Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine


Yurb // Premiere Target: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Galactic Alliance - Ally
REC-YB02 Y-wing Mk II armed with Vengeance of the Sword and Sun
ALLIES: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt // Ryv Ryv // Elise // Saber Squadron


The crispness of the instructions delivered was full of resolve that abated any reservations. Should Saber be concerned about ramifications from their choice to enact duty above code, the assurance from their commander’s voice would abate their frets. They’d be protected.

<Copy, Saber-1.>

In unison, Saber’s pilots followed Treicolt’s orders. Thumbing over from the traditional weapons to the xenophage. Within some cockpits, the maneuver was done with bated breath, withheld with apprehension.

In Loske’s cockpit, a peculiar hesitation swept through her. Her hand was slower yet as she finally pulled the device down in front of her eyes, almost as if the nerves were in conflict with one another. As expected, the energy beams stopped as if on signal and she was barreling toward their target unchallenged. Staring through the targeting device, she decided to move it aside. For a long minute, she pondered the deactivated instrument, staring at it as if hypnotized. Then she slid it sharply back in front of her face and studied the diny screen as it displayed the shifting relationship between the Y-Wing and the target turning green. Decisively, she shoved it aside. It couldn’t help any further. They were green and they were ready to commit. She’d already committed, where was this hesitation coming from? Everyone would be dead one way or the other, they had the chance for opportunity sealed in their weapon array.

With confidence replacing her internal ruminations, her thumb depressed the release.

The bombers dropped the payload on the unsuspecting hellbings below. The contaminants screaming through the air toward the carapace of the elephantine creature and the slogs of mutations that rallied and marched around it.

Trust in the targeting, Saber squadron immediately peeled in an upward arching formation after their squadron leader. They’d trust their handiwork in the flurry of clouded explosions below.

<Damage assessment pending.> Frank alerted from his containment, watching the readings and adjustments in the electromagnetic biofrequencies below. He patched them through to the network communications shared by the bomber pilots.

Some had been impacted. Others notsomuch.

A familiar sensation penetrated beneath her helmet and she grimaced. It wasn’t a foreign feeling, but it never got less intrusive to have someone tap into her mind and link up.

The exhilaration from the ground below imbued her muscles and movements. The replay of damage compounding with the efforts on the ground. They’d had success in some hits, some were slowing, but that chieftain had avoided it. Going for the head again and again was turning futile. A superheated swing attempted to cut through the puffs of smoke, leaving the chieftain untouched. This replayed in a broken static across Loske’s dash, and Ryv’s encounter with him below amplified the reality.

<That’s impossible.> She hissed, teeth clenching in frustration and tip-tapping through the panels on her dashboard to reload the containment for another round. <How do they have shields to counter this?>

<About thirty one compromised.>

<That’s hardly a den--woah! Shields up!>

The considerations of what was possible and not were cut short when the Bryn’adûl’s forces wised up to the bombing squadron. Salvos in their direction triggered reactions from the pilots, hop-skipping left-right-left-right and weaving through the fires.

<City’s shield is down!> Saber-8 reported over the comms, shock high in their voice.

<Frank, can you isolate those anti-toxin shields and calibrate the targeting systems to include them? We want our hits to count with this stuff.>

<Give me a few minutes.>

<You have seconds.>

Not wasting the computing power to retort to the accelerated timeline, Frank buried himself in triangulating the responses that had been a success from the payloads and contrasting them against the Drael’s quilxyn protectors.

<Tathra deflected the xenophage with a weapon. Ryv has him engaged and distracted, we could strike again.> The location was clear in her mind’s eye, and likely Maynard’s too. <We should strike again.> She quickly corrected, steeled.

Meanwhile, Frank patched through the contrasts he was able to calculate to the Sabers. Most would remain on trajectory, passing over the city’s streets with the shield down and able to do another drop of a second load.

Loske, on the other hand, cut from the formation to zip overhead to the Sword of the Jedi’s location, payload at the ready until her dashboard was aglow with a countdown, the meters decreasing from thousands to hundreds rapidly.

The targeting computer slid over her gaze once more, triangulating the beastly chieftain with another drop.

Through their link, she encouraged Ryv to keep the Titan busy and his weapon tangled while they got a lock for a hit. Mentally counting down the seconds to the engagement before the xenophage was released once again. She could feel the mental fortification betwixt the linked minds that articulated affirmation and the focus on the axe.

Just in time.

When she was overhead the squabble of her brother and the massive Drael, she keyed in the commands and depressed the gesture for the release of the xenotoxin. This time, her finger felt light as a feather when it connected with the trigger. All the unease from afore wholly effaced in the shared courage and desperate necessity baked in the ethereal link established amongst the trio.

<Saber-5 reporting in, toxin's dropping. One drop left after this one for me.>

From the underslung containment, the payload dropped into the tangle between the Sword and the Chieftan.

<Vengeance of the Sword and Sun away.>

All around, the air had grown light. Sheer cold stripped it of humidity by sticking molecules together and affixing them to any and every willing surface. While the enemy force marched forward, though their ammunition was superheated the shots lost their vigor quickly upon release. The world around them sucked heat away, deprived it of any meaning.

The spines still traveled. They were propelled at a velocity that gave them some resistance to the wind's force. As they closed the distance, it was enough. Sharp, large, and rapidly cooled, they were much like oversized flechette rounds. The steam that still roiled off them was enough to create lancing pain and burnt to the point of stinging as it skirted flesh, but the King was already immersed.

His flesh had gone white, and though his ruby eyes still burnt like fire, his flesh and muscles had numbed. To utilize Alter Environment to this level of mastery exacted a toll, and the toll was that as powerful as a man was in the Force, his body was still human. To drive temperatures to these extremes, he was as susceptible to them as everything around them.

Every breath was labored and heavy. It was visible, like a locomotive churning, burning coal to stay in motion. His lips formed an open smile, content with the knowledge that if he lost his life here, he would have done so saving many lives.
It was the duty of the King to protect the people.

No matter the cost.

That was when the Jedi's efforts became clear. The battlefield came to life, saturated with the Force. All around, the ground rumbled. The manufactured sandstorm swept high over both allied forces and Bryn'adul, an impending threat.

Enlil looked up, sucked in a painful, deep breath, and closed his eyes.

"North wind, bringer of Winter, harbinger of Death," his voice rattled, and he spoke through chattering teeth. As he did, the winds twisted and carried the sands on them, distributing them wildly, evenly, everywhere. As they did, they threatened to swallow everything whole.

It sifted downward, as though through the sieve of an hourglass ticking away the final seconds.

As it fell, sand mixed with snow in a perfect sheet of white. "Your King commands you to bring this world to a standstill."

And the deep freeze began.
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Lead High Lord Soveriegn Imperator Grandmaster
Objective: Insurgent - Kill The Hairless Monkies and Sandcastles
Equipment: None
Location: Planetside, Yurb: Edsert Outpost Interior
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Tarish Galland , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Barrien Siegfried

Ravager Brute
4x Units of Drones (40 total Trained Combatants)
76x Units of Drones (760 total Trained Combatants)

REOSYVERN VS Master Siegfried

He could feel it, the huge disturbance in the Force that felt like an earthquake to his senses. The sheer amount of Force ability being employed in a single battle would be one for the history books if any lived to record the feats. While he could not yet see Barrien, he could sense him with his own connection to the Force. The Baedurin's eyes looked skyward as he observed debris shatter upon the invisible barrier. The dust, light and powdery, hung in supsension for several seconds, masking Barrien and Reosyvern from each ohter in all but awarness of the Force. As Barrien's words reached him he contemplated. Right now this highly capable opponent was focused on maintaining a barrier of enormous proportions, draining his stamina in hopes of saving everyone. A foolish sentiment to Reosyvern.

"Jehhh Di-" his voice reverberated in extreme bass, his vocal chords loose still from his sonic attack. "'onorrrr. Strrreehgth. Awwll ... iiz ... WAARRRR!" His voice grew into a bellow, his plated gills clattering as he spoke in his limited galatic common, though his meaning was fairly obvious. Then there came a pounding as if durasteel on durasteel, the drumming coming from his fist smashing upon his chest as he brought himself into a battle rage. He then threw back his head and let out a roar that those around could feel in their chest, though beyond possible discomfort, it was otherwise a harmless display of his lung capacity.

Yet the attack that seemed obvious never came. Instead Reosyvern's presence began to fade, gaining space quickly from Barrien. He was on the move.

