Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ask: Factory Talk Thread


So basically I made this character, then discovered that I need to create a factory submission for it, as it's a droid character. I have the submision written up as best I can (suggestions on tweaks from factory staff would be brilliant!), but I cannar make the thread as, well, les than fifty posts.

What do guys? ;-;


Well-Known Member
Dragite and Force-Imbued Swords, could it work? It does for lightsabers, but i wondered if it could be done with the same process applied to the prior mentioned.
M4N-SDD said:
So basically I made this character, then discovered that I need to create a factory submission for it, as it's a droid character. I have the submision written up as best I can (suggestions on tweaks from factory staff would be brilliant!), but I cannar make the thread as, well, les than fifty posts.

What do guys? ;-;
@[member="M4N-SDD"] Be patient. I don't like that rule, but I have to abide by it. I highly doubt your friends are going to report you for not having your concept processed before you hit 50, so just try to stay out of PvP and you should be fine. :)

Penumbra said:
Dragite and Force-Imbued Swords, could it work? It does for lightsabers, but i wondered if it could be done with the same process applied to the prior mentioned.
@[member="Penumbra"] I don't know why you'd want one when you have a lightsaber, which is better in every conceivable way. A lot of people have been asking about Force-imbued weapons recently, though. We're going to have to come up with a Factory policy on them soon.

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina

I was hoping since Larraq has had to step away I could get the threads counted for the dev threads. The one for stygium is over the minimum but the date thread from an NPC's perspective is only halfway there. It isn't perfect but you can see where the real humor and fun of the story would come from. I am fine waiting if need be but I would like to cash them in for an new upgraded suit please.

*looks for virgin sacrifice*
Basaba Willamina said:

I was hoping since Larraq has had to step away I could get the threads counted for the dev threads. The one for stygium is over the minimum but the date thread from an NPC's perspective is only halfway there. It isn't perfect but you can see where the real humor and fun of the story would come from. I am fine waiting if need be but I would like to cash them in for an new upgraded suit please.

*looks for virgin sacrifice*
@[member="Boolon Murr"] @[member="Popo"]

Super tech judges, hooooo!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Fabula Cavataio"] @[member="Basaba Willamina"]

You've got one twenty-six-post stygium dev thread and one six-post laminanium thread for armor that includes the following.
  • Elite OP camo cloak (the Sarge cloak, requiring special training)
  • Proprietary Fringe Iron Skin class-7 armorweave bodysuit, for elite Fringers and BlasTech employees only
  • Beskar
  • Personal energy shield
  • Stygium cloak
  • Laminanium chainmail
  • A blank check to add in other unspecified weapons throughout the armor at modular attachment points
  • A blank check for 'other pieces of bladesister equipment'
  • Jump servos and crushgaunts
That's two kinds of very good stealth, two restricted materials, one proprietary item from a faction to which you don't belong, one item requiring special training which you may or may not have, two point five lightsabre-resistant materials/technologies, two blank checks, half a suit of powered armor, and quality 10 (which would require a very substantial dev thread all on its own). The nastiest suit of event-prize armor ever made would wet its pants looking at this. I respect the work and imagination you've put into it, but I'm sorry - this will never, ever be approved as is, by any competent judge.
I didn't. I don't have an answer for it. However, it would always be safer to assume that some kind of work is necessary to get a limited item. You're free to submit it if you want to, and the Tech Judges are free to turn it down if they feel it requires a dev thread. Thus, it would be safer to do the dev thread first.
This is probably the wrong place to ask this but here goes, I am planning on making a small NPC group for another character, but I don't know where to post it, and if there's any restriction's either. (Again, probably the wrong area to ask)
@[member="Adenn Gra'tua"]

NPCs don't require any submissions or approvals or anything. You are free to just play with them without having any templates for them. In case they are from a non-existent species, you need a species submission.
If making alloys and composite materials do we need to do a factory submission, as well do we need to do a submission for the allot and composite establishing the mix, properties etc.


Well-Known Member
So, for my first planet i was told i could have X amount for a basic population, but that could later be changed. For my newest planet Tera Lush, i intend to create multiple species, would this aid that endeavor?
I hate to be that impatient little brat, since I know the judges are busy with IC, OOC, and RL, but shouldn't there be some sort of time period when another judge can notice inactivity in judging and help the submission giver out? I'm don't think of myself as incredibly impatient but I do prefer more than one post in a week.
(Not trying to be a piece of poodoo, just giving a suggestion considering all of this seems to fall on one person and lets be honest. Crap can happen to one person and I don't expect to be at the top of his priority list when he gets things back together.)

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