Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Candle in the Dark [GA vs OS Invasion of Lujo Objectives: 1, 2, 4]

Connor Harrison

OBJECTIVE: 2: Fleet – Take out the ‘Immortal’
LOCATION: Orbit above Lujo
ALLIES: [member="Ayden Cater"] | [member="Roth Tillian"] | [member="Jareb Kaine"] | [member="Dex Bastion"] | [member="Poy Luroon"] | The GA Fleet
ENEMIES: [member="Catalys Maijora"] | [member="Darth Odium"] | The OS Fleet

Dax heard the voice of Jareb through his helmet, and it sounded like the rest of the fighters were coming to join them.

”Glad you could make it out of your bunk in time Kaine,” Dax grinned.

Through his viewport of the T-70, the rest of the Fleet could be seen taking their positions; defensive ships moving forward with the attacking fighters, command ships holding back to be the eyes and ears of the men both in the air and on the planet’s surface. For a moment, he understood what the Alliance was all about and what they stood for. Dax pulled up, a lazy climb to the top side of the Defender alongside a few other X-Wings, just in time to settle a flightpath before Ayden’s voice broke through urgently.

It was enough to snap his attention to the HUD and radar; a Sith ship incoming. It just seemed to be one, but one was enough, and this thing looked pretty monstrous.

Everything soon became real again – this as a battle for survival and conquest, and it began right now. Dax pulled away immediately from the Defender and started out towards the looming ship creeping across the stars.

”All squads, we’ve got a Sith Immortal ahead,” Dax called out, breaking his s-foils into attack position. ”Form up with me and give it everything you got and get an Assault Freighter moving out to provide heavy fire.”

Gunning the quad ion engines, the T-70 headed out towards the deadly looking ‘Immortal’ ship, claw-like wings tearing through the void of space with god knows what in store. Glancing out the side of this cockpit, Dax saw a dozen fighters rise into view alongside him, marked with the GA symbol and acting as one striking force.

Three bombers moved over Dax to take the lead, and he rolled sideways to give them their space as the fighters started to form into small groups for attack - cover formation with a pilot keeping back to give cover and break away for attack if needed. It was this team work and understanding of each other's movements and the stake of it all that made these pilots some of the best in the galaxy with an effective and unscrupulous command force leading them from the Defender.

”Stick as close as you can to avoid heavy fire, but keep an eye out for incoming fighters. Move fast and find a weak spot – we need to cripple this thing before it wipes out the fleet!”

There was no time to sit and evaluate; it was act first, think later. Dax was born for this; he fired the laser cannons in stutter mode, red light streaking out as an act of “first blood” against the Sith forces and activated his shields to gauge the defences and overall weakness and strengths of the ‘Immortal’.

The battle for Lujo had well and truly begun.
Objective: One
Location: K.
Allies: The Galactic Alliance (and her allies) | Silver Sanctum Coalition: [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Enemies: The One Sith (and her allies): [member="Lord Mythos"] | [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Gear: Vanguard-class armour (no helmet)| Lightsaber

Before them stood one Sith, and while Thurion moved to engage him, Coci remained hidden in her concealment. The illusion of herself moved next to her husband but she had moved to the side. She searched through the force looking for that void within it. But in this place full of darkness the force awareness is unstable. Yet there were moment she sensed the presence of another.

Whoever it was wasn't good.

She did not really listen to the words spoken between Thurion and the Sith Lord, she knew that Thurion would fight him soon enough and with the will of the force, the Galactic Alliance would have the bunker secured before long. As it was, they are moving deep within the corridors already, not much resistance from the One Sith at this point and soon those here in the lower levels would have nowhere to go. The sound of the GA fighters dim in the back could be heard, they would begin their run on the command center.

