Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis)

Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaging Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by)

Except, Triam's droids weren't moving. They were all still in the same places they were since firing onto the enemy forces. Being many meters away behind cover in higher ground, they had every advantage of avoiding enemy fire and laying their own fire on top of them. If the soldiers were firing out of the trench, they were exposed for destruction. If they hunkered into the trench, they were more protected but the snipers still held the advantage of altitude being able to aim downward. They were armed with automatic rifles, which didn't bode well for their aim or range when going against a sniper rifle with extreme aim precision and range being the main strengths. Additionally, the soldiers were facing fire from multiple directions, meaning their chances of survival were dropping the longer the snipers existed to fire on them. There were only ten of them (or so far as the writers knows), so the four snipers were a very considerable risk to their survival.

At least their leader had the foresight capable of avoiding hyper velocity rounds, otherwise the force would surely have been crippled entirely. The magnetically accelerated rod smashed into the trenches, sending small bits of rubble into the soldiers, just as each sniper fired their weapons at their three targets. Plasma launched directly in front of their lines, 45 degrees from the front, and 130 degrees behind them, that would likely burn through three of the Royal Guards faces, with all factors considered. Unfortunately for Triam her shot missed, but it was fairly expected. What wasn't expected however, was that the Jedi would disappear, which was new to her. Not knowing the nature of the disappearance, she assumed stealth, but had no means of detecting the target otherwise.

Instead, she decided she was going to focus instead on the Royal Guardsmen. Given the nature of her ammunition, it was unlikely there would be anything short of a ray shield that could stop her from picking off Vulpesen's men. They were already at risk from multiple snipers probably taking off their heads. It was a shame she was a Mercenary that had to kill people, but this was the nature of war, and the nature of her paycheck. She used to be such a sweet girl, really!

"So, you wanna play peek a boo, Jedi? I'm sure your men are going to love it..." She breathed as she lined up her next shot and fired. If all was going well, Vulpesen would have to deal with around four wounded men, if not dead... well, there was probably no avoiding Triam's round, so there was a highly likely chance at least one would be dead.

After firing her shot however, her sniper teams had located several locations where sniper fire was being sent towards the canyon, where the ACA put the Enemy Artillery under siege by Hunter Killer Drones, and the War Bugs which were directly under fire. If the ACA didn’t take those Artillery Cannons, it was going to make victory fairly difficult, though not impossible.

Quickly, she took inventory of her teams.

  • Currently, Teams Two, Three (with herself), and Six were engaging Vulpesen and his forces in the trenches.
  • Triam had seven total teams remaining, all currently situated in elevated covered positions, with four teams left unspotted, unfired, and uncompromised.
  • Mobility was a problem, but all positions were far enough forward to fire directly into the foundry, which was where the sniper fire had been located.
  • Her four teams of two (one spotter, one sniper), could all engage the four targets that they had located so far while they were distracted.
  • Firing all of them, would leave all of her Team Positions compromised and relatively exposed to sniper return fire.
  • Firing all of them while they distracted, was the most advantageous opening to take in the moment, and could possibly inflict massive damage to the enemy platoon in one attack (though perhaps not, not being able to know for certain how many snipers the enemy was brandishing).
With all of these facts considered, Triam decided to risk it. Those War Bugs needed to remain operational to engage the artillery position, and those snipers needed to be taken care of for her forces to advance in the relative safety that they would only receive fire from the most obvious locations.

"Teams Four, Five, Seven, and Eight, engage the enemy sniper positions that were located. I'll be sending in my droid remotes to provide extra surveillance coverage on the situation, once and if they penetrate the front lines and infiltrate the foundry. I might be of no assistance, but those targets need to be taken out now." Triam said as she observed the carnage down below, and began to pilot a droid remote to sneak past the enemy lines to locate the snipers. She had six tries to do, and she felt confident in her ability, but it all depended on how much of a problem Vulpesen would become. Not knowing where he was, was a critical problem, though it would take anyone a while to reach any of her snipers positions, and he would be leaving his men behind to die.

"I better get a medal for this..." She said as she piloted her remote discreetly to a section of the Foundry's entrenchments that didn't look quite as populace.
The dust at the base of the rock that led to the droid's nest would make a small movement and a moment later, Vulpesen would be visible, as well as the golden and black blades of his lightsaber as it swirled around in the nest to slice down the droids. He wasn't quite fast enough to stop the three shots that attacked his men, killing one and wounding two more, but he was fast enough to stop any further shots. He wasn't sure what weaponry the enemy had, but he was fairly sure it would be difficult to switch from rifle to pistol in the seconds in which the Tenevi could move and strike.

Triams shot however, being only one was a pass or fail with its powerful force capable of killing a man. Vulpesen's guards, would find their targeted nest to likely be decimated, but their numbers nearly halved as two fell below the trenches and another found his arm turned into a spray of blood on his compatriots only seconds before he would bleed out and find his life at an end.

