Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Casus Belli (Tygaran Alliance/Galactic Alliance vs First Order Rebellion of Kaeshana)

With: [member='Isla Ashen'], [member='Darth Veles']
Enemies:[member='Kira Vaal'], rebels

Their walk towards the comms tower was cut short as seemingly out of nowhere the temperature around Kaalia dropped harshly. Warming her hands, she saw white appear around her everywhere she looked. A blizzard kicked up. Although severely limiting their vision, it would do the same to potential enemies, allowing them to get to the comms tower most easily. Or so she thought. As she finished talking to Lynn, the girl that approached them, multiple blaster shots came their way. They missed, likely due to the limited vision of the blizzard, and the Ren quickly took cover. She heard Veles' order to guard Lynn, and quickly turned to the girl.

"They'll protect you, okay? We're going to make sure it's safe here, then we can head to the tower. Stay here." The redhead noticed the shivering of Lynn accompanied with the return of panic in her eyes, and decided to wrap her coat around the girl, revealing Kaalia's armor underneath. "Here, that'll keep you warm. Take good care of it, Lynn. You're strong. Stay here, I'll come back for you. Trust in the Force." Lynn nodded. Kaalia smiled, turned around and joined the other two in the fight that broke out.

An echoeing snap-hiss could be heard as Kaalia's lightsabers sprung to life. Deflecting and dodging blaster fire, she slowly made her way forward. Sprinting from cover to cover, she took out rebels one by one as they came in range of her weapons. Using the blizzard as cover, combined with her repeated retracting and activating of her sabers to not give away her postion too easily, the redhead moved quickly and gracefully. It was freezing cold, and Kaalia was certainly going to feel the effects of it once she was off Kaeshana, but her adrenaline and passion as fuel made her numb to it as they once again took over Kaalia's concious. Lynn was no longer in her mind, only the elimination of the enemy. She did not hestitate, she showed no mercy. The switch in her mind was flipped once again.
Location: Near Citadel of Dawn
Objective: Purge
Allies: [member="Elliot Locke"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Audren Sykes"], [member="Canal"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Krenis Skirata"], [member="Canal"] GA/Outback/Tygara.
Enemies: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="FN-0888"], FO

Red laser bolts lanced through the sky towards the Firemane soldiers. Sentinel-class armour was quite tough, being made of duraplast, a materiel that had been favoured by Clone Commandos given its protective qualities. Still, cries of pain were heard when troopers fell and did not get up again. However, the Voidstalker duo slashed blaster bolts out of the air, offering protection for the common soldiers as they charged the enemy.

Firemane's contingent included Eldorai partisans. Some of them were Sciians. Two, wearing masks and carrying armour emblazoned with runes once associated with Eldorai renegades, drew upon their elemental gifts to manipulate the earth and rock, shaping improvised barriers. These were not perfect, but could provide some protection. The vaporisation of the mine field and the appearance of Tempest raised morale. After all, she was Lady Kerrigan's apprentice!

Using this cover, acting in tandem with Joza's Outback marines, the soldiers unleashed a withering amount of fire using bolters, shooting high-calibre explosive bullets towards the entrenched stormtroopers to suppress them and clear a path for the Jedi. Once they got close enough to enter the trenches, they'd switch to using APEB rounds, which were powerful too but did not cause AOE damage. One heavy weapons trooper deployed a shatterbolter. The gun was essentially what happened when a Mark One Bolter and a Shattergun made sweet love and produced a child with an absurd desire for destruction.

"Take cover. Fire in the hole," she yelled and squeezed the trigger, giving advanced warning. The large projectile flew across the battlefield. It had enough power to penetrate medium vehicle armour and was aimed at one of the distant repeater nests. The roar of the explosion would be tremendous, as if a high-explosive tank shell just erupted, when the loud roar was finally heard. Since the weapon fired its projectiles faster then the speed of sound, the bullet would find its mark before the gunshot would be heard. SHABLA-GOO!

Meanwhile, Elpsis was dealing with being bombarded by plenty of blaster bolts. This was good because this meant less were firing on the Firemane mooks, but also obviously problematic since she was being shot at a lot! It was likely that the Order of Fire's warrior had misjudged the capabilities of First Order stormtrooper armour a bit, since so far she'd fought common Sith troopers on various battlefields for the most part.

She knew pyromantic techniques that could bypass personal armour, but boiling someone's blood or making his hand spontaneously combust required more focus and concentration than she was able to muster right now. As the troopers fired and two Jedi charged, she tried to weave a path through the hailstorm and find a place to land and get down so that she could join them.

Luckily, she wore beskar armour. It was tough, but not immune to blaster shots. Some bolts bounced off, but they caused a searing, stinging pain and she cried out when she was struck in her side. Raising her hands, she tried to catch bolts with her hands, absorbing the heat as she drew upon her gift of tutaminis. Her hands were scorched and burnt, but she sucked the energy into her.

As she breathed in heavily and a salvoe of bolts came towards her, Joza's Force shield kicked into action. It could absorb a good chunk of the fire, but not all of it. Nor could she absorb all the bolts with her power...but she did not need to. Pulling at the tangled web of the Force and using all the energy she'd sucked into herself, she unleashed a massive wave of telekinetic energy towards her assailants, with the power of a rampaging Reek.

It should possess enough force to break bones like twigs and send hostiles flying. At the passage of the blast, she descended. Her jets slowed and she dropped to the ground rather unceremoniously. Getting up with a groan and feeling an ache in her leg, she saw the Voidstalkers had reached the trench. Firemane and Eldorai reinforcements were descending from the heavens, dispatched by Admiral [member="Kyrana Gould"].


Smarter than the average bear
Location: Chalcedon orbit
Allies: GA Kyrana Gould Asmus Janes Choli Vyn Vilin Tarissa Cadalthor [background=#1a1a1a][member="Cathul Thuku"][/background]
Enemies: Basileus Isauros Carlyle Rausgeber Fiolette Yvarro William Kerkov Cyrus Tregessar Avicus DuSang
Objective: Prepare to reinforce [member="Cathul Thuku"], on her command

Although this is the first engagement Lokthra had been in, she didn't feel nervous. She knew she was fighting for a reason and her skills would help out many people. The thing that frightened her though was, that if she was called it. It would mean that they would have suffered many, many casualties. This being said, hopefully, the enemy should be weak enough to defeat.

Lokthra stood proudly on the ship's helm. Waiting for the order to be given, readying her fleet for the grave battle a head of them.

"Check all systems and ready all weapons. When we go in, we'll be going in hot. Have regular check-ins at 30 minute periods.

'Prepare the fleet for reinforcement at a moments notice' Lokthra ordered


Ishana Pavanos

Location: In Formation, Launching from the FIV Concordia
Objective: Eliminate All Hostiles
Allies: First Order | [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Sara Lee Jones"], [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance | [member="Roth Tillian"], [member="Asmus Janes"], @Choli Vyn, [member="Kurt Meyer"], [member="Laira Vereen"]

Ishana hadn't felt this kind of rush in quite some time, "roger that Cap."

