Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Location: Disembarking at C6 -> Moving towards C5
Objective: Execute Flanking Maneuver
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | SJO
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Galak Galak | Bryn

Once the rescue shuttles moved out, there was a sigh of relief amongst his fellow troopers. The Shield Outpost was a doomed endeavour at this stage, and everyone offered silent prayer to those left behind to cover their redeployment. It happened in war all the time; one smaller force was sacrificed in order to save greater numbers elsewhere. It made the young sergeant thankful he was not paid enough to be making such tough calls himself.

Still, it was a crappy situation either way.

Thirdas did not share the men's sense of relief, however brief, but rather stood staring out at the smoking cityscape, focused solely on trying to find whatever glimpse of Nida Perl Nida Perl . He had no idea where she could be, and yet he knew with such certainty she was down there somewhere, fighting for her life. At that moment he was torn between simply jumping ship, abandon his orders to go find her.

The voice of Tulan Kor Tulan Kor snapped him back into the moment, reminding him of where his duty lies, first and foremost.

"Copy that, Sir," he replied over comms back to the Gunnery Sergeant. The lady Jedi he'd brought along for the ride had gotten on the same shuttle, and he had to stop for a moment when she unexpectedly made a passing remark about him and his father. "Yeah, well... We can't all be Thurion Heavenshield," he made a self-deprecating remark of his own while loading a fresh magazine into his rifle and pulled back the bolt.

He would have come up with something better were his mind not in two different places.

Suddenly one of the shuttles carrying troops was hit from behind, smoke pouring from one of its engines. Another volley caused it to burst into flames, cooking those unfortunate enough to be trapped inside before it exploded entirely. They were being pursued!

"Tulan, shuttles are taking enemy fire! Can your gunships keep them busy while we land?"

There was no time to waste -- they had to set down now or risk losing more men.

"1st, 2nd, 3rd Platoon, you lot are with me! 4th and 5th stay with Sergeant Kor and help fend off the enemy gunboats!" There was a unified pounding of chests within the shuttle, as well as in those flying nearby. "Our work is not done yet, Rangers! This world and its citizens are under our protection, and it will not fall on Dorn's watch!" Another pounding of chests.

"We are the shieldwall upon which the enemy smashes and breaks, unflinching and unbreakable!" A third one followed.

He looked out the side of the shuttle and pointed. "Those are some mighty foes out there," he turned to his men once more. "Let's go kill them!"

A great roar was unleashed as the shuttles touched ground, allowing for the battle-hardened troops to disembark and take up a new position at the right flank of the invading enemy. "Go, go, go!"

They would charge into the flank of the Bryn assault, utilising speed, surprise, and violence of action. The Ranger way.

They followed along the city walls, wading into the enemy lines, pushing ever onwards until they reached the bulk of the Bryn'adûl hordes currently busy pouring through and over the walls. Here they halted their advance and took up position as Thirdas hailed Gunny on the comms.

"Sir, we've reached what looks like the bulk of enemy forces," he reported into the comms unit on his wrist. "Sending you coordinates for strafing run now! Strike from the skies, Brother!"

"Hold the line! Cavalry is en route!"
he then instructed his men even as he split the skull of another brutish monster, only to have his battle axe knocked out of his hands by another. Improvising, Thirdas retaliated by letting loose a devastating right hook using his metal arm, which hit so hard it punched a hole clean through the poor creature's chest, leaving it twitching on the ground. He then raised his right foot, also made of metal, and crushed the head of the already fallen foe into chunks of meat and bone.

Summary of actions:

  • Have disengaged at the Shield Outpost alongside Dorn Company and other allies.
  • Shuttles and accompanying gunships are pursued by Bryn gunboats.
  • Shuttles land briefly at C6 to drop off troops just outside the city walls.
  • Thirdas leads a detachment of Rangers (as well as whoever else wishes to join!) into the right flank of the Bryn assaulting the city walls.
  • Have requested air support to strafe said right flank.
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Objective 1 | Evacuate oh god oh god

Location | Edsert (F6 to F7)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

Even as a healer, Nida was shocked. Sinking to her knees, hands clasped over her mangled eye, the only thing she could focus on was the feel of the blood seeping through her fingers, down her hands and arms. The Zeltron had treated plenty of eye injuries before, but that didn’t prepare her for the sensations she felt. Even the pain somehow fell into the background, unbeknownst to her as Kyra inadvertently took on the agony of her injury.

Eyes were sensitive organs, and all at once her mind ran the gamut of possible outcomes for her. The injury was deep, rupturing the sclera of her eye, ripping apart the lens and other organelles inside. At least that would make her prognosis simple. While her mind was trying to process what had happened, the sensation of her hands pressed to injured tissue allowed instinct to take over, and the healer was able to stem the flow of blood just enough that she wouldn’t bleed to death in the near future. One moment her sister’s hands were on her face, and the next sensation to hit Nida was an ominous whistling from above.

Her remaining eye was blurred with tears and blood, and on instinct Nida’s hands fell away from her injury, giving way to a nauseating lack of vision. Focusing was hard and even more painful than she had anticipated, the frayed nerve endings in her right eye screaming with lost purpose. The Zeltron rubbed at her left eye hastily with her sleeve, clearing away enough debris in order to take in the sight in front of her.

Fire rained from the sky, mangled chunks of metal streaking through the atmosphere and slamming into the city like missiles. What drew her attention most was her sister standing directly above her, blood stained hands extended and light drifting from her fingertips as she faced down the projectile rocketing towards them at deadly speed. For a split second Nida sat there in a crippled pool of blood and Padawan robes, in absolute awe of her sister’s bravery. Kyra radiated a protective energy that was beyond her years, but what struck her most was that in this light, with that expression of determination, Kyra looked exactly like their mother.

Her danger sense and the esoteric support of the Order’s Masters invigorated her with an adrenaline burst that Nida knew would be short lived. The battle was coming to a close, and Jedi forces were retreating from the planet’s surface with Leveron civilians in tow. They were so close to the bunker, so close to the space port—and if she left now and let Kyra do this on her own, Nida would forever mourn both her sister’s sacrifice and her own cowardice.

Stumbling upwards, Nida’s balance quickly slipped given her injuries and impaired depth perception. Sinking back to the ground, she arranged herself in such a way that she could lean with both arms and hands pressed outwards, calling upon her own abilities to manipulate the Force, as well as those lending their strength through battle meditation and mind meld. She fed what strength she had into her sister’s barrier, urging it to grow as strongly as their combined talents would allow. The Perl sisters were novices among the Jedi, but their mother had taught them to weave the Force into a basic defensive ability from a young age.

Telekinetically pushing your sister when she’d eaten the last of the Coruscant Crunch was nowhere near trying to avert death. The intrusive memory, however inappropriate for the situation, made Nida smile sadly. Tears clouded her good eye, and so she closed it, putting all of her energy into keeping them from being instantly ripped apart by flaming debris. Above them, shields flared to life from two of the goro droids who had stayed with them while the rest had moved to escort the remaining civilians through the bunker.

The debris lanced through the atmosphere, targeting them like a laser sight. It hurtled towards the Zeltron sisters as such high speeds that it shattered the barriers they’d created in desperation for survival, slamming into the ground where it shook the earth like a quake. Both Nida and Kyra were thrown from the immediate area after the blast-like impact, which hadn’t resulted in their instantaneous deaths thanks to the barriers they’d constructed to help lessen the strike and knock the projectile off course slightly.

Nida felt her body roll along the uneven, war-torn ground several times before her consciousness began to fade. She wanted to yell, to cry out for her sister's name, to claw at the ground until she could find Kyra but her body would not obey. The last thing she heard was the voice of Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield echoing in her head. Which was odd, given that her comm earpiece had most certainly been destroyed, right?

“ If you are not on those shuttles, you're not getting out of here!"

Earthly sensations slowly faded away as Nida drifted into a dreamless sleep. Of the goro droids that had assisted them, one had been struck directly by the impact, while the other only managed to suffer minor dings to it’s durasteel body. The remaining droid picked up both unconscious Padawans, one in each arm, and began the journey through the bunker towards the spaceport.
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Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Objective 2: Survive and fall back to the Bunker
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl & Nida Perl Nida Perl


Caedyn had been too focused on the safety of the civilians and Kyra's desire to rush to her Father's aid that he hadn't reacted fast enough to save Nida Perl Nida Perl from the ghastly bat-like creature's talons, the girl dropping in shock, horror and excruciating pain while Kyra Perl Kyra Perl rid them of the flying nuisance and rushed to her aid.

Meanwhile something high above them exploded and a low rubble echoed out across the skies, Caedyn's gaze drawn high to witness the sudden eruption within Yurb's orbit, a site that froze him in his place. The moments passed terribly quickly as his mind raced from question to astonishment, astonishment to shear horror as the one large explosion turned into multiple smaller orbs of light, igniting as they hit the atmosphere and spreading out the further they descended unto the surface of Yurb. His Padawan heard the sounds of the assailing heavens, arguably too little too late but there was still some hope for them to reach the Bunker. There had to be.

Turning back to shout to the girls to get moving, Caedyn's eyes widened as he felt the intent within Kyra Perl, shock suddenly followed by frustration as she appeared willing to foolish enough to put her life on the line against the monstrous sized hail of debris, durasteel and fire carrying such violent momentum from the release of space into the throes of gravity.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" Caedyn yelled both in anger and desperation as Nida found the strength to stand alongside her Sister, "Don't try to-..." His words were cut short as pieces of the capital ship struck their force barrier, crashing through it and hitting the group of them in a momentous blast of kinetic force, the shock-wave lifting Caedyn Arenais up off of his feet and throwing him some feet backwards, his gaze buried into the sand and rubble as his body rolled across the ground arms raising up to try to cover his face from harm while his knees were pulled tightly against his chest in a last minute bid to protect his vitals.