"Stang." He felt the lives wink out in the force and Vulpesen turned towards his men who eagerly pointed to the direction from which Triam Akovin had shot, the verpine rifle's knock back force having made the body's flight direction very indicative to the trained men. "Someone's having a little too much fun." He leaped from his perch, making his way to the enemy, trying his best to keep as much cover as he could behind the red stone of Geonosis' surface. "Keep your heads down and move positions." The words were spoken into his comlink. He had to get the Vitae a better weapon supply, but such things were in the making. For now, he would keep his men at the ready but hiding. He didn't need their heads getting shot off for nothing and as long as they stayed at the walls, they would likely be safe from the rifle. Still no reason to waste his time. He called upon the force to increase his speed to Triam's position.

[member="Triam Akovin"]

Neskar A'toll

Hail to the King, baby
It had in fact turned out that Neskar was apparently dreaming. He lay, comatose, strewn on the floor next to a broken pod. A red dawn, awoken by rapturous gunfire, spilt crimson light across the dead planet. He was dead, so they thought, as the scavengers moved to take the mercenary's armour from his battered carcass; a curious make of Mandalorian iron, quite dissimilar to normal ones.

It was then he awoke from a slumber thought eternal, groggily shifting to roll over onto his back. The creatures harvesting his weapons stood shakily, stunned, shocked, shared snappy glances - one reached for an ancient blaster - and took note of the figure writhing on the floor below. Neskar tried to lean up, failed, and crashed back down onto his back. He could not speak, for his throat was hoarse, and rasped when he breathed. He assumed his ventilator was damaged - rather inconvenient for the location - and could taste dust particles on the inside of his mouth. After laying for time (he was unsure of the duration, with sluggish unresponsiveness the order of the day) he mustered a cough, and felt spittle on his tongue, collecting in a small pool and somewhat lubricating it. His thoughts told him this was a good thing, and thus encouraged him to roll to his left, onto his side, and shift a knee onto the tough ground. Falling to his hands and knees, Neskar glared at the ground, as if it had aggrieved him. He judged it past time to rise.

And so he did, and there stood a titanic figure, that of myth, then fell flat once again. Progress, it seemed, would have to wait.
Objective B
Location: Cryax's unmarked spacestation above Geonosis
Allies: The Rebel Alliance
Enemies: Directly engaging [member="Cryax Bane"]

Eugene pressed the radio button on his freighter console in order to goad on the Chiss crimelord but noticed it was dead. He tried to signal the Rebel Alliance but all he heard was static out of that particular transmission channel. Fething bantha balls! Cryax Bane had disabled all of his communications. But his ship controls were intact, he noticed, flicking switches to make sure everything else was still working.

He thought briefly about ramming Cryax Bane's space station with the front of his freighter, but then Eugene saw that the docking bay was wide open. Interesting, he thought. He set the autopilot to the docking bay coordinates, expecting a routine landing on the spacestation, grabbed an E-Web Rifle, standard issue it seemed for the Rebel Alliance. Eugene wasn’t normally this reckless. For all he knew, Bane had a veritable army of bodyguards, torture droids and all types of other nasty things waiting for him on that space station. But he was itching for a showdown with this rival slicer for some time now.

When the repulsors touched down in the docking bay and the ships engine whirred into silence, there was no turning back. Before exiting the hatch, he donned an Mk 45 Protective Vest and then as he opened it, he stood behind cover in his ship and listened for signs of life in the docking bay.
Objective: Provide Medical Aid
Location: RAV-101 Redemption, Shield-class Medical Frigate
Allies: [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Wan Min Brightsky"], [member="Krasnaya Xue"]
Enemies: [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Irys Arist'lar"]

Irys Arist'lar said:
"Understood Redemption, please ensure all medical vessels have IFF transponders set to galactic approved medical codes. All droid vessels are pre-programmed to avoid fire on such vessels. Any vessels transmitting these codes that open fire, will lead to this policy being revoked. Many thanks."

As the reply from the enemy fleet came through the link, the afro-headed simulacrum gave a nod toward the Bothan technician at the signals terminal. Turning back toward his first mate, the boy said, "Recall all starfighters." With that order given, the dark-skinned droid directed his attention toward the flight control suite. "Deck Officer, take us out of formation and move us toward the Corporate Fleet."

Behind him, the automaton was aware that the first mate was questioning his orders. "Without starfighters..." the man mused aloud, continuing the strange trend of uncharacteristically anxious behavior that the droid had noted earlier.

"We'll be surrounded by their fleet, so it won't be any different than if our fighter screen was out there," the medical droid supplied in explanation. Or, at least, as much of an explanation as he was willing to impart. Truthfully, with the fear and paranoia he was observing in the crew, he simply wasn't going to risk a fighter pilot triggering a battle which the Redemption simply could not afford. Ignoring that concern for the time being, or tabling it for a later discussion perhaps, the droid turned back toward the Bothan communicator. "I want medical teams standing by their ambulances."

The furry radio technician nodded, even as she worked at switching over to a signal broadcast over a broad band of communications traffic. "All ships, all vessels. This is Alliance Hospital Ship Redemption. Be advised, we are approaching Corporate Fleet to render lifesaving medical aid."

