Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Act III: Insurrection

The Tunnels - KURSED

Kark you Calico. Bluejay thought furiously. And kark you too, Galaar. And your helmet...that sounded like a lame line from a kid's holoshow. She adjusted her aim - which had dropped while Calico was moving - and considered shooting before realizing they'd be quickly out of range. Carefully, she picked her way down to the bottom of the giant hole-in-the-ground, courtesy of Galaar. Tough old ijarat, even if he was terrible at the concept of to-scale explosions.

@Galaar CC-252 @Commander Calico CC-247 @Voroll Dey Astaar @[member="CC-117 Canal"]
Arrival At Tunnels - Rebels

Contact. Zius eyed Bluejay as she descended into the hole, furrowing his brow with suspicion. He walked quickly, uncaring if he was spotted out in the open by some vulture of the battlefield. Pansy, he thought, what man lay in the dirt to claim blood with a gun? It would be a real shame if they were to end up on the wrong side of a lightsaber, especially with a man whom wielded it without mercy. Zius followed Bluejay with a hastened pace of footing, holding his tongue with a bitter silence that would later be saved for the slaughter of any who dared intercept the saving of Calico.

He made his way to the hole itself, peering down with his cybernetic eye, scanning for lifeforms. There she was... still picking at the debris. He held his lightsaber out, pointing it directly toward her general position.

"Hold it. Drop the weapon and face me, Or I'll come down there and paint each little pebble with your flesh and blood. You're going to tell me exactly what you're doing."

Demanding, cold, apathetic. All of these composed his voice when it regarded life for others, a chilling distortion tagged each word with an unnatural addition of technology and spite. He knew full and well that she might pull something, but only time would tell what she could pull off in her position.

@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"] @Galaar CC-252 @Commander Calico CC-247 @Voroll Dey Astaar @CC-117 Canal
The game was at hand. Of course they had pieces that needed to be played streategically but why not see it while looking at the board? Racket did. It's probably why two craps were never given. They were out numbered, had no ability in the sky, and had to stay off of the streets. The Fracking Krutacking Bag heads were about to burn down their own sand castle. While everyone spoke the tiniest tech dot now clung to the back of Ti'Cira's belt. It was his plan for getting comfy. Where ever she went he'd know. That lady would be privileged with his crazed protection for as long as he was alive...... Lucky Her....

Cig in his lips lit bright orange again when they conversation broke for his chance to speek. Weight transfered onto his left leg making his body slide off of the beautiful ladies arm. His feet caught him gingerly. Quick strides and a leap brought him standing on the hollow map in the middle of the room. Now standing at a height of head to chest with, @[member="Mandalore the Insurgent"], and looking around at all of the people getting supplies ready. "They expect us to split up but why do it now? We have the speed of a RacMeer in these tunnels, Knowledge of Mando soldiers on their homeworld, and Forcies who can break whatever they feel like, one of which holds our enemies powers within. We need to bury their numbers in these tunnels while working together as a group. That will piss their pet off so bad, because he can't touch us, that he'll attack first chance he gets. If we plan it right we'll get him to attack their own stronghold. The way I see it the plan doesn't start until we have their numbers burried in these tunnels."
Holding up his small balled fist and putting a finger up with each point he made.​
"*Anyone we can get ahold of through comms up top at the Mando Tower needs to draw the beast away.
*We follow the MAndo's through these tunnels and collapse the ones we find Kursed in and don't need the Enemy using.
*@[member="Spencer Jacobs"], show them a fake hand of all of us meeting them in open combat on their main tunnel and then you forcies collapse the tunnels as grenades tear their buried flesh apart.
*Groups split. One positions for stronghold breach, while Ti'Cira and whoever else goes for the Winged beast.
*He wants us so we show our hand. Lady with thought producing abilities can plant what you want him to see at his gates and the beast will all out attack knowingly choosing to hurt it's own stronghold to kill us all off. That's when Ti will have her best chance off pinning that Frack bag to the ground. From there we can infiltrate through the tunnel network and the last stand begins."
Looking at all the huge soldiers with skills unkown but clearly strong enough for each to walk like the badest mofo in the galaxy Racket spoke with straight forward heart felt words. "We are few and this woman, who wants the Galaxy, likes her odds. But looking around this room I can see that she fracked up. She left some of the best warriors this Galaxy knows Alive. And She's PiSsED US oFf!!!!!!!!!!!"
@Kira Liadain, @Nyos Val,@CC-117 Canal, @Galaar CC-252, @Voroll Dey Astaar, @CC-935 Bluejay,@Vulpesen, @Commander Calico CC-247[SIZE=10pt],@[/SIZE]Strider Garon[SIZE=10pt] ,@[/SIZE]TiCira D'Arr Hawk[SIZE=10pt] ,@[/SIZE]Mia Monroe[SIZE=10pt], @[/SIZE]Verz Horak[SIZE=10pt] ,@[/SIZE]Ket Van Derveld[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],@[/SIZE]Kara Avoyos[SIZE=10pt] , @[/SIZE]Antares Windu[SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]@Preliat Mantis @Gilamar Skirata @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Strider Garon @TiCira D'Arr Hawk @Mia Monroe @Verz Horak @Ket Van Derveld @Kara Avoyos @Antares Windu[/SIZE], @[member="Ordo"], @[member="Melantha"].
@Preliat Mantis @Gilamar Skirata @Kira Liadain @Vulpesen @Strider Garon @TiCira D'Arr Hawk @Mia Monroe @Verz Horak @Ket Van Derveld @Kara Avoyos @Antares Windu @Spencer Jacobs @[member="Ordo"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]


