Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Your Undoing | TB Invasion of SJO held Yurb & Keldooine

Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians
Location | Edsert (F5)
Company: Caedyn Arenais Nida Perl Nida Perl Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol
Enemies: Hive pods


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38
Location: Grid F5
Objective: Reach and protect both Perl's
Company: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Nearby: Nida Perl Nida Perl


The Bryn'adûl Drop-pods were reigning down over and around the Capital's defensive shielding, each impact into the surface of Yurb sending a violent shockwave rippling across the sand-laiden ground, wind rushing between the City-scape of Edsert while Caedyn Arenais followed close in behind his Padawan, Kyra whom felt desperate to reach her older Sister, Nida Perl Nida Perl .

The buildings that towered over them shook, debris falling from atop and threatening to drop around the pair and the Lervon whom were mid-flight and panicked, scrambling for cover as they sought to meet the exfiltration zones set up and in place by the Order of the Silver Jedi, and their Antarian Ranger counter-parts.

As they were thrown to the ground, Caedyn watched from roughly a meter away as his Padawan caught hold of one of the Lervon and moved to cover them protectively. They were amidst a warzone and things were only just beginning to go to hell, yet the Jedi Knight couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the girl's instinctive protection of those around her.

"Keep moving!" Caedyn called to her as he picked himself up and moved to fall in alongside her before the Lervon could overcrowd them once more. The streets were chaos, too many Lervon to recall the horrified looks they wore as they frantically rushed for somewhere safe to hide or escape the fall-out.

Another blast-wave struck the shields and this time Caedyn caught Kyra Perl Kyra Perl as she was rocked back into him, managing to keep his footing and subsequently keep his Padawan upright as well, giving her a guiding push forward in order to reach Nida before the invading Bryn'adûl would be upon them.

As they rounded the street corner and moved into the following intersection, the situation looking none the better there, Kyra sought to scream atop the cries of the Lervon, searching for Nida.

"Calm your mind, Kyra" Caedyn encouraged her, his gaze being drawn a ways down the path to their left as he felt the presence of another Force User, "Feel her out, use your senses" He gestured down the street to where he searched. His Padawan had been making great progress within the walls and safety of the Silver Rest, yet out there in the middle of an open attack and invasion threatening the lives of millions, their own among them, keeping oneself in check wasn't quite as easily achieved for a teen-aged Empath.

"There's another Force User down this way...-Not someone I recognize" he spoke in rhetorical tone, looking back to Kyra in search of possible recognition that the persons aura might be that of Nida's.


Objective 1 | Evacuate Civilians

Location | Edsert (F5)

Tech | 10x Goro droids

Interacting With Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol

The earth beneath them trembled as something massive made landfall. Whatever it was, it had been powerful enough to send a shockwave rippling through the city’s shielding, protecting them from the brunt of the effects of the assault. A repercussion of sand shot through the streets, and at once Nida raised her arms, protecting her mouth with the sleeves of her robe. The droid beside her activated it’s shielding, dropping the defensive measures when the dust had settled. Nida coughed, having gotten a mouthful of sand.

The figure in the distance had suddenly become much clearer, taking of the form of a young Nautolan man. The saber clipped to his belt indicated that he was an ally. The child in his arms had wriggled his way to the ground, gingerly approaching the large ursine droid with wide eyes. The goro droid, ever gentle, gave a guttural whine and extended a hand to the small child.

Nida gave a strained smile at the sight, before turning to face the Jedi. “Things may become dire soon, Malvec.” She spoke softly, in an even tone so as to not frighten the child. Their enemy did not come to play. “I am Nida of the Silver Jedi.” Just as she dipped her head in greeting, a stampede of people streamed through the area, heading in the direction of the bunker. Nida was about to turn to Malvec to suggest that they escort the fleeing civilians when she felt a familiar tug. It was not physical, but something more esoteric.


Her heart leapt into her throat and she splayed one hand outwards, towards the flow of the crowd. “You two-escort the civilians. Please protect them at all costs.” Two of the three goro droids whirred in understanding before lumbering after the noncombatants, massive strides making up for their lack of speed. Nida couldn’t leave right away, not without her baby sister.


Catching sight of the familiar pale pink skin and magenta hair of her sister simultaneously energized her and almost made Nida faint. It was an oddly electric feeling, and she didn’t know what to do with it. “Kyra, why are you-“ She grabbed onto her sister’s forearms in what seemed like a measure of desperation, but was cut off by the understanding that she had not arrived alone. “Master Jedi,” Nida nearly breathed a sigh of relief in greeting.

The city’s shielding had miraculously held up against the thunderous assault, but it appeared that some instances had slipped through. At first they looked like nothing more than pebbles floating above them, but they’d gained rapid speed and aggression. Hive pods streaked across the city skies, embedding themselves into building and streets alike. One crashed nearly between the sisters, causing Nida reflexively to initiate a Force bubble, pushing both Perls apart and encasing the strange pod. Whatever it was, it hadn’t exploded, and nothing had tried to disembark. Nida looked up in awe, face screwed in confusion. Perhaps it had been a faulty one?


"Feel her out, use your senses"

The Levron’s panic reached Kyra through the force. How could it not? They were creatures of it-- composed from its very nature. This whole city breathed, almost as if it was a nexus itself. Her senses tingled, heightened by their terror as she reached out through the force.

"Calm your mind, Kyra"

Kyra turned in place, a cry of distress pulling from her lips. There was no calm. There was no peace! The drive to find her sister melded with the panic of a Levron to the left-- child lost. And to the right-- a parent split apart by the crowd. She turned faster and faster, her vision blurring. The pressure in Kyra's temples grew, the empath holding back a scream that seemed to come from the force itself as death found its place in the battle field.

Hands groped her forearms, clammy and familiar.

“Kyra, why are you-“

"Nida," She breathed, her eyes snapping open. The loudness of the world snuffed out, Kyra grounded on her sister as the two connected in a moment of desperate relief. Her hair floated around her in messy red locks, her expression lighting up as she moved in for a hug.

The force flashed a warning-- a vision of her body, left crushed under a mass. A sudden force bubble from her sister threw them back in separate directions. Kyra landed hard, unready for the hiver pod that came crashing down between them. The tension in the street exploded, but the girl was unfeeling, her cheek coated in a layer of desert sand as she slowly pulled herself up and stared at the foreign projectile that had crashed where she had stood.

She half expected to see a pink arm sticking out from the sand. Her own. Nida's.

A sudden sense of calm over took her, her fear bleeding out of her as she stared at the smoking pile of metal and Bryn tech, no body parts in sight. Her thoughts flickered to her estranged father.

"I fought in many wars," came the distant voice of Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser .

Something coiled in her core, driving her to stand taller... breath slower.

"It was how I could protect you."

Her eyes met her sister's across the force bubble, the concept suddenly understood.


The pod exploded, releasing black vapor in a puff into the air. Kyra screeched, startling hard as the shield absorbed the shrapnel and caught the gas swirling inside its sphere. A wild screeching noise occurred inside of it, the source unseeable through the inky darkness of the gas. Kyra raised a hand, her face pale as she summoned an orb of light inside the force bubble.

Bats. Hundreds of them. Pale, eyeless, fleshy creatures.

And they had been let out in a pod down the street behind them.

"Chit," she breathed, letting out a cough as the first touch of black vapor drifted their way. Kyra covered her mouth, a look of horrified understanding crossing her. Poison. She jammed on her comms, summoning a force bubble around her at once.

"They've released chemicals on us-- b-black clouds-- bats. Poison, I think. Stay away from the pods! They explode!" The padawan's voice erupted over the comm channel, breathless as she took out her saber and dropped her shield. Snap hiss-- she dropped a bat, one thought coming to mind.

"Hey Nida... how big a force bubble you think we can make?"
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Tarish Galland

Equipment: Clothes | Lightsaber | Good ol' Gumption
Location: Edsert
Objective: Evacuate civilians
Nearby Allies: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Barrien Siegfried
Something Wicked This Way Comes: Reosyvern Reosyvern

Tarish expected the reaction, a sly grin appearing as the padawans and other knight indignantly stated they would be doubling their efforts to help civilians. Always easy to play the bad guy with the Silver Jedi. Easier yet to inspire when you presented the bad side of things.

When Amani was struck however, the sly grin turned to an annoyed frown. The man picked up rubble, force and the aggitation from Amani feeding him as he flung pieces towards the bat like creatures that invaded the airspace. His hands dripped with open wounds from the fragments, the force dulling the sting as he wiped his hands on the dark pants. When he was lacking in rubble, the hand instinctively went for the saber as it ignited to his surprise.

Seemed it was working again.

The frown deepened when Amani ripped her sleeve, made a temporary stop-gap for the bleeding before making for the other two that had gone ahead of them.

"Hey! Those bats are headed towards the civilians behind us! Don't think they will be as handy as you are!" Tarish waited a moment to see where she went this time, following her whichever way she went. Make sure she doesn't get hurt...his mind cursing the willfullness of padawans.


Equipment: Dual Lightsabers
Location: The Emerald Undertow
Allies: Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova | Nimue Nimue | Gir Quee Gir Quee | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar | Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran | SJO and friends
Enemies: Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir | The Bryn

Juno tensed as she felt Aurelion’s Battle Meditation fading. The strain it was putting on her padawan was getting to be too much for him to bear, and by extension, herself. The master poured every ounce of her effort into their bond, but it wasn’t enough to keep Aurelion’s presence in the Force from wavering. The veins on her forehead bulged, and a drop of blood trickled down her nose as concentrating became fruitless. Without Aurelion spearheading the Battle Meditation, there was nothing she could do, and the pain he was feeling was being transferred into her as well. She looked too see Aurelion cough blood, and nearly dropped the connection there. It felt wrong. Juno rarely concerned herself with morals over practicality. But now, would she really sacrifice the fleet’s Battle Meditation for the sake of her padawan’s health? She mulled over her thoughts. Or, actually, she didn’t. Deep down, she knew the answer right away.


