Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Breaking the Unions (ACA Invasion of Rebel Geonosis)

The first man too a hit in the back, eliciting a loud growl. They couldn't hide. They couldn't fight. They had one option and one last trick. The leading officer turned back and a pop could be heard from his hips. "Bolt!" The same pops could be heard form the others and a moment later, they would be running quickly through the trenches, doing their best to race through. Snipers generally didn't handle the speediest of targets, and thus they managed to duck and weave around the bolts and pellets, taking the spray of rocks on their faces. They'd done what they could and now it was time to leave it to their commander.

Keep running just keep running. It took about two seconds for Vulpesen to reached Triam's cave and with a powerful leap, he sailed into the sniper nest, only to be greeted by the sniper's trap. Two of the barbs would fail to make it through his coat, buzzing harmlessly just short of him, though another two just managed to slip under his coat, thudding into his shirt, then his sides. The pain was minimal, only a prick, through the following shock sent spasms that dropped him to his knees. lightning. A familiar feeling and one he had learned to counter since his early days as a jedi. Almost as quickly as the Tenevi had dropped, he called upon the force, absorbing the energy from the bars and and reaching out a hand to transfer it into something else. A moment later and a wide flurry of golden bolts would race towards his enemy. Unable to kill, the power of electric judgement, especially with a minor boost from the tasers, would do well to quickly drain the will and power of most opponents.

[member="Triam Akovin"]
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaged Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot)

Checkmate. Triam thought in her head, as the tasers did their job, and the Jedi responded in precisely the manner in which she had hoped a force user would do to her for the last six years since Mikhail Shorn beat her. Her lighting was responded with lighting to her in kind, and her superconductive armor soaked it up like water to a sponge. The droid next to her was useless, short circuiting almost instantly, but she didn't mind. Her underlay protected her very well from electrical attacks, and prevented her electrocution, but what really saved her was a very special device of hers that connected all of her segments of armor to a central storage unit.

She only needed ten seconds of that kind of energy within the next five minutes, so the longer he laid down the lightning, he was only expediting his own doom. Not that she necessarily needed his lightning, she could very well produce her own, but nonetheless she wasn't about to stand there for ten seconds if he wasn't going to lay it on her for the full duration. However, given the expanse of the golden bolts spreading out, she was absorbing a lot of energy.

Her band-aid prosthetic arm though was rendered inert however, given that this particular arm had been totally removed along with its armor from Patricia's sniper attack, thus having no defense against the electrical attack unlike the rest of her body. Smiling, she pretended to writhe in pain in order to encourage the Jedi to continue his assault, granting him no indication of what was happening. He was bound to stop however, probably, given that he may sense the growing danger of his actions, but by that time, it'll have been too late. He already provided half the energy she demanded from him.

She wasn't about to let that stop her though, and pulled out two of her darts from her belt as she pretended to writhe, one of them was a taser, which she applied directly to her armor, ensuring that the electrical energy would continue even after Vulpesen decided he was done with this particular technique. The second one was full of hallucinogens, and she decided she was going to stab him with it. She began to charge at the Jedi, unperturbed by his lightsabers, and then launched the dart from her hand using a proximity shell and throwing it at her target. After throwing the dart, she brought her gauntleted hand in front of her, keeping her arm stump facing away, charging in a manner similar to one holding a football.

The point of this? Her gauntlet was protected by cortosis.

That was Triam's skill: whatever she made, was made to compliment what she already had, and was entirely reactive to what she experienced. Never again would she taste the end of a lightsaber. Never again would she be rendered inert by sith lightning, or jedi lighting, or electricity in general. Never again would she allow her equipment to be tampered with unless she was the one tampering. Among other things.

Right now, she was facing someone that was fast and lightning happy with lightsabers, and soon he would discover that no matter his speed, she would catch him, that no matter how much he threw lightning at her, she would shoot him, and no matter how many times he struck her with a lightsaber, she would be protected and turn it off or completely ignore it with her finger cables.

In her mind, any chance of defeat from Vulpesen was negligible.

Energy began to build in her chest, both figuratively and literally. She was the best at what she did, and that was fighting people like Vulpesen.
Objective: B
Location: Triam's sniper nest
Allies: Rebels and allies
Enemies: ACA and allies ([member="Triam Akovin"])

Vulpesen's lightning arced into her, and for about three seconds, he kept the stream. Three seconds was an eternity in a battle, and easily long enough for her to charge at him. But not enough for her to hit him, considering her preparations. The stream shut down and as she came close, Vulpesen opted for two more methods. This was a close range, and while he was capable of using a saber, he always tried to use it as a last resort, rarely drawing against smarter foes when other actions lay in his path. Of course, he also realized that anyone charging a saber user, was either an idiot, or very well defended against them.