Turning his head back toward his first mate, the boy said, "Have emergency crews stage triage stations on the hangar deck." With a nod, and the signature Imperial clicking of the heels, the man offered no word of acknowledgment. He wasn't happy with the course of action that the droid was undertaking. "Have Aisha post guards outside the engine room and the bridge, but I don't want them in the hangar and I don't want them in the infirmary. These people are our patients, not our prisoners. Any Corporate personnel not requiring hospitalization will be offered berthing. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir," the former Imperial snapped in a crisp, aggressive tone.

Perhaps the droid ought to write the man a script for a mild anti-anxiety narcotic.

"Medical emergency. All medical personnel, report to your stations. All medical personnel, report to your stations."

As he overheard the Bothan making the standard announcement throughout the ship, the simulacrum couldn't help but weigh the conflicting priorities now being processed by his circuits. As a medical droid, his first instinct was to hand over command and control of the ship to Hobis or Marc, and then join the medical staff in the surgical ward where his primary programming could be put to its originally intended purpose. However, from what he had observed of his crew's conduct, the emotional 'excesses' sparked by some fog of war that the droid simply may not have understood, the automaton was left with the practical reality that his continued presence on the bridge would be required so not to risk the ship to an action resulting from emotional compromise.

It was a deliberation process which took precisely one-point-seven seconds for the droid to calculate, and one which still weighed heavy on his logic programming as he stayed at his post. Turning his head toward the Bothan, the boy said only, "Launch all fly-away teams. Begin lifepod recovery," and then returned his attention to the data feeds which supplied him with the tactical picture of the battlefield.

Marek Starchaser

Objective: C
Location: avec le [member="Ahra Martrey"]
Enemies: Rebels, Ravens, other people who may live off their governments and expect free health care, [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]
Allies: The Young Money Millionaires, including [member="Phade"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] and [member="Sirella Valkner"]

Right, time to ride or die, get that Mr. Anderson and pull him off this frakked up world. She caught her balance over the noise of Ahra contacting Phade. She grinned and nodded, offering a wink, the main visor of her helmet retracted. She always felt better when there were familiar faces nearby and this was definitely one of those. She’d worked with Ahra in passing, but still, she recognized him having more experience than her. And they were picking up Phade.

He was pretty.

Right, focusing, checking her weapons, making sure her lightsaber and blaster rifle, the same Browncoat Arms rifle Phade was carrying, were ready to go. It was time to get out there and do some damage. She nodded to the other Knight and fixed her grip on the speeder.

Ronan Nakasla


"[static] ... Shuttle ... [static] ... approach vector ... [static] ... Valenttttzzzzhhhh ..."

There were forces in this universe, in this Galaxy, of which turned up when a token was needed. Sometimes that token was an actual coin, and other times it was merely that little trick that changed the game; and sometimes, it was something... someone else altogether. The ACA? They had their contacts. Everyone had contacts. Only some peoples' contacts spanned beyond the scope of this-person-knows-that-person and diverged into the realms that ran the underlying current. Those forces had a tendency to turn up when they grew bored of watching chaos and decided to add a little of their own. Spice up the recipe. Stir the pot. Add some kick.

LO̕C̡A͝T͜I͟O͠N̡: ̀Ìn͘ ̨O̴r͞b͜it
͜EŃEM̧I̵ES͘:̀ ̕Re̷b͞e̴l ͡S͜c̶u̴m̶
͜AĻLI͞E̡S̷: Abri͟ón͘ Cor͘po̴r̶ate Aut͟h̸o̵ri͞ty̨
OBJECTIVE: "Where do you want me, [member="Irys Arist'lar"]?"
Ash sat in the cockpit of that shuttle. He breathed slowly, evenly. He had just flicked off the communicator with which he sent out a brief pulse message. It held a simple message: "Reporting in. ~V". It was simple, and those of the ACA knew who it was and what that meant. The energy he radiated began to permeate the area. If one could truly call it his energy. It was shared energy. His will over the Force was a symbiosis with the living Force. The energy within and around all things. He held will over his own energy as any Force User did, however when he was truly pressed he could pull the currents of excess to his call and they allowed him to perform beyond his physical capabilities. His limitation, as Atretes Rhoujen, was Sigma. Now Rhoujen was no more and there was only Sigma. When that motion occurred, the floodgate was released and barred open. There was no longer restraint. There was only power, and an individual with the strength to take what he was gifted those many years ago.

His breath peaked, and he stood in a fluid motion. What ever was going on here on Geonosis, this sphere of rock and dust, it must have been important. Why? Because he was called. That was explanation enough. He needed to prepare. Conveniently enough, SI had begun to expect two things when he took a shuttle: one, that he would wreck it; two, that he would need a small armoury. The loadout was typical. Basic armour that covered his vitals from most attacks, his two lightsabers, and his Verpine Shatter Gun. There was also a knife and some incidental equipment, but nothing truly noteworthy. Military gear. Rope. The essentials. He seated the now-cracked and aged skull-like mask from the outdated Obsidian's Cure Armour that he wore that fateful night when the Knights Obsidian toppled the Templar Order into place over his visage. He crushed foolish zealots in that mask. He would crush foolish Rebels in it. It clashed with his outfit, and somehow made him look faceless. Like a black void piloting a combat suit. He took another deep breath and relaxed himself. Equipping gear had edged him slightly, and he wanted to try and remain calm... at least until he had to do some real damage. Then things would change.