Everything rocked viciously around them, Caedyn's eyes blurred as he fought to open them while being blinded at the same time from the blood that pooled from his forehead, a deep gash marring his fringe. He wanted to give in to the comforts of exhaustion in the moment, yet the last thing he had seen were the twins and before the lives of others, Nida and Kyra were the first to come back to his concussed mind.

His body ached something terribly, his left hand reaching out, fingers splayed against the fallen debris covering him and prying it off with the aid of the Force, what little energy he had left to summon within. "Kyra! Nida!?" he nearly choked, gasping while trying to call out for the pair.

Something grabbed him, prying the Jedi Knights body from the rubble and back into the merciless broken world that was Yurb, reality crying out to him. Wiping his face with the sleeve of his tunic, he turned to acknowledge the Goro droid that stood over him. A bloodied hand reaching out to give it an acknowledging pat, yet stumbling in his step and falling against it some, his attention turning towards the other two droids carrying the two Perl's.

"Don't worry about me, get them to the Bunker! Now!!" Caedyn growled out of necessity. Truthfully he would not have been on his feet so soon, yet the girls were younger and still had so much to give to the Galaxy yet. It wasn't their time. "Go!!!" he yelled at the droids.

Hell-fire continued to descend upon Yurb as they ran, the droids much faster and more capable than the Jedi Knight yet Caedyn gave it his all, refusing to surrender himself yet. Some of the civilians they'd been guiding back had been killed in the thundering downfall of scrap metal, others managing to miraculously survive yet they still had to cross the street to get clear...
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Objective: …
Location: ???
Enemies: Anyone not Bryn’adul.
Allies: Bryn’adul.

Sarask crawled through the tight space, it seemed to have been made for the express purpose of letting through smaller humanoids. She could feel her crystalline body scraping and scuffing the surface around her. She wasn’t quite sure how she got here, but all she knew was she had to get out. Perhaps make herself useful, perhaps not. All she knew was, she hated being in tight enclosed spaces like this. Then again, it made for a good area of killing, but only if it was wide enough for her to run or swing in. This wasn’t wide, it was small. She hated it.

Maybe she’ll kill someone when she got out, she didn’t care who they may be.

To question how she got in her predicament was a good question, and not one Sarask was likely to answer for a long, long time, perhaps only in death. It went without saying that the people who did know how were going to die very soon. She heard a commotion as she reached the end, shimmying herself out of the ladder tunnel. A man was in front of her. She stared at him. He stared at her, before moving his gun up to aim at her.

She reached over and grabbed his gun and wrist, pulling him into the tunnel as she thrashed against him as he slid down screaming. She couldn’t see what fell down below, but it sounded more like chunks of meat and water splashing than anything else. She looked around. It seemed as though he was the only one about to use it, or perhaps guarding the area. She crawled out of the tunnel, rubbing off a bit of gore and life essence from her body.

Krarolk T'manu

LOCATION: D3, riding to E4
ENGAGING: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

The Jedi used her energy once again to grab the blade of Krarolk's glaive.
The Zealot had to admit - the Jedi's armor was incredibly strong. After all, the armor had been directly struck by a well-executed thrust from the enhanced glaive of a Byrn'adul Zealot Elite and come out with only a dent. It seemed as if he would have to work his way around the armor, instead aiming for a decapitation of the Jedi's head or feet. The female Jedi, still holding the blade of Krarolk's glaive, attempted to lift the entire weapon upwards. However, it was here where she had miscalculated. Even with powerful energy similar to Krarolk's enhancing her capabilities, Krarolk was far superior in physical strength. In an instant, the Zealot yanked the glaive out of the Jedi's hands and pulled it back for a counterattack. But before he could strike, an explosion shook the ground around them. Krarolk looked to the side to find a chunk of titanium twice his size embedded in the ground less than ten meters away. Rapidly looking up, the Zealot realized that there was a significant quantity of debris raining from the sky. Soon, their unshielded battlefield would no longer be safe.

Abvor noticed the deadly rain of torn steel as well, and realized its implications just as Krarolk did. If Abvor didn't find shelter fast, he'd be literal dead meat. However, he was also concerned about Krarolk. His Commander had a Skag; he could make it to safety rapidly. On the other hand, Krarolk was likely still in an engagement with the Jedi the trio had encountered minutes earlier. Abvor rushed back to Krarolk's location, occasionally evading a chunk of debris or outright blasting it out of the sky. Suddenly, he heard a rumbling behind him. The Zealot Elite turned, Shredder raised, only to find his Commander riding his Skag to Abvor's side.

"Hop on." stated the Commander.

On the Skag, the two Zealots sped towards the third member of their trio. Due to the mount's rapid speed, they arrived at Krarolk's estimated coordinates less than two minutes later. It seemed as if a brief break had opened up in the duel between the Zealot and the Jedi, evenly matched.

"Hop on if you want to live!" yelled Krarolk's Commander.

Despite his initial hesitation for letting such an interesting target go free, Krarolk hopped on the Skag behind Abvor. Despite the added weight, the Skag was still more than capable of outrunning the Jedi. The trio's Commander yanked on its reins, the beast rapidly accelerating and veering away from the vast plain.

With their adversary left in a deteriorating environment, the Zealot Elite trio rode towards the capital city of Yurb.

OOC: This is my final post.





Objective: Fight
Location: Outpost - F3
Time: 1225 Hours
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Allies: | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Aadya Volke Aadya Volke | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | @Sergei | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Nimue Nimue | @Kyra Pearl | Niamh Raste |
Enemies: | Galak Galak | Krarolk T'manu | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | @Tathra Khaesu |
Post: #4

For a few moments, things were moving back into control. With the High Rollers pulling behind the wall, they would have the chance to regroup alongside the other two divisions. The tank divisions would pull back with them, and the defenders of this planet would have the chance to re-establish the front line. That’s all it would take to give these slow jedi the time they needed to fully get the civilian population to the bunkers. That was the plan, at least.

What wasn’t accounted for was the sound of a puncturing of the outpost wall, right before something blew the head of her airforce commander right off his shoulders. Before they could figure out where the shots had come from, two more of her officers were dead at her feet. Luna had been in enough fights to know exactly what the feeling of being honed in by a sniper was like, so she had the mind about her to quickly crouch and move to exit the room. For the moment, it seemed as though the sniper didn’t exactly know which was his target. Frankly, Luna didn’t know who he was targeting. It seemed like the best decision at the moment to find cover wherever she could find it.

Lambda squad, the commando squad tasked with protecting the command group during this excursion, was into the room quickly to attempt to gather the survivors. It was emptying out quickly, but not before another officer unfortunately lost his life. By the time Luna had gotten out of the room, only six of the original ten command staff remained. It was a number of losses that they would have time to mourn later. In another time, though. They couldn’t stop, even when making it to the relative safety of the hallway. For the moment, the sniper shots had fired. Even so, Luna had powered both the gauntlet’s circular shields on to at least give a small bit extra protection.

One of the survivors of the left, the grizzled general, looked like he had a mixture of anger and worry written all over his face. Luna was not too in the moment to not notice, so after checking in with Lambda actual, she crouch walked over the man. “General? Are you alright?” The man scoffed, shaking his head while looking up to the armored War Marshal. The anger was taking more of his face over now, lacing his voice as he spoke. “I was just about to tell you..right before we came under fire..but the front line completely broke. I have no idea how much of our divisions are left. There’s….no telling how many men we’ve lost.”

Silence took over the hallway for a few moments. The idea that their best means of communication and control of the battle was now taken from them was nothing that any of the officers wanted to confront. Luna was among them. It wasn’t something that could be dwelled on. They needed to get out of this outpost and find someway to re-coordinate their forces. Turning from the general to the commando leader, Luna gave a small nod of approval.

“Ok. We’re leaving. Call in our ride.”




Objective: Evacuate the civilians
Equipment: Lightsaber, Robes
Tags: | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Nida Perl Nida Perl |

Admittedly, Matvec hadn’t been in many conflicts during his time with the Jedi. Many was exaggerating it, unless one counted breaking up a few bar fights on investigations. Certainly nothing to this size and magnitude had ever graced his life. Of all the thing to surprise him the most, the quickness that a battle, a conflict, could flip on it’s head was staggering. One moment, he had ended the lives of three beasts of the darkness..

The next, he was following behind the bearded man and the droid, whom carried two very hurt young padawans. Matvec stayed close behind the group, shifting from the ground to running on the rooftops wherever the nightbeasts attempted to fly down from. His blue blade spun in lazy circles as the group ran, keeping it continually ready to eat into the flesh of the beasts that harassed them. Whenever one got too close, like the bat that swooped in from a nearby alleyway, Matvec would stop to make sure they followed no longer.

He couldn’t spend too much time on each beast, not wanting to get separated from the group for too long, the Natuolan attempted to make the kills quick and clean. As the bat came flying in from the alleyway, he leaped up into the air to intercept it, catching and tumbling to the ground with it landing on top. It snapped at his face with those nasty jaws, prompting a groan, followed by that wide grin that spread across his face. “Aww, you’re a nasty bugger now, aren’t you? Here’s a present for you. Join with the force once again.” His blue blade reignited, pressed right up against the bat’s chest, impaling the beast. It let out a guttural roar, spraying dark blood onto his face before falling limp on his chest.

“A heavy bugger too..” Matvec grunted, groaning as he pushed off the beast, wiping off his face afterword. The trio was already making their way into the bunker that would lead to the starport. With a huff, he pushed himself to his feet and took off running toward the group, intent on catching up quickly. Thankfully, no other bats tried to eat him or the group that he could see, and within a minute or so, he had caught up. While that did make him slightly happy to have made his way back, it did make him realize just how slow the group had ended up moving.

