Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zark's Laboratory


  • Intent: To submit an NPC archenemy for use in an upcoming ORC faction storyline.
  • ​Image Credit: The Chosen, XCOM 2
  • Role: Varex Zal is the Overseer of a military expedition dispatched from the Sharukan Empire to annex the local powers of the Kathol region and surrounding Outer Rim space, bringing them into compliance with Imperial law and order.
  • Links: /
  • Age: 62
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Sharukan
  • Appearance: An almost regal figure, Zal is often adorned with an ornate suit of Sharukan power armor which adds considerable bulk to his already robust frame. Electric purple eyes belie a lifetime of martial discipline and fervent nationalism. Tall for his species, the Overseer stands a full two meters in height outside of his combat exoskeleton.
  • Name: Overseer Varex Zal
  • Loyalties: Sharukan Empire
  • Wealth: While Zal's personal wealth is modest by the standards of his fellow elite Sharuka, as the appointed Imperial Overseer of Kathol space and its surrounding subsectors he is able to call upon the immense manpower and resources of all Sharukan assets in the region he has been assigned. This level of power and influence within his people's hierarchy is comparable to a regional moff in the Galactic Imperial style.
  • Notable Possessions: Ceremonial Sharukan Vibroblade, large financial holdings within the Empire.
  • Skills: A lauded veteran general of the Sharukan military caste, Zal has been fighting in power armor since young adulthood. While the past several decades of his career have been spent in command positions, he is still in peak warrior condition and an expert marksman with his people's tensor rifle technology.
  • Personality: Overseer Zal lacks none of the arrogant xenophobia that is the typical hallmark of his species, but he is not an excessively cruel man. For now he views his compliance efforts in the Kathol region with a grim sense of annoyance, nevertheless fully committed to carrying out such a dutiful obligation to his people. Zal values honor as his people perceive it, and while fundamentally at odds with the rest of the Outer Rim, he has a personal code which he will not break even at the risk of personal harm or worse, failure in his charge.
  • Weapon of Choice: Sharukan Tensor Rifle/Disruptor Sidearm
  • Combat Function:
    (+) Iron Fist: As Overseer of all Sharukan Imperial occupation forces within the Kathol region, Zal has immense power and influence among his people and rules over their mission of annexation with a militant, authoritarian vigor.
  • (+) Warmaster: Appointed to his current position from the Empire's military caste, Varex Zal is a seasoned veteran warrior who previously held command over the entire Testoran Guard. An experienced battlefield commander, the Overseer is no stranger to leading his people in wars of subjugation and conquest.
  • (+) Ruthless Cunning: Zal did not get to where he is now through mediocrity. He rose through the ranks of the Testoran Guard on the merits of his skill at advanced battle tactics and outwitting his opponents.
  • (-) Arrogant: The Overseer is a classic example of predominant Sharukan attitudes towards other sentient species. Believing his own race to be fundamentally superior, there is no particular racial malice in his heart, but Zal's stubborn overconfidence in any given situation no matter the odds can be used against him.
  • (-) Tech Dependence: Practically always seen in Sharukan power armor, Overseer Zal relies heavily on his species' advanced technology to level the playing field like all his warriors. Out of their armor most Sharukan are weaker than humans, and while Varex is in peak physical condition for his kind to fight unarmored against a species like a wookiee he would be easily torn apart.
  • (-) Death Before Dishonor: Although bizarre by most galactic standards, Zal has a strict personal code which we will not break no matter what. He would rather die than do a disservice to the Sharukan Empire, and although he cares little for the lesser species he is not wholly without compassion for the needs of alien life.


Varex Zal is an uncompromising figure of martial renown within Sharukan society, before his elevation to Overseer of the Empire's compliance efforts throughout the greater Outer Rim he served for decades in the Imperial military climbing the ranks from enlisted man all the way up to flag officer, at one point attaining overall command of the elite Testoran Guard.

The Overseer is no stranger to his people's campaigns to enforce order among their more unruly neighbors, species which the Sharukan consider lesser and detrimental to their people's ideals of rigid adherence to cultural protocols deemed necessary for the greater good. Having served in many such theaters over the course of his lifetime, Zal has helped bring entire worlds to submission in preparation for the upliftment of Sharukan oversight.

This new responsibility will test him like no other, for not only is Varex being asked to prosecute military campaigns, but he is now being asked to supervise their administration and ensure long term adherence to the rule of Sharukan law.

  • Intent: To test out the waters of planet creation for the first time and create a fun new pirate themed backwater system for ORC to expand out into.
  • ​Image Credit:
  • Canon: /
  • Links: /
  • Planet Name: Freehold
  • Demonym: Providian
  • Region: Outer Rim
  • System Name: Providence System
  • System Features:
Squall is a Class M red supergiant, bathing the entire system in a warm crimson glow that belies the ferocity of its occasional solar storms which wreak havoc on sublight travel out to the heliopause.​

Providence 1
A molten planetoid and the first orbital body in the Providence system, Magnar is far too close to Squall for its surface to be habitable, but its dark side is survivable for brief periods and a warren of subterranean mining facilities dedicated to extracting precious durelium and lommite. Working the Mines of Magnar is a fate consigned to those unfortunate souls who run afoul of a captain with influence.​

Providence 2
The system's primary habitable world, Freehold is a tropical paradise situated precisely far enough from Squall to be optimal for human comfort, and surrounded by a veritable maze of moons with varying levels of atmosphere and wildlife of their own. An island world, much of the surface is covered in ocean which has contributed to its predominantly nautical and disenfranchised culture.​
Providence 2.1
Calypso is Freehold's largest moon. It has more or less been terraformed into one massive shadowport and shipyard, notorious for its near lawless state and a willingness to cater to anyone. The system's main source of industrial labor, Calypso is little better than places like Nar Shaddaa or Point Nadir. What little bureaucracy has been established to keep commerce flowing is thoroughly corrupt, and roaming press gangs who kidnap urchins and force them into indentured servitude are all too common.​
Providence 2.2-40
Freehold has 39 other moons, some of which are airless and featureless but others have breathable atmosphere and ecosystems all their own. Each moon is claimed by one of the system's most powerful mercenary crews. Some serve as no more than hideouts, while others are miniature lunar colonies in their own right. Inter-lunar strife is not unheard of.​
Gorgon Asteroid Field
A massive ring of asteroids that shields the inner worlds from most stellar collisions, Gorgon has collected some planetoids as large as small moons in their own right and lesser crews make their home throughout its vast reaches.​

Providence 3
On an orbit that strays dangerously closely to the Gorgon asteroids, Cytrine has no atmosphere of its own and is subject to random asteroid impacts on a near constant basis, but its surface is covered in rare and valuable gems from simple lapis to rare star sapphires and even agrocite.​
Providence 4
A blue green gas giant with a breathable atmosphere at the uppermost levels, Reckon is a rich source of Clouzon-36. Made wealthy off their trade, the gas barons live opulent lives on floating repulsor cities which are well known for their avarice. Gambling, flesh, and refined hyperspace fuel are all on offer here.​

Providence 5
No one lives here. No one lands here. It is barely possible to survive on the surface without equipment, and not for long. Serpentis has a dark reputation among the system natives, and beyond orbital sensor sweeps hasn't been explored. There are dozens of myths and legends about pirate treasure buried on Serpentis, but if any crew has been bold enough to search they've never been heard from again.​
Anchorage Nebula
Just outside the star system is a brilliant nebula which scatters subspace signals and wreaks havoc with improperly shielded hyperspace drives. While it is possible to ford this crossing with enough preparation, Anchorage isolated the Providence system from other deep rim colonies and makes it such an effective shadowport today.​
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Tropical
  • Primary Terrain: Oceans, Scattered Island Chains
  • Atmosphere: Type 1
  • Major Locations
De facto capital city and originally the largest spaceport in the entire system before construction began in earnest on Calypso, Freeport is the planet's most populous urban center. It is where the Brethren Court meets, where goods are shipped in from offworld, and where young bravos from distant islands go in search of a patron crew or decent wages.

