Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A United Jedi Order

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Disney's Princess
Eralam said:
Aye, but with that comes the notion that there are groups that might like to join, but fall outside of the spectrum of what might be considered a Jedi.
Admittedly, I cannot at this time speculate on the absolute definition of a Jedi. However, I can only absolutely define the amount of awe and participation this idea has already got going for it. :)
I stopped reading after page three. You guys got to far ahead of me. :p

I liked the idea of a high council not the idea of one faction for the Jedi.

I think it is good for the boards to have diversity of orders to allow people to RP different Jedi under different banners, it give this place colour and movement. To many chief in the one place will never work it will only spoil again.

I would never close down SSC without an entire vote on this from the faction, not it's FA or leaders. There is too much a stake to simply override them all and the history would be removed. We also have many different types of Jedi in SSC .. rogue, and dark which would exclude them and I will not do that.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] -I'm making the transit from Nashville back home. This is Cyril on a sub-account.

We're not asking any factions to close down. If you read up, you'll see what I mean.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

That's exactly it. The whole point isn't to force a change to existing structures, such as the SJO within the SSC, or the NJO in the GA, but to bind them together with a structure of unification. Something that necessitates as little change as possible to how those structures operate within their own domains. No new uniforms, and so on.

One order, yes, but there will be no dismantling factions to accomplish this. This would be built directly on the framework in place at the Jedi Academy Network, ideally. As was said earlier, a unified Order would take a few operational cues from the Old Republic model, particularly on the matter of far-flung academies, and whatnot, where those places would have their own directive council. Kind of like that.

Oh, and there is diversity in our Jedi, and that should be kept.


Disney's Princess
Coci Heavenshield said:
Then we already have this, just have not set up the high council. :)
Bingo. The title of this thread was just missing it's s. The United Jedi Order(s). As a phrase, it's simple. As a statement, profound. :)
So...what incentive is there to be in this coalition of the willing? People left TJO with some pretty good complaints, and simply brushing them under the rug won't prevent that.

If it's a collection of Jedi with a unified representation from each, does that mean its decisions are binding on a majority vote? If so I foresee more schisms, especially between the dove and hawk Jedi.
An IC thread to firm up the relationship between all the factions (Republic JO, TJO, GA's NJO, Silver Coalition JO) would be good fun. I'm willing to turn up for one on behalf of the GA NJO. The majority of our Jedi are loosely affiliated rogues though.
In principle I'm 100% in favour of this. It's why I organized the Sigma Station convocation, and why Jorus always considered himself (and tried to be) the Master of First Knowledge serving the entire Jedi Order, for about six or seven IC years.

Valiens Nantaris said:
If it's a collection of Jedi with a unified representation from each, does that mean its decisions are binding on a majority vote? If so I foresee more schisms, especially between the dove and hawk Jedi.
This is the key question right here.

Personally, I love the plan that keeps things as they are, but makes a High Council comprised of (and representative of, and responsible to) SSC, GA, and Pub Jedi, plus rogues. But Valiens' question keeps coming back to haunt me.

Which is why, in terms of a solution, we're talking about federalism. We're talking about a loose confederation, in a technical sense: Jedi groups taking the role of states, the High Council taking the federal role. Most people are most familiar with the American state/federal divide, and this would have to have a reduced role at the federal level compared to that. What we need is a freaking constitutional convention.

Simply put: we sort out a small handful of issues that are the jurisdiction of the combined High Council. Their decisions are binding on those issues. Everything else is the jurisdiction of the member groups. Their Jedi Councils' decisions are binding, for their groups, on those issues.

At this stage, I believe this may be the most workable way forward.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Not gonna lie. This sounds sweet. Get on it Jedi.

Best of luck. Also someone mentioned BattleofRuusan2.0 ....hiss hiss hiss, there wont be a 2.0 after what Im done doing to it.