She acknowledges Brenner, "check all boyles and ghouls on the ride." Her flight checks in one by one, forming up behind her as they launch. Her heart is pounding, she hadn't seen real combat in quite some time. On Castameer she ended up playing rescue dog which wasn't so bad, but without any one on one engagements Songbird wondered if her skills were just as good as they had been before. Ishana hadn't even flown in an actual Interceptor before, well outside of your standard flights just to graduate. All Imperial pilots had to be familiar with the wide array of TIEs. From shuttling squints to shooting down the crash-a-lot squad of the Galactic Alliance, boldly calling themselves Rogue One. At least that was the schutta from pilots in and around the galaxy. "Varactyl Squadron reporting in full, we got your six Nils, on your wing Sara," she acknowledges as they're given the green light to launch from the FIV Concordia.

Lining up she takes a deep breath, her helmet secure - black with red markings. Black visor reflecting the hangar lights and the backlight of her dashboard. "Varactyl One clear for take off," tower control reported, "go, go, go."

With the greens all lit, Ishana's gloved hands grip on the stick pushing the TIE out of the hangar. "Varactyl One away."

"Copy, Varactyl Two you are, go for take off."

Varactyl Squad launches behind Sheikh, hanging on the right side of Sara's squadron. "Alright, alright, alright looks like we got some Alliance schutta comin' to say hi boyles and ghouls, let's stick together and light'em up." Their goal was to go in to provide cover for the ground, reports of AA were already filtering in, which just made it a little more challenging and kept Ishana's blood pumping.
Location: Atmosphere | Red Ahead | Gold Behind | Rogues Covert
Objective: So much pew
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Kurt Meyer"] [member="Laira Vereen"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Arix Askrima"]
Enemies: [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"]
Flying: TR-20 X-Wing
Music: Dangerzone!

[ Copy that Rogue Leader.]

A few more beep boops from R4. This was going to get interesting. All of the training, everything that she had done so far came to this. She had trusted in the Force last time. Time to do so again. As everything, it was the Will of the Force.

The Rogue moved her S-foils into attack formation, feeling that familiar click as they locked. HUD came up, targeting screen going online. Much like Rogue leader and Meyer, the young woman ramped up the throttle. Red X-Wings and Gold Y-Wings parted like the sea as they dove. Beeps of red bloomed.

The fighter had advanced comms and tactical combat interface. Haptic feedback pads, multi-directional headsets and holographic projections across the HUD all combine to give Choli the exact information she'd need, when she'd need it. It had been customized to Choli, with haptic pads are used to alert the her to incoming threats that are out of the line of sight. Right now, the Vector was painted out for them, a grin breaking Choli's olive face in two.

The next few moments would have them be making contact.
[member="Micah Talith"] [member="Irajah Ven"]

"Micah," she called out quietly as he went. They exchanged one quick look before he went. She'd already moved near the vehicle and hadn't heard or detected any signs of life.

Once he was into the fire she turned to the woman on the ground. She looked like she was in pain. Vexen crouched down beside her, peering through goggles at her. Her paws reached out tentatively and started checking her for any serious injuries.

The woman winced sharply when a paw went near her ribs. Skittish as ever, Vexen darted back in a flash. Her silhouette moved several feet in a fraction of a second and there she paused. Crouched low, her bared white teeth were a stark contrast against the only black of her fur.

Only a moment and she visibly relaxed. "Stay still," she grunted, feeling rather embarassed.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Location: Hills Overlooking Santaissa, near the Wrath's crashsite
Objective: Get behind enemy lines, get around the wreckage, land reinforcements
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Aeron Kreelan], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Nate The Bounty Hunter"], [member="Kiyron"], [member="Kaiden Rohn"], [member="Joza Perl"]
Enemies: [member="Pharazon Draken"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Project X-2"], [member="Aesa Urkith"], [member="Jude Falkrowe"]
Equipment: Phrik Droid Body, Anti-Force Vong Biot Suit, 2x Electro-Cestus, Spear of Rae, Electro-Flail, HK's Training Lightsaber (Sliver of Light), 2x Magnetic Revolvers (Heavy), Magnetic Repeater (Heavy), Chameleon Cloak, Sigil of Hope, D.U.S.T., Anti-Force User Grenades, Grappling Hook (Pistol Format), Photoreceptor HypnoGaze attachment, jetpack, simple wrappings for camouflage and concealment.
Forces: The Knight Of The Eclipse (Dark Harvester Prize Stealth Transport) with a collection of shattergun-miniguns, bowcasters, and blast-staves on board

Kaiden Rohn,

When the trooper's hand clasped on the droid's shoulder from behind, HK jumped slightly, his head spinning around to look at Kaiden,

"Where did you came fro- wait, Kaiden? Is that you?"

The machine's body followed the movement in turn, spinning around to face him,

"Were you here this whole time? For Force's sake, man, take that helmet off once in a while, I thought you were just one of those faceless drones we have around."

One of the nearby other GA troops looked to HK,

"No offense, lad."

"That was so hurtful, sir."

"Either way, Kaiden,"

The droid turned his attention back to his comrade from the Pyre,

"My mission is to get behind enemy lines and begin hunting the FO higher-up's to cause some havoc in their chain of commands. I need you to escort me there, to the closest sewer entrance, afterwards you will rejoin the main assault on their fortifications and help push through."

HK turned then towards the path they were already on, coursing by a nearby cliff-face towards the city, leading them from the hills they were on,

"So here is the plan, we will follow this path which will take us from the hills to Santaissa, then I will find-"

Before the droid could even finish, the Wrath, that dreaded Star Destroyer that hanged over the city and bombarded their position in attempt to glass them, begun to rock and shiver in the orbit as its microjump engines flared up. HK was sure the vessel was going to escape the atmosphere, little did the droid know it was too late, for the onslaught of the Forcers around them took the cruiser down and it begun to sink. What's more, it turned about, heading right for them,


The machine only sounded out,

"I should not have shot at its engines."

He thought, jumping right to the conclusion that it was him, with that one burst of shattergun fire he let off towards the Cruiser in a joke, that took the mighty beast from the skies and plunged it towards the earth.

HK just stood there, really unable to do much as the Star Destroyer approached them slowly, growing bigger and bigger, guided by the Forcers to minimize damage to their forces. It finally collapsed into the surface, near that cliff they were going to pass by, cutting right across the path HK planned to take.

There was series of explosions from the Cruiser as it crashed, engines bursting, reactor going critical, turbolasers blowing their charge, all of that, only to shatter it into thousand pieces, glass the dusty barren soil around it, and propel its shards plowing through the air. HK watched as its nose cut across the land right in front of them, heading right for him, with a great dust cloud and a river of gravel and soil. The droid did not move however, he stood there watching it, and the wreckage slowed down, creeping closer and closer as it lost momentum until finally the large charred wall of durasteel stopped few inches in front of HK.

