So I've been juggling the idea of creating a Jedi. After spending some time looking at the known SWU species, I'm not thoroughly set on one of those. So I'm looking to create my own species (through the Codex naturally). So here are my questions and the like.
A. Do I need to do a development thread for a new species?
B. If the answer to A is yes, then how do I go about that since my writer's account is an actual character?
C. If the answer to A is no, then what sort of limitations would I be looking at? For example the Vahla are naturally born attuned to the Dark Side and the Epicanthix are immune to most mental attacks.
D. If there is a limitation asked in B, what is approved and what is not approved. Fig 1.1, "The ability to read/see the images/memories of other species (not all but most) by simply touching them. Or the ability to "repel such emotional attacks by species like Zeltrons". Or the ability "to siphon the Force Energy of said species alignment (not overpowered) for their own use (example fig 1.2: Dark Sider can siphon Light Side energy to fuel their Force Energy and vice versa). Or the ability to "have immunity to certain Dark Side/Light Side powers such as Force Choke/Dominate Mind/Force Light with a penalty to do so that makes them more vulnerable to such Force abilities like Force Lightning or unable to attack a Light Sider that is using Force Shield".
E. Has a longevity of life (Yoda species) but is vulnerable to lesser diseases/virus that can hamper their life span.
I'm trying to cover my bases before I make that stab into doing something that is 100% completely new to me, only to have my hard work shot down in a flaming blaze of "NO!".