His hands flew up and the force surged from his body. Close range simply meant more accuracy. As her dart made its way to his body, a tendril of the force shot from the middle finger of his left hand, blowing through the projectile, years of practice in telekinesis once again culminating in yet his rarest used variant on a major battle field. Four more tendrils of force shot forward, each at the speed of an arrow with the sole purpose of impaling the woman's body. Vulpesen had spent years throwing his daggers, then guiding or accelerating them with the force. This was a similar technique, its only difference being that he replaced the steel blades for those of a mystical energy. Each tendril aimed for a differed spread place on her body, aiming to make any orthodox dodge extremely difficult, if not impossible. The first, that which had broken through the dart, continued its trail for the middle of her chest. His ring and index fingers guided their points at her shoulders. And his thumb and pinky aimed for her upper thighs. One of the major advantages of these new blades; unlike steel, their only appearance would be of a slight shimmer in the air and a large increase of his force presence..

From his right hand, five silent darts would launch from his wrist, coated in the debilitating Rhak Skuri Toxin. While Triam might have had a hallucinogenic needle, he had a hallucinogenic dart from hell. The Rhak Skuri was a sith spawn, capable of producing terrifying pheromones that would make a person's worst nightmares leap before their eyes. It just so happened that Vulpesen had been raised by the fox who was the galaxy's sole provider of the processed Rhak Skuri Concentrate.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Location: Rebel Front Lines
Objective: B
Allies: Rebel alliance [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: [member="Hion the Herglic"] [member="Prime"] [member="Raziel"] [member="Besh Prime"] [member="Triam Akovin"]

Hits across the line came in and damage was mounting up, they had just lost artillery unit bravo to war bugs and hunter killer strikes and alpha would surly be next. But they needed that artillery fire and if they could hit the bastards hard they could devastate their assault. The front lines however were in trouble, infantry engaged the clanker droids and kept strong, a few more E web turrets went down along with some snipers. It was time to get to work on countering them, the troops in the canyon would come eventually but right now all immediate fire needed to be shifted to the danger in front of them.

"Artillery Charlie shift fire and hit their armor! Artillery alpha hold position and hit those droids on the front lines! Hold tight and keep up the fire! Snipers split! Team one and two focus on the war bugs! Team three and four take out those enemy snipers! Infantry keep fighting!" Patricia said in a ordered manner and kept strong. They could hold their front lines, she needed to keep their tanks back and hold them until it was absolutely necessary.

Patricia's forces soon went to work. Snipers shifted into two teams. The team of six began to open fire on the positions of teams that had revealed their positions by firing. The other eight snipers took another accurate volley of fire at the war bugs. Infantry continued to engage units on the front lines and artillery unit A focused on hitting the incoming droids with the shields under the command of [member="Besh Prime"] a hit from a beam weapon would obliterate their shields and waste most things living or mechanical if it was successful. The power of six beams of plasma sweeping across the trenches and aiming at that line of shielded droids. Artillery unit Charlie began to shell the incoming Shredder mechs under the control of [member="Raziel"] the anti armor unit opened fire on the incoming Hailfire droids and x wings proceeded to attack and engage hunter killer drones that would sink the rest of their artillery. They had to hold out long enough for the snipers to remove them from the equation.

The two squads of shadow units began to two anti tank missiles with the range of a kilometer at the Hailfire droids as well. Ion cannons, the remaining E web guns kept engaging [member="Prime"] and his droids. The battle was raging but the rebellion could hold, the CIS ASA ACA whatever the hell their name was this week was a tidal wave and a galactic power. And the rebellion was a grain of sand perhaps in the face of the monsters they had apparently summoned. But you know what? Let them come, let the land and mountains fear water and let the nations fear the monsters. These were rebels, and they might of been a grain of sand compared to them. But that grain of sand would always be there, and that grain of sand will survive until the end of time.

"FIRE!!!" the artillery crew chief screamed and soon the shells from artillery unit C flew overhead and headed straight for their targets.

Let The Monsters Come, We Have Guns


x1 SPA-1F Mobile Artillery squadron 6 total
x1 SPA-1S Mobile Artillery squadron (6/squadron)
x1 Flint-class Medium Tank squadron (6/squadron)
x1 T-65XJ3 X-Wing squadron (12/squadron)
x1 Rogue Squadron (mostly PC)
x2 Geonosian People’s Armed Militia company (150/company Geonosian and Rebel soldiers with napalm grenades, Rebel Maulers, AR-47s, SXB-1 Scrubbers, TDL-1 Tempests) 215 now
x15 E-Web gunner (1)
x4 Sniper squad (4/squad)
x1 Anti-armor unit (8/unit with Homing Rocket Launchers)
x1 Rebel Anarchist unit (25/unit)
x2 Shadow Legion squad (10/squad)


Losses: 27 infantry, 3 E web guns, 3 beam artillery units, 2 snipers

•Artillery squads A and B are focusing fire to sweep incoming droids off the trenches to keep the rest of [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"] 'a units out of the defenses

•Rocket squad are firing on [member="Besh Prime"] MTAT

•215 infantry remain and are engaging [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"] 's units and also threw ion grenades at the droids atop the trenches and line of droids using energy shields coming in. trenches around the center are to be considered heavily damaged but still useable

•19 E webs and 4 ion canons are engaging [member="Besh Prime"] and [member="Prime"] 's forces and suppressing with heavy automatic fire to help keep other units at bay as infantry swarms and destroys units in the perimeter

•drone spots [member="TD-18"] column and artillery adjusts fire to accurately bombard canyon. Shell will probably not score direct hits but cause rubble to fall and perhaps crush.

