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Company Modifications [V2]

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[member="Claire Organa"] no problem! Here is the quote from the Company holodex under Tier Ups. It is also in the Standardization of dev threads, as yours is a single location HQ's

Cira said:
For the development of these projects, the production, possession, or the service of the project must be the thread or threads major focal point. As always, these numbers are flexible, they are just a general guideline.

Projects may be done in a single thread or in a series of threads. Note, dominions and invasions will be reviewed, but only those posts that pertain to the actual project will count.

  • If your company is a service company and not a production company, you may be able to replace the requirement of Tech Subs with additional "misc threads" or Codex Subs relative to the company's operations.
  • Every additional new Location & Operation, or Headquarters change requested through the Company Modification Thread will require their own development thread.
[member="Vilaz Munin"]

sounds good!


Well-Known Member
Company: Val Tek
Modification Made: Transfer of ownership [member="Darth Vaildra"]
Rationale: I never owned it, always belonged to the faction

Pertient Development Threads:
  • na

New Submission: no change
Company: Battlewell Security and Arms
Modification Made: Upgrade, Tier 2 to Tier 3. And please also add Starship creation to our services.
Rationale: Requirements have been met, ready to upgrade

Pertient Development Threads:

3 Threads:'Cholo and the Black Tie Syndicate clear out the planet of Antecedent, and he sets up his HQ there.'Cholo talks with a mysterious man known as Val, and agrees to take out a prominent gang and supply vehicles in exchange for disruptors'Cholo preforms a raid on a bank to show them they need mercenaries. He creates the problem and solves it as well.

Two contracts

Antecedent's People's Bank (NPC)
Exchange Credits for Mercenary Assistance.

''Val's gang'' (NPC)
Exchange Personnel Carriers for Disruptors

3 Products

HC3-High Capacity Cargo Carrier

MAU-Mobile Artillery Unit

HPCB-High Personnel Combat Buggy

Company: Salliche Agriculture Corporation
Modification Made: Leveling up from Tier 2 to 3
Rationale: I have put this off for a long time, but have the threads to back up.

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission: [Please spoiler this]
[member="Claire Organa"] - I don't see anything in this thread about you moving HQ's from Balmorra to Aldaraan.

[member="Matsu Ike"] will be looking through it.

[member="sabrina"] I'm confused. If you are saying that this company belongs to the faction, the description should match it. Please write up something to reflect that.

[member="Gerion Ardik"] done

[member="KeCholo"] please link me the threads where you conducted the npc / pc contracts.

[member="Seanna Vel"] - some of these threads for your contracts are not complete.
KeCholo said:

So you are submitting these as a contract as well as your misc threads?

Please note the guidelines for Tier upgrade state the following:

Note that each linked thread can only be used to fulfill one of the sub-requirements for each tier level. ( IE: No double-dipping the same thread to fulfill a major project and a contract.)

If you are using those two threads as contracts, I do need two other threads to replace those for your misc threads.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Company: Clan Rekali, Incorporated
Modification Made:
  • Tier increase to VI
  • Add two paragraphs of description
  • Remove Bast Castle from locations, to free it up for others' RP
  • Add Roche and Malrev IV to locations under 'Gordian Reach and Environs'
  • Add MandoBurger (Tier 3) as a subsidiary
Rationale: Did a freaking ton of things.

Pertient Development Threads:

  • Sign a contract with two more major factions OR Tier V+ companies.

    Psst, Wanna Buy A Sundial? - Clan Rekali negotiates a logistics contract with Firemane (second half of thread; first half was a contract with SSC, and was cited for Tier V).

  • Customs and Trade Stations on the Daragon Trail - Clan Rekali fortifies and develops the Daragon Trail’s two entrances to the Gordian Reach, and contracts with ATC.
Make an additional four mass-produced products.
Complete six miscellaneous threads.
Successfully complete a project of immense proportions.
Clan Rekali’s project has been the defense and fortification of the entire Gordian Reach sector and surrounding territory.

  • Recon Run: Carida - Clan Rekali makes preparations to steal a crucial shipyard and bolster the Yavin System’s military self-sufficiency.

  • Carida Finale: Let’s Go Fly A Kite - Clan Rekali steals the Republic’s last major shipyard to bolster the Yavin System’s military self-sufficiency.