He walked back to the cockpit and opened a direct channel with the lead ship of the ACA Fleet. Whichever it was. He hadn't managed to do a scan yet, but he always knew who would be in charge of these kinds of operations. She was an odd Bothan, but she got the job done. He appreciated that aspect of her... personality.

"Admiral Arist'lar. You appear to have... quite the party. Where do you want it?" his mouth quirked at his attempted humour.

He couldn't come across as completely insane, after all.

[member="Molly Rieux"]
[member="Neskar A'toll"]

Sannika Brynn

Let me tell you about a Rebellion...
Objective: B for Bombs
Location: Up in the air!
Allies: [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Mark Sage"], [member="Verd Skirata"]
Enemies: [member="Triam Akovin"], [member="TD-18"], [member="Besh Prime"], [member="Raziel"]

The missiles were not all too concerning, nor were the flak guns--until one of the rounds sprayed about and caught the tail of Lonely Bird. The supersonic bomber briefly felt like it was a shirt snagged on a treebranch, and the tug of the wind against the rear foils jerked the craft a tad in reaction to the force of the shot--which was very scary at such high speeds. Rogue Three was breathless for the moment that the tail hung, but she was patient with the yoke and did not immediately wrench the ship back on course, helping retain its honest composure. "I'm hit! But it's all god for now..."

Unfortunately, there were other things the Rogues needed to worry about. Warning indicators beeped to signal the arrival of rather miniature combatants. "Bogeys, Lead. Little, tiny, annoying ones!" The Corporate Authority forces had launched drones of a sort to chose down the offending bombers, and that was not something Sannika appreciated seeing on her HUD.

She quickly followed her leader's 'recommendations' and killed the engines, then activated the centrally located fan instead. The craft shunted as it postponed its freefall with the initiation of the vertical flight airfan--quite different from the usual repulsorlift system, but not much about the Nevermore could be considered ordinary. But the maneuver worked for the most part, dropping the bombers out of the flak guns' lines-of-sight and throwing off any of the non-heat-seekers. Flares were launched from Lonely Bird's aft just to make sure even those did not stick with her.

All that remained to shake were the buggers. "Punching it, Lead! Rear in gear!" The twi'lek pilot ignited her engines once more to get the craft in motion; also flicking the fan off after a few thousand meters of push. As soon as a decent amount of speed had been attained, she lighted the afterburners and kicked the Nevermore at emergency speed after Melec.

They would be back. Just had to rid themselves of those stupid flies.
Objective: C
Allies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Apoc"]
Enemies: [member="Phade"] | [member="Jared Ovmar"] | [member="Molly Rieux"] | [member="Ahra Martrey"] | [member="Sirella Valkner"]

Yuroic heard the droids and gestured to the others to get ready, it seemed the enemy had arrived. The pressure plates worked a charm. He roared in happiness but then he noticed that there were planets growing on this dusty planet. He decided to check if Chiasa had any ideas on this.

"Hi, are you seeing what I'm seeing? These planets don't look deadly to us but they destroyed the other pressure plates. We've only got the trip mine left now." He commented as the plantlifebwasn't tall enough to set off the trip mine. He then looked to the others and whistled firmly.

"Look alive lads! The enemy is on their way, put our guest in a hidden place, or as hidden as this hive can be." He barked his order as he crouched behind the boulder and aimed his blaster pistol at the ready at the entrance he heard the droids.

Darth Osano

Objective: B
Location: Geonosis landing area
Allies: Bourgeois [ @Soliael Talith ]
Enemies: Proletariat

[member="Raziel"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="Besh Prime"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Triam Akovin"] | [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Patricia Susan Garter said:
Elsewhere however things had gotten interesting. The bird watcher drone that had landed in the canyon walked along with it's wing sparking heavily. It was losing power fast, but before it had done so it had spotted TD-18 's column. Using maps and gps location Patricia was able to point out the location of the column. Her artillery units shifted fire and began to rain shells down on the canyon right above their column before the drone powered down and died.

Unfortunately, the drone had already been destroyed by an artillery shell, so it was physically incapable of spotting TD-18's still-stationary column, which had yet to move deeper into the canyon. Given the sheer disparity of distance between the artillery position and the canyon, most shells continued to fall short of the canyon entirely or smack uselessly into walls far enough away from TD-18 to be relevant.

TD-18 himself, however, suddenly blacked out. The world closed in on him before he could grasp what was happening. Soliael's meddling with key articles of his programming had had prompted an emergency restart by his internal systems. But Hegemonic Automaton droids didn't take very long to restart, so TD-18 only appeared to half-slump over recently. Then came the traditional Hegemonic Automaton boot-up sound, and TD-18 was back in action like he hadn't missed a beat. TD-18 saluted his commander and answered his question.