RAVAGER BRUTE VS Knight Galland with Padawans Iolar and Serys

Meanwhile, the Ravager's fight with the trio of Jedi raged on.

The Ravager's arms scraped the ground as its body followed through with the motion of throwing the roof that Amani Serys Amani Serys had defectled just moments prior. Before the Ravager could reset it balance, Tarish Galland 's Force-enhanced assault slammed into the Ravager's titanic body forcing the Ravager backwards with a roar that could easily cause temporary hearing loss to those with higher than average sense of hearing. The electricity arced along the body of the beast as it fell backwards, crushing the roofless building behind it. The Ravager was losing consciousness. However, a dazed Ravager Brute was still a Ravager Brute and posed a significant threat in close quarters. The Brute swiped at Tarish Galland as it fell, albiet at a weaker strength that it was formerly capable of. Instead of changing states of matter upon collision, if Tarish Galland was hit by this assault, he would be flung several meters into the next building if not stopped early by the Force. Ura Iolar Ura Iolar 's own charge, if they chose to continue, would be unanswered, punishing the nearly down-and-out Ravager Brute without immediate consequence.

The Ravager Brute, despite its combat prowess, was obviously outmatched by the quantity and quality of foes it was presented with. There were few in the galaxy capable of successfully winning a direct engagement with a Jedi Knight and two Jedi Padawans. Admirable though its attempt was, the Ravager Brute would likely meet its end soon.

REOSYVERN & RAVAGER BRUTE VS Master Siegfried, Knight Galland, Padawan Iloar, and Padawan Serys

Reosyvern's presence would become apparent to Amani Serys Amani Serys , Tarish Galland , and Ura Iolar Ura Iolar . However, the dust kicked up by the Ravager Brute's constant movement and the power unleashed by Tarish Galland created a thin veil that cut visibility to the buildings around them; the rest of the battlefield may as well been on a different planet. Reosyvern ran upon all fours, and much like his very close relative of the Ravager Brutes, he dwarfed all around him besides the aforementioned. His six golden eyes locked onto Amani Serys Amani Serys who had been left in the back line while her guardians, her friends, admirable took on the Ravager Brute. Though this was battle and enemies could come from any direction. This would be Reosyvern's advantage.

Reosyvern's claws dug deep into the ground as he then launched himself, thick tail whipping behind him, front limbs extended, with full intent to pounce upon Amani Serys Amani Serys . If his tackle would be effect, he'd roll with the Padawan in a ball almost as they tumbled two or three meters his giant claws would rip into her before popping into a stand. If all had gone to plan Amani's body would be heavily damaged as she was elevated off the ground and away from the the Bryn'adul, shown towards Tarish Galland and Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , never forgetting that Barrien Siegfried may reinforce his comrades once the debris stopped falling.

  • Reosyvern takes advantage of Barrien's intention of holding a force barrier over the outpost and reinforces the Ravager Brute.
  • The Ravager Brute swats at Tarish Galland weakly, though even with a battered and dazed Ravager Brute they are very deadly.
  • Ravager Brute seems to be, at least temporarily, down for the count.
  • Reosyvern attmepts to take Amani Serys Amani Serys out of the fight with a surprise attack while goading Tarish Galland and Ura Iolar Ura Iolar away from the Ravager Brute with Amani's -possibly- heavily damaged body displayed for them IF his attack is succesful.
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Location: Yurb Space
Objective: Await further instructions on bombing run
Allies: SJO and Allies ( Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Gir Quee Gir Quee , ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar )
Enemies: Byrn'adul

A bright blue flash blinded Okkeus. Shielding his eyes both of his hands let the X-Wing's controls. Multiple exclamations could be hear over the comms. No one had any idea what just happened.

"All bombers break off! I don't know what just happened, be prepared for incoming fire!"

Pulling away from the bombers Okkeus looked out his viewport. A horific site lay ahead. One of the Concordias had been hyperspace-rammed. It's broken body was slowing falling into the atmosphere, with small parts slowly letting go of the vessel. He thought about all the lives that had been lost becuase of that. Now, he was mad. He opened his comms to all the bombers.

"You all stay here and wait for orders. I'm going in."

Okkeus thruster the control yoke forward. The ship lurched and took off. Up ahead lay even more Bryn'adul craft. Well, not for long. Okkeus smiled. Time to kick some ass.
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Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Assault - Defend the Titan
Equipment: Cuirass & Staff
Location: Shield Outpost area
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Drekarys Kel | Krarolk T'manu | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris
Enemies: Engaging [Sort Of]: Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Elise | Ryv Ryv | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Enlil Enlil |

As the Primarch rose amidst the fallen, their arms and mutated limbs stretched out like twisted branches from the layers of sand and red mist. Their bodies, twisted and deformed by a biological weapon. Those whom had fallen within the coven of protection the Quilxyn Protectors provided had remained untouched, but those who had not - died in such horrific manner that it grasped at his heart. Drek'ma stood in the death and silence, the corpse of the Siege Tower stretching out like a shadow over them as the last Tower continued forward. In the distance, he could see its three brethren towers standing in the city; gunboats overhead. It seemed they had achieved some shape of victory.

Drek'ma leaned down to the twisted corpses, a Brute nearly bursting out of his armour. He wondered at what cost. But it seemed the price of victory had not yet been decided yet, that same terror he felt before was eclipsed by one and then another, the Jedi made a desperate last move against them. Against the Titan. The Primarch saw him in the distance; alone. He tried to move closer, stumbling over a corpse - his drained strength causing him to crumble into the sand.

"Sire..!" The Primarch yelped weakly, falling flat on his chest. The bio-weapon had taken its toll, everything was harder. Harder to talk, to walk. To think, but he was not so limited that this affliction would control him.

Tathra stands alone.

Alone? No - not alone.

The Primarch felt it, the unison of the Jedi's power was afforded to what felt like an offensive effort all echoing from her. His eyes shifted, latching onto the women standing apart from the two saber wielders engaging Tathra. Drek'ma thrust his stub into the ground, pushing himself to his feet. Even as the Jedi moved against them, the Primarch tapped into the wells of time and space. Avenues unseen were available to him, the sands and red mist obscured his vision but brought force roads only he could see. He was not alone.

All across the Yurbian city, acolytes of the Ashaka and Shamans worked together to fight against their enemy; they worked together as warriors of the force. The Primarch reached out to Drekarys and Kalanthir, he would call upon their strength and all of the Shamans and Acolytes together. Unity, would be their strength.

The Primarch exacerbated one of those avenues, sand and red mist parting his way as the ground was made anew, stepping out from a portal that placed him on the city wall and behind the floating female Jedi Master. He could feel his mind, afflicted and broken struggling - reaching out. The force was his own, yet it was foreign. His every fibre shook, trembled from the effort as he let go of his inhibitions, no mere affliction would defeat him. Through perseverance, the will to act was found.

The Primarch struck out with his Staff, from the orb in his staff a powerful tendril of life draining energy flew out toward the chest of the female Jedi floating in the air, striking at the shield around her. He would rip her strength from her. He welcomed his weakness and through it, he found true power.

In equal measure, his mind reached out as all of their Ashaka Acolytes and all of their remaining Shamans would fight against the attempts to alter the environment under their feet, some were swallowed in swaths of sand whilst others erected barriers as they sunk into the bottoms of the canyons, others holding the ground down beneath their feet as others poured into the city to join those whom already had. Barriers empowered by the force and a strong, united and contesting will would blunt the effect of the intended sandstorm. Though he could not do it alone.

"Drekarys! Kalanthir! Help me!" He, would act as a catalyst for the united strength of his kin.

The Chieftain was not alone. He, was not alone.
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Location: Outside Edsert, Assault Position
Enemies: TB, Obviously, I mean, come on, this is page 13 get with the PROGRAM l Galak Galak l
Allies: Silver Jedi l Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield l Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron l Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles
Objective: Repel Enemy Assault

Tulan cursed as one of their gunships went down, making a hard landing. Was hard to tell if they made it or not, but the fire at the back didn't look good. He thrust his hand left, and told the pilot to break off the gunships to engage the craft coming at them. The Gunships peeled off, leaving the Transports on their own. The Rangers took their positions on the outside of the crafts, feet dangling, hands gripped tightly around the edges of the craft.

The Rangers were approaching their LZ- and it was going to be a doozy of a time. Tulan breathed rapidly, hyper-ventilating as the ground came nearer. He jumped first, his feet landing with a heavy thud. The other Rangers touched down, and one by one, the transports peeled off, while the gunships tasked with engaging the Bryn forces began to fire salvos of rockets, and machine guns and automatic weapons began to tear through the sky, intent on bringing down the primitive, ugly crafts.