The droid turned around to look at Kaiden,

"Ok, new plan!"

He quipped as he stepped away from the Wrath's wreckage, moving away to a clearer location as the dust begun to settle slowly,

"We are going to take my stealth transport, the Knight of Eclipse, we will use it to go around the wreckage, land by the other dropships, I will go for a flanking maneuver, you will be my man by the front lines, if you will need an opening, let me know, if I will need a distraction, I will contact you, sounds good?"

It was more or less a rhetorical question as HK commed in his stealth transport, the shuttle was just finishing delivering Kiyron and his squad to an orbital drop location, not too far, they would not wait long for it to arrive.

Sure enough, Kaiden and any other troops that were assigned to be part of his squad could see a sleek black shape materialize in the dust above them, swiftly lowering down as its airlock opened and ramp lowered to allow them on board. Inside there was already another HK droid, one of the Greycloaks, copies of HK himself in older bodies he kept around as his honor guard. This one was designated with being a pilot of the rare and valuable shuttle,

"How is the blockade looking?"

The Iron Knight asked the pilot as he hurried Kaiden and any others onboard, motioning for them to have a seat and strap in as the ramp raised again and the airlock locked.

"Much better."

The Greycloak answered as it pulled on the control stick, lifting them up off of the ground,

"The FO are not able to fully keep up the blockade with what is happening in the space, we are able to sneak more transports through now, we are not clear for full army landing just yet though."

HK nodded,

"Good, have our troops ready and send a couple of shuttles down to reinforce the assault on the Citadel of Dawn from the retinue we have aboard GA vessels. Contact the Siege Tower and the Dancing Queen, see what is their ETA."

The other droid nodded in turn.


The stealth transport would disappear once more from sight as it entered the cloud of dust, and moved to join the other GA forces in the charge of the dropships they were conducted to get them into a better position for an assault. Of course the shuttle remained stealthy as it moved alongside the other transports, avoiding enemy contact or opening fire, although utilizing the provided starfighter and interceptor cover, to get them closer to the front lines easier.

Finally the shuttle would begin to lower once more, as the pilot called out to them,

"We got over the wreckage, approaching LZ!"

It was not that big of a trip on the grand scale of things, soon enough the airlock hissed, Kaiden would be able to hear the ramp lower, as HK approached him and any others,

"You are still my escort until I will get to the sewer entrance, we are not expecting much resistance till that point, if you see any target that could threaten my maneuver, engage them. Then you will be free to join Kerrigan's forces and push up against the Citadel, there should be plenty of targets for you then."

The droid explained once more as he prepared his rifle and made sure his camo wrapping and cloak were around him securely,

"And Kaiden."

He looked to him again before stepping off,

"Do not be afraid to cause some Havoc."

HK quipped as they hit the deck and the sound of nearby battle would hit them quite clearly. HK ran off, not wasting much time as he ducked his head, dodging branches and any stray blaster bolts alike. They were somewhat off away from the other dropships, the main force was nearby however, they couldn't be on top of them though for the flanking maneuver to work. The droid knew which direction to go exactly to reach the sewer entrance, coordinates for it were sent to him by Six-O, his droid agent on the inside within one of his numerous binary messages. Although HK said Kaiden should be his escort, the droid also mentioned there wasn't much resistance in that particular area, and he would not be wrong, especially when the main assault would keep FO distracted. Once they would get there, Kaiden would have only few seconds to say what he had to say to the droid before he slipped into the sewer entrance and Kaiden was left to his own devices once more.

Jude Falkrowe,

Once HK got to the sewer manhole at the edge of the ruined city, hidden behind some collapsed pillar he moved away with a bit of a strain, shielded from view by a nearby convenient ruins, he slipped himself inside smoothly, dragging the manhole cover over head as he did to close it behind in one motion.


He dropped down into the canal full of what remained of the sewers, old dried waste if the sewers not used since the catastrophe that ruined the city, only few puddles still remained, kept moisturized by the rain water.


HK muttered to himself as his large Phrik claws extended off of his feet, using them to elevate himself somewhat above the literal old crap, basically tip-toing as he gathered up his cloak and robes to not drag them through the sick, slinging his shattergun repeater over his shoulder.

From there the trek was pretty easy, unlike organics the droid had a hard time getting lost if they saw the map in front of them through their mind, and had a build-in compass. It was just a matter of finding ways around tunnel sections that collapsed since Six-O went through them, most likely a result of the Star Destroyer crashing down into the earth nearby.

Every time he came up to a fork in the tunnels he stopped to look around each corner, just to make sure there weren't any patrols in the underground after the guerrillas used the very same tunnels to get behind the enemy lines into the ruins and ambush a squadron of troops. Thankfully that did not seem to be the case as everyone was taken by the chaos around the city to pay attention to such things as sewers.

Eventually HK would come up to the ladder leading upwards that Six used to get above the ground, he was now in the heart of Santaissa, the ruined city sprawling all around him in its eery wrecked beauty, charred buildings he still remember as magnificent before they crumbled and turned to ash. The droid peeked up slightly from the manhole, scanning his surroundings to make sure the coast is clear before pulling himself upwards. Almost immediately a rush of snow slammed against his faceplate as, unbeknownst to him, there was a blizzard raging among Santaissa's ruins due to unnatural meddling of a particular cryomancer,

Why the feth is it snowing right now?

HK asked himself, wiping the snow off of his photoreceptors before peeking out again, this time prepared for the harsh Force-borne weather.

As he climbed outside of the tunnel he made sure his sound-dampening systems were activated to keep himself silent, and his chameleon cloak activated to render him invisible to the naked eye and most sensors. Being a machine that often utilized things as infrared or heat vision, he knew well how to protect himself against them.

Either way, HK climbed into a nearby half-standing building to have a better look at the area around him. There were the front lines were the fighting just erupted, the colorful streaks of plasma bolts and muzzle flashes wer barely visible through the snow. The Citadel nearby the White Palace rose high above them, even with the blizzard he managed to distinguish its shape, and the Citadel of the Dawn was seen just some distance away with more fighting going on there, or it would, if it not was for the screen of the snow, however the silent communications feed he was tapped into with his internal systems told him that the combat did not die down just yet, in fact the opposite. Then the droid finally spotted some activity as a group of stormtroopers moved by in the streets below through the snow and frost,

Hello there,

He calculated to himself as he scanned for their commanding officer. Soon enough he saw him, the blonde man with robes and stormtrooper armor beneath, so sexy with the large snowflakes battering his face and hair,

It was Jude,

Doctor, doctor give me the news,

He quipped silently, he did not made a move just yet, only watched, and calculated why they would not be at the front lines just yet. He came to conclusion they were probably left behind as vanguard, or some sort of reinforcements who lagged behind and did not manage to set off just yet. Either way, he was going to intercept and disrupt them somewhat,

I got a bad case of droid juice

Siobhan Kerrigan, Tempest, Aeron Kreelan, Michael Serdun, Nima Tann, Joza Perl, Everyone Else Assaulting the Citadel of Dawn
North of Citadel of Dawn,

A couple of larger dropships baring the markings of Abregado-Rae and the GA would near the assault forces LZ as the armies moved out. Their content? The reinforcements HK called for to be ferried to the surface and help with the assault as the combat in the orbit erupted, providing a distraction for some GA reinforcements to go through. Unfortunately, it was still very much risky to land in large numbers, so although only two dropships were sent, or probably only two made it through, they were probably just one of many, unless somehow FO would manage to tighten their grip on the planet once more.

