one surged forward, Ryv dashed towards it. Taking a deep breath, Ryv launched himself into the air, expertly soaring over the creature. Passing overhead, the Kiffar latched onto the Brute's helmet and pulled with all his might, sending it flying off in a random direction. A roar of defiance saw the creature's horrid mouth split open, jagged teeth greeting the Jedi. Rather than shrink away, Ryv grinned back at the monstrosity, flashing those pearly whites as he took the cryoban grenade from inside his jacket and whipped it down at the creature's gaping maw. It passed right between the monster's lips, likely catching a tooth or two in the process. The Brute's guttural challenge cut out immediately, the beast reaching up to its muscular neck as it began to choke. Ryv hit the ground with a thud, bending his knees to absorb some of the impact. A hand reached out, carrying the gagging Draelvasier into the second.

A sudden explosion rocked the pair, ice enveloping the two Brutes. As their bodies froze over, their inner heat slowly drifted away, leaving the duo statuesque in death. Ryv turned from the pairing and hurried towards the towering form of Tathra, the Jedi's body blurring as he caught sight of a lone man encountering the titan. Elise's presence did not go unnoticed, Ryv's already endless supply of hope spilling over, his confidence growing, even as he cleared the gap and crashed into an ill-prepared Brute. The beast plummeted into the dirt, carving a groove through the earth as it slid away. A snap-hiss of Ryv's cyan saber set the world alight in an icy glow, indicating the excitement evident in his amber gaze.

"Outrider, Blue, this is Paragon, I've located the target," Ryv spoke quickly into his commlink. "Deep breaths, folks," he reached out to the duo flying within the skies. His mind expanded beyond his own, drifting through the Force to his stalwart companions. Upon locating them, his mind drew upon each, tying them together in a familiar bond centered on the Kiffar. "Bond established, you guys should be on the same wave-length for as long as I'm alive. I'm transmitting my location, stay safe," he deactivated his comm, turning his attention back to the Warlord.

"I'm not babysitting this time, sleemo," Ryv dashed forward, lashing out with a string of strikes aimed not at the creature's head or chest, but instead at his foremost knee.
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Teach Tathra the meaning of pain.
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise, Niamh Raste, Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , The Monster The Monster , Haastal Verd, others
Byrn'adul, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:

"Fall back! Let them take the initial trench line!"

The Monster The Monster 's voice filled the coms of the Outpost's defenders and all along the line, groups of soldiers began to break and run, while others covered them. Despite the call, the Antarian Ranger line would continue to hold. Left and right Rangers would clash with the oncoming Brutes. Blood splattered the ground as the massive Bryn'adul slaughtered and ravaged.

And yet, the Rangers would hold.

"Maul Company," This was the voice of Captain Hague. "Pull back, now."

"Can't do it, Ma'am!" Called back one of the surviving Lieutenants, the sounds of battle all but deafening in the background. "We're overrun. If we break contact, we won't make it back to the walls. Best we can do is take as many of the fethers with us as we can."


"Been a pleasure serving with you, Ma'am."

"Icarus Platoon is with you, Lieutenant." This was Sergeant Lota. From over the walls, the specially outfitted Rangers of Icarus platoon would trigger their jump jets and fly over the walls to land on the ground in front of them. Like their brothers and sisters, they would throw themselves at the Bryn'adul advance, shooting and darting between the large brutes. Cutting with vibro-blades, kicking and punching with their strength assisted armor.

One by one, each of the operators would fall, but they would take many of the ravaging enemy with them as they could until the trench network exploded in a fury. And regardless of whether the battle was won or lost, one thing would be certain...

The Rangers didn't quit, and the Rangers didn't run.


The creature moved fast, avoiding Beltran's grenade attack and flinging the screaming body of a Ranger at him in response. Deftly moving to the side, Beltran kept his gaze centered on Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus while the soldier hit the ground and lay unmoving. His orange lightsaber blazed bright on the battlefield as he circled his quarry.

His coms were going crazy as the lines all around them began to break under the Bryn'adul assault, so with his off hand he pulled off his helmet. It came off with a gentle hiss and he tossed it to the ground. His cold, green eyes would meet those of the Bryn Titan and they would hold no fear. He would not hear the call of Broken Arrow, nor would he take part in any retreat to the city.

"Rangers don't quit," He said aloud, more to himself than to the Titan. "Rangers don't run."

In the back of his mind, Beltran felt something tugging at the edges of his perception. Shadows, standing to his left and to his right.