Tulan turned his attention away from the sky, back to the ground. Rangers were beginning to fan out, establishing a base of fire in the fields they found themselves in. Pot shots were coming around, but the Bryn were far enough away that their more effective creatures and forces were not in range yet. Tulan was going to make them regret the idea that having something that they needed to be next to be their weapon of choice. Since the invention of gunpowder way back when, this was the superior way of fighting. Tulan directed machine gun teams to set up in an interlocking manner, furiously screaming at the hand-held mortar teams to do the same. Soon enough, machine guns and light mortars began to soar at the enemy, peppering them with heavy fire from the side and from above.

"Half loads, airbursts!" He turned and directed at the mortars. The explosives in the mortars would now be on a timer, exploding just prior to impact of the ground, once the shells were launched- once the mortar shell turned and pivoted enough times in the air, and straightened out, it detonated. This usually was the case at less than ten feet above the enemy. Quite effective against enemy infantry.

Then, the unusual, peculiar happened (which happened a lot, as Tulan continued to work with Jedi).


Sand. Lots of sand.

He hated it, after all, it was fine and coarse and got everywhere, like most people. But he didn't expect it to be going right for...

The bad guys?

Tulan couldn't see, and neither could any of the Rangers. They were inflicting heavy casualties from their flanking position, but without visibility they were useless. Tulan stood up, barely able to see through the sand. Cracked canyons, tons of sand burying the enemy. He removed his helmet, feeling the icy chill in the air. He turned to the stunned Rangers, and held up his rifle, screaming. The Jedi may have frowned upon Dorn Company's penchant for violence, but they were just as happy to inflict it as much as they were appreciative of the violence Jedi were capable of.

Of course, Tulan thought it simple Jedi tricks and the force- he was unaware of the implication of the death throes of a peaceful people attacked by savage brutes. Their revenge lay physical and literal. Tulan turned to the haggard collection of Rangers, who began to take a knee, breathing rapidly. The losses were terrible today, but he hoped that with the incoming sandstorm and the presence of the Rangers at the city walls that the attack would cease, broken altogether. And from what he knew of this particular enemy, that would mean nothing more than total destruction of their hope, will, and lives.

Tulan took the first pause in the fight to take a drink of water. The fight was far from over, but it was definitely not even anymore.

The sand had spoken- chosen it's protectors. Tulan, however, had a different friend hovering over him. The Jedi chose the force, the Sith chose power- and most would say that another person chose Tulan. Mr. Mayhem himself- the Grim Reaper. And the Reaper came to Yurb, and from what Tulan saw- had definitely chosen a side. Sacrifice was the key to this plan working. Tulan wouldn't forget. He never forgot favors. And neither did the Rangers. The Dire Wolves would be carved into history, presented as heroes and sung about. They were would be remembered. They would not forget.

The Rangers were there, and the gunships coming into answer Thirdas' gun run call were going to put a cap on any hope that the Bryn could manage to stem this tide. Tulan took the first time to take a drink of water, the sand whipping at his face where the armor wasn't covering. It was bitter, cold, and stung like hell, but breathing fresh, non-recycled air felt good. He pulled his helmet back on, and crouched, hugging his rifle close to his chest as the sand picked up and rained hell on their enemy.

They had one fight left to finish, and then the day would be theirs for all eternity.

Tulan was going to show the enemies of the Silver Jedi, the Rangers- to attack them was to court Death himself. Mr. Reaper was looming over Yurb, his icy touch now physically apparent for everyone there. Tulan laughed, chuckling before laughing whole-heartedly. The Gunships roared overhead, flying low and fast to answer Thirdas' mission.

The Rangers near Tulan, a company's worth, began to laugh, eager to finish the fight.
Objective: Take it all In
Location: A building within the City.
Allies: Bryn’Adul
Foes: Not Bryn’Adul

Sarask stalked the area, peering around. She hummed to herself, albeit in a raspy tone. She was behind enemy lines, most likely. Or she had fallen behind, perhaps. No, she killed someone earlier, so she must be behind them, in the city perhaps? She glanced around. She was definitely in a bunker or building of some sort. Though, she had probably alerted a few people with the screams of the thing she killed. She dragged her weapon along the wall with the pointy end.

What to do… What to do?

She didn’t have any explosives, no no. Nothing that she could use to bring the structure down, who knew if it was occupied by the Bryn’Adul or not? She was sure a few dozen drones could be forgiven, but if higher officers were around… That would be somewhat harder to excuse for her. Finally, she found something to do, or rather, something to do found her. Just before she could walk around a corner, a trio of generic looking soldiers came around. She tilted her head at them. Their mouthes dropped, or, maybe they did. They were wearing helmets.

Without missing a beat, Sarask spun, sending her long tail crashing into the three soldiers, breaking the ribs of the first one and buffeting each into the side of the wall. She had to kick one of their blasters away after he managed to land a glancing shot on her thigh, causing her to hiss. Her crystalline natural armour seemed to have taken a fair amount of the damage however. She stomped on each of their chests with her full weight, before playing around and decorating the corridor with their bodies, and taking their items, mostly the fun grenades.

She left them for someone else to find, and squeezed into a room. It seemed as though she was in rather deep, as there were crowds of people swarming the streets, none of them Bryn’Adul. She hummed, before looking at her newfound grenades, six in all. She shrugged to herself, before activating one, and dropping it into the crowd below. She tossed them casually, not even bothering to look at the carnage she may have caused, as she looked for soldiers amongst them, and snipers in the buildings. Her thigh hurt a bit.

She realised she was actually in a pretty good position, everyone was running. Scores of inferior creatures were fleeing rather than taking shots are her. She idly took another grenade and tossed it, like one of the inferior species feeding birds. She just took it all in, there was a scarlet mist surrounding the city, the Bryn’Adul’s work, or something the defenders had come up with? She thought the former, she liked it after all. It looked like blood. It was pretty. Or was it sand? If it were harmless, the forces of the Brym could look even more red than they usually are, like a coat of paint that the weaker humanoids used.

She tossed another grenade, it seemed as though the people were becoming wise after the screech and panic of the first one, and had decided to take some other routes. She took a step back as pot-shots were taken. From her new position however she could see more of their forces breaking through, that was good. They had broken through the walls, buildings and so forth, swarming into the city. It was almost poetic, with the mist that had ascended around the city, as well as the debris that fell down, down, down to the ground, cutting through mist and building alike.

She sighed, it was a good fight, one she was glad to have missed. Dying in legions was for the drones and brutes. In messy sieges like this, she was better off waiting for it to end so she could descend. She looked at the last two grenades she had, activated them, and tossed the two over the window’s edge. This fight was done, it seemed, she turned and closed the door on this fight. All she had to do was find stragglers.

Wherever they may be.
Location: Landing at E7 – On board the Shuttle
Objective: Relocate - Battle Meditation and strengthen the Jedi
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Enlil Enlil | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Elise | The Monster The Monster | All SJO and Allies
Enemies: Bryn’adul | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Osam Osam
Equipment: Lightsaber | Stealth Suit

In a small pause in the flight, Abaigeal offered a smirk to the young Heavenshield. No, he was not his father, but she did not expect him to be. There was no time for any further conversation, the shuttle began to lower toward the landing sight, but not before a large explosion buffeted the shuttle and almost sent her flying off balance. The noise around them deafening, the Rangers firing from the shuttle on command, only added to it.

She was about to embark, but the pull on the meditation required her attention, the voices through the force pleading for help and strength. The shuttle landed, all the Rangers and soldiers left her and as much as she wanted to join them, fight alongside them, the battle could be turned if she remained.

Abaigeal sat. The metal floor felt hard to the touch, but she entered the meditation adding to the force conduit, funneling her strength to the Jedi, the strongest within it. @Elisa, her voice the loudest, and Abaigeal did not falter, she would not regardless of what might happen to her in the process. Everything around her vanished, the silence within the force over took her mind and body, all the sounds of the battle dimmed to nothing, not even background noise that would draw her back from the deep core of her mind. The force swirling around her like a sparkling smoke, before seeping into the skin and fueling her, coming in and going out, a constant motion between herself and the rest of the Jedi.

