Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Objective: Fight or die
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Niamh Raste Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Enemy Tags: Osam Osam Galak Galak Sethrak Sethrak Krarolk T'manu Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris Reosyvern Reosyvern Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Theme: Fight like your very lives depend on it

It had appeared the orbital bombardment from Hope's 1600mm Mjolnir guns wasn't enough to dissuade the enemy from their fateful advance, nor keep them from attempting to breach the Shield Outpost's defenses. This would force the JTACs in TDW to bring the rounds closer, to where their kill radius was just outside of friendly lines. Massive swathes over a kilometre long would go up in fire, smoke and utter hell as entire units were annihilated by the now unceasing barrage of Hope against the oncoming horde. These cannons were merciless, as were their gunners, but even so, it wasn't enough to keep the enemy from charging right through. Next to engage would be the M2s now focusing their fires on people as they got inside a kilometre from the outpost, hosing down enemy forces with armor piercing rounds that would first chip away at their extreme armor, unless it hit exposed flesh which it would utterly annihilate. These rounds were designed to tear through vehicles, which was why Dr. Alphonse mounted them on aircraft and star fighters. The M10 Disruptor cannons fired by the TCD-2Ds would utterly disintegrate anything they hit, being designed from the start as heavy anti-tank weapons specifically for the super heavy combat droids. And it wouldn't take long before the other TCD-2Ds armed with M-7 Heavy Cannons to open fire with their 40mm Autocannons which would tear apart their unarmored opponents, and when they hit the heavily armored brutes the sheer force of the rounds would be utterly staggering.

All through this, Sergei, nor none of his Wolves who had swapped to their HARM rifles, had fired them yet. They waited as the enemy got ever closer. The enemy would reach 700, then 600, 500, 400.... Sergei finally squeezed the trigger on his HARM Rifle firing an Armor Piercing Discarding Sabot round from his rifle. And almost instantaneously the brute's head would explode as the sheer amount of energy discharged by the dart, and what was now a cacophony of semi-automatic and fully automatic fire would erupt from the trenches at their outward enemy, knowing full well the soldiers inside the outpost would have to handle. And no sooner would the enemy close the gap at a bloody cost would Sergei roar through his comms at all the soldiers in the outermost trenches.

"Fall back! Let them take the initial trench line!"

The soldiers would immediately pull back, some losses having already occurred but Sergei had planned for this. It was fifty meters to the next line, and he waited for a call for the first man to get to the line before himself pulling back. He would sprint down the trench and around the corner as he started his sprint to the next line. As the enemy would reach the first trench line, Sergei would pull out a detonator, pushing the button as he cleared the trench, activating a series of DEX Satchel Charges lining the first trench causing yet another massive explosion to buffet outward, annihilating any who had dared occupy or be near the trench without significant protection.

And was the signal for the M-19s to open fire on the enemy that they were inside the trench lines. The repetitive thunks of 40mm grenades being shot out at a high volume as they sprayed across the field in front of them, weaving a beautiful tapestry of fire and death. Suddenly and very violently streams of explosions would tear across the lines that had been just previously occupied by the defenders of the shield outpost, as The Dire Wolves fought with everything they had. Sergei would simply flick magazines out of his weapon as they became empty, slapping new magazines home with a deadly efficiency as he kept the steady stream of fire up into the enemy forces. And then the enemy heavies made their presences known, and Sergei once again called for small tactical withdrawal to more built up trenches. The soldiers of TDW would immediately fall back once more while spiker rounds would bounce off their armor, calling targets to their battle brothers and sisters for heavy weapons to focus on the Rhivaks and Brumaks approaching their line. MAAWS rounds would be sent flying at them with Anti-Tank warheads, Disruptor Cannons would immediately open fire with deadly accuracy against anything that might be a weakpoint, legs, face, throats, or joints. They had to bring them down. They had to stop their advance. They had lost a few guns but those that remained on the wall fired until barrels threatened to melt from overheating, at which point the crews would simply eject the barrel, insert a new one, and resume their firing, taking at most 6 seconds to do a barrel change in combat. Sergei would draw his Pit Viper and Wolf Fang blade, letting his HARM fall to his side by the sling as he didn't even bother reloading the weapon now. The enemy was too close. He would fire once, twice, thrice, four times into the oncoming enemies with APFSDS Verpine Shatter rounds, designed to go through even the heaviest of infantry or even many vehicle armors, and would side step an enemy drone's melee attack and respond by planting his Phrik-A composite blade into the enemy's chest, lifting him off the ground and slamming him down in a display of savagery that their enemy was so fond of. Without even thinking of it, he fired his last two rounds into the Ravager Brute, flicking the rolling block magazine loose and deftly slamming a new magazine home.

The battle was joined now, and Sergei was determined that they had to hold. Against all they must hold.

Sergei's men have called down a constant barrage from these cannons to encircle the entirety of the outpost. Reference this map for fire support deployments.

Sergei's men have fallen back to 250 meters outside the outpost walls to their third defensive line, and have engaged with all available weapon systems. Mortars are considered destroyed due to the Servitor. During their tactical withdrawal from the first trench, Sergei detonated a series of DEX Satchel charges designed to be a trap for any that tried to occupy the trench.

Sergei has engaged multiple combatants in CQB, including firing his M-18 Pit Viper's APFSDS Rounds at the Brute Ravager in an attempt to do as much damage as absolutely possible to try and force the Bryn to withdraw.

Combat losses for Sergei as follows: 2 TCD-2Ds, 5 TDW Commandos, 9 TCD-1Ds, 3 M-2 HMGs, 1 M-19 GMGs, all mortar systems, 20 TDW Security Personnel
Engaging: Niamh Raste |
Equipment: Barad Special Ops Armor | The Laevateinn Blades | 4x Barad Impact Grenades |
Forces: Two Striker Shards, one other zealot |
Location: Near Niamh Raste and her (definitely not friendly) droid |


As the two shards flew towards the big droid, their arc and flight plan became easy to foretell. They were on a slicing course, a type of collision course where only the blade of the striker shard would hit the target, allowing the zealots piloting the shards to continue flying for more strafing and slicing runs.

The other shard got within 30 meters of the droid it opened fire with its dual plasma cannons, firing lower than the intended target to allow for greater accuracy at the speed of the craft. The zealot within was reporting everything he saw to Kyrim, who was in-turn sending the information to Galak Galak to let the Emissary know that Rhivak Squad's mission had entered into the second stage.

| Stage 1. Find the Echani |
| Stage 2. Engage the Echani |
| Stage 3. End the Echani and her droids |
| Stage 4. Flank the Jedi |

Kyrim was almost finished with his report as he flew in behind the first shard, about 45-50 meters behind it, when he began flying into point-defense laser-fire. The baedurin zealot had not found time to report them in before beginning to dodge the laser fire, mainly by spinning the claw around while keeping the cockpit aimed at the target.

This spinning did keep the claw from being hit, but it drastically slowed down the shard, causing the remaining laser fire to begin to inch closer and closer to the cockpit and the organic carapace from which it was made. The laser fire was strong, searing through the armor and into the carapace, causing the striker shard to fall out of the sky. At its speed and trajectory, it was still heading for the droid, but instead of slicing through the upper chest as planned it was coming in to crash into its legs.

<Hopefully the zealot would be fine> Kyrim thought as the downed shard hurtled towards the droid's legs. Kyrim checked and continued his arc at the droids upper chest and head area, aiming to slice through the droid and bring it down, if it had not been knocked over from the crashing shard before him. All of that had been done with the plasma cannons on full-auto.

  • striker shards open fire upon big droid in an effort to bring it down.​
  • shards continue along flightpath to collide with droid​
  • first shard is shot down but its speed keeps it semi-in-place. It falls towards the legs of the droid​
  • Kyrim's shard continues on collision course with upper region of said droid. Aims claw to try to slam and cleave through the droid while also shooting plasma cannons.​
  • (Will be hopefully landing/crashing after all of this and engage Niamh directly)​



Objective: Evacuate the civilians
Equipment: Lightsaber, Robes
Tags: | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Nida Perl Nida Perl |

For just a moment, the situation was beginning to look up.

The little shield generator droid quickly scooped up the child and moved it toward the crowd that rushed by. Through the rush, Matvec could see a pair of younger parents, distraught as they were see the droid and child. They moved quick to scoop him up, moving then to join up the with the rest of the rush as they headed toward the bunker. A small victory, maybe. Yet one that he could hold onto for hope that by the end of the day, they would have done more good than damage these monsters could inflict.

That small bit of hope was strained by the city shield shimmering, then failing completely, followed by the enemy rapidly making their way in. The pods, which had crashed through the shield earlier, seemingly opened up to release monstrosities of the night. The zeltrons beside him, sisters, he surmised, recognized this first. Whomever the older jedi was with them, around his age, was seemingly able to keep his head best and cast a barrier around them and the gases.

There were certainly moments where he missed the sting of the ocean against his skin, and the smoothness of the currents that would run along his body. Living a land based life could be a difficult one. That didn’t mean, however, there weren’t certain advantages to having lived a life in the seas and the anatomy that was a necessity for that. Namely, lungs that were able to pull the tiny amount of necessary oxygen out of the least inviting air.