The image of Coci, the illusion she created, standing by her husband ignited a purple blade and turned her head to look behind Thurion. And yet from her new position still cloaked, Coci raised her hand and sent a powerful force push to a void in the force located behind Thurion, directly toward the position of the hidden Sith. Someone is there, someone is hiding and wait for a kill.
Location: D
Objective: Knock a Zelosian's bark off
Enemies: [member="Taloff Arsov"], The One Sith
Allies: The Galactic Alliance
Equipment: Braith's Saberstaff | Simmersilk clothing
Theme: Desire by Meg Myers

The invasion force was already in full force by the time Braith stepped onto the world of Lujo. She felt hot stepping out of the cold, sterile, ship. Her hair was tight in a bun behind her head, lips pursed with concern, as she stepped towards the bunker from the small shuttle that had let her off. Her clothing was of simmersilk make, as dark as her raven hair, and made specifically for aerodynamic purposes - she wasn't going to make the mistake of going into battle in a forty-kilo suit of armor, no matter how physically strong she was, ever again. Dangling off of a belt loop from her waist was her saberstaff, which was really two lightsabers conjoined at the base of their hilts to create the illusion of a single saber. Clever, perhaps, but she was relying on sheer brute strength, skill, and at least a modicum of speed to rip through her opponents this time around.

The planet, of course, was completely embroiled in war. The skies above had been plagued with the hammering of capital ship guns on shields of opposing armadas, the ground below plagued by ground force combat, and while the little strip of land she stood within now was all but secured by the Galactic Alliance there was still the large bunker that needed taking for them to establish a real point of entry. She hadn't put her thoughts on searching out a foe to fight - she was less interested in fighting this time around. Somewhere, out in the wide expanse of space, there was a Jedi waiting for her to come back home - so that was her priority today. Lend a helping hand, crush a few armored Sith, and then come home and get an earful of the pacifist.
Easy, right?

As she stepped into the bunker, her left hand reaching down to grip the hanging saberstaff, she could already feel that the icy hands of fate had a different plot in store for her.
Objective: Light vs Darkness
Location: L
Allies: GA | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
Enemies: OS | [member="Lord Mythos"] & [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Gear: Valkyri armour | Snowfall | Lightsaber

Staring down the Sith Lord with a determined set of eyes, Thurion sensed the presence of both Coci and the other Sith in the room, both doing battle among the shadows. Always aware of her every move before she would commit to it through their Force bond, he was therefore somewhat able to read the intentions of her opponent as well. So when the initial attack came from the Sith Lord opposing him, the Grandmaster had also become aware of the other's attempt at stabbing him in the back. Trusting Coci to take care of the latter, Thurion ducked and slid beneath the now-airborne Sith, dodging the rudis. When he followed it up with his large axe, the Jedi swung his sword in an upward vertical slice to counter the other's chopping motion.
Objective: One
Location: G
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Andanian Ategann"]
Enemies: The One Sith, [member="Lord Mythos"], [member="Darth Kentarch"], [member="jardo snow"], [member="abelain narv'uk"]
Gear: Link in Sig, Assault Loadout

The flashbangs had gone off, but there was no sign of the person who had attempted to throw chemical canisters at him (Jardo Snow). Instead, a different dark side presence made itself known.

Abelain Narv'uk said:
"I am Abelain Narv'uk, descendant of Sarith, explorer of the Order of Hazarin, and defender of this place. Come."
Harmon was typically an honorable man, if challenged directly by an opponent he believed would be honorable he would fight fairly. The situation here, however, was that Harmon didn't believe any Sith could be honorable, and he came here to do his duty. For Harmon, duty always came first.

As Harm rolled around the corner into the room and saw Abelain, he didn't even hesitate, he pumped a pair of maser blasts from his MF-9 Scatter Gun as he paced forward. His body was coiled around the scatter gun, which was firmly pressed into his shoulder to reduce the effects of recoil. As he got to ten meters from Abelain, he fired off a third blast, being careful to keep count of the number of blasts he'd used. The maser blasts would be essentially unblockable by a lightsaber, as the blasts were both kinetic and energy based. At roughly ten meters, Harm would stop, keeping his legs bent and his body ready for the rest of the dance to begin, mentally coiling the light side of the force around him to aid him should he need it.
Objective: Light Vs. Darkness
Allies: The One Sith [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance [member="Coci Heavenshield"] & [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Location: L

Instantly Mythos noticed the fast movements of his opponent as he ducked under the edge of the rudis of the dark lord then steadied himself to bring his blade upwards to intercept his falling axe. The smile of Mythos' face was an indication that he saw it coming, the Valthris crystal gave Mythos a more powerful version battle precognition than he already had with very little concentration needed thanks to the power of the artifact in his belt.