•shadow squads and anti tank unit engaging [member="Raziel"] 's armored units

• 2 snipers fall to Triam split into two teams 6 focusing on counter snipers and right focus on [member="Raziel"] Warbugs

•x wings and machine gunners engage any hunter killer drones all of bravo are destroyed to war bug fire

•tanks are remaining behind the foundry as reserves

•Rouge squadron and Rebel Anarchist are controlled by their PC player


Objective: Bravo
Location: Foundry
Allies: ACA, [member="Raziel"], [member="General Mayhem"], [member="Besh Prime"], [member="TD-18"], [member="Ash Valente"], [member="Triam Akovin"]
Enemies: Rebellion runtimes, [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Prime had received orders and a change in the battle plan. There was a shift of power, a shift of operations. The unit was going to continue to press the line, as the artillery was firing, Prime was moving its units against the front line of the Rebellion. Droids had switched to Rippers and were expecting casualties, but being this close to organic life made other organic life odd. They would lighten the attack when they saw that. The Prime unit would begin swinging its own arms, going to maim as many soliders as it could at hand-to-hand range, while other droids were covering it from enemy fire.

Prime was going to lose droids. But they could be replaced. Programming. Prime wanted a hat. One made from a Rebel’s face. And a face. Made from another Rebel’s face. Prime would enjoy wearing a suit of fallen body faces. Prime’s programming was not the most clean. Prime was unstable.

Had Prime seen the arrival of Ash Valente, one of the Obsidian Order’s heros, Prime would have requested its creators to install tear ducts so that Prime may shed a jealous tear.

Prime was keeping the fire up and pushing its line against the Rebels. They were organic. They would break.

If they did not lighten up their artillery strikes on its units, they would lose organics. Prime was accepting that risk that they would not fire on its team at the expense of people.

They thought they were people. Prime would make a suit from them.

Prime wanted to kill everybody in the world. Prime wanted to eat their hearts. Prime wanted to kill everybody in the world.

50 Units down to 45, from close combat to Rebels. Program adapted.

Marek Starchaser

Objective: Charlie
Location: Surface, East Hive Entrance
Allies: People who work for a living, [member="Phade"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Ahra Martrey"], Dark Side Plant Surge
Enemies: EBT, @Chiasa Kritvaas, [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]r

She was ready for this. She thought. Activating her armor’s helmet to cover her features, less ‘social mode’ and more ‘your car has been repossessed, selectivst’ mode. She activated the sensor suite so she could hear Ahra better. She shook her head and offered a “no.” Even if it wasn’t needed about the twi’lek.


And a Force user, joy. That was going to be fun for her. “Do we have any other Obsidians in the area?” She was talking while thinking, and her brain-to-mouth filter was shot. She pressed a button on the wrist that controlled her armor and linked into Ahra’s own HUD. “So, keep the bugs alive, anything that fires at us, fire back?” She couldn’t help but smirk as she ignited the midnight blue saber.

Go time.

And she didn't even think to take a selfie.

But if she did it would be #GoTime #War #AbrionRox #RebelsDrool #WeRComin4UAnderson
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaging Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot)

Close range simply meant more accuracy indeed, but focused abilities like the ones Vulpesen was employing usually required a line of sight towards the weak points in her armor, and her cloak protected from this mostly. Additionally, it wasn't like these shimmers in the force could ignore armor, unless something changed in the force the last time she knew it six years ago. Also, Triam was in transit, which meant greater focus would need to be applied in order to get the full effects of what he wanted. Still however, pressure and pain was felt in the points he targeted, most especially towards her thighs and definitely her chest, despite this however, this could not bring her to a full stop given her already produced momentum. The darts too would collide fruitlessly against her armor, none too accurate to sneak past her armor in the heat of battle as she charged forward with her cloak donning armor.

In short, she suffered cringe-worthy pressure and pain directly into her thighs and chest, and discomforting pressure and pain in her shoulders by Vulpesen's attack. Ordinarily this sort of pain in her thighs and chest would bring her to her knees probably, but she was already too close for Vulpesen to avoid. So it was incredibly dangerous for him, when she did as little as turn her hand outwards towards him, launching her finger cables at him as they began to collide. This would give her a hefty grip on him, as they began to electrocute. No drugs yet, though perhaps soon, and the chances of him avoiding this as he stood there focusing on attacking while she collided into him with five different contact points, was so negligible as to seem illogical.