Hyperion Wharfs
Although far removed from surface troubles, Hyperion Wharfs is simply the greatest of many deep sea colonies that cover Freehold's subsurface landscape. Submarine travel is a common means of transport, and trade lanes which follow the dominant ocean currents are well traveled. Conflict is known even here, Hyperion maintains a contingent of large submersibles for defensive purposes.​

Horizon Bay
Not content to spread out over both land and sea, the natives of Freehold have also colonized the sky. Massive repulsor powered city ships float over open water, and the gulf between floating settlements is known as Horizon Bay. Airspeeders and repulsor carriers are another common method of transport, and the largest cities field patrol squadrons to defend against the constant threat of raids from competing air crews.​
Mount Ash
Only the most savage, dark minded crews make their home on these cursed shores. Mount Ash has a haunted reputation, and some of the planet's most infamous figures have taken advantage of those dark legends to prey even on their own kind from a volcanic island sanctuary. Only the strongest, cruelest men survive the mountain.​

The Abyss
Less a landmark and more a supernatural event, many on Freehold believe that the Abyss is nothing more than a myth, an old sailor's tale. But the fearsome storms which seem to hunt anything that stays in one place for too long on the ocean waters are very real. Unbeknownst to the simple corsairs, their world is home to a very old force nexus.​

Primordial Ruins
Very little remains of the ancient primordial civilization which originally called Freehold home. Only a few scattered ruins buried deep under the waves linger, mostly eroded by pressure and time. For some reason, these half-forgotten structures seem to draw the largest and deadliest ocean predators. Any expedition to investigate the planet's extinct forebears is a dangerous proposition.​

  • Force Nexus:
    Intent: To add a supernatural element to Freehold that can be used to explain unnatural weather phenomenon and vicious deep sea predator attacks.
    Nexus Name: The Abyss
  • Nexus Alignment: Neutral/Elemental
  • Size: Large
  • Strength: Moderate
  • Accessibility: The Abyss is not a static location, but never seems to stray too far from the submerged primordial ruins. Sail out over the deep waters and it will eventually find you.
  • Effects: Although definitely supernatural, this nexus manifests as a violent weather phenomenon. Lightning infused cyclones roil over an ocean maelstrom which violently swallows anything unfortunate enough to linger in its path. This raw elemental energy can be channeled by force users regardless of alignment.



[*]Immigrated Species:

[*]Population: Heavy

[*]Primary Languages: Galactic Basic Standard, Bocchi
[*]Culture: Scattered island settlements punctuated by a few major cities on land air and sea has given rise to a proud sense of nautical tradition, Providians are known as swashbucklers in the same vein as their majority Corellian ancestors. Once ruled over by an aristocracy known as the Tide Lords, while modern Freehold is lawless there is still an almost feudal sense of class mentality.
Unlike practically everywhere else in the galaxy, pirates are not seen as monsters but romantic folk heroes. The pirate crews of Providence are treated as public servants, they provide defense for the people, oversight for labor, and additional income from raids.

  • Government: Freehold and its surrounding system is an anarcho-syndicalist nation state largely governed by a kind of pirate nobility. What little law exists depends on how influential a captain is, which in turn depends on how many blaster arms makes up their crew. Once a budding isolated colony, after several corrupt government regimes the planet's outlaw class banded together to overthrow their rulers and established a 'Pirate Republic of Freehold'.
  • Affiliation: Independent
  • Wealth: High. The Providence system is abundant in natural resources, and its mercenary crews often bring back ill gotten gains to further pad Freehold's coffers. These economic gains are unevenly distributed between fabulously wealthy pirate nobles and near destitute commoners.
  • Stability: Low. Freehold is in a constant state of civil war. Allegiances are divided by island, by city, by crew. The land wars with the sea which wars with the air, all the while raiding one another. Settlements closer to the system's edge are only slightly more stable.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Theoretically lawless space, in practice the word of whichever crew is closest and strongest goes. Pirate clans of various repute act almost like feudal liege lords, pledging to watch over work communes in exchange for resources and manpower. The largest, most successful crews run their own cities and moons while those less fortunate are forced out to lurk among the Gorgon field.

  • Military: Hive of scum and villainy though it may be, the Pirate Republic boasts a substantial if disorganized standing navy. One of the galaxy's most implacable criminal strongholds, Freehold can stand up to anything short of an organized invasion by one of the major galactic powers.
  • Technology: After reestablishing contact nearly two centuries ago, Providian technology which was only a few hundred thousand years behind has long since caught up to the modern galactic standard. They are known for their unique repulsorcraft, sail barges, and submersibles.

First settled hundreds of thousand of years ago, until relatively recently the Anchorage Nebula kept Freehold isolated from the greater galaxy. The first colonists crash landed on the tropical island paradise after their sleeper ships suffered severe equipment malfunctions passing through the nebula. With much of their advanced technological data lost, within a few generations the planet had regressed to a pre-industrial state.

Spreading out across the planet's many island chains, the Providians eventually began to develop a strong maritime tradition and experienced their first internal strife as communication began to break down largely across racial lines. Dividing into smaller nation stations over thousands of years, by the golden age of the original Galactic Republic the planet had reunified under a noble class of master seamen, the Tide Lords.

Around the Age of Rebellion, the first of the Tide Lords rose to name himself Oceanmaster, planetary sovereign of Freehold. The first oceanmaster colonized the seas, and subsequent oceanmasters were expanded their empire to the skies and eventually the stars. Upon discovering their system was abundant with natural resources, Freehold entered a rapid space age before it was wracked by political strife while the rest of the galaxy suffered under the Gulag Plague.

Now known as the Tidal Interregnum, nearly a century of political infighting and resolvable conflict between Tide Lords over who would be chosen next to rule. Branded as monsters by a corrupt and dysfunctional planetary government, the increasingly marginalized criminal class who lived free from Tide Lord rule staged a successful coup.

Occupying Freeport and rallying the people behind communalist rhetoric, the Brethren Court of Freehold waged a war of 'liberation' across the system that stamped out most of the old world elite and saw themselves established as a new ruling class. While just as dysfunctional as the government which came before and far lighter on bureaucracy, the Providence system at least has the merit of being a kind of savage meritocracy where only the strongest or sharpest survive and prosper.

Since contact was reestablished with the wider galaxy, the Brethren Court maintains a mostly antagonistic relationship with most civilized powers. Unrepentant over their continued raids along outer rim hyperlanes, many foreign marauders have swelled their ranks, drawn to Providence by the stories of a grand pirate stronghold.