Ghosts, come to take me. He thought and then... No, not ghosts. He realized.

It was something else, someone else. Elise, Niamh Raste, others, somehow they were here with him, lending him strength and the benefit of their experience. But more than that, they were telling the Lorrdian that he was not alone, that regardless of what happened next he would not die alone.

And then, he wasn't alone, in the physical world either. To his left, Beltran saw the glow of a cyan colored lightsaber. It belonged to a man he didn't know ( Ryv Ryv ), who now launched himself at the monster that stood before them. It seemed to know him as it spoke, it's voice rumbling.

"I wonder perhaps if you will fair better this time."

And he responded.

"I'm not babysitting this time, sleemo,"

And with the man, Beltran would also charge the monstrosity, swinging his own blade for any part of the creature that presented itself.

Icarus Platoon
Status: Heavy Casualties (22 Rangers Active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment, holding the line so the others can escape.

Maul Company - 666th Mechanized
Status: Heavy Casualties (42 Rangers still active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment, holding the line so the others can escape.
Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |Location; Battlefield - E7
Allies: Drekarys Kel | Hrajlmak'Natok | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Krarolk T'manu | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Osam Osam | Galak Galak | @
Enemies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Niamh Raste | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Elise | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr |
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Elise | Cedric |

All units protected in groups of 30 by 2,345 Quilxyn Protectors

- 96 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-060 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 231 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-360 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 193 Rhivaks
  • 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 140 Rhivaks
  • 102 Brumaks
-278 Drones
8 Shamans
5 Ashaka Acolytes

C8 - /3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

D8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
Two Obaliscs


  • 387 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 1,544 Rhivaks [193 per grid]
  • 800 Brumaks
-2,432 Drones
-1920 Savage Drones
-16 Shamans
-16 Ashaka Acolytes

D4-6 1
M'gaelakk Siege Tower Occupied per grid section

  • 1,413 Rhivaks
  • 1,480 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
-1,500 10th Regiment Brutes

D7 - Three M'gaelak Siege Towers Occupied /248 Dispersal Pods
17,574 Savage Drones [Dispersal Pods]
6,259 Drones [Dispersal Pods]
-2,204 Rhivaks
-1,601 Brumaks
-1,494 Drones
-28 Shamans
-28 Ashaka Acolytes
10th Regiment Brutes
-1 Servitor

E4 & F5 50 Hive Bombers Occupied

Hatched - killing all across the city

The Servitor attacking the Lergara was nearly seven times larger than the droid; its spiked outer layer would tear into the Servitors hide, the speed of the creature allowing its momentum to carry it through the arc-cannon fire as it would bring the full weight of its body down on the droid as it fired; its body's momentum enough to crush the unstable ground beneath the Lergara and the surrounding area as its head carved into the ground some hundred metres away.

The second Servitor remained constricted within the spherical shield; its broken hide punctured by repeatedly strikes as a salvo of explosives were left nestled in its exposed flesh. The creature had been abandoned by its Shamans, they had retreated from its mind as the creature's usefulness had drawn to an end caged within the shield. Acting purely on instinct it intended to dig were it had not before; but its Human captors had other plans. By the guise of a marksmen's shot, its head exploded with a thunderous pop, its massive body twitching momentarily, stagnant in the air as a torrent of skull fragment, tongue, membrane and blood rained down on the outpost; painting the shielding in a coat of red before collapsing over the outpost.

The third was attacked by the first revealed Monsterjager, its saw blade cutting deep into its hide and piercing flesh; its neural scrambler killing one of the Shamans directly controlling the Servitor rather than affecting the beast itself. The Servitor was massive, turning underground as it went directly under where the monsterjager stood, collapsing the ground around the jager in an attempt to sink the incredibly heavy machine into the earth as the Servitor dived away to turn around for another attack.

Across the torn battlefield beyond the outpost, Dire-wolves engaged Brutes of the 10th in direct combat alongside Drones and Savages. The Direwolves fought to the last, giving their all against the Brutes who honoured them with the same - fighting tooth and nail as they lavished to fight against foes of quality. For so long, the Galaxy had offered nothing. Now, these Brutes fought for strength, they fought for everything they'd ever wanted, because that was exactly what they were getting. Knee deep in blood, corpses, spikes and shells the Brutes of the 10th fought with blades and their baoyetted weapons. Some used their Mauler shotguns, blasting away foes in a blur of guts and fragmented armour. Rhivaks battled those in powered armour, some crushed under the impressive strength of the augmented suits, others torn apart by multiple Rhivaks at once.