It was not of much use... knowing what pattern the sword would take and even seeing the attack milliseconds beforehand gave Mythos very little in the terms of advantage or edge at these close quarters against a larger opponent. Mythos adjusted to the development by shifting his feet backwards upon landing and angling his body into the stance of djem-so then twisting the hilt of the axe so it's edge would wrap around the handle of his opponents sword and hopefully give Mythos control in terms of leverage... he would need every advantage he could muster.

Now Mythos knew the Jedi was gearing up for a fatal succession of strikes given that Mythos was so close to him, he could not let that happen, he needed to be on the offensive, Mythos knew that if he was put on the defensive the fight would end very quickly. With a yank of the axe back to his hips Mythos would seek to disarm his opponent while with his other hand held the rudis close to his center mass ready to either land a killing blow or block a killing strike... or in the case that the disarm worked... cut off his main hand with a swift inverted chop.

Eager, enthusiastic and with a vicious smile on his face Lord Mythos was fulfilling the only demand Juyo had of it's practitioners: Enjoy the fight and relish in combat.
Obj 1
Location: K
Allies: [member="Kaileann Vera"]
Enemies: TBD

Marcello glanced back only briefly to confirm the sense that Kaile was following him. Throwing the young girl a casual smirk, he made a brief, simple comment. "Keep those hands where I can see them kiddo." No sooner had the words left his lips before the Jedi Master wormed his way down the hole made by [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]. Fortunately it had been made big enough for Thurion. If only Coci had slipped through the hole first, Marcello would probably have had to increase the size by like. Four or something.

Landing softly on the floor of the room below, Marcello's gaze immediately swept the area as he moved out of the way of Kaile's entry point. The ceilings were much lower down in the labs, and the rooms much more constrained. If the permeation of the dark side was strong upstairs, it was all but disgustingly putrid in the lower levels.

With a deep inhale, Marcello infused the Force around him with his presence, the interaction of his presence with the darkness in the area almost registering in the visible spectrum.
Location: B
Allies: [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] [member="The Dark Knight"] [member="Cole Katarn"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Erebos"]

Once more the only response Erebos would be met with was stoic silence. The kick to the front knee didn’t take Jacen off balance, the mechanics were not quite right. However, it did have the effect of preventing the Marshal from advancing and potentially prevented the Sith from being cut down as he lost his own balance. If the kick didn’t do the job, the sudden telekinetic impact to the chest did it, causing Voidstalker to drop back half a step.

The Sith found his footing once more. His frustration clear through his pulsating aura in the Force. This time rather than assaulting, Jacen held is footing. Frustration could easily be turned to mistakes. Mistakes he could capitalise on. Like any soldier, Jacen knew that any defence could only be defined in effectiveness in its potential to turn into offence. For now, it was time to soak up with the Sith Knight could throw his way. Particularly with the young Starchaser getting into position.

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, Jacen brought his blade across his body. As the red bolts lanced across the air towards them they met his blade, licking up and down its length before forming one heavy bolt that threatened to overwhelm the capacitor.

Erebos charged, putting one foot forwards and working into a rapid one-handed style, something akin to Makashi. Jacen was faced with the decision of blocking blade or lightning. Seeing the young Starchaser take aim, he decided to soak up what was thrown at him to prevent Erebos from using his blade to deflect the inevitable barrage of blaster bolts.

Summoning a barrier once more, Jacen’s blade met that first thrust. Whilst he had been shown how to create a barrier by one of the finest masters of the trade, [member="Alen Na'Varro"], some of the energy from that single beam propagated through the barrier to strike his chest. It caused a delay that led to him missing the quick change of angle and second slash. Only the armour on his forearm stopped the scarlet blade from cutting deep.

Jacen grit his teeth and pressed on as the stun bolts came in from a perpendicular angle. Again he brought his blade down in a powerful strike. Erebos was left with the option of meeting his lightsabre, or dealing with stun bolts.
Objective: 1

Location: B

Allies: The Force, The Darkside, The OS, [member="Abelain Narv'uk"], [member="Jardo Snow"], [member="Lord Mythos"], [member="Darth Kentarch"]
Enemies: The GR, The jedi, The lightside, [member="Damian Starchaser"], [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Abel"] & [member="Kaileann Vera"]

Equipment: 1 x woebringer heavy blaster pistol, His Lightsaber, Tonka Amulet Charges (7/8), The ring of Hrafnar, Infantry Armor MK II (Modified with a robe around it and the mask of his previous armor)