Meanwhile, the taser dart firing away into the back of her thigh, charged her storage battery for another precious second. She needed as little as four more seconds within the next five minutes, and then as far as she was concerned, it was game over for Vulpesen.

That wasn't even her last trick she had in wait.

Elsewhere, Triam's snipers soon ignored Vulpesen's forces as enemy snipers began to return fire. The enemy had two confirmed kills on their side, while Triam's team had already suffered four, with her team currently unable to contribute.

So the rebels would be facing instead 10 Sniper droids, but only five of them with rifles given that the other half of each team was a spotter. The rebels split their focus, so that eight snipers directed their focus on war bugs, while the remaining six returned fired to the ACA sniper droids. Despite being numerically outgunned, there was one thing that they had going for them that the rebels did not. They were in small units, spread out across the battlefield. Their units were twice as big, and clumped together within the foundry. Given that the ACA snipers had already began firing, they had the first strike advantage, and were able to avoid casualties for this first round of return fire (except for a spotter droid). The five gunmen spread out throughout the battlefield returned fire to the rebel snipers, some of them on the teams for war bugs, others for the counter sniping.
Objective: C
Location: Saferoom with the twit of a VIP
Allies: Rebels - [member="Apoc"], [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]
Enemies: ACA - [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Phade"] [member="Ahra Martrey"] @Sirella Velkner

"Dum dum de dum de dey, dum dedum de doo..." He said to himself as he stared at the person he was guarding in the central bunker away from the entrances. "You know, ive carved up a hundred people, probably burned twice as many, so you can stop cowering in the corner like a rat and how about you grab a gun Mister Anderson. You are nothing but a useless stain and its a shame that i am the one sitting here and guarding you when all i need to do is bring my blade across your neck and say the ACA troops did it. But i suspect they want you dead anyways, so ill refrain... For now." His fear rose sharply and oh how it tasted delicious.

There was something about Solan and fear, he was dark to the core, every inch of him. But that was in power terms alone. You could call him an Enigma, adnormality, cancer, Benign cancer of course. Something that should not exist but does. He wouldn't hurt the VIP, not fore reasons of duty but the VIP had never done anything wrong. To his knowledge.

No he was an anomoly that dwells deep in the darkside but remain who he was in general. Maybe he wasn't corrupted to the point his physical body was showing, he still kept his morals, knew right from wrong. But his passions kept the flames in him lit, his yearning for fear and pain kept his power strong. And the thrill of battle kept him fighting on and on even if it meant death. He loved the thrill that came with the darkside. To be allowed to let loose, with not a single restraint and to destroy your opponent without hesitation. That is why he waited for Solan terrorized this man. To feed the pool of energy that was already bubbling inside of him.

Darth Osano

Objective: B
Location: Geonosis landing area
Allies: Bourgeois [ @Soliael Talith ]
Enemies: Proletariat

[member="Raziel"] | [member="Prime"] | [member="Besh Prime"] | [member="Hion the Herglic"] | [member="Triam Akovin"]

"Order acknowledged. Proceeding to route."

By some miraculous coincidence, moments after giving the order to move out, artillery fire on the canyon ceased. Perhaps the rebels had finally realized the fruitlessness of their attempts to hit the flanking force when they were in the cover of the canyon. Or, judging from the data he was receiving from other commanders, the enemy were trying to stave off an assault somewhere else. TD-18's company regrouped in the center of the canyon and continued to march. Soon enough they would be in position to flank the rebel position, and the lines protecting the foundry would crumble in short order. Nothing could stop the automated wermacht of the Abrion Corporate Alliance.

Well, actually, there were a few things. But none of them were the selectivist dogs currently arrayed against them.

The scouting detachment TD-18 had sent ahead completed their assessment and now lay close to the exit of the canyon (but still out of sight), waiting for the rest of the assault force. Now safe in the knowledge that there could and would be no ambushes launched by rebel fighters hiding in the canyon walls or something equally uninspired, TD-18 ordered his unit to move at doubletime.
Objective: C

Location: Surface, East Hive Entrance
Allies: [member="molly rieux"], [member="Jared Ovmar"], [member="Sirella Valkner"], [member="Ahra Martrey"]
Enemies: [member="Chiasa Kritvaas], [member="Nagate Hei"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"], [member="Apoc"], [member="Solan Charr"], [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]r

Phade didn't respond, but he linked up his HUD to Ahra's. He had heard the name Chiasa Kritvaas before, but that was the long and short of his intel. He was still a relatively low level operative for the ACA. Silently he kept up with Molly and Ahra, keeping a watch on their back trail as he did so. While Ahra was planting the microturret, Phade crouched just outside the entryway and scanned the area behind them. He knew the order of engagement, anything that sported a normal (to him) number of eyes was good to be shot, but to hold off on any of the natives in case it was their mark. The possibility of other force users worried him slightly, as he was only beginning to learn to use the force. Thus far he could ramp up his speed and reduce his presence in the force, but that was it. By far the majority of his time has been spent in covert ops training and combat training. He hoped both of those would prove more useful than the force.
Objective: Practice for Karaoke night
Locatino: In [member="Triam Akovin"]'s face
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: ACA(And the person all up in my grill)

Close. Waaaayyy to close. She needed to back up. As she gripped onto him, Vulpesen simply dropped his saber. She had proven no fear of it and thus, he had to use his other tricks. His hands shot up to wrap around her wrists, using his zorren strength to lock them in place. If she wanted to tango, he'd make sure that he was leading the dance. And with a range this close, there was one special attack that Vulpesen kept in store. Alexandra had once taken it this close and been flung into a wall, such was during a practice match. But in full combat...