In the midst of the combat, the droids deployed by the echani would attempt to use elemental weaponry against the warriors of the 10th Regiment in futility, their bodies masked in protective shielding gifted by the Quilxyn protectors overseeing them, hidden among their ranks. The Brutes fought in synchronised squads, groups that had fought a dozen or more battles together against wore odds than this. As the outnumbered droids attempted to group up against them, they would find their pathetic tide matched by the Brutes. The EMBU's indeed cut down dozens of Drones, but would be quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numerical advantage held by the Drones, the clawing vicious fodder that they were.

Overhead Archer and Hellfire missiles would batter against the Quilxyn shield wall projected by the two hundred creatures. At the same time, overhead Bombers would destroy the remaining dropships at grid sectors C-8 & D-7, eliminating the chance of a return journey for some and killing the Ashaka Acolytes inside. The following volley would decimate a large portion of the Bryn'adûl forces pushing for C-6, quickly jointed by an attack from the neighbouring tank battalions at the nearby ruins, even as the Servitors under the command of the Primarch attacked the heavy vehciles, their fire lead to dwindling numbers among the Bryn'adûl forces pushing for the front gates. The Obaliscs at the edge of the valley would be struck again by a barrage of missiles, but between them even with the repeated attacks these missiles struck their outer hide; their weakspots protected by their hunched postures, another losing two of its tendrils as the missiles struck, that was quickly continued by the combined fire of several heavy disruptor cannons. Even with fresh as resilient as their own, the Obalics both were almost entirely disintegrated. The majority of their infantry and the Brumaks were saved from the ire of the tanks as the Servitor engaged them, but even so the overpowering fire from the multitude of deployed vehicles killed many.

As the gunships of the Mandalorian forces wheeled overhead, the Quilxyn shields overhead were put under strain as the powerful exchange of missile fire and mass-driver blasts broke through a handful of their protective shielding's, killing numerous Bryn'adûl Warriors in the process even as they fought for every inch against the combined enemy forces. In response the Ra'maks and Siege Towers still standing would fire at the gunships as the Rammikade descended; Brumaks and Rhivaks in hundreds also turning their Gunships, the Brutes of the 10th Regiment would be struck by fusion plasma; their armour eroded slightly but still the 10th fought on, their skin bubbling, shrugging off the heat as the 10th spread their fire into the ranks of the approaching Rammikade and those engaged at the front.

As the Busayr transports arrived overhead, it heralded a hail of fire - one the Quilxyn were ready to fight against, focusing their shields over the infantry as the Rhivaks and Brumaks simultaneously switched their focus to the Transports overhead in the hundreds alongside those firing at the Rammikade and their gunships. The Siege Tower would fire their combined hundreds of spike-based weapons and capitol grade weaponry ballista's at the Busyr Dropships as they arrived, at the same time the two Obaliscs remaining would rain all of their collective firepower down on the Busyr transports as well. The various missiles, mass-driver rounds from the heavy mass-driver cannons battered against the Quilxyn Shield as the super-heavy mass-driver cannons tore through their Brumaks and Rhivaks, killing hundreds.

The forces of the Bryn'adûl fought as the enemy attacked from all angles, a massive cataclysmic battle rippling across the entire open battlefield as the chorus of Baradum missiles came crashing down. The Shamans among them reinforced the Shielding overhead, but even then it blanketed entire areas in fire. The Brutes continued to fight amongst the Rangers, mercenaries and Dire-wolves as the Savage Drones burned in the hundreds. Even so the Bryn'adûl Warriors still had the entirety of the outpost surrounded, and now the city as well. Fire and blood filled the air with a rich smell as the red air of the Bryn'adûl Terraformers began to fill even the trenches and seep into the city. The endless red mist, signifying the deaths of all who dared stand against their military might.

They now flooded into the city in the thousands as well. All the death, all of the loss - this Shield Generator and its valiant protectors gave their lives for nothing. The Bryn'adûl forces had reached nearly ever corner of the city, slaughtering civilians in thousands.


He could feel it, the oppressive ways of energy as Drekarys and his acolytes fought for supremacy against the wielders of the light. The battle stirred back and forth and as the red engulfed those left in shadow, death and a myriad of other foul fates reached those on either side of the conflict. It was beautiful.