"Droid Company C. Taking light artillery fire. Calculating a 98.37% probability artillery fire will increase in volume the further the company moves into the canyon. Calculating a 100% probability that geography of the canyon and distance from enemy artillery will negate this. I am prepared to continue our advance at your discretion, Commander Talith."


Objective; Bravo
Location: Foundry
Enemies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], moving own NPCs
Allies: Not doing things wrong, ACA, [member="Besh Prime"] [member="TD-18"], Furbies, Selfie Sticks [member="General Mayhem"]

Prime was getting annoyed with this world, the programs it was running was more hide and less kill-kill-kill. The units creators would need to send it to a world where it did not need to worry about collateral damage and ‘public relations’ and ‘public image’ and ‘civilian runtimes.’ Those were just organic codes for ‘useless, boring, and waste of space.’ Similar to how Red Ravens and Rebel Alliance and Selectivist kept turning up results on its private memory banks of tainted words.

Calculating the risk of the destruction of its team, Prime was looking for the next option. Ordering droids to press on against the E-Web and Ion cannon firing rebel runtimes. The risks were worth the reward of destroying them, and murdering the ones carrying ion weaponry. And possibly the report button Prime itself was firing upon a group of Rebel soldiers, however, it had several of its networked units in front of its main form. The next step was to gain tactical advantage, and a transmission went out to [member="Raziel"] and the fleet to call in for reinforcements.

Prime was not even checking on [member="Besh Prime"]. Organic weakness was caring for contemporaries. Droids were made to fight. Made to fall, and made to kill.

57 down to 50
3 to eweb
1 to Artillery as programs are adapting to the obnoxiousness of that weapon system
3 to Ion weapons
Objective B
Location: Making way back to Foundry
Allies: Rebels, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Enemies: [member="Raziel"] [member="Triam Akovin"], ACA

Khloe looked back and saw no sign of the STAP anymore so she put her bike into first gear and slowly crawled up a random side street. She could see two of the anarchists who had heard her radio command running up to meet her. Unfortunately before she could reach them, they triggered the crab mine put down by [member="Raziel"] and she hid her face from the sudden blast. Agent Sparrow was close enough that the wind from the blast blew her over but didn't do any real damage, other than knocking her to the ground. She dusted herself off, quickly glancing behind her and then waited until the smoke from the mine cleared.

Anarchist body parts littered the ground, limbs torn asunder by the force of the blast. The only saving grace, she thought, was that their end would have been unexpected and quick with no suffering. Cursing to herself, Agent Sparrow jumped back on her swoop bike and rode near the front lines again. Khloe felt another sniper bullet whiz past her head, the sound of it hitting an anarchist behind her.

"Red Dress, I'm going back to the foundry to shore up the defenses where droids broke through. Let me know if you need me back on the front lines."

NPCs: 12 Rebel Anarchists
Objective: B
Location: Chasing Khloe
Allies: @Hion to herglic
Enemies: [member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

There was a sudden spark of fear. The tremor through the Force was almost immediately cut off. The strong, sudden burst of emotion was a beacon to Raziel’s remarkably sensitive empathy. His slow moving STAP was pulled to a halt, turned virtually on the spot and accelerated back towards the mine. A tendril reached out through the Force, finding the single life force left in the area. The assassin locked onto that mind and followed.

Dust billowed in his wake as he turned perilously close to the walls of the foundry, through narrow streets. And then as he turned a corner, he saw his prey. The Jesi Master broke hard, decelerating to a safe velocity. Letting got, he rolled down across the ground, coming up in a cloud of dust between two rebel soldiers.

Their movements seemed unbelievably sluggish to him, as if their limbs were trying to force their way through treacle. The pair tried to turn their rifles on him, but a flurry of saber blows left them in pieces.

Raziel followed that connection to the Force, locking his gaze on the agent moving away on her speeder bike. Reaching out through the Force, he wrapped his grip around her body. He was no expert in telekinesis. However, he was a vastly experienced master. Others of his ability who focussed in the area could level buildings, and lift starships. Still, he had enough to grip her body with enough strength for this.

He pulled back, hard. Unless she had leashed herself to the bike, it was probably with enough force to yank her off her speeder.


The twelve Hunter-killer drones were attacked by ground to air missiles and AA fire. The number drones managed to avoid some AA fire, but the missiles were particularly effective. Five returned from their mission to re-arm for another run. The others that had chased off several X-wings, returned to provide intelligence and air cover.

Eight cracks rang out across the battlefield as the snipers opened up. Each carefully placed shot killed a war bug. The snipers might have exposed themselves to counter fire doing this, but the war bugs continued on. The twenty four reaming, moving position quickly as they reloaded, but firing again at the artillery cannons that were lighting themselves up light candles.

Finally, it was the time of the Skocha. The undisputed king of main battle tanks in the galaxy – besides some rather tough Beskar creations – moving into battle. The squad of War Bugs that had moved up with the advancing clankers used their launchers to target E-web emplacements and any fortified position. The Shredder mechs opened up with their powerful array of anti-infantry weaponry, again, choose to supply suppressive fire, or attacking any emplacements that revealed themselves.