He could see the knight coming around and behind him and getting ready to fire as he finished letting out his lightning bolt and to come charging at the master jedi. He had to make a decision and he turned on the Wrist mounted melee shield on the infantry armor and turned around just in time to block the stun bolts headed towards his back. "Fight Like a man or stay out of this!" He growled at the knight before he turned around to look at were his lightsaber had been pointed, the jedi master was coming in for a strike. He had only the chance to meet the blade as it came down at him and overwhelming his defense and striking his mask head on sending Erebos staggering back.
Cursing himself for not paying attention to the knight he decided on taking a different approach against the master, wielding his wrist mounted shield on one hand and his lightsaber in the other he took an unfamiliar stance, a stance in the K'thri martial art. If this would turn into something reminiscent of the gladiatorial arenas on Geonosis then he would change his tactics accordingly, who ever this jedi master was he was in every sense of the word the challenge Erebos had sought.
Part of him was so glad that the mask was made of prhik alloy that it had stopped the blade but his head was ringing from the impact. With a quick flick of his wrist he turned the blade around into a revers grip to hold it parallel to his back and faced the wrist mounted shield forwards, towards the jedi master. The time for speaking was over and now Erebos focused the force into himself and around his blade, this master would be beaten.


Objective 1
Location: B
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Damian Starchaser"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Erebos"]

Abel closed his eyes as he slashed violently at the man in all the armor. His saber swished through empty air.


The Jedi Padawan peeked out of one eye, then the other. The Sith was gone. Vanished into thin air. Abel furrowed his brow in thought. Maybe some Lord was conjuring spirits, or illusions, or something. The thought that people who looked so very real might actually just be shadows of the Dark Side terrified the young man. Could one be made to look like Mr. Starchaser, or Master Voidstalker?

He looked toward them now. Oh no. They were engaged with a Sith. Abel steeled his heart. No Sith would have illusions fight his own soldiers. This was the real deal.

Abel charged toward the Sith's back and aimed a strong if rather uncoordinated thrust for the back of the warrior's knee.

Unfortunately, Abel had once again forgotten that he wielded a training saber. The blade wouldn't cut through flesh, but it would sting like hell. If it even hit.
Location: G
Allies: One Sith, [member="Darth Erebos"], [member="Lord Mythos"], @Lord Kentarch
Enemies: [member="Andanian Ategann"], [member="Harmon Taldan"]

The eruption of weapons fire and panicked noises throughout the collective group of hostiles was notable and highly expected. It seemed as though the fearful inclusion of the 'smile' had completed a secondary objective as well as it's primary one of protecting his mouth. A pair of stormtroopers burst from the door behind him, opening fire on a small gang of three men and forcing them to take cover. One of the three returned fire with a firearm of their own, the shot striking a stormtrooper in the chest and sending him sprawling to the ground, alive only from the armor clad to him. "Reset your defensive positions. I shall deal with this." The order was not taken out of mercy for the stormtroopers, but rather out of a preservation of forces so that they might be used in a future military operation, perhaps even in one occurring in another room.

The enemy soldier spouting out swears and curses opened fire on Abelain as his other targets were removed from the area, one trooper dragging the other to cover and immediate medical attention. A light twirl of the crimson blade of light released a gentle hum, a reminder that the weapon in his hand was extremely deadly. The first bolt went wide, missing him completely, an obviously panicked shot by an inexperienced and frightened individual. The next pair of shots struck dead center in the torso of the Arue'tii. He began to approach the soldiers, twirling the weapon once more as the confused Alliance soldier continued firing, the bolts not even scorching the hide of the chitinous being. Both the vibroblade and the lightsaber were slid into the abdomen of the soldier with minor difficulty, eliciting a gentle gasp from the soldier despite his earlier loud speech. The Arue'tii withdrew both blades horizontally, bisecting the soldier with negligent ease.

The next soldier was readying to open fire, and with a flicker of his hand, Abelain launched the solid black vibroblade through the air and into the individuals stomach, sending him flailing backwards with a scream of pain, the blade having torn through his inferior flesh. The last individual was the one with the revolving firearm, he would need to be executed in the same painful fashion as the others if he held any chance of Escalation. That was the comforting grace that allowed such brutal murder, the idea that, in the end their blood was spilled not out of selfishness or personal reasons even if they were foes, but because it would allow them to join with the benevolent kindness of the One Escalation in eternity. Striding towards the final foe, crimson blade outstretched, he spoke what he believed would be the final words that the soldier would hear: "Do not go quietly, let yourself fall with glory and honor, that you might ascend."