Juno dropped her concentration, gripping Aurelion’s shoulder to try and shake him out of his focus. “Aurelion, stop! You’re done here.” Her stern tone wavered and laced with concern, she checked to see if he was okay, looking into his eyes intently for a sign. She looked over to Nimue, still in the midst of her mental battle. He needed that darkness as a counterbalance. Damn it all.

Around then, another powerful Force presence emerged, as Jyoti reached out to them. Backup. Juno turned back to her padawan. She paused again, sighing frustratedly. Aurelion would see the conflict in her face. People could be counting on this. With Jyoti’s help, they had the power, they just needed conduit.

“...Can you do it?” She finally asked. “Yes or no. If you say no, that okay, we’re done. We’ll stop, and we’ll get you somewhere safe. If yes…” Juno did something she had not done on this level in quite some time. She reached out to Aurelion with the Force once again, only this time, she channeled into just an ounce of the dark side. Aurelion would understand the meaning, as well as the sincerity in her words. She was well acquainted, though Perhaps not as powerfully as Nimue. It was dangerous, but she was nonetheless willing to tap into it, and take the strain of the darkness for his sake. “...Then we’ll stay right here. And we’ll do it together.”

For perhaps the first time ever, Juno fully trusted someone else.

After seeing Aurelion suffer from his failing power, Juno prepared to cut it off entirely, sacrificing the fleet's Battle Meditation for his safety. After Jyoti's connection, and recognizing Aurelion's need for a dark side counterbalance to be effective, she left the choice in his hands to continue, offering to shoulder the dark side herself.

Caedyn Arenais


Inventory: Armor | Bo Staff | Lightsaber | CS.38.
Location: Grid F5.
Objective 2: Ground 'n' Pound.
Allies: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl , Nida Perl Nida Perl , Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol .
Opposition: Bryn'adûl Hive Bombs & Draeyde.


Everything that followed, seemingly came all at once and threatened to drown them amidst the destructive carnage that was the Bryn'adûl swarm; A worthy description of their Forces as the shield had fallen over Edsert City and suddenly the streets were plunged into chaos and violence. The Lervon were beings of sand, capable of concealing themselves better than most humanoid beings, yet it did not stop Caedyn Arenais fearing for their lives as he watched in horror as the Hive Bombs came descending down upon the district around them (Grid F5).

Nida Perl Nida Perl 's aura flared as she summoned the Force to protect her and Kyra Perl Kyra Perl both, Caedyn soon reaching out with his left hand to create his own telekinetic barrier shielding him from the darkness and the biological gas that had exploded forth from the Hive Bombs to fill the street in what his Padawan suddenly declared to be poison. Caedyn's right hand moved to draw upon the hilt of his Lightsaber as a cloud of sand, dust and debris rushed around the perimeter of his Force Shield, the impact of the hostile drop-pods carrying the poisonous gas far and wide in the initial blast wave.

"They've released chemicals on us-- b-black clouds-- bats.
Poison, I think. Stay away from the pods! They explode!

"Nida, Kyra!" Caedyn called to them both sharply, urgency in his voice; "Slow your breathing if you know how, and Kyra remember what Master Del'fino taught you" he encouraged the Sisters, while raising his lightsaber as a source of light amidst the black ink like substance that temporarily surrounded them. They weren't in a good position, were the Bryn'adûl drones to come charging on through while they were busy dealing with this mess, they'd be caught completely off guard. Furthermore, somehow the two Sisters had managed to encase the drop-pod that had nearly crushed them both within Nida's control over the force barrier, sealing the Draeyde creatures within. While Caedyn's vision was near blinded from the distance set between the three, he could feel the creatures presence in the Force, as well as the growing tension within his Padawan.

Their immediate need was to free themselves of the surrounding ichor hanging in the air, and through Caedyn's left hand he channeled more strength to the Force Barrier around him, his head dropping in order to discourage his mind from becoming distracted by the bat that his Padawan cut down while applying more and more telekinetic pressure against the interior of the Force Shield with the intent of lowering his guard and releasing a wave of kinetic energy from within, hoping to dissipate the hindering smog.

"Brace yourselves!" Caedyn called to the Sisters, giving them a brief moment to prepare before releasing the energy surrounding him, a shock wave and wall of kinetic force exploding outward in all directions, taking the cloud ichor and poisonous gas with it, as though a torrential wind had picked up everything from around them, throwing any loose and unstable objects into the air as he drove their perimeter back in an attempt to clear their view and give them all room to breath.
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Location: Landing at E7 – Shield Generator Outpost
Objective: Help hold the line – combat Servitor
Allies: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Enlil Enlil | Kahne Porte Kahne Porte | All SJO and Allies
Enemies: Bryn’adul
Equipment: Lightsaber | Stealth Suit

As the ship descended, skirting along the edge of the city toward the shield generator outpost, the sandstorm kicked in buffeting the ship making it difficult for Abaigeal to keep balance and visibility was reduced to nil. The pilot struggled to keep control and flew by instruments, they all had a very small window of opportunity to jump from the ship. Enlil went first and disappeared into the storm in seconds, she would be next. Only a few seconds passed before Abaigeal gave Kahne one last look, “And may the force be with you too”.

The signal was given for her to jump, Abaigeal pulled the forced around her forming a force shield around her body to protect her against the whipping sand as she descended. She reached the ground and landed with a delicate touch as the force cushioned her. The noise around her confusion, there was shouting coming in from all directions, screams that would make your blood curdle, and rumbling from a source she could not see.

She could hear it though, as something large moved across the ground, through the haze of the storm all she could make out was the shape, the creature was large and coming her way.

Dropping the force shield, standing her ground, she raised both arms and summon the force, around her the sandstorm shifted, directed by her manipulation and pulling it into a funnel, swirling and fast. More and more sand gathered within the vortex, clearing up vision for those allies around her. The worm like creature swung it ugly head toward her, mouth open gapping to swallow her but instead, sand filled it’s open mouth as she directed the blast of sand into it’s mouth, with such force and power that it would struggle to close it.

If anyone was on ground preparing to take it down, now was the time to unleash hell on the creature.
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Location: Uuuuuuuuh, will find out one sec
Allies around: Ryv Ryv P Placeholder 0128 Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser (any others? poke me)
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Location: Yurb City Walls
Allies: SJO, Ryv Ryv . Elise
Enemies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , whomever Ryv got to fight us


It would be a lie to say that Cedric did not share his apprentice's apprehension. He was not keen on letting the blood of his countrymen spill in service of another, but it was work that needed to be done. Political standings aside, the greater good remained a paramount motivation. He felt the chill of Elise's distaste in the empyrean, like a jetty of icy water spraying from otherwise warm seas. Uncertain of how to tackle the situation, Cedric simply watched as his friend descended from the battlements.

Her words struck a cord with the Essonian. They were not meant for him, but they were the exact same words Loske Matson had spoken to him some time ago. According to that thought process, it was not wholly the other Jedi that were the problem, but also himself, and perhaps he had taught Ryv Ryv to live in such a sense as well. For Cedric's part, he'd disregarded the advice. If the Jedi as a greater body had sought to stand with him, then they would have. The morphing of the Imperium into the Galactic Alliance had been proof enough of their disloyalty. The greatest lesson he had ever learned from his many failures was that true trust was a rare commodity, and it would never be afforded to one that saw the galaxy in a different lense than the standard Jedi dogma dictated.

"She said that to me once," his words, though quiet, carried over the cacophony of war that threatened to crash into the city's walls. "About pushing others away." The words were spoken so that Ryv might hear, though they weren't directed toward the youth. "We should try to have more faith in them," he finally muttered as he looked to Ryv. "If for nothing else than for morale's sake. I share your misgivings, but best we not put them to word until the conflict has ended. I don't know what our future with the Silvers will be. Truth be told I believe their best course would be to unite with your New Jedi Order as a singular body, but they are apprehensive."

He paused as he watched Elise descend to the ground below. He wasn't keen on remaining at the top of the battlements himself either, but there were words that needed to be spoken. "You are the Sword of the Jedi. Whether you like it or not, your words have greater weight than most. You must bury your disdain for their past in favor of reconciliation. They are in a tumultuous time right now, and lack stability. If you earn their respect, and provide them with true leadership, they may yet join you, and the Jedi may yet be whole again."

A small smile was cracked beneath his helm. That dream of unity was one he had carried since his earliest youth, but he keenly understood he would have little to do with it. Cedric's place in history would be that of a warmongering tyrant: he would be remembered as the Jedi that called himself emperor, and subjugated millions in the name of unity.

It was a great sin, and one he would bear without complaint or guilt. He only did what needed to be done, the galaxy's opinions be damned. "The lobsters have come to meet us. Best not to keep them waiting," Cedric tilted his head toward Ryv, the tone of his voice sounding like he was smiling, before he hurled himself from the top of the battlements.

Telekinetic tendrils of energy rushed up from the earth to meet his falling form. They caught him half way, slowing his descent to be akin to that of a feather in free fall. He landed alongside Elise with naught but a small noise.

"Elise," his voice carried. He wasn't truly certain what he could say to assuage her distaste for what was to come, but he would try. "Ryv is my student, and I have long held distaste for the Silver Jedi. He has inherited my grievances, as any son would his father's. He wishes to see true unity of the Jedi Orders, as do I, and I have no doubt that is from where his displeasure stems," he paused as he glanced out toward the coming hordes. They would be upon the defenders any moment now. "But he's willing to die for your people, as am I and our warriors."

Bogan's Lament roared to life as Cedric drew it from his waist. The cerulean blade sparked with barely contained energy, and at the sight of it, the Essonians present on the battle line whooped their war cries. His people were eager for the carnage to come. The Ashla guarded their spirits, and the work they would do here today was most holy.

Cedric held the blade aloft, a beacon to his warriors, but bowed his head toward Elise all the same. "We are with you."