Overhead, a pale blue light cascaded across the perceivable stretch of orbit above; some explosion of great magnitude had occurred. Quickly following it, hundreds of thousands of pieces of debris of various sizes came crashing down into the open field, into the battled trenches, into the ships, the city - everywhere. Some were miniscule, the size of your pupil; others the size of a small fighter. The majority seemed to be scattered across the mountains, but a great deal clattered down into Edsert and with such great speed that wrought endless destruction.

The Titan waited, allowing the man to remove his helm. As he expected, nothing - but a man. Yet there was something mutual, an understanding. Rangers don't quit - he repeated to himself in his head. Even as the infernal chaos swirled around them, as the Bryn'adûl fought for every inch and coated the ground in the blood and oil of their enemies. Even as the world came crashing down, this soldier was but one of few who stood stalwart. Others ran head first into the fury of combat.

Tathra snorted at the Jedi's retort. Shifting his stance as both Soldier and Jedi. Tathra would slowly walk left as they approached, keeping his back to his own as he put both of his opponents in front of him. Tathra held the Axe in his left, sword in his right. His stance shifted as the Jedi Knight closed the distance, going for his left knee. Tathra disengaged from the first swing with his Axe; manoeuvring it further left, bringing the sword into a collision course with the second strike, if the lightsaber connected with his sword, he would immediately cock his wrist to bring the sabers blade into the cross-guard of the sword and push it away. At the same time the Soldier shimmering in shades of the sun approached, Tathra's left-side now purposefully posed toward him.

  • Servitor One tries to sink Lergra into unstable ground beneath
  • Servitor Two's limp body crashed down all over outpost.
  • Servitor Three recoils, hollows ground beneath Monsterjager, retreats to regain positional advantage.
  • 37 10th Regiment Brutes killed at Shield Outpost
  • C-6 Forces: 126 Rhivaks killed, 98 Brumaks lost, 332 Drones lost, 480 Savage drones lost
  • 3 Ashaka Acolytes killed
  • Two Obaliscs killed at C-8
  • 164 Brumaks & 362 Drones killed in transit to E-7
  • 651 Drones, 243 Brumaks, 354 Rhivaks, 856 Savage Drones killed at Shield Outpost.
  • Rhivaks and Brumaks 50/50 fire at Mando gunships and Busyr tranports.
  • Two remaining Obaliscs fire on the Busyr transports.
  • Bryn'adûl continue fighting on, Quilxyn Shield breaks in places.
  • Tathra engages Ryv and Beltran.
Horror. Pain. Uncertainty.

Dark emotions tainted the connection between all of them as doubt crept in and robbed them of the sense of unity that they'd amassed. Other Masters of the Force conjured barriers in a bid to protect their allies from the impending end that loomed overhead.

Do not despair.

The King cast off the cloak that threatened to cover his shoulders. The darkness that sought to shroud him and spirit him away through fear, to draw him away from the battlefield, was a mockery. He shared that indignation with his allies.

Flee here? Now? When we have only just begun to defy them?

Debris from on high like Starfall crashed against tangible, yet unseen shielding. The King had already committed to one task. He would have to marry his efforts to theirs in a different way.

No. Have faith in Aslu's justice.

The breeze had harshened, like a single, damning word from a perturbed parent. Shivers ran down the length of his body as the formerly warm climate of Yurb turned to frost around him, and traces of humidity in the air crystalized. They were sucked away, compounded on each other, and began to harden together with the sand at his feet.

The spiker rounds had been waylaid by the build up of ice across their surface, hardened to a point where their weight would forbid them from flying true. As the Bryn'adul closed in on the King, they would understand this immediately.

Around them, the Gale screamed.

In the stream of thoughts shared between them, Elise could see a scene unfolding as the King shared his plan with her.

Osam Osam

Elise's finger tips tingled as the strength of her peers reached her. The battle meditation expanded, a Force Meld occurring between the minds that reached forward to aid. They shone brightly across the planes of her awareness, growing from pin pricks of light to beacons as their experiences reached her.

Determination. Pain. Hope. Comradery. She felt everything all at once. It was breathtaking.

Ryv Ryv and Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr charged forward, taking on the tyrant known as Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Leader of the Bryn. Elise had seen his face on the holograms. He needed to fall, but she couldn't embrace that. Instead she raised a hand, empowering her two comrades with Force Valor as they struck their first blows against the monster.