While the two Zeltrons and the Human dealt with the air on the ground, and trusting that they could handle themselves, Matvec took the time to leap high into the air, landing with a cushion of the force on a nearby rooftop. The others were concerned with the gas at the moment, which they should be. Other threats had emerged from the pods, with a few of the bats making a beeline for their position. Perhaps they smelled the scent of fresh meat. They wouldn’t ever reach the ground again. At leatst, not in one piece.

A brilliant blue blade ignited in the darkness of the fog with a soft hiss, spinning into a shii cho form that held close to where the young man's body would be. The darkness obscured his movements, the only indication of where he was being the blue blade emanating from his hand. The first went down without much of a fight, having it’s wing sliced apart with multiple rapid turns of the blade. It’s companions, a pairing, were much less keen on having their lives ended by an acrobatic Nautolan who was grinning something fierce.

They swept in from opposite angles, forcing him to hop softly into the air, thinning his body to allow one to fly above and one below. He landed with a soft thud, eyes quickly rushing up to see the hideous creatures rushing to attack once again. The same flight, except this time Matvec possessed the time to slip to the side, bringing his blade down in time to slice the bat’s head clean off. It’s body was sent tumbling across the rooftop, falling to the street below where the others sent the dark gases banished away.

The sudden absence of gas seemed to distract the last bat for just a moment, turning it’s head to see the prey on the street below. By the time it remembered the much more immediate threat, it only had the time to see the red skinned alien flying in to plunge a saber into it’s body. He rode it back down to the street, landing hard next to the dead body of the decapitated one. All the while, that feisty, humorous grin stayed plastered to his face.

With the threat extinguished, and the group safe for the moment, Matvec deactivated his blade and attached the hilt back to his belt.
“Everyone alright down here?” His eyes focused primarily on the two padawan learners. This warzone was no place for them. They should have been back at the rest, enjoying themselves while they learned the proper ways to expel the darkness. That would have been the fair way about things.

Then again, when had the galaxy ever been fair?

Ver'kad Inuk

Objective: Cripple and Destroy
Equipment: Verikast Armour | Mauler |
Tags: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar |

First Wave Fleet: Two Conquesters A2: Hull: 100% Shields: 83% B2: Hull: 88% Shields: 82% [22/24 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 6 Ra’maks Units ] | Four Butcher Attack Cruisers A1: 88% B1: 100% C1: 100% D: 100% [2/4 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 2 Ra’mak Units| The Divine Brutality Hull: 100% Shields: 74% [5/10 Squadrons of Phedrak Fighters | 2 Ra’mak Units

Second Wave Fleet: Two
Phedrak Carriers | Six Debauchers | Arriving: Two Debuachers


Whilst indeed the enemy had the superior fighters, their Phedrak craft still outnumbered them greatly, their speed allowing them to out-pace even the anti-fighter weaponry, two of the attack groups pulled back to engage the vessels attacking the Conquester directly, focus firing on their tractor beams as the two Conquesters continued their concentrated ballista fire on the Warden-class Corvettes.

Their Ra'maks fell in numbers, even as they used their tri-beams. The War Beasts began a fixation approach, using their accumulative fire to tri-beam one singular powerful beam at one vessel at a time, starting with the Bellepheron Striker. It had been a stroke of luck that the Butchers had repositioned themselves, rising slightly as they moved further into the right and left flanks, their great levels of speed allowing them to get clear firing lines, the right flank now having the left side of the Emerald Undertow.

Ver'kad held a stoic resolve as the Divine Brutality would devote its shield power to their leftmost side, taking the brunt of the damage on its chin as the large vessel turned its massive array of Ballista's to concentrate fire on the various Bellerophon vessels assisting the Emerald Undertow. The Warlord did not like partially sacrificing his own vessel, but he deemed it necessary.

They had taken the bait of the Divine Brutality, With their main batteries primed, the two Butchers came to stationary positions as both fired their beams at the left-side of the Undertow, opposite of the Debaucher attempting to drain their shield. The two massive orange beams would continuously strike the Emerald Undertow with enough force to decimate two Destroyers in their continued blast that would last a total of ten seconds.

On the opposite side of the fleet formation, the other two butchers would release their beams directly at Acquitens, hoping to take the vessels off the table for good, their beams likely capable of cutting through multiple.


The Debaucher nearby the Emerald Undertow was engaged with the Emerald Undertow would, whilst initially being slightly stung by the shield, being to drain from the outer-shielding, seemingly latching on to the spherical shield produced by the Emerald Undertow, their was much to consume and almost immediately the zapped energy would begin to supply its own defensive shielding to the Debaucher alongside its already well-defended upper hide, and whilst the tractor beams held the Debauceher in place, it also remained attached to the Emerald Undertow, slowly suckling away at the shields with its tendrils. At the same time the Debuacher attacking the Galatea would attempt to lock its tendrils into place on the ship and begin sucking it of power.

The Debaucher above the Glasser Station groaned with pain, it began to reinforce itself with the energy harvested from the Station. Enraged by the pain caused by its prey, it sunk low onto the station, settling down on top of it as its drills begin an attempt at cutting through into the occupied areas of the Station, readying to board. Similarly, the Debaucher above the Storm-Bringer would attempt to latch onto the vessel with its tendrils, speed-wise outpacing its larger prey. They would board, and kill. The Debauchers hungered for energy and they would have it. The other Debauchers seemed to have been driven away by their enemies use of tractor beam technology, however the beams proved less effectual than perhaps assumed due to their ability to generate died-fields. The three debauchers would begin to make their way back toward the enemy fleets.

The Phedrak Carriers had become ancillary, and were being attacked. Thusly they would change tactics. The two Carriers would turn deliver intel of the flanking enemy ships to the primary fleet before engaging their hyperdrives. Slow as they might be, they got the job done. The two Carriers hyper-speed rammed the fleet opposite the Glasser Stations, aiming for their largest vessels the two Carriers would end their relatively useless existence by attempting to destroy the enemy vessels.

Ver'kad knew this was a losing battle - but that did not make it lost. It would be costly, but it could be done. The two Debauchers remaining in reserve had been waiting for the exact type of information the Carriers would give. The two remaining Debauchers were launched amidst the flanking artillery cruisers, however these two Debauchers arrived directly underneath two of the cruisers, and began to ascend toward them to immediately attempt to attack and disable two of them.

  • Phedrak attack groups retreat and focus fire on the Undaunted and Immortalite.
  • Conquesters focus fire on Warden-class corvettes
  • Butchers reach new positions, open fire on Emerald-Undertow and Acquitens.
  • Divine focus firesBthe ellerophon vessels
  • 2 Ra'maks Units & 3 Phedrak Fighter Squadrons lost
  • Two Carriers hyper-ram Reshmar's fleet.
  • Last two debauchers arrive underneath two Dracken Heavy Artillery cruisers and attempt to drain them.
Objective A
Location: Aboard the Divine Brutality
Tags: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Juno | Nimue Nimue |

The Seer sneered, and though it could not be seen he ensured that they felt it. He could smell it, the fear - the weakness. Their concentration shattered momentarily and allowed the Seer to seep into the cracks, the ones they could not see but he could thusly. The Bryn'adûl forces would find their creatures and themselves bolstered, focused and empowered. The Seer was one of the most powerful telepaths among their kind, these playthings with their bravado and fire, even as it singed at his astral flesh their weakness gave him time to recuperate, to prepare.

AHHHHH. Your weakness is revealed!

The Seer would reach out to Aurelion directly, taking matters into their own hands as they wasted time. Kalanthir would attack him directly, attempting to tear his mind in half, the balance provided; his long tendrils would dig between them and tear; the intent to make this child little more than a drooling cadaver.

CHILDREN. Children playing at war!

The Seer goaded, reinforcing his obsidian walls; ensuring no true cracks might remain.

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F5, moving to F6)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

Allies | Amani Serys Amani Serys | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Barrien Siegfried

“What…” Nida stared into the transparent bubble she had constructed, inky darkness and screeching insectoid creatures swirling within it like a black pearl. Her center of gravity was lowered, feet spaced widely one in front of the other to keep her steady as she fed the barrier with both hands. The Bryn beasts threw themselves at the invisible barricade, suddenly illuminated by the light conjured by her sister. A shrill chorus of dying shrieks reached a fever pitch as the draeyde were exposed to the light, before fading into stillness.

There was no time to marvel at what had happened, not as many identical pods rained down onto the city. They may have bested one pod, but many more detonated nearby, indiscriminately covering the streets of Edsert with ominous clouds of pitch gas. Nida found it difficult to breathe, pulling the edge of her robe up over her nose and mouth as the words of Master Arenais found her through the smog. Drawing the force to her, the padawan steadied her breathing, willing herself to keep calm and conserve oxygen at the same time. When he shouted in warning, Nida braced herself against the damaged drop pod. A shockwave of Force, practiced and powerful, ushered away the gas in the immediate vicinity. Clambering up from her position, Nida was relieved to see her sister still standing.

The Force shifted in a way that made her skin prickle at the back of her neck, and she came to the swift realization that the city had been swarmed by these insect creatures. Something else felt wrong—looking up to the sky, she realized that familiar electric pulsations that rippled across the barrier were absent. They were exposed. “I’m not sure if we can make one that big, Kyra.” Her voice sounded strained.

