Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Tarish Galland

Equipment: Clothes | Lightsaber | Good ol' Gumption
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Nearby Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried
Something Wicked This Way Comes: Reosyvern Reosyvern

Tarish nodded to the other man's words. Pairing off would be easier if they split up, whether by choice or accident. By accident would also guarantee even separately the two groups had at least one experienced member. Barrien ushered them to move quickly, and even Tarish had to take a second to think on a response.

"Doesn't matter how many are left if the Bryn enter the shield." Tarish remarked, a bit cold but no less with realistic view on the matter. "We can do what we can, but do not corner yourself." The shield of the city shuddered, then something large and insidious created a blinding light, which thankfully Tarish had not been looking at concerning himself with a look toward the padawans.

When the light faded from behind his closed eyes, he opened them, staring towards the edge of the city. "I think evac is secondary now." He tried igniting the saber in his hand, a spark emitting from the power cell with nothing happening. His thoughts cursing not making a better one when he had the chance as he placed it back on his hip and focused himself in the force.

"Keep the people moving, Barrien, I think we need to act as a rearguard." The man danced on his toes a moment as debris flew into the area and Ura shielded. "Aw feth. Not my strong-suit. Of course."

LOCATION: Mountain Ruins, Yurb Surface: G5
WEARING: Steelskin | Taozin Amulet
EQUIPMENT: Obsidian Lightsaber | M3-Maaws | M-107 Anti-Material Rifle | TDW M-8 Shotgun | AR-2CQB Verpine Assault Rifle | First Aid Kit
ALLIES: Kyyrk Kyyrk | @SJO, CIS & Friends
ENEMIES: Bryn’adul

Aadya wasn’t your typical person, in fact, often it seemed as if she lived in her own little universe. A universe that seemed to revolve around absolutely nothing, because the lupine just wasn’t in any kind of natural rotation. So when she had decided to follow Voph and whomever else that had decided to follow the Knight’s Obsidian Lord Commander; the only reason that she had to offer was, 'why not?'. Either way, she had arrived with the man to follow him into a battle that was not The Confederacy’s fight, but individuals from the CIS had the option to help those from the Order of the Silver Jedi. This lupine, was one that had voluntary joined their CIS forces to help the SJO, mostly because she wanted to play with her weapons.

These weapons had been newly acquired and when it came to weapons, the woman got extremely excited about her newly acquired M-107 Anti-material Rifle and M3-Maaws. These weapons made her giddy and she couldn’t wait to use these weapons as she began to set them up. Parts were assembled together with fingers that were skilled in the handling of the weapons. One might say that she wasn’t skilled with these weapons considering she had never fired these ones, but she had kept them cleaned and had disassembled and reassembled them many times. To learn a weapon properly, one had to get intimate with it, which led to better handling when using it. A hand stroked along the barrel of the Anti-Material rifle for a moment, while her pale blue eyes admired the grey coloured weapon.

She was a dead eye, someone who rarely missed her targets and was always on point. Each bullet would find their target, regardless of distance and bullet drop. As she lingered upon that thought, the woman pulled out a piece of candy to pop into her mouth. The sugary goodness exploded over her tongue and her eyes rolled back while she had a quick respite to enjoy the simple pleasure. Nodding her head then, the wolf then picked up her Verpine Assault Rifle, pulled it close to her body and began to play the air guitar with it as she jumped around the sniper’s nest while listening to the music that she was playing in her comm piece. One could say that she took an easy approach to the threat that loomed over their heads, but as she head banged to the music while checking that the rounds in her Verpine were loaded, she began to sing. ”Get off of my back and into my game!”

The brown wolf swayed her hips as she placed the Verpine close to her Maaws and Anti-Material rifle before she picked up the M-8 Shotgun. With each standard round that skillful fingers slid into the chamber, she continued to sway her hips around the space that she had and continued to sing. ”Oh, if you wanna have a go!” Booted feet took a couple of steps backwards as she shimmied along to the song. ”I just wanna let you knoooow!” Aadya head banged as she placed the shotgun next to the Verpine and smirked. Oh yeah, she was ready.

She placed the music on pause so then she could change her comms over to speak to Voph. ”Ready when you are boss!” She said while she patted the thick tube that she had sitting next to her as she moved into place by her weaponry. Did she plan on having fun? Oh for sure. If anything one might think that she was a loose cannon, which was probably true for some of her species. However, with the smell of fresh gunpowder and sugar, she was definitely grounded and in her element. In fact, it was the thrill of a gunfight that got her as excited as she was. Pale blue eyes looked down the line of sight. Oh what would be first? The Maaws or Anti-Material Rifle. Choices, choices.

Patting the Maaws, she looked upwards to see the dropships that were dropping and she smirked. Oh yes, she knew what she was going to use first and she began to hum to her little tune even though she was still on comms with the rest of her unit. Aadya dropped down behind the Anti-Material rifle as she looked down at the slowly encroaching force and waited for the go ahead.



Intent to engage: Niamh Raste |
Equipment: Barad Special Ops Armor | The Laevateinn Blades | 4x Barad Impact Grenades |
Forces: Haha where'd they all go? Used to be 4 other Zealots now just one zealot and Kyrim |
Location: Near Niamh Raste and her (definitely not friendly) droid |


The descent wasn't any fun. Going from the opposite side, having entered the atmosphere before any of the gunships.

The shooting was happening at a different part, and Kyrim wasn't a part of it. Knowing that, he steeled himself for his mission. Him and his four zealots were to sabotage the Brynadul Hunter Droids commonly fielded by the Echani.

He spoke calmly over their comm, his focus on piloting his shard with finesse, as it made the task less boring.


Continuing their flight over the uninteresting terrain of Yurb, the five shards split up. First the ends broke off, veering in opposite directions, and then the remaining two (aside from Kyrim who was at the head) broke off at 45º angles, with Kyrim keeping his original course.

It was't long before one of the zealots gave a report, their finding was not useful and they were chided over the comms by every other member of Rhivak. But the zealot was persistent, stating twice that she had seen what looked like a head in the distance and wanted to scout it. Kyrim gave the zealot permission to move off course and do a fly-over, and he would come too.

Flying in at an arc with Kyrim half a mile behind the first shard, the head of a gigantic droid quickly became visible.

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F5)

Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

Hive pods streaked across the city skies, embedding themselves into building and streets alike. One crashed nearly between the sisters, causing Nida reflexively to initiate a Force bubble, pushing both Perls apart and encasing the strange pod. Whatever it was, it hadn’t exploded, and nothing had tried to disembark. Nida looked up in awe, face screwed in confusion. Perhaps it had been a faulty one?

Even as the group looked down upon the organic pod that had slammed into the ground, more were falling from the sky towards them. A cluster of them streaking down as a low hum grew. The sound reverberated through the air, shaking the windows of the nearest buildings.

Bright blue lights lanced across the sky above them and the next batch of pods vanishes in billowed clouds of flame. The hum became a screach as a wing of Twintail starfights flashed overhead.


"Alright Nexu Squadron, keep it tight. Do not break off. We are close air support for the civilians now. Engage airborne targets and large ground targets if there is sufficient clearance."

"Understood," Acaadi snapped back. He had never flown this close to buildings before. He let the Force guide his hand as he arced around a tower block. A gentle squeeze of the trigger and his laser cannons tore through another one of the Bryn'dal landers.

Several warning lights flashed across his console. His sensor winked out briefly.

"That was an EM pulse, my ECM suite and sensors are restarting," Acaadi called.

"Confirmed. Keep focusing on those drop ship...things..."

Objective: Kill them all
Location: Shield Generator Outpost, overseeing TDW and other combat unit deployments
Ally Tags: Kyyrk Kyyrk Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Niamh Raste Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Enemy Tags: Osam Osam Galak Galak Sethrak Sethrak Krarolk T'manu Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris Reosyvern Reosyvern Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Theme: All out war

No sooner had Sergei finished speaking than the first incoming rounds had started heading their way. He didn't reach for his rifle first, nor his hand cannon, the first thing he pulled out, was his recoiless rifle. He roared over local comms to all units who had them.


He shouldered the weapon, lined up the enemy's oncoming position and quickly lased the range. Making a small adjustment so that his rounds would impact just behind their front lines. This would ensure maximum damage and disruption of the rounds. And all across the formation, multiple M3 MAAWS weapons would be raised in a similar manner. Their HE payloads ready to lay down some hate on the enemy.

"CLEAR BACKBLAST!" Sergei would yell to those around them, letting them know to be clear of the rear of the weapon.

"Backblast clear!" Someone would answer. And across the formation of soldiers the exact same process would happen, taking only seconds.

"SHOT!" This would be the only word uttered before almost thirty 84mm High Explosive rounds were shot out at the oncoming enemies. The soldiers wouldn't wait for the rounds to impact before reloading, each assistant gunner pulling the spent casing from the MAAWS, loading a new round, this time a High Explosive Anti-Tank round, and sealing the weapon once more, before tapping their gunners to let them know they were loaded. And once more, Sergei would yell into the comms. And once more, the fire breathing MAAWS would roar its intention of utterly tearing the Bryn'adul apart with utter brutality. Where the first round were aimed at pieces of ground, causing massive explosions intent on causing wide spread death and destruction, High Explosive Anti-Tank rounds are designed kill very specific targets, using their explosive power to kill even tanks in other fields. Which meant that they would blast massive holes in whatever they hit. At this point, Sergei would set down his MAAWS, and pull up his HARM, and sight in the enemies approaching. He wouldn't have to wait long for the M2 14 mm Heavy Machine Guns to open fire on the enemy forces attempting to assault their position. Their tracers would make it look as though there was a solid beam of burning armor piercing death flying out of each gun, and with four guns to each wall, plus the emplaced laser cannons, they would be utterly lethal against anything with less than heavy vehicle grade armor. More MAAWS rounds would fire from the trenches and walls sporadically as the more rapid fire weapons began their engagements. And on top of it all, TCD-2Ds would bring their M-10 Heavy Disruptor Cannons to bear, firing massive Class-D disruptor shots designed to annihilate tanks at the oncoming Bryn.

