Rebels--Tunnel defense, yeah, that.
"That's a negative five-two. You're wounded ner'vod, and I won't leave my men. They can do it without us." Calico chided into the private communication link between himself and Galaar.
Things were rather...surreal at the moment. A flood of hostile dribbled out of the rocky maw in a sea of purple, gray, and black accompanied by a rainbow of laser-fire that illuminated the entire cavern. It was all mechanical now: the familiar smell of burning ozone, the crack of weapons discharging, the hum of lightsabers--not even the screams of those dying could break Calico's focus.
Yet, no matter how many times the soldier sent bouts of weapons fire back at the aggressors, they never seemed to lessen in number. The cavern was small, a choke point really, but the sheer number of mentally unstable warriors would overtake them rather soon. He slid down against the rock and set his back heavy up against it. If no one could bring an appropriate explosive solution--then he would himself.
"What the Master Sergeant said son! Hold 'em back, start shooting, keep your head down!" Calico snapped at Marek, more out of a desire to see the boy live than anything else. His measly rock cover was slowly chipping away, and a few seconds of exposure would likely cost him his life.
Slap the attachment there. That's it. Everyone is speaking with finality. They think they're going to die. They probably are going to die. I'm terrified too, but I have to keep them going. My responsibility, my people.
Calico held the 'Deece' steady in his hands. The lumpy cylindrical attachment over its muzzle primed up, ready to deliver a small explosive payload down the tunnel. Hopefully, that would be enough. He took a deep breath, and just as he was about to fire, a hand slapped unto his shoulder.
"You boys aren't dying yet, Zius. You're good lad, regardless of what people think of you. You're one of my own." He grunted back in a tone that said that-was-that. He shrugged the Dark Jedi's shoulder off, and grinned under his helmet. Despite the bruising, the pain aching to his very core, the sharp sense of worry and fear permeating throughout his mind, Calico stood up.
It only took half a second. Half a second for a blinding array of light to flash toward the exposed target, and half a second for that target to unleash a small glowing orb down across the tunnel. It impacted with the upper half of the tunnel: engulfing both the rock and a handful of the warriors below in white hot flames. The explosion was rather violent as rubble tumbled down and completely blocked the small tunnel. The cries of the dying Kursed could barely be heard under the deafening boom.
How many more of those tunnels are there? This one was a backwater way in....
Calico stumbled forward as his HUD flashed vibrantly across his vision. The lights gave the Commander a horrible headache and threatened to make his stomach churn. Ignore it. Ignore it. This isn't the time for a seizure. He stumbled to the right and set all his wait on one of the rocky walls. The 'Deece' was hanging loosely from his hands: his shields had failed, and even more scorch marks pocketed his armor. It hurt, it really did. His arms felt like they'd been held over a fire for far too long.
"Alright!- He paused to compose himself. Wow, that hurt. "That's tunnel number one boys! These di'kuts want to put down our resistance friends. Now, are we going to let that happen?!" The Commander spoke over his loudspeaker, letting it echo off the walls. "I say not! Whatever is happening outside, the resistance is trying to stop it. I imagine there are many more tunnels like this, and much bigger."
I hope Kira doesn't take me up on that dance offer. I'm about as agile as a ronto.
"I know none of you signed up for anything like this. I know we're all confused, but freedom is our cause, and this resistance is the only vestige of free space that we know of. If you want to stand down and wait it out, be my guest. I will think no lesser of you." He paused to take a long breath. The arms would need to be treated later. "For those of you that want to fight alongside your brothers, stand with me! We will hold these tunnels and keep the nasty di'kuts out until the resistance finishes its job."
He finally pushed off the wall and slipped the DC-17 into its holster next to the DC-15s. "Let me know now."
@[member="Nyos Val"]
@[member="CC-117 Canal"]
@[member="Galaar CC-252"]
@[member="Voroll Dey Astaar"]
@Commander Calico CC-247
@[member="CC-935 Bluejay"]
@[member="Marek Starchaser"]
@[member="Zius Aurus"]