Three proton cannons lumbered into position. One of the most renowned weapons of the confederacy, who had become the Abrion alliance. Their incredibly powerful rounds rained down on the laser firing artillery, looking to engage from out-of-sight positions where possible.

The squadron of skochas rumbled across the battlefield at speed. The six tanks spread out as they moved up, firing their own proton cannons, and array of anti-infantry weaponry. As was the place of armor, they moved to breakthrough. The enemy had committed everything to the front, no second echelon of defence, only some armor in reserve. The enemy would soon need to deploy their own armor to hold them at bay.

On the Abrion right flank, the final force made its move. With the enemy fully committed to defeating A and C Company, the fast attack group struck. The aerial platoon of barons flew in close to the ground. They would engage enemy forces closely, but looked to take up positions within foundry buildings themselves and get in amongst the enemy.

In their wake, came the second squadron of fearsome main battle tanks. Behind them came the infantry platoon that had been held in reserve, some travelling in the lone remaining MTAT. A squad of Hailfire droids supplemented them, whilst two gunships and a Buckler provided support. This group was led by a returning face: the obsidian knight [member="Ash Valente"].

Soon the conflict would descend into a brutal street by street fight for the foundry.

[SIZE=12pt]HQ Company Raziel[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Assaulting enemy lines directly/providing fire support:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Droid A Company (96 Clankers, MTAT) [member="Prime"] [Prime handling damage][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Droid B Company (64 Clankers, 16 Super Clankers, MTAT) [member="Besh Prime"] [Prime handling damage][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Support E Company[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12pt]Sniper Platoon (8x2 teams) [Under Triam][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Anti-tank Platoon (8 "War Bug" Sapper Droid with anti-tank weapons)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Mortar Platoon (8/32 War Bugs) [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Anti-air Squadron (1 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE=12pt]Anti-tank Platoon (16/24 "War Bug" Sapper Droid with anti-tank weapons)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Proton Cannon Squadron (3)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Skocha Tank Squadron (6)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Anti-air Squadron (2 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Light mech Squadron (12 'Shredder' Light Mech)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Hunter-Killer Drones (11/18)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]LAAT/D 1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Advancing on Rebel Right Flank[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]See [member="TD-18"] post[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]ACA Right Flank Attacking (Rebel Left)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Droid A Company (32 Clankers)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]MTAT[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Fast Attack D Company[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=12pt]Aerial Platoon (32 Baron)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Recon Platoon (2x9 Hailfire)[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE=12pt]Armour F Company[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Skocha Tank Squadron (6)[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]S90 x2[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=12pt]Anti-air Squadron (1 F5 Buckler)[/SIZE]
[member="Ash Valente"]

"I've conferred with my military staff. Get yourself to the following co-ordinates. The ACA ground forces are attempting to flank a foundry. Infantry is awaiting your support."

/OOC short post, awaiting response from fleeters :)
Objective: B

Location: Assaulting Enemy Lines
Allies: [member="[/COLOR]Hion to herglic"] [member="raziel"] [member="prime"] [member="td-18"] [member="Triam Akovin"]
Enemies: [member="Khloe Sparrow"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

The droids atop the walls of the trenches were hurt bad by the artillery fire, ten of them being taken out of commission before the remaining number took evasive action. In evasive action, they jumped down into the trenches again, spraying three round bursts with their blaster fire at the remaining troops in the front trench, while nine of the remaining trench droids formed a semi-circle around the opening to the next line of the trench, effectively making a kill zone in case anyone tried to come reinforce the front line. Having dropped down into the trench at the same time as the ion grenades were being thrown up, only one, the slowest, droid got caught in the blast. His built in resilience to ionic weapons (as detailed in their submission) would have allowed him some continued functionality, but he got caught in the next artillery hit, leaving eighteen droids in the first trench, nine facing the entryway to the next line and nine facing outward from that semi-circle, firing accurate bursts at any rebels who showed themselves in the first trench.

Some of those ion grenades had gotten thrown past the artillery curtain towards Besh and his reserve force. Besh and the eleven remaining super clankers fired on the grenades, destroying and detonating the majority of them away from where they were. One grenade landed among some of the clankers that had come up, and instantly they jumped and scuttled away. The blast that hit them, weakened by distance, took out eleven of the shields they had brought and also used up the protection against ionic weapons that was in born in those same eleven droids.

For the moment, Besh had his non trench droids remain in a defensive position, shield wall set so they were protected from arcing fire by the shields and direct fire by the rocky outcroppings they were prone behind. He had the feed from the tanks, the main armor companies were being pushed up into the fight. He would let them plow through and he and his droids would follow in behind their push, clearing out stragglers, when they came through.

(Remaining Droids:
-Trench: 18 Clankers
-Not-Trench: 11 Unprotected Clankers, 21 Clankers w/ shields, 11 Super Clankers)
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaged Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot)

Unfortunately Triam wouldn't get the chance to see how her remote piloting skills were.