// Absolution //
// Location // Yurb // City Walls //
// Objective // Deliverance //
// Allies // P Placeholder 0128 // Elise //
// Enemies // Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus // Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma //



As the white streak of Elise dropped from the battlements, Ryv considered the word. He spoke it aloud, barely above a whisper, seemingly tasting the world on his tongue. Just like everyone else, he knew the meaning of the word. He even had friends, people he'd fight fo without a second thought, but those friends became far more to the Jedi Knight. Maynard, a brother in arms, one who saw past Ryv's flaws and trusted him all the same. And Loske, more than a mere friend in Ryv's heart. She stood at his side far more than anyone else in the galaxy, taking on injustice without hesitation. He loved her as one would a sister. In both cases, things weren't quite as rocky as they were with the 'Silent Beacon.' Loske and Maynard came from a violent upbringing, prepared from a young age to do the work the common man feared, regardless of the outcome. That same upbringing carried them into danger, not unlike the invasion going on around him. What of Elise? Ryv stepped onto the parapets after her, watching the woman weave through the defending forces below with elegance befitting only a Jedi Master.

Cedric's words interrupted his apprentice's thoughts, pulling his attention from the specter drifting away from the walls. His words struck a chord within Ryv, reminding him of Allyson, the woman who abandoned him for some higher purpose. He felt his breath catch, his heart skipping a beat as he caught himself. Abandoned? No, the mission. Allyson Locke did not abandon the Jedi Knight or his cause. She dedicated herself to where she could most be of use.


"Its hard, Cedric," Ryv finally spoke up, a hand fidgeting with the mask he wore, not dissimilar to Cedric's own face plating. "When I look at them," his hand motioned out towards other Jedi on the field. "Any of 'em, I think of my old man. I can't help but feel like he'd still be here if the Silvers didn't abandon the Core," he spoke up between Cedric's two points, going quiet at the mention of Ryv's title. Whether he wanted it or not, Wyatt bestowed the title on him. Ryv wasn't meant to lounge about in the temple anymore, fixing ships and renovating rooms. "Yeah, you're right," he muttered softly, watching Cedric disappear over the battlements next. Ryv stepped up next, balancing on the ledge, gauging the distance between him and the ground. "What do you think, pops?" his gaze shifted heavenward, trying to catch sight of the stars hidden far beyond the ships racing above, or the peacefully drifting clouds, a stark contrast to the raging battle below. "What am I supposed to do?" the Kiffar's questions, not unlike the tension of the battlefield, hung within the air. No answer came, leaving the unsheathed Sword without personal direction.

"Should've known that wouldn't of worked," Ryv shook his head before stepping forward, plummeting to the earth below. He took a deep breath, his hands pushing outward as his breath escaped him, mirroring the flowing motions of his body. The Force answered his call. wrapping around him like a soft blanket. His legs strengthened as his descent slowed enough to keep him from shattering against the floor. Instead, Ryv landed with cat-like finesse, his hand slamming against the field to enhance his balance. He straightened and moved after Cedric, keeping an eye on the back of the Jedi Lord's head. As he caught up to the two masters, the sound of chanting overtook the battlefield. Thousands of creatures cried out in unison. It sounded of a single, guttural thunderclap echoing across the field, warning of distant danger. Living weapons inched closer, burrowing, crawling, marching, and flying ever closer to the allied forces standing between them and their prize. The rolling thunder grew louder as their monstrous marching beat like drums of war upon the dirt, that distant threat only growing closer, like an arching bolt of lightning as it lit up a dark winter's night.

"They're coming," Ryv hurried forward, pushing past the rows of soldiers lined up between him and Cedric. He felt the familiar presence of their leader leagues away, joined by another powerful presence within the Force. "The shaman," he narrowed his eyes, searching the battlefield for both, only managing to notice the towering aberrants tamed by their genocidal masters. "Cedric! I feel them, they're coming," Ryv finally managed to push past the last group between him and the duo. "Tathra, I can feel him approaching," he stopped beside the Jedi Lord and Jedi Master. "I can feel his Force user as well, they are there," he lifted a gloved hand as he spoke, pointing towards a distant monster, its silhouette on the horizon reminiscent of a titanic crown. "By the Will of the Force, we are bound to face them. There isn't anyone else who can do it, master."

Regardless of the others, Ryv turned and pushed onward. Each step carried him closer to the charging offensive. The Sword of the Jedi was just that, a sword. Beside him, the allied forces of the Silver Jedi Order and Cedric's military charged alongside him. Not unlike the monsters set out to face them, the Ashla's soldiers took up their own battle cry, screaming to the infinite azure, ensuring their voices would be heard in their final moments. Ryv pushed ever-forward, clearing the distance between him and the front of the charge. His body blurred as the Force coalesced around him, carrying him at supernatural speeds, impossible for the common man to replicate. Breaking ahead of his allies, Ryv took up the intricately carved Blade of Ruusan, a cyan blade exploding from its hilt, the legendary Jedi weapon illuminating the battlefield. Its beautiful song spilling over those at Ryv's back, a soothing calm washing over their hammering hearts.

The two forces crashed against one another in a tangle of bodies and cries of pain. Ryv's lightsaber flashed from left to right, batting aside a brute's heavy-handed grip with Force imbued strength. The Jedi Knight thrust outward, a rolling wave of invisible energy crashing against the giants of the 10th regiment, sending a number of them tumbling to the ground, Ryv's will breaking even their mighty strength. Without slowing, he pressed forward, the crowned beast in his sights, the warlords atop it his marks.
Elise's expression softened as Cedric dropped besides her, her ire not meant for him. They both bore the weight of where they came from, and they both knew each other's burdens. Orders so often tainted good intentions. She was beginning to understand the appeal of not operating under one at all. The thought was a dark one. Guilt coiled in her chest the moment it came to pass.

...No. That was not true. She did not want to be free of the Silvers. They gave her a platform to help others-- they gave her chances to make a change. Without their opportunities, she would not be standing before her friend, hearing words that raised her spirit.

"We are with you."

Hope. It blossomed inside her chest as Cedric's men walloped in agreement. She placed a hand on his shoulder, his blade sparking magnificently in the air above them.

"They are not mine. I am theirs. And yours." She looked up to his men, her brows furrowed with the fragile hope that she would see their faces come tomorrow. "For the people! For Ashla! ....For the force," she ended in a whisper, her hand squeezing Cedric's shoulder in the unspoken vow.

" "Cedric! I feel them, they're coming," "

Elise glanced up to the sight of Ryv pushing through the crowd.

"By the Will of the Force, we are bound to face them. There isn't anyone else who can do it, master."

All at once she realized the years she put on, for when he spoke of facing that monster head on, her first thought was No. He was far to young to be going up against that. ...But he was not, the force reminded her. He was a man, not a boy. A knight, not the padawan she had first come across in these meetings many moons ago. While he still had much to learn, his place here besides them was earned through and through.

Her instinct to preserve his life reminded her that they were on the same team. He had so much more to live for, so much potential unmet. Elise stared at him for a moment longer, desperately hoping that this boy with rough edges got the chance to grow into something more.

She gave him a tight nod, agreeing with his sentiment. "Let us fight then."

But the heedless knight had already set off. So impatient. So reactive. Elise spared Cedric a raised brow, then broke into a sprint and followed suit. As she ran she closed her eyes and tapped into the force. Her steps were light on the thick desert ground, the force guiding her as she called it to her. And through it, she sent out...





Her battle meditation reached Ryv Ryv as he clashed into the first beast, countless droids falling in besides him to help him against the hordes. Her influence crept out across the battle field, touching the minds of all their men, increasing moral and insuring a decisive, strong strike against the Bryn as the first wave crashed and they met head on. Together.

As one.

For the Bryn, they might feel fear-- a sudden gust of doubt in their task as the defenders of Yurb charged them head on, unafraid, striking hard and true.

Elise's voice brushed against Cedric's mind, the woman no longer sparing words as she stopped, her hands outstretched.

I have your back.

Beyond them, a siege toward creaked and groaned. Elise expression went serene as she felt out for its weak spots and applied pressure. Unrelenting, she pushed, pulled, yanked, and broke. Screws untwirled, clattering into the sand. Metal heated up, components undone.

Piece by piece, the woman sought to dismantle the siege tower before her. It couldn't do harm if it was in pieces.
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Lead High Lord Soveriegn Imperator Grandmaster
Objective: Insurgent - Eliminate The Unclean o.o
Equipment: None
Location: Planetside, Yurb: Edsert Outpost Interior
Allies: Bryn'adul
Enemies: Tarish Galland , Amani Serys Amani Serys , Ura Iolar Ura Iolar , Barrien Siegfried
Ravager Brute
5x Units of Drones (50 total Trained combatants)
75x Units of Drones (750 total Trained combatants)

Earthen mounds shot up into the sky as the small horde made their way towards Edsert Outpost. The shimmering shield, visible, and stalwart against even the withering assault from the Bryn'adul's main force was impressive to be sure. Such technology on a larger scale attached to a more comprehensively defended location would prove to be a powerful defensive asset for the Bryn'adul's adversaries. In the distance Reosyvern noted the advance of specialized units developed to deal with such defensive measures as electronic based shielding technology. All he could do was pray that Galak Galak would be successful before Reosyvern's Ravager smashed against the Shield resulting in a powerful warrior wasted.

The upturned landscaped blurred past the Drones and their commander, the surface beneath them rendered soft and uneven by the Ravager's mighty strides. With a bright flash the Shield dissolved before them and soon the air blazed with energy and projectiles from the battle lines and siege beasts. It was glorious. There was no time for the Baedurin to soak in the sight with admiration and awe, for his date with destiny soon approached with every galloping lunge he took .

A few minutes later the Ravager had made its way past the original defensive line defended by the Shield, swinging it's four arms wildly at infantry or vehicle alike, destroying anything in its path with terrifying ease. Its approach was loud, but mostly drowned out by the general sounds of war. As the beast trampled through all that stood before it, it's hooded eyes noted Ura Iolar Ura Iolar and Amani Serys Amani Serys ; wounded, small, pathetic, ... prey. The Ravager Brute breathed in deeply and let out a roar that, for those within even a medium range, drowned out the sounds from all else. The Ravager Brutes stood at the pinnacle of the Baedurin's physical capabilities and today two of the Silver Jedi Order would experience the enormity of such a feat. The Ravager slightly altered its course as it slammed through infantry fortification, upturned speeders, and ripped through buildings to approach them. Should they hold their ground for whatever reason, the Ravager would soon be upon them, and greeting them with two pairs of massive clawed hands capable of turning even the most stalwart soldier into a crimson mist.