But even that utterly devastating and brutal display of force wasn't the worst the The Dire Wolves were bringing to bear.

That fell to two Dire Wolf commandos holding macrobinoculars with laser rangefinders at their posts, and talking on their comms to the fire support. One of their numbers' words would be calm, collected, and almost cold as they would bring even more death from the sky.

"To all available support assets this is Arctic Fox Actual. Calling priority fire support mission to Hope, Gold Lead, and Hammer Lead. Fire for effect. Danger close attacks authorized. Gold Lead take approach East to West, maximum payload, Hammer Lead, North to South, gun run and all weapons free. Hope, requesting another ten rounds on grids marked Point Ferret and Point Weasel. Send High Explosive, and Armor Piercing rounds. Maximum dispersion. Out,"

All across the battle space, units that had been held in reserve for this very specific moment, now sprung into action. The three squadrons that had been orbiting Hope now went full burn on a dive towards their intended target, their targeting system pulling up the location, and calculating the best dispersion for their Archer and Hellfire Missiles. The three War Hound dropship squadrons that had been pulled back now took off and went full burn towards their own designated zone and did the same. And Hope, Hope reloaded her main Mjolnir Cannons, now loaded with a mix of 1600 mm High Explosive Rounds, and 1600 mm Armor Piercing High Explosive Rounds. Gunners would wait for the targeting system to line up their shots, which in atmosphere would take little to no time at all, and with practiced efficiency, unleashed hell upon the enemy. Over a hundred SIM-02 Archer Missiles would be unleashed on the enemy forces south of the shield generator's position, turning the field between the trenches and the enemy LZ into a hellscape for almost a kilometer. And in the east Hammer, Wyvern, and Dragon flights did the same, unleashing a harrowing barrage of almost one hundred and fifty SIM-06 Hellfire Missiles, which were designed to kill even the heaviest of tanks, while also firing their 35mm autocannons in a similar fashion. And then in the coup de grace to top all of that firepower off, ten rounds of Armor Piercing High Explosive and High Explosive rounds would slam into the zones directly to the east and south of the shield generator. These would take the previous carpet bombing of these zones, and turn what was already a brutal response to the Bryn'adul assault, and make the initial bombardments look like child's play.

The War Hounds and Dragons would peel off their attack vectors and return to Hope directly, the Dragons escorting the dropships as they all began their approach to land. And the moment those ships started touching down inside Hope, ground crews would immediately begin rearming the ships, getting new missiles and ammunition loaded onto the ships as quickly as possible. They knew each second those aircraft spent in the hangar, was a second they weren't giving the enemy hell. And while they hadn't expended all of their munitions, they had all expended a significant portion of fire power. If the Bryn'adul wanted all out war, The Dire Wolves would oblige them. They would burn them all down. They would destroy everything they threw at them. They would rain fire and brimstone down on their foolish heads for thinking they could just simply land in a combat zone where they did not own the skies, nor the space above them.

Sergei smiled for the first time in months as he sat and watched all of this unfold. Each of these rounds and firing points had been specifically selected and placed to ensure maximum casualties on the enemy and maximum effectiveness of rounds. Sergei had spent his entire life fighting in war. And if the Bryn'adul were going to underestimate him because of their cultural ideologies, then he was going to break them. Because rule number one of any fight, was to never, ever, under any circumstances underestimate your enemy. To never think that because you perceive them to be "weaker" that this will be an easy fight. To always assume that your opponent can and will be able to beat you.

The Dire Wolves would hold. Against all comers, they would hold.

The Dire Wolves have called in another air strike, specifically on the D7 and E8 sectors. In both of these sectors they have dropped another ten rounds from the Mjolnir Cannons on Hope of Armor Piercing High Explosive and pure High Explosive rounds. In D7 they have also fired 110 SIM-02 Archer Missiles to engage all targets in the zone. In E8 they have fired 144 SIM-06 Hellfire Missiles in a similar manner, along with firing their 35 mm Autocannons at range, before returning back to the Hope for rearmament.

On the ground, The Dire Wolves have brought their M3 MAAWS weapons to bear on approaching enemies, firing two volleys of approximately 30 rounds in total consisting of about half High Explosive, and High Explosive Anti-Tank rounds. On top of the M2 HMGs placed on the walls, and M-10 Heavy Disruptor Cannons have also opened fire as The Dire Wolves prepare for the enemy to close within small arms range.

Do PM or DM me if you have any questions!
Location: Edsert Outpost
Weaponry: Armor, Assault Rifle
Objective: Whatever I please.
Tag: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Luna Terrik Luna Terrik

"Sir, we got clearance to move out of the zone." A voice called through Haastal's helmet, causing him to slow his speeder as they approached the city's main gate. As they strode up to the city's main gate, Haastal leaned back on his bike, watching the metallic doors open to the column. He glanced over to one of the Rangers. "Let's go save some civis." Haastal said before waving a hand forward. "APC's hold the center between the M-5's! Rangers and Dauntless, let's take the lead!" He yelled out, before the entire column sped out of the city.

It was no sooner than the column rolled out of the city that the skies turned for the worst. Haastal's visor illuminated in a number of warning signals as the Mandalorian turned his eyes up to the heavens. No, that was not heaven, not even close. The Brynadul had already breached the planet's atmosphere and were preparing to set siege to the city. Haastal cursed, before calling out to the Ranger platoon that moved with them.

"We need to make this quick. We'll scoop up the civis, get them back to the city and then we can crush some of these freaks." He muttered. The column sped forward until finally they came upon the position they had been searching for. The transport convoy set to bring the citizens to the city had failed so short, and with few military assets to protect them. "Rangers, Dauntless, wheel around. Cav, get those civies loaded up. You got five minutes!" Haastal led the column into a turn, the commando and Ranger units passed by the civilian convoy while the armored units came to a halt beside them. The Mandalorian watched as the soldiers from the armored tanks rushed out, urging the civilians into the vehicles.

Pulling the rifle from his back, Haastal held it at a low ready while leaning back on his speeder bike. He watched as the Brynadul dropships flew down from the sky. All he could do was mutter into the comm. "Make that....three minutes."

He hoped they were that lucky.

The man tapped into his comm device, patching him into the War Marshal, Luna Terrik Luna Terrik . "Hey, War Marshal. You might be pretty pissed at me, but we're bringin' the civis back, we'll need a welcoming party to cover our asses." He said, knowing backup may be the difference between life and whatever the Brynadul would do to them.
Objective: Assault
Armour | Sword | Shield | Axe | Superior Draeyde |
Location; M'gaelak Siege Tower CC |
Allies: Osam Osam | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Krarolk T'manu | Drekarys Kel | Rahm Rahm | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt |
Enemies: Niamh Raste | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | The Monster The Monster | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt | Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt |
Intent to Engage: Ryv Ryv | P Placeholder 0128 | Elise | Sigrid Forsberg | Charlie Nooran Charlie Nooran |[Anyone else who wants to die] |

  • 200 Drones killed by warheads at D8
  • 300 Savage Drones killed by warheads at D8
  • 43 Brumaks killed by warheads at D8
  • 300 Drones killed by warheads at E8
  • Heldrak Dropship and 345 Drones killed at B7
  • 244 Drones killed at E1 by Reshmarr LZ attack
  • 52 Rhivaks killed at E1 by Reshmarr LZ attack
  • 120 Savage Drones killed at D1 by Reshmarr LZ attack
  • 2,350 Savage Drones killed at D7
  • 200 Rhivaks killed D7
  • 100 Brumaks Killed at D7
  • 1,500 Drones killed at D7
  • Fifty Hive Bombers hatched
  • All units protected in groups of 30 by 2,345 Quilxyn Protectors

F1 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
-One Servitor
-96 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 608 Drones
- 480 Savage Drones
- 8 Shamans
- 8 Ashaka Acolytes

E1 - 1 Hedlrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 96 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-060 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

D1 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 151 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks

-304 Drones
-120 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

C2 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 193 Rhivaks
-100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
- 240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

B3 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- 193 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

A4-6 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied per grid section

- 386 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones

  • 8 Shamans
  • 8 Ashaka Acolytes

B7 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- One
387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 354 Drones
- 480 Savage Drones

-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes

C8 - 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

-One Servitor
-Two Obaliscs
-193 Rhivaks
- 100 Brumaks
-304 Drones
-240 Savage Drones
-4 Shamans
-4 Ashaka Acolytes

D8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
-Two Obaliscs
-Five Seeker Units [500]
-387 Rhivaks
-167 Brumaks

-400 Drones
-180 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
-8 Ashaka Acolytes

E8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied

-One Servitor
-Ten Seeker Units [1,000]
- 387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
- 308 Drones

-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8
Ashaka Acolytes

F8 - 2 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied
- One
- 387 Rhivaks
- 200 Brumaks
-608 Drones
-480 Savage Drones
-8 Shamans
- 8
Ashaka Acolytes

G1-8 1 Heldrak Dropship/3 Nimscall Terraformer Occupied per grid section
- 1,544 Rhivaks [193 per grid]
- 800 Brumaks
-2,432 Drones
-1920 Savage Drones
-16 Shamans
-16 Ashaka Acolytes

C4-6 1 M'gaelakk Siege Tower Occupied per grid section
- 1,500 Rhivaks

- 1,500 Brumaks
-1,500 Drones
10th Regiment Brutes

D7 - Three M'gaelak Siege Towers Occupied /248 Dispersal Pods

  • 17,750 Savage Drones [Dispersal Pods]
  • 6,300 Drones [Dispersal Pods]
-1,300 Rhivaks
-1,400 Brumaks
-1,100 Drones
-1,500 10th Regiment Brutes

D6 - One Dropship

-Two Hundred Quilxyn
-Twenty Six Ra'maks

E4 & F5 50 Hive Bombers Occupied
Have not hatched yet

The raging fires of war would come for them all.