The lightsaber drew back diagonally, preparing to hack down the final soldier when suddenly something heavy smashed into his side, knocking the wind from him and very nearly making him lose the weapon. Abelain grunted painfully, the next blast nearly barreling him over, though he retained his standing position, observant that should he fall he would likely expire. Turning his head, his eyes struck spiteful daggers into the soul of the newcomer, the one holding a weapon he had yet to see, something that could injure him even through his superior and powerful chitin. Taking in a pair of deep breaths, the Arue'tii spoke once more: "So... it shall be... a fight yet."
Location: B Attached at the hip to Jacen Voidstalker
Allies: [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Abel"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Erebos"]

Damian almost laughed at the tiny little shield. That didn’t protect much. And of course there was the comment about fighting like a man. Both sexist and ridiculous, Damian fought to win.

The Sith changed stance presenting the saber in a reverse grip to Damian who ignited his own lightsaber while still maintaining a grip on his pistol. Taking a quick breath he fired another burst of three rounds of blue light down range while moving a little closer. Another burst followed, both shooting towards either of his legs.​

Location: The Festering Cairn
Objective: To reveal such revelation as mere shadow, to stomp out an existence once and for all (Objective IV)
  • [member="Mira Rekali"]
  • [member="Kail Myn"]
  • Galactic Alliance
  • The Force
  • The One Sith
  • Spirit of [member="Darth Vornskr"]
  • [member="Braxus Zambrano"]
  • [member="Soeht"]
  • The yoke that tethers slaves to such purpose
  • Roecnar (twin lightsaber of Reebas)
  • Darth Vornskrs Lightsaber
  • Vanguard Armor
  • Armorweave cloak
Last he stood upon the pyre, world clapping towards the duel of fates, the universe had granted him reprieve. Reprieve in the form of energy, lassoed into the palm of his hand with bloody iris to show, he sent this God King to a place no god should know. Death, that quiet slumber, a bolt of lightning and all it's neutral and natural intent, redirected for good. It wasn't the first time lightning had played a part in this eternal fight. On Taloraan, Kaine had used it against the Hound. To a much more precise advantage, it had sent the man away, smoke and cinder. It was the crutch of the darkside that when faced with a more capable foe, one might lean on the force to alter the world around them. And it was everything that Gabriel had expected, though the form of it's origin was now different. A different face, a different man, the same world. A crushing notion that the darkside bred an inherent desperation, clinging to things not entirely themselves. It was in the molestation of the worldly that they could interpret growth, the sort Gabriel would now chop down, leaving rotting stump in his wake.

Scarred tunnels of flesh provide means for a body to accept re-injury. A magicians trick, needle plunged through bicep and out the other side. Here, it was the spiral of scorched flesh upon palm, the branching of lightning marks running up his arm, healed from past events. The tutaminis buffer opened, mouth agape to pull in the power of the discharged force with glee. A blue orb to the unknowing, an unending wall to those who could see, his eyes turned a vibrant blue as he came to a sliding stop at the introduction of the eight sentinel giants. On his own power, he would have been enough and he could feel that now in the paltry emanations of force power sweltering through the chasm. A kaleidoscope of inflections and tones, reds and blues and blacks and whites, tumbling over one another to show just who was the tallest. The master had little care for the projection of his own presence, instead turning it inward and vying not for posture, but power instead.

Where the electricity ended, it swelled within him, supplementing the monstrous presence of his own, siphoned from patience and a life stuck in isolation. With nothing but time to think, to look outward, he built upon himself a presence that the body was finally accepting as right and proper. First a breeze, then a gust, and then a whirlwind, all paying homage to the center of his palm. With a leap upwards, he punched out towards the assailing giants, releasing a massive outward force repulse, emboldened by the very attempts of this Sith Acolyte. In his defense, this acolyte would drag knife across face, just to spite it.