Either way, the reinforcements were directed down by the two Greycloaks HK had with him, as he decided to go on his mission behind the enemy lines alone, his honor-guard copies were left in charge of their forces, along with the Dwarf Walker that was still being dragged along with them.

The first heavy dropship opened as it touched down on the designated GA LZ, in a secure enough spot, baring numerous deactivated droids in automated racks that extended out and begun to deploy them directly from the dropship in two little rectangles. They were kept deactivated and in a more compact fetal position to cram more of them into the vehicle. As the droids stood up they marched away from the dropship, forming a neat little phalanx of 6x10 units, each armed with an Abregado Blast Staff. Unfortunately right now all they could spare were infantry drones, the most common and expandable of Abregado troops.

The second dropship opened and from inside skittered out their spider-droids, five of them, three with the imposing rotary cannons suspended off of their round black bodies, two with the large armor-piercing mass drivers to provide highly mobile anti-armor cover.

It would not take much for these droids to form up as well, and they all marched out, led by the two armored and cloaked HK units, with the dwarf walker wobbling behind them, another HK in its cockpit, they moved along the other troopers who came to heed the call to arms, both foreign and the Eldorai Guerrilla fighters stirred to rise up against the FO by HK and other agents like him. They joined the armies of Kerrigan and Kreelan and marched alongside them to support them whenever more help was needed.

Forces: light Mag'Ladroth Personal Walker, right arm CBRW Flamethrower, left arm Magnetic Minigun
3 The Greycloaks, clad in Protectorate Power Armor, and chameleon cloaks, armed with Magnetic Revolvers, generic blue-crystal lightsabers, and Spears of Rae.
60 Iron Legionnaire Drones armed with Abregado Blast-Staves, moving in a 6x10 phalanx
5 Mobile Weapon Platform Spider Droids, Light Models, 3 armed with RC-1 rotary cannons, 2 armed with MD-1 mass drivers

Location | North End Two lakes Northern Lakaan District
Objective: Humanitarian aid of the locals
Jedi Service Corps & Allies @Aeda Shaytari

The massive crash of the Imperial Star Destroyer hit too close to home. Concern crossed Rhen's features, and he staggered a bit at the sudden wave of death. He held his heart, fingers fisting tight against the fabric of his robes.

" Master Jedi," another voice cut through the din.

"There have been reports of an Imperial star destroyer crashing near the city ruins." Pain wrecked the old Corellian's face. If the fighting was heavy there then..

"What word do we have from Firemane?"

"They have secured a zone. It is recommended that we evacuate as many as we can and rendezvous there. "

After we just set up here? However, the dangers of being so close to the battle could not be ignored.

"Send word. We will evacuate all the civilians from here."
Objective: Pew Pew all the Things
Ship: Modded Rekali-class
Call Sign: Rakehell One
Allies: [member="Kurt Meyer"] [member="Choli Vyn"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Arix Askrima"]
Enemies: [member="Sara Lee Jones"] [member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"]
Laira sat just behind the Bomber squadron, running support and cover for them as instructed in her personal ship. It wasn't a cheap knock-off TIE or X-Wing, but an expensive Mandal Hypernautics build put through the ringer with modified navigational systems. "Combat speed." Gold Leader's voice came over the comms and Laira pushed her Semi-Stealth vessel into combat maneuvers trigger the small S-Foils along the wings to extend and the concealed warhead launchers to be exposed.

"Weapon's hot. Break for atmosphere. Target Confirmed." Apparently Rogue Squadron had given the order and the Alliance Bombers were pushing for their target, the Citadel of Dawn with their random escort that had impromptu joined up with them.

Laira's nerves were causing her to shiver slightly on occasion, not enough to muddle with her handling, but noticeable enough that the redhead knew she was in it now. "Ee-eight, watch our backs with that conner net launcher. Computer, activate droid assist targeting with the forward turret." The droid brain connected to the very large rotary coilgun activated so that it would help her by tracking after targets. The oversized Ion Cannons on the wings powered up as the squadron broke atmosphere.

"Comp, prime Proton Rocket and Pulse Mass missile for ground targets."
Location: Arriving near the Citadel of Dawn
Allies: [member="FN-0888"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Aizen"] [member="Rolf Amsel"] / others nearby or contactable through comm channel
Enemies: [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Elpsis Elaris"] [member="Tempest"] / others in vicinity

"Sir, carrier transports are ready," Ludolf's subordinate officer told him.

That was good - the march out of Santaissa and towards the Citadel of Dawn had winded the troops, and aerial transport was temporarily unavailable due to the severity of the storm. Now that they had finally seemed to have moved out of the worst part of the storm, the transports would be able to take them the rest of the way. It would give his men a bit of much-needed rest before entering the real battle.

As the carrier transports swooped down and Ludolf jumped aboard one, he sent a holocommunicator message to everyone in the First Order. They would see his image on the other end, clad in his battle armor, delivering an address to every Stormtrooper on the battlefield.

"Soldiers of the First Order," He began. "This is a historic day which will not soon be forgotten. Years of the Galactic Alliance's unprovoked aggression has finally come to a head." Ludolf let that sink in for a moment. After today, there would be no going back - no simmering of hostilities would take place in any diplomat's meeting room. There was only one future as Ludolf saw it - war.

"I will keep my message to you all brief. Remember why you fight, loyal sons of the First Order. We fight for our very survival as a people. We are united by the common bond of blood - something that the Galactic Aliance and their cosmopolitan, empty society will never have. In our years we have shaped a society that is the envy of the galaxy. There is nothing more special than that, nothing more worth preserving, no greater cause to fight for. It is my honor to fight and die beside you. Supreme Commander Vaas, out."

Ludolf closed the channel just as his dropship was arriving at the Citadel of Dawn.

[member="FN-0888"] and any other Stormtroopers already defending the Citadel, along with Major Bissell, would be relieved to see Ludolf and his Regiment of stormtroopers moving in as reinforcements. They were still out of range, but Ludolf's regiment deposited itself on the North side of the Citadel, hoping to move behind the enemy forces. And behind Ludolf, the as-yet-unseen Sabercat AT-AT was being unloaded by dropship. The other remained near Santaissa for [member="Asharad Graush"] to play with.