The power would reach them, fueled by the many minds that worked as one to lend them aid. Every jedi that stood with her was a beacon of light across her awareness-- pillars against the darkness Bryn sorcerers tried to collapse them with.

But the Jedi did not falter. Together, they held the Bryn mages back. She stood well behind Jedi Ryv as he met the threat head on, her eyes closed and hands risen. For a moment the lithe blonde looked so small against the backdrop of war. Fire rained down from the sky.

Still, the Jedi held. Through the terror. The pain. Her spirit was there with them, unfaltering against the horror.

She felt small pockets of barriers flicker up and protect the fragile lives throughout the city, but it was not enough. The screams of the Levron melting from sand to glass flashed across her psyche. She felt the agony ripple across the ones too young for this war, her presence brushing Amani Serys Amani Serys and Nida Perl Nida Perl alike as their injuries threatened their very lives.

But they were not alone.

Sonic waves buffered against her as pieces of the ship smashed into the desert. The connection she shared with Enlil Enlil tingled as both masters found an idea in sync. That just might work, she told him back, his presence grounding her against the wave of agony the fallen ship had sent out. With me then.

A wave of inspire rippled through the Force Meld, meant to regroup and rally the Jedi each left fighting off the distracting consequences of the fallen ship. Focus on her now. There's hope. The plan would present itself to those Jedi masters that engaged, and for the first time, a real thread of tangle hope was born.

This just might work.

But first-- the mental hand to join her in the force meld was left extended, a move of such power needing more than a spare whim to execute.

Her eyes snapped open, her fingers crinking as piece of space junk came hurling down over the trio locked in a fight. Elise made the choice without hesitation, sparring Ryv Ryv , Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr and Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus alike as she redirected the metal to land amongst Bryn forces instead.

Elise would not sacrifice one to down the other.

Instead the boy would find her voice brushing against his mind, the soft-tempered jedi unmovable against the chaos that surrounded them. Patience, she urged. Feel him out. Press the weakness.

She was with him, a well of strength to draw upon, for he would surely need it.
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Tarish Galland

Tarish had felt the presence of Elise and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , tapping into it as the roof came barreling towards them. On top of that was the sudden light show from above as Barrien Siegfried threw a shield over them.

"AT A CERTAIN POINT YOU ARE HELPING BY REMOVING YOURSELF. YOU ARE HURT. BADLY I MIGHT ADD! DON'T BREAK YOURSELF." He could sense now the padawan using force body, just as he was. His own worry was not of himself, but for Amani. As the roof came his way, Amani pushed him and the debris, adding his own power to her push to propel himself against another building. The hairs on his arms rose as he watched the roof smash into the space around Amani and he whispered to himself in disbelief. "No." A feral part of him awoke as his hearts pumped hard with adrenaline.

The sabers blade winked out as he focused himself in the force, energy drawn into him now at an alarming rate from the surrounding area at the righteous anger he felt for the injured padawan. The need to administer justice for the wrong committed was almost overwhelmingly strong. He had been charged with her safety, and he was failing. His failure could very well be her death. That would not be allowed to happen. Emerald electricity danced through him, along his body as the energy was shaped in his core and pushed outward. An inhuman roar coming from him as the man rocketed once more toward the Ravager.


A bolt of green lightning streaked through the air faster than Ura Iolar Ura Iolar could charge, slamming into the ravager and delivering all the stored energy in one go. Tarish roared once more as the electricity was at his maximum draw, energy once coiled in his arm feeding the punch that also delivered the scathing electricity as he continued to draw from what energy he could. The wounds on his body seemed to flow more freely as he did so, and he could feel something beginning to go wrong in his arms and legs.

He was toeing a dangerous line himself.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn
Location: Landing at E7 – On board the Shuttle
Objective: Relocate - New Objective
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Enlil Enlil | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Elise | The Monster The Monster | All SJO and Allies
Enemies: Bryn’adul | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Osam Osam
Equipment: Lightsaber | Stealth Suit

Brutally honest he was, Abaigeal could not help but smirk at the soldier by her side. “Then lets not waste any more time”, the screaming of drop ship zoomed over head, and by the sight of the surrounding area, Abaigeal doubted there were civilians here, at least only those that manned the outpost. The creatures that now littered the area were not the concern if there was no one around for them to kill. The outpost could be rebuilt, but this soldier was correct it was time to leave and get whoever was left out of it all.