The goro droids deployed across Edsert would instinctively raise their shields and swing their hulking arms at the airborn creatures as they flew past, but most of the droids proved to be too slow and bumbling to strike their targets. Tapping into the Silver comms, she spoke to the team of Jedi within the city to try and keep everyone apprised of the situation and their goal. “We need to converge at the bunker—the goro droids are mobile shielding units, they will help protect the civilians.” The Jedi throughout the city would find these ursine bots lumbering along wherever Jedi and civilians were, onboard shields flaring to life to protect them from the ichor and assault.

Thumbing the ignition of her lightsaber to urge a yellow blade forth, Nida called out to Nautolan Jedi. “Matvec, we need to head towards the bunker!” His swift, aerodynamic takedown of the draedye was impressive. “Please help look after everyone.” Quick and precise with a blade, she felt a little more at ease knowing that they had the Jedi Knight’s strength. They may be able to hold off the worst of the beasts for now, but Nida always feared the worst, and her gut told her that with the shielding down, this would not be the worst enemy to befall the city.

Her feet slid into a half-step in time for her to slice one of the draeyde from stem to stern as it swerved for her. The bat’s carcass dropped to the ground, and Nida breathed a shaky exhale. A healer by nature, blade work came a little too naturally to her than was comfortable. “Kyra?” She called out, reaching frantically to find her sister’s force signature, to keep her safe however she could.
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To say he wanted to get back into the war was definitely a loaded statement. Coren knew that he had to be on the war front at times. He was the Sword, he was the tip of the spear, who would drive back the dark side. And he knew more about fighting the Sith than most in this galaxy. It didn’t mean that he was the best, but it meant one of the most vocal. He helped rally an entire alliance of people behind him at one point, and now, with his return? He was hoping to take it easier, be there to defend, and pass on his lessons to the greater galaxy.

Hell, even today, he was at the hospital on Commenor with Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel . There to witness the birth of his daughters. But even through that, he could feel the calls in the Force, from Kaia, and to a lesser extent as a call, from Kyra. It had been a few hours but now Celeste and the twins were asleep. Maybe it was luck, but more likely, it was the Force. As more reports were coming in, he heard Silver Command moving to rally part of the defense fleet. Writing a note for Celeste and the girls was one thing he could do, and he gave Celeste a kiss while she slept before taking his swoop bike to the temple.

His Y-Wing was there, and he ensured that it was fueled and ready. As he rode through the streets to the Temple, he ensured Porter was loaded up. It didn’t take him long to load himself up, flight helmet and his spacer gear, and his grav chute was all he needed. Finding his ship lifting off, it wasn’t long before he joined the wing of Jedi fighters and shuttles. Checking in with the Wing, he let them know who he was as they all leapt into hyperspace.


Objective: Dramatic Entrance!
Location: D4/D5
Enemies: Osam Osam NPCs with Permissions

The fighter group was going to be entering the fray ahead of the bombers and shuttles. The fighter craft, a mixture of X-Wings and other similar variants were heading forward to back up the fleet, comming into Gir Quee Gir Quee , three squadrons of Silver fighters and X-Wings, as the bombers and shuttle craft were entering atmosphere from the other side of the war zone, moving to circumvent the combat. Coren’s own Y-Wing, dark navy, with green and yellow trim, ahead of the other bombers. Shields hot, weapons off, and engines to full, the fighter was merely here to drop the Jedi Master off. “Squads Gold and Blue, take care to watch my X-Wing, we have Bryn at close fire.” He could feel that, and any of the Jedi pilots he came with could as well. The combat shuttles were going to be landing to bring their Jedi and soldiers to the ground.

As he entered atmosphere, he was reaching out, he could easily feel his daughters, even if Kyra Perl Kyra Perl may not feel him. But he also picked up quickly on Nida Perl Nida Perl . I’m going to have to write an apology already...Feth. There was the feeling of a Battle Meld out there, and he could feel faces, familiar and not so. P Placeholder 0128 , another crusader Coren Starchaser recognized. Reaching into the Force, he was starting to pull on the light side, looking for where he could be the most useful. He could ping more Jedi, from the New Jedi Order, the Silver Jedi Order… all working together.

This was the first time he’d returned to the battlefield, in how long? Running a finger over the wedding band that linked him to Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel . Watching the Jedi, he could feel them all, their focus. “Porter, take the Y-Wing beyond the fighting, I’ll come back to you.” He said as he took the flight helmet off, and grabbed his lightsaber. Flicking a switch that retracted the roof of the Y-Wing. A deep breath as the air went whizzing past, he could feel Kahne Porte Kahne Porte and the other Outer Rim Force users, that was where he was going.

Grabbing hold of the battle meditation, he was reaching to the other Jedi, for their strength and to add his own to the cycle, he wasn’t sure if Caedyn Arenais had gotten to this part of the his father’s Holocron but after a count, Coren tossed himself from the seat of his fighter and when the Y-Wing was clear, he reached into the Force, into that battle meditation, and pulling strength and adding his own, the aura around Coren lit with the glow of the Ashla itself as he hurtled towards the Force users, and could feel Enlil Enlil questioning what to do next. Those within the Light Side would feel what the Jedi Masters were capable of as he found an area of Bryn. Focusing his attention he moved himself to the area activating the gravchute enough to prevent himself from splattering all over the ground, he launched a blast of the Light he was holding and a stunning blast outward, blasting Bryn back and ripping the drones while staggering some of the Brutes as he activated his lightsaber, golden light from the weapon radiating out as the sounds of additional Y-Wings flew overhead.

He didn’t even speak, but his aura said two things, to his allies ‘The Jedi are united and nothing can push us back…’

And to his enemies…

‘This is OUR world.’

Niamh Raste

Location: Edsert Shield Outpost
Objective: Defend the Outpost
Units: 40 Bryn'adul Hunters | 2 Monsterjagers | 400 EMBU mk4's | 4 Sensenmann | 5 Echani Moonwrought
Gear: Blades | Armor | Circlet | Ring
Engaging: Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris

The ships were coming in fast and they opened fire on the Monsterjager. It splashed hard against his shielding, but it wasn't the weapons fire that concerned her, it was the nature of the vessels that were coming in. She had run a company that designed and built ships. Even these semi-organic vessels operated on similar principles. It was clear to her that that the bladed design was reinforced for doing physical damage much like a ram ship. Coupled with the speed, it might even slice through the droid.

Fortunately the point defense fire was on target. It knocked the ship down, but it carried on its course after hitting the ground, taking ghe droids legs out from under it and sending it tumbling in a heap. That wasn't conducive to firing on the remaining vessel. However, with the tall droid not in the line of fire, the point defense lasers on the four Sensenmann had a clear target to the incoming air attack. So, even as they were busy fighting the Obaliscs, they could all defend against the strike from the sky, and more effectively so.

Niamh, for her part, jumped down off of the Sensenmann she had been standing on and walked towards the downed vessel. She had no doubt the pilot survived. A vessel sturdy enough to cut through others would undoubtedly be designed to protect the pilot from the shock of impact. As she walked she drew her brand and studied the vessel, assessing the location of the cockpit so she could make her way towards it

"Beta," she called to the large droid. "Recover. Target the main enemy lines. Use your scrambler to render them ineffective and then crush them."

It would take a bit for the droid to recover, but she was busy anyway. She didn't even pay any mind to the oncoming ship as the PDLs on the other droids targetted it. They were wise to come for her and the droids, but unwise to come with so few, even with the Sensenmann occupied with the Obaliscs. It would take a lot more to take down the great beasts of droids. She had made them that way. They were designed to overshadow the battlefield. Niamh preferred to crush her enemies quickly.

As she neares the downed vessel the cockpit opened. Inmediately she activated her brand, and none too soon as the pilot inside started shooting spikes at her. She caught one with the flat of her blade and dodged another. Most of the shots were off as the pilot was injured. Injured but rather large. She amplified her speed with the Force and darted from one side to the next until she was upon him as he straightened. Her speed and Force enhanced foot collided with his head, kicking him a few feet away and to the ground.

She reached out with the Force and used it to coalesce the air around him with such pressure that it held him in place.

"You are fools to think you are the strongest race," she said as she approached it. "I know what you did on my world. I know you filth were there. But you weren't alone. My race is superior to yours. We fight from children until death. Combat is communication. We live and breath combat. My people are the most prized combat teachers in the entire galaxy. We will destroy you. All of you."

She could have ended him quickly. Plunge her blade through a weak spot in his armor and strike the delicate soft tissue beneath. Quick and effective. She could have killed him slow. Death by a thousand cuts. It would have been deserved. But she knew the other was coming. He would be shot down, but she wanted to send a message that she wasn't to be trifled with, and that justice for Eshan would be metted out swiftly. She would make a scene.

So, she turned to look at the remaining vessel, and made the air around her captive grow denser and denser. The pressure on his body grew more and more until eventually he burst from the force of it, his blood spraying all about in a giant warning sign. Justice would be swift.

Odyn Tarsi


The Capital City's shield has fallen and Bryn'adûl Forces are swarming the streets. Lykos Special Forces' critical objective is to reinforce central Edsert and provide effective deterrence against the invading hostiles. Designated assets are expected danger close, LZ is hot, Heavy munitions are advised.

Mission Statement:

Priority Objective: Secure and hold Edsert Central.
Secondary Objective: Eliminate all Bryn'adûl Hostiles.
Primary Defense Force: Order of the Silver Jedi.
Hostiles: The Bryn'adûl.