It only took a moment. Split second second and his lungs were filled. To any person who failed to know him personally, and even to most who did, it would simply be a deep breath. But there had always been one attack he never showed, simply because the need to use it rarely occured. His mouth opened and from the depths of the force and his lungs, he released a sound, so naturally loud that it would likely make any person deaf at this range. And yet, it was louder still as he powered it with the force. Similar to his previous opponent's Haums, the Tenevi could produce his own concussive forces with his voice. And this one, was aimed point blank at Triam's chest and head. It was an old Zorren battle tactic powered by the force. "HOOOOOOWWWWWWWWLLLL!" She was too close. He needed her gone. This would likely cripple her, that is, if her head and body didn't explode at the point blank sonic blast, something that was often blocked little by anything but the heaviest of armors.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Objective: B
Location: Heading Towards [member="Vulpesen"] and [member="Triam Akovin"] In an Umbra Class Dropship
Allies: [member="Vulpesen"] and the Rebels
Enemies: [member="Triam Akovin"] and the ACA


Emilia moved towards the battle field, inching closer in the dropship and looking on the sensors and command headset she wore. It wouldn't be long now but then she heard of a very interesting fight that caught her ear. "Aww, Vulpesen found a play thing... Eve, get me there, i think its time i got that man onto a target that he can handle. No?" The AI nodded from within its virtual body and Emilia now looked at Daeda. "Stay hidden buddy, don't need you getting blown up or shot." The Ashlan nodded and moved up and into her robes as she took the main turret, waiting for her chance to fire. After all, she would be ontop of them in little more than a minute.

As an after thought though she smiled and reached out to touch Vulpesen's mind before speaking to him directly through the force. "Hey, Fox brains, guess who is here. Oh and, soon fire will be raining from the sky so i hpe you and your friend are not too distracted. Love you." She knew he would be able to get out of the way of the laser cannon once she reached them... or atleast hoped he could.
Objective: C
Location: Eastern Entrance to C, behind first tunnel bend
Allies: Ravens, Rebels [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Nagate Hei"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Jake Cabur Tor"]
Enemies: ACA Sith-funders, [member="Molly Rieux"] [member="Ahra Martrey"] [member="Phade"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] [member="Sirella Valkner"]

Whether of not the Rebel Alliance had hardened their comms was unknown. After the betrayal of Cryax Bane however, it was safe to say that Raven tech and channels would take more than a casual attempt to block or break into. Jen and Jarven had spent an uncounted amount of time seeing to that.

Chiasa was about to respond to the comm regarding the plant growth with was rather worrying since that was a specifically light-sided ability and suggested more enmeies than one would expect, plus even assuming whoever had used it had brought their own seeds, again, the amount of energy it would take to use on a world with next to no water and no nutrients to feed into the plants, meaning all that energy had to come from the force user...

Suddenly her head rose and she froze, not moving or breathing. Here was one of many truths about dry, dusty, largely abandoned hive tunnels. They echoed. Movement. Shuffling. Frig knew how many, what was she, the echo interpreter? No son.

"Contact east."

Her voice was low, pitched not to carry, barely above a whisper. She switched her comm unit to silent, messages would be displayed as text on her ARC HUD. As long as people enunciated anyway. And their own equipment worked. Of course the Twi'lek didn't know there was a chance it might not.

Part of her wanted to come out now, gun blazing, but she had to pick her shots. Besides, they might not even have breached the entrance yet, the sound might be carrying from outside. The Twi'lek but her back against the wall just before the bend and dropped down to one knee, Outlaw up and ready. Eyes closed she focused. Listen with ears, listen with the Force. Wait until they were in. One hand dropped momentarily to her belt and the goodies upon it. What would she do if she were them? If only she knew the numbers, she'd be able to predict tactics better.
Objective: Kill
Allies: Big bro
Enemy: [member="General Mayhem"]
Location: Same

Oh, he did love it when they came up close. A small smirk tugged at Silas's lips beneath the distinctive t-visor of his helmet as he side stepped, allowing the droid's weapon to sail past and into the dirt as he slung the rifle over his shoulder. Drawing the tomahawk from one sheath and a vibroknife from the other, Silas charged forward with blinding speed. With the tomahawk he struck with a downward arc, meant to slice clean through one of the droid's arms and begin his systematic deconstruction of the machine. The knife he kept free, just in case.

