Kyra Perl
Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians
Location | Edsert (F5)
Company: Caedyn Arenais
Nida Perl
Matvec Triddol
Enemies: Hive pods
"Feel her out, use your senses"
The Levron’s panic reached Kyra through the force. How could it not? They were creatures of it-- composed from its very nature. This whole city breathed, almost as if it was a nexus itself. Her senses tingled, heightened by their terror as she reached out through the force.
"Calm your mind, Kyra"
Kyra turned in place, a cry of distress pulling from her lips. There was no calm. There was no peace! The drive to find her sister melded with the panic of a Levron to the left-- child lost. And to the right-- a parent split apart by the crowd. She turned faster and faster, her vision blurring. The pressure in Kyra's temples grew, the empath holding back a scream that seemed to come from the force itself as death found its place in the battle field.
Hands groped her forearms, clammy and familiar.
“Kyra, why are you-“
"Nida," She breathed, her eyes snapping open. The loudness of the world snuffed out, Kyra grounded on her sister as the two connected in a moment of desperate relief. Her hair floated around her in messy red locks, her expression lighting up as she moved in for a hug.
The force flashed a warning-- a vision of her body, left crushed under a mass. A sudden force bubble from her sister threw them back in separate directions. Kyra landed hard, unready for the hiver pod that came crashing down between them. The tension in the street exploded, but the girl was unfeeling, her cheek coated in a layer of desert sand as she slowly pulled herself up and stared at the foreign projectile that had crashed where she had stood.
She half expected to see a pink arm sticking out from the sand. Her own. Nida's.
A sudden sense of calm over took her, her fear bleeding out of her as she stared at the smoking pile of metal and Bryn tech, no body parts in sight. Her thoughts flickered to her estranged father.
"I fought in many wars," came the distant voice of
Coren Starchaser
Something coiled in her core, driving her to stand taller... breath slower.
"It was how I could protect you."
Her eyes met her sister's across the force bubble, the concept suddenly understood.
The pod exploded, releasing black vapor in a puff into the air. Kyra screeched, startling hard as the shield absorbed the shrapnel and caught the gas swirling inside its sphere. A wild screeching noise occurred inside of it, the source unseeable through the inky darkness of the gas. Kyra raised a hand, her face pale as she summoned an orb of light inside the force bubble.
Bats. Hundreds of them. Pale, eyeless, fleshy creatures.
And they had been let out in a pod down the street behind them.
"Chit," she breathed, letting out a cough as the first touch of black vapor drifted their way. Kyra covered her mouth, a look of horrified understanding crossing her. Poison. She jammed on her comms, summoning a force bubble around her at once.
"They've released chemicals on us-- b-black clouds-- bats. Poison, I think. Stay away from the pods! They explode!" The padawan's voice erupted over the comm channel, breathless as she took out her saber and dropped her shield. Snap hiss-- she dropped a bat, one thought coming to mind.
"Hey Nida... how big a force bubble you think we can make?"
Location | Edsert (F5)
Company: Caedyn Arenais