Support Craft followed the Y-Wing bomber of the Jedi Master Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser as Lykos Squad ran a cautionary check of their weapons and armaments, the Wookie Master Sergeant N'Vortau growling quietly as the troop transport was rocked by a nearby explosion, starfighters blazing on passed them in attack formation overhead of the Yurbian Capital.

"This is Captain Joshua Harris, Special Forces Lykos to Lieutenant Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr ." the Captain radio'd ahead of their descent to the Commanding Officer on the surface leading the military defense of Edsert City's perimeter; "Reinforcements are inbound for City Central. Repeat. Reinforcements to City Central!" he echoed, knowing the sounds of the battlefield and ensuring the Lieutenant heard his call; "How copy?".

Further to the back of the troop deck, Odyn Tarsi and Abbie Parker were paired up, taking turns to look over their field gear and Assault Rifles. "Good to go" Odyn confirmed, giving a final nod to the field medic and his fellow Private of Lykos Squad.

"Looks like a mess from up here..." Parker commented, staring out through the transparisteel port as the transport rapidly descended through the clouds leaving a trail of smoke in their wake still burning up from atmospheric entry.

"It's going to look a hell of a lot worse when we get down there!" Quin Morre called from midway across the deck, "These brutes won't spare us any, make sure to give 'em hell" she reminded them, the special forces squad having been on Kessel during the last excursion.

"Hostiles have released some form of chemical weapon in the City. Black poison...A gas of some kind" Tarlou Losi informed the group, keeping her voice low so not to disturb the Captain as he relayed their arrival yet having been listening to the comm's chatter, expected nothing short of hell in their Landing Zone.

"How bad is it exactly?" Odyn shot a look back across to the Togruta Communications Officer warily, his jaw locking, tension straining him in the thought of civilians being chocked up amidst the horror of it all.

"Uncertain. Details are scarce...-Fatal, but with some lag" Tarlou answered him, though didn't have all the details herself and so could only reveal so much; "Masks up on arrival, we're coming down under fire".

The transport continued to come down low across the city-scape and with fighters flanking her in support, crossed towards the central district, black clouds visible from the vessels view-ports until it finally hit the surface and the landing ramps descended, Rangers pouring out to reinforce allied positions followed by Lykos Squad, geared up and moving to take up defensive positions until their ride could exfil.
Location: D7 Siege Tower, Yurb
Objective: Engage, Explore, and Cripple a Siege Tower at D7
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

A loud, wet crank sounded as a monstrous figure sent Nyx's metal chassis flying into the internal wall of the Siege Fortress. One might as well be tossing a wrecking ball about with her construction.

Nyx rolled along the wall to avoid a meaty fist that sought to bash her metal cranial unit into the wall. She rolled forward, out of the pin, and into the menagerie that'd surrounded her several floors up. The spear whirled at her side before it jabbed at a throat while she contorted away from a vicious talon-like appendage.

The diversity in shapes and methods of attack were quite bothersome. Obviously she had programmed herself for combat, as an Intelligence Operative did encounter hostiles now and again. Though there was far more of these creatures than she had expected. Not as many as the organics below were forced to contend with, of course.

Her knee hit the floor before the droid rolled out of an attempt to jump on her. They did like trying to immobilize her. Perhaps they did not appreciate someone that could evade their strikes.

A solid kick to the upper torso sent her head over heels down the corridor.

Well, most of the strikes.

Nyx came up in a crouch with the spear still in her hand. Red eyes glowed at the brutes and their companions. Even her chassis could only withstand such brutality for so long. She needed more computing power. Or more responsiveness in her motor-servo connections. More effective combat programming would help. In essence, Nyx needed to be faster, better, faster, and stronger.

Surprisingly the Tower was not as empty as it had seemed. Perhaps a natural effect of emptying out two thousand troops all at once, as well as launching numerous flying vessels simultaneously. There hadn't been room for anyone else. Nor did there really seem to be a need with this hollow creature meandering about the battlefield -- only its sheer size keeping it alive as blasters and missiles and gases were thrown about the field.

There'd also been a moment when some sort of electromagnetic disruption in the area had been recorded by her systems. Difficult to say what would have caused that while she was within the Tower. Curious energy signature as well. There would be so much to study once the battle was over. Provided she removed this impediments from her path.

Corrupted data found.

While Nyx's cranial unit jerked to the side to avoid another strike, while the spear was shoved through the midsection of a brute and its feet lifted from the floor from the force of the blow, a series of unexpected messages scrolled through her processing units.

Corrupted data?

Ignore / Repair / Purge?

Repair. Reallocate and bypass corrupt sectors. Mark for analysis. Identify affected subsystems.

Motion Sensor.
Search Scope.
Sonic Sensors.
Omniscience Unit.
Gyro Balance Circuitry.
Perception Sensors.
Threat Evaluation.

The impact of piercing another drone with the spear, while the first remained impaled, was felt through her limb. All the same, Nyx was curious about the affected systems. In particular, one module that she hadn't even been aware existed up to this point -- Assassination. Still, that the other systems had somehow been 'damaged,' however, could not be overlooked.

Remediation time for all modules?

Three hundred billion nanoseconds.


Nyx slowly rolled her left shoulder as the diagnostic of its integrity completed. Minimal degradation to mobility. A costly repair, but it could have been worse. It would be well worth it first her exploits aboard this Siege Tower were as fruitful as predicted, however. After all, the droid's red eyes scanned the mighty chamber where she now stood, and found it quite satisfactory. Just about where Nyx expected the core of such a beast to be. Even artificially grown creatures abide by certain characteristics -- one being always protect your soft spot.

A curious thing, however, occurred when she set foot into the chamber. A low 'noise' seemed to emerge from all around. It didn't seem to be an alarm so much as... a reaction? But how would it know Nyx was there?

Slowly, she moved deeper and as she did so the entire chamber seemed to roll as though a vessel cast adrift upon a gently rolling sea. The low sound grew louder, more insistent. Curious about this development, Nyx slowly withdrew and the beast calmed. Naturally, three seconds were spent quickly analyzing and deducing to the cause.

It wasn't here presence. The creature hadn't responded to her being there so far. Most creatures wouldn't consciously be aware of a microscopic organism inside their body.

It wasn't physical harm, because Nyx hadn't caused in. Not recently, anyway, and what she had caused hadn't solicited the same reaction.

Perhaps it was an itch or a pain, however. Nyx had read of this in medical journals and heard organics describe the sensation in many different ways. They knew something was wrong because they just felt 'off.' Weird. Hinky. Blah. Guh. Ill. It couldn't be her chassis. She wasn't leaking oil. No outbound transmissions.

Well, there was one thing that was radiating a field of sorts on her person. The Ysalamir.

Nyx carefully removed the Harvester from her back and moved forward until the slight sway returned. She set it down and stepped back once more, but the swaying didn't stop. Some manner of Force connection, which something so big could 'feel' as being a sort of... nausea? Now this brought to the droid an interesting idea.

The droid once again shouldered her pack and began to study the layout of the room, and examine the interconnected vessels and surfaces within. All she needed was a little more time.

A deep rumble trembled through the...floor of the Tower as Sergei's bombardment began. Nyx wasn't sure about the nature of the assault, but it was unlikely anything of small caliber or localized effect could have been felt elevated this far above the planet's surface. Time, it would seem, might not be on her side.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Where: The Emerald Undertow
Why: Brynadul
Wearing/Wielding: Fate, Robes, Cryoban Rifle & 5x Cryoban Grenade
When: N/A
With: Nimue Nimue Juno Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou
Opposing: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir Ver'kad Inuk Drekarys Kel (NPCs)

As Aurelion drowned in the strain and effort of sustaining the Battle Meditation that held oh so tentatively over the Jedi fleet, his senses became keenly aware as a blazing flame bloomed into existence with his senses. It spoke to him, of reassurance and camaraderie, even as it burned and sweltered his skin. Even as that maelstrom of fire, that spark of defiance, that flame of hope, conflagrated against the writhing horde they were presented with. Though it charred his perceptions, numbed his fingers with a tingling, burning sensation, Aurelion reached for that flame that promised both salvation and immolation, and grasped it tightly. Taking her hand through the Force.

Power flooded Aurelion's senses as Juno began to speak to him, and it was all he could do to nod to her, his eye opening only briefly to look at her, a quiet, sincere look that begged his Master to trust him. To tell her he would put her lessons, etched into his heart, to use at last. He would not bow or break and when Juno's gentle darkness caressed over his senses it was as reinvigorating as a man dying of dehydration being given a drink of ice cold water. Much needed darkness, cool and deadly in it's desire, flooded Aurelion's limbs and made his breathe catch. His senses sharpening even as he heard Juno say they would do it...together.

A tear slid down his cheek as he blindly clutched her hand and nodded. Both the words she offered and the reassurance offered by Nimue, in her own way, made him tense and close his eye again. Even as Nimue pulled him to her lap he did not let go of Juno's hand, now relaxing greatly as the cool, raven darkness that was Nimue brought balance once again to his senses. His entire body relaxing as his Meditation returned to full strength, even as in his mind's eye he saw that great, mawed creature lunge for his psyche. To break him, to destroy him, he heard it's voice echo with all the terrible power of a single-minded purpose. Of a being among the heights of it's race. What could one unwanted child do against such reckless hate?


