The Monster
Objective: Fight or die
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags:
Beltran Rarr
Luna Terrik
Niamh Raste
Tulan Kor
Thirdas Heavenshield
Enemy Tags:
Krarolk T'manu
Kyrim Tenebris
Sarask Hiskt
Tathra Khaeus
Theme: Fight like your very lives depend on it
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags:

Enemy Tags:

Theme: Fight like your very lives depend on it
- Hope
- 3 Squadrons of War Hound Dropships
- 3 Squadrons of F-4 Dragons
- 80 Dire Wolf Commandos
- SYC Grenades, Frag Grenades, Flash bangs, Ion Grenades, Cryoban Grenades
- 1 M3 MAAWS per team
- Laser Designators/Macrobinoculars
- 40 Ghost Company Commandos
- Same as Dire Wolves
- 60 TCD-1Ds
- 14 mm Custom Munitions
- SYC Grenades, Frag Grenades, Flash bangs, Ion Grenades, Cryoban Grenades
- Wolf's Fang Blade
- 40 TCD-2Ds
- M-10 Heavy Disruptor Rifle or M-7 Heavy Cannon
- Raptor Claw
- DEX Satchel Charges
- 60 Dire Wolf Security Personnel
- TDW M-416 - AP AS rounds
- TDW Gen 1 Armor
- 16 M-2 HMG Emplacements
- 8 M-19 GMG Emplacements
6 M-1 Mortar Emplacements
It had appeared the orbital bombardment from Hope's 1600mm Mjolnir guns wasn't enough to dissuade the enemy from their fateful advance, nor keep them from attempting to breach the Shield Outpost's defenses. This would force the JTACs in TDW to bring the rounds closer, to where their kill radius was just outside of friendly lines. Massive swathes over a kilometre long would go up in fire, smoke and utter hell as entire units were annihilated by the now unceasing barrage of Hope against the oncoming horde. These cannons were merciless, as were their gunners, but even so, it wasn't enough to keep the enemy from charging right through. Next to engage would be the M2s now focusing their fires on people as they got inside a kilometre from the outpost, hosing down enemy forces with armor piercing rounds that would first chip away at their extreme armor, unless it hit exposed flesh which it would utterly annihilate. These rounds were designed to tear through vehicles, which was why Dr. Alphonse mounted them on aircraft and star fighters. The M10 Disruptor cannons fired by the TCD-2Ds would utterly disintegrate anything they hit, being designed from the start as heavy anti-tank weapons specifically for the super heavy combat droids. And it wouldn't take long before the other TCD-2Ds armed with M-7 Heavy Cannons to open fire with their 40mm Autocannons which would tear apart their unarmored opponents, and when they hit the heavily armored brutes the sheer force of the rounds would be utterly staggering.
All through this, Sergei, nor none of his Wolves who had swapped to their HARM rifles, had fired them yet. They waited as the enemy got ever closer. The enemy would reach 700, then 600, 500, 400.... Sergei finally squeezed the trigger on his HARM Rifle firing an Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot round from his rifle. And almost instantaneously the brute's head would explode as the sheer amount of energy discharged by the dart, and what was now a cacophony of semi-automatic and fully automatic fire would erupt from the trenches at their outward enemy, knowing full well the soldiers inside the outpost would have to handle. And no sooner would the enemy close the gap at a bloody cost would Sergei roar through his comms at all the soldiers in the outermost trenches.
"Fall back! Let them take the initial trench line!"
The soldiers would immediately pull back, some losses having already occurred but Sergei had planned for this. It was fifty meters to the next line, and he waited for a call for the first man to get to the line before himself pulling back. He would sprint down the trench and around the corner as he started his sprint to the next line. As the enemy would reach the first trench line, Sergei would pull out a detonator, pushing the button as he cleared the trench, activating a series of DEX Satchel Charges lining the first trench causing yet another massive explosion to buffet outward, annihilating any who had dared occupy or be near the trench without significant protection.
And was the signal for the M-19s to open fire on the enemy that they were inside the trench lines. The repetitive thunks of 40mm grenades being shot out at a high volume as they sprayed across the field in front of them, weaving a beautiful tapestry of fire and death. Suddenly and very violently streams of explosions would tear across the lines that had been just previously occupied by the defenders of the shield outpost, as The Dire Wolves fought with everything they had. Sergei would simply flick magazines out of his weapon as they became empty, slapping new magazines home with a deadly efficiency as he kept the steady stream of fire up into the enemy forces. And then the enemy heavies made their presences known, and Sergei once again called for small tactical withdrawal to more built up trenches. The soldiers of TDW would immediately fall back once more while spiker rounds would bounce off their armor, calling targets to their battle brothers and sisters for heavy weapons to focus on the Rhivaks and Brumaks approaching their line. MAAWS rounds would be sent flying at them with Anti-Tank warheads, Disruptor Cannons would immediately open fire with deadly accuracy against anything that might be a weakpoint, legs, face, throats, or joints. They had to bring them down. They had to stop their advance. They had lost a few guns but those that remained on the wall fired until barrels threatened to melt from overheating, at which point the crews would simply eject the barrel, insert a new one, and resume their firing, taking at most 6 seconds to do a barrel change in combat. Sergei would draw his Pit Viper and Wolf Fang blade, letting his HARM fall to his side by the sling as he didn't even bother reloading the weapon now. The enemy was too close. He would fire once, twice, thrice, four times into the oncoming enemies with APFSDS Verpine Shatter rounds, designed to go through even the heaviest of infantry or even many vehicle armors, and would side step an enemy drone's melee attack and respond by planting his Phrik-A composite blade into the enemy's chest, lifting him off the ground and slamming him down in a display of savagery that their enemy was so fond of. Without even thinking of it, he fired his last two rounds into the Ravager Brute, flicking the rolling block magazine loose and deftly slamming a new magazine home.
The battle was joined now, and Sergei was determined that they had to hold. Against all they must hold.
Sergei's men have called down a constant barrage from these cannons to encircle the entirety of the outpost. Reference this map for fire support deployments.
Sergei's men have fallen back to 250 meters outside the outpost walls to their third defensive line, and have engaged with all available weapon systems. Mortars are considered destroyed due to the Servitor. During their tactical withdrawal from the first trench, Sergei detonated a series of DEX Satchel charges designed to be a trap for any that tried to occupy the trench.
Sergei has engaged multiple combatants in CQB, including firing his M-18 Pit Viper's APFSDS Rounds at the Brute Ravager in an attempt to do as much damage as absolutely possible to try and force the Bryn to withdraw.
Combat losses for Sergei as follows: 2 TCD-2Ds, 5 TDW Commandos, 9 TCD-1Ds, 3 M-2 HMGs, 1 M-19 GMGs, all mortar systems, 20 TDW Security Personnel
Sergei's men have fallen back to 250 meters outside the outpost walls to their third defensive line, and have engaged with all available weapon systems. Mortars are considered destroyed due to the Servitor. During their tactical withdrawal from the first trench, Sergei detonated a series of DEX Satchel charges designed to be a trap for any that tried to occupy the trench.
Sergei has engaged multiple combatants in CQB, including firing his M-18 Pit Viper's APFSDS Rounds at the Brute Ravager in an attempt to do as much damage as absolutely possible to try and force the Bryn to withdraw.
Combat losses for Sergei as follows: 2 TCD-2Ds, 5 TDW Commandos, 9 TCD-1Ds, 3 M-2 HMGs, 1 M-19 GMGs, all mortar systems, 20 TDW Security Personnel