Given the speed of the target that Triam wasn't aware of, and the relative distances of each sniper nest, Vulpesen had taken roughly ten seconds to jump from his men to Team Six and destroyed them, then took roughly the same amount of time back. In that time, few other casualties besides the three dead and two wounded were suffered from his forces due to their disengagement. However, as he checked in with his troops and located her general position, Triam was observing their retreat while the sniper next to her and Team Two fired on them, given that her attention was elsewhere. It would take Vulpesen roughly 14 seconds to reach Triam from his last position. In those seconds, Triam's spotter (the one with armed with her pistol to protect her from anyone getting too close), was able to catch a glimpse of something racing towards them from the enemy position. It promptly requested Team Six to take a look at their position to see if anything was coming towards them... except they didn't respond, and began to contact Team Two for the same task.

"Commander, Team Six isn't responding, and something approaching our position was spotted travelling at high speeds, comparable to a speeder bike." The droid told her, preparing to fire its weapon with its single remaining arm.

"Dammit. Team Six has been destroyed, my best bet is it's the Jedi." At that moment, she disengaged her sniper. "We don't have much time, prepare for a fight." She then started to contact all teams. "All Teams, you have free fire orders, I'm going offline."

She then pulled out her second pistol, as her sniper rifle was carried off by the other sniper, who was travelling deeper into the cave, while the spotter took a position next to her. Quickly, she took inventory of her situation.

  • Segmented Ultrachrome Armor - Check
  • Phantom Fingers With Cortosis Guard - Check
  • Dart Shooter - Check
  • Thousands of Variable Darts (and 18 Terentatek Horn variants) - Check
  • Almost Unlimited Un-tamperable Ammunition (including darts along with limited duplication abilities for special variants) Belt - Check
  • Phrik Chest Laser - Check
  • The Attitude of a Badass.... Check.
Before her target arrive, she laid down her first move, throwing down darts with proximity heads on the ground as she backed away, each one a taser dart. Once the target got into proximity of the cave entrance. Four darts would shoot up from their positions in an attempt to electrify the target.

Ronan Nakasla

Objective: B
Location: Ridin' to the Danger Zone
Allies: ACA Members
Enemies: Foolish Rebels


Valente didn't provide an answer to Irys. It was unnecessary. They both knew he had received the communique, and so he acted. The shuttle veered port, and sank through high-orbit and through toward the world below. Around him, the space battle raged on and the unarmed civilian craft went mostly unnoticed. It wasn't until a trigger-happy gunner aboard one ship or the other realised that there was a rogue vessel approaching Geonosis that a singular turbolaser batter besieged the poor little vessel. Ash touched a control, and the foils of the craft retracted. With a slimmer profile, the shuttle would transport him quicker through the atmosphere... but would be irreparable after landing. Such was, as previously mentioned, expected when the man was allowed to fly a nondescript shuttle. Unfortunately for Ash, he did not live in an invulnerability bubble. A turbolaser shot tore through the hull of his vessel, and his reactions were instinctual.

Seal the cockpit. Deactivate inertial dampers. Activate reverse thrust. Counter-roll. Even out. The motions were a flurry of deft hand movements guided by the Force, and the shuttle blazed through the atmosphere before any more shots could destroy it and its passenger. It pierced the planet's natural protective layer, then came the next issue. It was plummeting planet-side entirely too quickly. On one hand, it was aimed at the battle line between ACA Forces and Rebellious youth groups and would likely dig a bloody trench. On the other, Sigma was still inside, and he was powerful. Not made of Beskar. Human bodies had their limitations, and they all broke one way or another. This would break more than his bones, he was sure. He unbuckled his restraints and flipped his primary lightsaber off his belt, then applied telekinetic pressure to the hatch while he severed seals. In little time, the window blew out and sucked the man with the air. Through control of the Force and himself, Ash twisted in the air and kicked off of the shuttle now under him, then fanned out his arms to create more drag. His descent slowed, and he watched as the shuttle rained down upon the forces below.

[member="Triam Akovin"] // [member="Besh Prime"] // [member="Raziel"] // [member="Khloe Sparrow"] // [member="Prime"] // [member="TD-18"] // [member="Sannika Brynn"]

From this vantage, he could see the war raging quite clearly. From this proximity, he could feel the struggle. Taste it. He smiled behind his mask, and controlled his descent toward the assigned garrison. As he passed the lines and grew nearer, the struggle became realer and the violence fuelled his urges. He was built for war. He was in war. He was at home. It was arguable if he was happy, but he was mirthful. The kind of mirth that marked a Sith in the eyes of a Jedi, yet with a coolness that marked a Jedi in the eyes of a Sith. What did that make Sigma? "Monster" usually summed up titles. In his mind however, he held no such labels. He drew upon the Force as he neared his destination, and called the particles of air to him. He rallied them to aid him, provide additional lift, and so he glided down. The friction of forcing molecules against each other built a static that flickered along his clothing, and made his vicinity seem warmer and gave a buzz to the ensemble he rallied with upon his arrival. As he touched down atop a tank, the static discharged harmlessly across the metallic surface.