It was of no surprise to the command crews of the multiple Siege Towers as their enemy used the air to their advantage, by in large the Bryn'adûl forces had been cut off from their chance at air-superiority. But that did not make them helpless, the Siege Tower command sensors quickly alerted their forces upward in the valley of the in coming barrage of warheads, the Obaliscs turning to the sky, the incredibly tough hide of the Obaliscs allowed them to shrug off the direct fire from the Lergara's heavy turbolaser, instead of returning fire they turned their powerful beams to the air - blasting out scores of Missiles as they came, their massive wide-beams capable of taking down fighters made easy pickings of the warheads, however even so their reach was not all encapsulating, grid sector D-8 & E-8 was struck with dozens of warheads, however the majority were ion-based; a stroke of luck.

From the Dropships a top the valley, the remaining one-thousand and five hundred seekers would deploy to strike the trenches of their enemy, moving at speeds comparable to light-speeders under the enemy defences and exploding with enough firepower to take out a light-transport, of course some hundred were caught again by carefully placed mines, but they could not stop them all.

The Obaliscs would then turn their fire on the various bomber and fighter squadrons attempting to attack their dropships and siege towers, their multiple massive beam tendrils blasting missiles and fighters and bombers out of the sky in scores. The M'gaelak Siege Towers across Gird sectors C4 to 6 opened fire with their combined six-hundred Ballista's and twelve hundred spike turrets to open fire at the enemy positions at enemy defences all around them, also firing at the in coming bombers and their escort. The massive lumbering Siege Towers begin their slow movement forward, their tendrils would reach out to enemy large vehicle too close and attempt to tear it apart with their incredibly strong tendril-arms.

The Siege Towers outside of the Shield Outpost would too, act in equal measure. They would use their high RPM Spike turrets to focus fire on in coming missile and plasma fire from fighters and bombers, focusing the use of their Ballista's on the Outpost, capital grade weaponry blasting down massive shards of metal into the earth all across the enemy fortifications. Inside of Edsert, the Shamans of the Bryn'adûl would waken the Hive Bomers, black blood oozing profusely from their wounds as hundreds of tiny claws would tear them apart, releasing large waves of black vapour would explode out from their bodies, flickers of nightmarish flying creatures would be seen by those nearby as from each Hive Bomber, nine hundred
Draeyde would explode out from the innards of the Hive-Bombers, attacking everything in sight that wasn't Bryn'adûl. They would move like tendrils through the air, turning flesh and armour into mulched nothing as they skirted through streets.

Their forces below began to push into the enemy fortifications, fighting several various companions and groups of specialised infantry, Confederate and Silver Jedi alike. The Brutes of the 10th Regiment were the answer to that call, slowly pushing up and into close quarters, using their Maulers and Spikers to obliterate fleshling foes, their armour and skin soaking up blaster bolts like they tickled. Their Rhivaks would target enemy turret placements and light infantry, whilst the now position Brumaks would open fire with their powerful compounded chains of fire, blasting out spiralling black spheres that would explode inside of enemy positions, vaporising the enemy and their defences.

From above, Tathra raised his shield as dozens of fighters and bombers attacked both their Siege Towers and Dropships. Thankfully, even as the dropships were attacked their forces moved with great haste, escaping the massive blasts that turned their Landcraft into ruins. A trio of bombers darted overhead, one the Titan recognised from Kessel. The Titan sneered as the M'gaelak Siege Towers and their forces underneath were bombarded with some sort of gaseous vapour from the payloads of the Vessels, however it seemed the bioweapon withered and died around the extreme heat of Tathra's Axe, a curious development. Fear once more seized him as he looked over the edge to the battlefield, their initial forces cloaked in the bioweapons explosion. The Siege Tower itself was unaffected, and those protected by the
Quilxyn Protectors were likewise protected from the bioweapon. But for the few who had either strayed from the protection of their thirty-drael unit or had their Quilxyn destroyed - it would be too late before they realised what was happening.

And in those next few split-seconds much transpired. The City-wide shield was eliminated, urging each Siege Tower to release its bay of Gunboats, from all six Towers would release their two squadrons of fresh Gunboats, making a total of one-hundred and ninety fresh Gunboats spewing out from the confines of the Siege Towers, heading directly into the City, those that would arrive within the city would begin to cleanse entire areas for landing zones with their plasma throwers, scorching the earth all across the city, homes, children, parents and all of the feeble 'innocents' the Humans proclaimed to protect would be burnt alive in a molten explosion of flame.

From beneath, the three Servitors that had minutes before tunnelled under the surface would now attack the enemy fortifications, the Seekers having cleared the way of mines for them. One Servitor would go directly under the Shield outpost, causing the ground to rumble endlessly as it ate away at its foundations as the creature would rise directly through the bottom of the Shield Outpost, eating the Shield Generator and destroying the lower levels of the building as nearly half of its two-hundred metre long body would careen through the middle of the outpost. Another would target the Lergara, using massive body to weaken the ground beneath the large machines feet, hoping it would sink under its own weight. The third lay in wait.

In the midst of the chaos, the last Dropship that'd been caught by the Aura tractor beams finally broke free of its temporary chamber; crashing down toward the planet surface at incredible speed, slamming into the ground just beyond the Siege Towers attacking the Shield outpost, they had suffered without their compliment of
Quilxyn and air units, but now that was about to change. From the maw of the dropship came two-hundred Quilxyin, darting low toward the Siege Towers alongside an accompaniment of twenty-six Ra'mak War Beasts, immediately opening fire at the enemy vessels and bombarding missiles to lessen the efforts of the orbiting ships, but it simply would not be enough. The most far right Siege Tower cried out in pain, its legs buckling under its weight as the orbital bombardment continued, the right portion of its crown absolutely destroyed, revealing copious amounts of flesh and bone, skull fragments as the creature shrieked as it collapsed backward, in upon itself into the open waste.

But Tathra was fixated on something else entirely. The Bryn'adûl had never thought to use bioweapons of mass-destruction, to target individual genomes. A cowards weapon, the weapon of children afraid of the weakness of their flesh. Tathra felt cheated, wronged. Too far, too far. The Titan paced, now eager to join the fray, and whilst indeed the enemy provided challenge to their attack at the Shield Outpost, it was but a fraction of their forces. That knowledge gave him some joy amongst all this death, he could not allow the lost souls of his children to distract him from the task at hand. Their Siege Towers and forces would begin to move forward, meshing with enemy forces to make orbital bombardment a costly choice.

"Gunboat detachment Alpha, attack the enemy defences! Dispatch one Gunboat to my position." With Galak's mission complete, Tathra would take use of the remaining eighty or so Gunboats under his command.

From all around Edsert, the shield's destruction had left the city vulnerable and from all sides the Bryn'adûl forces that moved uncontested begun their siege of the enemy; thousands of Bryn'adûl Warriors shrouded in a great rid wave of mist moved on to Edsert, as their black horde encroached upon the city, so did the powerful terraformed climate of their homeworld. The two hundred Quilxyn, arriving to the siege towers would split into groups of forty, a detachment of forty each going to an individual M'gaelak and beginning to produce a protective shield overhead to defend against further bombardment. The Gunboats would move overhead, now assigned to defence duty alongside the Ra'maks.

Before entering the Gunboat, Tathra turned to the Primarch; exchanging a knowing look. This could be it, the last time he saw his old friend. Tathra struggled, banishing the thought from his mind as he gave one last order to his companion.

"Bury this city." As the Gunboat took off, Tathra called upon the
Superior Draeyde from the depths of the Siege Tower with a single word.


The horde of five-hundred Draeyde enveloped the Titan, forming an infinite shadow around him. As the Gunboat passed overhead, Tathra leapt down from its confines of the battlefield. As Tathra fell through the sky, his Axe ignited as it accumulated the kinetic energy of the fall, as the Titan slammed into the earth, landing just beyond the push of the 10th Regiment and inside of the ranks of Icarus Platoon AND Maul Company a massive red-wave of kinetic energy exploded out in all directions from where the Titan landed, it'd cut off the feet of anyone in its path. As he rose, the Draeyde swarmed around him; the Titan taking his Sword into his right as the Axe was held by the left.

"WITH ME!" The Crimson Titan bellowed, forcing all of the Bryn'adûl forces in the area into a forward charge; spurred by the arrival of their father, their creator. He would break their line alone if need be.

Tathra struck upward with the Axe, raising it from its embedded position in the ground slashing upward and cutting whatever stood in front of him in half, the Draeyde darting around him like an impervious shield as the Axe was spun between his index and thumb, cutting down another as he played into the upward moment of his initial strike, striking out right with the sword; bisecting a man with ease, the sheer momentum of his individual strikes sending bodies hurling into the mud and dirt, limbs tore from limb upon the force of the strikes. Tathra did not stop, a feverous rage sharpened his focus as the Draedye darted through throats of those approaching his exterior. His sword twirling in his right hand as he continued his momentum from movement to movement butchered his victims.