Meanwhile, Reosyvern would not attempt to direct or exert control over the Ravager. That time had passed the moment the Dispersal Pod had crashed. Ravagers were uncontrollable in their frenzy and posed just as much risk to himself as the Ravager posed to their enemies. All were equal before the Ravager should any get in its way. Through gaps in fortifications and clouds of ashen debris Reosyvern spotted another pair of Jedi, Barrien Siegfried and Tarish Galland. Fate had dealt him his opponents, victory and glory were his to claim. "There!" He roared in the Drael tongue towards the Drone Majors who then directed the formation of Drones to pick up speed and shift direction to intercept the pair. Reosyvern, while less agile than the Drones, was extremely quick when allowed to gain speed, which he had been since he started his journey down the hill before the shield generator of Edsert Outpost was rendered destroyed and devoured by one of the Servitors under Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus 's command.

The Drones opened fire, crimson spikes launched from their weapons and what they lacked in accuracy was made up for in the quantity of firepower. Should the Jedi use their lightsabers to attempt to deflect the spikes from the Drones' Spikers the super-heated spikes would likely explode causing serious injury. However, options for cover were also limited as the spikes would pierce most metals with ease. Reosyvern knew that the Jedi were versatile and adaptable, if nothing else this constant volley and charge served more to tie up the Jedi in combat, limit their mobility, and lower their awareness, while risking only the lives of Drones. Who, by their very nature, are expendable and the lowest of priorities, contrasted heavily by the Ravager Brute and Reosyvern.

While the Drones began their assault on the pair of Jedi, Reosyvern gained speed, his body passing through the formation of Drones as if he were naught but an apparition. As Reosyvern galloped on all fours, his thick plated tail whipping behind him, spikes from the Spikers whizzed through the rear of his body and out the front, yet he sustained no damage. Within seconds he could cover the distances of most vehicles at his top speed, he'd be upon Barrien Siegfried in a moment. Reosyvern launched his huge body into the air, a feat of strength on its own, and attempted to tackle the Jedi, grappling at the smaller being with his razor sharp claws. The Ravager was not the only formidable beast on this battlefield.


  • Ravager Brute, Reosyvern, and the Drones breach the perimeter of the now unshielded Edsert Outpost
  • Ravager Brute blazes a path of destruction through the Edsert Outpost and on its way it spots Ura & Amani, who it then attempts to engage with fercious swings. Think Rancor but more blood thirsty and two more arms with a big ol tail.
  • Drones & Reosyvern attack Barrien Siegfried and Tarish Galland.
  • Drones open up with barrage of Spiker fire that shoot super-heated metal spikes that can easily pierce most metals and may explode on contact with another superheated object such as Lightsabers.
  • Reosyvern uses the hail of spikes to cover his assault, it appears that the spikes phase through him. On his way he tries to tackle Barrien, using his superior weight and stature to attempt to pin and tear at the Jedi, hinting that he is indeed physical and not an appirition nor entirely intangible.
Syd had grown weary soon of the momentary slowing of her rampage against the Invaders, and as the soldier had fired another grenade at her, she flung a piece of debris at the grenade shell, knocking it away and causing it to go off out of range. She flung her lightsaber at the shooter's head and decapitated him...the tear might prevent flames in its presence but against lightsabers...

Syd strode up to the corpse, ripping the tear from his body grimacing as her entire body started to turn stiff and cold, ice cycles forming around her face before she crushed the piece of enchanted Ice, feeding off its magic and rendering it dead.

Not a moment too soon. The city shield had been breached and the enemy was pouring in. She narrowed her eyes at the swarm of bat like monsters in the city, flying through its skies, along with many more gunboats being deployed.

No time to evac any more civilians. She simply shouted at whoever was still alive in the building the Bryn had assaulted to run.

Syd then pointed her hand to the sky, flesh moving nauseatingly on her bones as she channeled the flames in her spirit, the ancient Force Witch summoning a massive pillar of Red Hot Flames that she sent forward into the streets now filling with monsters and strange black pods, the monster portion of which frantically began flying to try and avoid it, but the pillar of spinning red fire inevitably began to catch a good number of them as the pillar moved forward, with Syd directing the flames moving slowly behind it. This time Syd did not attempt to contain the inferno in her spirit but instead cast it out to consume the invaders, leaving charred masses of cooked bats and destroyed pods as she moved back towards the outskirts, making sure the defenders of the city were not harmed, some Jedi still fighting alongside the rangers looking in horror as the wriggling abomination directed the pillar of flame quickly into an approaching siege tower, which was quickly engulfed by, its flames seeping into every exposed orifice and burning what it could but still not quite destroying the tower but heavily scorching it constantly the pillar sending out fireballs to engulf nearby Bat monsters. Gunboats approached, attempting to burn her to no avail, the flames quickly surging into the gunboats, bringing them down as well, she hurled the burning hulks into crowds of bat monsters in her immediate area, a deadly raging fire all around, constantly repairing magic saturated flesh, as she sustained a number of wounds to her body, bringing clouds of bats down in flames. The defenders of the city began to rally harder in this area at least, trying to provide artillery fire on whatever her flames did not consume.

Eight alien men in flame proof power armor pushed towards her, four armed with Electro-Hammers, Electro Staves, the other four all armed with vibroswords.

Syd was forced to cease the flame pillar to engage these new foes. Given the deadly situation, she was going to have to rely on a dangerous ability.

She let the power of the light surge through her, her flesh now moving and pulling everywhere, bunching up, melting and resetting, in a barf-bag necessitating pattern as she now slowly advanced through the flames.

Nearby gunboat fire blasted large parts of her writhing flesh off, revealing the glowing green tissue and blood that sizzled as it hit burning pavement.

Whole chunks of her including most of her head were blasted apart. Her shot apart body dropped where it stood, spurting green blood.

The soldiers that had blasted her apart laughed.

"When in doubt, Gunboat!" he boasted, turning to face his fellow soldiers.

"Umm...Akrom?" one of them pointed to the pile of moving flesh and blasted apart bone reassembling itself, both due to the Light and the flames. It stood up, even its armor rapidly repairing.

"Dude, gross!" the one called Akrom complained, preparing to fight.

Everyone with a melee weapon unleashed it on the creature, bashing or cutting it to pieces only to fix itself just as rapidly as it fought back, they continued to inflict massive damage at close range, chopping, stabbing, electrohammering, and slicing apart the squealing, gold chromed monstrosity as it bashed its lightsaber against their armor, slowly but inevitably cutting through it via an all out vicious offense with Juyo, that slashed at all of them.

One man screamed as his suit was breached, the superheated air flooding in, cooking his skin and lungs in seconds. Another fell after repeated chops by her blade cut through a weakpoint she had made and decapitated him. Another met his end when her saber point went through his helmet's visor. The rest died in a frenzy of chops and slashes that attacked the joints.

The healing cut off at that point leaving her severely weakened, able to stand only due to the flames invigorating her flesh. All of her powers would be very weak for a while...

And there were still so many Siege towers...worse, the one she was focusing on waa by no means beaten, still pouring out gunboats no matter how long red hot flames licked at it.

Syd advanced through the Inferno, which was quickly spreading amongst in the sector she was helping to defend, the starfighters overhead at last providing more support as she continued to menace the enemy even in her weakened state, ringed lightsaber spinning to cut into bat monsters dumb enough to attack her as rangers in flame proof gear along with Jedi finally advanced from behind to help make some sort of defense perimeter. A lot of the black pods in the immediate area they were in had been burnt to a crisp...

But for all the damage she had done, killing hundreds the way she had, destroying however many gunboats, the one directly in front of her, damaged but far from destroyed continued to release them. The flames in her soul would need time to build back up...

Syd got out her comlink.

"Any in the immediate vicinity, get some artillery on this tower! We need as much fire as we can pour on it!" She yelled, flesh melting and sagging as she advanced towards the tower, fearing she would have to find some way of bringing it down from within...

Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
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Barrien Siegfried

Location: Edsert
Objective: Help the Civilians
Gear: Black Betaplast Armor | Shield | Blue Saberlance
Tags: Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Tarish Galland | Amani Serys Amani Serys
Enemies: Reosyvern Reosyvern


A darkness began to settle and then came the bats. Ura promptly cut a couple of them down, but behind them it seemed Amani had let one get the best of her. Probably because she was veing hasty and rushing off to help him and Ura when they didn't need it.

"Amani go back!" he called to her. "You need to help Tarish protect the others!"

The darkness was getting thicker and making it difficult for him to see, and it made him feel a bit queezy on the inside.

"They might not affect you, Ura, but they affect me."

He had to get the blackness away. Whatever it was, it seemed to act something like a gas, which meant it should react to air currents. He drew on the Force and coalesced a barrier of wind around himself and Ura, pushing it outwards as he released it, forcing the nastiness, and the bats, away from them. It freed them for a moment, which meant that they could continue on. It wasn't far, after all, to where they were holed up. The hardestnpart was going to be getting them to leave.

"Ura, I want you to go and talk them-"

The words cut off midsentence as he suddenly turned and looked about them. He had the distinct feeling that something was about to happen. The turn was just quick enough to bring into view the quick moving form of a monstrous creature. He had a split second to prepare, and instead of tensing up, he allowed his body to become lax so the Force of the strike wouldn't break him. Tensing up was a good way to make it so your body couldn't absorb shock.

The beast barelled into him and took him to the ground. He landed with a huff, but being relaxed had made it so he wasn't as hurt as he could have been. The claws digging into him weren't particularly enjoyable, but pain could be ignored. Ura, get the civilians out of here. Leave this fight to me. They are the priority. He sent the words to her mentally at the same time as he flexed a leg upwards, strengthening it with the Force in an effort to send the beast overtop him, which would give him the time he needed to get back to his feet.

and it wouldn't really hurt the creature. Barrien didn't like doing harm if it could be avoided, even with creatures that could not be reasoned with.