-- Imperfect Master Battle Meditation improved to Master Battle Meditation --

hate? As Nimue spoke to him, resting him against her in a way no one ever had before, happiness suffused his veins even as the obsidian maw bared down on him. Reacting without a thought that crystalline fortess, that cracked and shattered tower swirled around Aurelion's psyche, but it did not shield him. Instead that flitting, flickering mirror-like swirl of shards would brandish Jyoti's flames into a searing wall of defiance. Lashing back against the creature's attempt on his mind. Unlike the presence of Nimue and Jyoti, Aurelion's mental form was.... formless. A swirling mass, conglomerated into convenient shapes, as Aurelion looked up into NImue's eyes. As SHE asked him to help her, he nodded, and nuzzled her softly before moving himself to sit properly in his lap, knowing what he had to do.

Through their bond part of Aurelion dove back into Nimue's memories, but for what he did not let her see, as he divided his attention between utilizing NImue's charcoal-soul, as smoke and darkness, to lash and attempt to pierce the obsidian wall of the Seer. Even as a he felt another force of will spring into existence on the planet's surface. However, that presence was all btu wholly occupied dealing with the other two powerful individuals on the planet's surface. Aurelion was relieved that the presence seemed hardly capable of reaching them in space with both Kyyrk Kyyrk and Elise to contend with. Extending his mind out to Juno he would murmur in her mind 'Master...Juno...... I'll....I'll do my best.... for you. Now more prepared to contend with the Seer Aurelion cloaked his psyche in a shroud of Nimue's darkness, and brandished a bit of Juno and Jyoti's lights as floating blades of flaming, searing rebuttal to the Seer's words. Both his next action and his reply coming as one as, finally, he found what he had ben searching for with Nimue's memories.

"And you are a creature. playing at purpose."


All at once did Aurelion's form shift as his Battle Meditation swept out across the fleet to all who had been listening. A triumphant chorus in the voice of the Silma as the crystalline mass of Aurelion's psyche took a form Nimue would know all too well. A shift, swirling pool of jagged edges, shards, mirror-like surfaces and containing Nimue's own darkness was the Omnivident itself. At least, Aurelion's soul in the form of such, her people's own chanting tongues radiating out from him as he waited for the Seer to make their next move. That same chanting melody lashing at the Brynadul sleet with a voice of embers, a chorus of shadows, Dark and Light given newfound purpose. The meditation chamber itself filled with the soft, gentle chorus of chants Nimue would know down to her very heart as he channeled them. Readying himself, Aurelion affectionately squeezed Juno's hand and nuzzled Nimue while he thought to Nimue and Juno through their bond 'I won't let you down. I promise.'
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Equipment: In bio
Location: Edsert
Objective: Survive
Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland, Barrien Siegfried , SJO and Friends
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern , The Bryn

Amani held her face in her palm. It was like everything was compounding into a cacophonous sensory overload that made her head hurt. The reprimanding from both of the knights only further conflicted with the padawan feelings, leaving her stranded to inaction. Only once the massive Ravager Brute let out its deafening roar was Amani shocked back into reality. The gargantuan creature lurched forward, breaking through anything and everything in its path to reach them. Slamming its four heavy fists downward, Amani sprang from the impact with a Force-enhanced jump, leaping away in a graceful back layout. She stumbled back and coughed, taking the distance she’d put between them to collect herself.

Whatever toxin was in those clouds had started getting to her as well. She began attempting to withdraw the poison, using the Force to purify herself when a big, bear-like droid waddled up to her, and Nida’s voice tapped into their comms. Amani nodded and pointed in the direction of the trapped civilians. “Go, go help those people over there. Make sure you get them to safety.” The droid followed her instructions and began its march in their direction. Okay, next plan. Amani weakly lifted her injured arm, responding back through the comm channel, “We have a group of stranded civilians, I’m getting the droid to bring them to you. Another Bryn just showed up... a really big one, too. I’m, uh, gonna try to... distract it, so anyone else can get away from it safely.”

To make matters worse, more Bryn were arriving alongside the Ravager, and Amani could only look on as Reosyvern Reosyvern suddenly emerged and attacked Barrien Siegfried. Every act of violence drained her, brought her one step closing to losing focus. All this time, Amani had never really been in control of her emotions. She was just very good at hiding it. Bottling it up internally. But now, it felt just about ready to boil over. It showed at times; Practice was one thing, but in moments of genuine danger, her training was thrown out the window. Whether it was bounty hunters, cultists, mandalorians, Brynadul, Amani almost always reverted to her base instincts.

Turning back around, she faced down the massive beast once again. She looked to Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , giving her a nod before lifting both arms, pushing through the pain to rip out a chunk from one of the nearby buildings with the Force, throwing it at the Ravagers head to ensure its attention. “Hey! Over here!” As it charged her, it took all of her focus to play keep away, jumping from point to point, always making sure she was just out of its range. Every ounce of her being told her to just run and leave, but she refused. With several more Force leaps, Amani created another gap between them, catching her breath before glancing to the civilians, now being escorted away by the droid. For the briefest moment, she was able to smile, tapping into her comms once more, “Thanks for the assist with the droid. They’ll be-” Amani’s voice cut off as the Ravager leapt at her, slamming down with relentless ferocity. In a split moment, it was all Amani could do to create a Force Barrier, taking the brunt of the damage, though forcing the padawan to her knees as the barrier quaked under the Brute’s unbelievable strength. Pain lanced through her arm and into the rest of her body, but she held her focus for dear life. A second later, and Amani would have been little more than a pile of jelly on the ground. The beast slammed down again, and she dropped her left arm. With a final strike, this time swinging from the side, the Ravager roared and took her off her feet. The barrier absorbed the damage, but broke on contact, sending her flying back in the direction of the knights, and slamming hard into a building wall with a resounding smack.

Slowly, Amani pulled herself onto her knees, reflexively gripping at her chest as a new pain burned in her. Her breathing was labored, and every inhalation caused more pain. Her mind raced for an answer, and she softly ran her hand across the pressure. A broken rib, definitely. Probably two. And... great. Likely a collapsed lung. No doubt thanks to the ribs. She wouldn’t be able to keep going, not like this at least. Amani drew on her connection to the Force once again, this time, utilizing Force Body to stall the injury. She didn’t know if they could beat the Ravager, not to mention the Bryn attacking the knights, but she at least needed enough time to stay conscious and get away from it if anything. It was a test of everything she had learned in her life as a Jedi. And to make her fail, all it might take is one more push in the wrong direction.
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Equipment: Dual Lightsabers
Location: The Emerald Undertow
Allies: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | Elise ring ring | SJO and friends
Enemies: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | The Bryn

Juno shot daggers at Nimue, Contaminate myself?! I’m already halfway there!” She snapped, channeling a small current of Force lightning in her hand as a demonstration. She was familiar with the dark side, but she relented, knowing that if Nimue was going to help after all, then her own efforts channeling it would be pointless at best.

The master nearly barked at her again as Nimue directed Aurelion’s focus, taking control of the situation. She was almost too similar to Juno. It was irritating. And he seemed to be doing a lot better with her than his own Master. Grumbling, she let them take the lead, focusing on channeling her strength into Aurelion. She did her best to take it in stride, a lack of unity was only going to make unnecessary problems.

As the others focused on their Battle Meditation, Juno reserved a small amount of energy to let her newly heightened senses expand down to the planet’s surface, and explore what was going on. Aaaalright, a lot was going on. Good to know. Hell, they might need their help just as much as she did. In truth, Juno didn't feel like she was contributing to the fight as much as she wanted. She wasn't an expert in Battle Meditation, and at best she was an extra power source for the others, and that didn't sit right with her. If she could find another presence to draw on, then perhaps, that could change. In the midst of the chaos, she sensed another Battle Meditation, not their own. She probed further, tracing the Force presence to its source, letting out yet another grumble. Oh yay. Master Elise. Just the person she wanted to talk to.

Aw, man. And she was going to have to ask her for help, too? Today sucks. Juno reached out, connecting to Elise telepathically. Yo. Having fun down there? She couldn’t resist trying to be at least a little irritating even in a moment like this. Still, she rolled her eyes and quickly switched to a serious tone. She was never one to be oblivious to the stakes. It’s Juno. My padawan and I are working with some of the others in the fleet on a Battle Meditation of our own. Thing is... I'm not much help up here right now. This Battle Meditation stuff, I've never really known how to... ugh, here it comes, ...Look, you were always pretty good at this, and if you can lend anything to me, I need as much help as you can give. A-And I bet you need mine, too! Nice save. But if they could share their energy together, draw on one another, they might both benefit from this. As much as Juno at times found Elise to be a bit irritating herself, at the end of the day, they were both Jedi Masters. And Knights and Padawans together before that. They butted heads, but in a weird, roundabout way, they were friends. Juno sighed, and it was almost like the smirk creeping across her face could be sensed through their telepathy. So, what say we give 'em hell? Together.