  • Obaliscs halt enemy bombardment
  • Seekers attack enemy fortifications near Shield Outpost
  • Obaliscs open fire at enemy vessels
  • Siege Towers use their Ballista's and Turrets to attack enemy positions/fortifications
  • Hive Bombers unleash Draeyde into city
  • Multiple unshielded squads of Draelvasier infected with xenophage
  • 10th Regiment forces move in close to enemy forces
  • Rhivaks and Brumaks attack vehicles/turrets/fortifications
  • Shield Goes Down
  • Gunboats from Siege Towers attempt to land in City, scorch earth beneath them with plasma-throwers.
  • One Servitor attacks the Shield Outpost, bursting through it
  • Second Servitor attempts to sink the Lergara
  • Dropship held by Reshmarr's tractor beam breaks free, lands and deploys Ra'maks and Quilxyn to protect remaining Siege Towers
  • Siege Tower dies due to orbital bombardment, other forces encroach upon enemy territory to make further orbital bombardments costly for enemy allies.
  • All around Edsert the Bryn'adûl forces begin their siege of the city
  • Galak's 83 Gunboats move to assist Ra'maks for control of the air.
  • Tathra delivers himself to the head of the 10th Regiment assault and enters the combat.
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Location: E7 - Shield Generator Outpost
Objective: Hold the Line
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron [Incoming] | SJO
Enemies: Bryn'adûl

Events were progressing quickly.

No sooner had they taken up positions atop the walls and towers than did the Byrn launch their assault, but they did not come unprepared. Before they even sent in troops, a vast sandstorm was summoned to cover the area with rusty-red particles. Thirdas had just enough time to put his helmet on or be rendered blind.

"Son of a bikkja," he cursed as his scope was made useless by the storm. Not much point to sniping when you cannot see farther than a few meters in front of you. "Gunny, I have no shot up here! I'm coming down to join you on the walls," he reported via comms.

Slinging his rifle over his shoulder he began to climb down from his height advantage atop a tall water tower -- Yurb is a desert planet after all. The strong winds made it a risky maneuvre, climbing down a rickety ladder in the middle of a sandstorm in full kit. He could barely hear the sound of blasters, let alone see the actually shots.

It was at that point some sort of EMP blast swept over the city of Edsert, knocking out equipment left and right. Thirdas was about halfway down the ladder when it reached him, messing with his cybernetics to a degree. His right arm and leg went limp, and he was left barely hanging on with just his left hand. Without the servos operating correctly his metal limbs became little more than dead weight.

"Argh," he let out a prolonged guttural grunt as he clung to the ladder with his one good arm, fighting for control over his prosthetics. "Father," he called out towards the skies. "Lend me... your strength!"

With great pains and force of will he was able to regain control of his remaining limbs, raising his metallic arm to grab hold of the ladder. His legs followed suit, finding a step further down. He hung on for a moment to catch his breath before proceeding down. By the time he set foot on solid ground he struggled to walk at first, but soon picked up the pace as the effects of the EMP blast waned.

He sprinted towards the fried shield generator, seeing a bunch of engineers working desperately to find a way to get it going again. One of them threw his hard hat in frustration, cursing and telling them it was useless.

The next moment the ground gave way, and from it erupted a gigantic worm-like creature devouring a good chunk of the facility along with the technicians, all before his very eyes. He recoiled from sheer shock of what had just transpired, but was soon forced to regain his focus as the vast beast reared up and appeared to prepare for another strike. Aimed straight for him.

Thirdas tapped into his Valkyri ancestry and pulled out his trusty battle axe. With a press of a button on the wrist of his gauntlet the jetpack on his back ignited and thrust him into the air, soaring up the creature's body until at eye-level. "You are one ugly mother--!"

The giant worm lunged forward, its sights set on the airborne warrior. Thirdas dodged to the side and raised his axe, countering the creature's attack with one of his own. The blade of his axe struck against the worm's fleshy hide, but it proved little more than a flea bite.

"ODIIR," he cried out as he shut off his jetpack and landed atop the creature's head.


Summary of actions:

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Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Help the Civilians
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern


Barrien disagreed with Tarish's assessment of the situation. It absolutely did matter how many were left because they weren't going to leave without making sure all the civilians were safe. He wasn't, anyway.

Before he could say something to that affect Ura told them to brace and he reacted on instinct by putting a bubble of the Force around their group and in front of the civilians. The debris cloud from the massive siege towers landing washed over them, leaving them unscathed, though the shaking of the ground was unabated by his efforts and still caused him to momentarily tumble to a knee before he righted himself. Moments later a blinding flash shattered the shield around the city.

"The shield is down," he said looking to the sky to see the enemy was coming.

He reached out through the Force to look for more survivors in the area and determined there was a small pocket of civilians holed up a short distance away that had not made it in with the group of survivors that they were alrezdy leading towards escape. He didn't want to leave them behind, but he also wasn't sure they would trust him so he only had one real option.

"I would but there's another group to rescue. Ura, come with me to get them. When we do so, we will take up rear guard on the group. Take good care of them, Tarish and Amani."

He motioned for Ura to come with him and set off at a jog. Undoubtedly Ura would feel the group nearby as well, and be equally interested in rescuing them, but they had to move fast. The enemy was within the city.
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Niamh Raste

Location: Edsert Shield Outpost
Objective: Defend the Outpost
Units: 40 Bryn'adul Hunters | 2 Monsterjagers | 400 EMBU mk4's | 4 Sensenmann | 5 Echani Moonwrought
Gear: Blades | Armor | Circlet | Ring
Intent to Engage: Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris
Indirectly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Great beams of energy lanced towards twof the Sensenmann and struck their shields. They were powerful enough to knock the droids back a step, but the shields on the droids were designed to protect them from such attacks for at least a short time. They would be quite useless if a single shot from a ship could wipe them out, let alone these creatures on the distant cliff. It was still forcing her to shift their priorities, even as the siege towers landed and caused a ruckus. Too many shots from those beasts and the Sensenmann would go down.

"One and two target the creatures," she called to the Sensenmann. "Three and four target the clif face beneath them."

Two heavy megamasers would target the creatures while the other two targetted the cliff. In addition, they fired a volley of torpedoes towards theeir targets. Probably overkill, but better safe than sorry. She especially wanted to disrupt their footing on the cliff in case they didnt fall directly to the targetted strikes. Taking the beasts down was of utmost importance.

Her other troops had spotted the srrvitors and other creatures that were now burrowing and as such had activated numerous drilling depth charges, intelligent droids capable of taking down underground foes, and sent them digging. One of the Moonwrought had also sent their droids into battle with the Bryn forces. The Hunters wre especially suited to fighting these beasts and the EMBUs were good enough to take many down as well. This would not be an easy battle for the Bryn, and they would lose great beasts, too.

She was about to direct the next volley of attacks when Beta, standing behind the Sensenmann, indicated enemy crsft incoming. She turned in time to spot them, and watched as the orbalisk point defense laser mounted on his shoukder opened fire on the shards. She had known big droids would be a target for flying vehicles and so had built them with appropriate defensive measures. If they could take down the shsrds they could move in and neutralize the beasts within them.

"Attention Moonwrought," she sajd into her comlink. "Send in everything. It's time we show these beasts what they're messing with."

If the use of EMVI wasn't enough, and unless they killed it entirely it would contknue to feed and grow, then her droiss and soldkers, with the backing of Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr and his rangers, along with the others, would be. They were not going to lose.

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Location: Yurb
Objective: Defend Yurb
Allies: Reshmar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

On Board Concordia
The Concordia moved into a stationary orbit above the enemy landing zone. The vessel endeavored to stay in orbit as it continuously burned retro thrusters to keep its incredible mass in a fixed position. The remaining bombers landed on the left hanger pod and their members shared a moment for their lost family. Blue one spoke to his pilots then dismissed them for a ten-minute break while the bombers were being rearmed for a second run. “One, Sir, Thank you’” said Blue five as he walked up and hugged the man. “I am proud to serve under you sir.” said the young pilot as One stood staunch then relaxed a bit “You are welcome Five, now go get ready. We have more hurt to bring to these bastards” said One as the pilot released him and turned to walk away. One walked away to a ready room and sat down to let all that had happened sink in. He had lost pilots before and it was never easy. It never got any easier. He would have to send holos out to their families once this was over. That was the worse part of the job. Looking at their loved ones in the eyes and telling them their loved ones would not be returning. That their lives were over but they would survive and would move on someday. He knew his words would mean little to them at that moment but also knew anything he could say to give them some semblance of hope for a future without their family, their husbands, their sons, their daughters, their wives. Any Word gentle as they were to aid these shattered lives would find them grateful one day. “Bule squadron ready” came an announcement over the loudspeaker on the hanger deck. Colonel Mays stood and walked back out into the hanger. His pilots already boarding their bombers and ready for some payback. He hoped they kept their head on out there. They had just lost friends and the need to seek revenge was not a good trait in battle. He would keep them on a leach once they started down. It was him he was more worried about. To his left the members of Jester squadron also readied themselves adding another six bombers to the two already deployed. He walked to his bomber and nodded to his second. “Let's go see if we can not slays some monsters”

Yurb Space​

Reshmar watched the holodisplay which floated above the table as the battle unfolded above Yurb. The seven ships of his formation moved at full speed away from the battle at a thirty-degree angle allowing the ships long hull, built for broadside fighting to bring more of its batteries to bear once they reached optimal range. It was then alarms and klaxons began to ring out across the fleet. “Sir new contacts, right above us sir. Three large unidentified objects as sixty meters and closing. The lights flickered a second later then came back online. Reshmar thought for a moment then realization shadowed his face and he swung his seat around. “Tactical, Lock all Aura pressors on those objects. Push then away,” ordered Reshma. The Tactical commander did not bother to give any indication that he heard the order and began giving his tactical officers orders. The twelve massive Tractor Pressor beams came online and locked onto the creature in the distance reducing its mass and pushing it away. The forty-eight Hansen FeatherTouch tractor beam projector turrets swung around and locked on the five hundred meter creature to assist in moving it away from the Battle carrier. Likewise, the Hespera and Juventas began performing the same operation. A moment later the thousands of defensive weapon systems opened up on the creatures sending out laser bolts, Ion Bolts, Proximity mines. The defensive countermeasure batteries quickly loaded and fired plasma charges and ion canisters at the creature. Reshmar looked at the hologram and saw more of the creatures on other ships in the main formation and the station. “Coms, Order Concordia to assist the station with that thing.” Ordered Reshmar as he watched the creatures and the vessels on the hologram. He considered his options for a split second then formulated a plan. The power across the ship flickered once again as the creature's field slowly drained the energy from the ships. The redundant mon calamari engineering that went into the vessels paid for itself now as the triple power redundancies kept the power on. The twelve layers of shielding pulsed but stayed online as layer after layer fell then came back online. Adjacent projectors covering the then affected ones.

