I know already that, or at least I think, the site is against making Synthetic crystals right? But how would I go about, and would it be possible (if Adzatsmam got to live on Dromund Kaas) to make a natural area on the planet that formed lava crystals very slowly? Perhaps a one-time only trick or method to get the crystals to start being produced there?
I've done googling, and I know it's been done before. Perhaps lowering the atmospheric pressure, rapid under cooling... I can't remember. But the point would be to get them to actually start growing, not have them fully grown as a batch. Example: a farmer puts seeds in the ground, like Asparagus, and if the Asparagus takes hold, they don't need to replant/reseed it. It'll continually produce.
However, if that falls through, can I make a natural area that creates synthesized crystals? Not factory made crystals, but generic and slow growing crystals. There are synthetic quartz in real life.
"Natural areas" meaning a man-made cavern with ideal conditions