This battle would be the machine's first real test.

Arieth zh'Vranthi

Galactic Alliance Ambassador

"Ambassador zh'Vranth!" a voice from one of Areith's attention caught her attention. The Head Councilman Vieo Spar had escorted her towards a small chamber that would serve as her suite for the time being.

Aiei, a Togruta attendent, came up beside her. Her expression was concerned.

"I've a message from the Triumvirate."

Areith gave a contemplative blink.

"Oh?" she rose to her feet.

"It has been labeled urgent."

Now that concerned the Ambassador. Another nod and the woman gestured to Aiei.

"I'll take the message at the den."

"Of course, I'll relay it there."

GR90 E-war transport
ANS Eyes On, Dependable
Thranta MK2-Class Frigate
ANS Centennial, Legion, Rogue Element
Sentinel-Class Cruiser
ANS Long Watch
Dreadnought MKIII
ANS Echelon
Consular Class Cruiser
ANS Sullust Dawn
Location: enroute to Citadel from crash site
Objective: Draw a line in the sand and bunker in
Allies: The ones not shooting at me
Enemies: The ones who are shooting at me

Steady. Steady. One tap. Two tap. Bye!

It was quick and painless, the head recoil just a rhetorical reaction to the inevitable. Thanks to his XR 007 rifle, the source was kept silent and unseen. No blaster trail. Just a bloody mess at the site to prove something had happened. The blood of the Marines splattered across the those that were near. ([member="Joza Perl"] ) He could see the group try locate the shot. There was a smart one that looked toward the angle of his comrades fall. Aizen could tell the Marine was analyzing the situation. He probably almost made his location even at the enhanced distance the rifle usually possessed. Unlucky for the Marine, another silent shot penetrated his head, splattering skull fragments again amongst the group.

They would disperse. Regroup for a better position. They were soldiers. Good ones, but still playing from the usual playbook that we all did. If they regrouped, so would Aizen. Two bodies on top of each other was a dead give away on his position. He regrouped in the distance. While his eye targeted another shot. No scope needed. He did not need one for some time. This was pure aim and shoot. Steady the weapon. Calculate outside factors. Breathe. BANG! They know he is still here. He could see the whole blasted field from his perspective, due to the spectrum he could see. He saw the snipers in the distance ping a bloody red through how he saw them. He only had 10 shots total in stealth mode with the XR007. He had just used three. He would take forever to take this unit out one by one. The main threat was the Jedi.

His cybernetic eye targeted the pretty red-head ([member="Joza Perl"] ). She was a Force user. One that could make barrier shields. That was a neat trick. The concentrated Force shield trick protecting the other lady with the jet-pack ([member="Elpsis Elaris"] ) who was drawing fire from the 3rd platoon. He was beginning not to like these Jedi. A fallen star Destroyer, a lightning storm, and then the blizzard. Freak bastards. Aizen steadied. Readied the shot. One tap. Two tap. Three tap...and then he received the Supreme Commander's signal. Aizen eased of his trigger.

The big boss making a rallying cry. Could he make the shot at this distance, he wondered. Chances were in his favor at the moment, but were they, he questioned. He knew nothing of this Jedi. Even though he was far away, he had heard the Jedi do some real freak stuff. He could see the Citadel from his position. See the troops at the door.

One tap. Two tap. Three tap...Dang! The proper move was to regroup with the unit, easing off the trigger. Even if he took out half this Marine unit by himself, the Jedi was the problem. He needed more intel on this one. He needed a good exfil strategy to get the unit. [member="FN-0888"] .

Luckily he had his trusted buddy he had been carrying around. The good old
FWMB-10 heavy blaster. He was outnumbered, but they did not have to know that. Make ten feel like a hundred, is what they taught you. One tap. two tap. three tap. Go!

Aizen pressed the trigger, feeling the heavy vibration of the gun rattle around as he ran. It felt like thunder beneath his arm and red lightning being spouted from its nozzle. It was a quick and rapid succession of fire, spraying the field with blaster fire. Any shrubbery between the two splintered into tiny shreds of dust. It was beautiful. Press the line. Get to the point. Draw some cover fire. Keep running and with any luck, get to the gate. The Jedi was still the problem but hopefully the heavy blaster fire would catch her attention, or her empathy for the soldiers gathered.

He ran noticing the pummeled Trooper in his way. It didn't look good. He could feel the surface powder up from their retaliatory salvo in chase. He could smell the wood grains entering his Storm Trooper helmet. He was able to dive, get cover with the 3rd platoon.

"Happy time?" One of the Storm Troopers asked.

Aizen couldn't stop laughing. "Im having the day of my life. I hope its not my last one though."

[member="Ludolf Vaas"]
Location: Edge of Kaeshana System
Objective: Protect Diplomatic Assets, Coordinate Alliance Fighter Screen
Allies: [member="Vilin"], [member="Arieth zh'Vranthi"], Galactic Alliance and Friends
Opponents: First Order and Friends

Bridge, Belsar-class Command Carrier ANS Hereafter
Kaeshana System, Outer Rim

All around the Commodore, his combat bridge was a bustle of activity. Technicians and junior officers rushed back and forth from station to station, scrambling to interpret the data the command ship had been receiving from the moment they had jumped back into realspace. His eyes raced back and forth across the massive holographic display erupting from the ceiling and splayed out before him. Accustomed to the higher resolution, tighter focus projections of his prior commands, the Belsar sacrificed some visual fidelity and detail for the capacity to display and interpret a much larger surface area as well as the ability to visualize both allied and enemy fighter squadrons down to the individual craft, and so Zark had taken a moment longer than he would have liked to start barking orders.

Time enough, it would seem, for the President of the Sullustan Council to exert enough authority over the Reconciliation's Captain to circumvent his orders and respond to an open hail along diplomatic frequencies. Zark silently cursed having ever given Jaius Sovv the time of day. Given the option, his first choice would have been to fully deploy and form up along the Alliance battleline before allowing President Sovv to send his transmissions. Now any overtly aggressive move he took could feasibly jeopardize negotiations towards an ultimate cease fire, and yet to stand by helplessly and do nothing while less than a parsec away Defense Fleet sailors gave their lives to protect the Alliance did not sit well with him at all.

"Launch defensive fighters, tight screen around the task force," he ordered his bridge crew at last, "And tie all friendly fighters in system into our sensor and communications array. Contact the ANS Sullust Dawn and notify them we will be moving into escort position, and see if you can't convince the Captain of the Truth and Reconciliation to at least do the same."