L O C A T I O N | The Emerald Undertow
O B J E C T I V E | Provide Support
W E A R I N G | Armour - Rings [x] [x] [x]
A L L I E S | Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova - Juno - Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran - SJO & Friends
E N E M I E S | Seer Kalanthir Seer Kalanthir - The Brynadul & Friends
The High Priestess did not expect this reaction, not from Aurelion. His pain was crippling. So much so that it knocked her concentration off entirely, but she refused to open her eyes. She refused to acknowledge it. Instead, her chest visible rose and fell, faster and faster as the pain began to sink into his bones. Wanting little else to do with it, she did her best to ignore. If she could push through the pain, it would bring her strength. If she could push through the anxiety and the trepidation and the self doubt, it would bring her power. As she attempted to settle back into her battle, another presence was introduced. A strong, light sided force that aimed to help Aurelion. That would be enough, surely?

Then… he whimpered. “Aurelion.” Nimue finally snapped. Her voice had her trademark icy tone, but it was harsher than he had likely heard before, which was saying something. “Straighten yourself up, pull yourself together. Do not show your weakness.

As an untuned and unaware mind tapped into the dark side, the High Priestess snapped her eyes open, if only to roll them heavily at the present company. Damned Jedi. “You can stop that, before you do permenant damage.” She spoke directly to Juno. “There is little point in you contaminating yourself. Your light powers are needed now more than ever.” To firm her statement, Nimue reached out with a slender hand to wrap her spindle fingers around Aurelion’s arm. “He can do it. He knows he can.” In one swift motion she dragged her young bond from his seat to her seat, setting him neatly in her lap. “Listen, and focus.” She detested that he relied on her so heavily, that he needed her power to do this. He shouldn’t have promised his help if he couldn’t accomplish it on his own, but there was little time to argue that now.

Her fingers reached again, this time to place her painted black nails on the sides of Aurelion’s head. Rather forcefully, she brought it upward so his eyes were directly forward. The pressure on the sides of his head would likely hurt, but not for long. Focus. With no further demands threw herself back into the battle meditation, if only to balance his mind and cease the pain that wrecked her every nerve. This would be taxing. More so than anything she had ever done before. Maintaining a battle meditation for a whole fleet of Jedi using the stark opposite of what she could provide, as well as attempting to battle one of the cockroaches through the force. Granted, it would be easier now with the combined efforts of Juno and Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran .

Nimue could not contain the sigh.

“Now.” She spoke again, to Aurelion. “I know you feel it. You have several masters here to aid you. You do not need my help. You must learn to bolster your own power, or seek it from other sources. Do you imagine we will always be with each other?” Her eyes closed again as she wrapped her hands around his face to shut the light out from his own. A gentle tug saw him pulled flat against her chest, where he could feel her steady heart beating its ancient rhythm. In the darkness, it was easier to see the manifestation of the force that attacked them. The cosmic crimson smoke that hung over them like bleak clouds in a storm. “This is what we fight.” Her voice was ethereal, almost as much as the force they were battling was. “We cannot provide aid if we do not put an end to those who seek to stop us.”

A surge in her power finally saw the pain settle, but they were faced with a much bigger task now. Before them, the might of the Brynadul stretched out. “Do you see, Aurelion?” Her voice was much calmer now, with less of a sharp edge. A raven cloud beneath the crimson one flickered, bursting forth from a fissure and drowning out the scarlet in its immediate vicinity. A few more tendrils of ebony broke free of the violent shadow that attempted to suffocate it. It was difficult for Nimue. She could feel the pressure of bolstering the meditation, and the effort it took to even make a dent in the attackers wall. She could not do it on her own, not both.

"Help me." She took a breath so deep that Aurelion visibly shifted against her chest. Nimue was not one for asking for help, ever. "Forget about the meditation for just a few moments…” She used the same soft, coaxing tone she had used on Rodia. “Your light can utilize the cracks I have made to drown our attacker out. Destroy him.”

// LOCATION // E7 - Shield Generator Outpost
// OBJECTIVE // Defend Civilians | Kill Brynadul
// ALLIES // Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | The SJO | @All SJO allies
// ENEMIES // The Brynadul | @Anyone who's brave enough
// THEME // Dragon Castle

The shields had fallen, the city of Edsert now laid bare for the plundering. From the skies above pods fell like shooting stars. Smoke billowed high into the sky with each reverberating impact, the ground beneath Isaiah’s feet trembled in response. The city trembled like the Brynadul wanted those defending the city to. To shake in the face of them. Fear was something Isaiah gave many things. He feared addiction, he feared failure, he feared the loss of innocents. What he did not fear, what he’d never fear are the ungodly creatures that crept from their nests as though they had any true purpose in the galaxy.

As he rushed through the city the Mandalorian saw the sights of what the initial attack was. Not even the beginning of the horde raiding the city, but their infiltration force. Dropships coming down from the sky blotting out the planet's primary above. The shadows of the dropships crossed above but that mattered little. The fighters and ships above would have to deal with them till the troops landed.

The bigger issue was the resounding rumble that was still coming through the ground. HUD display coming to life Isaiah caught the creature in his viewscreen. A creature large enough to where it nearly towered over the buildings making even a rancor look like a child's toy. Whistling beneath the helmet Isaiah looked down to the carbonite rifle in his hand. “Knew I should’ve brought the rocket launcher.” The warrior growled before coming up behind the Servitor’s target.

A single woman ( Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron ) stood there battering back the creature with a manifested gale of wind. Her hair whipped to and fro as the wind and sand funneled upwards to hold the colossal worm back.

“Leave it to a Jedi to fight it using the force.” The force was certainly an ally and could do things the human mind could barely comprehend at times, but over his exile, Isaiah had learned to place his trust in a good ol rifle. Shouldering the carbonite rifle the Mandalorian pulled the trigger. Over the woman’s head, a thick beam of cobalt energy shot straight up and into the maw of the Servitor.

On impact with the roof of the creature's mouth, the beam turned into metallic ice. Carbonite, a bounty hunter favorite. Spreading like a disease the carbonite continued to spread throughout the creature's mouth even beginning to crawl out and encase its head. “Shatter it!” Isaiah shouted over both the gale and his rifle at the Jedi.
Location: Operations Center, Emerald Undertow, departing Yurb
Objective: Halt the enemy fleet's advance
Allies: ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar Ura Iolar Ura Iolar Eugen Barca Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran
Enemies: Ver'kad Inuk

A flash of cronau radiation flashed near the holographic hull of the Emerald Undertow, and for a few tense seconds, the man worried that they were just about to become unwilling participants in a superluminal collision. A wave of relief briefly took him as he realized that the ship hadn't collided with his flag vessel, but that relief quickly evaporated as the vessel revealed its tentacled form. No doubt a creation of the Bryn...The Debaucher's tentacles would soon meet the Emerald Undertow's Starlight Scutum overshield, which didn't work like conventional starship shielding. Unlike many particle shields, the Scutum didn't attempt to reinforce the molecular bonds of a hull - instead, it sought to destroy whatever came into contact with it. Flashes of bright light skittered across that shield's surface, and a quick glance at the sensors showed that somehow, the unusual enemy vessel was starting to sap the energy away from the shield, though given the mammoth size difference between the Undertow and the enemy frigate, it would likely be at least a few minutes before that would happen, and even then, the debaucher would have three more levels of shielding to pierce. Still, it's best not to get complacement...He toggled his comm.

"Blue Group and starbombers, engage the tentacled ship that's attempting to meet the Emerald Undertow," ordered the blonde man, toggling his comm to the channel he shared with Chief Tartan, "do you see the starship that just reverted to our dorsal side?"

"Want me to put a few rounds through it?"

Gir shook his head, "Not exactly, let's keep our firing patterns the same as they are right but let's switch a pair of the Auras and our normal tractor beams to hold this new ship in its current location. We have more pressing matters to focus on. Remember the Iron Fist drill we talked about earlier?"


"I want to try it on the first enemy planetary assault carrier."


His eyes continued to stare at the tentacled warship, watching as brilliant flashes of light began to light up around the debaucher as the hundreds of starbombers that had maintained formation under the shield umbrella of the Undertow began to make attack runs against the enemy frigate, launching scores of Starcore-class Concussion Missiles and Starfall-class Heavy Rockets at the frigate. Unlike most missiles, the Starcores and Starfalls used a chemical drive and an impact-primed explosive - meaning that they couldn't be deactivated by technological deadfields. A ring of the Catalina-class Light Corvettes began to circle above the Debaucher in a complex and irregular weave, launching more Starcores and Starfalls from their warhead launchers along with a variety of other weapons from plasma torpedoes to batter away at the enemy frigate. I can't get too distracted here...He felt the tentative energy and focus of Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova guide him back to thinking about the rest of the battle.

The lines and formations were beginning to merge between the various fleets, increasing the likilihood of a brawl occurring. The Emerald Undertow continued to spit out Starcore warhead salvos, decimating the Ra'maks all while trying to pursue the enemy starfighters. The enemy is going to run out of shielding Ra'maks soon, and the Starcores are seeking warheads, the enemy fighters won't be able to run for long. That seemed doubly true now that the Zephyrs and Gales were starting to pursue the fighters, along with most of the screening corvettes having even more of their anti-starfighter weapons in range. It did not appear that the Bryn'adul had their own point defense weapons to use against the Silver Jedi starfighters. But among the myriad of small strikecraft explosions that dotted the battlefield, several larger ones appeared, with the Hunter, Chaser, and Arbiter succuumbing to enemy. Escape pods jettisoned out from those craft as they disintegrated under the heavy enemy fire, with most seeking the refuge of allied starships and a few jetting away to the nearby Glasser Stations and Yurb below. The man's quisitive eyes analyzed the enemy's tactics, noting the enemy use of slow-firing, but powerful superheated railguns - while such weapons were more exotic than galactic standard and probably more effective against standard shielding, most of his craft present had Aegis II-class Anticoncussion Field Generators, meeting an exotic weapon with an exotic defense to match. Built to endure such slugging matches and with that heavy shielding and armor plating, the trio of Achilles-class Assault Cruisers lead by the Galatea took the brunt of some of that fire before encircling the second Conquester and subjecting it to searing homing laser and plasma fire while their scatter cannons began to unload clouds of proton scattershot not only into the conquesters, but also into any nearby Phedrak fighter squadrons, depriving them on a needed harbor. The assault cruisers latched onto the Conquester with their tractor beams and began to modulate their engines to randomly change their thrust power, not only ensuring that the conquester wouldn't be able to escape their fire, but also to make their movements unpredictable. Against the larger silhoutte of the carriers, there was a reasonably good chance that enemy ballista fire meant to hit the now-hard-to-track Achilles and instead strike the Bryn'adul carrier. Nothing like the possibility of friendly fire to whetten the aggressiveness of an enemy. Things are starting to come together...He allowed himself a wan smile.