Mia didn't know who was from her time, or who was from this time any more. In truth it didn't matter, because they were here now and their enemy was the same. Jhaega she assumed was the beast they had heard earlier, yet now all was quiet, save for the come chatter from those still caught up with Kursed. It was almost too quiet.

Then she heard it, the distance shouts that echoed along the tunnels, like ghostly whispers, echoes of fights, screams of the dying, a hundred feet skittering across the floor. Mia turned slowly to look towards one of the tunnels leading away from the room as the whisper bounced through the warren. For Akala!

She replaced her helmet calmly as Racket jumped onto the table. "We collapse these tunnels we have no where to fall back to if we need to regroup. You're passion is admirable, but we're out of time to discuss our options. TiCira I will come with you, I suggest we take a route that the Kursed aren't coming in from. Someone should stay to protect Spencer too, she can't battle meditate and fend off Kursed if they breach this place."

Mandalore the Insurgent


@[member="Melantha"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"] @[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"] @[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Ket Van Derveld"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="Ordo"]

"Who stays and who goes... make your decisions now. Mel, I need you to take me to the fortress. They're going to pin us in here, and I think they may try and herd us. But we've got no choice and they know it." Sighing, the man pushed himself away from the table and picked up a nearby blaster.

He couldn't get anywhere without Mel, though. He could only leave when she did.
OOC: Sorry for not keeping up
Rebels Sanctuary

Strider placed his helmet on and looked at the current Mand'alor of this time. "I am going, sitting around in a hole aint my way of greeting death" Strider chuckled still in somewhat still awestruck this is actually happening to him. oh well, time to buckle down and man up, put on the big boy panties and come out swinging. "Lets see how man of them we can make die"
Rebel – CIS Super Fun House cubby-hole.

Apparently the position had been a brilliant one, not only to avoid being shot by some berserk Mandalorians and their rather large leader; an explosion that ruined most of the flooring of the shack as well as dragging two of his companions with it; being shot by an apparently angry green woman with a distinct kind of hatred boiling in and around her and another man who looked rather shady, but carried a lightsaber with him. All of this had passed him by. Maybe it was the colour of his armour against the walls, or maybe not. What was for certain was Voroll’s difficulty leaving it for the dangers that awaited him down the dark, dark cavern.

He wanted to find his friend, Galaar, who had so far not responded to any form of communication – which did not include any verbal communication due to the man with a dark sense about him standing on the precipice of the gateway into black.
Voroll looked at him from the side of the room, before making the conscious effort to reach out to him, in the least reaching-way possible: he stepped from the comfy, well-hidden spot he had survived in, into the light of the dark, lightning-filled day. No words left his mouth, but hopefully none needed to: there was a good chance that the stranger would spot the twenty year-old in dirty-white armour appear from, almost out of nowhere.