The writer just got done with ACTs, so lazy post is lazy.

Ronan Nakasla

Objective: B
Location: Atop a Tank
Allies: ACA Members; [member="Prime"]
Enemies: Engaged Rebel Hostiles


Ash loved this feeling. The thrum of life. The air of struggle. The tension that flowed through the Force. Was he addicted? Quite possibly. Some people had spice, or sex, or those common vices. Valente lived for strife. Perhaps that would pass with age, like a teenager experiences angst, but he embraced what he had while he had it. No point in fighting what was, only in accepting it and moving forward. Similarly to how he drove his tank regiment. With the primary commanders of the Rebel army preoccupied with the other two fronts, especially that insane Droid's battalion, it made rolling over the more disorganised soldiers all the more devastating... to their side. He watched a tank shell hit a cluster of Rebel forces, and then blast them to pieces. He suppressed a crack of laughter when a man with a rocket launcher got too close and was run over. He watched as the line was pushed back. He let himself smile a wicked, feline grin when they fell into adjacent buildings.

"Aurek team, secure the nearest structure. Cresh, come with me to the one adjacent. Tanks... keep doing what you're doing." he commanded.

Commander Vicia Szi was one of the few who had once witnessed 'Ash Valente' operate in the past. He went by a different name at that time, and used much different methods. He seemed crazier now, but also more capable. Like his mind broke in two different ways. She was honoured, if surprised and frightened, to work under the man. It carried a sense of responsibility. To compare him to the old history lessons of the Galactic Empire and Darth Vader would be an injustice. There was no certainty of doom, and Valente never made it seem like he wanted to kill his own underlings. More of the fact that he was volatile, and there was no doubt what he was capable of. It was simply a background anxiety, as opposed to an overwhelming dread. She put those thoughts aside, though. She had a building to secure.

She hefted her assault rifle and jerked her head for her unit to detach and they followed her lead. Her second approached the catacomb-like entrance to find that it was barred. A barrage of weapons fire rained down on them from above sections of the odd Geonosian structure, and they huddled close to the uneven walls for cover. She made a gesture to her demolitions expert, and he nodded. While the others provided suppressing fire, he laced the blockage with explosives. A few seconds passed, then their helmets automatically engaged acoustic and visual dampeners. The explosion shook the ground and the building, but they were protected from the side-effects of the blast. Wasting no time, and with no need to recover, they went into the smoke guns blazing. A minute of fire passed, then it went quiet except for the shuffling of boots and the sound of breathing.

"Clear." came the call from some part of the room, just before the smoke settled. They moved further in.


"Follow my lead, and keep me covered." Ash ordered, to which he heard an affirmative from his commandeered unit. He made his way to approach and, like the one Aurek encountered, it was sealed. However unlike Aurek they didn't need a demo expert. They covered Ash from the oncoming barrage of multiple vertical fronts, even as he wasted no time raising his hand in a fluid, nearly dismissive gesture, and rock and mud flew back off the wall and crashed inward. The poor soul who was directly behind the door let out a yelp and went smashing into the denser rock behind him. Soon, the ACA force led by Sigma had already cleared the entry chamber. While they were accustomed to working with Force Users (Knights Obsidian), they were still somewhat awestruck at Ash's ability to... not care. He didn't look like he was killing to get off. Nor did he take more time than necessary to react. He didn't draw it out. He was efficient. They would have mistaken him for another soldier if it weren't for the mask, lightsabers, and ability to demolish stone by waving his hands around. Ash saved even more time by pulling down the level directly above them and letting the soldiers execute the Rebels there before they knew what happened.

Could this be considered war crimes? Let's answer that question with another question, are Rebellions ever truly looked at without disdain? While they feel just in their cause, whomever they're rebelling against view them simply as rabble. It is all a matter of perspective. 'Brave Soldiers Quell Rebel Uprising' makes just as good a headline as 'Freedom Fighters Repel Oppressive Action'. Subjectivity at its finest.
Objective: A for Abandon
Location: Shuttling to Mothma
Allies: [member="Wan Min Brightsky"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="BB-4001A"]
Enemies: [member="Irys Arist'lar"], [member="Ayden Cater"]

Skywalker was limping badly as it came out of the close-quarters scrum. It's near-point-blank shattering of Nine Hells' thrusters would do the enemy ship in, but it had its own issues to worry about now that it had effectively obliterated the flagship as a useful vessel. The Noble-class cruisers had done their little astrobatics and flipped about to get the receding Rebel destroyer's own propulsion. Mistake Number Two.

Admiral Xue and her crew had begun evacuation procedures and were launching shuttles and escape pods for the Mothma, panic evident among various personnel. Only a skeleton crew remained onboard to chug the smoldering destroyer out of the battlezone and to a hyperspace jump point--if it could make it there. With miniature hypervelocity rounds pelting the stern, it was not looking pretty. A few of the gigantic thrusters were outed, and the whole ship was slinking towards the edge of the orbital horizon on only two of its mighty engines.