The jedi knight was laboring, and even if the droids that carried the padawans didn’t exactly move the quickest, it was obvious he wasn’t going to be able to keep up. Unfortunately, Matvec knew no healing spells, and it seemed as though their only healer was out for the count. There was something, however, that might be able to push the bearded man across the finish line. A red skinned, slightly webbed, hand reached out to grasp Caedyn on the shoulder before he could exhaust himself to death. “Feel invigorated with the force, my friend.” Through Matvec, the force flowed through him into the knight. While it wouldn’t heal his wounds, perhaps for a few moments it would allow him to move a bit quicker and gain stamina back. The Natuolan kept up the technique for a few moments, until he was positive Caedyn would be able to make it, then turned to the droids carrying the zeltrons.

“I’ll take them,” he said, moving to sling the bodies of the Zeltron’s onto his shoulders. They were a heavy weight combined, but through the same technique used on the bearded jedi, Matvec was positive they could at least make it to the spaceport now. With the will of the force, the civilians, along with these exhausted jedi, might just make it out alive.
Objective: Insurgent - COMPLETE - Assault
Location: D6
Equipment: Armour | Mauler |
Units: 3794 Brutes, 3,290 Drones - Risen lead | 271 Quilxyn Protectors | 6 Ravagers | 4 Obaliscs | 12 Syphons | 300 Brumaks |
Airborne: One-Hundred & Ninety-Six Gunboats
Allies: Osam Osam | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Krarolk T'manu | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Drekarys Kel
Enemies: Edsert City Inhabitants | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

The battle raged on around them, the longer he looked the harder his chest pumped. The more his right arm shook as the blades came close, he threw his arm down - looking away in defeat. The shock was over and the pain came, the Brute cried out in agony. He could feel everything, every shattered bone and crushed muscle. The armour that encased his left arm now tore into his flesh, cracked open like a crabs carapace and bent inward to his flesh. Tears streamed into the jut corners of his helm. The Brute growled through gritted teeth, tears. Tears over physical pain? Weakness. The thought buried him in doubt and sorrow.

This was a step too far, a very personal humiliation that those who had doubted him would of course relish in. But he didn't even have that, no competitors to hate, nothing to push him to rise. All he had was himself and his thoughts. Panicked settled in, rattled breaths and gnawed groans of pain.

"I- I'm here... someone. Hello? I - down here. Down here..!" His plea for freedom was thwarted by a strained throat, his back already given out from earlier; there was no way he was shifted this weight alone. But he was alone, wasn't he. Osam had left him, Tathra had left him, Pavium even. Nobody at his side, forces scattered as the debris came down. By his orders no less. Where were they when HE needed THEM. His eyesight was nearly drowned out by the fluid streaming from his eyes. He dejected the idea of tears, he pushed it from his mind.

Could a Warrior cry?

His mind warped, shifting to someplace else. Memories of training, the Bedla'Korum and the last trials of the Kaden Maris. It all passed him by - was he dying? Now, after all of this. He couldn't die now, but maybe he deserved to. All that vigour, all that righteous energy ready to do what needed to be done to launch himself into the fray. Where had it gone, he succumbed so easily to fear. Fear froze him in place, here and at Kesh, at Eadu, at Attolon. Again and again fear took control. Fear would kill him. Somewhere deep down, a voice rejected his notions. But it wasn't his, it was something of a memory. His vision seemed to renew, somehow Tathra was standing over him. Somehow he was back on Draemidus Prime. In the chambers of the Emissaries.

"You, are not all that encompasses you. But you are every choice you make." The Chieftain explained, knocking Galak to the ground once again. The then Brute General rose to his feet, his Glaive grasped in both hands; turning to face the creator as he paced around him.

Galak struck again, trading a few strikes with the Titan as he quickly outpaced Galak as he tried to riposte his, using the extension of his own arm to break his guard and knock him down again. "How can I not be all of myself?" Galak asked - did he say that or was he remembering himself say it. He couldn't tell.

"You aren't every stray thought, you can't control every fear, every notion, every gut instinct. There is more to your mind that what you perceive to be under your control." The Titan explained as Galak rose again, he nearly got inside Tathra's guard that time, taking the pommel of the shimmering golden Axe to the side of his jaw, sending him careening the edge of the chamber but still on his feet.

Galak did not reply, but dove again into the fray - faster and more confident this time. He got closer, holding Tathra in a lock before his own momentum was put against him; a massive red paw striking his back as he was knocked to one knee. With such speed the ruby blade of the Axe came to the edge of his throat, halting mere inches from his throat. He didn't understand, if you couldn't learn to make the fear stop - how could one every master themselves, what was discipline, what was strength without control? What were you without control. "I don't understand. If we cannot control fear.."

"It can control you. That is what you must fight. Forget to control, simply do not be controlled!" Galak brought the Glaive between his neck and the Axe, rising to his feet as he brought his right arm round and pivoted, striking the blade of the Axe away as he got in close, locking the shafts of the Glaive and the Axe together. Eye to eye with the Titan himself. Tathra nodded, contesting Galak's strength as both stood at a standstill momentarily.

"That is what strength is. That is what it is, to fight." The only way he could win, the only way he could hit him was if he stopped trying to win, stopped trying to control. But fought, fought with every fibre of his being. Fought, ready to take the hits, ready to fail - to lose.

Strength. Fight.



Without a second given to doubt and control, the twin wrist blades of his right gauntlet sunk into the joint of his left arm. Pain struck through his body as Galak gasped, feeling the world around him again. His warriors still fought, Osam still fought. Krarolk still fought. The Chieftain, was still in the fight. He was still in the fight. The Brute Emissary ripped downward, screaming in a short burst of agony as he cut his own arm off. The wound spewing blood as he rose from the debris, hefting the Mauler from the wreckage by its barrel as he limped from the wreckage.

Growling low, blood seeping from his wound - the Brute was ready to kill.

Dialogue co-written by Tathra Khaeus

  • 200 Brutes lost
  • 500 Drones lost
  • Galak rises from the debris.
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Major Faction


Become One With All Things

// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // Elise // Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt // Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //


Surging towards the towering enemy, Ryv struck out with the cyan blade. His weapon descended towards the tyrant's left knee, only for the lightsaber to go wide, pushed aside by the massive ax held one-handed. Ryv's follow-up met the same fate, trapped and pushed away by the Titan's large blade with another sweep of the creature's trunk-like arms. The Jedi knight fell onto his back foot, his third strike breaking the established flow. He took hold of the hilt in both hands, calling on the might of the Force to strengthen his physique and leaped upward. As he descended, Ryv guided the cyan blade towards Tathra's head as if to bisect the chaotic being. The Titan launched a backhanded strike against Ryv's wrist, sending his third attack amiss before dropping one massive shoulder and barreling forward. Ryv raised both hands, a semi-translucent bubble taking form a split-second before impact, only to shatter as Tathra crashed ahead.

The barrier cracked, dissipating into the infinite azure as the Warlord collided against the Jedi Knight. Unable to contest the being's monolithic strength, Ryv felt himself flying backward through the air. His body slammed into the dirt and carved a groove through the muck, rolling head over heels as he slid a dozen paces or more, only stopping as his body collided with a small mound of the dead. The Kiffar pushed himself back to his feet, his attention drawn back to the rampaging giant as it engaged the wayward soldier. Ryv thumbed the deactivated lightsaber's ignition switch, gauging how best to rejoin the duel. Before he could step back towards the battle, a pained cry sounded from behind him. Turning on his heel, the Jedi Knight's eyes snapped open at the sight of a downed soldier, a crimson-stained hand pressed against a leaking wound. A towering Brute stomped towards the struggling ranger, raising its impressive rifle while taking aim.

"Pushee wumpah skocha-kloonkee!" Ryv called out to the Brute, likely unheard as the battle raged all around them. He reached out, guiding the Force as it came to his aid, wrapping an invisible hand around the alien's ankle. Ryv's elbow snapped back, tugging the creature's foot out from beneath him. His other hand reached out, his grip extended into the metaphysical with the aid of the Force. Taking hold of the beast's other leg, Ryv pulled hard, his entire body straining against the monster's struggling form. "C'mere, you karkin' freak," he released the Brute and charged forward. Ryv fell upon the downed alien, batting aside its sidearm with a two-handed swing. He raised the Blade of Ruusan high and slammed the weapon down against the creature's helmet, a resounding crack echoing from around them as a wave of telekinetic energy crashed outward. The lightsaber hilt went high once more, arching downward as another blast of force sent the beast's head on a swivel. Grunts of pain and exertion escaped the beast beneath Ryv as its struggles slowed, becoming weaker with each strike of the hilt.

When Ryv stood, the alien's helmet no longer maintained its uniform shape. The metallic shell crumped inward from the Jedi's savage assault, blood and pulpy muscle oozed out from within, pooling at the base of the creature's ruined skull. He turned from his former foe, only now noticing the streak of blood running from his hairline. The crimson path painted the right side of the Jedi's face and stained his sun-kissed flesh in the bright color of war. His amber gaze swept over the battlefield, the Jedi outwardly unphased by the horrors taking place all around him. Kintan broke him, it shattered what innocence he once held dear. Muunilst molded him, prepared him for the truth of war, responsibility a heavy-weight upon his young shoulders. Yurb? Yurb was no different, just another battlefield, rivers of blood coursing through the shore-like corpses lining the field. His truths burned bright in his eyes, reflected by the explosive carnage all around him, easily identifiable as he met Elise's troubled gaze.

Ryv opened his mouth to speak, to call out to the Jedi Master. What was there to say? It felt wrong saying nothing in that instant, seeing the pain threatening the Silver Jedi's future grandmaster. So many looked to Ryv for hope, to guide them through the dangers tormenting the galaxy. The Sword sought to save them all, and as much as it hurt to think of his father's untimely end, that dream included the Silver Jedi Order. He managed the weakest of smiles.