  • Intent: To resubmit the ORC's primary command and coordination station as a location for continued RP.
  • Image Source: Osmani Space Station by GarretAJ
  • Canon Link: /
  • Restricted Missions: /
  • Primary Source: The Foundation | The Kathol Outback (credit to [member="Jorus Merrill"] for original submission and certain passages)
  • Manufacturer: The Kathol Outback, primarily the worlds of the Kathol Republic, the Pimbrellan League, and Kal’Shebbol
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition
  • Model: Foundation-class Space Station

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel Hull, Matrix Armor Plating, Solarium Glasteel Viewports
  • Classification: Mobile Command Platform
  • Length: 3000 meters
  • Width: 3000 meters
  • Height: 3000 meters
  • Armament: Extreme
    3500 Turbolasers (Maneuverable Single-Barrel Mounts, Heavy Quad Turret Batteries, and Dual Long-Range Emplacements)
  • 80 Heavy Multi-Purpose Warhead Launchers
  • 350 Defensive Emplacements (Antimissile Octets, Quad Lasers, Short Range Null-Burst Projectors, Point-Defense Autoturrets

[*]Defenses: Extreme
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Double-Redundant Heavy Deflector Shields

[*]Hangar: 1 Squadron
  • Shuttle Hangar
  • Various Docking Arms

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Slow: 5
  • Advanced Sensor Array
  • Advanced Targeting Systems
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transciever
  • Long-range Communications Array
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Tractor Beams (x60)
  • Encrypted Communication Suites: The Foundation is equipped with the most advanced anti-codebreaking and counter-surveillance packages in the entire Rim. High priority, politically sensitive information is broadcast to and from the station every day, and an entire division within the station command structure is charged with enforcing data security.
  • Military Station: Serving in a double role as one of several primary facilities for the administration of ORC Search and Rescue, the Foundation is heavily defended and manned by a multinational team of highly trained peacekeepers.
  • Mobile Embassy: As the seat of government for the greater Kathol sector, the station is able to oversee such a geographically vast region of deep space in large part because it can relocate to the systems in its domain most in need.
  • Signal Chatter: Pretty much the farthest thing there is from a stealth vessel, the Foundation is one of the loudest satellites in the entire sector. Hundreds of thousands of transmissions are delivered back and forth from the station every day, causing it to light up across subspace like a beacon in the night.

Originally manufactured to house the collective functions of the overarching Kathol government, over time as the powers within the Outback grew in influence across other regions and formed a confederation of local protectorates, the Foundation has grown into a kind of de facto seat of power for the so called Outer Rim Coalition.

Taking a radical hands off approach to governance, besides ratifying a basic human rights package Coalition institutions are far more similar to a federal volunteer corps rather than a body of government. The many worlds which comprise it work collectively in terms of defense, trade, and navigational standards but in most other respects, they remained isolated and independent.

Security around the station's perimeter is high, vessels which make unauthorized approaches are disabled or destroyed without hesitation. A high level Coalition security clearance is required for access.

Internally, the Foundation is divided by sector.
  • Diplomatic Sector: This area contains offices, encrypted comm services, meeting areas, databanks, and other facilities relevant to the collective government of the Outer Rim territories. At a high level, overarching areas of cooperation and interstellar agreement are handled here. It could even be said that the Coalition's government is found there, although each senior delegate represents a sovereign system or collective of worlds. The Uukaablians, the Pimbrellans, the Kathol Republic, Kal'Shebbol, and other major players all have a significant presence in this sector.
  • Defense Sector: This area contains offices, encrypted comm services, meeting areas, databanks, and other facilities relevant to the collective defense of the Outer Rim territories. Coalition Search and Rescue, as well as multinational peacekeeper uniformed personnel staff this sector. The Defense Sector has the ability to receive reports from vessels, stations, and satellites across the territories, almost in real time, and dispatch alerts to coordinate responses from whichever vessels may be near a given situation. The Defense Sector also helps coordinate the Judges, the primarily Force-sensitive roaming law officers who patrol the outermost reaches of the Coalition.
  • Navigational Sector: This area contains the offices of the civilian and military staff, drawn from worlds across the region, who coordinate and set standards for navigational data.
  • Trade Sector: This area handles trade policy and economic monitoring. High-level representatives of major corporations often meet with senior government representatives here.
  • Community Sector: This area comprises the recreational, natural, and social spaces which help form the crew and staff into a community - as well as bleed off inter-species and inter-governmental tensions. The Community Sector bustles with ranking representatives of obscure planets. A variety of entertainment and restaurant venues are available. Aesthetic influences from Kal'Shebbol and Uukaablis tend to dominate: sweeping lines, subdued monochrome, an elegant Imperial sort of approach.

  • Intent: A pair of early lightsabers for Zak Amroth.
  • Image Source: Ahsoka's Twin Lightsabers by Mark Jackson
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Manufacturer: Jedi Academy Network
  • Affiliation: Zak Amroth
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Lightsaber Components (mostly), Purified Kyber Crystals
  • Classification: Lightsaber/Lightsaber Shoto
  • Size: Average/Small
  • Weight: Light/Very Light
  • Curved-Hilts: These are designed to be dueling sabers, and are most effective at contending with other melee weapons. Allowing a skilled fencer additional leverage against any opponents, it is less suited for deflected energy blasts or kinetic projectiles.
  • Sentinel's Flurry: The dual blades in this matching set were meant to be used together, employing a more aggressive and acrobatic style of combat. One of the blades is of shoto design, with a smaller hilt and shorter energy blade to better function as an off handed parrying weapon.
  • Purified Crystals: Once consumed by Darkside energies, these crystals have long since been purified but are still imprinted with the martial call of the savage warrior who once wielded them for ill. Now they hunger for justice, and a chance to test themselves against the most powerful foes.
  • Junk Sabers: From the dilapidated look of the hilts' outer casing, this is obviously a first attempt by a student with much to learn about the Force. Nothing about its internal layout is assembled quite properly, and both blades are prone to intermittent power failures and sparking energy flares.

Less assembled and more cobbled together from scores of spare parts spanning dozens of exotic worlds, these sabers sure aren't pretty but they get the job done (most of the time). Despite the questionable nature of their construction, they are known for their distinctive white blades signifying that the crystals which power them had once been corrupted by the Darkside but were since purified. Raised as an orphan by the Guardians of the Whills on Jedha, they are all Zak has to remind him of where he came from, gifted to him by the monks once his connection to the Force was revealed.

Designed to favor the young Jedi's uncanny reflexes and acrobatic, improvisational fighting style, it is perhaps not a mistake that they look so nondescript as to potentially pass for a tool or piece of scrap metal if properly camouflaged. Despite not yet having his own master and over the express objections of his tutors at the Jedi Academy Network, Amroth constructed these blades not long after his acceptance as a Padawan to assist in his unauthorized extracurricular off world assignments.

  • Intent: To submit a personal sidearm for Zak Amroth that marks him as an ORC Deputy.
  • Image Source: Star Lord Pistols by George Mihalascu
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Manufacturer: Qektoth Confederation
  • Affiliation: Zak Amroth
  • Model: Modified Scourge-series Bio Disruptor
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Compact Bio-Energy Array, Ion Components
  • Classification: Bio-Energy Disruptor
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: 16 Lances per Cell

  • Reload Speed: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: Very High
  • Recoil: High
  • Stun Setting: The standard Scourge-series has been modified to allow for an adjustable power setting, at its lowest levels the disruptor pistol simply electrifies its target into unconsciousness. It is not a painless experience, but leaves no lasting disability.
  • Disintegrate: At the weapon's highest possible setting, it is capable of completely annihilating its target and leaving no trace of its passage down to the subatomic level. While detailed scans and analysis of a crime scene would leave traces, it could be used erase evidence of violence that might tip off a more cursory examination.
  • Elemental Disruptor: Qektoth bio disruptors are exotic weapons that combines the technology behind the bio-energy array and more typical ion devices into an annihilating beam with both elemental and ionic properties. If a target is resistant to one but not the other, it will still suffer some detrimental effect and vice versa.
  • Reliable: No matter the environment, a bio disruptor will still fire. Across atmospheres, underwater, even in the vacuum of space. It won't ignite an oxygen rich environment, but it will supercharge the atmosphere so that any movement would trigger an equivalent explosion, so it is still not recommended.
  • Ain't That a Kick: Unlike most forms of energy weapons, firing the disruptor causes significant recoil. It takes practice with this specific type of weapon to learn how to wrestle the lightning discharge into arcing accurately, and even then there is some degree of random displacement that can make the disruptor imprecise at all but point black range.
  • Arc Light: While its highest settings leave no trace and it is not unusually loud, the unique sound of its discharge and the intensely bright light of arcing electricity it fires are not exactly low profile. Lances from the Scourge-series are so visible that it could easily double as an improvised flare in emergencies.