“Helm fire up the Motivators Give me a point zero one jump!” ordered Reshmar making sure the crew at the helm stations heard him. A man nodded then bent over giving orders to his officers. Reshmar looked back to the hologram as his seat swung back to face it. A hail of fire lit up space above the three battle carriers at their point defense systems fires continuously on the creatures above them. Reshmar watched as weapon emplacements lost power temporarily as the field reached out to drain them. The heavy pressors struggled to keep the beast at distance giving the fleet time to pull off a jump. Thirty seconds seemed like forever as the motivators charged up and readied themselves. “Sir Hyperdrive Motivators primes. Microjump at your command. “Reshmar nodded to the man being the only order he needed. The seven ships of the formation disappeared into hyperspace for a tenth of a second appearing one hundred and fifty kilometers away on their original course.

A silent hush fell over the fleet as the gun crews stopped firing and the ships of the fleet recovered. Reshmat took a moment to still his mind. This enemy was something like he had never faced. Their technology seemed impossible. It defied physics in a way and he nor his engineers could determine how much of it worked. “Captain assess the damage and bring us back to action status,” said Reshmar as he and his crews relaxed for a brief moment before continuing their mission.

Action Report
Yurb Atmosphere
All bomber squadrons rearming
Reserve Bomber squadron prepared for launch.

Yurb Orbit
Fleet moving on course at a 30 degrees angle away from battle.
Heavy pressor/tractors locked onto Debauchers above vessels pushing them away from ships.
Standard tractors assisting in moving Debauchers
Opened fire with defensive weapons on Debauchers above vessels.
Microjumped 150000km on their original course to clear themselves of the Debauchers.
Ordered Concordia to assist the station with its Debaucher problem

Location: Shield Generator
Allies: SJO l Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield l Rangers
Enemies: TB l Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Objective: Repel Enemy Assault

Hopeless again, wandering embodiment of sin.

Cast aside all faith and all belief, death your only relief.

There is no end, there is no beginning, there is only the sin.

Drown, little man, drown.

He fell down, taking the machine gun with him as the red-sand peppered the air around him. His helmet worked into overtime, trying to correct his vision. He was thankful for it, and also his Katarn armor. He tightly gripped the machine gun, ripping it free of the apparatus that held it to the position. No, this was now a moving fight.

He took stock of his surroundings, getting a sound-off from the soldiers on the wall. He evaluated the situation, knowing that they couldn't fall back any further. Tulan turned his head to the advancing horde.

Then turned back to the men in the wall, who were looking at the Raider with fearful, but angry eyes. Anger was good, anger was righteous. They needed to be angry. Tulan didn't have a way to communicate, radio wasn't back up. Comms were down, they needed to communicate. Alternative signal plans- green flares. Red for retreat- green for attack.

He removed it from his belt, angling it up and high- and slapped the bottom. Flare went out, cutting through the sand. Green flare went up, lighting the area in a dull-green aura. A chorus of angry screams, men eager to kill and willing to die to accomplish it. Tulan was the first to reconvene... moving to the broken defensive position. The monsters were coming through. The first thing they met was not a handful of worthy foes, but a singular man, with a singular goal-

and a fully loaded machine gun.

Bryn troops made it through the opening in the wall, only for red-hot plasma bolts to literally rip them to shreds. Tulan was shouldering the machine gun, the recoil making his body retract and push forward, while he screamed from the inside of his helmet. He knew this was where the fight was. Tulan Kor, however, was bringing the fight directly to the Bryn- and attacking, and along with other Ranger elements, into their attack. A counter-attack for the history books, if he had to guess. Their speed, violence of action, and skillset would prove them victorious, not their numbers. A lot of people threw a big pile of bodies at a problem, hoping numerically they'd win.

That sort of thinking probably worked when everyone had a sword. Against fully automatic weapons? Less so effective. Not like he took to the Bryn for tactically thinking sorts. They were that sort that favored honor or the hunt or the slaughter or what have you, less so the intricacies of working a problem. To Tulan, combat was a puzzle, constantly shifting. Others saw some glorious bounty, some mantle to hang on the wall. Tulan was a tactically minded person. The glory of combat never interested him, the objective did. And anyone who was focused on the glory, never was focused on the victory. Tulan's expertise was killing, and with a machine gun in hand, Katarn on his body, and a head full of anger-

The battlefield was an easel, and Tulan was going to paint his masterpiece.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things


// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //



As the white streak of Elise dropped from the battlements, Ryv considered the word. He spoke it aloud, barely above a whisper, seemingly tasting the world on his tongue. Just like everyone else, he knew the meaning of the word. He even had friends, people he'd fight fo without a second thought, but those friends became far more to the Jedi Knight. Maynard, a brother in arms, one who saw past Ryv's flaws and trusted him all the same. And Loske, more than a mere friend in Ryv's heart. She stood at his side far more than anyone else in the galaxy, taking on injustice without hesitation. He loved her as one would a sister. In both cases, things weren't quite as rocky as they were with the 'Silent Beacon.' Loske and Maynard came from a violent upbringing, prepared from a young age to do the work the common man feared, regardless of the outcome. That same upbringing carried them into danger, not unlike the invasion going on around him. What of Elise? Ryv stepped onto the parapets after her, watching the woman weave through the defending forces below with elegance befitting only a Jedi Master.

Cedric's words interrupted his apprentice's thoughts, pulling his attention from the specter drifting away from the walls. His words struck a chord within Ryv, reminding him of Allyson, the woman who abandoned him for some higher purpose. He felt his breath catch, his heart skipping a beat as he caught himself. Abandoned? No, the mission. Allyson Locke did not abandon the Jedi Knight or his cause. She dedicated herself to where she could most be of use.


"Its hard, Cedric," Ryv finally spoke up, a hand fidgeting with the mask he wore, not dissimilar to Cedric's own face plating. "When I look at them," his hand motioned out towards other Jedi on the field. "Any of 'em, I think of my old man. I can't help but feel like he'd still be here if the Silvers didn't abandon the Core," he spoke up between Cedric's two points, going quiet at the mention of Ryv's title. Whether he wanted it or not, Wyatt bestowed the title on him. Ryv wasn't meant to lounge about in the temple anymore, fixing ships and renovating rooms. "Yeah, you're right," he muttered softly, watching Cedric disappear over the battlements next. Ryv stepped up next, balancing on the ledge, gauging the distance between him and the ground. "What do you think, pops?" his gaze shifted heavenward, trying to catch sight of the stars hidden far beyond the ships racing above, or the peacefully drifting clouds, a stark contrast to the raging battle below. "What am I supposed to do?" the Kiffar's questions, not unlike the tension of the battlefield, hung within the air. No answer came, leaving the unsheathed Sword without personal direction.

"Should've known that wouldn't of worked," Ryv shook his head before stepping forward, plummeting to the earth below. He took a deep breath, his hands pushing outward as his breath escaped him, mirroring the flowing motions of his body. The Force answered his call. wrapping around him like a soft blanket. His legs strengthened as his descent slowed enough to keep him from shattering against the floor. Instead, Ryv landed with cat-like finesse, his hand slamming against the field to enhance his balance. He straightened and moved after Cedric, keeping an eye on the back of the Jedi Lord's head. As he caught up to the two masters, the sound of chanting overtook the battlefield. Thousands of creatures cried out in unison. It sounded of a single, guttural thunderclap echoing across the field, warning of distant danger. Living weapons inched closer, burrowing, crawling, marching, and flying ever closer to the allied forces standing between them and their prize. The rolling thunder grew louder as their monstrous marching beat like drums of war upon the dirt, that distant threat only growing closer, like an arching bolt of lightning as it lit up a dark winter's night.

"They're coming," Ryv hurried forward, pushing past the rows of soldiers lined up between him and Cedric. He felt the familiar presence of their leader leagues away, joined by another powerful presence within the Force. "The shaman," he narrowed his eyes, searching the battlefield for both, only managing to notice the towering aberrants tamed by their genocidal masters. "Cedric! I feel them, they're coming," Ryv finally managed to push past the last group between him and the duo. "Tathra, I can feel him approaching," he stopped beside the Jedi Lord and Jedi Master. "I can feel his Force user as well, they are there," he lifted a gloved hand as he spoke, pointing towards a distant monster, its silhouette on the horizon reminiscent of a titanic crown. "By the Will of the Force, we are bound to face them. There isn't anyone else who can do it, master."

Regardless of the others, Ryv turned and pushed onward. Each step carried him closer to the charging offensive. The Sword of the Jedi was just that, a sword. Beside him, the allied forces of the Silver Jedi Order and Cedric's military charged alongside him. Not unlike the monsters set out to face them, the Ashla's soldiers took up their own battle cry, screaming to the infinite azure, ensuring their voices would be heard in their final moments. Ryv pushed ever-forward, clearing the distance between him and the front of the charge. His body blurred as the Force coalesced around him, carrying him at supernatural speeds, impossible for the common man to replicate. Breaking ahead of his allies, Ryv took up the intricately carved Blade of Ruusan, a cyan blade exploding from its hilt, the legendary Jedi weapon illuminating the battlefield. Its beautiful song spilling over those at Ryv's back, a soothing calm washing over their hammering hearts.

