Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Sycorax Laveaux

    LFG  Mothman Wants Threads

    I am dying to start writing this character. Give me threads, please. Some Plot Hooks: Criminal Activity: At this point McGill is basically just a low-level thug looking for work. That said, he might have some connections he made in the past to various criminal elements, and would also be...
  2. Sofiel

    LFG  New Sith, New Threads

    Trying out this angle for thread ideas. I like writing Sith. Sometimes they pop off, sometimes they don't. But Sith are fun, and I just enjoy writing them. So.. Hey, new Sith here. She's mean and manipulative and just not a good person so I wanna get her some threads. Here we go quick bullet...
  3. O

    LFG  Looking for new threads.

    Hi, Just coming back from like a brief, somewhat accidental, break, but I want to start writing again and so I figure the best way to do that is jumping in two feet deep with a bunch of new threads. My character sheet might be in need of some updates, so if you have any questions, probably just...
  4. Ruxan Jones

    LFG  Looking for Threads

    Yoyo, this one hasn't been in any threads yet. Pirating is this one's profession. Open to any kind of illegal activity, socializing, bar brawls, etc. Is anyone interested?
  5. Mrir'ik'amorn

    LFG  Hi Hello Yes Threads

    Check it. I made this character as I always make my characters, as a meme. Which always turns into me wanting to write them more and do more things. So, here's what we got: Half Chiss from Csilla. When the planet went boom she moved on to the Galactic Alliance to help refuges and fight against...
  6. Lirka Ka

    LFG  On the hunt for threads

    Pretty much just what the title says, the muse is flowing through me but this mean ol’ murder elf doesn’t have a whole lot of threads to write in as of right now. Open to just about anything, just need the ol’ story ball rolling
  7. S

    LFG  Snide Socialite and Archaeologist Seeking Introduction Threads

    Hey, you. Psssst. Yeah, you. Word on the street is that you want some threadssssss. Hello! I'm taking advantage of some time away from work to think about writing some things and I decided it's a good time to be a little bad. No I haven't watched too much His Dark Materials shut up. I'm...
  8. Iris Arani

    LFG  Muse Recovered, Time For Threads

    I'm back to writing Iris. Hazzah. But I need more threads for that so.. This thread. Hooks! - Iris paints! She hasn't done much with it in a while, but it could be fun to have her painting again. Or even tagging a building again. That could be fun. Or bad, technically. Cause illegal. She...
  9. M

    LFG  Good to be back

    Hello! I've recently returned from a long hiatus, and I'm looking for some new threads with Mylo. He leads a new starfighter squadron called Raider Squadron, who are an elite starfighter formation. He's a veteran of the war, grizzled, but still youthful (at heart). I'd love any sort of threads...
  10. Cinjay Saito

    LFG  Threads?

    Hey there! I'm looking to get my character off the ground with a couple threads. Don't have anything concrete in mind, just wanna see where this takes me. I'm mainly out for Jedi interactions or the likes so hmu if you're interested :)
  11. Jelan Sota

    LFG  Looking for Alliance navy related threads.

    Wanting to be part of a crew of a ship, hopefully plan to work this character up the ranks
  12. Jax Thio

    LFG  Bummed right now and I'm in desperate need of threads

    Hey guys, Let's just get this out of the way, for the past few months I've been struggling with my muse mainly because I've been working at my job. Well, on Monday I was told I had been terminated from my job and I've been out of it emotionally for the past couple of days. I'm just looking for...
  13. T

    LFG  Looking for threads! | Jedi Exile

    Looking to get this fallen boi in some stories! Preferably with Dark Siders, Mawites, or Witches but I'm open to anything. Let's write!
  14. Maeve Linahan

    LFG  Looking for threads!

    Hi there--been around for a hot minute but I've finally grown impatient enough to find a couple threads! Sith or Jedi, smuggler or senator, I'm open and down for whatever. If you're interested, don't be afraid to drop or DM your discord and we can discuss details further! Or here, either way!
  15. Flowers

    LFG  Looking For Battle and maybe other threads too.

    Heyo! I'm getting back into Chaos and decided to bring back this character I made a year ago to get started. Ans since he's a duelist with no clear story yet. I'm throwing him into the wild. Jedi, Sith and everyone in between. Let's build some cool threads together. Also we don't have to fight...
  16. Ren Bishto

    LFG  Out for threads

    Hey there! I haven’t touched Chaos in a good while, but I’ve come down with the sudden urge to resurrect a few of my characters from the abyss. So I’m just gonna cast a wide net and see where it takes me. I’m not looking for anything in particular, just a couple threads to carve out some...
  17. Adeline Noctua

    LFG  Wanna get my grubby mitts on more threads

    Anyone interested in meeting Jackal? Or, since she hasn't got a chance to score a bounty is there anyone with a bounty that would be interested in scrapping with the fledgling hunter? We can either plan it out on discord or on here, idc which
  18. Amani Serys

    LFG  Thread Gremlin Asks Politely For Threads III (Alliance + Jedi)

    Heyy I don't have a lot of threads going atm, but I would like to. Specifically, I'm interested in interacting with more GA types and/or Jedi. Amani is now the Chief Healer and a Council Member for the NJO, so it stands to reason she ought to be meeting some more peeps now that her...
  19. Jax Thio

    LFG  More Threads for the Hobo

    Hey guys! While I still owe a ton of posts! XD I do want some more threads for Jax as he struggles to regain his connection to the Force. Right now he's travelling in the Outer Rim so if there's anyone who wants to start a thread, hit me up! I'm open to anything! :D
  20. Saeva

    LFG  Threads for an aspiring Sith

    Looking to get my Sith into some shenanigans. Training, missions, fights, making connections, anything goes really. Main goal is to throw Saeva into various threads and help me find his voice. Open to most ideas, happy to brainstorm. That's the short and sweet, any takers?
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