'Confiscated' from the transport of a Qektoth agent on the backwater hive world of Echidna, as a newly conscripted Deputy Judge of the Coalition, this exotic disruptor pistol is the closest thing Zak has that could be considered a service weapon. Unusual in its aesthetics but undoubtedly deadly in its fundamental design, the Scourge-series is a designed of the Qektoth Confederation, and uses hybridized organic technology to combine powerful bio-energy discharges with more typical ion bolts. The result is a heavy blaster that fires what appear as lightning discharges, capable of both stunning and completely annihilating any organic or nonorganic matter.

  • Intent: To submit an optional set of standardized equipment for ORC Judges.
  • Image Source: Monsieur Charles Cosplay (unable to locate original source)
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Manufacturer: Coalition Justice Department
  • Affiliation: Coalition Judges
  • Model: Ranger-pattern Expeditionary Suit
  • Modularity: Yes; can swap out or modify articles, various pouches and kits depending on situation.

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Spacer's Leather, Shell Spider Silk, Tomuon Cloth, Armorweave
  • Classification: Multipurpose.
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances
    Blasters/Plasma: Average
  • Kinetic: High
  • Lightsabers: Low
  • Ion/EMP: None
  • Sonic: Very Low
  • Elemental: Low

  • Operations Gear: With its emphasis on maneuverability over armor, the Ranger-pattern is more suited for Sentinels and Consulars than the warplate favoring Guardians. Still it possesses everything a Coalition Judge needs to enforce their warrant across the Outer Rim territories. A standard Jedi utility belt can be modified to carry all sorts of spare equipment depending on the needs of the Judge or the job.
  • Ballistic Dampening: Deceptively reinforced, the Ranger-pattern comes about as close to padding out center mass as possible short of wearing a blast vest. Flexweave layers are lined throughout, but while effective in the very short term the expeditionary suit cannot stand up to degradation over time or rapidly successive impacts.
  • Limited Protection: While the Ranger-pattern can stand up to a few blaster bolts or slugthrower rounds, it is not combat armor and not meant to ward off harm in the midst of battle. Most of its heavy ballistic protection is guarding vital areas like center mass and certain arterial regions, there is significantly less durability in the extremities.
  • Vacuum Rating: Issued along with an optional thinsuit underlayer, this additional piece to the ensemble is for emergency use only and not designed to stand up to extended operations in vacuum. It has about as much insulation as a starfighter pilot's flight suit.

About the closest thing there is to a standard issue uniform for the Coalition Judges, a Ranger-pattern Expeditionary Suit is provided to each new Deputy in the predominantly Force based law enforcement tradition once their preliminary training is completed. Intended to provide a new recruit with everything they need to begin working out in the field, these suits are very modular and tend to be molded into an image of the Judge who wears them. A Jedi beacon transceiver allows its wearer to keep in touch with their superiors, and a forearm mounted holopad can be used to quickly access intel or establish communications.

A standard Jedi utility belt has been ever so slightly modified to allow for the addition of a prominent thigh holster for the symbolic sidearms Judges are known to employ. The other pouches are filled with miscellaneous useful items such as a backup comlink, medkit, grapple launcher, rebreather, glowrod, and lightsaber repair tools. This equipment can of course be swapped in and out with other gadgets as the situation demands, and there are additional pouches interspersed at regular intervals along the suit's bandolier.
Corellian Engineering ‘Corellian Colonizer’
CCS P1 “Kyber Star” Praxeum Variant


  • Intent: A praxeum ship line from CEC for various Force Orders.

  • Image Source: HERE

  • Canon Link: HERE

  • Primary Source: HERE (credit to [member="Cal Sedaire"] for entire submission)



Maneuverability Rating: Very Low

Speed Rating: Very Low

Hyperdrive Class: 1, Backup Class 10



  • Living Quarters

  • Holding Cells

  • Vendors

  • Gymnasium

  • Libraries

  • Medical Wings

  • Classrooms

  • Training/Dueling Suites

  • Artifact Vaults

  • Holomaps & Navigation Room/Library

  • Consumables: 1 Year

  • Solar Ionization Reactor


  • Lumbering
  • Presence in the Force (Temple Sanctum)
  • No Offense


Since the Great Sith War and before, Corellians were famed for the colonies and colony ships. Several times the Jedi Order was known to depend on Corellian shipwrights as the makers of their praxeum ships, and the CCS P1 is based on an ancient design from a long defunct manufacturing company called the ‘Corellian Colonizer’.

After modernization and refit, the first model was produced, customized, and sent as a gift to the Corellian Confederation and the Green Jedi, given theirs and CEC’s long standing relationship together. The other nine in a planned series of 10 are still being negotiated for, though [member="Cal Sedaire"] and his team have sent missives out to others to offer the design details.

This ship is designed to be a floating home amongst the stars, a sanctum of learning and growth and a place of security with which to mold the next generation of minds for the Jedi of all walks of the Force. And, to an extent, to hone and sharpen those minds already dedicated to the service of the Force.


Founded as the Kyros Shipping Consortium, this smuggler's cartel started off as a simple small time posse banded together in the early halcyon days of the Galactic Alliance. Making great profit off of mercenary work during a great crusade of liberation against the One Sith Empire, the wily old duros parlayed that favor into a claim over wartime salvage rights that ultimately led to the creation of Caravan Station.

Since those early days, Cei's Consortium has grown considerably into something of a semi-legitimate enterprise. Having developed high level contacts on worlds throughout Alliance and Coalition space, the cartel made the vast majority of their legitimate profits from short to mid range hauling contracts up and down the Rimma Trade Route, Hydian Way, and Corellian Trade Spine. For a time business was booming until prolonged war with the First Order and the Alliance's ultimate dissolution at the hands of its enemies drove the Caravan and, by extension its cartel deep into the Outer Rim.

Forced to rely on their few transportation deals throughout sparsely populated Coalition space, the Consortium has fallen on hard times. A lack of legitimate work and increased threat of piracy has driven its interests to diversify back into less scrupulous means of financial gain. Smuggling has made a huge resurgence in the wake of First Order blockades and Core World instability, and it is not uncommon these days for cartel crews to engage in anything from starship theft to con jobs to petty larceny.


With only a vision, his charisma and single minded force of will, Cei Kyros united dozens of smuggler crews together after the One Sith War to help him salvage enough wreckage so that construction could begin on a great Caravan. Part mobile redoubt and part wandering freeport, what had once been a crude affectation of organized legitimacy metamorphosed into the beginnings of the Consortium of today.

Appointing himself the newly formed cartel's "Grand" Captain and de facto authority figure, Cei is the closest thing there is to something like a chief executive officer. The Consortium is not run like a typical business, sharing far more in common structurally with organized crime factions than a corporate enterprise. Its crews are loosely affiliated, and the distribution of profits is decentralized.