"We're going to get through this, Elise," Ryv mouthed the words and turned on his heel, facing the proverbial David and Goliath. He took a step forward, wiping the bloodied lightsaber hilt against his jacket, stopping in his tracks at the sight of debris rocketing towards the planet surface. Ruined metal screeched as it fell, alight with flame, a smoking trail following the path of destruction. He raised both hands in defiance, the Force drawn to his beacon-like presence. The Jedi Knight reached out and began to push against the fiery-rain, his concentration broken as another Brute of the 10th collided with him, tackling Ryv to the floor. Hands and feet struck out at the hulking alien as it gripped tight on the Jedi's throat and squeezed. The Kiffar pressed up against the base of the creature's helmet, trying and failing to wrestle the beast off of him. Ryv's vision swam, the world growing darker as he gulped helplessly, failing to pull air into his lungs.

A string of red light streaked through the encroaching darkness. Each bolt hammered into the Brute's side. As pain wracked the creature's body, Ryv found his breath and pushed outward. Ashla retuned to her sentinel's side, carrying the massive beast up into the air. Unfortunately, it did not release the Jedi Knight, it instead took Ryv along with it, both bodies flailing through the air before crashing into the dirt half a dozen paces away. He grunted in pain, rolled onto his back, and followed the nearby sounds of conflict as a squadron of rangers fell onto the Brute, mercilessly beating it to death with whatever weapons they managed to bear. Among them, the bleeding stranger offered the prone Jedi a salute, his attention returned to their target thereafter.

"I need to get some actual armor," Ryv groaned out, fixing his late father's jacket as it hung loosely from his shoulders. He summoned the Blade of Ruusan from the nearby rubble and jogged back towards Tathra and Beltran. "Alright, take two," he muttered before reaching out with the Force, his reach extended towards the Titan. He gripped hard on the massive ax and pulled against Tathra. "C'mon, Elise, help me out here."
Location: D7 Siege Tower, Yurb
Objective: Punch and Escape the Siege Tower at D7
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

There was no coughing. No exaggerated cry of pain or desperation. Just a flicker within Nyx's HUD resulting from detonating a weapon at close range. A concussive effect that wouldn't even permit rumination about how much carbon scoring must be evident on her chassis at that moment.

Slowly the droid picked herself up off the floor. She paused after the first step to make a few recalibrations of her gyroscopic motors. After a second her progress resumed toward the charred hole made in the door.

From what her received picked up on it would seem there was some commotion happening in the battlefield. The broken ruin of a vessel was presently in descent over the surrounding region. Another complication that seemed intent on ruining a droid's endeavors. So far there had been a great many of those. Including her harvester packet indicating it was nearing capacity.

The horde of monsters both bipedal, winged, or otherwise? Oh, they had certain slowed her progress and even threatened her very existence, but they weren't complications. If you fully expected lethal resistance could you later call it a 'complication?' It was a planned for variable, albeit the number of whom had exceeded initial expectations.

With allied forces seeming withdrawing, and the battlefield an indecipherable mess of enemy units, artillery, and orbital bombardments by debris it seemed Nyx should plan to make her own plans to extract herself from the field. Fortunately, they'd already been made. Instead at that moment her red gaze settled on the chambered creation that furnished this living tower with power -- and life.

Do you think it would notice if she punched it?

Hypothesis: Introduction of a cryogenic substance into a living ship's central power distribution system by directed application of force will result in termination of on-board functions.

Known Variables... Environmental Conditions... Subject Details... Chemical makeup of the substance to be introduced...

Control Group: Surrounding Siege Towers not subjected to inserting a cryoban grenade via deliberate application of force.

And, at least, the Experiment itself. Nyx drew out a cryoban grenade, primed it, reared her arm back and then quite simply punched her fist into the Siege Tower's heart.

Unsurprisingly, several more monstrous figures showed up outside the chamber. Obviously they were intent to do what their door could not. Nyx, however, hadn't wasted time debating whether she should punch the thing's heart and introduce a cryogenic grenade into such an organ -- she just did it. So they were just in time to stand in witness of this momentous experiment.

Now, the raining debris was a bit of a problem when it came to accurate results of the experiment. One could always argue large shards of metal impaling the top of the subject might unduly influence the outcome. Such an experience could raise the blood pressure (if the creature had such a thing) that might exaggerate the effects of either or both of the punch into or the grenade detonating within the organ. These were matters Nyx would be sure to take into consideration and point out to any that chose to analyze the same data to validate her findings later.

As the vessel lurched from the multitude of stimuli, Nyx found herself cast into a nearby, squishy support beam as enemy fire was scattered about the room. None of them had been quite prepared for the pronounced reaction the tower would supply.

With the floor tilted at an otherwise unoptimal angle, the droid righted herself and easily escaped her wound be killers. Obviously the Bryn'adul did not communicate effectively. How many of them did she need to kill before they realized sending more would not have any better result? Of course, what they should do was likely not possible given their ship was a living creature. Living tissue did not respond well to substances like acid.

A highly energized burst transmission was emitted from Nyx as she charged down the wall of a corridor. With each passing second the creature's tilt worsened. If she took too long she might end up trapped inside of the beast and forced to scale a vertical surface to escape -- time not well spent, and that might allow the ground forces to surround or even penetrate the beast in search of her. Though it was unlikely they would bother. Not until everyone else was dead or gone, but that sounded like a state in the not too distant future.

Yes, it was certainly time to make a hasty withdrawal with everything she'd collected thus far.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | @ Kyra Perl | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Objective Combat to Hiding
Foe: Krarolk T'manu

The Jedi was thankful for the armor she had, but she knew that the whole plate was going to have to be replaced now. That hit, had she not been channeling the Force, would have knocked the wind out of her, or worse. Still, she watched her opponent as she moved both hands against the glaive. She was putting her all into this, focusing on the wellspring of power that was the Force, that hope she needed to channel the Light Side against this overwhelming foe. Her physical body was weaker than most, but with the Force, all things were possible. Aside from holding the weapon against the outside force.

As the glaive was moved, Kaia moved almost with it, before steadying herself. No! She was calling out in her head. Her foe’s attention was not looking to her, but instead to the debris that had landed near by What was that from? Kaia, still brave from the Force was watching with the detached knowledge that something big happened in orbit, she could feel the terror in the beings on the planet, but she was keeping herself centered, and attention on her foe. But as she started to move, she was not pursuing.

Watching him getting on the mount, and with that she was able to sigh in relief. As she did though, more debris was falling. A sharp scream of panic came from the Jedi, knowing her father would never do that, and she ran for the nearest structure and slid through the open doorway. Finding herself in a corner, she let the Force go for a second, and that was when the tears came. The feeling of pain in the Force, and the feeling in her body that she didn’t acknowledge until now. Her leg, her chest.

And now the world was falling down around her. She was hoping this structure would weather the rain of debris better than she weathered the Bryn.
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Teach Tathra the meaning of pain.
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise, The Monster The Monster , Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , others
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:

Beltran stood against the Titan, alone once more. The other Jedi had been flung somewhere behind him, but Beltran wouldn't risk taking his eye off the beast to check. In his right hand, his sunset orange blade crackled as it met the dozens of tiny particles that were being kicked up by the crashing pieces of debris that landed around them.

At the edge of his perception, he could feel the power of Elise bolstering him and protecting them both from the falling pieces of broken ship. "You can't win," Beltran told the creature. It wasn't a cocky boast or a statement made with false bravado, it was simply offered as a statement of fact. "If you kill me, another will take my place. And another after them. And another. Even if you win today, every battle you fight from here on out will only be met with more resistance until one day you-like all tyrants-will crumble. It is inevitable. Life yearns to be free."

Switching off his lightsaber, Beltran would then charge forward. He used the Force to augment his armor-enhanced strength and speed so that he was barely more than a blur of movement. He would duck under a swing of the creature's massive axe and sidestep, twirling around like a dancer on the Titan's left flank until he stood behind it. Then he would tap into the Force, using its power to jump high up into the air.

As he surged into the air, now briefly at eye level with the back of the Titan's head, Beltran would raise his his hands high above his own head and activate the blade, swinging it down in an attempt to drive the blade through Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus ' skull.

"Life yearns to be free." He would repeat, throwing his voice in such a way as it would sound in the creature's ear as he went for the kill. "Remember that."
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He had survived the crash. The starfighter had not become a coffin of steel for the young padawan. It might still have become that. As he drew himself up the Brutes of the Bryn'dal force noticed that he was still alive.

Acaadi dropped down into the cockpit, followed by a drumming of spikes piecing the starfighter's hull. His emergency beacon was already going off, a pale white light that offered little reassurance.

Focus on her now. There's hope.

Acaadi didn't feel the sense of any plan. What came to him was the building power. The encouragement. The hope.

Acaadi reached for the console. The ship's droid brain was dark, but there was enough power in the systems to arm the proton warheads. The mirialan pulled his sabers from the compartment beneath his chair.

The entire ship rocked as several brutes started climbing up the wing. Acaadi drew himself to his feet with a snap-hiss he activated his smaller off-hand blade. Tossing it overhand the blue blade cut through both brutes before returning to his hand. Behind them came an entire wave of Bryn'dal.
Peeps I'm with: Nida Perl Nida Perl Caedyn Arenais Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol
Location: Tunnel through the mountains

Objective 1 | Evacuate oh god oh god

Location | Edsert (F6 to F7)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

Even as a healer, Nida was shocked. Sinking to her knees, hands clasped over her mangled eye, the only thing she could focus on was the feel of the blood seeping through her fingers, down her hands and arms. The Zeltron had treated plenty of eye injuries before, but that didn’t prepare her for the sensations she felt. Even the pain somehow fell into the background, unbeknownst to her as Kyra inadvertently took on the agony of her injury.