Waiting for a response, she pulled back in to continue aiding Aurelion. Finally, his potential was realized in full. She mustered all of her power that she currently had at her disposal, channeling it to Aurelion and joining in the mind games. Unlike the others, Juno’s presence was much more... direct. Rather than appearing a more abstract concept, it was a shadowy, purple silhouette of sorts, ready to quite literally battle it out with the opposing presence. Aurelion would notice the sense of pride she felt in him at the moment, and she responded to him simply: I know.
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Location: D5
Objective: Insurgent - Completed. Assault - Active
Allies: Bryn'adul
Engaging: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Enlil Enlil

It was an honor to assist the Titan, considered the hybrid as they continued in their march. To think that they had already managed to annihilate the city's shield unit, and now they were once more going to strike a devastating blow against their foes. How many more strikes could the weakling race of mankind survive before they conceded their frailty and abandoned their defense of the worthless world. The sudden presence of a pair of Orbaliscs was enough to indicate to the Risen-Sraelvun that they would find a great deal of devastation when they finally reached their objective. He hadn't noticed the two while they had marched earlier, but then, there had been a substantial amount of re-organization, and nearly a thousand of his kin stood nearby.

Of course, tall as they might have been, none of them were so gargantuan as to utterly block out the view of a being dropping seemingly from the sky. Osam had looked back at the rear of the Sraelvun contingent as they maneuvered towards the city, only to take notice of the strange being. Further, only a little off of him... there was another! This one must've certainly stealthily crept around their advance, perhaps utilizing some measure of subterranean tunnel to facilitate their sudden emergence, while the other had clearly dropped himself out of a vessel. He watched a moment, waiting to see if further soldiers fell to assist the two, but none seemed to come.

Specialists, he thought, acknowledging that the pair were not directly beside one another, but that they were prodding at the back of the armed forces. A majority of the army had already pushed forward, but a few squads were still transitioning -- such was the nature of moving such large forces that even rapid movements took a moment. With a hiss of lurid quotes, the Risen-Srael looked towards Galak. "Two beings at our back. Jedi, or creeping killers. I'll protect the rear."

With a sudden jab towards the back of the army, he directed his personal squad back, and upon reaching the end of the battalion, he promptly barked at a pair of other Risen, bringing their squads to attention in regards to the threat behind them. Twenty-seven Sraelvun and three Risen would no doubt be capable of eliminating these interlopers, and sending them to their deaths.

"Marksmen. Pick off. Rest, firing line." He commanded, snarling with particular fierceness when the Risen at his side paused a moment before acknowledging his order. He didn't technically outrank him, but he was the First of their kind, and it was a valid enough strategy. With the command, the three Marksmen accompanying the three squads would promptly lift their weapons, sending high-powered spiker rounds towards the pair of vermin, all the while, the remaining group organizing into a long firing line so that they would be able to strike all at once when the enemy entered an appropriate firing range.
Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Gir Quee Gir Quee Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam @Naimh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol The Monster The Monster Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

"I.... I'm sorry Barrien. I meant no offense, it just makes no sense." A slight sense of worry came from Ura. She was just hoping that the Knight would understand. She then heard Kyra's cry over the comms. Gas? That black mist.... She looked aroud, helping push away the smog. "It's like they don't know how fight something that isn't near-human. That isn't... organic." Her mind was racing quite a bit right now. They were attacking her home, but at the same time these Bryn didn't seem capable of changing their strategies. There were organics that made Yurb their home, but for the most part, it was Lervon. Then the roar of something came. She turned to see it charge Amani. No! Come on. She could handle that righ.... Ura could see the fear welling up around her, but Barrien's telepathic communication brought her back to the task at hand. She looked to where she had to go, and would respond back to the Knight with the Force. Instead of an emotionless voice though, what he would hear would be full of feeling. "Ok. I'm going."

She watched as the big droid also followed suit, and she quickly began to help. She looked around, getting ready to hold off any attackers that tried to get to the civilians, but then she noticed something. Two Lervon that almost looked... mix. Both female like.... Wait! "Um, ma'ams. Would one of you be missing children." The two turned, and one nodded.

"How did you...?"

"They're safe. We'll try to get things straightened out when things calm down. Right now, just move!" She hurried and quickly lead them out with the droid. She eyed the large droid telling it to get them safe before seeing a Twi'lekk who had been caught by the mist. She slowly tried to detoxify him, just hoping that she was doing it right, or could at least get him well enough to run. She was caught off guard by noticing Amani get flung though. She looked at the large creature, then back to her friend. She narrowed her eyes at the four armed Bryn, and quickly shifted her form before charging and pouncing the beast as a Razor-Tail Tiger. She went in to bite at the thing's neck before jumping away and shifting back to a humanoid form, Lightsaber igniting.

"Amani? You ok?"


Location: Orbit, Glasser Alpha.
Fleet: 1 Glasser Station (Glasser Alpha): Hull 95%, Shield 75% (Power fluctuation), Storm-Bringer: Hull 95%, Shield 90% (Power fluctuation), 15 Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: Various hull damage, 10 Deathseed squadrons (12 ships downed), 4 Y-TIE squadrons (7 ships downed) (1 Cumulonimbus Flextube Arc Cannon and one Flextube load of V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

The Glasser crew watched as the Debaucher came close, and those outside the station sent in their reports through Force Merges. It was about to drill into the hull. The station command just let off some happiness through the Force. Boring into a Lervon controlled ship or station was a huge mistake. They were about to drill into a station that had opened it's outer bulkheads to space. They were about to board into the vacuum of space! It was how they got outside so quickly when they thing began to board, and the Lervon didn't need to worry about no atmosphere. The Bryn would just choke themselves out. The Storm-Bringer, meanwhile, also began an atmosphere venting. They had no organics aboard the star destroyer, so they could vent the entirety of the ship. There weren't going to make this easy for the Bryn, and if any could get past the lack of air, the Lervon would fight dirty. Shut completely shut out the lights, sneak, and fight rough. They weren't organics. They would fight like the ones on the surface had fought. Blasters, their own bodies, and some even attempting the break anything keeping Bryn alive.

The Arquitens however had been given a break. The Butchers for some reason had changed their aim to the smaller vessels. The ships were smaller and faster, and quickly avoided the beam. They then flew head long for the flanks of the damaged Butcher, fire their arc cannons, arc torpedoes, and turbolasers into the larger ship. The fighters meanwhile continued their missions, using their agility. Even the Y-TIEs were more agile then the Bryn swarmers. And they used it, firing proximity set arc torpedoes, arc cannons, and laser cannons into the fray of ships.

  • Glasser Alpha and Storm-Bringer let the Bryn burrow into their already vented hulls.
  • The Arquitens-class ships avoid the Butchers' fire, and attack the damaged Butcher from the flank.
  • Deathseeds and Y-TIEs target fighters.
Objective: Stall and Combat
Location: Engaging Krarolk T'manu

The smaller Starchaser, the one that would not seem as much of a fighter as her father based on the whole… everything of her, had tossed the large rock towards the trio of Bryn, identified to themselves as Zealots, to her as, well, giant monster beings. She was hoping it had gained their attention, and when it seemed to, she took cover as the being smashed into the rock with a fist, splintering and shattering it. A bit of a small gasp came out of Kaia as she gave a small head shake to her own backup. She was going to fight here, if they could slow other Bryn soldiers down, that was on them, but her fight was going to be here.

As she heard them grunt an affirmative, or what she felt was an affirmative through the Force, she began to move. Rolling to the side, she was watching as the larger being was definitely hurling axes that seemed to glow in the Force. That was going to not do. Her lightsaber in hand, she activated the blade, glowing an indigo in the rubble, as she brought her lightsaber to defend, against the one coming to her chest, using the point of connection to pivot and feeling the hit against her saber, driving the weapon from her hand and pushing her to the ground and below the second axe.


Without a lightsaber, some Jedi were defenseless but she was a Starchaser. Centering herself, a combat skill she knew how to do, she made sure to track her lightsaber in the Force, and was running towards the larger Bryn, her right hand glowing with a dark blue as her left was calling to the extinguished lightsaber, pulling it to her. The real threat, if the Bryn was sensitive to the motions of the Force was the reduction in mass, the almost buoyancy that the very ground between them was having. It was the way Kaia moved things, messing with the mass... Thanks
for making me a Spacer, Dad. And a large chunk of duracrete and rubble was lifting from the ground to create at once a platform and a block as she leapt up, intent to spring over the Bryn.

As she left the ground, her lightsaber found her palm.
Location: Operations Center, Emerald Undertow, departing Yurb
Objective: Halt the enemy fleet's advance
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

Though a brief bout of excitement had gripped the man, it soon receded as the rest of the battle unfolded. Though the Divine Brutality caught the brunt of the allied fleet's fire, the blonde man did notice the Butchers make their movements. Not only were the attack cruisers very large vessels, but they seemed to have very poor maneuverability which their reorientation to try and fire on the Emerald Undertow all the more cumbersome and obvious in a close-quarters fight. The man watched the massive cruisers slowly spin to get a good firing lock on his flagship. The timing seems off...perhaps this was a trap that was activated too late? Are we being too aggressive here? That thought receded as he considered that their aggressive push against the Divine Brutality had probably prevented an earlier ,and better-executed attack - If they had been moving slower, they would have been further away and easier to target by the attack cruiser. No, more is needed of the same...and something else. He flicked a button on his headset com.

"Engines, as soon as we begin to take fire from the attack cruisers, initiate boost function and then switch over to helical engine use only. Helm, prepare to make an adjustment on our vertical heading...let's get out of the plane of the battlefield for a few moments while we prepare for the next stage of the battle."

"Yes sir."