Subsidiaries: /

Parent Corporation: /
  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: Phaser
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: Kathol Republic
  • Affiliation: Kathol Republic, Outer Rim Coalition, Closed-Market
  • Model: Quill-series Phaser Pistol
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Durasteel, Phaser Components
  • Classification: Phaser
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: 120 Beams Per Cell

  • Reload Speed: Average
  • Effective Range: Average
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Stopping Power: Low
  • Recoil: None
  • Phaser Weapon: An acronym for Perpetually Heat-Activated Sonic Emitted Ray, instead of rapidly firing gas-induced plasma bolts, phasers fire long coherent beams of pure radioactive heat/light rays activated by a special type of sonic conductor. Slower and less damaging than modern blaster technology on average, phasers are however more precise and easier to handle.
  • Compact:
  • Power Settings:
  • Armor Penetration:
  • Firing Rate:

  • Manufacturer: Nagai Diaspora
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Saijo Tehk'la Blades
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Vibration Generator, Songsteel, Cortosis Weave
  • Classification: Vibrodagger
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ultrasonic Generator: Tehk'la generators vibrate at an ultrasonic frequency that is inaudible to most species, allowing the wielder to maintain stealth even when using the blade's technologically enhanced cutting power.
  • Cortosis Weave: These daggers are fitted with a cortosis-weave shell that allows them to deflect and even short out energy blades if sufficient force is applied.
  • Balanced Knife: Tehk'la blades are well balanced, capable of being used both as an offhand weapon or a throwing knife. A trained thrower can hit targets with unerring accuracy, and the vibrodagger's cortosis shell makes it ideal for Jedi hunters and assassins.
  • Serrated Steel: Underneath the cortosis is an ornate serrated songsteel blade, a savage crippling weapon composed of extraordinarily resilient material. Given enough time and pressure a Tehk'la can cut through just about anything.
  • Self Propelled: The Tehk'la is sharp enough to penetrate duraplast and alusteel, but only as far as its wielder is capable of projecting it. Against heavily armored or otherwise shielded targets, the dagger's short stubby blade is not an ideal choice.
  • Dark History: The Nagai are known throughout the galaxy for their brutal warrior culture, many worlds have fallen under the shadow of these alien conquerors. While possessing a freely gifted set of Tehk'la blades bears great significance in Nagai culture, it is enough to earn a death mark in some sectors still healing from past atrocities committed by the dagger's craftspeople.

Usually coming in a set of four to six blades, these particular Tehk'la daggers were crafted by the weaponsmiths of Saijo. Many were given to those among the Coalition and their allies who distinguished themselves in the evacuation of the Nagai colony, but some were retrieved from the corpses of the fallen and bestowed upon mercenaries as an additional reward by their Sharukan overlords for a successful culling of the world's defenders.

The Tehk'la is an old design, dating back to the Ancient Republic era, exquisitely forged and impossibly sharp. Many are coated with a cortosis weave shell allowing their edges even greater resilience to energy swords, as well as the ability to temporarily short out lightsaber blades if precisely thrown with enough strength. While in the past the Tehk'la has often been a symbol of terror and oppression, these blades were distributed to recognize a new dawn for the Nagai people and newly formed allegiances on both sides of the Outer Rim conflict.

  • Intent: To submit a start point for the Vector Null hyper lane and a location for future ORC storylines.
  • ​Image Credit: The Expanse
  • Canon: /
  • Links: /
  • Star System Name: Caliban System
  • Region: Kathol Rift (Outer Rim Territories)
  • Affiliation: Outer Rim Coalition
  • Accessibility: All hyperspace travel to the Caliban system is extraordinarily difficult. Located in one of the densest regions of the Rift, until recently its surrounding accretion of dense nebulaic material was so severe that to even attempt to jump through it would most likely be catastrophic for any ship and its crew who attempted to do so. Over thousands of years however the Rift is slowly beginning to break down, and just recently explorers discovered it was possible to reliably survive a turbulent trip from the nearby Kathol system.
  • Description: Caliban and its lone habitable world was until recently a lost system, long forgotten in the annals of even the most ancient recorded histories of the Kathol region. Some ancient catastrophe shattered most of the system's planetoids save for a lone unsettled rock that orbits in between the system's twin binary stars. It is known simply as Null, and the moon which in turn orbits it is named after the one occupied structure in the entire system, Farwatch.
Due to the system's location within the Kathol Rift, instead of dull empty void dotted with points of light, Caliban appears as an unsettlingly colorful borealis of sickening nebula light.
  • Size: Insignificant
  • Wealth: Poor. There is no civilization in the Caliban system save for the stranded denizens of Farwatch, and although some of their ancestral relics may fetch a fair price on the antiquities market the Jensaarai sect have no use for systems of material wealth.
  • Major Imports: N/A
  • Major Exports: N/A
  • Unexploited Resources: Common Asteroid Minerals
  • Hyperlanes: Vector Null


Prospero and Sycorax

Originally Caliban Aurek and Besh, like the system's other features the binary stars Prospero and Sycorax were named by the Jensaarai of Farwatch after ancient myths of their order. Their orbital patterns are erratic, most likely a product of whatever solar catastrophe destroyed much of the system.


Null is in essence a death world. With enough marginal atmosphere to allow for a craggy, nearly arctic environment across much of the planet, over thousands of years enough lifeforms have made it through the gauntlet of Vector Null to colonize Null a dozen times over with highly adaptable and extremely vicious extragalactic fauna.


A mostly barren moon, Farwatch's atmosphere is slight thicker so in thin bands around its equatorial region life is hard but survivable. Due to its locked orbital pattern with Null the moon suffers from long winters than can last years by the galactic standard. Only when Null passed between Prospero and Sycorax does a brief harvest season begin.

The only known structure on Farwatch is a stone fortress temple constructed by a splinter sect of Jensaarai warriors whose ancestors flew off course in the Rift and crash landed in system centuries ago. Since then their culture has deviated, driven by the belief that they were brought here for a greater purpose, to guard the threshold of the Great Gate.

Asteroid Necropolis

Some extreme cataclysm destroyed every other planetoid in the system, leaving behind a grand debris trail that links together at the edges to become one massive asteroid cluster. Many of the asteroids are also inhabited by exogorths, mynocks, and even more exotic space creatures.

The Great Gate

An ancient Kathol launch gate unlike any previously discovered, the Great Gate's scale is truly massive. Although the gate appears long defunct, erratic energy readings still emanating from within the semi-organic structure would suggest that the construct is not as broken down as it appears.

Aing-Tii Monitor Station

Normally hidden at all times via the White Current, occasionally solar flares from each of the binary stars will interact with the Rift's background radiation, illuminating the Aing-Tii outpost temporarily even on conventional sensors. The Rift's reclusive overlords have been here at least as long as the Jensaarai of Farwatch, but in all that time no one has successfully made contact or breached the station's internal structure.

Rating: Low

Although the Jensaarai believe themselves to be guardians of the system, in truth they have practically zero resources with which they could thwart a determined invasion of of Caliban. With only an outdated shield generator protecting Farwatch and a few sublight only capable attack craft salvaged from the wreck of their colony ship, even their semi-regular cullings of Null are extraordinarily dangerous.


Whatever history the Caliban system had is now mostly forgotten. Ruins on the surface on Null hint at the possibility of an ancient precursor species, but if so then any record or trace of their presence is now forgotten. The only thing that can be said for certain about Caliban's ancient history is that at some point a system wide catastrophe destroyed all but two planetoids, Null and its orbiting moon Farwatch.

Surrounded by some of the most difficult to navigate space within the dense Kathol Rift, hyperspace travel to Caliban has been all but impossible until quite recently. Coalition explorers discovered a turbulent but stable route from Kathol, making contact for the first time with the only large group to have survived a jump to Caliban before, a splinter sect of Jensaarai that had been stranded on Farwatch for centuries.

To the explorers' surprise however, the Jensaarai refused any suggestions of rescue. Over hundreds of years these knights had come to believe that they were a chosen people, their ancestors' delivered to Caliban so that they could defend the galaxy against whatever lies beyond the massive Kathol launch gate that orbits near the edge of the system.

Long before the Jensaarai came, Aing-Tii researchers also built a cloaked outpost to monitor the gate's activity and conduct research on the greater Rift phenomenon.

