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Amazon banning the Rebel Flag

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Now, Amazon and Ebay have banned the sale of the rebel battle flag. Now, I do not support slavery but the thing is...I'm from the southern united states. To me, the battle flag of the confederacy represents heritage and listen, I believe everyone is created equal and completely disagree with slavery. However, on Amazon they banned the rebel flag but you can still purchase Nazi flags, Soviet Union flags, Nazi SS Armbands, A Soviet Union pin, A swastika pendant, a T-shirt with Joseph Stalin on it, a white supremacist flag, multiple varieties of Che Guevara shirts, and a PS4 with a swastika design on it.

Hell, if they ban the rebel flag why ain't they banning the United States of America flag? The United States allowed slavery for 70 years, the confederacy only had it for four (Still, that is no excuse) but I hope you see what I mean. And finally, The General Lee, the car from The Dukes of Hazzard is having the rebel flag removed from the vehicle.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
In many Pen and Paper RPGs there is a very important item for adventuring called the 10-foot pole.
It is often used in a myriad of ways, mainly to poke, prod, test depths, or touch things that are at least 10-feet away.
What I'm saying here is...
Even I, an experienced Pen and Paper RPG adventure; would not touch this thread with a 10-foot pole.
[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
The board isn't a place to discuss politics. I suggest that you don't try to stir things up here, as this tends to turn into a storm of debate that isn't really conductive to our community.


All of a sudden there is so much drama about a flag of a thing which has not existed for about 150 years now.
[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

I apologize but I actually went to look at the rules again before I posted this thread. Here is rule number 8...

8. All political, religious or social debates on real-life topics on the board are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum.

I do not mean any disrespect, I just figured if it mentioned political debates are to be confined to the Water Cooler forum I just assumed I'd be able to post this.
[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
You are, it's a suggestion from a person to a person. It's more of a "I've seen this sort of stuff blow up before" kind of deal, not a request or warning not to post this.


Well-Known Member
Okay it is for commercial purposes, that amazon is doing this. As they don't want the bad publicity, and not what the flag might not or might represent.

Connor Harrison

I'm just sad it means the General Lee from 'Dukes Of Hazzard' is being banned in certain places and also being changed in merchandising by Warner Brothers. I say this more out of love the for TV show and the car, than the politics behind it, but just shows how much this means to people and the change in times.
I'm from Ireland where we suffered greatly under the word of slavery for hundreds, not 70, years. I do not like slavery. However, the Battle Flag of The Confederates is as big a part of history in America. To take it down or ban it because it is a symbol of hate and slavery, as it seems to be the general argument, is wrong, it's history. Why not level Mount Rushmore since 3 of the faces belonged to documented slave owners? Why not ban the American flag since it's a symbol of destruction in the eyes of the Native Americans, whose land was stolen from them? I understand America wants to change it's image or try to appease everyone that lives in the country. But how far do you go? By appeasing one group, such as removing the flag, you are now offending another group. And if the flag is so 'evil', then explain to me why their are support groups of Southern African-Americans fighting for the flag citing that the flag is part of what defines the South.

Now what [member="Pavor Clauditis"] said by the allowed sells of Nazi memorabilia, from history's view pointe it is just that, a dark and cold reminder in the history of how far humans have devolved. From a standpointe of representation, there is no argument that could be made to defend it. In Germany, the flag itself is banned and those that choose to fly it are either heavily fined or were incarcerated for a short time. The flag is heavily documented to being associated with hate groups of all kinds and in every corner of the world....where the Confederate flag is only associated with hate groups in America. Yet Amazon and eBay sell them.


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I live in the heart of Texas, so this is actually a big deal where I'm from for some reason.
My official opinion: I don't care.
You want to display the Confederate flag? Good for you. I don't care.
You think it's bad to do it? Good for you, I don't care.
Am I upset over Amazon banning it? No, not particularly. Am I glad? No, not particularly. Once more, I do not care.
I think it's a bit strange to ban it when they sell that other stuff; but then again, that other stuff wasn't the subject of a major media story recently that stirred the hornet's nest which is the reason we're even talking about this.