He turned his comlink back to the channel he shared with Tartun, "Fire from our bombers and corvettes on that tentacled thing trying to attach itself to our hull has had no appreciable effect. Prepare to push it away with the Auras. We'll briefly halt all weapons fire after that."



"We should lay down some mines to discourage immediate pursuit by...that thing."

"Do it."

He flipped his switch one more time, "Disengage starbombers and light corvettes from attacking the debaucher, with the new target being those serpeant-like support craft. "

"Sir," said Lieutenant-Commander Padesh, "the Galatea is in trouble."

The blonde man briefly tore his eyes from the holographic representation of the Emerald Undertow to focus his attention on the trio of Achilles-class Assault Cruisers that were harassing one of the massive Conquesters like insipid parasites. Yet they had attracted more attention than the admiral had thought they'd originally obtain. A debaucher had managed to latch itself onto the already weakened Galatea, which in turn had opted to fire its lateral thrusters to tilt the craft on its Y-axis before plunging towards the nearby Conquester, seeking to crush the debaucher against the conquester's hull. A wan smile briefly creased his face. Captain Abdis'lya is always the impetuous one...but will physical pain from being crushed really work? The man didn't know, and while the Galatea's biologically based core systems of bio-computers and organoform circuitry would likely preserve its core functioning systems from the debaucher's energy zapping effects, its already weakened state the man had some doubts about its viability. Swarms of Phedrak fighters had appeared around the group, apparently seeking to break the tractor beams hold on the Conquester. The Achilles responded by using their hundreds of Bombard-class scatter cannons to throw out hundreds of proton-based proximity explosives into the fighters' midst. Explosions began to ripple across the length of the conquester as Phedrak fighters triggered the bombs. But the man frowned as he flipped to yet another channel on his headset and began to picture the creamy furred bothan that captained the assault cruiser.

"Captain Abdis'lya, we have not had luck dislodging the...thing which attached itself to our hull despite the application of heavy firepower."

A brief delay occurred before a calm Mid-rim accent began to flow through his headset, "You don't approve of trying to crush it against the Conquester."

"I do, actually," replied the blonde man, "as a first step. I'm ordering you to continue that course, but to turn over all functions to be fully automated by the ship's computers. Will begin to evacuate your ship and then initiate the ship's self-destruct."


That's the first time I've seen him ever lose his cool...Not that I blame him. No captain ever wants to lose his command.

"This is not your fault," said the admiral coolly, "we need to see just how strong these creatures are."

"We've been losing power though," stammered the bothan, "I'm not sure how much power we'll have for this."

"Disengage all magazine safeties for your scatter cannons. Even with a small amount of power, there's plenty of explosives in your ship for this."

"Yes...I understand," spat back Abdis'lya, "I will initiate immediately."

"And captain?"


"Thank you."

The admiral turned his attention back to the rest of the battlefield to see explosions blossom around the Emerald Undertow as the large Bryn'adul ships focused their fire on his escorting corvettes - none could withstand such prolonged fire, and the corvette's crews began to abandon ship under such heavy and focused fire. Just after the Stalker exploded, twin beams of orange light jutted out from a pair of Butcher-class Attack Cruisers, lashing out to smash into the Starlight Scutum overshield - as powerful as that shield was, it could not withstand such fury. Orange lightning crackled across its spherical shape before it fizzled into nothingness, now leaving the debaucher without any attachment to the Emerald Undertow. His machinations swiftly went into motion, even as the beams continued to drill into the Aspis-class shield Systems that provided the Undertow's next level of protection. The Undertow jetted forward thanks to the boost function of its Nimble-5 Ion Engines, providing it with a means to escape further destruction from the powerful Bruiser-class Attack Cruises, while Tartun's team expertly pushed the debaucher away with their pressor beams. Dozens of space mines floated out of the ship's rear, leaving a dangerous cloud of mixed Fracture-class Space Mines and Cometburst-class Space Mines in its wake. Weapons fire ceased from the massive warship. The Helical Engine and cloaking device kicked in almost simultaneously, rendering the flagship exceptionally difficult to trace before the helmsman altered the ship's altitude to take it briefly out of the immediate plane of the battle. It then began to bank to reorient itself for the next stage of the battle. The blonde man turned to Ariela.

"Go tell @Aurelion and other guests in the meditation chambers that I have message to give the enemy commander that I would like transmitted telepathetically."

The replica droid raised an eyebrow, "And what might that message be?"

"We are coming, and you are now ours."

Task Force Emerald Undertow
The Emerald Undertow with Cloaking Warfare Module - engages boost function and disengages Debaucher; lays down minefields; using cloaking device (Shields: 79%; Hull: 98%)

Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Galatea - firing scatter cannons at Phedrak Fighters; moving to press attached Debaucher into Conquester; self destruct sequence activated and crew evacuating (Shields: 35% Hull: 88%)
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Undaunted - firing on Conquester B with most weapons; using scatter cannons on Phedrak fighters (Shields: 81% Hull: 99%)
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Immortalite - firing on Conquester B with most weapons; using scatter cannons on Phedrak fighters (Shields: 71% Hull: 99%)

Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Attacker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Hunter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Chaser -screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Stalker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Striker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED

Warden-class Escort Corvette Reaper - attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Warden-class Escort Corvette Arbiter - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Smiter -screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Puncher - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Charger - attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks

Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four - attacking Ra'maks
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five - attacking Ra'maks

35 Fighter squadrons(initially)
9 Zephyr-class Droid Fighter Squadrons (~240 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters and Ra'maks
10 Cyclone II-class Starbomber Squadrons (120 starbombers) - Attacking Ra'maks
10 Gale-class Heavy Fighter Squadrons (80 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters

16 Support Squadrons (initially)
14.5 Shyyyo-class Combat Transport Squadrons (~172 transports) - docked onboard carrier vessels - passengers onboard and ready to launch

Summary of actions
-Emerald Undertow engages boost function to partially evade Butcher-class Attack Cruiser Attack and fully escape Debaucher (by deactivating Scutum overshield and pushing debaucher away with Aura pressor beams along with engine boost)
-Emerald Undertow leaves a combination of Fracture-class Gravity Mines and Cometburst Space Mines in its wake to discourage pursuit by Debaucher and other craft
-Emerald Undertow ceases firing, engages cloaking device, switches to helical secondary drive, and then alters course primarily on z-axis (height)
-Galatea turns on its side to press attached debaucher against nearby conquester; engages self-destruct sequence; crew begins evacuation; ship runs on automated functions based on bio-computers.
-Achilles-class Assault Cruisers use massed Scatter Cannon fire to flood the immediate area around them with clouds of proximity-fused proton submunitions to destroy Phedrak Fighters and/or break up their attacks
-Smiter and Puncher destroyed by Conquester fire
-Attacker, Striker, and Stalker destroyed by Divine Brutality
-various cumulative strikecraft losses from ongoing dogfights

Rough Map (All formations are now in mutual weapon's range)
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Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |Location; Battlefield - E7
Allies: Osam Osam | Rahm Rahm | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Drekarys Kel | Reosyvern Reosyvern |
Enemies: Niamh Raste | The Monster The Monster | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar |
Intent to Engage: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Ryv Ryv | Elise | P Placeholder 0128 |

All units protected in groups of 30 by 2,345 Quilxyn Protectors

- 96 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-060 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 231 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-360 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 193 Rhivaks
  • 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 386 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
8 Shamans
8 Ashaka Acoly

C8 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
Two Obaliscs

D8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
-Two Obaliscs


  • 387 Rhivaks
  • 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8 Ashaka Acolytes


  • 1,544 Rhivaks [193 per grid]
  • 800 Brumaks
-2,432 Drones
-1920 Savage Drones
-16 Shamans
-16 Ashaka Acolytes

D4-6 1
M'gaelakk Siege Tower Occupied per grid section

  • 1,413 Rhivaks
  • 1,480 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
-1,500 10th Regiment Brutes

D7 - Three M'gaelak Siege Towers Occupied /248 Dispersal Pods
18,630 Savage Drones [Dispersal Pods]
6,654 Drones [Dispersal Pods]
-2,504 Rhivaks
-2,067 Brumaks
-2,112 Drones
-28 Shamans
-28 Ashaka Acolytes
10th Regiment Brutes
-1 Servitor

E4 & F5 50 Hive Bombers Occupied

Hatched - killing all across the city

Tathra cut down two more, then another as he kicked the leg of a Ranger, bending it in a horrible direction as he turned on his left heel, bringing the Axe backward and through the ranger, slashing through another as he fired helplessly into the armoured chest of the Titan. Guts, smoke and explosions dotted the battlefield on both sides, savage Drones in their endless numbers did what they were made for, flushing the enemy out into the open. Many, cut to shreds as they equally swarmed the lines of their enemies, filling every gap and crashing in waves over others. The Drones, whilst not their greatest forces were the fodder they were intended to be. Still their weaponry, seething hot metal cut through armour and flesh of most kinds like butter. The Lergara soldiers would find the super-heated metal bolts fired by the weaponry of the Bryn'adûl would turn those caught to glass in portions, whilst others would choke and die on the sand in their lungs and bellies, the Lergara too would find their soldiers broken and shattered.