Enemies: Hive pods
Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: Grid F5
Objective: Reach and protect both Perl's
Company:Kyra Perl
Nearby:Nida Perl
The Bryn'adûl Drop-pods were reigning down over and around the Capital's defensive shielding, each impact into the surface of Yurb sending a violent shockwave rippling across the sand-laiden ground, wind rushing between the City-scape of Edsert while Caedyn Arenais followed close in behind his Padawan, Kyra whom felt desperate to reach her older Sister,Nida Perl .
The buildings that towered over them shook, debris falling from atop and threatening to drop around the pair and the Lervon whom were mid-flight and panicked, scrambling for cover as they sought to meet the exfiltration zones set up and in place by the Order of the Silver Jedi, and their Antarian Ranger counter-parts.
As they were thrown to the ground, Caedyn watched from roughly a meter away as his Padawan caught hold of one of the Lervon and moved to cover them protectively. They were amidst a warzone and things were only just beginning to go to hell, yet the Jedi Knight couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the girl's instinctive protection of those around her.
"Keep moving!" Caedyn called to her as he picked himself up and moved to fall in alongside her before the Lervon could overcrowd them once more. The streets were chaos, too many Lervon to recall the horrified looks they wore as they frantically rushed for somewhere safe to hide or escape the fall-out.
Another blast-wave struck the shields and this time Caedyn caughtKyra Perl as she was rocked back into him, managing to keep his footing and subsequently keep his Padawan upright as well, giving her a guiding push forward in order to reach Nida before the invading Bryn'adûl would be upon them.
As they rounded the street corner and moved into the following intersection, the situation looking none the better there, Kyra sought to scream atop the cries of the Lervon, searching for Nida.
"Calm your mind, Kyra" Caedyn encouraged her, his gaze being drawn a ways down the path to their left as he felt the presence of another Force User, "Feel her out, use your senses" He gestured down the street to where he searched. His Padawan had been making great progress within the walls and safety of the Silver Rest, yet out there in the middle of an open attack and invasion threatening the lives of millions, their own among them, keeping oneself in check wasn't quite as easily achieved for a teen-aged Empath.
"There's another Force User down this way...-Not someone I recognize" he spoke in rhetorical tone, looking back to Kyra in search of possible recognition that the persons aura might be that of Nida's.
Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians
Location | Edsert (F5)
Tech | 10x Goro droids
Interacting WithKyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais |
Matvec Triddol
The earth beneath them trembled as something massive made landfall. Whatever it was, it had been powerful enough to send a shockwave rippling through the city’s shielding, protecting them from the brunt of the effects of the assault. A repercussion of sand shot through the streets, and at once Nida raised her arms, protecting her mouth with the sleeves of her robe. The droid beside her activated it’s shielding, dropping the defensive measures when the dust had settled. Nida coughed, having gotten a mouthful of sand.
The figure in the distance had suddenly become much clearer, taking of the form of a young Nautolan man. The saber clipped to his belt indicated that he was an ally. The child in his arms had wriggled his way to the ground, gingerly approaching the large ursine droid with wide eyes. The goro droid, ever gentle, gave a guttural whine and extended a hand to the small child.
Nida gave a strained smile at the sight, before turning to face the Jedi. “Things may become dire soon, Malvec.” She spoke softly, in an even tone so as to not frighten the child. Their enemy did not come to play. “I am Nida of the Silver Jedi.” Just as she dipped her head in greeting, a stampede of people streamed through the area, heading in the direction of the bunker. Nida was about to turn to Malvec to suggest that they escort the fleeing civilians when she felt a familiar tug. It was not physical, but something more esoteric.
Her heart leapt into her throat and she splayed one hand outwards, towards the flow of the crowd. “You two-escort the civilians. Please protect them at all costs.” Two of the three goro droids whirred in understanding before lumbering after the noncombatants, massive strides making up for their lack of speed. Nida couldn’t leave right away, not without her baby sister.
Catching sight of the familiar pale pink skin and magenta hair of her sister simultaneously energized her and almost made Nida faint. It was an oddly electric feeling, and she didn’t know what to do with it. “Kyra, why are you-“ She grabbed onto her sister’s forearms in what seemed like a measure of desperation, but was cut off by the understanding that she had not arrived alone. “Master Jedi,” Nida nearly breathed a sigh of relief in greeting.
The city’s shielding had miraculously held up against the thunderous assault, but it appeared that some instances had slipped through. At first they looked like nothing more than pebbles floating above them, but they’d gained rapid speed and aggression. Hive pods streaked across the city skies, embedding themselves into building and streets alike. One crashed nearly between the sisters, causing Nida reflexively to initiate a Force bubble, pushing both Perls apart and encasing the strange pod. Whatever it was, it hadn’t exploded, and nothing had tried to disembark. Nida looked up in awe, face screwed in confusion. Perhaps it had been a faulty one?

"Feel her out, use your senses"
The Levron’s panic reached Kyra through the force. How could it not? They were creatures of it-- composed from its very nature. This whole city breathed, almost as if it was a nexus itself. Her senses tingled, heightened by their terror as she reached out through the force.
"Calm your mind, Kyra"
Kyra turned in place, a cry of distress pulling from her lips. There was no calm. There was no peace! The drive to find her sister melded with the panic of a Levron to the left-- child lost. And to the right-- a parent split apart by the crowd. She turned faster and faster, her vision blurring. The pressure in Kyra's temples grew, the empath holding back a scream that seemed to come from the force itself as death found its place in the battle field.
Hands groped her forearms, clammy and familiar.
“Kyra, why are you-“
"Nida," She breathed, her eyes snapping open. The loudness of the world snuffed out, Kyra grounded on her sister as the two connected in a moment of desperate relief. Her hair floated around her in messy red locks, her expression lighting up as she moved in for a hug.
The force flashed a warning-- a vision of her body, left crushed under a mass. A sudden force bubble from her sister threw them back in separate directions. Kyra landed hard, unready for the hiver pod that came crashing down between them. The tension in the street exploded, but the girl was unfeeling, her cheek coated in a layer of desert sand as she slowly pulled herself up and stared at the foreign projectile that had crashed where she had stood.
She half expected to see a pink arm sticking out from the sand. Her own. Nida's.
A sudden sense of calm over took her, her fear bleeding out of her as she stared at the smoking pile of metal and Bryn tech, no body parts in sight. Her thoughts flickered to her estranged father.
"I fought in many wars," came the distant voice of

Something coiled in her core, driving her to stand taller... breath slower.
"It was how I could protect you."
Her eyes met her sister's across the force bubble, the concept suddenly understood.
The pod exploded, releasing black vapor in a puff into the air. Kyra screeched, startling hard as the shield absorbed the shrapnel and caught the gas swirling inside its sphere. A wild screeching noise occurred inside of it, the source unseeable through the inky darkness of the gas. Kyra raised a hand, her face pale as she summoned an orb of light inside the force bubble.
Bats. Hundreds of them. Pale, eyeless, fleshy creatures.
And they had been let out in a pod down the street behind them.
"Chit," she breathed, letting out a cough as the first touch of black vapor drifted their way. Kyra covered her mouth, a look of horrified understanding crossing her. Poison. She jammed on her comms, summoning a force bubble around her at once.
"They've released chemicals on us-- b-black clouds-- bats. Poison, I think. Stay away from the pods! They explode!" The padawan's voice erupted over the comm channel, breathless as she took out her saber and dropped her shield. Snap hiss-- she dropped a bat, one thought coming to mind.
"Hey Nida... how big a force bubble you think we can make?"
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