Vanya Lyekova

We should ban bedsheets to keep the KKK away. Or stop speaking English because it's oppressive. Or take the guns away from all the armies in the world, because they hurt people. We should stop pumping oil because it hurts the oceans, stop eating animals because they are cute, and stop believing in God because life is so unfair. Truly the Confederate Flag is at the heart of all this evil. Merica must not falter.

Arise arise! Let us purge this fell demon. Let us shmear this doctrine with bans, and with boos, and with book burnings too. Shes a witch! Shes a witch! No fair trail, but the ditch. Global warming is a farce, yet these flags we make sparse. So again I say, arise arise. Down down with the bars and the red bloody stars. We'll gather all our history and shoot it up to Mars. Merica america!

...Where all we have is free time. :(
My take on this...

The confederate flag should have been removed from government buildings and such a long time ago. All the media coverage has only stirred a frenzy. Should people be able to fly the flag wherever they want on private property? Yes, that is their right as declared by the constitution, however you need to also keep in mind that everyone else has the right to tell you that you're flying a flag that predominantly represents slavery, oppression, and an attempt to overthrow the United States of America. You have just as much right as a neo-nazi to fly the swastika, though it doesn't mean you really should. I will admit, I think the flag looks cool, but I wouldn't fly it because of what it stood for.

Now, that being said, I don't think it should have been taken down off of Amazon, Etsy, or eBay. That is just silly. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech and all that. I think that the flag has no place flying on any government buildings because the government and inanimate entities do not hold those same constitutional freedoms. That is where the thin line is drawn. Government buildings should represent just that, the United States of America. Museums? Fine. Not the capitol buildings, not courts.

Imagine you are a Jewish kid living in Berlin, and your neighbor flies the Nazi flag "out of pride for his heritage". What kind of message does that send, even if there is no ill-intent? It doesn't exactly matter what your intent is at that point, but the overall perception. If you are fine with receiving copious amounts of criticism for flying it, then go right ahead, but don't be surprised, upset, or angry when it happens that everyone gives you a hard time over it.

(Disclaimer...White, northern girl)
They've taken the Confederate flag down from government buildings and amazon. What they have actually done is put up Confederate flags in countless homes across the South.

The modern government of America is completely hostile to faith, family and folk and more White people are waking up to this.

Wrote a rant, furiously backspaced, wrote another one, repeated. Just gonna sum up...

I am a black male hailing from the South. The only people who have called me a "N*****", attempted to lynch me (at age 8 no less), or have treated me poor according to the color of my skin are folks who proudly display that flag. Literally every experience I have had with racism in two decades has come from the "proud culture" that boldly wears, flies, and swears by this flag.

So. You know what? Good on you Amazon. I hope every store in America follows your example. My only regret is that it cost nine lives and several burning churches to prompt the removal of this hateful symbol.


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Now that we have had that thrown out there...a rebutle.

Not ALL racism comes from those that fly the stars and bars. Not even MOST of it. Yeah that is what you personally have experienced and for surviving that and coming out strong in your beliefs I commend you, however as a southern born and bred white male I have experienced racism but not from the stars and bars nor those that fly it but by those that want it gone. Racism is not something that one set cliche does. To quote Avenue Q, " Everyone is a little bit racist." With that being said. Taking away the flag from consumers won't stop it from circulating. It only causes those of us who want it to be more creative with how we attain the flag. Now I am sure some of you have seen that video of groups of people driving up to a house flying the battle flag and snatching it then driving off. (If not I will link it at the end here.) When, not if, when someone gets caught doing this and gets themselves shot possibly killed or otherwise wounded trying to do will spark not only another round of generalizations about race, but also a huge media story that would most likely cause the gun laws being rumored about to pass. The thing is the BATTLE flag was used by a domestic terrorist organization to strike fear into it's targets. Only by giving in and FEARING that flag did it work. Point being we live in a time when anyone can have a weapon..even convicted felons. (Although they cannot have firearms...they can carry a pocket knife.) Why else has there not been a KKK lynching in so many years? Now I am by no means saying that the KKK was right or that they are not criminals, just that the actions of a few ignorant people should not tarnish something as vital to southern american's heritage.

Thanks for reading!

[member="Pavor Clauditis"]
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