"You needed help, I hear," came Ash's calm voice. He used his abilities to project it out further, his tone sounding as though it were through a speaker, "well, this Rebellion knows not the monsters it summoned." he finished.

Was it a rallying speech? Not by definition. He made no insults to their cause. He made no uplifting comments about their own. He didn't coddle his people or belittle the enemy. They were all opponents, and on the grand scale they were all insects. What were the acts of so few to mean, then? Nothing. All that mattered was the result. The consequences of victory or loss on either front would determine the future, not dwelling upon past deeds to make some superfluous statements. That was then. This was now. The day was his to have, and he was so easily handed playthings to manipulate. Now came the part that made his blood come to life and his heart race. His pulse was beginning to race in anticipation, his pupils dilated, the creation that he was, realising its truer form. As the Hellfires loosed a volley of munitions into the adversaries swiftly approaching, Sigma sat upon the tank and rested his palm on its top.

The price of his cooperation was blood. He was disallowed to harm his allies, so the blood of their enemies would be payment. This would be fun.
Objective: B
Location: Geonosis Canion
Allies: [member="TD-18"] Aela Talith
Enemies: [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] (I guess)

Soliael nodded his head.

The droid listened at least, they had established what was going to happen, and that meant striking towards the foundry using this canyon. He didn't particularly care about the casualty rate of droids, he didn't particularly care if any of these automatons survived, all he cared about was that he and Aela made it off of Geonosis without a scratch.

With a quick spin Soliael bent down and touched his daughters head. “Aela.”

Her eyes shift, fierce blazing suns staring up at her father. He had a feeling that she already knew what he was about to say, that she was prepared and ready, that she was going to survive whatever came at them no matter the cost.

“We're going to attack the Foundry. When we get there we're going to find a ship, and leave, okay?” The little girl nodded to her father. “Stay behind me, sense your surroundings. Rely on your mothers necklace but be prepared to use the force yourself okay?”

Again another nod, and the little girl straightened her back. Soliael smiled, and then unclasped the lightsaber from his belt. He twirled it between his fingers for a few seconds, then motioned to the droid atop the tank.

“Lets go.” The column began to move forward under the heavy cover of the canyon.

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
Position: Behind the rock.
Objective: Don't get blowed up.
Enemies: [member="Silas Mantis"] and a bunch of other organic jerks.
Allies: [member="TD-18"] [member="Besh Prime"] and several friendly Sith. Go figure.

Mayhem let go of the rock. Her sensors picked up a rock-like projectile moving towards her, making the typical beeping noise of a "hot" detonator. Good. The hooded lunatic actually understood smoking out his opponent. Now she had to move.

Mayhem ran up the rock, leaping over it with well-past humanoid speed on six of her eight limbs, charging towards the human while flying under the arc of the detonator. Since a Thermal detonator weighed about a Kilogram and the arc on the throw was high, the thrower was easily in running distance for the large, centaur-like droid.

She barreled across the blasted land-scape in what would seem like a blur. Mayhem charged the smaller man, running straight for a bull-rush. "Let's see him shoot this!" she said wit glee as she charge forward, holding only her staff as she advanced. She grinned lunging with the electrified end of her heavy bronzium emblem of conquest.

The electrified Staff combined with Mayhem's sheer size, made for a quick and ruthless reach towards the Younger Mantis' form. Now the game would begin....
Objective: C
Location: Surface, East Hive entrance
Allies: [member="Molly Rieux"], [member="Phade"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Sirella Valkner"]
Enemies: [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"], [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]

As soon as Phade was in the speeder, Ahra pulled it around and raced toward the Eastern entrance. "A bit of intel for you two," he called to the pair over the noise of the engine. "The drone was controlled by an orange Twi'lek female. It's unconfirmed, but worst case scenario it's Chiasa Kritivaas." He paused. "I don't know if that name means anything to you, but she's a gang leader and confirmed Force user. Consider dangerous." He pulled the speeder to a halt fifty meters from the Hive entrance and hopped out. "We have no other identities, but we've got several signatures inside the hive. If you've got a HUD, link it to mine - I've got a friend running scans. Might not be terribly helpful, but it'll at least give a heads-up." He began jogging toward the entrance, then turned and reached into his pocket. "Put these on," he said as he handed each of them a bracelet. Without an explanation, he turned and continued toward the entrance. "Rachel, can you jam their comms?"
"...maybe. That'll interfere with the scans, and it depends on if they've hardened them."
"Try." Ahra called back to Phade and Molly. "Change of plans. We're going to try and jam their comms - HUD is last known position, not current. We should hurry. With any luck, they'll think they've got an army heading to the Northwest entrance, and when nobody shows up they'll assume it marched to the South. This is the long way around, but it should be the least resistance." He stood at the base of the spire of the hive entrance. "That said, it'll almost certainly be guarded by a token force. Expect hostiles, but be wary of civilians." He stooped just inside and placed an inactive micro turret near the entrance, in a position that would allow it to fire down the main corridor if necessary. Probably won't stop anyone, but it should at least slow them down to help cover our escape.

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