Eyes were sensitive organs, and all at once her mind ran the gamut of possible outcomes for her. The injury was deep, rupturing the sclera of her eye, ripping apart the lens and other organelles inside. At least that would make her prognosis simple. While her mind was trying to process what had happened, the sensation of her hands pressed to injured tissue allowed instinct to take over, and the healer was able to stem the flow of blood just enough that she wouldn’t bleed to death in the near future. One moment her sister’s hands were on her face, and the next sensation to hit Nida was an ominous whistling from above.

Her remaining eye was blurred with tears and blood, and on instinct Nida’s hands fell away from her injury, giving way to a nauseating lack of vision. Focusing was hard and even more painful than she had anticipated, the frayed nerve endings in her right eye screaming with lost purpose. The Zeltron rubbed at her left eye hastily with her sleeve, clearing away enough debris in order to take in the sight in front of her.

Fire rained from the sky, mangled chunks of metal streaking through the atmosphere and slamming into the city like missiles. What drew her attention most was her sister standing directly above her, blood stained hands extended and light drifting from her fingertips as she faced down the projectile rocketing towards them at deadly speed. For a split second Nida sat there in a crippled pool of blood and Padawan robes, in absolute awe of her sister’s bravery. Kyra radiated a protective energy that was beyond her years, but what struck her most was that in this light, with that expression of determination, Kyra looked exactly like their mother.

Her danger sense and the esoteric support of the Order’s Masters invigorated her with an adrenaline burst that Nida knew would be short lived. The battle was coming to a close, and Jedi forces were retreating from the planet’s surface with Leveron civilians in tow. They were so close to the bunker, so close to the space port—and if she left now and let Kyra do this on her own, Nida would forever mourn both her sister’s sacrifice and her own cowardice.

Stumbling upwards, Nida’s balance quickly slipped given her injuries and impaired depth perception. Sinking back to the ground, she arranged herself in such a way that she could lean with both arms and hands pressed outwards, calling upon her own abilities to manipulate the Force, as well as those lending their strength through battle meditation and mind meld. She fed what strength she had into her sister’s barrier, urging it to grow as strongly as their combined talents would allow. The Perl sisters were novices among the Jedi, but their mother had taught them to weave the Force into a basic defensive ability from a young age.

Telekinetically pushing your sister when she’d eaten the last of the Coruscant Crunch was nowhere near trying to avert death. The intrusive memory, however inappropriate for the situation, made Nida smile sadly. Tears clouded her good eye, and so she closed it, putting all of her energy into keeping them from being instantly ripped apart by flaming debris. Above them, shields flared to life from two of the goro droids who had stayed with them while the rest had moved to escort the remaining civilians through the bunker.

The debris lanced through the atmosphere, targeting them like a laser sight. It hurtled towards the Zeltron sisters as such high speeds that it shattered the barriers they’d created in desperation for survival, slamming into the ground where it shook the earth like a quake. Both Nida and Kyra were thrown from the immediate area after the blast-like impact, which hadn’t resulted in their instantaneous deaths thanks to the barriers they’d constructed to help lessen the strike and knock the projectile off course slightly.

Nida felt her body roll along the uneven, war-torn ground several times before her consciousness began to fade. She wanted to yell, to cry out for her sister's name, to claw at the ground until she could find Kyra but her body would not obey. The last thing she heard was the voice of Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield echoing in her head. Which was odd, given that her comm earpiece had most certainly been destroyed, right?

“ If you are not on those shuttles, you're not getting out of here!"

Earthly sensations slowly faded away as Nida drifted into a dreamless sleep. Of the goro droids that had assisted them, one had been struck directly by the impact, while the other only managed to suffer minor dings to it’s durasteel body. The remaining droid picked up both unconscious Padawans, one in each arm, and began the journey through the bunker towards the spaceport.

Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Objective 2: Survive and fall back to the Bunker
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl & Nida Perl Nida Perl


Caedyn had been too focused on the safety of the civilians and Kyra's desire to rush to her Father's aid that he hadn't reacted fast enough to save Nida Perl Nida Perl from the ghastly bat-like creature's talons, the girl dropping in shock, horror and excruciating pain while Kyra Perl Kyra Perl rid them of the flying nuisance and rushed to her aid.

Meanwhile something high above them exploded and a low rubble echoed out across the skies, Caedyn's gaze drawn high to witness the sudden eruption within Yurb's orbit, a site that froze him in his place. The moments passed terribly quickly as his mind raced from question to astonishment, astonishment to shear horror as the one large explosion turned into multiple smaller orbs of light, igniting as they hit the atmosphere and spreading out the further they descended unto the surface of Yurb. His Padawan heard the sounds of the assailing heavens, arguably too little too late but there was still some hope for them to reach the Bunker. There had to be.

Turning back to shout to the girls to get moving, Caedyn's eyes widened as he felt the intent within Kyra Perl, shock suddenly followed by frustration as she appeared willing to foolish enough to put her life on the line against the monstrous sized hail of debris, durasteel and fire carrying such violent momentum from the release of space into the throes of gravity.

"What the hell are you two doing!?" Caedyn yelled both in anger and desperation as Nida found the strength to stand alongside her Sister, "Don't try to-..." His words were cut short as pieces of the capital ship struck their force barrier, crashing through it and hitting the group of them in a momentous blast of kinetic force, the shock-wave lifting Caedyn Arenais up off of his feet and throwing him some feet backwards, his gaze buried into the sand and rubble as his body rolled across the ground arms raising up to try to cover his face from harm while his knees were pulled tightly against his chest in a last minute bid to protect his vitals.

Everything rocked viciously around them, Caedyn's eyes blurred as he fought to open them while being blinded at the same time from the blood that pooled from his forehead, a deep gash marring his fringe. He wanted to give in to the comforts of exhaustion in the moment, yet the last thing he had seen were the twins and before the lives of others, Nida and Kyra were the first to come back to his concussed mind.

His body ached something terribly, his left hand reaching out, fingers splayed against the fallen debris covering him and prying it off with the aid of the Force, what little energy he had left to summon within. "Kyra! Nida!?" he nearly choked, gasping while trying to call out for the pair.

Something grabbed him, prying the Jedi Knights body from the rubble and back into the merciless broken world that was Yurb, reality crying out to him. Wiping his face with the sleeve of his tunic, he turned to acknowledge the Goro droid that stood over him. A bloodied hand reaching out to give it an acknowledging pat, yet stumbling in his step and falling against it some, his attention turning towards the other two droids carrying the two Perl's.

"Don't worry about me, get them to the Bunker! Now!!" Caedyn growled out of necessity. Truthfully he would not have been on his feet so soon, yet the girls were younger and still had so much to give to the Galaxy yet. It wasn't their time. "Go!!!" he yelled at the droids.

Hell-fire continued to descend upon Yurb as they ran, the droids much faster and more capable than the Jedi Knight yet Caedyn gave it his all, refusing to surrender himself yet. Some of the civilians they'd been guiding back had been killed in the thundering downfall of scrap metal, others managing to miraculously survive yet they still had to cross the street to get clear...




Objective: Evacuate the civilians
Equipment: Lightsaber, Robes
Tags: | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Nida Perl Nida Perl |

Admittedly, Matvec hadn’t been in many conflicts during his time with the Jedi. Many was exaggerating it, unless one counted breaking up a few bar fights on investigations. Certainly nothing to this size and magnitude had ever graced his life. Of all the thing to surprise him the most, the quickness that a battle, a conflict, could flip on it’s head was staggering. One moment, he had ended the lives of three beasts of the darkness..

The next, he was following behind the bearded man and the droid, whom carried two very hurt young padawans. Matvec stayed close behind the group, shifting from the ground to running on the rooftops wherever the nightbeasts attempted to fly down from. His blue blade spun in lazy circles as the group ran, keeping it continually ready to eat into the flesh of the beasts that harassed them. Whenever one got too close, like the bat that swooped in from a nearby alleyway, Matvec would stop to make sure they followed no longer.

He couldn’t spend too much time on each beast, not wanting to get separated from the group for too long, the Natuolan attempted to make the kills quick and clean. As the bat came flying in from the alleyway, he leaped up into the air to intercept it, catching and tumbling to the ground with it landing on top. It snapped at his face with those nasty jaws, prompting a groan, followed by that wide grin that spread across his face. “Aww, you’re a nasty bugger now, aren’t you? Here’s a present for you. Join with the force once again.” His blue blade reignited, pressed right up against the bat’s chest, impaling the beast. It let out a guttural roar, spraying dark blood onto his face before falling limp on his chest.

“A heavy bugger too..” Matvec grunted, groaning as he pushed off the beast, wiping off his face afterword. The trio was already making their way into the bunker that would lead to the starport. With a huff, he pushed himself to his feet and took off running toward the group, intent on catching up quickly. Thankfully, no other bats tried to eat him or the group that he could see, and within a minute or so, he had caught up. While that did make him slightly happy to have made his way back, it did make him realize just how slow the group had ended up moving.

The jedi knight was laboring, and even if the droids that carried the padawans didn’t exactly move the quickest, it was obvious he wasn’t going to be able to keep up. Unfortunately, Matvec knew no healing spells, and it seemed as though their only healer was out for the count. There was something, however, that might be able to push the bearded man across the finish line. A red skinned, slightly webbed, hand reached out to grasp Caedyn on the shoulder before he could exhaust himself to death. “Feel invigorated with the force, my friend.” Through Matvec, the force flowed through him into the knight. While it wouldn’t heal his wounds, perhaps for a few moments it would allow him to move a bit quicker and gain stamina back. The Natuolan kept up the technique for a few moments, until he was positive Caedyn would be able to make it, then turned to the droids carrying the zeltrons.