It did not matter if the shuttle took off again, she would simply ride with hit to wherever its destination was. All that mattered was that she remained connected to all the Jedi on the field this day for the sake of the people of this planet now under threat from a loss of their freedom.
Objective A
Location: Aboard the Divine Brutality
Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue | Juno | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Drekarys Kel | Elise | Enlil Enlil | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron |


His attempts to attack the enemy had been thwarted, blunted by a child. The Seer was enraged, his mind pulled in many directions as the enemy fought back, putting him on the defensive as even distracted and bickering their coalition proved to provide enough power to court his own. But not enough to break his will. Where branches had been broken, driven past - many more remained and even more grew from the broken bark. The enemy choose to attack him directly, diving into his maze of branches as they hammered upon his walls.

The Seer directed his attention to his defence, attempting to ensnare and hamper their strikes with constricting roots. Whilst they were many, the foundations of his will were strong. The roots of their righteous crusade ran deep, they were strong. But it seemed his own defence was not the most pertinent issue. As he heard the call; the Primarch reached out.

I hear you.

Fools of the surface. Even as the Bryn'adûl Warriors filled the streets, even as the Draeyde roamed from building to building slaughtering any who had been so captured by fear as to hide in their fragile constructs, even as the Nimscall produced red air encircled the lone city, they still believed they could contend with the will of the Bryn'adûl.


The Seer reached out, his thoughts echoing through the connection the Primarch had established. To every Shaman, every acolyte and even Drekarys himself. The Seer sacrificed his own safety as the hammer struck his own mind; pain surging through him as he directed his efforts to those on the ground; aiding them in their defence. The barriers would hold, the sand blunted as it curved around their defensive barriers. The red mist surged forward, brought rapidly further into Edsert by the ignorant actions of the Jedi.

Our air runs through the veins of Yurb. Our strength, our truth!

The Seer would hunch in open himself, head tilting to the side as every muscle, every vein in his body pulsed and flexed; what power he had not given away amplified by the Primarch and the hundreds of force wielders on the planet below - giving all he had to withholding the orbital and planetary mental trickeries employed by the Jedi.

This world will be food. Nothing more!

Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Save Amani
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern
Note: Barrien is still a Knight for this RP.


The only fortunate thing abbout the situation was that the debris stopped falling nearly instantly with only a few exceptions. Debris moving at hyperspeed was like that. The barrier he made wasn't going to last forever, but it was doke shamed, so most of the debris was already sliding off and away. That was good because it meant the trajectory would take it away from them and the civilians. He couldn't have done anything more than what he had. Even that was draining and the barrier ultimately fell.

He had hoped that the Bryn'adul beast would listen to him. He had hoped it would stop this nonsense, but he was not gifted with the result he had hoped for. Yes, the beast chose not to target him, which was fortunate because he had been utterly defenseless, but the Jedi Knight grew immediately worried as the signature of the creature began to move away. Especially when he noticed whrre it was moving away to.

Though the beast had clearly chosen to avoid him, it had apparently singled at the weakest among them for annihilation. Barrien had a hard time digesting that a species could be so cowardly to go after be injured, just as much as he couldn't understand why they were so keen on destroying everyone. It didn't make sense. It wasn't morally sounds and it just wasn't right. Even the Sith weren't that heinous most of the time. And yet here he was and he could only react.

He ran after the creature as fast as he could, but he was feeling quite drained and so didn't use the Force to assist him because he knew he might need it shortly. As he rounded the corner and came down the alley he was in time to see the beast lunge at Amani.

"Amani! Look out!" he yelled as loudly as he could, not that it would likely offer much help.

There wasn't a lot he could do. If he tried to shove the creature away with the Force it would likely send Amani off with him and that would just make matters worse. He could hope that Amani would react in time. Which given her physical state didn't seem likely. The last option was the affect her directly. All that thinking happened in only a short second, but it might have taken too long as the beast was already lunging when he had come into their view.

So he acted as quickly as he could and reached out with the Force to grab Amani directly, intending to pull her out of harms way by dragging her beneath the lunging form and all the way to him, where he could protect her properly.
I should have been dead already,
he said to himself. He galvanised the last of his resolve as more of the Bryn'adul came on. He was buoyed by the Force that shifted as readily as sand. The power of the light coalesced around the Jedi Forces and he felt great power being brought to bear upon the invaders.

Acaadi slid down the nose of his irreparable starfighter and joined the fray. More of the creatures were closing on his position now, drawn by the sound of weapons fire. The mirialan dashed forwards as a group of drones emerged from the rubble. Saber in each hand, he drew the Force close around him. The focus of his training had diverted in the last few years and his use of the Force had become far more precise.

Clumps of rock and debris rose from the ground, trailing in his wake like a cloak. Acaadi slid to a halt and that wave rolled across his shoulder and shot forwards. Only a few died from the telekinetically propelled missiles, but it was confusion and not destruction that Acaadi was trying to sew. He was alone, but the Force was with him, guiding his actions.

It was always there, a subtle nudge in the right direction. Urging him to slide behind a piece of debris as spikes were fired in his direction. It guided him to call on it further to hasten his advance to close the distance. He move through the group quickly. Move of the work was done by his right saber, but his shorter off-hand blade was used more defensively to strike at weapons and arms.

Pain ripped through his body as a short caught his shoulder. He was too focused this time to let it draw out any anger, to let him reach for that alluring source of power. Instead he ripped spikes from the ground and launched them in all directions, giving him space.

Acaadi stood with his sabers by his sides. The warmth of his own blood spread down his left arm. His chest rose and fell quickly. Slowly, he turned his head towards the nearest building. The Force had given him warning, but the sight of a beast several meters high crashing through the wall as if it was nothing still shocked him. Dust billowed forwards as the thing strode for him.

Glancing over his shoulder at his ship, Acaadi clipped his sabers to his belt. The beast picked up speed, more of the creature following in its wake. Acaadi reached for his twintail and the torpedo bay he had opened. The warhead finally broke free and he swung both arms around. He had never been this close to a proton torpedo detonating. A wash of head struck him like a kick to the chest and he went tumbling down, shielding his eyes from the blinding light.

As he slowly drew himself back up he looked where his foes had been. There was nothing but fire and devastation.

Acaadi limped to his starfighter. There were more coming. He flicked three switches to activate the ship's self-destruct and turned and tried to jog away. He could hear friendly weapons fire. If he could rally some Rangers they could push back through this sector.
Equipment: In bio
Location: Edsert
Objective: Survive
Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland , Barrien Siegfried, SJO and Friends
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn

Amani laid slumped against the wall, barely holding her head up to see the carnage around her. The padawan’s breathing was strained, her voice hitched as she tried to speak through the dust, blood, and punctured lung. “...U-Ura?” Amani whimpered as the pain began to set in, the effects of her Force Body now fading. An incomprehensible burning sensation seared through her body, particularly her left shoulder, now trapped under the rubble. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up at Ura as her friend began to lift some of the rubble off of her, staring blankly ahead as tears welled up in her eyes, a horrifying realization now hitting her. Other than the sense of terror clearly laced in every word she muttered, a dull, tired tone was all she could muster, her voice incapable of fully expressing the emotions she was feeling. “U-Ura… I-I can’t feel my arm…”

As Ura lifted the next rock off, she would see the price Amani had paid. The sheet metal, now broken and twisted against the wall it had trapped her against had in fact caught her left arm… and severed it just below the shoulder. Amani’s still working arm twitched, lifting just slightly to try and reach her friend before Ura found herself having to face the Ravager once again. Her vision dimmed, barely able to keep up with the battle in front of her. She could sense the storm of emotions filling the others; She wanted to tell Tarish Galland it wasn’t his fault, or find some way to reassure Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , but she couldn’t form the words, and they probably wouldn’t hear her anyways. She sat in silence, tears flowing freely with broken, labored breaths. Now that Amani had been forced to face her own mortality, only one thing could come to mind: She wasn’t ready. Not yet. Not here. Not now.

A roar jolted Amani back into consciousness, and she lifted her head up once more to see Reosyvern Reosyvern charging in her direction. One final burst of adrenaline sparked in her, though it didn’t show on the outside. In that moment, Amani was overcome with intense emotions. Primal emotions. And she instinctively drew upon them like her life depended on it, which it very well may. Raw, unadulterated fear gripped her, and she let it take her in full. The air around the padawan began to kick up, whipping up dust and small bits of debris around her, a pulse of force energy surged her into a reaction, and the other Force Users nearby would find the sickening sensation unmistakable: The Dark Side.