  • Intent: To submit a fun plot device that provides a new extragalactic horror element to the ORC.
  • Image Credit: The Expanse
  • Canon: /
  • Links: Launch Gate
  • Hyperlane Name: Vector Null
  • Hexes Crossed: 1
  • Start Coordinate: L-53
  • End Coordinate: N/A
  • Route Points:
    Caliban System
  • Typhan Expanse
  • Companion Esk

  • Speed: Very Low
  • Accessibility: Vector Null is accessible from our galaxy only by activating the Great Gate in the Caliban system, propelling starships forward through hyperspace with sufficient force to carry them to the Typhan Expanse. Another pair of gates exists on either end of the rogue star cluster, allowing exedition's to either return to Caliban or continue on to Companion Esk.
  • Route Hazards:
    Xenos Creatures: Unidentified species from Companion Esk have been classified as 'xenos' until they can properly be catalogued, and the Typhan Expanse is alive with them. Many of the deadliest creatures from the fringes of both galaxy reside on those few remaining habitable worlds interspersed throughout the cluster.
  • Gravitic Phenomena: Long term exposure to the void between galaxies has left the star cluster gravimetrically unstable, causing rolling waves of crushes force to radiate across the Expanse that can both damage systems and in its worst cases crush organic life. There have also been rumors of temporal anomalies, but due to their inherent nature nothing has ever been confirmed.
  • Vong Marauders: Long ago it seems the Yuuzhan Vong also tried to conquer Companion Esk, but the extragalactic invaders' speartip was quickly blunted by the satellite galaxy's uncommonly deadly evolutionary curve. Now the fragmented remains of these once proud tyrants roam both Esk and the Expanse as marauders, warring with both other species and each other much as they do here.
  • Fuel Requirements: The distances covered from one end of Vector Null to the other are vast, and while much of the most strenuous travel is assisted by the Kathol launch gates, the distance between each end of the Expanse is not inconsiderable. There is no direct route from one side to another, rather a maze of circuitous jump points. And then there is the fuel consumption necessary to reach Caliban in the first place, weeks of travel from the nearest port of call.

[*]Rest Stops:
  • The Typhan Expanse: The Typhan Expanse is a rogue star cluster roughly equidistant between the Outer Rim and Companion Esk's closest spiral arm. Knocked off course by some incomprehensibly vast stellar phenomenon, the Expanse has been sailing through void for aeons. Most of the cluster's stars are dying, all variously in the later stages of their lifespans.
    LV.86 - LV.86 is a barren world with a vibrant hollow earth. Subterranean ecologies thrive in volcanic trenches, and expedition teams have already catalogued a multitude of new flora with each successive visit.
  • LV.426 - 426 is a swamp planet that is either the indigenous or adopted homeworld of a particularly virulent species of xenos that latch onto their victims and inject their larvae for gestation.
  • LV.1 - A barren wasteland which is barely habitable, almost nothing is noteworthy about LV.1 save for its close proximity to the black hole at the center of the Expanse. What few expeditions that have returned from LV.1 have reported severe space time disturbances.


Vector Null was charted untold millennia ago, most likely by the native Kathol species or others who came not long after. Most likely devised as some form of grand experiment, it is hypothesized that when the Kathol reached their target destination of Companion Esk they found it so hostile to peaceful contact that they deactivated the launch gates. Some have even hypothesized that the entire Kathol Rift was formed to ensure that the galaxy would remain safe from the denizens of Esk who had been made aware of their presence.

The hyperlane is only accessible from the Caliban system deep within the densest part of the Rift. Whatever technology the ancient Kathol employed to seal Caliban and by extension Vector Null off from the rest of known space is finally starting to break down, and recently Coalition expedition teams have successfully reactivated the Great Gate for the first time in recorded history. Still by and large ignorant to the horrific nature of what lies on the other side, explorers from across the galaxy see Vector Null as a wild new frontier.
  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: Aing-Tii
  • Affiliation: Aing-Tii Monks
  • Model: Sanhedrim Pilgrimage Vessel

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Organic Exoskeleton, Aing-Tii Components

[*]Defenses: Extreme
[*]Fighter Hangar: None
[*]Support Craft Hangar: None
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: N/A
  • Ablative Organic Exoskeleton
  • Force Cylinders
  • Advanced Sensor Array
  • Advanced Targeting Systems
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Long-range Communications Array
  • Detention Cells
  • Life Support Systems
  • Tractor Beams (x12)
  • Force Drive: The Aing-Tii do not use hyperdrive technology, instead by using the Force in conjunction with their unique technology to instantaneously move their ships through space. Not much is understood about the Aing-Tii drive's method of action, but while it is capable of navigating the hazardous conditions of the Kathol Rift with ease it is not without limits. The drive cannot be activated continuously in quick succession, or if its crew is too mentally drained from using the Force in battle. There also appears to be an upper limit on the distance traveled, rendering jumps from one side of the galaxy to the other unfeasible, and due to the cooldown time between jumps brings its speed roughly in line with that of a class 1 hyperdrive over more massive distances.
  • Neural Pulse: The Aing-Tii's primary non-lethal weapon, this module emits a short range pulse that severely disorients most sentient life forms, altering their perception of time long enough for the monks to disengage and escape. The pulse bypasses most forms of conventional shielding, but by rapidly oscillating deflector frequency it is possible to blunt the more deleterious effects.
  • Organic Exoskeleton:
  • Instant Transmission:
  • Low Sensor Profile:
  • Non-Lethal Arsenal:
  • Psychic Presence:
  • Feedback Loop:

  • Image Source: Alan Chinchar
  • Canon Link: /
  • Development Thread: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Corporation Name: FarStar Initiative
  • Headquarters: The Foundation
  • Locations: Kal'Shebbol, Demonsgate, Travnin, Tellyr Prime, Rothana, Rakata Prime
  • Operations: Astrography, Stellar Cartography, Exploration, Colonization, Hyperspace Navigation

The FarStar Initiative
Discovering New Frontiers

The FarStar Initiative is an independent institution funded by local powers and philanthropists throughout the Outer Rim. Its mission statement is one of deep space exploration, colonization and research, inspired by the historic Jedi ExplorCorps and projects such as Outbound Flight. From its headquarters on the Foundation, FarStar organizes and supplies expedition teams across the Outer Rim, Wild Space, the Unknown Regions, even beyond the galactic plane.

Perhaps the most famous of all the Initiative's ventures was the mission that precipitated its very creation, a manned voyage all the way to the Firefist Galaxy, also known as Companion Besh. The flight of the Gossamer solidified FarStar's legacy as a powerhouse in the realm of astrography even before it had secured long term funding.

Now the Initiative plans multiple launches a year, seconding civilian or military starships for more mundane pursuits as well as constructing purpose built exploratory vessels for long term voyages in the spirit of the Gossamer and her maiden journey.


Overseen now by an independent review board of government appointees and scientific experts from across the galaxy, FarStar owes its conception mainly to intrepid adventurers the likes of [member="Jorus Merrill"] and [member="Atlas Drake"]. As a primarily not-for-profit organization there is little need for courting influence, and many regard the Initiative as more of an applied research collective and think tank.

Subsidiaries: /

Parent Corporation: /

  • Intent: To submit an opposition group for ORC as well as add a fun sci fi space zombie trope to Chaos.
  • Image Credit: Firefly
  • Canon: The Scourge
  • Links: /
  • Organization Name: The Scourge
  • Classification: Pirate Clan/Religious Cult
  • Affiliation: None
  • Organization Symbol: None
  • Description: A splinter faction of White Maw pirates that pushed too far out into the black, whatever the original crew of Scourge encountered in the depths of the Kathol Rift transformed them irreversibly for the worse. They are now driven by a primal, savage form of aggression that forces them to torture, mutilate and consume any organic life sentient or otherwise that they come across.
Scourge are often rumored to appear as horrifically self-mutilated, sickly creatures. Historic accounts of Scourge ships running without reactor containment protocols suggests that this terrible appearance may be the result of self-inflicted radiation sickness. They are not known for supernatural strength, however a total absence of pain response makes even a grievously wounded Scourge pirate dangerous.