“I’ll take them,” he said, moving to sling the bodies of the Zeltron’s onto his shoulders. They were a heavy weight combined, but through the same technique used on the bearded jedi, Matvec was positive they could at least make it to the spaceport now. With the will of the force, the civilians, along with these exhausted jedi, might just make it out alive.


The air was damp and dark on her face as her eyes fluttered open. Heavy breaths puffed out of someone besides her, the sound of Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol 's presence being the first thing to ground Kyra as her carried her through the mountain's escape tunnels.

Footsteps echoed all around her-- a pitter patter of panicked feet against the sandstone as the civilians scattered towards their escort out. The space pad...

Someone cried. Lights fluttered, dancing in a blurry blob a someone passed them. Kyra let out a soft moan, the realization that she wasn't blind hitting her like a tidal wave.

She stirred, her movements feeble and uncoordinated as she groped weakly at the shirt on Matvec's back. He had her ass up over his shoulder, but there was no risk of her squirming away. Her eyes flickered closed as she drifted back under ...

and then back to.

She was unaware of her sister being carried on the other side, though her fear for Nida's life did find a flickering place inside her disoriented state. Every step Matvec took rattled her, helping her gain awareness of her body. Her right arm hung limp by his side-- the bones shattered, the flesh battered and barely containing the content within.

A moan of pure agony bubbled up from her lips, her left hand digging into his back in a wave of strength- She went limp again, unconscious.

But alive.
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Tags: Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Ver'kad Inuk Elise Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Location: Orbit, Glasser Alpha.
Fleet: 1 Glasser Station (Glasser Alpha): Hull 85%, Shield 50% (Power fluctuation), Storm-Bringer: Hull 95%, Shield 90% (Power fluctuation), 15 Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: Various hull damage, 10 Deathseed squadrons (12 ships downed), 4 Y-TIE squadrons (7 ships downed) (1 Cumulonimbus Flextube Arc Cannon and one Flextube load of V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

The crews of the Storm-Bringer and Glasser Alpha were both happy when the Bryn's boarding efforts had been thwarted by a simple lack of atmosphere, but were brought back when the creatures just tried to absorb more power. Aboard the Glasser, this was coming at a serious price. They were barely holding orbit, and then.... A flash! The Bryn had hyperrammed one of the Mon Cala battlecruisers! Debris began to rapidly fall to the planet's surface, but another thing happened which caught the station. The detonation of reactors would rock the defensive platform. Not only that, it's already strained power would finally begin to fail. They began to slip out of orbit, falling towards their homeworld. The captain looked, but had at least one option. He focused, hoping to form a merge with one of the comms officers aboard the Light Cruisers. His only message. "We're falling into the planet! No power!"

It wasn't long before one of the Arquitens seemed to get the message, as they continued to batter the same Butcher. "All ships, Glasser Alpha has lost power. She can't hold her orbit anymore!" The Storm-Bringer, meanwhile had been doing it's best to hold out. The ISD's power was being drained, but they had managed to get one thing done. "Arc Cannon charged, and separated from the main system." The captain looked out. Their nose was in the right place. The Brutality was ahead. He nodded, having to push the hyperram to the back of his mind.

"Fire the cannon. One last hoorah!" The crew nodded as the pale beam fired, soon followed by a blast of electrical energy directed at the Divine Brutality! It may be the last thing the destroyer could do this battle, but it would do it!

  • Glasser Alpha begins to slip from orbit.
  • The Arquintens continue pounding the Butcher, and relay the message to the rest of the fleet.
  • The Storm-Bringer takes one last Spinal Arc Cannon shot at the Divine Brutality.
Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |Location; Battlefield - E7
Allies: Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak | Drekarys Kel |
Enemies: N/A
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Elise |

The Jedi Knight and Soldier fought in futility as they sparred, he continued to control the flow of the combat. Slowly but surely openings arose, blue and orange blades skirted the edges of his Sword and Axe, but the Jedi was too bold, striking at both sides and putting himself between Tathra and the Soldier. When the Jedi struck again, Tathra used his leverage and weight to redirect the Jedi's strikes away pushing him back once more. The cyan blade zipping between the dual weapons held as Tathra side-stepping into the Jedi's guard, with a back-handed swipe with his left hand directed at the Jedi's wrist, getting inside of his guard as the Jedi prepared a physical force barrier.

This was Tathra's opportunity; to create enough space between his foes. Simple, but effective. Tathra thrust his right elbow into the shield, sending the Jedi careening backward, crashing through the entrenched muck and collapsing into the wet and dirt. Now, his attention shifted to the Soldier - alone. All around them shrapnel came crashing down, but the two held each others gaze. The Titan let him talk, listening for his own amusement.

Tyrant? Whom did he rule over that did not choose him. The Warriors of the Bryn'adûl followed him because they believed in him, his strength was undeniable and he would teach this human as such. He had no verbal or physical reply, simply waiting for the dramatics to cease. It was then that the soldier did something he did not expect, the orange flame of his saber was extinguished as he darted forward, Tathra switched his footing, bringing his right foot forward as his left came back; the Soldier rushed forward at incredibly speed. But there was only so much the body could compete with sheer momentum.

When the soldier came close, Tathra held the Axe forward, attacking with an upward diagonal swing of the upper half of the Axe, using his grasp of the mid-length as a anchor as the lower length spun low and to the front which his opponent adeptly twirled past to his left flank; Tathra stopped the blunt of the Axe's head against the outside of his forearm, turning on balls of his feet as he thrust his sword toward the centre-mass of the Soldier as he leapt.

At the same time, he felt a strange tug on his Axe, one his own physical momentum denied any true promise from. But also one he would be too momentarily distracted by to truly acknowledge.

Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Objective 2: Evacuate the remaining survivors
Company: Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol , Kyra Perl Kyra Perl & Nida Perl Nida Perl


The hike through the underground bunker wasn't easy, even despite the invigorating boost of strength offered to Caedyn Arenais by his fellow Jedi, Matvec Triddol, the Nautolan Knight quite possibly being the only reason that Caedyn might have a chance of seeing through the day's end. Following in tow behind them were the remaining survivors, civilian Lervon that had fought tooth and nail and in their own right to find safety in evacuating with the Jedi, their promise and lasting hope was to reach the Spaceport on the other side of the underground bunker, where it would exit near the hillside on the outskirts of Edsert City.

Pain shot up the right side of Caedyn's torso, causing him to wince and stumble against the tunnel wall for support. He wasn't helping the pace much, yet despite his urging them onward, Matvec and the others seemed determined not to let anyone fall behind. Thankfully, throughout the arduous journey, Caedyn had the site of the two Perl's being carried ahead to spur on whatever effort he had left in him, to make sure that he would see them both returned to safety for their parents sake as well as his own.

His Padawan, Kyra Perl, had done Caedyn proud despite how bleak everything looked. Kessel had been a minor scrap compared to what Yurb had become, and having seen the fight that Kyra had put up in order to protect the Lervon and their Homeworld...-There was a strength of character there that she had never known, and despite his encouragement, often doubted within herself. Hopefully, were they ever to make it off this burning sandpit of a World, he would be able to tell her just how proud he was of the lengths she had gone to in serving the people of Yurb today.

Light broke through the darkness as they reached the bunkers end and could hear the desperate shouting of Antarian Rangers and aiding Jedi trying to get the Lervon loaded up into Transport vessels for immediate departure from Yurb. Caedyn couldn't be certain how long they had been moving, his vision marred by blood that had now mostly dried, yet his mind still rocked from the concussion he'd taken earlier. He could barely maintain his balance when they were escorted to one of the primary landing zones and the lervon were hoisted up on deck of the personnel carrier first.

Someone grabbed Caedyn by the arm and tried to push him encouragingly up along with them, however he turned to fight the assistance and argued weakly for the remaining Jedi on the surface. "There are others still fighting out there, we can't just leave them" he exclaimed to the Sergeant in charge of the EVAC Zone.

"Master Arenais, No disrespect but look at you...-You're not helping anyone, now get on board please Sir" the Ranger gave the order, not even trying to sound polite about it given the chaos of the battlefield and the losses they'd taken. As much as it pained him, Caedyn knew he didn't have a chit show in doing the fight any justice in the state he was in. The twins were in safe hands, soon to be reunited with the Fleet overhead and given the medical attention they needed.

As much as it pained him, there was nothing left but to get out while they still had something left. Huddled around the surviving Jedi, the Lervon all kept closely together, panicked, exhausted but eager to get clear of the warzone. So many of their people had been engulfed in the needless violence and slaughter that had hit their home-world and it would be a very long and hard fought time before Yurb would recover from this merciless invasion, an affront to all peaceful living folk.
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Objective 1 | Evacuate oh god oh god

Location | Edsert (F7) to spaceport

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

Nida dipped in and out of consciousness for the remainder of the journey, never coming fully to. In that fateful moment where the sisters had erected a barrier against flaming debris, Kyra had stood over Nida, and as such had taken the brunt of the blast. The elder Zeltron, now sans an eye, had not been injured as severely as her sister.

She could feel the gentle sway of her body moving, not of it’s own accord, as she was being carried through the tunnels of Edsert. Relief washed over her in knowing that she hadn’t been abandoned in the rubble to succumb to the Bryn’adul forces. Nida cracked her good eye open, vision still not syncing up completely with her brain. She had been slung over someone’s shoulder, the red tendrils splaying down their back calling to mind a familiar face.

“Matvec?” She guessed weakly, hoping that the Nautolan Knight was the one who’d shouldered her. Blinking several times, she turned her head slightly to focus on the other body occupying the Jedi’s shoulder. Panic lanced through her heard and seeped into her veins upon seeing her sister’s slack body, fearing the worst.