The Siege Towers would focus fire their main guns now on the enemy placements, turrets and cannons would be riddled with hundreds of spikes in seconds from the massive array of weaponry of the two remaining Siege Towers, however the left-most Siege Tower would find dozens of its smaller guns torn apart by the force, rendering them inoperable. The massive creatures would slowly push forward; their brethren on the other side of the battlefield at the front of the City doing the same, they would use their massive tendrils to begin to tear massive parts of the city wall apart, and fling them at the enemy.

All around Edsert, the city was besieged by superior Bryn'adûl forces.

The remaining Servitor would begin to attack the very edge of the enemy defences before the Outpost, in a rage it would begin to tear up the ground; collapsing entire trenches as it scaled form rippled through the ground, the creature fighting as close to its trapped brethren as possible. The Servitor would attempt to collapse the edge of the enemies defences and its neighbouring walls. The second that was attacking Lergara would recoil as the arc-cannon fire would burn through a portion of its hide, angering the massive creature as it would come up from behind the mechanised construct, going over its head and back into the ground as it attempted to grapple the large droid with its mid-section to crush it. The Servitor withn the outpost did not have the instinct to stay above ground for long, the technology and people it had swallowed turning into slag, melted by its hyper-acidic blood and stomach acids. But the creature found a miniature nuisance, it didn't even notice the man on its large head; the creature dove low as the spherical shield was activated, blunting its motion as its head struck off the side of the shield, the Servitor tore through the ground and up once more as it searched for an exit; only to find the wind restricting the movement of its upper-length above the surface, a small portion of its fourth mandible was struck with a cryoban weapon that rapidly expanded; the Servitor pulled itself into the ground, tearing off half of its frozen mouth in the process, its mid-length whipping at everything trapped inside the energy sphere with it.

Even as the enemy bombarded them overhead, the Quilxyn moved to defend; the Protectors providing personal shielding as the larger Quilxyn would provide a defence from the annihilation perpetrated from above. The Rhivaks and Brumaks would be struck by orbital bombardment as they would focus fire on enemy placements, this attack from the air urged the Shamans to demand the Rhivaks close the distance on the enemy positions. Hundreds of Rhivaks would get up close and personal with the TCD-2Ds, and the various placements, using their agility to leap over the enemy infantry and attacking the placements with their horns and lasers. The enemy charges, seemingly killing their own soldiers as well as the Bryn'adûl's own. War was a bloody affair.

From where there Dropships had landed, Bryn'adûl forces came from all sides toward the Outpost, the red mist of their homeworld at their heels like a great crimson storm, barrelling toward the enemy positions. From all sides, they would swarm forward to attack the Shield outpost and its protections. Drones and Savage Drones would flood the enemy ranks with their own bodies, Brumaks would fire massive chains of vaporising energy into the enemy lines, Rhivaks would dart across the battlefield; some firing off their red beams whilst others would attack the enemy, stomping them into the muddy trenches.

On high one of the two Obaliscs fired at would lose one of its tendrils to the enemy laser, however as the earth collapsed beneath them the massive creatures were able to use their tendrils to break their fall, the remaining two on the Hill side focus firing their beams at the Sensenmann. In the midsts of the battle, the EMBU and Bryn Hunter droids would prove worthy adversaries for perhaps Drones, but as they attempted to use their strength against the Baedurin they would quickly find them insufficient, the Brutes stronger than an apex human by twenty times over tore the droids apart like paper, crushing humans underfoot. The warriors of the 10th Regiment had no true equal, savaging anything that came their way.

Tathra cut down dozens in a blur of motion, his blades and the strength put their motion was impossible to be halted by mere Humans. All around the Titan the Brutes of the 10th Regiment pushed forward, using their squad tactics with the Heavies and Grenadiers providing a Phalanx, using their Bryn Shots and RAW's to ripple through the enemy positions of Dauntless soldiers, Rangers and various other deployed troops alike. The RAW's spewing out hundreds of super-heated tungsten spikes every second, raining down a hail on enemy enemies as their Bryn Shot Grenadeirs would provide a river of explosives along the entrenched enemy lines. Fire and light encircled the Titan as the Draeyde were forced to retreat, the fire itself having no effect on Tathra.

The Titan paid no real attention to the words of the man that stood to speak rather than fight, Tathra recognised the smell of cryoban as the man primed the grenade from his jacket. The Titan dodged to the side as the grenade flew past his head, ducking low as the Jedi darted overhead. Tathra dashed forward, cutting down another with his Axe as he impaled another with his sword, throwing the body back at the Lightsaber wielder who had attempted to cut his head off moments before, then noticing the approach of another as a few of the Brutes were thrown back by a wave of energy. Two. A soldier and a Jedi, a jedi he recognised from the battle at Kessel. Their forces needed no order to give them space, they knew those who sought to challenge him were his.

"I wonder perhaps if you will fair better this time." The Titan goaded, waiting for his
two challengers to attack, Tathra slowly moved toward Beltran and Ryv.

  • Bryn'adûl forces on all sides encroach upon the city. [Reflected in Force Deployments.
  • E8, D8, C8, C7, C6 move to D7; surrounding outpost and enemy forces.
  • 500 Savage Drones lost
  • 117 Rhivaks lost [Bombarded tf]
  • 67 Drones lost
  • 7 10th Regiment Brutes lost
  • Servitor 1 loses half of its face, tries to destroy outpost.
  • Servitor 3 tries to crush Lergara in its grasp.
  • Obaliscs focus fire on Sensseman
  • Siege Towers focus fire on enemy placements
  • Rhivaks get up close to enemy placements and attack
  • Brumaks focus fire on enemy trenches
  • Servitor 2 sinks/attacks enemy defences just beyond the outpost walls.
  • Brutes tear apart droids and men alike, Drones and Savage Drones die like the fodder they are.
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Location: above Edsert
Engaging Gunships


The Twintail X-wing's engines made a distinctive whine as Nexu Squadron flew within touching distance of the city. Acaadi was trying to find the balance to guide his ship. The Force was always on the edge of his perception, the instruments kept trying to steer the vessel clear of obstacles.

The city presented a terrifying visage from the air. Waves of beasts rolling across the city. Monstrous fiends beyond the boundaries spewing more monstrosities into the air. Acaadi could only imaging it was worse from the ground. Kyra, Ura, Amani and almost everyone he knew was down there.

"Designating targets, hit them hard and fast!" came the command. "This is going to be rough but each one of those we take down could save hundreds."

Acaadi narrowed his focus. He let the Force guide his route whilst the sensors locked his weapons onto his targets. A string of gunships belching flames across the landscape.

He knew what that message meant. Some of the Squadron would be going down. They had to make those sacrifices worthwhile for the lives of those caught in the conflict.

"Engaging!" His thumb flicked the safety to free the torpedo launchers. He would save his ordnance if he could.

The air was cut by turret fire, but Acaadi held his nerve. His Twintail sailed low, meters from the ground. Squeezing the trigger, all four cannons cut the gunship in two. He pulled back on the stick and shit skywards, the tail of his vessel pulling a red streak from the explosion into the air. He rolled and dove before he could be picked off, strafing another gunship from nose to tail and sending it crashing to the ground.

Location: Shield Generator Outpost
Objective: Slay a Wingless Dragon
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | Niamh Raste | Anyone else I've failed to tag | SJO + Allies
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Bryn'adûl

He wasn't alone in facing the monstrous creature tunneling in from underneath their defenses. Several individuals, all of whom were new faces to the young sergeant, joined in the struggle to subdue the beast using a whole slew of what he could only assume were Force powers. There were redirectioning of winds to force the sandstorm into its wide jaw. Cryoban weapons were used to freeze one of its mandibles which soon spread to cover half its face.

Thirdas, still hanging on to what he deduced to be the top of the worm's head, measured up another strike with his axe when the Servitor suddenly got moving at a terrible speed. The sudden movement forced the battle axe from his hands and it was sent flying.

"Oh faen...!"

He could only keep holding on as the giant worm prepared to tunnel underground once more, likely hoping to escape or to dig further into the city. Using his metallic right arm, Thirdas rammed his hand into the beast's hide several times in rapid succession, using the hard phrik as well as his considerable physical strength to finally puncture a hole through into its gooey bits. Inside he latched on to whatever he could find, just to give himself a firm grip as the creature attempted to disappear underground.

But when it was unexpectedly denied its escape due to a secondary shield, localised to the outpost, it began thrashing about in a mad frenzy, desperate to find a way out. When it could not, it returned above ground where it kept being assailed by its enemies.

"Got you trapped now, you piece of chit!"

While still clinging to it, Thirdas reached for the belt of grenades draped around his armoured torso and tugged it loose. There were a dozen grenades dangling from said belt, and he made sure to pull the pin on each and every one of those suckers before shoving the entire thing into the fleshy hole he'd created.

"Fara vel, bikkja," were his departing words as he let go of the Servitor and fell towards the ground a hundred feet below him. In mid-air he activated his jump pack once more, controlling his descent and allowing him to find a safe spot out of the creature's immediate reach. Ironically, he was back atop the same water tower he'd started off at.

From there he reached for his mother's rifle on his back and took aim. He wanted to make certain the grenades would go off.

Allowing his instincts to guide him in his shot, which included unknowingly tapping into the Force, Thirdas fired an armour-piercing round aimed for the worm's head, right where he'd punched a hole and stuffed a whole lot of grenades into. Even if the shot did not hit home, the standard timer for grenades was four seconds.

"Happy headache."
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