He leant over the ledge a little, looking to where @[member=Zius Aurus] was looking. At the bottom, almost completely over-taken by darkness, Voroll spotted the girl who shot through the smoke: @[member=CC-935 Bluejay], stood atop the rubble on which both @[member="Galaar CC-252"] and @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] fell. He decided his fate may be better with the stranger, who he felt a lack of emotion from when talking to the girl, rather than she who shot at the group just after the detonator exploded. Hopefully, he had made a good choice.

@[member=CC-177 Canal]
OOC-Sorry for the late replies, work has my schedule in a bind
REBELS-Tunnel Collapse.

Nyos fell with the rest of the soldiers, an explosion tore the floor beneath their feet. The cyborg was more nimble than the soldiers, landing on his feet like an acrobat. The female soldier fired at the others, coming from nowhere she flew into the scene, blasters spiting plasma. A new man came into the tunnels as well, the lone man Nyos had seen above ground, but this man held the blood red blade of a Sith, unlike what he expected. Nyos drew his own vibrosaber and came upon the woman.

Lady, you picked a bad day to jump a group of wounded soldiers, that's when they fight the hardest. And it seems as though you have my attention and this gentleman's as well, he pointed with his blade at the saber wielder.

Nyos pulled back into a defensive stance, but then he heard something quite disturbing. There were cries coming from the tunnels. Nyos turned to see a gang of corrupt Mandos running towards the soldier's party. He turned and ran at them full force, he used the flat side of his blade, knocking them out in droves. His fists, feet, and blade masterfully countered, caught, struck and fell many corrupt.

Looks like we've got company!!

More and more came form different tunnels.

We need to find an escape route!

@[member="Kira Liadain"]
@[member="CC-117 Canal"]
@[member="Galaar CC-252"]
@[member="Voroll Dey Astaar"]
@[member="Zius Aurus"]
@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]
@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]

Anya Venari

Star Queen Tirathana VII
@Rebels. Decide now whether you are joining myself and Mandalore in the attack, or staying back to defend against Jhaega's attack.
@[member="Mandalore the Insurgent"] @TiCira D'Arr Hawk @Preliat Mantis @Gilamar Skirata @Kira Liadain @Verz Horak @Ket Van Derveld @Spencer Jacobs @Ordo

The attack was coming. The dragon was coming, raining down fire, and suddenly there was no time. They had to act now, or else all was lost.

“With me! Quickly!” she commanded. With Mandalore by her side, and with those who were willing to follow coming behind, they left Sanctuary and headed deep underground. Further and further, through tunnels and passages they went. Though she seemed supremely confident, inside Melantha was anxious.

At last they came to a heavy door newly installed over the tunnel. There seemed no way to open it from this side.
“Step back,” Melantha commanded.

Reaching into her Sciia she called upon her greatest power; ice, and put her hand to the door. At first little happened, but then the hard durasteel greyed and started to steam as ice and cold flooded into it. Finally, when the door was encased in ice she stepped back and threw an almighty punch at the door. Instead of breaking her hand, instead the blastdoor shattered and broke like it was made only of ice.

The way into the Black Citadel was open. The last attack could begin.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
@ALL KURSED, get into position to attack

The call of the great dragon had gone out, and Tegaea had responded, leaving the Black Citadel at the head of a force of Kursed troops, she began planning for the final assault on the Rebels.

Little did she know that circling above was someone quite familiar to her

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]
Somewhere outside in the ruins, confrontation with wifey

Tegaea - warped, twisted, broken by the sinister magicks of Akala - did not remain oblivious for a long. Suddenly invisible hands came reaching for the Kursed troopers, gripping them tight in an unyielding, cruel grip as they were pulled into the air, smashing them apart like ragdolls as they were tossed across the ruined city block. From above Siobhan came gliding down, her telekinesis enabling her to land gracefully as she touched down upon, her boots finding purchase upon a pile of rubble.