He wore the armor of the Vanguard. And as he strode into the madness willingly, he clung to that very title. A hammer for the cause, striking straight for the heart.
Location: The Festering Carin
Allies: One Sith

As more Sith Acolytes passed by Soeht, he watched them merely rush toward the Jedi only to be struck down.

Two hooded Acolytes with knives passed by Soeht through both sides of him. Yet in that moment, Soeht stretched out his left hand. He lifted two fingers from the lightsaber hilt. At that moment, the Acolytes ceased to move as if an invisible power grasped them.

The Acolyte to Soeht's left was a Chiss female - core name Malara. She joined the One Sith after they took control of Csilla and became infatuated with Darth Vornskr. The Acolyte to Soeht's right was a Human male named Yinep - sure to be in his twenties. He was a slave originally, yet he proved his worth in combat to become an Acolyte.

Both were weak. Horribly so. They would merely be fodder.

"Accept it," Soeht told Malara and Yinep.

Then, Soeht lifted his left hand up. He pointed his fingers toward the two Acolytes. Red lightning spewed forth from Soeht's hand to the Acolytes. The air crackled as the arcs licked the Acolytes' flesh. Yet, this lightning seemed more gentle than as if Soeht was trying to attack.

From [member="Braxus Zambrano"]'s point of view, it might seem as if Soeht was attacking the Acolytes - possibly betraying the One Sith.

Yet if the spirit of [member="Darth Vornskr"] was paying any attention, he would have the opportunity to sense something that had been absent from his life for nearly a decade. As Soeht performed his ritual, it would feel extremely similar to the duel between Darth Desmius and Darth Voracitos.

The two Acolytes twisted and turned in pain. They screamed. The muscles expanded. Their skin paled. The process took a few seconds. A power Awakened within them and the lightning ended.

With one look at their expressionless, blank faces, it would be hard to call them sentient anymore. They stopped screaming. They did not react or move. They were too weak from the start.

Gesturing out toward the Jedi, Soeht commanded, "At͝͏t͘̕a҉c͝k̴."

Only when their received the order did the Acolytes move. They rushed to the sides at first - attempting to avoid [member="Gabriel Sionoma"].

Instead, the grotesque figure of Malara rushed after [member="Kail Myn"] - who was much farther away. She was armed with just a knife, though her movements seemed considerably faster than the previous Acolytes. Not only that, but she still held the same determination to die for her cause.

Yinep, now in some monstrous form, ran after [member="Mira Rekali"]. He seemed intend to run her through with a knife as well.

"殺҉͏̶̵͟" screamed Yinep as he got closer to Mira.

The rest of the Acolytes were falling or already dead. Soeht did not leap in to attack, though. He still stood before [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] - an obstacle to push through if he wanted to make it to the ritual.

A mechanized voice escaped through Soeht's helmet as he sincerely asked, "Jedi, do you believe in anything? What kind of god do you pray to?"

Location: The Festering Cairn
Objective: Shatter the barrier between existences, and be reborn among the ashes of thy foe's ruin (Objective IV)

  • The One Sith
  • [member="Soeht"]
  • [member="Braxus Zambrano"]
  • The Galactic Alliance
  • The New Jedi Order
  • [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
  • [member="Mira Rekali"]
  • [member="Kail Myn"]
  • None ATM
  • Soon™

So purposeful.

So willful.

Amusement rippled across the incorporeal shade that passively observed the brawl that quickly broke out the moment he unleashed his minions upon the interlopers, two of his hooded acolytes falling to Gabriel's blade with stupefying ease. They were no match for him, but that fact was well known to the Sith Lord and it was why he sent them in droves to die at the hands of this defender of the Light. For in the exact moment of demise the acolyte's soul did not dissipate into the Force as it would anywhere else, but instead it was pulled as if my magnetism towards the sarcophagus stained by slave's blood. And like the predatory Kral'ın Montaj of his jungle homeworld the Sith Lord's spirit descended upon the acolyte's, devouring his consciousness in a gruesome display of spiritual violence until nothing of the acolyte's identity remained. More and more acolytes fell to the Jedi's wrath, and they too were devoured by the voracious maw of Vornskr's spirit.