The two forces crashed against one another in a tangle of bodies and cries of pain. Ryv's lightsaber flashed from left to right, batting aside a brute's heavy-handed grip with Force imbued strength. The Jedi Knight thrust outward, a rolling wave of invisible energy crashing against the giants of the 10th regiment, sending a number of them tumbling to the ground, Ryv's will breaking even their mighty strength. Without slowing, he pressed forward, the crowned beast in his sights, the warlords atop it his marks.
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Location: Dropping in, not far from the Shield Generator.
Allies: Silver Jedi
Enemies: Bryn'adul

He saw the shielding short, and the massive beast that took a massive bite out of the shield generator. It seemed nothing short of impossible, that massive beast and the carnage, but it was far too late now to process everything he was seeing. The King had only time to react. They had entered the strafing stage. Covering fire from the freighter was all they would get, the only line of defense between them and enemy fire.

Enlil had two grenades, but he saw someone who needed the effects of one far more. As they rocketed past, he ripped the pin out and lobbed the ordinance toward where Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield and the massive beast were engaged. He hadn't asked what the medicine might do to non-Bryn'adul species, but the Thyrsians had said it was engineered to specifically target their genetics. The gas canister hit the carnage somewhere close to the battered shell of the shield building, and the payload began to hiss outward and cloud. It sought to cling to anything of the target species and set to work. ( Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus )

Enlil, however, had no time to gauge where his shot landed. He was the first of the three to drop, and the other two had places they needed to be. Without a second thought, as they came into the once shielded area, the King stepped clear of the ship and fell toward the ground, closing his eyes as he went.

There was nothing but chaos, war, and death all around. He exhaled, and as he touched the ground, he came lightly to a knee. The dirt felt almost soft as he finished his landing, and he took a deep breath.

It was time for this world to come to order.

Osam Osam
Equipment: Ura's Lightsaber
Location: Edsert
Tags: Amani Serys Amani Serys Barrien Siegfried Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Gir Quee Gir Quee Kyyrk Kyyrk Osam Osam Niamh Raste Enlil Enlil Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Elise Luna Terrik Luna Terrik Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol The Monster The Monster Reosyvern Reosyvern Tarish Galland Nida Perl Nida Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei

Ura's body structure almost seemed to loose grip for the last second of her Force Barrier, slightly falling before reforming into her almost human looking appearance. She looked around and heard Tarish, her eyes narrowing as he said that it didn't matter who was left. She spoke up, and while she didn't have any emotion on her voice an annoyance, and possibly anger, flashed through the Force. "Tarish, these are my people! Just because the shields down doesn't mean they don't matter!" Yes, it wasn't what he meant, but she was stressed right now! It was like whatever they did didn't even slow the Bryn down. She was scared of what they would do to her people. She'd heard elders talk about the Empire, and she didn't want anyone to have to go though that.

Barrien then spoke up, telling the Lervon to follow him. She looked and nodded to the knight, following him towards the sense of the people in trouble. She looked around, quickly slicing into some bat thing that came close. Her lightsaber making quick work of it. "Why would they use things like this? They can't harm a Lervon."


Location: Orbit, Glasser Alpha.
Fleet: 1 Glasser Station (Glasser Alpha): Hull 100%, Shield 75% (Power fluctuation), Storm-Bringer: Hull 100%, Shield 90% (Power fluctuation), 15 Arquitens-class Light Cruiser: Various hull damage, 10 Deathseed squadrons (10 ships downed), 4 Y-TIE squadrons (5 ships downed) (1 Cumulonimbus Flextube Arc Cannon and one Flextube load of V-6 Arc Torpedoes)

As the battle continued, Glasser and Storm-Bringer were surprised as the the Debauchers that appeared above. The ISD simply pressed forward with it's engines at full throttle, and turned all its weapons on the strange ship as the star destroyer moved as fast as it could away. It was no hope though. The vessel also began to charge it's arc cannon once again, preparing for another strike before the power started fluctuating. Glasser Alpha meanwhile fired up into the vampire as its power began to fluctuate. The Station Commander looked at his officers, calling out through the comms before they would begin to drain as well.

"We need people outside to attack that thing! Make them regret tangling with us!" At the order, the already opened vents were used to quickly allow the sand-like beings to emerge onto the hull of the station. They looked up, forming their arms into sword like weapons before rotating the crystals like a buzz saw in an attempt to hurt the large being. One even began to smash into it like a sand-blaster, hoping to cut into the body of the beast.

Meanwhile, the light cruisers continued to fight, changing their fire of arc torpedoes and turbolasers into the Butcher that had already been attacked by the Glasser. Meanwhile the Deathseeds continued to push against the enemy fighters, using their agility and fire power to out do their swarming opponents. The Y-TIEs would continue to bombard the enemy Butcher with their arc torpedoes, and would aim for fighters with their turrets, laser cannons, and arc cannons.

  • Glasser Alpha is latched onto, but fires while it has the chance, and Lervon attack from the outside.
  • Storm-Bringer tries and fails to move away from the Debaucher above it, firing it's main batteries into it. Point defense focuses on fighters.
  • The Arquitens-class ships do their best to avoid fire, while unleashing everything they have on the attacked Butcher.
  • Deathseeds target fighters.
  • Y-TIEs target a Butcher and fighters.


Surface Forces: Approved Tech Lergara, 150 Lervon Militia Volenteers, 3 Y-TIE squadrons (Armed with V-6 Arc Torpedoes) (4 fighters downed)

The Lergara let out another call as the shield went down. It looked left, then right before walking closer to the coming hordes. Charging could be heard within its head again, but this time there was an arcing sound. The head opened again as a torrent of electricity, like lightning, flew from the behemoths cannon. As it did this, one of its feet sunk into the ground, like there was nothing there to hold it.

At the same time. The Lervonian soldiers were taking advantage of the dust kicked up by the Towers. They blended right in. They used this to quickly get behind the Bryn and attack! They would shoot them, constrict their necks, or even filling the enemy's throats and lungs with their own bodies. These beast were well equipt to fight organics, but that wasn't the people the lived on this world. Lervon weren't easy to put down, or stop.

In the air the Y-TIEs switched their targets, firing on the gunships with their torpedoes set to proximity. They were going to stop this slaughter, one way or the other!
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Krarolk T'manu

INTENT TO ENGAGE: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser | Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Open to engage up to 2 others as Krarolk or any member of the Zealot Elite trio
ENGAGING: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

A large rock hurtled in the direction of the trio, coming from their right flank.
The bulkier heavy weapons specialist Elite turned to face the boulder, putting himself between the rock and the other two Elites. He wound his fist back before releasing a punch, his heavily armored hand smashing the rock into dozens of smaller pieces. With the immediate threat averted, the trio turned their attention to the source of the disruption, seeing an unidentifiable humanoid about ten meters away.

"Krarolk, you handle this one." ordered his Commander, gesturing to the figure. "Abvor, defend the rear of the Byrn force and make sure no one else flanks us. I'll go with the main army into the city, I'll see you all soon."

"Yes, sir!" replied Krarolk and Abvor, the Baedurin brawn of the Zealot trio. The two left for their individual tasks, eager for a taste of Jedi blood.

Krarolk ran towards the figure, pulling out his throwing axes. There was roughly eight meters between them, which was a fairly short range compared to Krarolk's usual tosses. However, the closer distance worked in Krarolk's favor, allowing him to strike with greater force while relying less on long-distance accuracy. The Zealot Elite called upon the pool of spiritual energy (the Force) within him, imbuing his axes with improved durability and slicing power. They glowed a faint green color, a sign of their imbument. Krarolk wound his hands back and tossed both axes at blinding speed, each with his right hand. The first was directed at the descending figure's chest, while the second aimed for the center of their face.

Abvor, while jealous of Krarolk for finding a rival so rapidly, obeyed his orders and left the dueling pair behind. It seemed as if the Byrn flank had been infiltrated, and the operative that Zealot Krarolk was engaging was likely only one of a larger force. It would be Abvor's responsibility to ensure that no other Jedi soldier slipped behind the Byrn'adul army, even if it meant abandoning an immediate kill. The sand around the Elite revealed no secrets, yet he knew not to let his guard down. The survival of the crusading army was on the line, and he would not cease in his zeal until it had been ensured that Yurb had become a Byrn'adul stronghold.

The Zealot Elite Commander had merged with the main Byrn'adul army near the Jedi outpost and was present when the Distortor brought down the shields of the planetary capital. He charged forwards with the horde, evading gunfire that penetrated the Protectors and keeping his own rifle in its holster. He approached one of the Majors of the Brutes and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Major, have there been any new enemy formations detected on our front?" asked the Commander.

"Yes." replied the Major. "I've heard reports of enemy movement in a second outpost directly in front of our position."

"Do you have a spare Skag that I could borrow?" asked the Zealot Elite Commander.

"I do." replied the Major, pointing towards a riderless Skag a few meters to his right. "But why are you doing this alone?"

The Commander ignored the Major's question, and leapt onto the Skag before the Major could stop him. He gripped its reins and steered it away from the Brute army, leaving the Major dumbfounded. For this mission, the Commander did not need much company, if any at all. His marksmanship was exceptional, and without their shields, he would be able to safely snipe important targets without interference. The rifle on his back had a range of nearly two kilometers, and the Commander could arc his aim to push its limits even further. Without any further hesitation, the beast and his mount tore across the barren desert towards the second outpost.