Orders had been dispersed, however, and as Krasnaya's transport was brought into the clutches of Mothma's tractor beams, the orders would be carried out as commanded by the Admiral and her Commander-in-Chief. Redemption had called, and Krasnaya's response had been, "Stand back, Redemption. It's a lost cause by this time."

What was nearly laughable was that the mercenary commander thought it prudent to fall into the same trap the Rebels had supposedly fallen into! He had exposed the engines of both cruisers to the Indefatigable and its Shield-class escort, and the pair of unscathed Shield-class frigates that had trailed Skywalker. The Indefatigable fired all five of its heavy hypervelocity cannons at the right-most Noble-class cruiser's vulnerable aft while in the midst of a turn to starboard, making sure to keep its armored hull facing the ACA fleet to avoid making the same gaffe the 'Ghosts of Corellia' had. It kept its monstrous hulk between the Corporate Alliance ships and the three frigates to shield them--naturally shielding the cruiser it had just pummeled, but leaving the Noble-class on the right and the crippled Antilles-class exposed to any friendly fire from the ACA ships.

The Avenger-class command ship shuddered from the massive volley brought on by Arist'lar's fleet, shields flickering briefly as their strength was diminished to about thirty percent, and several turbolaser and ion mounts suffering an ill fate with the breach. Fighters began to swarm about the destroyer, and while it was able to deploy its own interceptors to ward some off, there were a few bombers that wove their way through the screens and across the deck for successful shots. It was a huge ship, but it was not invincible. Sensors fogged up from all the radiation and magnetism triggered by the enemy fire as plating was blown off in some areas.

Fighters were dispatched from the medical frigates to take out the nearly untouched Noble-class (which would now find itself at the center of unwanted attention), and turbolaser fire relentlessly poured into its stern to try to deal similar debilitating damage as had been dealt the HVC'd cruiser.

During all of this, two Dorin-class corvettes, two CR90s, and two Raider-class ships were called in to the conflict and directed to the portside hull of Indefatigable, though they would not be able to arrive until after the ACA's next move since they had been lingering back with the Solo until now. The Dorin-classes were taking a beating from droid bombers, but they were able to sustain with the accompanying Raider-classes' AA guns to ward off the attackers.

Spirits would fluctuate as whatever spoooooooky presence was causing a stir in the crews, yet their morale would rise with each devastating hit on the Noble-class ship. It was a turbulent fight for their minds, but breaking even was breaking even. They needed to find a way to cut the emotional projection and destroy that sneaky little ship that had just revealed itself in time to be annihilated.

x1 Avenger-class Star Defender - Indefatigable
x1 Skywalker-class Star Destroyer - Skywalker
x1 Mothma-class Star Destroyer - Mothma
x1 Solo-class Carrier - Solo
x5 Dorin-class Assault Corvette
x4 CR90 Corellian Corvette
x4 CR92a Assassin-class Corvette
x3 Vinnath-class Pocket Carrier
x5 Shield-class Medical Frigate - Redemption + 4
x3 Raider-class Corvette
Location: Objective B, 1 km away from Triam and Vulpesen
Enemy: Rebel Tank Platoon, [member="Vulpesen"], [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Allies: [member="Triam Akovin"], [member="Raziel"], [member="Prime"], [member="Besh Prime"]

Orcus and his bodyguards, up to this point virtually ignored by the rebel forces save for the brief encounter with Vulpesen, charged straight for the middle of the rebel front lines. The supporting ACA units were somewhere nearby, but ultimately the trio of Herglics didn't believe they needed any support. Not for this.

The Koodan Sith wasn't about to slow down. He opened his maw and unleashed a massive Force Bellow on the rebel infantry in front of him, who'd spread out in a nice and orderly line.


Soldiers were tossed about like rag dolls, bodies shredded by the sheer power of the overpressure shockwave that collided with as much force as a hurricane wind. Small rocks kicked up from the blast zipped through the air, startlingly lethal. They dented armor and punctured flesh like paper. Blood and gore fountained as troopers fell, screams lost in the earth-rocking force of the blast. Their vitae soaked into the russet ground, turning it a deeper shade of red.

Orcus never broke stride, charging straight into the confused and disoriented lines and laying waste with his great saber. The massive plasma sword was twice the size of ordinary blades. And he used it with impunity, shearing men and women in twain with wide, terrifyingly powerful strokes

His two bodyguards fanned out behind him and began putting skull-sized holes in any rebel who wasn't already running with their oversized blaster pistols.