Close by, she could hear shouting, and whoever it was coming their way. The big man that had been atop the worm creature came to them, ordering them onto the shuttle that had landed behind the line.

She did not need to be told twice. Abaigeal tapped the arm of the GA soldier, pointed to the shuttle and ran toward it. Once inside, she secured herself ready for the abrupt take off. It was going to be a bumpy ride, to wherever they would go next. Kahne Porte Kahne Porte had best get his backside on one of the shuttles too. And the force knows where Enlil Enlil got himself too. Abaigeal had not seen sight of him in a while, but deep down she knew he was still alive out there somewhere.

Voices through the force, several of them as the conduit strengthened those tapped into it. For a moment, Abaigeal centred her focus and upon the loop sent energy toward the source of the meditation. She could feel Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser there too, she had not sensed his presence in years, and he had always provided the Jedi with hope, even if he didn’t realise it. There was a strength in Coren that seemed to feed the Jedi.

“Heavenshield?”, she was brought back to the here and now. Now that is a name I have not heard in a long time. So, she was not imagining things after all. Now that she looked closely at his face, there was features she remembered from childhood, and the SJO insignia, he could only be the son of the man she once knew.

“Not as good looking as you father”, she threw the line his way. “Sergeant? lets get out of here”. And into another steaming pile of muck.
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L O C A T I O N | The Emerald Undertow
W E A R I N G | Armour - Rings [x] [x] [x]
A L L I E S | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova - Juno - Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran - Elise - SJO & Friends
E N E M I E S | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir - The Brynadul & Friends​

As Aurelion drowned everything out, so too did Nimue. She had not expected their connection to grow this deep over the course of this battle. In truth, after Rodia, it had been something she had actively fought. The High Priestess, though externally she projected a much different perspective for Aurelion’s benefit, had not been ready to tie herself to one so young. To one so feeble and weak, but today? He had proved otherwise. A thousand times over.​

In the distance, some hundreds of thousands of miles away, the rumble of a siege tower echoed in the corners of her mind. The crash as it came crumbling, weakened by a blazing heat that now fizzled out as its mission proved fruitful. Elsewhere, Aurelion’s form shifted in the ether, utilizing the one thing that Nimue could not. Light side power. Everyone else had been bolstered by the battle meditations occurring planetside, Nimue had relied on nothing but the bond she and Aurelion shared. ​

Oddly, and at much surprise to the High Priestess, thus far it had been enough.​

A solid form shifted somewhere back on the ship, Nimue felt it disturb the cloth that clung to her chest. Aurelion. She hadn’t needed the movements to know what was about to come, she felt it from every angle. A slow and powerful build, almost like watching a pot of water finally coming to boil. ​

Nimue joined him. Witnessing his might with no shortage of pride, for once. She did not need to speak the words, the feeling alone was enough. Grinning somewhat, the shift in his figure back to something she was all too familiar with was all the chance she needed to help. The center of the omnivident that was Aurelion’s form shifted and swayed like the watery depths of the mirror she knew at home. Nimue took a deep breath, shifting the small head that rested on her chest. Stay strong. She encouraged it. A sudden burst of force broke forth from the obsidian cloud that formed Nimue’s presence. Starting as one, heading directly for the centre of the omnivident that was Aurelion, by the time they reached it there were hundreds. Stream lining straight through the murky depths of his ethereal form to eternally bond the High Priestess and her young Master in the shadowy realm. Now, with their forms merged as one, the tendrils broke free on the opposite side omnivident, where cracks in the Seer’s wall had begun to form.​

Working together with the light that Juno so expertly forced into every weak point of the wall, the tendrils attacking the Seer’s form again and again. Just as mercilessly as her companions.​

With whatever strength she had left, Nimue joined the call of a voice that she didn’t recognise, but of a strength she did. Elise. Her power was a meager addition to the swirling tangle of Jedi force that made up the majority of the meditation, and she could not use the power it offered out in turn… but she already knew she was going to be spent by the end of all this. And she did not believe in letting things go to waste.​
Location: D5
Enemies: Enlil Enlil | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser
Allies: Galak Galak

All of the attempted attacks had seemingly done little enough to harm the two beings, though that was to be expected. Osam hadn't thought they'd manage to simply strike down the pair of interlopers with a simple firing line, though he had hoped he'd manage to at least wound them before it became necessary to involve more esoteric strategies. Unpossessed of Force powers like many of his brethren and their opponents, the Major didn't recognize the sudden appearance of a Force Barrier until the spiker rounds meant for Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser began to strike against nothingness, sparking and collapsing in on themselves as they hammered into the wall.