The mirialan channeled all of her bottled up emotions, releasing them together in a storm of energy that brought her true Force potential out in full. In that briefest of moments, as Reosyvern leapt at her, she lazily lifted her head up at him, and he would see her irises flash yellow. A web of electricity arced between her fingers, the current surging up her arm and into the rest of her body as she channeled Force lightning. The Brynadul tackled into her, his claws rending and tearing into her flesh, though his attack was met with a powerful blast of electricity, perhaps enough to knock him off completely if he was not prepared. Either way, Amani was quickly pulled away from him by Barrien Siegfried. The Knight would see the full extent of her injuries now: in addition to the numerous minor scratches and bruises, she was missing her left arm, deep gashes from Reosyvern’s attack into her back and torso, a now burned right arm from her use of Force Lightning, and not to mention her broken ribs and punctured lung under the surface. She was bleeding badly, and her skin faded more pallid by the minute.

Amani found herself jolted awake again by the events, and the sheer terror she felt continued to tear at her mind and body. The padawan clung to Barrien like a scared child, her blood, sweat, and tears now staining both of their clothes as she gripped tightly against his sleeve with her still working arm, crying uncontrollably. “I-I don’t wanna die! Please! I don’t wanna die, I don’t wanna-!” Her voice caught in her throat, and Amani gasped as her emotions slowly began to subside. The sensation of the Battle Meditation from Elise began to reach her once more. The Force felt almost soothing, welcoming her back to the Light and coaxing her to rest with a final surge of… hope. “...I...I don’t…” Amani's voice faded and her grip loosened as she went limp against Barrien… alive. But barely so. Amani fell into a dreamless sleep, and for the moment, at least,

She was at peace.

Amani's left arm was severed by the piece of sheet metal the Ravager had thrown. Barely staying conscious enough to see Reosyvern preparing to attack her, Amani succumbed to her primal instincts and channeled the dark side of the force, countering Reosyver with a powerful jolt of lightning, though further injuring herself in the process. Amani was rescued from the Bryn's clutches by Barrien. Her emotions subsided once more as the Battle Meditation brought her back to the light, reigniting a sense of hope in their mission before she passed out. While still alive, she is in need to immediate medical attention if she's going to survive her injuries.
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Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland

Ura's eyes were wide when she finally realized what had happened. The extent of what the rood had done to Amani's body. Ura wish she knew how to Force heal right now, to help her friend, but she didn't know how. To say Ura felt useless right now would be an understatement. She couldn't help those people caught in the debris impacts, and now she couldn't help her friend. There was one way though. She could fight, so that's what she'd do!

While she had started by charging the Ravager, it went down before she could d anything, so her focus shifted to the large creature that seemed to lead it. "No! I won't let you hurt anyone else!" It was notable that Ura spoke in Lerdos, sounding more like electronic whispers than usual speech. She was about to strike until.... The... the Dark Side! It was as cold as the air had become, but the Lervon would soon be shocked by the arcing of lightning coming from.... "Amani...?" As she watched her friend get pulled away though, the sandy being would look back and go for a quick strike and pull back. It was a normal Lervon trick. Essentially flow in and out of range quickly.

"We have to get her out of here!" Ura looked, ready to strike again before hearing something.... Another chunk of debris! One that hadn't had time to slip away, and it was way too close! Ura was quick to try and slice it, and use the Force to separate it. It was slowed, but she didn't enough time to move out of the way. It wasn't a large piece, but it was something. Then she got an idea. She just managed to hold it up, and would god for a throw before feeling some.... Something painful! Slag from her slice had managed to drip down and melt part of her hand! She had stopped being careful. She just wanted to end the fight but.... The Lervon would yell out before trying to get the still hot metal away, only to catch a little more on her body. She dispersed this time, reforming near Amani.

"I.... I'm sorry. I... I couldn't help you soon enough...." Ura looked up, the cold had at least managed to limit the damage the slag could do, and it wasn't like it was nothing compared to Amani's injuries. Ura just shook her head. "I should've gotten you out of here...." Her hand would reform by this point, other part's of her structure taking over. She looked out, beginning to lose her form again.

"This is worse than the elders ever described the Empire." Ura was hurting. She couldn't get Amani to safety, she couldn't make a Force Barrier to protect her people when she needed too.... She couldn't even protect herself from some stupid metal. Even with Elise 's Battle Meditation, and feeling all those trying to bring hope to everyone fighting, the Padawan couldn't help but feel like she'd failed. Even if they won in the end... she felt.... Ura just closed her eyes, not wanting to see anymore of it.
Location: D5
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Enlil Enlil | Laertia Io Laertia Io

Even as the half-blood continued to dig away at the ground, the battle continued on in full swing. The Spikers still barked their deadly cry, sending projectiles hurtling through the air at the frost emitting target. Nevertheless, despite the onslaught of nearly thirty rifles firing at once, the man seemed intent on continuing his forward momentum, managing to knock away the superhot shards before they could strike him dead-center and end his life and the threat he posed.

Osam spared a three-second glance at the Ravager to check in on its progress, only to find it in the throes of battle, shaking and shivering and slamming its vicious and unnatural strength around as it attempted to remove a parasite that had latched onto it. It was a ferocious berserker of a being, capable of taking dozens of shots from all manner of weapon before it could be subdued, and yet, with a flourish like a veil, the human managed to appear above it, jamming a lightsaber through its head.

Baedurin were sturdy, and Ravagers doubly so, but as the blade twisted around in the confines of its skull, and the organ inside began to boil over its fleshy encasing, there was little doubt that the creature had been terminated. It fell to the ground, and the drones paused in their firing for just a moment to gaze at it. Violence broke out again as the Sraelvun nearest to the barrier -- they were still several meters away -- was suddenly annihilated by the teleporting witch, though it seemed she had concluded with her strike there and disappeared to face the Brutes somewhere behind the lines.

Was it possible for the Jedi to simply appear where they wished to be? How would they counter such a devastating force? Osam had no time for considerations such as that, and the sudden detonations over his head from the continually falling debris, and the touch of the chilled wind snapped him from his revelry. Stone and dirt were clenched by his hands as he dug, hissing orders at a few of the Sraelvun in the backline so that they would join him in his entrenchment. The winds were picking up, and with them, the glimmer of a terrifying omen: Snowfall on a desert world.

The Drones would die no sooner from the cold than any human in the city, and if it was truly the goal of the madman to engulf the world in frost, there was little doubt that the damage necessary to excise the Crusade would be enormous. Nevertheless, as the frost continued to creep further, his mind flicked to the Baedurin fighting elsewhere, and to his own flesh.

Sacrifice would be necessary to secure the survival of himself and his kindred. With a shriek, Osam directed a clawed finger towards the frost-bringer, and his voice was joined by the ravenous Sraelvun, animalistic tendencies coming to surface as they were released from the bounds of orderly combat, and set free like vicious hounds. "Kill! Eat!"

Like rats given the prospect of sustenance, the Sraelvun broke rank and charged across the field, rushing towards the frost-bringer, their guns still barking with spiker rounds and their mouths salivating at the freedom to consume. Were it not for the sudden shadow appearing over them, they would've continued in their rush, but with its presence there came a pregnant pause.

The enormity of the wreckage could not be properly considered from the position on the ground. The weight of it as it came into contact with the barrier overhead could not be acknowledged with anything but fear and awe. They'd been quick to feast, quick to hunt, but with the sudden domineering shape of oblivion hanging just above their heads, the vermin were quick to return to the tunnel of their master, and burrow into the ground for any hope of salvation.

Submerged as they were, they'd be safe from the chill and shielded -- at least to an extent -- from the falling wreckage. Osam let a fierce joy overtake him as he recognized that the frost-bringer and the wall-maker would not have the protection of dirt and durasteel.

Location: City Outskirts - C6
Objective: Flanking Maneuver
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | SJO
Enemies: Bryn'adûl

The three platoons' worth of Antarian Rangers under his command hunkered down as the gunships appeared to litter the area before them with rockets and heavy automatic blaster fire. They used whatever they could find as cover; some rubble flung from the top of the nearby city wall, a few rocks scattered about, some even took to simply digging themselves into the sand they stood on using whatever means they could.

Thirdas found himself hugging an orange rock with some dead bushes on either side. By now the fighting on the flank had become a ranged affair after they'd pounced on the meager defenses there were in the immediate area. A firing line had been established, allowing him to stow away his axe and take up sniping once more, lying prone on the dusty ground with his bipod all set up amongst the bushes.

These Bryn appeared not to favour long-ranged weaponry, but rather used brute force of numbers to overwhelm and force the enemy into melee. Good thing for a skilled marksman, as there was small chance of being counter-sniped. He only got a few rounds off once the dust had settled from the onslaught caused by the gunships, when all of a sudden it started to snow.