  • Waking A Giant - Clan Rekali defends its interests in a meeting of clan leaders, leading to a confrontation between Clan Fathers Ember Rekali and Nolan Detta. (Private faction forum RP; included for context on the following thread.)

  • Bring It, Ori’jagyc - Ember Rekali defends the Clan’s position and security in a deadly duel versus Clan Father Nolan Detta.

  • As I Walk Through The Fields Where I Harvest My Grain - Clan Rekali creates miniature planets to entrench its control over the Hard Roil.

  • Capitalist With A Gun (Invasion of Roche) - Clan Rekali helps secure the Roche System, a crucial approach to the Gordian Reach, despite the loss of Aaralyn Rekali. Between Clan Rekali writers, their immediate allies, and their opponents, around 30-40 posts were directly relevant to Clan Rekali’s involvement.

  • As Kings Behold - In the Gordian Reach, Ember Rekali and Isley Verd prepare to steal elite warships from the Primeval.

  • In The Still of the Night - Not far from the Gordian Reach, Ember Rekali and Isley Verd put their plan into motion and steal elite warships from the Primeval.

  • By The Pricking Of My Thumbs - Clan Rekali and its Witch allies kick an incursion off Dathomir, a crucial Clan location adjacent to the Gordian Reach.

  • Out Of This World - Clan Rekali and its Witch allies conquer a strategic fortress on Malrev IV, immediately adjacent to the Gordian Reach.

  • Knock Knock - Unannounced Dark Side visitors on Yavin IV prompt a Clan Rekali investigation and interrogation.
Obtain the permanent sponsorship of another major faction.

  • A Call to Arms, A Rally Cry - Clan Rekali begins negotiations with the Republic (supporting thread).

  • War! What Is It Good For? - After the Battle of Roche, Clan Rekali negotiates a private treaty with the Republic, including the ongoing immigration and welcome of the entire clone army (primary thread).

New Submission: [Please spoiler this]

Old submission is fine, with the edits listed above. Two new paragraphs to start the description:

Clan Rekali is one of the galaxy’s largest and most profitable corporations. Unlike sprawling, ubiquitous brands like Arceneau and Iron Crown, however, Clan Rekali concentrates most of its operations around a single sector: the Gordian Reach. The Reach is a relatively developed and self-contained portion of the Rim, accessible through few routes yet convenient to the Daragon and Perlemian Trails. Clan Rekali protects the sector and aggressively defends its handful of entrances. Masters of instinctive astrogation and hyperspace engineering, the Rekalis colonize deadly space that few others can explore. Where they find no worlds, they build new ones. Many Clan members are Vahla or Dathomiri Witches by birth, and at present, the Rekalis learn from a broad collection of archives and holocrons.

The Clan mingles the cultures and principles of the Mandalorians, the Dathomiri, and the Vahla, producing a heterogeneous frontier hybrid with martial and religious implications. Clan Rekali has the status of a full Mandalorian Aliit, and grew from a formally recognized Witch clan also. It pursues its own foreign policy objectives and alliances, signs its own treaties, and issues its own travel visas. It operates as a bizarre hybrid of extended/adoptive family, feudal state, and corporation. Organizationally, the closest quantitative and qualitative equivalent may be a Hutt kajidic or organized crime family. On the one hand, the Rekalis make their money in ships, starlanes, and raw materials rather than spice, slavery, and gambling. On the other hand, the Rekalis claim unseemly amounts of protection money, heist ultra-high-value targets, set and collect bounties, and operate as a law unto themselves whenever possible. And every once in a while, they’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.
[member="Matsu Ike"] Okay, updated items after the review. Sorry for the delay. Again as we discussed, for any future submissions so that it can be processed in a timely manner, if you are going to do expo threads where you gain multiple contracts in one thread, I am going to require that you please link me the exact post where the contract has been agreed to by the second party. Otherwise, it takes me a while to go searching for where the contract was actually accepted and confirmed.

[member="Ember Rekali"] looking it over!

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
[SIZE=11pt]Company:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] HKD[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Modification Made:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Tier 2 to Tier 3; Adding location: Sluis Van[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Pertinent Development Threads:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]New Submission:[/SIZE]
Company: Firemane Industries & Technology
Modification Made: Tier increase to VI, add some description and fluff to the company sub.
Rationale: Evacuated almost three billion people from a doomed planet, significantly expanded business and made major deals.