Simultaneous to the hybrid's recognition of the barrier was his acknowledgment of the sudden arrival of a Ravager. A vicious beast likely dispatched by the Emissary Galak to assist him in his rear-guard action. The berserking animal -- for referring to it as anything other than a mindless beast would be to give credence to the claim that it had any reason at all left in its head -- smashed brutally against the barrier, its fists hammering down against the shield with greater power than anything the Sraelvun drones would've been able to muster.

Casting his eyes upwards for a moment, Osam recognized as a number of smaller pieces of detritus struck against an invisible roof. Perhaps a vessel somewhere above had been scattered into debris? Further pieces of starship made themselves known as they hurtled towards Edsert, chunks of durasteel and electronics slamming against the shield, and catching the attention of the other Sraelvun. Was the Jedi preserving them so that they could fight more honorably? Unlikely, and unwarranted. Perhaps it was a side-effect of its attempt at saving its own flesh and that of its kindred, then.

Nevertheless, the Major was not a bloodthirsty beast like the Ravager, and though it pained him, he barked a command to hold fire on the first Jedi. His death would signal their own until the falling vessel had concluded its descent, and while he couldn't stop the Ravager with word or deed, he could at least lessen the impact against the barrier's creator.

That meant nothing for the safety of Enlil Enlil , but it seemed he had managed to bring his own ability to bear, choosing offense over defense. The sudden chill was more noticeable to the Risen-Sraelvun than his companions because he was far more sensitive to such sudden drops in temperature. He'd never seen anything like it -- a man simply making the area around him frosty and chilled. With a war-like shriek, the thirty Sraelvun now turned their attention to the approaching ice-storm of a man, firing off round after round towards him.

Osam, though, felt himself growing increasingly lethargic. The Quilxyn Protector they'd brought along was prepared to offer some response to the growing chill, but it was primarily focused on giving general protection to the group of what it recognized to be Drones. Sraelvun did not often possess the temperature-based weaknesses of their Baedurin or Aeravalin cousins, but the Risen were hybrids... and it was possible to inherit such cracks in their proverbial armor.

The Ravager was probably Baedurin too, he recognized. He would fall far before it, but perhaps the cold would touch its raging soul too. He needed warmth before the situation became untenable. "Keep shooting!" He shrieked, before dropping behind his companions and beginning to utilize his vicious claws to dig away at the ground, hauling up chunks of whatever was in his way as quickly as possible and using his own rifle to loosen it when necessary.
Objective: Be the Shield
Foe: Osam Osam

As a Jedi, life was never easy. Decisions had to be made to do the right thing. It wasn’t so much an issue of being always good, or following some form of code, but it was doing what was right. And even if it was combat, there were beings that Coren knew did not need to be senselessly killed, or slaughtered. But at the same time, he had no qualms with dispatching an enemy if he couldn’t find another route to end a fight. But now? The Force was calling to him, he had more to protect than just himself. There were still innocents around, and others who may not be able to protect themselves. The first barrier wall, the one that was so common place for a Jedi, took only part of his focus, as spiker rounds were hitting it.

And the Ravager.

That was unexpected but by now Coren Starchaser was focusing his attention upwards. The Jedi Master was pushing the Force forward, keeping a dome as much as he could, to protect himself and those around him. He knew h couldn’t over exert himself, but he also knew that this feat was going to tire him. This was what a Jedi was supposed to do, weigh the options and be the force for good and security.

Grunting as he reached out to the Force, trying to block everything coming, he couldn’t feel his daughters anymore, he couldn’t feel anyone. Please… He whispered inside his head, they couldn’t fall today. But as he was trying to reach in the Force for more will, he heard the voice of Laertia Io Laertia Io . “Cover me…” Was all he could allow, still trying to hold up the rubble, to remove what he could.

It was lightening, but there were people around, he couldn’t falter.

Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Ver'kad Inuk

Objective: Cripple and Destroy
Equipment: Verikast Armour | Mauler |
Tags: The Monster The Monster | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Gir Quee Gir Quee |

First Wave Fleet: Two Conquesters A2: Hull: 100% Shields: 83% B2: Hull: 84% Shields: 74% [18/24 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 4 Ra’maks Units ] | Four Butcher Attack Cruisers A1: 80% B1: 100% C1: 100% D: 100% [1/4 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 2 Ra’mak Units| The Divine Brutality Hull: 100% Shields: 74% [3/10 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 2 Ra’mak Units

Second Wave Fleet: Two
Phedrak Carriers | Eight Debauchers |


Ver'kad heeded the mental note of the Seer, they'd been ignoring the other players on the field for too long. And that went both for the Confederate vessels and the flanking forces.