She had left the rebel camp in the tunnels long ago, searching for Tegaea, having felt her, sensed her pain. She did not know what plan the rebels had, though she imagined they would strike. Whatever. To be frank it was not important to her. The only thing - the only person in the world - that mattered to her was Tegaea.

Siobhan had believed she had faced her fears long ago on the hellish world of Gehenna. She was wrong, for before her was the sight of a nightmare. Much like the mechanical terrors the Bando Gora had fashioned in the pit, much like the Bando Gora version of herself who had haunted her in her dreams. Her hand trembled and she tried to suppress the tears as she steeled herself. With everyone else there would be no hesitation, bolter or lightsabre would have been in her hand right this moment and she would have attacked. No hesitation, no mercy, little remorse if any. But this was not anyone was Tegaea.

"Oh, my love. What have they done to you?" she spoke when she finally found her voice as she took a step forward. "Listen to me...I'm here to help. Please. You're stronger than they are...much stronger. You can must." Seeing her like this, like some mechanical puppet, was like the stab of a cold knife to the heart.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Forcebreakers didn't do much of anything if you held your breath, and Boolon could hold his breath for a long, long time. It had been a good while since Boolon had seen a decent fleche, let alone one launched by a droid lunging out of a gas cloud. That maneuver covered a good deal of ground, and it was all he could do to parry quickly enough. A subtle Soresu parry redirected the thrust, and Boolon's dark, blood-stained robes gained another slash. The blade kissed his ribs -- and the wound began healing almost at once.

Boolon had a very, very specific skillset.

His back foot crossed behind the other, then his feet shifted again, taking him to the left but keeping him facing the fast-moving droid. A fleche had been designed for a linear battlefield, and if it had a weakness, it was momentum. And that droid had a lot of mass to be able to stop on a dime.

Boolon's wrist flicked. A fleche was a wonderful thing -- for a weapon where slashing didn't count and omnidirectional metal-cleaving ability wasn't a thing. The flick brought his sabre-tip up and down again at the inside of HK's wrist.
Vulpesen heaved a final sigh and went on his way, trailing just behind @[member="Melantha"]. "It seems like danger lies ahead and the fun just never ends in this place. In any case, I stand with you in this assault." He was currently far more armored than usual, but he had done his best to keep up his dexterity and agility, making sure that he could keep full range of motion which would come in handy in a fight. Keeping his saber unlit at his side, Vulpesen was prepared to attack anyone fool enough to get in his way. The galaxy was currently in shambles and it was his job to help put it back together. Being a shadow of jedi order, he would do just that and nothing would stop him short of death. Still, he hoped that such a fate was still a bit off for him.
Tunnel Collapse - KURSED

"Lucky me." Bluejay said, deadpan. "Fight me if you like, I don't care." Now she addressed both men. "But they have betrayed Akala - " there, that was what they'd done " - and they will die for it, one way or another." She drew her second pistol, preparing to fight - when the call of the dragon reached her. If they could see her helmeted face, it would have become slack and emotionless for a fraction of a second. The Black Citadel - undefended? I am needed. Bluejay didn't need to know any more - the Kursed Dread Sister raced off at a sprint, ignoring the others, as she went to the Black Citadel - the attack. They would not destroy that place.

@[member="Nyos Val"]
@CC-117 Canal
@Galaar CC-252
@Zius Aurus
@Commander Calico CC-247

The Hound

He needed no push, no warning, he wanted to be out there, killing, spilling blood. Anything that got in his way...well lets just say they would soon be a puddle of organic matter on the ground of Mandayaim. Standing from his meditations, he activated the mysterious forcesaber as well as his own silver bladed lightsaber and rushed into battle. He had found his target, and nothing would get in his way. Catching the shift int he White Current caused by @[member="Sophia Walsh"]. he honed in on her like a guided missile. He ducked, weaved, sliced and combusted his way through walls as well as some unsuspecting enemies.