The Scourge have never been known to communicate, the only sounds they are capable of making are wordless screams, primal gibbering and frantic sobbing. Although they seem to prefer melee combat, they are still capable of using firearms and operating technology such as starships to a surprising degree of proficiency for a group so apparently intellectually stunted.

  • Headquarters: Kathol Rift
  • Domain: The Scourge have reputedly terrorized the Kathol Outback for thousands of years. Known for receding back into the Rift for centuries at a time in apparent hibernation cycles, and have not been seen since some time during the Four Hundred Year Darkness. As a result, the Scourge are commonly thought of as no more than a myth, for all that survives of past encounters are oral histories that many dispute as tall tales.
  • Notable Assets: If the Scourge have some kind of central headquarters or meeting grounds it is unknown to the rest of the galaxy. They are notorious salvagers and as long as a ship isn't destroyed by their brutality it will be added to their ranks. Scourge ships are heavily modified civilian and patrol craft marred with crude etchings of an unknowable madness.
  • Hierarchy: There are no discernible social structures to the Scourge apart from a primitive instinct for community borne out of strength in numbers. Curiously despite evidence of intelligent ritual worship and system repairs in all other respects they are no different from simple animals.
  • Membership: While most of the Scourge are either the same White Maw pirates lost in the Rift or their descendants recent evidence suggests that prolonged exposure to the Scourge's atrocities can have an indoctrinating effect. New recruits are culled from the strongest of their victims.
  • Climate: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. Only the strongest survive and even they are but thralls to the secrets of the Rift that have broken the men and women they used to be. Not much opportunity for career advancement.
  • Reputation: The Scourge are reviled by all sentient life throughout the galaxy. Jedi or Sith, rebel or imperial, rich or poor. They make no distinction. If you encounter them your only options are to run, fight, or die horribly.
  • Curios: They are recognized by the way they mar their own flesh. Scarred and burned faces, self-amputated limbs, flesh wrapped in barbed wire. Sickening tattoos of indecipherable script and hateful symbols cover their bodies. Pallid flesh from radiation exposure leaves most Scourge looking a ghoulish sight. Most of all it is their eyes, haunted wild orbs brimming with unfathomable rage.
  • Rules: Attempts to communicate with the Scourge or learn their written language have all proved futile, but a few educated assumptions can be made about their worship based on their behavior as well as evidence collected from the few Scourge ships which have been successfully neutralized. They never seem to venture too far from the Kathol Rift, indicating that the region bears some significance to them.
The way in which their victims are savaged, even in elaborate ceremonial ways if they are captured beforehand suggests some kind of offering. Despite similarities to certain Sith ritual practices no known case of interaction between darkside practitioners and the Scourge has ever resulted in anything but the same mindless hostility.
  • Goals: If they have specific goals they may very well be unknowable. The Scourge destroy everything they come across only harvesting technology or flesh if it holds some value to their immediate needs. Their territorial behavior indicates a connection to the Rift but anything beyond that is merely speculation. Even the reasoning for their periods of hibernation are a mystery to us.


"Scourge ain't men. Or they forgot how to be. Come to just nothin'. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothin', and that's what they became."​
A thousand years ago the White Maw were still terrors of the outer reaches. From Hutt Space to Hoth to even the backwater Kathol sector their reach seemingly knew no bounds. Splinter sects began to form as the pirates inevitably fell to infighting over time. The Marauders, the Hailstorm Brotherhood, and most ruthless of them all; the Scourge.

Waging a brutal campaign of terror and subjugation across the stars there was a time when the Scourge were uncontested kings of Outback space. Eventually the local security forces banded together and drove their would be overlords into the Rift where their leaders hoped they would find safe harbor.

Instead, they found only madness.

Whatever happened to the original gang of pirates, whatever awful secrets they beheld in witch space shattered their minds and reduced them to little more than beasts wearing the skin of intelligent creatures. This foul transformation has appeared to selectively preserve just enough higher functions to allow them to operate modern technology and conduct their grotesque rituals.

When they come, they come in an unrelenting tide.

The Scourge slumber for centuries at a time. Some external force or shared impulse draws them back into the Rift so that their dark cycle can begin anew. Hundreds of years pass between these great awakenings. Often just long enough a time for their legend to pass into uncertain myth. Then they rise once more, butchering entire worlds and eradicating star systems of intelligent life.

  • Intent: To submit a ridiculous idea as a support fighter for the Squib Reclamation Fleet.
  • Image Source: Back to the Future, Ready Player One
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Manufacturer: Squib Merchandising Consortium
  • Affiliation: Open-Market
  • Model: Del'orean-class Starfighter

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, Spare Parts
  • Classification: Starfighter/Landspeeder
  • Length: 5 meters
  • Width: 2 meters
  • Height: 1.2 meters
  • Armament: Low
    2 Fire-Linked Laser Cannons

[*]Defenses: Average
[*]Squadron Count: Moderate: 16
[*]Maneuverability Rating: Low
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast: 0.5
  • Seatbelts
  • HoloNet
  • Air Freshener
  • Cup Holders
  • Leather Seats
  • Flux Capacitor: An extraordinarily complex, proprietary piece of Squib technology, functionally equivalent to an afterburner. When activated, the capacitor floods the craft's sublight reactor and jettisons the Del'orean forward at breakneck speeds. Should the user encounter any temporal anomalies, please contact the manufacture to arrange for a recall as the product is defective.
  • Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads: The Del'orean-class is a compact, two seat starfighter that is also capable of performing in a dual role as land transport. Thanks to Squib ingenuity, this little undersized snub craft transitions seamlessly from road travel to liftoff.
  • We Gotta Go Back: A short range fighter, the Del'orean doesn't have sufficient fuel capacity for prolonged trips through hyperspace, nor would it be a particularly comfortable ride for long journeys.
  • 1.21 GIGAWATTS: Activating the starship's hyperdrive requires practically all its power reserves, requiring every system except for sublight and life support to be deactivated before initiating a jump. Additionally, the ship must accelerate to near maximum velocity in order to successfully break through into hyperspace.

One of countless cobbled together horrors to come from the Metrobig Salvagestuff Platform above Skor II, but undeniably iconic, is the strangely conceived Del'orean-class Starfighter. Essentially based upon an ancient Corellian land rover design, the ingenuous Squibs hollowed out most of its internal components to make room for a sublight reactor and hyperdrive. Sealing the frame up enough to maintain pressure seals, they slapped a pair of twin laser cannons on the front and an ejector seat inside, then promptly spent the rest of the project budget on making the ship go faster.

The Del'orean is one of the strangest ships in the galaxy, but its ability to transform from air to land vehicle without any reconfiguration makes it undeniably useful. The Reclamation Fleet has come to rely on their use as support for the standard needle fighters, cherished for their high speed, low sensor profiles, and ability to perform radical stunts with.



