The Black Lion
Location: Disembarking at C6 -> Moving towards C5
Objective: Execute Flanking Maneuver


Once the rescue shuttles moved out, there was a sigh of relief amongst his fellow troopers. The Shield Outpost was a doomed endeavour at this stage, and everyone offered silent prayer to those left behind to cover their redeployment. It happened in war all the time; one smaller force was sacrificed in order to save greater numbers elsewhere. It made the young sergeant thankful he was not paid enough to be making such tough calls himself.
Still, it was a crappy situation either way.
Thirdas did not share the men's sense of relief, however brief, but rather stood staring out at the smoking cityscape, focused solely on trying to find whatever glimpse of

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"Copy that, Sir," he replied over comms back to the Gunnery Sergeant. The lady Jedi he'd brought along for the ride had gotten on the same shuttle, and he had to stop for a moment when she unexpectedly made a passing remark about him and his father. "Yeah, well... We can't all be Thurion Heavenshield," he made a self-deprecating remark of his own while loading a fresh magazine into his rifle and pulled back the bolt.
He would have come up with something better were his mind not in two different places.
Suddenly one of the shuttles carrying troops was hit from behind, smoke pouring from one of its engines. Another volley caused it to burst into flames, cooking those unfortunate enough to be trapped inside before it exploded entirely. They were being pursued!
"Tulan, shuttles are taking enemy fire! Can your gunships keep them busy while we land?"
There was no time to waste -- they had to set down now or risk losing more men.
"1st, 2nd, 3rd Platoon, you lot are with me! 4th and 5th stay with Sergeant Kor and help fend off the enemy gunboats!" There was a unified pounding of chests within the shuttle, as well as in those flying nearby. "Our work is not done yet, Rangers! This world and its citizens are under our protection, and it will not fall on Dorn's watch!" Another pounding of chests.
"We are the shieldwall upon which the enemy smashes and breaks, unflinching and unbreakable!" A third one followed.
He looked out the side of the shuttle and pointed. "Those are some mighty foes out there," he turned to his men once more. "Let's go kill them!"
A great roar was unleashed as the shuttles touched ground, allowing for the battle-hardened troops to disembark and take up a new position at the right flank of the invading enemy. "Go, go, go!"
They would charge into the flank of the Bryn assault, utilising speed, surprise, and violence of action. The Ranger way.
They followed along the city walls, wading into the enemy lines, pushing ever onwards until they reached the bulk of the Bryn'adûl hordes currently busy pouring through and over the walls. Here they halted their advance and took up position as Thirdas hailed Gunny on the comms.
"Sir, we've reached what looks like the bulk of enemy forces," he reported into the comms unit on his wrist. "Sending you coordinates for strafing run now! Strike from the skies, Brother!"
"Hold the line! Cavalry is en route!" he then instructed his men even as he split the skull of another brutish monster, only to have his battle axe knocked out of his hands by another. Improvising, Thirdas retaliated by letting loose a devastating right hook using his metal arm, which hit so hard it punched a hole clean through the poor creature's chest, leaving it twitching on the ground. He then raised his right foot, also made of metal, and crushed the head of the already fallen foe into chunks of meat and bone.
Summary of actions:
- Have disengaged at the Shield Outpost alongside Dorn Company and other allies.
- Shuttles and accompanying gunships are pursued by Bryn gunboats.
- Shuttles land briefly at C6 to drop off troops just outside the city walls.
- Thirdas leads a detachment of Rangers (as well as whoever else wishes to join!) into the right flank of the Bryn assaulting the city walls.
- Have requested air support to strafe said right flank.
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