"Hey...something...something doesn't feel right to me," said Sariya, "that tentacle's coming towards try and board us?"

"It's a possibility."

"I need to go to the likely entry way then."

"We should destroy it before that happens," replied the man, "but go if you must, talk with the colonels and take some droids and troops with you."

The albino achani woman nodded.

"And Sariya, don't get killed."

"Yes boss."

The man turned his attention to the other carrier just in time to see Tartun execute his Iron Fist drill, itself a variation pioneered by Warlord Zsinji. Instead of hitting the first conquester directly, Tartun redirected the Thunderer-class Heavy Particle Cannons of the Undertow onto objects nearby the carrier, from space debris to nearby Ra'mak's to the smoldering hull of the abandoned Chaser, using them as starter food for brief but massive clouds of radioactive shrapnel, that with some luck would embed itself into the living carrier and subject it to incessant radiation poisoning. As the Silver Jedi and Directorate starships began to maneuver among the broadsides of the Bryn'adul formation, much of the Butcher Attack Cruiser's spinal-focused firepower would be effectively out of a target. We have them now, but we can have them quicker if we lop off the head...His sapphire blue eyes narrowed on the banking hull of the Divine Brutality. His intuition tugged at him. This is it. This is the moment. This is the largest targeting profile he's given us yet.

"Tartun, grab the Brutality with the Auras that you still have on the attack cruisers. This is the largest target area he's exposed to use yet. Let's give it to him. Give him even the Ragnarok's. The missile loadout is fine still, a ship that large can't shake off homing missiles."

"Yes sir."

Excitement gripped him as he switched channels one more time, "General, tell your men and droids that the combat shuttles are about to launch."

Task Force Emerald Undertow - moving to intercept 1st Wave of Bryn'adul ships in conjunction with local defense fleet
The Emerald Undertow with Cloaking Warfare Module - preparing to engage cloaking device; firing on targets as described in post above & in summary below

Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Galatea - firing on Conquester B (Shields: 65% Hull: 98%)
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Undaunted - firing on Conquester B (Shields: 85% Hull: 100%)
Achilles-class Assault Cruiser Immortalite - firing on Conquester B (Shields: 75% Hull: 99%)

Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Attacker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Hunter - screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Chaser -screening Emerald Undertow from enemy strikecraft and projectiles - DESTROYED
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Stalker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Bellerophon-class Pocket Carrier Striker - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks

Warden-class Escort Corvette Reaper - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Warden-class Escort Corvette Arbiter - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks - DESTROYED
Warden-class Escort Corvette Smiter -screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Warden-class Escort Corvette Puncher - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks
Warden-class Escort Corvette Charger - screening Emerald Undertow; attacking Phredrak fighters and Ra'maks

Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue One - attacking Debaucher attacking Emerald Undertow
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Two - attacking Debaucher attacking Emerald Undertow
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Three -attacking Debaucher attacking Emerald Undertow
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Four - attacking Debaucher attacking Emerald Undertow
Catalina-class Light Corvette Blue Five - attacking Debaucher attacking Emerald Undertow

35 Fighter squadrons
10 Zephyr-class Droid Fighter Squadrons (~240 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters and Ra'maks
10 Cyclone II-class Starbomber Squadrons (120 starbombers) - Attacking Debaucher which is attacking Emerald Undertow
10 Gale-class Heavy Fighter Squadrons (80 starfighters) - Attacking Phredrak Fighters

16 Support Squadrons
15 Shyyyo-class Combat Transport Squadrons (~180 transports) - docked onboard carrier vessels - passengers onboard and ready to launch

Summary of actions
-Emerald Undertow grabs and holds Debaucher in place with two of its Aura-class Tractor/Pressor beams and its other tractor beam projectors; continues to throw out Starcore concussion missile sabots from its heavy gun batteries to devastate enemy small craft; Thunderer-class Heavy Particle cannons use Iron Fist-derived tactic on Conquester A; Aura-class Tractor/Pressor beams make a broad sweep to grab hold of the Divine Brutality; All weapons continue to fire on the exposed flank of the Divine Brutality.
-Achilles-class Assault Cruisers use variation of Ackbar Slash to attack and pursue Conquester B, increasing their invasion in order to increase the probability of enemy rounds hitting Conquester B instead of the cruisers.
-Escort and carrier corvettes continue to engage enemy strikecraft
-Catalina-class Corvettes and all starbombers attack the Debaucher near the Emerald Undertow

Rough Map (All formations are now in mutual weapon's range)

Drekarys Kel



Objective - Assault
The defiance of these Humans will be nothing but a memory! They have set up defences outside of the cities shield, once our Siege Platforms have deployed, co-ordinate with the Insurgent forces and annihilate the Human presence at Edsert!

Barad Kukri
Ashaka Acolytes
Kyyrk Kyyrk Aurelion Nova Aurelion Nova


Warhorns blared as the M'gaelak Siege Towers dropped from their pods in orbit, and Bryn'adûl Forces surged forth to bring Holy Death and Destruction to the enemies of the Seven Tenets. Leaders across the battlefield led their forces in chants, calling upon the Divine Power of the Tenets to fuel the Conquestathon of the Galaxy. Such were the building blocks of Draelvasier life, summarised into Seven Words, Seven Tenets, Seven Ideas. . .

Seven Ideas that had led the Bryn'adûl to victory a hundred times over, and would lead them to victory in a Galactic Conquest. But so simply had the hundred-and-one Ashaka begun their Battle Meditation, did they find it opposed by the soft-skin Jedi... Or rather, soft-skin allies of the Jedi... for the opposition was entirely light in it's nature, as the Jedi would so often preach it to be...

Nor was it as large a joined effort as the Ashaka held, merely a strong presence from it's practitioners, a weakness soon to be crushed. Drekarys could not claim whole ignorance to the techniques, for in some he found similarities to his own, and techniques he had once read of. The Battle that followed would not be of flesh and steel, but mind and Force.

Seven Holy Tenets, a Doctrine for the Draelvasier to build their lives upon, a Doctrine that Drekarys broke the serenity of the command centre to proclaim. To empower the Hundred Ashaka Acolytes with. His voice boomed out, across the M'gaelak Siege Tower and across the Bryn'adûl Battlefield, so that none could say they had not heard it.

Every soul, Bryn'adûl and Softskin alike, who could be touched by the Ashaka Battle Meditation would hear the message of the Ashaka Priest. The thunder of his voice deafening, enough to make artillery sound like whispers in one's ear, echoed by the Ashakian Acolytes

Apathy. . . The First Tenet, the concept of paying no heed to those not worthy of it."

Balance. . . The Second Seventh, the truth that a careful balance between technology and nature must be maintained."

Accountability. . . The Third Truth, that one is always accountable for their actions and their inactions."

Weakness. . . The Necessary Evil. Those who allow their weaknesses to define them have truly failed to uphold the Seven Tenets."

Strength. . . The Guiding Hand. Strength should be applied to all fields and faculties. One should always do their best, lest Weakness consume them."

Battle. . . The Greatest Truth. Battles fought should always end in Victory, or Bravery and Strength applied in the face of Defeat."

Comradery. . . Unity, the trust placed in one another, the realisation that none of the Sixth Predecessory Tenets can be achieved without truth and cooperation among the ALL."

R I P A N D T E A R T H E I N F I D E L S A P A R T!"

To softskin ears, the words were nought more than meaningless sounds in a foreign dialect, not even those who had mastered Comprehend Speech could understand it, for the First Tenet of Draelvasier Culture was apathy, and the Draelvasier certainly had no need nor want for softskins to understand their complex language. But to the Bryn'adûl, there was not a word spoken without certainty, not a syllable lacking conviction, for all words Drekarys Kel, Priest of the Order Ashaka, had spoken were spoken with the conviction of a true Zealot, an embodiment of the Seven Tenets, reciting their meaning like a God would instruct his disciples.

The final words spoken by the Priest were not of instruction or reiteration of the Seven Tenets, however, a simple commandment. A command to Rip and Tear.

With that final command, the Priest gave himself away to the Shadows he commanded, allowing them to raise him up and empower him, his eyes turning themselves back as shadows given form began to roll off his body, filling the room and empowering the Ashakian Acolytes, increasing the strength of their Battle Meditation to meet that of the Softskin Jedi.

Had there been a celestial bard who might have witnessed the battle from afar, and peered into the M'gaelak holding the Ashakian Acolytes and their Divine Priest... he might have written a ballad about Shadows coming alive to clash with the Light as the Bryn'adûl clashed with the Silver Jedi Order and their allies.

Drekarys fuelled the Ashaka Acolytes to further empower their Battle Meditation to combat that of the Opposing Force.


Location: Yurb Space
Objective: Get repairs then head back out to fight
Allies: SJO and Allies ( Kimiko Taiyou Kimiko Taiyou , Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran , Gir Quee Gir Quee , ADM. Reshmar ADM. Reshmar )
Enemies: Byrn'adul

“Once I get some repairs I'll come help escort those ships."