Yet through the whirl of chaos and destruction the spirit could see all that transpired around him, and he watched with grim fascination as Soeht bewitched two of the meager acolytes and unleashed a power that he had not seen in many, many years. And throughout the chamber the rumble of a distant laughter shook the stone walls, blasting away excess debris and dust from the musty catacomb substructure. He knew down within his being that there was something fundamentally different about Soeht, he was far too mysterious for the Sith Lord's liking yet all attempts to gleam any knowledge of his origin or identity were ultimately fruitless endeavors. But know he knew.

"Interesting. Now the dissonance begins to crescendo."
Objective: One
Location: D > K
Allies: [member="Marcello Matteo"] [member="Kaileann Vera"] and other members of the Allies forces
Enemies: The One Sith (no partner yet shrug)

Gear: Lightsaber Second Lightsaber Third Lightsaber Robes

Well this was going to be such a blast, almost literally. The GA was pushing forward into the bunker, both Heavenshields were here, but Taeli decided to tag along with two Jedi she didn't know at all. Hopping down the hole that was in the floor, she landed gracefully and took one lightsaber from her belt into her hand.

"Care if I tag along?" she asked, breathing the air in deeply for a moment. Oh yes, very pungent with the dark side energies that only alchemy could create. Part of her actually sort of missed the times she would work experiments. Oh well, best to stop the Sith from actually doing anything else in here. She was hoping they could find a data terminal or security center to either purge the records of this place, blow it into the Netherworld, or some other way of denying it to the Sith.

"Not many Sith here by my reckoning," she said, using Force Sense and Sight to get a general view of the place and its inhabitants.
Location: G
Allies: [member="Harmon Taldan"]
Enemies: [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
Objective: Don't die, you're still a virgin

Andanian panicked. He fired his revolver at the imperials at the door furiously, trying to calm down and focus, but the sight of that giant Sith with the lightsaber that seemed to fill the room with the stench of doom made fear run all the way across Andanian's body. These were the people who wanted him alive so they could torture him.

To make matters worse, the monster trudged toward Lunatic, who was cornered against his cover, frantically firing blaster bolt after blaster bolt in his defense. One thing that did surprise him, however, was when the monster called off his stormtroopers. Was it arrogance, or tactics?



"He's only walking...I can't hit him, he just blocks every damn shot! Feth me!


"Oh God...God no! NO! HELP! IT'S GONNA K-"

Andanian's blood ran cold as the beast drove it's blades into Lunatic's armor like butter and seperated him into two pieces. Blood sprayed against the wall. A little bit even seemed to get on Andanian's helmet.

"Ah...a...AAAAAAGGGH!" screamed Fish as the Sith turned it's wicked grin to him, starting to trudge over to him, spinning his lightsaber around just as he did to Lunatic.

"Fish, get away from him! We need to go!" he yelled through the radio, but Fish stood his ground, spraying blaster bolts at the beast.


The black vibroblade soared through the air and directly into Fish's gut. Gutted like a Fish. The volunteer flew across the room from the force of the blow and landed against the wall, tumbling to the ground. According to Andanian's HUD, all life signs were black.

He turned in horror to see the beast coming his way now. For the first time in his life, in the dimly lit engineering room, all alone with blood on the walls and his comrades around him all dead, only lit by a bloody shade of red coming from the monster's lightsaber, Andanian felt he was in a nightmare. He didn't even bother to shoot. He knew what would happen if he did. He stared hopelessly up at the beast's glowing eyes.

"Do not go quietly, let yourself fall with glory and honor, that you might ascend."

Until the sound of a scattergun erupted from the corridor to his left, sending the beast away. Scattergun...I have a scattergun! As the thought struck Andanian, he tossed his revolver aside and drew up his scattergun from his back and aimed it at the beast, determined to not die just yet. He scowled beneath his helmet, activating the microphone to speak through his helmet. He cocked the scattergun.

"Here's my boomstick, buster. C'mere so I can stick it up your Sith arse."​
O̡n͏é to ́Em͟body̷ Ṕowe̡r͏; ҉T̸ḩe͟ othe̵r̡ ţo̶ Cra̡v̕e͘ ̨i͘t.͝
Yes. This was the beginning of the end. A soft whisper of a voice broke the din.
Save yourself, Sith.
Know that now you're worthy of being a Sith that you have a sacred oath to fulfill to be complete
The words resonated within the oracle; and like sinister seeds they burrowed deep, burrowed true.