"Send those Debuachers against that ship bombarding our forces." It'd taken them some time to lock onto the Hope, but throughout the duration of the conflict it had more than given away its position. The Divine and her Conquesters continued to be fired upon, a ripple of explosions along the underside of t the trapped Conquester damaging its shields, however with the removal of the Galatea from the equation, the Conquester was able to break free. The second of two Conqeusters began to reposition as well. They knew they were being flanked on both sides, this battle was getting uglier before it would be finished.

On their flank, a massive explosion encapsulated the upper atmosphere of the planet; the Concordia and its pestering pickets had been taken out by the sacrifice of their Carriers. Ver'kad was nearly blinded by the explosion, but they had to keep fighting.

"Keep fighting! The planet is ours! We will fight these scum back deeper into their space and we will wipe this system clean of their pathetic vessels!"

The Divine had been struck, but its shift in position had indeed been advantageous as it brought its main cannon to face directly toward the approaching enemy fleet; they were sending boarding crafts. The Divine redirected its Ballista's, firing their shots on trajectory paths of the boarding crafts in route. Some would make it, no doubt. Ver'kad loaded his Mauler, just in case. The Warriors of the Bryn'adûl were never afraid of a fight. The rear guns of the Divine would open fire on the remaining two Achilles. Even outnumbered as they were. The Chieftain should've brought more ships like he'd damn well said.

"Bring your boarding craft you weak filth. Prepare the main battery!" The maw of the Divine would glow violently, a sneering growl aimed at the approaching Echani fleet, it would be hard to tell from this distance but they were aiming for the Akula Heavy Destroyer.

Their Debauchers would break off as their current attack positions, full-thrusters to re-position as the Emerald Undertow went invisible. Their enemy was planning something, Ver'kad felt it - and he would be ready.


The two Debauchers that had attempted and failed to attack the Calamiri's fleet now were sent to deal with the ship; Hope. It had been up until this point providing orbital support for their enemies on the planet below. Not anymore, the two Debauchers made hyper-space jumps to arrive above and below Hope, immediately attempting to sap the energy from the ship as they would begin to fight against its shield first. They'd have to devote more and more power over time to keep the Debauchers from getting in.

The Debaucher above the Glasser Station's first tendril would break through, dropping a few Drones below. Those drones were almost instantly killed, but not by enemy forces; but rather by the vacuum of space. That was enough for no more to be deployed, the Debaucher simply continued to absorb the energy remaining in the Station; intent on making it inert. The same could be said for the Debaucher over the Storm-bringer, the creature latched on and let a Rhivak loose into the ship only for the large creature to choke and die. Both Debauchers grasped tight onto their prey, draining them of energy.

The Debaucher over the Emerald Undertow was pushed away, greedily following only to eat a face-full of mines, some of its tentacles severed, its kin above the Galatea fought back against the vessel, its superior speed come proportionately from its upper form, using its superior thrust power to push the vessel away from its neighbouring vessels. Though the Debaucher had no idea the vessel was going to explode.

The Debauchers over the advancing enemy artillery ships would be separated as one made a successful latch, the other still chasing its vessel. Though it wouldn't take long for the Debaucher to begin to catch up, engaging full forward momentum as it brought its upper length forward to protect itself. The Debaucher on the underside of the Artillery cruiser would syphon the power from the offensive mechanisms directly under it, losing some of its smaller tendrils in the process but not enough to full deter the creature as it lowered itself onto the Hull.

  • Seven Phedrak Fighter Sqaudrons Lost
  • Two Ra'mak Units lost
  • Emereland Undertow Debaucher loses some tentacles cause it ate landmines
  • Debauchers above Storm-bringer and Glass Station lose a few soldiers to the vacuum before closing up and focusing on drainin'
  • Two Debauchers move to attack the vessel; Hope from above and below.
  • Butchers move to re-position themselves for next stage of conflict.
  • Divine readies main cannon to fire.
  • Conquester B breaks free of tractor beam hold.
  • Conquester A repositions.
  • Ra'maks and Phedraks continue to do their thing.

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