Flying around to the side of the ship I carefully maneuvered into the landing bay. The landing gear was busted so I half landed, half skidded into the repair bay. Turning all of the controls off, I thought about our situation. Master Nooran's bombing run could be the push we need to win this. As I was climbing out of my X-Wing a few technicians came running over.

"Master Nooran said you needed repairs. What can we do for yah?"

Grabbing a nearby repair cart with the force I pulled it over here. A man jumped back in shock, but the others got ready to help.

"Main problem is the engine is shot. It is shooting sparks everywhere. If we can get that running I'll be set. You guys fix that while I'll strap on the bigger guns for the bombing run."

The group nodded and hurried toward the back of the X-Wing. Looking toward my left I saw bombs stacked on carts. I pulled them over to me. Carefully taking them off of the cart I then began hooking them to the ship. Once four of them wee strapped on I went to check on the technicains.

"All set. Go kick some Bryn'adul ass."

They saluted so I saluted back. After quickly shaking their hands I turned on my comm. It was static at first. After a few good smacks it clicked to life. Climbing up into my X-Wing I strapped in. Waving to the technicians I flew out of the hangar.

"Master Nooran? This is Okkeus. Tell me where those bombers are at and I'll come help escort. I may or may not have a few bombs with me as well..."
Objective: B

Equipment: Kasurigamax2.
Location: On a Gunboat.
Allies: Bryn'adul Osam Osam Galak Galak
Enemies: Anyone not Bryn’adul.
Forces: Lonesome.

Sarask wasn’t made for this kind of combat. Brutes charging forth, destroying shields, getting gunned down by blasterfire and whatever else the enemy had against them and so on. The din of battle was excruciatingly loud. Suddenly she wished she had taken her chances against that platform. Though, there was still time perhaps, she could commandeer a gunship, perhaps. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to get close to the firefight at the moment, raging in its infancy.

She tapped into the Force, and shrouded her details from view, becoming a black blur. She then dug her legs into the ground, her weapons chained up at her waist and hips. She sped off to the side, jumping over and ducking below blasterfire and missiles. It seemed as though the big warmachine was jumping up into the air, trying to tackle someone, perhaps a Jedi. Even Sarask’s blood grew hot at the thought of facing such beings, mostly out of excitement. They were usually a cut above the rest in terms of fun engagements.

Sarask thought up a plan. Perhaps she could break through or around the enemy line, no, doubtful. They were trying to enter a city, it’d probably be guarded on most sides, if not with people, turrets. The meatshields were likely to be her best bet. She turned herself around and made for the giant brutish creature. Perhaps she could steal a few of his jedi.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Objective: Assault
Equipment: Cuirass & Staff
Aboard: M'gaelak Siege Tower [Atop the crown]
Allies: [Accompanying]: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Krarolk T'manu | Osam Osam | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris | Rahm Rahm | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Galak Galak | Sethrak Sethrak | Hrajlmak'Natok Hrajlmak'Natok |
Enemies: Niamh Raste | Nyx N1X3 Nyx N1X3 | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Ura Iolar Ura Iolar | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Caedyn Arenais | Matvec Triddol Matvec Triddol | Barrien Siegfried | The Monster The Monster | Abaigeal E'ron Abaigeal E'ron | Amani Serys Amani Serys | @

The dissipation of the shield underground escalated the time-table of the three Servitors working underground to destabilise the foundations of the city. The three massive serpents cut through the earth in circular motions, quickly robbing the city of its strength in the earth. The Primarch's attention was momentarily torn from his Beasts as the Siege Towers and their surrounding forces were attacked once more with vicious bombing runs.

It seemed even one was perhaps some type of gas, but as it seemed to have no effect; the Primarch paid no immediate attention as the Titan turned to him, moving to enter a Gunboat. The Primarch rested his handless stub against his chest, nodding to him. The Primarch did not wish the Sire ill, but he knew that the Chieftain was needed on the front-lines and when he did, they rallied. The forces of the Bryn'adûl would rally to their father, their king and creator. The Primarch reached out, seeking the Draeyde that had been spawned from the bellies of the Hive-Bombers, he could feel them all - their primitive, vicious minds. There was nearly forty-five thousand of them and it took the collective efforts of the Shamans to control them. Cloaked in the night and shadow as all around Edsert they would act as spiralling arms of the dark, culling entire streets.

Somehow, that was not all. They flooded inside his head, their tiny minds dominating his own as the balance shifted. The Primarch gasped, his stub reaching out in thought as if it still had fingers; grasping at his throat and chest as he fell to one knee; his Staff remaining upright was the only thing keeping up off of his hands and knees. He could feel it, coursing through his veins. His mind, frail and weak. Through a scuppered slobber the Primarch snarled in defiance, lightly shaking as he looked down below. Their troops whom had the unfortunate of being both unshielded and caught in the original gaseous blast were all... His eyes widened as he saw their bodies recoil in pain, some falling where they stood from the pain. The Drones and Savage Drones attacking one and other, luckily they numbered in a dozen or less.

The pain surged through him, his mind declining aggressively as his concentration was sapped. Flashes, memories unrecalled suddenly a present infatuation he could not rid himself off. Random things, pointless things plagued his mind as the plague ran wild in his mind. He could feel it festering, tearing at the things that made him, himself.

He had to stop it somehow he - The Primarch reached out, relying on his staff to do the work as white tendrils of life draining energy cut across the afflicted, tearing what life remained from them. He had to sustain himself; using the force to temporary halt the use of one of his hearts. That could slow it - possibly. Blood trickled down from the orifices of his face, eyes and mouth as the Primarch turned his attention to the city once again. Rage - rage against the tide.

All across the battlefield, the remaining terraformers worked in over-drive. Slowly, the ground would shrink beneath their mortal foe. The red shadow encroached from all sides upon the blackened city, seeping between the feet of the Siege Towers, entangling itself with the corpses and all the intimate details of Edsert. Yellow eyes sought destruction, peering out from the miasma of air transformed by their Nimscall. From all sides, Edsert was besieged and soon all who followed the weak would know nothing but... Death.

With a blood gargled and powerful scream, the Primarch did not command as a master but rather dominated the Servitors beneath the City with one primal instinct - to destroy. They would work tirelessly now, empowered by his dark rage. He would see this city sunk into the depths, consumed as he was undeniably becoming.

"You'll lose more than a hand.."
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Objective: Hunt, Kill.
Galak Galak | Sarask Hiskt Sarask Hiskt | Krarolk T'manu
Enemies: Enlil Enlil
Location: D4

The Emissary had managed to accomplish what many would have believed improbable. While there was little doubt in their success as a whole, Osam like many had expected there to be far greater casualties involved in their push towards the shield. The fact that the Emissary had merely summoned a few aides to his side and carried the Distorter to an appropriate range was a testament not only to his physical prowess but also to the creativity that flooded his mind. While Galak sought to regain his breath, he jested to the Major about how he ought to have brought others to assist in the lifting, and something akin to a grin grew across the Risen's face.

"With strength like a Rhivak, I do not believe you needed them, Emissary." He offered in compliment, observing in awe as the Distorter performed its deeds and brought low the shield of Edsert. There, Osam waited a moment, observing from where he stood as the battle raged on in the distance, friend and foe squabbling for inches as they fought wherever they were able. Defenses had risen from unlikely sources, a rallying call having brought many of humanity's protectors together to quarrel with the Crusade. That was for the best, he thought because it meant that they would all be butchered in one place. There would be no hiding from them in dark places and quiet pits.

"The generator's outpost still stands. The Servitor will rend it, though." He said, still looking out into the distance as best as he was able. There was a degree of contemplation running through his mind, not the melancholic nor meditative stance taken by the sorrowful Jedi and their allies, but rather the stern consideration of where best they might join the assault. "Shall we pinch the city together from the Western flank, Emissary, or -- what is your strategy? I am eager to see it through." He offered, at last, acknowledging the superior mind of the Emissary who had already led them so far. Perhaps, he thought, he and the Sraelvun would be sent out to eliminate any rogues in the west while the brutes continued onwards to Edsert... but it was impossible to know the design of Galak's scheme.
Location: Edsert Outpost [E7, outside walls]
Objective: Stomp'em! Fight! - Hold the Outpost and prevent the destruction of the Shield Generator
Allies: SJO and Allies
Enemies: Byrn'adul, Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Directly Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus
Associated Forces:
Personal Loadout:


The shout came through the coms from Sergeant Erris Lota, who remained on the walls directing the defense of that section. While there were certainly officers and NCO's within the Maul Company platoons stationed up there that technically outranked her, there was little they could say or do in the face of her-or Icarus'-track record and experience.

Beltran, who had jumped over the walls with a fireteam of Rangers was already in the thick of things. Firing off Thermite Incendiary Rounds on full auto at the groups of Savage Drones that had managed to make it past the Dire Wolves grenade volleys. When striking a target, approximately a third of these rounds would "cook off" with a powerful exothermic reaction that burned in excess of 2500 degrees Celsius. And even the rounds that didn't "cook off" would slam into the relatively unarmored bodies of the Drones, causing nasty damage.

To his left and right, Rangers from Maul company's first and second platoons fought from their entrenched positions beyond the walls, holding the line despite being hard pressed. Beltran and his men were running between the trenches, engaging anything that seemed to be too much for the other Rangers to handle.

Looking up, Beltran saw what had made the Sergeant call out. A strange looking aircraft had moved itself over the battlespace and from it, a giant beastly creature ( Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus ) was jumping down. There was some sporadic fire that was lobbed in the giant's direction, by soldiers who'd had the seconds to spare to look, but nothing seemed to connect with any significance.

As the creature landed, a powerful wave of energy exploded out from around it, knocked soldiers back, destroying sandbag emplacements and even collapsing part of a trench. From where some of the Rangers lay, Beltran could see that those who'd taken direct hits from this blast had suffered below-knee amputations.

Screams of pain erupted through the com-net, which Beltran quickly muted.