Unless you guys stop me of course :p

Sor-Jan Xantha

Coren Starchaser said:
Anyone still have that genetic code for Order 66?
Yo! *raises hand*

Speaking for my litany of Force User characters though, I think [member="Coci Heavenshield"] has the right of it with everything she's said in this thread. I could get behind there being an over-arching, in-character High Council of the Jedi as opposed to a single Jedi faction.

The reason behind that is that I like that there are variations to the Jedi. The Silver Jedi Order was different. The Corellian Jedi were different. Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order was different from how the Old Republic operated. And what we get in Chaos is people roleplaying similar themes, but through the lens of their own perceptions and interpretations of that theme. Our different splinter groups have the benefit of providing that flavor, which also makes me think it'll be interesting to see how well we work together.

To use an example of what I mean: [member="Connor Harrison"] and [member="Boo Chiyo"] are two members of the Silver Jedi who use the Dark Side of the Force, which the Galactic Alliance's New Jedi Order doesn't tolerate from what I've read. So, if we get into a thread where we have members of both the Silver Jedi (such as those two) and members of the NJO... how is that going to go? Because it seems like we'd wind up with Jedi vs. Jedi pretty quickly based on one group's acceptance (however reluctant) of Dark Jedi and the other's rejection of the same.

Which, admittedly, would be a fun skirmish and possibly good in-character story material for this new High Council to address.

Just a few thoughts from the youngling crowd.
I can only think of one reason why I would want this to happen. The Jedi united under one council, would better serve the protection of the Galaxy.
IC reservations

Jedi in every order should be given the choice of joining or not. Optional membership - Nothing forced, start off as you mean to go on and show people by example that you want them, rather than are ordering them.

OOC reservation – Equality, Less Drama.

I can support this OOC, if Coci or Thurion are having an equal say on everything going on, no grand master to promote rivalry, no absorption of anything (including tech to start). With a way of abstaining from action, for any order disagreeing with something. This is in respect of all the time and effort they and everyone else has put in at the SSC to make it what it is. Fun. No Drama and a unique faction.

I quote the SSC but it is likely other force orders may feel the same, not to be marginalized.

The SSC is also more than a Jedi Order now, its a coalition of NFU's Dark Jedi, Neutral Force Users, Companies and Jedi. Anyone proposing this needs to realise its nature.

[member="Cyril Grayson"]
There is no animosity in the SSC toward anyone. Really none, it's a lovely place to write.
I am happy others get to enjoy their own RP too, in their own way, but if you want to put these things together:

Here are my concerns highlighted in the original post:
Old Republic Jedi Inspiration – Definition
Jedi Fighting in Wars – Definition

I know you don't realise it, and I am sorry as it is not a personal thing, but you are defining what Jedi is, already, for others in the opening statement. This has to stop unequivocally if you want people of differing views to agree to sign up.


Finally and most importantly - OOC nonesense badgering people about marriage, or relationships between Jedi IC needs to be out. Never happened to me OOC only IC, but was one of the defining reasons a lot of people left with a bitter taste.
Kei Amadis said:
OOC nonesense badgering people about marriage, or relationships between Jedi IC needs to be out

Fixed that for you.

On the idea of the leadership,

OS has a successful faction with an NPC leader
GA has had success so far with an NPC leader

NPC leaders that are handled as 'going with textbook definiton of a Jedi (I think Yoda)' would prevent the crazy
[member="Coren Starchaser"]

Coren Starchaser said:
On the idea of the leadership,

OS has a successful faction with an NPC leader

NPC leaders that are handled as 'going with textbook definiton of a Jedi (I think Yoda)' would prevent the crazy
IC sure, but someone is still leading it OOC, hopefully in this case we are talking about many someones.

The definition of a Jedi.

For the leadership right? Though what is the definition of a Jedi? See mine or yours isn't going to be someone elses. Loved the green guy but Yoda wasn't perfect :D, he's pretty great though, minus some bad lucas writing in the prequels.

Not having a grandmaster will help. Sharing all the views at once will help balance it.

Want a Jedi faction that lasts and has the widest appeal, that isn't prone to splintering? Define what it is in the widest terms possible, don't force things on people, move slow and subtle and make it a choice.
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