“Ky..r...” Nida put her strength into bridging the gap between them and wrapping her hand gingerly around Kyra’s limp wrist.

Thump. Thump.

Relief found her for a second time that day in Kyra’s pulse.

Unable to see Kyra’s shattered arm, Nida figured that she’d been rendered unconscious by the blast. There would be scans done to rule out brain damage, and internal bleeding, and…

Suddenly light headed again, she let her chin sink against Matvec’s back, slipping her hand from her sister’s wrist to twine their fingers together before giving in to the urge to sleep.

Fortunately, the remaining civilians and the Jedi escorting them would make it through the tunnel and to the space port behind the mountains, where evacuation ships were being boarded and launching away from Yurb. A lone goro droid pulled up the rear, shielding the civilians that Amani Serys Amani Serys had sent to evacuate while she distracted one of the Bryn’adul beasts.


Location: City walls
Physically interacting with: Ryv Ryv Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Mentally connecting to: All Jedi joined in the Force Meld.

// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // Elise // Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr // Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt // Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //


Surging towards the towering enemy, Ryv struck out with the cyan blade. His weapon descended towards the tyrant's left knee, only for the lightsaber to go wide, pushed aside by the massive ax held one-handed. Ryv's follow-up met the same fate, trapped and pushed away by the Titan's large blade with another sweep of the creature's trunk-like arms. The Jedi knight fell onto his back foot, his third strike breaking the established flow. He took hold of the hilt in both hands, calling on the might of the Force to strengthen his physique and leaped upward. As he descended, Ryv guided the cyan blade towards Tathra's head as if to bisect the chaotic being. The Titan launched a backhanded strike against Ryv's wrist, sending his third attack amiss before dropping one massive shoulder and barreling forward. Ryv raised both hands, a semi-translucent bubble taking form a split-second before impact, only to shatter as Tathra crashed ahead.

The barrier cracked, dissipating into the infinite azure as the Warlord collided against the Jedi Knight. Unable to contest the being's monolithic strength, Ryv felt himself flying backward through the air. His body slammed into the dirt and carved a groove through the muck, rolling head over heels as he slid a dozen paces or more, only stopping as his body collided with a small mound of the dead. The Kiffar pushed himself back to his feet, his attention drawn back to the rampaging giant as it engaged the wayward soldier. Ryv thumbed the deactivated lightsaber's ignition switch, gauging how best to rejoin the duel. Before he could step back towards the battle, a pained cry sounded from behind him. Turning on his heel, the Jedi Knight's eyes snapped open at the sight of a downed soldier, a crimson-stained hand pressed against a leaking wound. A towering Brute stomped towards the struggling ranger, raising its impressive rifle while taking aim.

"Pushee wumpah skocha-kloonkee!" Ryv called out to the Brute, likely unheard as the battle raged all around them. He reached out, guiding the Force as it came to his aid, wrapping an invisible hand around the alien's ankle. Ryv's elbow snapped back, tugging the creature's foot out from beneath him. His other hand reached out, his grip extended into the metaphysical with the aid of the Force. Taking hold of the beast's other leg, Ryv pulled hard, his entire body straining against the monster's struggling form. "C'mere, you karkin' freak," he released the Brute and charged forward. Ryv fell upon the downed alien, batting aside its sidearm with a two-handed swing. He raised the Blade of Ruusan high and slammed the weapon down against the creature's helmet, a resounding crack echoing from around them as a wave of telekinetic energy crashed outward. The lightsaber hilt went high once more, arching downward as another blast of force sent the beast's head on a swivel. Grunts of pain and exertion escaped the beast beneath Ryv as its struggles slowed, becoming weaker with each strike of the hilt.

When Ryv stood, the alien's helmet no longer maintained its uniform shape. The metallic shell crumped inward from the Jedi's savage assault, blood and pulpy muscle oozed out from within, pooling at the base of the creature's ruined skull. He turned from his former foe, only now noticing the streak of blood running from his hairline. The crimson path painted the right side of the Jedi's face and stained his sun-kissed flesh in the bright color of war. His amber gaze swept over the battlefield, the Jedi outwardly unphased by the horrors taking place all around him. Kintan broke him, it shattered what innocence he once held dear. Muunilst molded him, prepared him for the truth of war, responsibility a heavy-weight upon his young shoulders. Yurb? Yurb was no different, just another battlefield, rivers of blood coursing through the shore-like corpses lining the field. His truths burned bright in his eyes, reflected by the explosive carnage all around him, easily identifiable as he met Elise's troubled gaze.

Ryv opened his mouth to speak, to call out to the Jedi Master. What was there to say? It felt wrong saying nothing in that instant, seeing the pain threatening the Silver Jedi's future grandmaster. So many looked to Ryv for hope, to guide them through the dangers tormenting the galaxy. The Sword sought to save them all, and as much as it hurt to think of his father's untimely end, that dream included the Silver Jedi Order. He managed the weakest of smiles.

"We're going to get through this, Elise," Ryv mouthed the words and turned on his heel, facing the proverbial David and Goliath. He took a step forward, wiping the bloodied lightsaber hilt against his jacket, stopping in his tracks at the sight of debris rocketing towards the planet surface. Ruined metal screeched as it fell, alight with flame, a smoking trail following the path of destruction. He raised both hands in defiance, the Force drawn to his beacon-like presence. The Jedi Knight reached out and began to push against the fiery-rain, his concentration broken as another Brute of the 10th collided with him, tackling Ryv to the floor. Hands and feet struck out at the hulking alien as it gripped tight on the Jedi's throat and squeezed. The Kiffar pressed up against the base of the creature's helmet, trying and failing to wrestle the beast off of him. Ryv's vision swam, the world growing darker as he gulped helplessly, failing to pull air into his lungs.

A string of red light streaked through the encroaching darkness. Each bolt hammered into the Brute's side. As pain wracked the creature's body, Ryv found his breath and pushed outward. Ashla retuned to her sentinel's side, carrying the massive beast up into the air. Unfortunately, it did not release the Jedi Knight, it instead took Ryv along with it, both bodies flailing through the air before crashing into the dirt half a dozen paces away. He grunted in pain, rolled onto his back, and followed the nearby sounds of conflict as a squadron of rangers fell onto the Brute, mercilessly beating it to death with whatever weapons they managed to bear. Among them, the bleeding stranger offered the prone Jedi a salute, his attention returned to their target thereafter.

"I need to get some actual armor," Ryv groaned out, fixing his late father's jacket as it hung loosely from his shoulders. He summoned the Blade of Ruusan from the nearby rubble and jogged back towards Tathra and Beltran. "Alright, take two," he muttered before reaching out with the Force, his reach extended towards the Titan. He gripped hard on the massive ax and pulled against Tathra. "C'mon, Elise, help me out here."
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Teach Tathra the meaning of pain.
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise, The Monster The Monster , Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Haastal Haran Haastal Haran , others
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:

Beltran stood against the Titan, alone once more. The other Jedi had been flung somewhere behind him, but Beltran wouldn't risk taking his eye off the beast to check. In his right hand, his sunset orange blade crackled as it met the dozens of tiny particles that were being kicked up by the crashing pieces of debris that landed around them.

At the edge of his perception, he could feel the power of Elise bolstering him and protecting them both from the falling pieces of broken ship. "You can't win," Beltran told the creature. It wasn't a cocky boast or a statement made with false bravado, it was simply offered as a statement of fact. "If you kill me, another will take my place. And another after them. And another. Even if you win today, every battle you fight from here on out will only be met with more resistance until one day you-like all tyrants-will crumble. It is inevitable. Life yearns to be free."

Switching off his lightsaber, Beltran would then charge forward. He used the Force to augment his armor-enhanced strength and speed so that he was barely more than a blur of movement. He would duck under a swing of the creature's massive axe and sidestep, twirling around like a dancer on the Titan's left flank until he stood behind it. Then he would jump onto the creature's back, using the force to help him clamber upward until he had a his off hand on the creature's shoulder.

He would hammer the creature in the temple with his lightsaber enclosed fist, his armor's power frame whirring with effort each time a blow landed. On his last blow, Beltran would angle his fist to the side and attempt to drive the end of his lightsaber's hilt into Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus ' skull as he, simultaneously triggered the blade to activate.

"Life yearns to be free." He repeated in the creature's ear as he went for the kill. "Remember that."
Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |Location; Battlefield - E7
Allies: Osam Osam | Krarolk T'manu | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Galak Galak | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Sethrak Sethrak | Drekarys Kel |
Enemies: N/A
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Elise |

The Jedi Knight and Soldier fought in futility as they sparred, he continued to control the flow of the combat. Slowly but surely openings arose, blue and orange blades skirted the edges of his Sword and Axe, but the Jedi was too bold, striking at both sides and putting himself between Tathra and the Soldier. When the Jedi struck again, Tathra used his leverage and weight to redirect the Jedi's strikes away pushing him back once more. The cyan blade zipping between the dual weapons held as Tathra side-stepping into the Jedi's guard, with a back-handed swipe with his left hand directed at the Jedi's wrist, getting inside of his guard as the Jedi prepared a physical force barrier.

This was Tathra's opportunity; to create enough space between his foes. Simple, but effective. Tathra thrust his right elbow into the shield, sending the Jedi careening backward, crashing through the entrenched muck and collapsing into the wet and dirt. Now, his attention shifted to the Soldier - alone. All around them shrapnel came crashing down, but the two held each others gaze. The Titan let him talk, listening for his own amusement.

Tyrant? Whom did he rule over that did not choose him. The Warriors of the Bryn'adûl followed him because they believed in him, his strength was undeniable and he would teach this human as such. He had no verbal or physical reply, simply waiting for the dramatics to cease. It was then that the soldier did something he did not expect, the orange flame of his saber was extinguished as he darted forward, Tathra switched his footing, bringing his right foot forward as his left came back; the Soldier rushed forward at incredibly speed. But there was only so much the body could compete with sheer momentum.