No sooner had the words escaped his lips than the expertly trained and battle tested navy souls all around him leaped to obey. He did not know them well, save Lieutenant Bashir, but still it seemed as if for the most part they anticipated every nuance of his command style. The way the Belsar was designed, some of the starfighter launch tubes fed out directly onto the outer hull directly in front of the command deck, and so mere seconds after he had given them the greenlight, Commodore Pulsar could see the engine trails of X-Wings, Knights, and a few separate variants of interceptors erupt silently from the guts of his ship before banking off in tightly synchronized formations.

Elsewhere in the system, those Alliance fighters currently engaged in battle found their shipboard computers tethered to a central network capable of projecting detailed scans of allied and enemy ship movement.

"Bashir," Zark called out at last.

The polar Mon Calamari executive officer might as well have materialized at his side, "Sir!"

"See if you can't raise Commodore Vilin," he said in a lowered tone, "Explain the...delicacy of our predicament, and that he'll have to stand by on those reinforcements for now."

"Aye, sir!"

"And Lieutenant?" Commodore Pulsar called out just as Bashir was moving off to carry out is command.


"Let him know that, push comes to shove..." Zark paused, feeling the weight of his next words as he formed them, " priority is the safety of GADF forces in the area. Should it become necessary...we will respond to any further requests for assistance regardless of the President's progress in his talks with the First Order."

Ship Movement
Sullust task force drops out of hyperspace at the edge of the system, away from the battle.
As the Truth and Reconciliation begins transmissions with the Concordia, task force raises shields and deploys defensive fighter screen.
Begins moving into escort position of Diplomatic Fleet under the ANS Sullust Dawn.

Location: Santaissa

Darth Vyrassu's booted feet touched down in the city centre where most of the stormtroopers were still centred. After the blizzard had hit, most of the reconnaissance squads had been called back and were now situated within a three mile radius of the initial landing zone. The densest part of the blizzard prevented travel by air, but those troops that had traveled with [member="Ludolf Vaas"] were now already off and on their way to the Citadel. Now all was left for the General to do the same, though he certainly wasn't going to travel within no Sabercat.

Soon enough he encountered Colonel Kamset who was holding the city, to which he inquired one thing. The location of his Daisya Infiltrator.

On the edge of the storm and pilot waiting. A speeder was procured and the Sith Knight was on the way. With him came two stormtroopers and two of his technicians from Vitiate, always within range of him since donning this new set of armour. The shrapnel embedded within was detrimental to his abilities, and when the Infiltrator lifted up into the sky, the armourers did their best to remove as much as the shrapnel as possible. Appearances were everything, no?


Citadel of Dawn,
482nd White Wolves Regiment,
Major Bissell,
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="Tempest"],

One gas canister was removed from the cartridge before another was shoved back into the blaster. Aiming over the little barricade, Major Bissell was firing upon the enemy. Word had been sent to both the Supreme Commander and the General. He had been forced to find a communications officer and speak directly to the former's Sabercat crew, and word had presumably be passed on to the General.

Minutes before someone had told him of the incident with the artillery walkers, and it had... Surprised him. The enemy was not above such magic tricks, but with the Ren seemingly not present to perform their own space magic upon the enemy, the run of the mill stormtrooper were at a disadvantage. A vast one if their fire-wielding warriors continued cutting swathes through the outer defenses.

Above, a gunship flew by overhead, one that clearly wasn't of First Order make, Major Bissell rose up from his prone position. From the gunship was [member="Aeron Kreelan"] jumping out, and even if she did have her partner [member="Michael Sardun"] following close behind, the instant she started dropping, the gunship suffered from devastating fire from multiple Anti-Air units. The gunship had existed too long already in the air above the Citadel of Dawn. And so, it was erased from memory. The Major himself, drew the stun baton from his belt and ran for what he thought was going to be the unknown blonde's landing spot.



The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
Location: Santaissa
Objective: Skirmish, Harass, Exterminate
Allies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Tempest"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="Kira Vaal"]
Enemies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Pharazon Draken"], First Order
Equipment: MKIII-Heavy Bolter, Gorgon Web Rifle, Magnetic Reaper, 6 Eater Grenades, On-Board Weapons Systems
Forces: Xerrzyk the Ghastly, 23 Eldorai Guerrillas

[member="Asharad Graush"]

Swift, and so very unfulfilling. Six-O at once felt the pain of all women, the Galaxy over. A displeasingly mediocre display, bereft climax. It became immediately clear [member="Asharad Graush"] felt out of his league. Pity he did not see it through, the experience could have changed him. It did leave the Droid with ponderous query though; Just what exactly was this First Order doing in regards to Battlefield Instruction.

Were IGa-60 in a position of Authority, which he was not by any means, Graush would be put to lash.

He'd allowed himself to be baited with such arrant ease Six-O wagered he could have bested the creature in Sentry Standby Mode, or what could be considered the equivalent of eyes closed, and with one arm behind back, in the organic sense. No. It was not the equal term, and Six-O erased this thought from his memory bank immediately. He was insulted!

Lacking tactful perception of the environment. Incapable of closing the lengthy meterage between them to employ his own inherent strengths. Overly reliant on the Force. Obliged an objective of his enemy quite blindly, which was to harass and squander his presence away from main targets and leadership.

But Six-O must digress, those that waved the glimmer beams almost always lacked expertise in everything other than hand waving, speed cruising, and chop chop chopping.

Wait. . . did he, Six-O, too make fatal error?

He heard the shrieking cry of the fauna call of his Guerilla's as the ground around them rumbled with anger and agitation. [member="Asharad Graush"] vanished through air in to the night like Witch taking to broom. The entire pit of squalor bend and waver, aged brick pointing grinding to sand, wood snapping, glass shattered to ruin.

"Run! RUN!!!" a Guerilla cried, "It'll crush us!"

Six-O had just spent those seconds internally berating Graush and he had completely overlooked the very serious hazards that had come upon them. A tuft of Blaster fire reprimanded his position. The worst part was; He'd seen it coming, but did nothing.

Yes, even the three-hundred and sixty degree vision did not help him here.

Two shots, both from [member="Ludolf Vaas"] himself struck his right shoulder. Sparks burst out as vivid white cinders from the impact, his shoulder-mounted Flamethrower became disabled, fuel hose shearing from ignition tube.

The Droid, ground parting beneath his feet as the shanty village began to implode, took another strike--his body wet with incendiary fluid---on the low left portion of his heavy blast plating. The Droid lit like candle, flames wreathed and stretching out as flailing tongue from the wildly waving fuel tube.

On-board protocols were beginning to trip.

He barely had a seconds chance to heave burning chassis through brittle wall, only to be buried under two stories of rubble as a massive clod of earth came arcing downwards. Gouging a crater and trench through the vicinity he and A'sharad had been fighting. Bringing the ground to roil up mounds of duracrete and a tidal wave of expanding debris as the entire network came down from the quaking impact of the Star Destroyer, and the torrent of rocks that it spat out upon them and the entire city proper of Santaissa.