At the same time as he savaged the tank squad, Orcus sent out a call in the Force, summoning the drexl mount he'd tamed on Dxun. It would be there in moments.
Objective: B
Location: In a pile of rubble
Allies: Rebels
Enemies: [member="Raziel"]

Khloe leaned in to accelerate, slamming forward with her whole body on the swoop bike handles to give herself a final push to the foundry when suddenly, like a dog being chocked on a tight chain, she was yanked off of her seat. Arms and legs flailing, she landed with a hard thud in a pile of rubble and dust flew up all around her but not before she caught a glimpse of her Mobquet Overracer riding away without her.

Khloe immediately radioed through her helmet to the anarchists who were now dwindling in number: "I'm down in a pile of rubble. I can't tell where my position is. Maybe northeast of the front line? Please come I think I'm in trouble here. Bring an E-web too, I only have an ion blast er on me."

The anarchists heard her orders and sprinted to make their way over to Khloe's position. Meanwhile, her body aching from the fall off of her bike, she crouched into the debris, her ion blaster out in one hand, the grappling hook in another, ready to face her opponent or make a quick getaway if needed. If he was still on the STAP, she would be able to at least disable it and hopefully slow him down.
Objective: B
Location: E Support Company - Sniper Platoon; one km from Foundry
Allies: ACA Employers, Alpha/Bravo/Charlie Company (Prime, Besh Prime, etc.)
Enemies: Rebel Targets ([member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [Engaged Snipers], [member="Vulpesen"] [Directly Engaging], Anyone on the Front Lines who feels like discovering one of Triam's droid remotes trying to sneak by on autopilot)

The cables did their job and connected with Vulpesen, giving her the incredible grip she was looking for, sending the electrical voltage through him, although seemingly without harm. This only mildly worried her, that was, until the man gripped her glove armored hand with a pretty powerful grip. At this exact point, her cables began to inject the hallucinogens wherever they might be in relation to Vulpesen. If any one of the five cable injectors sneaked past the armor like the needle tips on her initial taser darts, the fluids would enter his blood stream. They had the capability of utterly ruining ones concentration followed by the hallucination and the probable unconsciousness later, however if the cables were destroyed the fluids would only drop a partial loud. It would be mild as opposed to strong, so not entirely hampering ones concentration, but lessening their focus over abilities they would ordinarily have no trouble with.... and it would not follow with unconsciousness.

That would be the most advantageous thing for her to happen right now in the moment, as she felt herself being assaulted with a great onerous sound, that crushed her ability to hear the rest of it. Very painful, and it dulled her ability to think clearly in the moment, as she felt the massive vibrations reverberating against her armor. The man was screaming at her, but it was not in pain. No, this was definitely an attack, like a banshee call, and it hurt very badly. She felt like it was vibrating her bones, and she decided that wasn't going to happen. Pushing through his grip with her hand as hard she could, she moved against the thumb and against his grip, using her elbow to give herself leverage against his superior grip, utilizing the backwards force of his scream as the means to allow her take off. However, she left the ground faster than anticipated, launched at a velocity that she did not like very much, though it was manageable. Her glove had a maximum reach of ten meters, and so her connection to Vulpesen was not in danger of pulling her arm out of its socket, unless the scream grew so powerful as to break the hollow magnetized nano cables.

She was flown through the air, and soon gravity was able to take control, allowing her to return to earth within the cave. Spreading her body out on instincts, she did not land too softly, and hitting the ground did not help her ignore the pain in her back from the small stone fragments that got stuck in her armor after her confrontation with Patricia. However, it saved her from whatever Vulpesen was trying to do, other than of course to create distance. It wasn't something she intended him to keep, and so she immediately, out of spite and anger of the Jedi commanded the retraction of her cables to pull him to the ground. She was already trying to get up on her elbows and knees, the whir of the taser on her thigh still going being magnetically attached. Only another second or two had passed, leaving her nothing but two or so seconds before she could discharge her pent up energy.

In the meantime, she screamed into her helmet, eerily unable to hear herself.


That sniper that had carried off her sniper rifle down the cave? Well, it's baaaaaaaaack! And it's set up with her Verpine Sniper Rifle a few dozen meters away, already aimed at the Jedi's center of mass with a hyper velocity magnetically accelerated metallic rod with his name on it.

That wasn't even to mention the turbolasers apparently about to be fired on the cave, probably collapsing the entrance with rocky debris from above.

General Mayhem

Behold my Conquest!
[member="Silas Mantis"]

Mayhem tried her hardest not to laugh at the little man as the vibroblade began to work through her elbow. Her large outer left arm dropped the spear as it was being grinded, and she turned her torso while her inner arms lunged towards the boy--with their built-in repair gear extend. Two fusion cutters designed for hurried field repairs aimed straight for his chest. Either he ditch his weapon and fight unarmed, or he have two heated pokers at his chest. Fun either way.

The electrified staff bounced slightly with forward momentum as it twirled out of mayhem's reach, turning small bits of sand into glass as it bounced a bit along the land-scape. Mayhem's eyes locked with her organic plaything. "Very good, you're actually putting in some effort...."

This post was also shortened, as the chronicler had a long night at work.

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