When the soldier came close, Tathra held the Axe forward, attacking with an upward diagonal swing of the upper half of the Axe, using his grasp of the mid-length as a anchor as the lower length spun low and to the front which his opponent adeptly twirled past to his left flank; Tathra stopped the blunt of the Axe's head against the outside of his forearm, turning on balls of his feet as he thrust his sword toward the centre-mass of the Soldier as he leapt.

At the same time, he felt a strange tug on his Axe, one his own physical momentum denied any true promise from. But also one he would be too momentarily distracted by to truly acknowledge.


Whispers of voices tore through Elise, the members of of the Force Meld all bracing and surging forward at her call for aid. The drop in temperature reached Elise then, the woman aware in the back of her efforts of the work Enlil Enlil was quickly putting into place. The time was now. The time was--

Her gaze refocused sharply on the knight as he fell onto his back, a flash of fiery protectiveness to the gaze that met his own. There was no passiveness to the woman at the moment they shared. No reservation. Lives snuffed out all around them, fellow jedi dropping from the collective as metal rained down.

Ryv gave her a small smile. She nodded, the Force Valor she imbued him with tripling in strength. He was not alone, the voices of the others brushing past him as a gentle force tug form Elise lifted him back to his feet. He had her attention now-- for a moment the greater cause was put on hold as she worked to assure his life was not lost.

Sand kicked up, the woman tossing it with a telekinetic wave into Tathra's face. Another tug caught the man's ankle, attempting to trip him up or otherwise disorient him and buy the two Jedi purchase in the fight.

The axe moved. She caught that too. The telekinetic hold on the weapon was unwavering.

With all the strength of the Jedi that join her, she tried tried to tug it away.

"Quickly, Ryv," the woman cried, a flash of the force warning her of impending trouble. A single glance to space told her of a weapon's preparation. One that if dropped, would kill them all. It was a last resort-- a frantic effort to beat back the horde that had descended on fallen city.

She was almost out of time.

A sudden wave of desperation pulled a scream from the woman, the power she had gathered from her peers exploding from her chest. Sand kicked up, the power driving it in gusts of force-created wind. Elise felt her feet leave the ground as it funneled and built. Wild arms of sand lashed out, fast enough to strip skin from bone as the woman struggled against the power that consumed her.

The whispers of her peers reached her. She took a breath in, leaning on their presence. Peace. The wind calmed into a gentle orb, the woman floating in the air. The connection between them all strengthened as each settled into the task. For a moment, the load lightened.

Together, she coaxed, her attention settling to the high hills of a distance dune. She reached out, and from there... the sand began to rise. She gritted her teeth, the strain of the task causing her vision to shake as the world grew clamorous. The screams of the dying broke through to her-- countless Levron dissipating into the force as their sand-crystal mass flashed to glass under the falling fire. Her raised hand shook, veins throbbing along her crinked finger tips.

She released it with a gasp, a wash of despair taking the breath from her. The idea came from a voice, too small too place.

The sand under them. They spoke in unison.

Another spark of hope took hold, and it was all she needed. Elise took another breath in, tapping into in the vibrations of Levron's lost. They were beings of the force, but even in death they would not leave their city unaided. The desert ground beneath outer edges of Bryn infantry began to quake. Sand itself was a very light, mobile object. As a whole, it was flexible and easy to manipulate. The jedi could count themselves lucky that the Bryn chose this planet to attack. Moving solid ground would have been a much harder task.

A sea of sand parted and rose into the air, splitting under the heavy Bryn numbers that awaited their turn to spill into the city. Could the place even hold such a population? No. And that fact inflamed her, the anger of the lost Levron screaming out their injustices into her mind. It took the breath out of Elise, the animosity unseating her as the power leapt to obey. The ground around her quaked in a silent threat.

Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron presence brushed against her. Not alone, the woman's presence promised. She did not recognize her voice-- the woman of another order and still, she stood besides Elise and lent her strength. Tears fell unfelt down Elise's face, her deepest desire for Jedi Unity brought to life in this one task.

The Levron's anger screamed for release against her mind. Burn then to the ground, they demanded, their people glassed and species falling to the travesty. Elise shied back from allure, something more profound grounding her.

With me, she whispered to her peers, her words feeble at first... then gaining in strength as she leaned into her peers company unreservedly. They worked as a unit as they reached out for the sand again. Together, they would not fall.

Again, Elise cried, more portions of the desert beyond their numbers parting in a series of massive wrenches. Canyons appeared everywhere, the sand that had filled them coiling high into the sky. A shadow fell over the battle field, moments away from dropping.

As one, they released it all, allowing the sand to fall in a roaring mass over the deep canyon they had created. The exertion of energy was felt in an instant, but they were not done yet. Group attention shifted to Enlil, what strength that remained lent to him.

Give them hell.
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Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser asking Laertia to cover him was music to her ears.

"Gotchaaz!" She yelled. She turned her gaze to Coren and onto the Ravager and pulled out her pistol, firing Charric bolts rapidly at its hide to stun it before teleporting above it, landing on it and relentlessly hacking into its tough hide with frightening ease. The beast screeched in rage and agony as the blade chopped off parts of it hide and eventually bit into its brain.

Gunboats started to approach. Laertia stretched out her hand to one, the Force guiding her will into the electronics, seizing them for her own use, and then used one to ram the other approaching, killing everyone aboard instantly.

Fire nicked her armor from the pellets of one of their shotguns. Itdidn't make a dent but the concussive force did knock her back momentarily.

Still more Bryn'adul warriors, hulking savages came out of various pathways in the streets, artillery covering their approach...

(Character Theme Song Power Up)

(Theme: "For Your Eyes Only" by Sheena Easton)

The first of the warriors to get close to Coren's barrier were met with a surprise attack from the front as she teleported right up to one to start chopping into his face, the unstable looking fiery orange lightsaber erupting through a Bryn warriors chest, slicing into him effortlessly as the others roared in defiance and surprise, some of their own Force Users attempted to choke her, only for her to cast a Force Suppression field as she barreled into a crowd, gunfire all around her, pinging her phrik shell as her saber bit through their metals, their bodies catching fire as she hacked through them with the same ferocity she had displayed at Atrisia. It was different though, knowing the truth, knowing she had been specifically made to Rip, and Tear, until it was done.

She had always been a weapon. Nar Shaddaa, one of the most violent, crime ridden hell holes in the galaxy, had been the testing grounds, each hardship, each misery, a modification to the design.

Two terrible truths. One at Atrisia. One at Kar Shian. Both putting her to the limit of her ability to accept the Force's tests. It wasn't fair. But it was its will, and Laertia had sworn to try and accept that will. But Gods...the awful strain.

The Knight dared not slip into Juyo even in the heat of the moment. She generally refused to employ it, barring rare, controlled instances, and as much as she deceived herself in other areas, as flawed as she was as a Jedi, she understood herself enough to know using Juyo here, now, while the chaos and battle roared and Coren fought for his life, and still not having come to grips with recent revelations, would invite ruin. She kept an icy distance from the battle emotionally as she hacked into them in every style she knew except Form 007. Laertia had been taught by the slums of Nar Shaddaa to be as dispassionate in her kills as possible. It was always about survival or a cause. Except for the Bryn'adul. Feth these genocidal bullies, one of whom had spit on Moya. She'd chop their asses up all day with a machete and a Corellian Hockey Mask if you let her (She'd even bring her own sound effects!).

She drew her pistol, a relic of the Mandalorian Crime Hunters. It had been Ursula's gift. Her hand trembled as she hefted it and fired into the face of a fast approaching massively built warrior with a demi-god sized black axe. The charric bolts went into its throat, blasting open the back of his neck. Laertia blasted three more, teleporting around them each time for the antique, ornate officer's pistol. They had been among many victims of The Cult of The Brain Demon.

Her saber came down on a brute from above as she teleported over him, melting the through the helmet, the raging energy dancing on the blade insatiable in its destructive capacity, her armor ignoring Force Lightning attempts, Laertia using the Force to create multiple illusory copies of herself to confuse the warriors as to who to attack while the raging orange blade continued to laugh its way through their armor and weapons, the Jedi violently flicking drops of burning lava from it into their faces even as she kept chopping her way through them, never staying still long enough for them to land a hit, or parrying only enough to provide an opportunity to teleport above or to their sides to slice them open. But this was part of a larger force, and their reinforcements seemed endless, even with as many as she killed.

A grenade thrown by one landed on the ground close and detonated.

Laertia was blown backwards, but barely felt the severe injuries, the systems in her armor kicked in, repairing the heavy concussive damage she had suffered, her armor barely scratched as she struggled up, winded. The armor was holding her up now, skeleton fractured in several places but healing quickly as the Bryn warriors surrounded her.

Laertia held out her hand and clenched it, the lightsaber leaving her hand, traveling in a slow moving but deadly, raging cicle that sliced into her foes , shredding them , dismembering them

A flick of her hand and destroyed vehicles began flinging themselves into some with telekinesis, others barely getting out of the way as she tried to delay the ground forces from reaching the barrier. She would not fail Coren. She refused to fail him. The violent frenzy of her killing spree had her saber constantly cuttimg down the wicked, even as her armor took more scratches and dings from rifle fire, her opponents getting sliced and ignited horribly even as they pushed her back her fist punching through one's head, flinging blood and gore every where as she violently hurled his body backward into a group. She teleported some distance away to get a momentary breather.

Laertia stood fast in front of Coren's barrier, a silvery, somber sentinel with a raging orange blade, her voice booming through her helmet systems at any enemy that would dare to approach, even as she used telekinesis to drag fallen vehicles in front of her as an extra obstacle to climb over.


Osam Osam

Galak Galak
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