[member="Pharazon Draken"]


The Klatooinian, Xerrzyk the Ghastly had set eight of his Guerillas to task in the spaces below the city. That tangling labyrinth of filth and muck that all conurbations had. It was a dirty task directly below something of great importance. Something well restrained from above. But down here, they could work their circumspect task. But without the guidance or old hand of their teacher, could it be achieved?

It'd become brazenly clear that in the interim his merciless demeanor was better served elsewhere. Chaotic would indeed be an understatement for the Battle of Santaissa.

They had seen Star Destroyer smother the city, and watched it plucked from sky by lightning and power of Force. They had felt rain and seism. Were now beset by the freezing cold and earthen missiles. Some rocks so big they leveled entire swathes of the city in their vicious depressions.

[member="HK-36"] had trusted IGa-60 enough to share Intelligence. And now it was being put to use by the Second-in-Command of the Droid's allotted assets on this Operation.

"Fall b--c. . .k, uurpphmmf ughnggph!" One of the Molotov heavers began to grunt and moan as he was beaten down to his knees from unrelenting batons.

He felt his skin part over bone, as they repeatedly struck skull, his left orbital rim wrinkled inwards as his head began to divot from the assault. He groaned sickeningly, forearms cracking in to bent deformations as he heaved over from knees to side. Only to become victim of boot heels and further retributive abuse.

Others too met similar fate as they entered the squared off building of the once hidden Resistance. No man left alive.

"Tsan'ah csei , ch'un'caci hah cseah" Xerrzyk Commanded, snow and icy rain palpitating everything around them.

With breath misting in the sudden chill of air, his two Guerrilla's mounted an MKIII-Heavy Bolter in to a flatbed Speeder, bolting it's tripod down through the metal and securing it proper after the Klatooinian had checked the power level of the abandoned vehicle.

"Veio ca, oipya, nakuus!" Xerrzyk suddenly scorned a number of Sanctuary of Santaissa Rebels that had been fleeing the sloppy Southern advance. Forty in total, frightened by the ferocity of the Stormtroopers Lieutenant and his daring charge on the Eastern nest position.

The sight of their brethren beaten and broke ragged before an unceremonious toss out from the very windows they had rained fire from had been too much for the Eldorai to take, in that moment.

"Who is this?!" One suddenly snided back hotly, his left shoulder suddenly met with violent baste of the Slavers whip.

Things grew tense.

Xerrzyk stood his ground, the two Guerrilla Fighters with him vouching his worth.

"To formation!!" Xerrzyk shouted suddenly, in heavily accented basic.

His Guerrilla's exchanged surprised looks, as they joined the Sanctuary in file.

"That cross-section. . we taking it!" He began fiercely, staring each of these Eldorai down one-by-one with bitter regard. "You look me in eyes, karking kung!" The demand was just as vicious as he continued to stare down these deserters. "They take you home! They kill you people! You womens, you childrens! Ubana Nabuke Wu. . . not cowards in run!"

Xerrzyk butted his shoulder against one Eldorai, and the Eldorai pushed back. His mettle called in to question. "Oh, now you ready fight?!"

". . . Yes. . ."

"OH, now you is fight! HA!" He came to stand before them, eyes ever roaming as the snow bathed the mud and dust of war white. "I only take the brave! I only take the strong! You want you home, Wakamancha mutts!?"

"YES!" There was a sudden wave of confidence. Something born of the ruthless huff of this brutal creature before them.

"Are you ready to fight?!

"Yes, sir!"

"Oh you ready to fight?!"


"We take that road?!"


"WE GONNA TAKE THAT KARKING ROAD?!" His rough voice bludgeoned, "Killya E chu ta! SAY IT!" The Slaver cried.

"Killya E chu ta!"

"Kako Kreespa E chu ta! SAY IT"

"Kako Kreespa E chu ta!" They repeated.

"Make hear you! KILLYA E CHU TA!"




As the chant cried in to the windy blizzard Xerrzyk examined each Eldorai in their eyes one more time, striking flinching chest with nine-tailed whip. "No retreat! NO SURRENDER!" He commanded one last time, then with Pistol in hand he motioned back down the road to where the Western street continued to hold, illuminating the thick white red. "They are nu'thin! NU'THIN!"

The Eldorai growled voracious cheer. The Huttese chant never ceasing.

"Come then, SHOW THEM!" Xerrzyk boomed through the wind.

He strode forward through the shouting Eldorai, beginning off down the street first. Two men quickly entered and brought the Speeder to power. Flicking the reverse function, they began to back down the street with Xerrzyk and his incited mob of Eldorai Resistance. Things were about to become even more grim for the besieged Lieutenant.
Location: Outskirts of the city,enroute to the CItadel of Dawn
Objective:Engage GA forces
Allies [member="BE-183"],First Order
Enemies: Galactic Alliance

After sometime Kyrel grew bored with being stuck with just civilians. He told BE and the others through his vocabulater in a cold tone. "Alright men. We are marching towards the Citadel of Dawn. All of the enemy is there,and we are taking the fight to them. I can't promise you that you'll make it back,but i can promise you an honerable and reasonable death for your enemies. Now come let us march into battle,for The First Order,for the Supreme Leader." He raised his saber in the air as the men shouted agreeably. He than began the long march towards the citadel eager for battle,and blood.

He marched proudly towards the citadel. He could hear the distant sounds of battle,blaster fire and screams,he could even make out a few clashes of lightsabers. He marched in front while the troopers marched in formation eagerly waiting to join the carnage. It must have taken hours to get there,Either way Kyrel didn't care he wished to kill Jedi,and there precious soldiers,and by the force he would accomplish such a thing. He knew by the end of this campaign the planet would never be the same again.

After hours of marching they had finally arrived. He grinned underneath his mask,and with a snap hiss his lightsaber activated once more. The crimson unstable blade eager to taste blood as the troops marched with him. He engaged a pocket of GA troopers cutting through them. Deflecting blaster shots,decapitating them and cutting them in half. Today seemed like a damn good day to die.


Well-Known Member
In Orbit \ Kaeshana
Status: Formation Flying
In Vicinity: [member="Pierce Fortan III"] \ [member="Ishana Pavanos"] \ [member="Sara Lee Jones"]
[member="Kurt Meyer"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Choli Vyn"]
[member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="HK-36"]
[ Theme ]
As his flight leaders checked in, confirming their position in their formation they continued their way, tips of their solar panels cutting a straight line towards the surface. As Nils began preparation for their entry to the atmosphere his eyes snapped to a small blinking indicator on his HUD. Bogeys. Quickly adjusting his course, he brought them parallel to the atmosphere, leveling them out. Quickly he transmitted a message.