Gradually the weather had turned cold and even freezing, but in the heat of battle it had escaped most of his comrades. A few had taken to lighting up some death sticks to pass around to any battle-brother willing to take a huff, to calm their nerves or simply as a means to dull their senses to the cold. To the Valkyri sergeant, it felt like home. He seized fire and rolled over to sit with his back against the sturdy rock, removed his leather glove from his left hand, and held out his hand.

A single large flake of snow trailed down from the skies and fell into his open palm, and Thirdas was able to find some measure of peace even amidst all the fighting still going on. He removed his helmet, its padded insides all damp with sweat, and tasted the fresh, cool air. Several long, invigorating breaths later, he reached for his water canteen and took several large sips before splashing some in his face and hair.

In his mind he went over just how many souls had been lost over the course of the entire battle thus far. Faces he'd known since he first joined Dorn Company. "Follow the serene call, my brothers. May it take you to the Hall of Heroes to dine in the company of the Allfather." A hushed prayer for the fallen, and yet the living had to keep on living.

"Corporal," he eventually turned to another NCO while stowing away his canteen. "Have the men fall in with Sergeant Kor's force. I'm going in."

"In where, Sarge?" The young man hugged his rifle, a nearly-finished death stick jammed between his lips.

"In there," Thirdas confirmed, folding together his bipod and pulling back the bolt to chamber a fresh round, causing the spent one to fly out in the direction of the corporal. "There is something I must do. It's not a battle you or the boys need take part in."

And with that, he simply got up and marched on the city, not saying another word. Sure enough, each man picked up their gear and joined their fearless sergeant, guns cocked and loaded. They were a motley crew, every man's armour decorated with scarrings and accoutrements proudly displayed. They were a band of brothers.

"Gunny. Making our move into the city now. She's in there somewhere, and I won't rest 'til I find her."

Nida Perl Nida Perl was alive and suffering from some kind of injury, that much he knew for certain. If he had to tear through the entirety of the Bryn invasion army by himself, he gladly would. Rip and tear, until it is done.

"I'll make sure to leave you a couple uggo's. Heavenshield, out," he added, before switching off his comms. He'd fulfilled his duty to the Corps. This next action of his was personal. The Bryn scum had made it so.

Exit Thirdas
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Tarish Galland

The swipe from the Brute sent Tarish cartwheeling, catching himself before he was put through a wall of another derelict building. His ankle rolled, and there was a dangerous popping sound beyond the roll of his ankle that he chose to ignore. Taking a few seconds to catch his breath, a massive weight began to settle on the man. His throat tightened, arms aching and his joints were sore. How many times had he pushed this far? Not many, not nearly enough to cause this. Then again he had never pushed the emerald lightning that far either. Using himself to conduct such a current didn't seem like such a grand idea in the end.

The rushing of another entering the fray drew his attention, and sparked that feral part of him again as he saw another Bryn coming into the area. His whole body tensed, the warning of his stomach burning against the sudden surge in force energy causing bile to burn inside him as he rushed forward once more under it's influence. His muscles were drawn tight like a bow string. His hand was drawing the lightsaber when he felt the dark energy of lightning come from Amani, initially surprised before reasoning out the sudden draw of fear by means of impending death in their eyes.

To draw on the raw instincts was not terrible, but it could lead to bad things. Something to remember for later he would try to remind himself about later, if he were still conscious. He watched Amani get pulled from under the new attacker and a brief moment of joy was shattered when heard her pleas, her begging before she went silent. The righteous anger gave way to another feeling. Gave way to the same dark path that Amani had traveled just a short moment ago as anger, and hatred guided him.

The dark feeling would travel through the battle meditation, it's focus on Amani's voice as Tarish felt the force reinforce his body once more. The link to the meld was snapped though when he moved again, eyes alight with the same lightning that he had wound around himself earlier. His expression dropped to that of bland disregard as he held a hand up and watched the lightning crackle in his palm.

The lightsaber was flickering in and out as emerald lightning coiled around the handle, his first dash using the force leading him to the brute with a downward swing towards it's head followed with a few swipes to end it's reign on the battlefield before another leap closed the distance to Reosyvern Reosyvern . He was silent, his presence in the force once a tangible emerald color. Now it looked as though the polished surface had been removed, the dark streaks of color staining the emerald green lightning that reached for the Bryn in front of Tarish as the lightsaber was swung towards midsection before flickering out of life and back on before attempting to connect with it's arm.

There was an almost constant field of electricity as Tarish's wounds began to seep with blood, muscles beginning to tighten beyond the point of strain as the man silently worked and moved.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Keep his insides on the...inside.
Allies: Ryv Ryv , Elise, Tulan Kor Tulan Kor , Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt , Niamh Raste, lots of others
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

The Titan moved with incredible speed, spinning around on the balls of its feet almost as fast as Beltran had darted around it. As Beltran launched himself up into the air, he immediately knew he'd made a mistake. Time seemed to slow as Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus turned and began to thrust the tip of his massive sword into the space that Beltran was about to occupy.

Feth. Thought the Lorrdian in the space between eye blinks. This is going to hurt.

Then, in the span of a few nano-seconds the following happened:

Tathra thrust out with his sword.

Beltran triggered his battlesuit's jumpjets in a desperate attempt to alter his trajectory.

Then the sword made contact with the lower left side of Beltran's abdomen. The weapon's razor-sharp cutting surface and the almost incomprehensible force with which the blow was made, pushed easily through the durasteel plates and into Beltran's flesh. Sparks of metal on metal quickly turning to splatters of dark red blood as the blade tore into the Lorrdian.

A white-hot wave of pain would fill Beltran's senses, almost blinding him with its intensity, this pain would echo through Elise's battle meditation. His jumpjets would continue to pull him to the right, it's momentum pulling him off of the monster's blade and several meters away from the creature where he would half crash, half crumple onto his knees.

Looking up, Beltran would meet Tathra's gaze. The monstrosity stood there, with Beltran's gore caked on his weapon. With a last ounce of energy, which was now ebbing out of him as his life force flowed onto the ground, he spat. Particles of blood and saliva would travel into the air, too far away from the giant to have any hope of hitting the tyrant, instead it would be one last act of defiance he would make before the creature took him.

He then spent the rest of his strength, pushing himself to his feet. All around them the red dust of the Bryn'adul's terra-forming machines mixed with the sand and snow of the Jedi's final counter attack. Beltran couldn't feel the wind on his face, nor could he hear the Y-Wings of Saber squadron as they made their final approach.

All he could see was Tathra.

"!" He wheezed, holding his lightsaber with one had and trying, and failing, to keep his insides where they belonged with his other.

He then took a step toward the tyrant.

And another.

And another.

And then he fell face first onto the ground, consciousness leaving him at last.

OOC: This will be Beltran's final post for this invasion. It has been an experience writing with you all. Take care and may the Force be with you.
Location: Operations Center, Emerald Undertow, near Yurb
Objective: Payback
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

While the Emerald Undertow disappeared from the outside world, the inside of the vessel was a flurry of activity and emotion. Gir's heart dropped as he watched the Concordia and its picket escorts collapse in a brilliant sphere of light. He felt shock and sadness disappeared into vibrant and righteous anger. Just who do they think they are? So quick to sacrifice the lives of their own people, so quick to render a planet inhabitable? The cold, rational part of his mind quickly countered the Bryn'adul were a genocidal race not known for giving mercy or cooperating with any sort of outside power. We should have expected this...though you would think that those monstruously large warships were less disposable than that. Something to study. Cold anger began to direct his thoughts on how to make the enemy commander feel such pain - how to remove him from a galaxy which in his mind, did not deserve to experience such callous brutality. Ariela's clear voice tugged his attention away from the brooding.

"The Galatea is about to explode," observed the apparent brunette.

The man turned his attention to the assault cruiser as it struggled to push the tentacled mass into the Conquester. It appeared to be failing in that mission, with the aberrant alien craft pushing it away from the massive Bryn'adul warship. Spore-like objects along with a dozen shuttles abruptly jetted away from the stricken Directorate cruiser, even as the Galatea's onboard computers sought to keep pressure on the Bryn'adul forces by firing all of its weapons in a brilliant and deadly light show - cannisters of proton proximity explosives ripped away at the marauding packs of Phedrak fighters while brilliant laser and plasma fire continued to drill into the nearby conquester, even as that warship slid away from the Galatea. A brilliant white light erupted in the center of the cruiser, which soon turned into a rippling wave of white and yellow fire as the assault cruiser self-destructed in an attempt to destroy the debaucher latched onto it. The sister ships of the ill-fated Galatea continued onward, using their smaller and quicker speed to keep pace with the relatively plodding Conquesters, and continuing with their strategy of using the larger ships as shields and peppering the Phedrak fighters with clusters of proximity munitions.