Would this be her fate? No, she was her Lord's. All she did was for him.
Everything she'd done was for him.
So long as you follow him...
But don't keep me waiting for too long
Since the first shadowy figure beckoned her from the far-sight mists, she'd been driven mad at finding him, claiming him as her own.
How many years did she wander?
How many beings she'd killed for his name,
for his praise, for his ...
Y҉͉̟̮͍̻̱o͙ṳ̻̙̬͢r̜͖̣̳ ̲̲̞̬̼̞W̟̼̦̱̯̦̼i̝͔̭͔̹l̠̞l͏̼̻.̤̩̺ͅ ͟ ̢̹M̩͈͎̫̫̺y̨ H͍̲̞̝̖a͈̹̯n͎̗̞̯̜̳d̺͓̩͢.͓̳̬̬̜

Her Lord's aura flared in a brilliant light within her Force Sight.

How morbidly beautiful.
His arm snapped out, a beacon of fiery light as it reached out to her neck.

Your fate is no better than my own apprentice's... Until then, come... Darth Isolda

Time slowed to a crawl, thick and syrupy like ripe sun-fruit liquor.
Thus Moira, completely in tune with the dark side now, smiled -- and as his fingers closed in for her alabaster neck,
sooty black lashes thought by all to be forever shut finally fluttered.

...perhaps worse if he chooses you for his Sacrifice.


Then snapped open.
Objective: Light Vs. Darkness
Allies: The One Sith, [member="Lord Mythos"]
Enemies: The Galactic Alliance [member="Coci Heavenshield"] & [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Location: L

Kentarch raised his left hand, blade extended as he prepared to strike Coci. The timing had to perfect, as she stepped forward and ignited her lightsaber, Kentarch almost sprang for the illusion. Yet something was off, Thurion's reaction to Mythos's assualt made no sense. If two Jedi masters, who were married and taking on a single Sith lord, their attacks would be much more coordinated and coherent. Coci seemed static, as Thurion slid under Mythos. An Illusion. He realized. The hair on the back of neck raised, The Sith Lord jumped hard to the right. His teeth cringed as he smacked against the ground on his right side, Coci's telekinetic blast missing him by a hair. Kentarch's figure materialized, standing he raised his right hand, then responded to Coci's attack with a blast of his own. A Force Strike, a more devastating version of force push that caused blunt force trauma, he directed the blast back to where Coci's telekinetic attack originated.
Objective: One
Location: D moving to A
Allies: GA
Enemies: OS

Gear: In Bio + Hellgun S-151 Heavy Chain Blaster

Many of his allies had already ventured into the bunker to meet the enemy. Rayl was eager to fight as any. He enjoyed a good fight now and then. Still he was a bit worried because thar likely be Sith Lard's durn in thur. He'd been preparing for seven years in the event the Sith would personally hunt him down. Plenty of swag gear he'd bought would give him a very nice edge. Shiny things for credits didn't matter if you didn't know how to use them, or had any skill at all to fight. Lucky for Rayl he was the full package. He could fight anyone!

Rayl adjusted the power pack of his Hellgun. The straps were digging in a bit. The first room of the bunker was dominated by GA troops. A nice sign they weren't checked at the door. The blaster fire and grenade explosions were any indication though; the battle was raging deeper inside. The Crime Lord wasn't wasting time then. Folks needed help and Sith needed to be killed.

Taking the left passage from the entry way lead him into a similar room, large, full of machines and junk he didn't recognize. The evidence of battle was obvious. Blaster marks and bodies covered everything. Only a few soldiers lingered about. From here he could see them grouped up in two places. A doorway on the right where a lot of fighting noise was coming from, and a stairwell ahead of him that lead downward. Down was where their best would be hiding and tighter corridors would provide a feast for his chain blaster. They might need support in the other room though. Best he ask about before dedicating a path.

"Hey, soldier. How's it looking in there"? Bluntly asked of course.

"Voidstalkers taken the lead through here. Sounds fierce but we're to hold this door until they break through. The Heavenshield's took the stairs. No idea how they're doing but Sith arn't running up so.... well"?

"Good a guess as any. If they push back through here, blow this door down and seal it. Maybe take a few with it but pray to whatever god you don't have to soldier. Tell anyone who asked the Star Lord is gonna head downstairs with his big gun then". Rayl ran off to do as he said. Leaving the soldiers to guard the door.

"Star who"?

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