For something that appeared to be the size of a small speedercraft, it moved fast, bisecting a Ranger with a giant Axe in one hand and wielding a sword in the other. A swarm of bat-like creatures began to surround the being, acting as a kind of shield from the fire that the beast was beginning to attract and tearing into the Ranger positions. One unlucky Ranger, while he was being torn apart by the piranha-like bats accidentally activated the flashlight on his weapon and its powerful shone directly some of the creatures. Almost instantly, they seemed to recoil from the light source, leaving what was left of the Ranger to fall into the blood soaked ground and backing off as if struck.

"Anyone with signal flares," Beltran called calmly over the net. "Toss them toward the creatures acting as a shield, I don't think they like light. Also, turn on your muzzle lights and helmet flashlights."

From a dozen positions within the trench network and from over the walls of the Outpost, multiple basic signal flares were thrown at the creatures filling the area with light. In addition, numerous high intensity beams of light were trained on the creatures, and for good measure several incendiary grenades were thrown into their midst, cooking off with a more reliable and extreme version of the exothermic reaction displayed by the projectiles.

As those creatures that would be effected by this attack shifted positions, Beltran finally got a good look at the creature they guarded. It was massive in stature and density and through the Force, Beltran could feel it's rage and bloodlust.

Good. He thought to himself as he casually dropped his rifle. Finally something worth killing.

From his waist, Beltran would pull his father's lightsaber and activate it's bright orange blade. With his other hand, he would draw his Handcannon and begin to run headlong into the creatures' formation. As he ran, his powered suit would aid him with speed and strength, and he would tap into the Force, using some of the techniques he had begun to learn from Jedi Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei . He would dart and jump, duck and weave through attacks while swinging his saber in the wide arcs common of the Schii-Cho style to ward off the ravenous bats. Several times, he would pause just long enough to fire a single shot from his cannon into the face of one of the creatures, it's depleted Baradium slug turning the creature into a kind of mush.

By the time he had fought his way through the wall of winged creatures and stood before the monstrous creature that they protected, he had expended all of the bullets housed in that weapon. With the same casualness that he'd discarded his rifle earlier, he dropped the revolver as well and turned to face the giant.

"Hello there," He would say over his suit's vox modulator, his voice taking on a metallic quality. "I brought you a present. Well two actually. Myself, who is going to teach you the meaning of pain. And...this!"

With a speed that seemed to defy possibility, Beltran would pull a Cryo-Ban Grenade from his chest rig and activate it. He would then sprint forward, moving fast and underhand toss it up directly at Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus ' face-or at least what Beltran assumed was his face, it was pretty ugly. At the same instant that the cryo grenade would explode, Beltran would leap into the air aided by his jump jets and the force. He would somersault over the creature and swing his saber downward, trying to push the point of the blade directly into the creature's brain-pan.

Then he would land behind the creature, and not pausing to even see if he'd done any damage, would begin swinging wildly at it.


Specialist Paxton Reece fired off the main weapon of the Basta APC as the driver turned the craft to the side and wheeled around, obeying the order given by the CIS commander Haastal Haran Haastal Haran . Reece wasn't particularly worried about aiming as there were so many approaching targets to choose from. He just made sure to slow the progress of those that seemed the most likely to engage the small ad hoc column of theirs.

Outside, Corporal Javos and other members of the Danutan Volunteers ran out of the APC's and took up positions with the Dauntless soldiers. For a reserve regiment, Reece was impressed to see how well they kept order while under fire. He vaguely remembered that Danuta, the world they were from, was a mining colony. It's people were tough and hardy and well used to working in dangerous conditions.

While they held the line, other members of the group would usher the civilians onto the various speeder transports from their own damaged vehicles. As the enemy grew closer, Reece heard the command call out for reinforcements and was somewhat relieved when it was responded to almost immediately by one of the other CIS commanders Luna Terrik Luna Terrik .

"Yeah!" He shouted at the advancing enemies. "Come get some, pateesas! Reece got somethin' special for ya, right here!"

It would have been fair to say that Reece was having the time of his life, although he wouldn't have minded another deathstick right about now...

Summary of Actions:
Icarus Platoon
Status: Minor Casualties (45 Rangers Active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment

Maul Company - 666th Mechanized
Status: Significant Casualties (96 Rangers still active)
Disposition: Heavily engaged with Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus and his advancing 10th Regiment
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Objective: Insurgent - COMPLETE - Assault
Location: D5 in transit to D6
Equipment: Armour | Mauler |
Units: 3894 Brutes, 3,590 Drones - Risen lead | 271 Quilxyn Protectors | 6 Ravagers | 4 Obaliscs | 12 Syphons | 300 Brumaks |
Airborne: Two-Hundred & Fifty-Five Gunboats 5700
Allies: Osam Osam | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Reosyvern Reosyvern | Krarolk T'manu | Kyrim Tenebris Kyrim Tenebris
Enemies: Edsert City Inhabitants | Caedyn Arenais | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Warchief Waddles Warchief Waddles | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | The Monster The Monster |
Engaging: Luna Terrik Luna Terrik [General Catarak's forces]

  • D5 - 1 Obalisc, 1,100 Drones,
  • E5 - 1 Obalisc, 1,100 Drones, 6 Syphons,
  • C5 - 3 Ravagers, 6 Syphons, 800 Drones, 2,000 Brutes, 300 Brumaks

Galak pushed himself to his feet, there was still fighting to be done and there was no way he was sitting out on it.

"Its not just my strategy, Osam. But now our objective is to help the Titan. The city is of no threat. Come on Osam, ."
One could hear the combat from a distance, they all knew the plan.

Draw the humans into the cross-fire - crush the Humans. Now, they had to take the centre of the city so they could support the siege forces, and they needed to land their fresh forces to do that. Overhead, all kinds of enemy fighters and vessels were engaging with the Gunboats attempting to land into the city. Galak and the others came to a halt outside of a hole in the wall, one of their Gunboats that'd been shot down had crashed through the side of the Edsert Defence wall. Galak smiled, activating his communication stone on his gauntlet; "Catarak, give me an update!" If anyone could give him an update it was the Brute General Catarak leading the new Gunboats into the city.

"Galak, Ra'maks and old Gunboats are giving cover to my forces. The Siege Towers have forced the enemy to retreat into the city!"

Luck was on their side. The fates were on their side, the cosmic will of the force as the Seers would put it. It had their backs. But that didn't mean they didn't need air support for their boats. Leaving the Shield Killer behind, the Brute and his forces moved into the city. The Brute thought quick on his feet, switching to his helmet built in communicator; "Deploy your forces in a Brumak formation inside the city just beyond the main gates, we'll catch them you and the Siege Towers. Deploy the remaining Obaliscs into the City centre, we'll take these skies by force! I'll take my forces and flank the Shield Generator outpost to help the Chieftain!" - "Yes Emissary! Sending some help your way!"

In the skies, the empty Gunboats would provide cover for the fresh Gunboats, soaking up any fire coming their way. Galak looked up, seeing a multitude of enemy fighters departed the atmospheric battle for orbit, it must've been going badly for them. Consequently, this allowed the Ra'maks flying to also focus fire on the enemy squadron, they lost maybe eighteen older Gunboats, but in the process it allowed their forces to land. The Obaliscs being deployed to grid sector E-5 would encounter the Lergara, the forty Gunboats would open fire with their plasma throwers first before opening fire with their turrets at the Lergara, giving time for the two Obaliscs to be deployed, both opening fire at the Lergara. Those at grid-sector D-5 would arrive with almost no contending forces present, immediately the two artillery units would open fire at the overhead forces.

At roughly the same time, General Catarak deploys with his forces to grid sector C-5 ahead of the retreating Confederate forces, landing with their Syphons ready to attack their vehicles, Brumaks in a front-line force ready to fire a compounding super-strike as soon as they came through, attacking the immediate defending forces of the city walls. Galak had the rest of their forces land with him on their way to the city centre, cutting through the city. Galak watched as the Draeyde cut through civilians and soldiers alike, seemingly clearing a path. Whatever Shaman was watching their back, he was thankful.

The Brute Emissary and his forces cut through the cities feeble defences like a knife, it wouldn't be too long before they were assisting the Titan himself.

  • Galak and his forces enter the city.
  • Empty Gunboats and Ra'mak War Beasts provide cover for the Gunboats and fight against Y-TIE Squadrons and Kyr'galaar and Ova'karir Fighters
  • Eighteen Gunboats destroyed
  • Twelve Syphons deployed
  • Six Ravagers deployed with Galak
  • Forty gunboats scorch the E-5 area and the Lergara with their plasma throwers
  • Two Obaliscs Deployed to E-5 - Obaliscs open fire at Lergara.
  • Two Obaliscs Deploy at D-5 and attack enemy vessels. [Y-TIE/Kyr/Ova]
  • 3 Ravagers, 6 Syphons, 800 Drones, 2,000 Brutes, 300 Brumaks deployed at C-5, holding the line to trap Luna Terrik's forces.
  • Galak and his forces move from the edge of D4 through 5 to 6.
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Location: D5, above ground, outside tunnels/bunkers
Allies: SJO
Enemies: Osam Osam

He brushed the dust and sand away from his clothes as he took stock of the situation. There were small forces moving in concentration, and large enemies that posed a threat all their own. Armor had never been a factor in ancient warfare, but the King had familiarized himself with at least some concept of modern tactics.

There's nothing like a bit of hands on training to really round out the education, though. He was a decent distance away from where the others landed, west of the Shield Generator but not quite to the westernmost area of the zone. A bunker nearby presented an opportunity for cover, but what he needed more than anything right now was an enemy to engage. He couldn't find a proper strategy for dealing with them any other way.

Enlil began to pool his thoughts, expand his consciousness, and open his mind to the world around him. It was like taking in a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh, clean air, but his whole body felt relief. The soothing sensation spread fast and to every corner of his being, and with it came a sensation almost like pins and needles. Acute awareness.

"Someone give me something I can use," he murmured as the effects of Battle Meditation began to strike against the awareness he'd opened, and suddenly, many thoughts and emotions became available to him.

All of these warm emotions, all of them centered in goodness... he sorted through them for what he needed and drew upon it.


"Have you found a solution?" he asked calmly. It would not do to add conflicting emotion to their spiral of collective consciousness.


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