The man managed to tear his attention from the spectacle to view the Undertow's current course, diving down towards the Divine Brutality. He eyed the alien battlecruiser with a mixture of hate and skepticism. It can't be that tough, can it? He eyed the rapidly narrowing distance between the two massive craft. His headset comlink crackled with the soft, feminine voice of the Undertow's twi'lekk helmswoman.

"Admiral Quee, we're almost on top of the enemy flagship. What course shall we change to? Want me to bring us alongside to exchanged broadsides?"

The crumpling, wretched hull of the Concordia immediately came to his mind.

"No, stay the course," said the blonde man, "and prepare to ram them in the middle of their hull cross."


"Full sublight thrust," said the admiral, "use the Nimble's boost function."

Skepticism and disbelief suffused her acknowledgement, "Ah...yes sir, if you say so sir."

Without a delay, the man from Hast switched his headset to the channel he shared with Tartun, "We've about to decloak. Give the Divine Brutality everything we have. We will be ramming, so I suggest engaging automated fire as a back-up for all weapons."

"Ah...yes sir."

Alarm klaxons abruptly cut off that conversation as the ship's crew prepared for impact. Another one who thinks I've lost my mind? Have I? The man wasn't sure, but at this point, he didn't care. The Bryn'adul were a menace that had to stopped now, regardless of the cost, before they purged the galaxy of all sentient life and destroyed thousands if not hundreds of millenia of progress in culture and technology. The ghastly visages of holo-reports from the worlds ravaged by the alien invaders tugged at his mind as he stared down at the rapidly approaching enemy warship.

"Decloak, and give them everything," growled the admiral, "launch the shuttles."

The Emerald Undertow flickered into existence as it cut through the black ocean of space less than a hundred meters away from the Divine Brutality. Bright weapons fire lashed out from the Directorate battlecruiser surged towards its foe. At such a short distance, it would be nearly impossible for the Directorate gunners to miss the warship, though doubtless it wouldn't be any sort of precision fire. Hundreds of Shyyyo-class Combat Transports leapt out of the battlecruiser's bays, just in time to not be onboard for the upcoming collision. In mere moments, the assault shuttles would begin to dock in various points on the Divine Brutality to cut their way into the alien warship. He toggled his comlink once last time before impact.

"Silver Jedi fleet," ordered the blonde man, "Concentrate all fire and effort on the enemy flagship..."

The words had barely escaped his mouth when the Undertow's outer shields began to flare up on impact with the Divine Brutality. He watched that bright flare with an unblinking gaze with a heart filled with cold rage. He narrowed his eyes at the enemy flagship.

We have come for you....

Task Force Emerald Undertow
The Emerald Undertow with Cloaking Warfare Module - Uncloaks, attacks Divine Brutality with all available weapons at almost point-blank range; launches boarding shuttles; attempts to ram Divine Brutality (Shields: 79%; Hull: 98%)

Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Galatea - attacking Debaucher with Self Destruct - DESTROYED
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Undaunted - firing on Conquester B with most weapons; using scatter cannons on Phedrak fighters (Shields: 61% Hull: 91%)
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Immortalite - firing on Conquester B with most weapons; using scatter cannons on Phedrak fighters (Shields: 58% Hull: 94%)

Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Attacker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Hunter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Chaser -screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Stalker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Striker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED

Warden-class Escort Corvette Reaper - attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Warden-class Escort Corvette Arbiter - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Smiter -screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Puncher - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Charger - attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks

Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five - attacking Ra'maks

35 Fighter squadrons(initially)
7 Zephyr-class Droid Fighter Squadrons (~168 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters and Ra'maks
9 Cyclone II-class Starbomber Squadrons (~108 starbombers) - Attacking Ra'maks
9 Gale-class Heavy Fighter Squadrons (~72 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters

16 Support Squadrons (initially)
12 Shyyyo-class Combat Transport Squadrons (~144 transports) - just launched; attempting to board the Divine Brutality

Summary of actions
-Galatea self-destructs
-Surviving Achilles-class Assault Cruisers (Undaunted & Immortalite) follow Conquesters, attempting to use the much large craft to shield themselves from the Divine Brutality; continue to employ massed Scatter Cannon fire to flood the immediate area around them with clouds of proximity-fused proton submunitions to destroy Phedrak Fighters and/or break up their attacks
-Emerald Undertow uncloaks, fires on Divine Brutality, launches all of its boarding shuttles, and begins to execute ramming attack amidship
-various cumulative strikecraft losses from ongoing dogfights
Location: D7 Siege Tower, Yurb
Objective: Escape
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

Nyx leaped across junctions from one wall to the next. Even the flying creatures would have had difficulty following as the mass in which they stood continued to crumple toward the ground. Little time remained before it'd slam down into the sands below. Before the canyons carved and soon filled might seek to bury them, or the chill winds would build to trap them, or the broken husks in orbits skewered them all.

Whereas before Nyx was rather unaware of just how messed up things had become, circumstances had changed. Her fighter had dusted off from its remote landing and was on rapid approach. Nyx was rather impressed with just how chaotic the organics had made the day's affair. Truly a work of art only such illogical creatures could manage. Could a droid paint a work of art? Certainly. But would they ever come up with the same diversity? That was the more interesting question.

It seemed only seconds remained before the big thud. Not long enough by far for those outside. Perhaps... Perhaps long enough for her. Nyx didn't bother with statistical analysis or simulations to calculate her chances. The way forward -- the way out -- was quite clear, and if she failed, or if there wasn't enough time then it wouldn't really matter to know that before hand. If there was something she'd learned from the organics it was no matter how unlikely the chance of survival, you never gave up.

Like one drawing their finger over a harp, the droid's metallic feet crunched against the organic interior of the beast. Down the length of the hanger, toward the shining beacon of light, and out... into the open air only one hundred feet off the ground.

Curious. Nyx's optical units beheld quite a few hostiles in the surrounding area at high fidelity. A lackluster situation in which to descend into, especially given changes in environmental conditions. While not lethal in and of themselves to her in particular, Nyx did not favor the thought of being trapped among countless enemy soldiers. The Jedi might have forgotten the droid was there, and that could prove quite lethal indeed.

From a distance, the Scythe Fighter rocketed over the sandy world for where the Bryn'adul had gathered. Its humble assortment of weapons drilled into the rear guard of the enemy before it shot over their heads. Twist to the right, sweep to the left. aileron roll. Engines on full the fighter made quick work through the air. Blasters thundered periodically to swat the flies from its path for expediency's sake.

Banking at a speed few organics would manage, the ship swept around the circumfrence of the Siege Tower that topple with Nyx inside of it. Suddenly its flaps snapped into position, the engines flared and snapped off in sequence sending the fighter spinning on its axis until the cockpit faced the other direction.

Its rear hatch dropped open as it flew in reverse. Half a second later a loud bang filled the empty vessel, and the engines pulsed again to whirl back around as it fell from the sky.

Nose up and engines on full burn, the fighter scoffed at gravity's pull as it swept back up toward the sky.

One step at a time, digits clinging to the walls, its pilot ascended the steep incline of the deck to reach the cockpit.

Alarms blared and indicators flashed with environmental danger, and weapons fire; but more importantly was the shadow cast over the ship. A shadow from a massive chunk of durasteel. Nyx's digits dug into her chair before she yanked herself into it and initiated a direct connection with the vessel's flight systems.

Impact in 1.352 seconds.

No time to cut thrust. Inertia would carry them to it, and gravity wouldn't be enough. Nyx took the reins and piloted the vessel into the mass of tangled beams with tolerances no human pilot would ever want to hear how close it had been. Like her own chassis, her fighter's engines would need some tender care when this was all over. It'd been built for inhuman flight, but even this was pushing it beyond design specifications.

When the ship shot free and the mass squished the nameless, faceless hordes that hadn't already been squished by a collapsed five hundred meter tall living creature, Nyx locked in course for orbit. But not before sending out a signal to allied command. There was still time to save those below. Her ship was made for speed and manueverability, not combat, but that was enough to save those in dire need.