"Sophiaaa..." came the familiar, yet threatening voice.
@Sochi Ru @Tallia Farn @Drake Blackwood @[member="Rasu Gan"]

His instincts failed, his mind screamed at him to strike, take down the runt without mercy, but something seemed to be in the way. But it wasn't love. It was the other two Jedi. Marek was dead, the thing before them was simply a husk inhabited by the dying remnants of a soul long dead, or far to deeply buried. Maybe it was that wretched emotion stopping him, which angered him to no end as his face contorted underneath the mask. She would be enslaved, that was his solution, the others died.

Placing his saber at his sides and raising his hands in what would seem to be surrender, before flicking his wrists and letting loose a barrage of electricity, intent on ending the aggressor rebels before him, minus the green one, who he kindly avoided.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Tegaea’s face screwed up into a sneer of utter contempt.
“Oh, that’s very nice. You’re here to help me, are you? You’re here to save me. Resist, resist!” she parodied.
“You are twenty years too late!” she suddenly snarled. “Where were you when everything went to hell? I waited for you, I tried to contact you, but you vanished. I thought you were dead, and then they came for me. You…betrayed me. You…you useless, stupid, inadequate failure! You left me to die, but Akala saved me, made me whole again. And now you come back as though nothing has happened? How dare you, Siobhan, how dare you think you can just appear after twenty years and everything will be back to how it was? Well it’s not like that!”

Rising to her full mechanical height, one arm projected a lightsabre like blade, the other a powerful energy weapon. Aiming at Siobhan, she fired straight at her, hoping to kill her at once.
@[member="Preliat Mantis"] @[member="Gilamar Skirata"] @[member="Kira Liadain"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"] @[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Ket Van Derveld"] @[member="Kara Avoyos"] @[member="Antares Windu"] @[member="Spencer Jacobs"] @[member="TiCira D'Arr Hawk"]
@[member="Melantha"] @[member="Mandalore the Insurgent"]

Ordo said nothing again he just rolled his shoulders and placed the gladiator's but stock to his shoulder and aimed into the tunnels.

His mind was still empty of all but a single purpose. He would fight, he would butcher and if required he would die, again evidently. He cycled his vision modes as he sacnned from side to side.

He looked at Ti'Cira and Mia. Jhaega was going to have to die somehow and he was the only Mando he knew who had faced atmospheric re entry in nothing but his armor. If he survived he would find away to keep Jhaega busy he believed Mia and the Witch could bring him down.

He waited for them to be ready then counted off on his fingers and began to move.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"What...Tegs...I'm sorry. This whole thing...I was warped in time. Somehow pulled into the future," Siobhan stammered before she caught herself. "Look at yourself, you call that Akala saving you? She just made you her puppet. After everything you achieved, do you think that's the woman you were would want to be."

She was cut off as Tegaea rose up and produced her energy weapon. In most circumstances her lightsabre would have been in her hand, but something seemed to block her...she could not pull it into her grasp. Siobhan did not want to hurt her, she could not...not yet. But equally she would not let herself be killed. She sensed the intent to fire and acted. As the energy beam fired she shot upward, the Force strengthening her muscles as she glided upward and dodged with great agility, the blast hitting the wall behind her and burning a hole in it. Fact was that using an energy weapon against a force-user, particularly a master level one, was not the smartest thing to do. Bolters were far more efficient. As were flamethrowers or any form of area of effect weapon.

Harnessing her telekinesis Siobhan glided ever so slightly above ground as she descended. "I love you, Tegs. You're right. I did fail. This future's version of mine...whatever, doesn't matter. I did. But I'm not giving up on you...I can't...I'm not letting you kill yourself. You see your great Akala here, the one who butchered way through the Galaxy, any of your 'friends'? You want to be the slave of those who created this hell? You cannot win...please, I don't want to hurt you. I beg you."
Arla was lost, and worse she had a headache that hurt her eyes to where she could not see. She had lost the group she had come with, how was that possible, had she fallen had she..why couldn't she. She stood realizing slowly that her hands were on her knees, she had been sick.

Slowly very slowly she stood upright and walked, but she wasn't sure where she was walking to, or what she was walking into. She was alone, she had always feared that she would end up alone, that she had left a world she knew to be here, abandoned, or lost among ruins with not a familiar face in sight.

@[member="Verz Horak"] @[member="Ordo"]

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