Equipment: In bio
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Tarish Galland, Barrien Siegfried, SJO and Friends
Planned Engagement: Reosyvern Reosyvern

Amani shook as the shockwave rippled throughout the city, though spared from the brunt of it by the barrier. What really scared her was seeing the city shields go down. Her eyes widened and she felt a pit form in her stomach. The city was vulnerable now. Tarish’s view on remaining civilians only further upset her. And upon hearing that there were more civilians to rescue, Amani nearly sprang at the chance to help them, pausing as Barrien told her to stay behind. “What? No! I’m coming too! I’m not staying in the back while people might be in danger!” The mirialan pushed passed them and into the direction of the civilians.

Swarms of bat-like creatures had been unleashed throughout the city now, and while they might not hurt Lervon, they could hurt her. Amani skidded to a halt as some of them flew at her, attempting to slide to the ground and failing to avoid the first one just too late. She cried out in pain as it struck her, raking deep gashes into her left arm. Falling into the sand as the rest flew over, she got up slowly and looked back up at the swarm. Frustration practically radiated off of her, and could be felt by the other Force users. Raising her functioning arm, Amani clenched her fist and gripped several of them with the Force, angrily pulling and slamming them into the ground below.

She stumbled up once the creatures had seemed to move away from them. Her sleeve dampened with blood, the wounds visible through the torn cloth. Amani touched it gingerly, the painful sting causing her to recoil. Amani switched her grip to the tunic, ripping off the sleeve and tying it around her arm as a makeshift tourniquet. It would slow the bleeding at least, and given all the distractions, she didn’t have time to try and heal it entirely, if she even could. There were people to rescue. She turned back around to the direction of the civilians, resuming her efforts.

Amani pursued a group of remaining civilians despite the Knights' plans to pair up. She was injured by one of the Drayede, weakening the use of her left arm, and she retaliated by throwing several of them into the ground. She then continued heading towards the civilians.
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Location: Yurb High Orbit, Far Side
Objective: Interdict and Bryn fleet, Relieve Aurelion
Allies: SJO and friends ( Gir Quee Gir Quee ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova Juno Nimue Nimue Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou )
Opposition: Bryn (Ver'kad Inuk Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir )

It had been a good move for Jyoti to revert her forces on the far side of the planet rather than jump into the battle immediately. It gave her a few precious moments to read the battle flow and strategize accordingly. Meanwhile, her fleet had time to reorganize into smaller units without being harassed by the enemy.

Planning was over, it was time to act.

"Red and Blue Squadrons initiate flanking maneuvers, pattern Sigma. Ingress from the North Pole. Black Squadron, pattern Theta, ingress from the South Pole. White Squadron will maintain our position here."

Red and Blue, consisting of her quartet of artillery cruisers and escorts, promptly broke off from the main body and began to chug along to the North Pole of Yurb. Meanwhile, her trio of stealth frigates pitched forward and traveled to the opposite pole. The Pantera had deployed their complement of fighter bombers, but instead of the strike craft trailing or screening their motherships, each one was lodged on the outer hull with their cloaking field active. Likewise, the stealth systems of the Pantera were also active. In this state, it would be exceedingly difficult to detect them, especially as they were moving out of the shadow of the planet.

As per usual, the Echani always operated with several vectors of attack. Her shiny artillery cruisers were positioning as not only the first wave of assaults, but also a distraction as her stealth ships proceeded with the next phase of attack.

"Distress signals from one of the Silvers," Dardec relayed. "A Jedi pilot, requesting an emergency dock."

Okkeus Dainlei:

Just then another star fighter blasted the Byrn’adul craft into pieces. But that didn’t fix my broken engine. I was a sitting Mynock out there. My comms cackled to life as I called for help.

“My engine is busted! Requesting dockage on any ally ship. Repairs needed badly!”

I waited for a reply as the carnage unfolded in front of me. We had to win this. It is our only shot.

She nodded as she trailed a gloved finger over one of her tactical displays, first noting the pilot's IFF and then the position of her Capital Squadrons relative to the Jedi Knight.

"Knight Dainlei, this is Master Nooran," she replied on the encrypted channel he had used. "If you can make it, then head to the North Pole to rendezvous with my cruisers. You can dock there for repairs and rearm if you need it. Not sure what you were doing before, but my units are preparing for bombing runs against the Bryn capital ships."

While awaiting a response, she returned her focus to the wider battle at hand. Her recon drone had detected new hostile contacts reverting from hyperspace, bearing down on the Directorate ships and Yurb battle stations. Renderings from the drone's meshed sensors revealed massive tentacled creatures reminiscent of an octopus. She had never encountered one of these biots personally, but she took an educated guess that were constructed for latching and boarding actions. The Bryn loved to get up close and personal when it came to space combat.

Unfortunately for them, so did she.

Soon, she would unleash her own little horrors.

"Also, about your BM specialist, I just received word from an adjunct on the's a Padawan."

The Echani raised an eyebrow. "A Padawan?"

"Yes...and a child at that. Aurelion Nova."

The name didn't ring a bell - whole generations of new Jedi had risen since her retirement from the Silver Order - but she found the revelation no less troubling. She had nearly panicked letting her daughter go to war. This was no place for children. She sacrificed to protect them from such misery.

"He's fading..." Dardec continued. "There's so many of us, that he may be strained, not to mention the psychic maelstrom being generated by the Bryn. It makes my skin crawl, not even the Sith do this."

Shutting herself off from the wider churn of the Force, she could only faintly feel what the fellow Jedi Master was describing. However, faint as it was, that same gnawing presence she felt on the astral plane was growing stronger. The Padawan couldn't be left to face this alone.

"Dardec, take over command. You already have the plan...He needs me."

The Krill nodded, and Jyoti relaxed in her seat, opening herself back to the Force and finally accepted the flickering connection of the Battle Meditation. Aurelion and his companions would now be able to perceive her clearly in the Force now, but now so could the Bryn's telepaths.

It was hard to articulate the character of one's aura with words, each one so ethereal that mere mortal description did them little justice. Still, one word did come to mind.


To the enemy psychics within the ranks of the Bryn, she would appear like a wicked blaze, ready to bring conflagration on all those who challenged her. But to her friends, she was pure radiance, providing illumination through the encroaching darkness. For now, she focused her efforts on the latter, trying to relieve the Padawan and share his burden, if he would allow it. are not alone.


The former Grandmaster now stood with her new charge.

Summary of Actions:
Deployed Cruisers and Frigates for flanking manuevers. Flagship and escorting corvettes remain on far side of the planet in reserve.
Answered Dainlei's distress call and directed him to dock with one of my cruisers.
Opened self back up to the Force to buff Aurelion as he struggles to maintain Battle Meditation.

Fleet Comp:
1x Akula Heavy Destroyer - Athrun's Resolve (Flagship)
4x Draken Heavy Artillery Cruisers
- 4x Fencer Kai Droid Fighter Squadron (96)
3x Pantera Stealth Frigates
- 3x Yutan Stealth Fighter Bombers (36)
2x Bellopohon Carrier Frigates
- 8x Bobcat Interceptor Squadron, Interceptor Configuration (96)
24x Kobold Blastboats
20x Kometa Ramships

1x Sowa Stealth Recon Drone
1x Jehuty Superiority Fighter (Personal Fighter)
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Location: D7 Siege Tower, Yurb
Objective: Engage, Explore, and Cripple a Siege Tower at D7
Allied Command: Confederacy of Independent Systems & Silver Jedi Order
Enemy Command: The Brynadul
Equipment: NX Harvester | TDW L-7 Pistol | NX Shroud | Micro-Light Shield | Jam Buster Comlink | Bayonets | CryoBan Grenades | Smoke Canisters | LNK Scythe Fighter

Nyx strode through the hollowed, behemoth of a creature. She'd found a means of ascent toward its lofty heights, though the lift didn't seem to quite respond as expected. Was it stuck? Were there blockages? Perhaps she was using the controls incorrectly. That the lifts stopped far short of the intended destination, however, was not as inconvenient as it might seem.

Sure, the longer this took the more people outside could die, but Nyx's expectations were tempered by logical and rational, statistical analysis. The 'Heroic' simulation of rushing to the top, magically reverse engineering a bio-vessel, and then disabling or destroying it would be a victory and aid in the battle. One Siege Tower. Among many. Surrounded by many other creatures or hostile lifeforms. It would not be helpful in the grand scheme of things, only in bolstering her ego or the overwhelming desire to 'contribute.' Nyx had no such motivation.

True, she wanted the Jedi to live. They were a worthwhile ally. The Bryn'adul were also the enemy, and one should support those that would fight at your side against your enemy. Nyx had no delusions to think these creatures could be reasoned with. She'd studied all of the reports involving encounters with their kind and none of them suggested anything more than a desire for blood and conquest. You did not negotiate with such people. They would eat your negotiator.

Therefore, the logical course of action was to use this opportunity to learn about the Bryn'adul. For the future. Yurb in Nyx's estimation was expendable. Not that she would utter those words in front of anyone -- including members of the Confederacy. Organics always took things so personally. 'How could you write off so many innocent lives?' Quite easily, in fact. With a simple modification to the Planetary Profile -- Population: Zero. That didn't mean the droid was incapable of realizing the implications, but the larger picture was crucial. One planet was a small price to pay to win the war with minimal overall casualties.

Therefore the fact her trek upward took longer was not of a pressing concern.

After inspecting what Nyx would describe as a launching bay and collecting a few samples from the area, the droid paused and turned in the direction of a sound. Red eyes beheld a rather tall and 'unsightly' bi-pedal form. It almost seemed half-baked, to use an organic term. So they had left some aboard. Wonderful. She could use more samples. For a time there she began to think the Bryn'adul had completely emptied this Siege Tower out -- which would have been fine, really.