Primary Mission Objective: Complete.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Location: Yurb High Orbit, Far Side
Objective: Interdict and Bryn fleet, Relieve Aurelion
Allies: SJO and friends ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Juno Nimue Nimue Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kimiko Kyra Perl Kyra Perl )
Opposition: Bryn (Ver'kad Inuk Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir )

Without much resistance – the big ship killing ballistas weren’t so good at intercepting small fast-moving projectiles – most of the boarding pods fired by the hypervelocity cannons of Jyoti’s artillery cruisers hit home, field disruptors allowing them to slice right through heavy shields at insane speeds and slam against the hull of the enemy flagship.

The shells began to disintegrate, and out of their remains emerged the Inago. Like a plague of locusts, the biots quickly spread across the hull, aiming to melt through the hull with mandible dripping with acid. The corrosives were powerful enough to quickly eat through reinforced metal starship hulls, so against the Bryn bioships and their organic components, it was going to be like punching tissue paper. Some focused on initially burrowing through the weapons emplacements to neuter the flagship’s firepower. Others worked to defend their attacking brethren, slashing and electrocuting marine units sent outside to engage them. All the while, the Draken artillery cruisers kept pumping out more boarding shells, aiming to completely swarm the hull of the ship with the acid spewing Inago and finally bring an end to the terror of the powerful battlecruiser.

Everything was coming together for Jyoti’s forces, her fighters finally positioned to deliver a brutal final blow with proton rockets as they began their bombing runs under Knight Dainlei. Despite the setback of the ongoing boarding attacks by enemy boarding craft, her cruisers and stealth frigates were still making progress with their flanking maneuver.

The plan was working, but like any good plan, it suddenly came apart by a good sucker punch.

Jyoti visibly winced as she felt a massive disturbance hit her like a sledgehammer. Moments later, her ship sensors caught up with a nice string of alarms as massive energy discharges were detected planetside. For a few moments the skies of the embattled planet had become as hot as ten suns. On the comms, she could hear Dainlei yelling for the strike group to abort their bombing run.

“What the feth was that,” she blurted. Any semblance of composure was lost in that moment of confusion and agony.

“Large scale impacts...the Sowa picked up the Bryn hyper ramming a portion of Admiral Reshmar’s ships in low orbit. Most of the ships were immediately destroyed...and set off a chain reaction of explosions as their reactors instantly overloaded.”

Jyoti pulled up feeds from the stealth recon drone as Dardec continue to report. On the near side of Yurb, it appeared like the whole sky was on fire, while many parts of the surface glowed crimson as regions of the planet’s crust had been cratered. It looked like pure hell from her vantage point, so she could only imagine what the survivors on the surface were expericing as they had just been subjected to a mass extinction event.

A few tears began to trickle down her face while she shook on her seat in pure fury.

So, this was the “truth” the Seer had wished to export to the rest of the galaxy. The Bryn’s great truth, massacring not only the opposition, but also their own people for victory – the prime impact point had been the Bryn’s own staging area.

For so long she had sought to understand the Bryn to better deal with them, but in this single merciless act they had shown themselves to be little different than what she had seen from the Sith and other Darksiders. The only difference seemed to be the Bryn’s greater appetite for destruction.

Despite the Seer’s objections, they had indeed proven themselves to be agents of chaos.

This atrocity would not go unpunished. The Jedi were often merciful to a fault, but some things just couldn’t be let go.

Jyoti didn’t even issue any verbal commands, even as Dardec called to her, his voice became faint ambiance as she retreated from the real world. Soon, the Echani could be seen slumped into her seat as her consciousness had left her physical form. In the Force, her presence bloomed to titanic proportions as she projected her entire being into the Astral plane, like a solar flare. Already big, but rising still with some the dead of Yurb drawn to her. Spectors of the Force Sensitive race lingered, boiling with righteous fury.

They howled for justice.

They howled for punishment.

They howled for vengence.

She would give it to them.

One last parting gift before to give them peace before they passed into the Force.

For most of the battle, she had relied on Aurelion’s battle meditation to work, but she soon outgrew as she melded with the dead spirits as a conduit, creating new bonds to lash out against the Bryn on the astral plane, not only striking against the Seer who had been directly confronting Aurelion and his comrades, but the whole mass of Bryn connected to them psychically in space. This included their pherak drones, and their shields powered by Force imbued stones. Jyoti and the Levron spirits struck them all with blades of psychic fire to disrupt their operations in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, ship operators and pilots in White Group cried out in shock as they lost control of their instruments and their screens flickered. Dardec, meanwhile, understood as he felt everything transpire in the Force.

The fleet had been surrendered to the dead.

By communing with the Subutai combat supercomputers that powered Authrun’s Hope and the Pantera stealth frigates, the whole network of mostly automated ships came under her direct control, becoming an extension of her will in the real world. She flung them at the Seer and his ships like javelins – in the blink of an eye, the entirety of White Group emerged from a microjump at the rear of the main Bryn fleet still in high orbit through her command of instinctual astrogation.

Wasting no time, Jyoti answered Admiral Quee’s call for an all-out assault against the Bryn’s flagship, now hammering away at the battlecruiser with all the guns her heavy destroyer could bring to bear. This was exactly what the Akula were made for, bruisers meant to hunt and kill battlecruisers and SSDs like their namesake – the shark. The special armor mode of the Akula activated as it began its attack, density projectors greatly enhancing the durability of the hull and turning it into a killer tank.

No hyperdrive or much sublight speed in this mode, but Jyoti wasn’t leaving until she saw the enemy flag ships cut into pieces.

She commanded the rest of White Group to disperse among the enemy, Fencer drones and Kobold blastboats engaging what remained of opposing strike craft. Meanwhile, the Kometa ramships began rocketing outward, looking to hit vital parts of every remaining Bryn capital ship and deliver their payload of biot borders. Soon every Bryn ship would be getting a taste of her acid shooting monsters.

A distress call by the Yurbian fleet in orbit indicated the loss of one of their space stations, falling back to the planet. In the Force, she could feel her Jedi comrades erecting some defense against the debris already unleashed by the earlier hyperram maneuver, but she was afraid that they may buckle if hit with more gigantic objects like the battlestation. By mass alone it could level a whole geographic region upon impact.

As White Group was directly engaged with the Bryn main fleet now, she directed Black Group to divert and help the falling Glasser with tractor beams. Altogether, the trio of frigates was much smaller than the battlestation, but then didn’t need to completely tug it away, just nudge it into a different trajectory out of the planet’s orbit. That much could be done. As the frigates moved into assist the Yurb fleet, their stealth bombers dislodged from the hull to provide cover.

The Concordia needed help, too, but unfortunately it may have been a lost cause. The neutranium impregnated battlecruiser was too heavy for even her star destroyer to tug, and it was already much too close to the ground. There wasn’t much of anything she could do for Reshmar at this point, not while the Bryn were still shooting up everything in space.

Despite all her power and skills, the former Grandmaster couldn’t save everyone. New tears now flowed freely from closed eyes.

No matter what she did, it never seemed to be enough. Millions were already dead less than a few hours into battle. The Seer had been right about some things. The Jedi had let a lot of people down over their existence, that much was true, but still the Jedi never surrendered, even at their lowest points. Their real strength was their tenacity, now being expressed by every Jedi in defense of Yurb. The planet would crack before the Jedi did.

She couldn’t save who had been lost, but by Ashla, she would surely avenge them.

Summary of Actions:
*Most of biots fired by Red and Blue group in previous post successfully land on the Divine Brutality, and begin to attack weapons emplacements and fight defenders on the hull.
*Bobcat bomber wing is diverted under orders by Dainlei after hyperam is observed from orbit.
*Jyoti reacts to the mass destruction of Reshmar's surface fleet and large portions of the planet by fully melding with the Force and bonding with dead Force Sensitive Levron to psychially strike against the Seer and all spaceborne Bryn and force based tech. At the same time she seizes direct control of White Group to microjump behind the Bryn first wave for a flank attack on the rear.
*Black Group is diverted from its original flank maneuver to assist the Yurb fleet and save a falling Glasser station.
*Many of Jyoti's strike craft are lost as the battle devolves into a straight up close range slugfest with the Bryn fleet.

Fleet Comp:
1x Akula Heavy Destroyer - Athrun's Resolve (Flagship)
4x Draken Heavy Artillery Cruisers
- 4x Fencer Kai Droid Fighter Squadron (96)
3x Pantera Stealth Frigates
- 3x Yutan Stealth Fighter Bombers (36)
2x Bellopohon Carrier Frigates
- 8x Bobcat Interceptor Squadron, Interceptor Configuration (96)
24x Kobold Blastboats
20x Kometa Ramships

1x Sowa Stealth Recon Drone
1x Jehuty Superiority Fighter (Personal Fighter)

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