Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask: Factory Talk Thread


No they have beskar automatically and there is the clan skin which provides for PC's beskar. They can make custom suits of it with more equipment like Basaba's and Gilimar's adding shoulder cannons, knife sheaths and other stuff.

Just don't go OTT with the Beskar, remember that there's only really one planet capable of sourcing for all Mandalorians. Not every mando would have a suit of beskar', let alone a full body suit of it.

Armor quality is a scale we made to help give a better idea of what sort of damage its capable of defending against. Primarily this value is determined by the actual quality of the armor itself. If an amateur metalworker made a suit of armor and a twenty-year veteran metalworker made a suit, the two would vary greatly in the quality of their armor.

Material also plays a part. Unless it was literally made from scrap, you probably won't find quality 1 durasteel armor. Likewise, it doesn't matter what the thread count is, leather armor is practically never gonna be quality 10. Durasteel tends to make up the bulk of armors quality 4-9. About the only metal capable of consistently making quality 10 armor is beskar.
By making a character. Clones are simply character concepts. If that clone has special capabilities engineered into it that are not shared with its species, however, it might require a species sub, depending on how radical those changes are.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
@[member="Alachei Mnemenos"]

I stepped down from RPJdom a while back due to family issues that didn't allow me time to properly contribute as an RPJ. You'll need to wait for another RPJ or Factory Judge to judge your submission.

Carn Dista

So I'm looking into creating a space station to orbit Korriban (see also swtor), and im A: Unsure of which factory section it goes into, and B: Vaguely unsure as to what specifications it should be running.

If it's possible to colab with a factory staff member on the latter, then that'd be great.
@Ak'lya All stealth is restricted. We've recently had a lot of people try to do a "sensor mask" as a cheap version of stealth. We are getting fed up with it. Expect to do a dev thread.

@[member="Carn Dista"] A: Starships. B: We've had other space stations, check the approved section for references. Naturally, I encourage you to collaborate with Factory Judges about it. Ayden Cater and Domino are the starship judges.
Ah, question. Say I had an NPC unit I wanted to make a factory submission for...where would that go? I know we used to have an NPC section but I don't remember what happened to it.

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