:: Sheikh Squadron, bogeys on course for the planet. Star, I want you to intercept them, bring them down. The rest of you on me, we've got some dancing to do. ::
Sending home his throttle control, the TIE/In rocketed forwards, quickly accelerating towards the blips on his HUD. As he adjusted course a priority transmission came in from the ground - no, not just the ground, the Supreme Commander himself. Sending a curt reply of acknowledgement, Nils broadcast back to Wrecker Squadron. Wrecker squadron consisted of the newest line of bombers, the Reign. Equipped with Class 1 hyperdrives, they were some of the most deadly the First Order had to offer, and Nils had a decision to make. Keying up his mic, he sent out a priority message of his own.

:: Wrecker Squadron, this is Captain Nils Brenner. Requesting Ground Support at these coordinates - Obliterate them. ::
Transmitting the message he also included the coordinates granted to him by Supreme Commander Vaas. Now it was up to them. Inputting one last message through, Nils called for an additional support squadron of TIE/In's from the FIV Concordia.

:: FIV Concordia, this is Sheikh Actual, requesting interceptor support for Wrecker Squadron, coordinates incoming. ::
After making sure all transmissions were responded to as affirmative, Nils put his attention back on the task at hand. The bogeys. Quickly he brought his flight to bear, knowing that his fellow wingmen and flight leaders would be right behind him. If things got dicey, they'd be there to watch his back and he would do the same for them. They ought to be able to outmaneuver just about anything the Galactic Alliance had to send their way.

Wrecker Squadron had been located just outside the immediate area, a small microjump all they needed to do to get back in system. After receiving Nils Brenner's message they promptly plotted their course and jumped, the trip taking only a mere half minute. With their coordinates locked in, they made a beeline for the surface. The interceptor squadron, "Flask Squadron" had met up with them mid flight and prepared to take on any resistance as they headed to the surface.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: Space, Near Orbit
Objective: Engage Nils Brenner
Allies: [member="Roth Tillian"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Laira Vereen"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Arix Askrima"]
Enemies: [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] | [member="Sara Lee Jones"] | [member="Nils Brenner"]
(Great sig btw Nils)

"Alright Kurt, you got this." The Pilot said as he rocketed just beyond the planets orbit. The Coil went skimming across the top of the planets atmosphere shooting through space and heading directly towards the First Oder fighters.

He spotted them on the scopes, heard Rogue Squadron calling over the comms, and then gripped his control's a bit tighter. He hadn't flown a combat mission in nearly three years, but he'd flown The Messa every single day since then, practiced countless time, and he had something that no other pilot in this system had. His fingers reached out to flip on the switch for the never helm system, his pupils shrinking slightly as he felt the odd stab grow through his mind.

Instantly he felt...more alive. His fingers tightened, his heart slowed, and time itself seemed to fold out in front of him.

A small smirk set on his lips.

Small specks appeared on the crest of the planet. He wouldn't have made them out if it weren't for the small highlights on the HUD in his helmet. They popped up one by one, tiny little blips that were instantly marked as First Order fighters. He frowned for a second, then pushed the controls for The Coil forward. The modified Interceptor broke forward and somehow managed to pick up even more speed. Kurt's fingers tightened, and then his thumb slipped onto the button for the Stealth drive.

The Coil would quickly, and suddenly vanish off all scopes, rendering itself invisible even as it swept forward towards the First Order's squadron.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

Kurt's heart pounded in his chest, eyes darting from fighter to fighter as he counted the squadron. They drew closer and closer, The Coil shooting forward on it's own for now as Rogue Squadron struggled to catch up. Then he met them. As he came within a hundred meters of the lead fighter([member="Nils Brenner"]) Kurt deactivated the stealth drive. In an instant his ship would appear right in front of the enemy squadron, two Concussion missiles loosing themselves from his torpedo bay's just half a heartbeat before he took a very sudden, and near impossible eighty degree turn up and over the flight of First Order TIE's.
Location: Relocated to the north side of the Citadel of Dawn
Allies: [member="Tempest"], [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Aeron Kreelan"], [member="Michael Sardun"], [member="HK-36"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Taryc Ap'Irae"], [member="Joza Perl"], [member="Sed Frieder"]
Enemies: [member="Asharad Graush"], [member="Ludolf Vaas"],

Finally, they'd reached their target. This was a fortress Firemane had built years ago for the Eldorai. The irony that she was trying to storm her own creation did not escape Siobhan. It stoked the fires of her rage.

Not all gunships would survive the landing. Many a Firemane, GADF, Pyre or Eldorai soldier would lose their lives when storming the enemy's positions. Here a Hydra was wrecked, there a Valora-class walker fell.

Siobhan felt the deaths as lives were extinquished. Heard the cries of pain when wounded soldiers went down, the shouts when here and there someone tried to drag an injured comrade to safety. Not far from here, a dropship raced to the ground after being struck and was blown up. There was a bright flash and an orange fireball. Survivors tried to crawl out of the burning wreck.

Perhaps she was numb to it, after all the battlefields she'd fought on. Regardless, the Countess continued on. One hand gripped her cane, for she walked with a limp, but determination was written across her face. "Good! They must be mindful of the blizzard! Come whatever may, we shall take Dawn and Kaeshana," she yelled towards Tempest, just before the Dahomian dashed off to aid Elpsis, after having alerted her former teacher about the incoming reinforcements.

Sardun and Aeron were going on the offensive and seemed to have decided to the enemy's armour. This was the kind of aggressive attitude that Siobhan liked. Blasterfire and explosions erupted across the battlefield. Sardun had given them an opening by blasting a bunch of stormtroopers. As they were sent flying back, Siobhan raised her free hand and sickly tendrils of Force Drain erupted from her fingertips. They swam gracefully through the air to seize the poor unfortunate souls. She felt a powerful rush when she gourged herself on their life force. Her body ached less and the headache became less intense. Dropships landed and deployed, unloading reinforcements from HK's droid army. The iron ones would be very useful and provide vital support.

Taking a breath, she focused her gaze upon one of the three large artillery walkers. She needed to conserve energy, so throwing it was not very practical. The legs were an obvious weak spot, but she homed in on something else. Its big electromagnetic plasma cannon. Stretching out with her mind, she exerted her telekinetic willpower upon the walker's plasma cannon, applying a titanic grip with all her might in order to rip it off, pulling with all her might. Without it, the walker would not be able to threaten their armour anymore.
Locations: Ruins of S-city.
Objective: Secure perimeter.

The squad of stormtroopers he was dispatched to command were a standard unit of infantry left behind to protect the front line units from flanking maneuvers by the enemies. Not only that, but if the enemy possible advanced and broke through the front line and a retreat was issued, Jude and Raven squad would have to deploy mines to maximize damage on the enemy's side.

They also had the orders of engaging enemy recon. Recon. Jude's previous career. Get deep into enemy territory and gather intel, coordinate airstrikes and sabotage.

Raven squad moved through the rubble carefully with great coordination and utilizing every piece cable for cover as they moved through the empty streets of the former city. Their designated point to halt was not far off from their current location.

A bad gut feeling told Jude that it was too calm for a warzone.

Or it was those nasty bantha tacos from the mess hall.


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