  • Intent: To submit a short range transport for use by the Gossamer crew for the Firefist expedition campaign and potentially future exploration based threads.
  • Image Source: Lost in Space (2018)
  • Canon Link: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Classification: Transport/Habitation Pod
  • Length: 40 meters
  • Width: 30 meters
  • Height: 12 meters
  • Armament: Very Low
    Dorsal-Mounted Dual Laser Turret (carried internally)
  • Ventral-Mounted Dual Laser Turret (carried internally)
  • Two Forward-Facing Laser Cannons (carried internally)

[*]Defenses: Moderate
[*]Squadron Count: None
[*]Maneuverability Rating: High
[*]Speed Rating: Average
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Average: Class 2
  • Reinforced Hull Plating
  • Force Cylinders
  • Advanced Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Long-range Communications Array
  • Solar Panels
  • Emergency Survival Kits
  • Hydrogen Recycler
  • Life Support Systems
  • Tractor Beams (x4)
  • Hydroponics Bay: Each Runabout comes equipped with its own fully contained hydroponics lab capable of producing enough food to sustain a single family unit indefinitely. In the event of a natural catastrophe or separation from the group, its crew could survive even in an adverse environment long enough to eventually be rescued.
  • Garage: The Colonial Runabout is designed to carry and maintain an ARK-II series Landmaster or equivalent for the use of survey missions on dangerous worlds and also for general purpose transit.
  • Short Range Scout: The Runabout is an exploratory vessel designed to be ideal for away missions conducted by smaller teams attached to a larger mothership. Its enhanced sensor suite and sustainable food and water source allow researchers to conduct long term assignments using the transport as a mobile base of operations.
  • Prefabricated Habitat: While the Runabout is used for scientific research, its primary purpose is to serve as a temporary living space for frontier colonists on settlement missions until permanent surface housing can be constructed.
  • Sensor Profile: Especially when surveying local star systems, the Runabout is not exactly inconspicuous. Unless all nonessential systems are powered down, each transport is easily identifiable on long range sensors. This is helpful for planning rescue operations, but it also makes the ship a target.

Although the Runabout was produced with assistance from the worlds of the Kathol Republic, the project is wholly owned and overseen by the independent FarStar Initiative research institute. Desiring a locally produced transport meant for scientific missions and deep space expeditions, the Colonial Runabout was born after a long and impassioned process. While perhaps not state of the art for the Core or some of the more affluent rim powers, for the Territories it is cutting edge.

Despite extensive simulations and stress testing, the Runabout's first practical proof of concept will take the form of the second Gossamer expedition, where over a hundred of the transports have been requisitioned for use both by the Firefist colonists and the expedition's crew to assist both in charting a course and in settling the colony moon selected as the Gossamer's intended destination.

A spartan yet functional expanded cockpit feeds into a corridor that forms the perimeter of the spherical communal living space at the center of the ship, allowing access to crew quarters, the hydroponics bay, engineering, and the garage along the way. Although cramped, there is enough surface area to accommodate a typical humanoid family unit or science team.

  • Manufacturer: Adostic Arms
  • Affiliation: Kingsley
  • Model: Modified Vanguard Scatter Gun
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Snow-wood
  • Classification: Slugthrower
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Depleted Uranium Slugs
  • Ammunition Capacity: 12

  • Reload Speed: Slow
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very High
  • Depleted Uranium Shells
  • Pump Action
  • Wood Finishing
  • Kaboom: A supercharged scatter gun like this one is capable of causing some serious damage. Armor piercing shells come standard, allowing the weapon to penetrate through even some of the heavier armors on the market.
  • Shield Buster: Like all scatter guns it is particularly effective against deflector shields, overloading the generator with a brute force particle barrage and wreaking havoc on whatever is being protected.
  • Ain't That a Kick: Scatter guns are normally low velocity, high kickback implements, but given the additional modifications to this particular Vanguard it bucks like a bowcaster. Firing this weapon is not for the weak of constitution.
  • Who Was That Masked Man: There is no low power mode or silencer attachment, scatter guns don't have stealth options. Pulling the trigger means making a very loud statement.

Kingsley has owned this beaten up old scatter gun for decades. Over the years, he has managed to convince several associates to make a few adjustments here and there. Far more deadly than the stock Vanguard, shooting this weapon is like firing a cannon. Featuring a horizontal slide pump for efficient cycling of the chamber, it fires armor penetrating depleted uranium shells capable of penetrating even heavy armors. As with all scatter guns, it is also particularly effective against deflector shield technology.

  • Manufacturer: Jawas
  • Affiliation: Kingsley
  • Model: Modified CA-87 Blaster
  • Modularity: No.

  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, Japor Ivory Wood, Blaster Components
  • Classification: Shock Blaster
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Ammunition Type: Blaster Cartridge
  • Ammunition Capacity: 16 Shots Per Cartridge

  • Reload Speed: Average
  • Effective Range: Point Blank
  • Rate of Fire: Very Low
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Recoil: High
  • Ion Setting
  • Wood Finishing
  • Devastating Punch: Though seemingly a harmless product of Jawa overingenuity, shock blasters can be deceptively deadly in close quarters. This CA-87 has been modified to shoot blaster cartridges in addition to stun rounds, a single shot can easily slice through most body armor.
  • Impossible to Aim: There is no finesse to the CA-87, you couldn't aim it if you tried. Anything beyond an immediate cone in front of the wielder, and it would be impossible to guess where the blast might end up.

A gift to Kingsley from his Jawa crew, the CA-87 is a very old design. Retrofitted shock blasters, it wasn't until the original Galactic Civil War that the first were modified to shoot blaster cartridges. Now more a curiosity than a weapon of warfare, many of these can be found throughout the Outer Rim if you know where to look. This particular model is a fearsome one, modified for maximum stopping power at the cost to any accuracy it may have had left. The CA-87 is just as much a deterrent as it is a deadly implement.

  • Intent: To flesh out the Kathol Republic military by introducing their most commonly encountered unit in the wider galaxy.
  • Image Credit: Halo: ODST
  • Role: A strike force for the Kathol Republic specialized in space warfare.
  • Links: Canon Link

[*]Description: Kathol Marines are known throughout the Outback as some of the most elite military forces in the sector. The Corps is known for training recruits into highly effective fighters, and due to its comparative wealth they are better equipped than most of the rag tag militias or defense forces found scattered throughout the Territories. The nature of their symbiotic role serving aboard naval starships and space stations also means they are well known, all too often in such a dangerous region they are the face of the Republic.
  • Unit Size: Medium
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Trained
  • Combat Function: Experts in ship to ship and counter-boarding operations, Kathol Republic Marines serve primarily as the thin red line that defends a military vessel from enemy incursion. Equally comfortable in offensive and defensive operations, the Marines serve primarily as a support group for the Republic Navy and are deployed planetside only on rare occasions. Even then, they are far more effective as surgical strike teams than as an invasion force.
  • Corsairs: Kathol Marines are trained to fight in space. Whether that means zero-G vacuum, clearing out cramped and labyrinthine corridors, close quarters combat, or whatever else one might expect to come across when boarding an enemy ship or repelling boarders in turn.
  • Heavy Ordnance: Marines have little training against heavy armor or artillery, and do not rely on any type of heavy weapons specialist themselves. Due to the nature of shipboard skirmishes, these types of engagements are rare and often do just as much harm to both sides.

Since the foundation of the Kathol Republic the Marine Corps has served as protectors of the realm and patrolled the Outback attached to Republic Navy starships. Although nearly a millennium old in its traditions, the Kathol Marines are a fairly recent fighting force in the galaxy. The original marines were only issued blast vests, helmets, and a single blaster pistol each. However as time marched on and more trade routes opened up with the Coreward systems, modern equipment is roughly on par with galactic standards, if a little rustic.

Now equipped with carbines and basic warplate, the Marine Corps still lacks the same resources as many other fighting forces in the galaxy, and so they take great pride in their resourcefulness, ingenuity, and ferocious warrior spirit. Kathol Marines have maintained a longstanding rivalry with the Republican Guard, their home star cluster's systems defense force.

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