As it charged, Nyx hefted her spear into the air for its shaft to rapidly spin in place. Her digits closed about it and with a single, full-body heft cast the collector into the chest with a wet crunch of the Drone's massive chest.

The sound of its corpse hitting the deck seemed to draw the attention of perhaps a handful of other creatures left on board. Nyx casually strode over to the bi-pedal figure to give the collector a twist and then yanked it free without complaint. Well, the samples wouldn't collect themselves, and the war wouldn't last forever.

Time to find the heart of the beast.

Tag: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus





Objective: Fight
Location: Outpost - F3
Time: 1215 Hours
Equipment: VAARS Rifle, Tactical Recon Handguns (2), Personal Armor, CryoBan Grenade (4), Thermal Detonator (2)
Allies: | Kyyrk Kyyrk | Jasmille Kavos Jasmille Kavos | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Haastal Haran Haastal Haran | Visanj T'shkali Visanj T'shkali | Aadya Volke Aadya Volke | Taiia Mataan Taiia Mataan | The Monster The Monster | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Nimue Nimue | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Niamh Raste |
Enemies: | Galak Galak | Krarolk T'manu | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus |

Post: #3

“Ma’am?” The sound of one of the younger communications officers caught her attention, prompting her to look up from the battle on the holotable. The amount of forces the enemy had landed was unprecedented, as well as the shields seeming inability to hold certain things out. To say she was disappointed in the jedi’s defenses would be understating it, but this was the hand that was dealt, and now was the time to start pushing back where possible. “Corporal?” she responded, turning fully to face the man.

Letting out a shakey breath, one that typically came before not good news was given, he spoke in the most tough and prompt voice he could muster. “Grand Marshal Haastal Haran Haastal Haran is back, ma’am. He says that they’re headed back, and…they’ve got civvies with them man. But they said a welcoming party would be..welcome.” Luna attempted to not allow her face to curl into some sort of angry snarl. She had directed that man to protect the shield generator. As good a protecting civilians was, the tradeoff was not…worth it in her mind.

Still, the decision had been made, and there was no changing that. But they could change the outcome. Turning to the grizzled veteran of the group with an unsure eyes, she made a motion toward the three divisions on the holotable, deployed to the front line, before speaking. “Is there anyone you could spare from that group?” The veteran, a general, by the bars on his uniform, grumbled some sort of incoherent response when turning to look at the holotable. The line was holding for the moment, but who knew what pulling men out would do. Luna knew that. They couldn’t afford to spread themselves thin at any point, but they also couldn’t afford to leave Haastal Haran Haastal Haran without some sort of welcoming party.

“The High Rollers..” he started, pointing to the rightmost triangle of the group. “they could spare a platoon. Send a LAWP squad with them and..that should be enough to get the Grand Marshal’s group inside.” He turned to Luna with an expectant look, as if he wanted confirmation that this was the plan they were going with. With no better options, Luna gave the nod, and the man set about getting those orders out. Luna, for her part, worked on establishing a connection with the Grand Marshal, having half a mind to tear him a new one once she did so. Not that this was the time, though. “Grand marshal, you’ll have your welcoming party. Southmost part of the shield will open up for you. The 333rd will be waiting.” There was a pause, then a final sentence, with just the slightest hint of jest behind it. “Don’t keep it waiting. Would hate to shut you out there with the bugs.”

Outside of the Grand marshal, the battle seemed to be progressing well enough. The Monster The Monster ’s forces, alongside Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol ‘s, were both making themselves known in different places. The Knight’s Obsidian teams were ready to go. And despite the small few pieces of the enemy that got through the shield into the city, the shield was holding well enough. Everything was going well enough. At least, until she heard the call out from the comms technician.

“The shield is down!! Repeat, the shield is down!”

Luna’s head whipped around to see the shimmering light on the holotable disappear, and red triangles begin to rapidly move toward the city. Her fingers curled slowly into a fist, slamming down to the edge of the table with a ferocious force. They had told her that this place could hold. She had put her men on the line, and now things had gone to kark very, very quickly. And now her men were on the line. “Start pulling the divisions back behind the wall. The one with the most losses..” She trailed off, looking to the general for an answer, which after a quick look over a datapad, was provided. “The Hydras.” A nod, then the words continued to flow between rage clinched teeth. “The 846th first. The armor divisions stay beyond the wall until they can’t provide support anymore.” Her eyes looked up to find the Colonel Hanes as the general began to get the orders out the men on the front lines. Pointing to the red triangles, indicating the gunboats now streaming toward the city from the siege towers. “I want every Combat Air Support and Aerospace Superiority division we have in the air and harassing those gunboats. They do not touch the ground. Get Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol doing the same thing.” Another slamming of her fist, the rage of how this battle had turned on it’s heel, how the danger for her own men had now exploded before her eyes. The command center, in turn, had also began to move with a haste that hadn’t been there before.

One last order was given before the rage within her subsided, one that was yelled out while pointing to the young comms officer. A move she’d regret later, but now was not the time. “And someone get me on comms with the squads at the shield outpost. I need to know what is going on.”

Captain Jerelis “Preacher” Dunflit’s POV – Bravo Squad Lead (Bravo Actual)


Objective: Fight like hell
Location: Shield outpost – E7
Time: 1215 Hours
Equipment: XIPHOS Armor, VAARS Rifle, CryoBan Grenade (6)
Ally Tags: | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Enlil Enlil |
Enemy Tags: | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus |

Oh, the situation at the shield generator was much, much worse than the War Marshal could have ever realized.

Whether it had been before or after the actual shield had gone down escaped Jerelis, but all he knew was that here, at the shield generator outpost, there was now a giant karking worm that had made it’s way into the courtyard. They had barely seen it coming, and now half the walkers were probably destroyed, the shield was gone, and only the gods knew what else had gone wrong.

He had known coming here to help some jedi as a bad decision.

Bravo six and eight were dead already. He watched them both, Hail and Boomer, get crushed by that thing before they could even get off a round. There wasn’t even time to grab their tags before he ushered what was left of his originally twelve man squad, now whittled own to ten, into the older parts of the base. That’s where he leaned against the wall now, hearing the worm just outside still wrecking it’s destruction. If that thing made it to the city, who knew how much damage it could get. If the Jedi were as inefficient getting the civilians out as they were keeping a shield running…he didn’t want to imagine the losses.

The hallway was silent for the moment, holding both what was left of bravo squad and omega squad. The Taus were somewhere else, and Jerelis had barely been able to reach them. At least, it was mostly quiet. Save for what looked to be technicians near the back. Their whispered conversation, no, argument, caught his attention by the time one of them had made his way over to where commando squad leader squatted, regarding him with wide eyes.

“We..might be able to trap that thing out there.” That had not been what he expected to hear. He had honestly expected these people to want to run, to be cowardly. This was different. “And how exactly do you think we can do that. We don’t have enough ice nor firepower to pin that thing down.” The technician winced, and paused. He looked toward his comrads for confirmation, to make sure that this was what they wanted to do. The two gave him a tentative nod. His sweat drenched, stringy hair swung lightly as he turned back to the commando, determined look on his face.

“There’s another shield generator here. A-A-A newer one. It was going to be used to replace the one we were using. We never powered it online because we lacked the power source. Earlier this week, we finally got it in and began work installing it. It wasn’t supposed to be used in this battle because it hasn’t been fully tested the can only protect a very small area.” The silence from the commando must’ve conveyed the man’s confusion at what exactly that meant, which prompted the technician to continue. “An area..just as big as this base. A sphere. Hard light. Anything that touches it will burn and be damaged. It’s just that..”

The hesitation was understood now. The men weren’t cowards, but they were scared. Anyone would be if they attempted what was being proposed. Jerelis looked to the rest of his squad, then to the omeagas. Each gave him a little nod of understanding, conveying they knew exactly what this would mean. “We’d be trapped in here with the thing.” He finally said, looking to the technician. The man nodded, prompting the squad leader to the slowly stand up, motioning for the others to do the same.

“We wouldn’t be trapped with the worm, my dear man.” There was the smallest hint of a smirk on the commando’s lips underneath his helmet as he spoke. “It would be trapped in here..with us.” There was a hoop from somewhere in the back, which lead to more and more loud, screaming yells of readiness, of pride.

They got moving soon after that. The three technicians leading the two squads to the newer parts of the shield outpost, where the new generator and it’s power source had been installed. It didn’t take long to go through the pre-engagement checklist. The technicians lead then looked to the squad leader for just a moment, receiving a nod in response. With a breath of nervousness, they engaged the shield, sending a sphere of light shimmering around the shield outpost, trapping the worm within it’s damage dealing walls.

Like preacher had said before, they were not trapped with the worm. No, it was trapped with whoever was left in the shield outpost. It may have done some damage to the dauntless that were already there, but they knew something it didn’t. Every one of the commandos knew that each mission could end up being their last. It was part of the creed. The creed that each and every one of them swore to follow. The creed that echoed through his mind as he lined up against the door, ready to burst outside to fight to the last to kill that worm.

First In.

Last out.

The Dauntless will prevail.

Deployment Actions
  • A platoon of the 333rd is moving to intercept and "Welcome back" Haastal Haran Haastal Haran . A Squad of LAWP are meeting him there.
  • Combat Air Support and Aerospace Superiority divisions - 9 divisions total - scrambled to air to meet the approaching gunships with the intent to shoot down as many as possible before they land.
  • The 846th begins to withdraw from the front line to behind the city's walls.

At the Shield Outpost

  • The newer section of the shield outpost, which housed a shield generator, was turned on as a last result. The outcome was a shield over the shield outpost only, spherical, and causing damage if one was to touch it, trapping the worm within the walls.
  • Bravo and Omega squads get ready to assault and attempt to kill the trapped worm.

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