Pertient Development Threads:

Major contracts:

Mass produced products:

  • Silver upon the Sand: Firemane troops aid SSC in taking control over Korriban by purging the Sith Academy.
  • Riders on the Sand Storm: After Firemane affiliates Abaigeal E'ron and Elpsis crash land over Tash-Taral, Firemane and the Silvers launch a rescue operation.
  • Everything Needs A Hostile Force: Siobhan helps defeat a bizarre invasion when xenos want to reenact Independence Day on Dromund Kaas.
  • Ain't No Sass In Our Kaas: Following the slightly bizarre alien invasion, Firemane works with the Coalition to provide humanitarian relief to Kaas.
  • Anti-Sith League: Tegaea and Siobhan represent Firemane at the negotiations between the Galactic Alliance and the Silver Sanctum Coalition.
  • Camp Firemane: 'Siobhan inspects Camp Firemane, a boot camp for youngsters who want to see what military life might be like at Firemane. Runs into Dells' daughter. Alas, they don't get on! But the camp's a success. Every cadet will know how to read a map.'
  • And the sky full of stars: Business deal with Corellia Digital.
  • The Next World SSC vs Matsu Xiangu: Matsu Xiangu and a zombie army invade Kaas. That planet never gets a break! Siobhan helps the Coalition fight zombies and duels the Zombie Queen. Firemane tests the Thunderer in the field to blow up undead. Siobhan summons a storm and loses a hand. She can't go to grocer's without losing significant body parts.
  • Galactic Alliance digging deep: Firemane works together with Salacia Consolidated to build a military base for the GA on Sullust by providing defence cannons.
  • Galactic Alliance building blocks: Deal with Galactic Alliance
  • The Frontier of Freedom: Firemane helps the Coalition fortify Ossus after the Republic withdraws and SSC takes over. Dev thread for Aegis base (Codex location sub).
  • Such a Pity: During the SSC assault, Elpsis, Tempest and Firemane commandos stomp pirates with firepower and a flaming tornado.
  • It's a Pity: Firemane fortifies Boz Pity after the occupation by constructing a military base and defence stations.

Project of immense proportions:

After more than a year of preparation, Firemane mounted its largest and most ambitious project. With the help of the Silver Sanctum Coalition, two and a half billion Eldorai were evacuated by a massive exodus fleet before a massive asteroid impacted upon Kaeshana. The Firemane-designed battleship Barsen'thor was able to significantly reduce the asteroid's size, but not avert disaster.

Nonetheless, the exodus has been a colossal undertaking for the corporation and since then Firemane has been active setting up a new civilisation on far away Tygara, forging alliances with native rulers and combating the threat posed by the Xioquo, the native drows. New settlements have been built, millions of people have been given homes and first steps have been taken to end slavery. In the process, Firemane is becoming a major player on the planet, whose people until recently lived in isolation from the outside galaxy.

  • Exodus: (165 posts): Massive humanitarian operation. Firemane is active on both Kaeshana and Tygara, providing ships for the exodus, fighting Eldorai rebels in concert with Eldorai loyalist forces and ensuring the refugees can be safe in their new home by attacking a major drow base. The Barsen'thor experiences its first field test and destroys a large chunk of the asteroid, ensuring that though Kaeshana is devastated, there are still survivors post-cataclysm. It is still a bitter day, but there's hope for the Eldorai to rebuild their civilisation and rise once more. The entire dominion was devoted to the exodus efforts.
  • Starfall. It's all in the timing: (52 posts) Nemesis has come to Kaeshana. The Eldorai have less than two hours, then the asteroid will collide. Chaos and violence have broken out. Siobhan returns to the city to save her daughter Natoline from fanatical dark Eldorai cultists, who've taken her captive along with other 'heretics' and humans for a blood sacrifice. They manage to escape doom, though not without losses, and Firemane pulls out.
  • The Sin of Pride: (88 posts) Firemane saves the day and prevents a Qadiri army from being completely destroyed when they attack the Xioquo capital and get beaten. After negotiations with Semiramis, the ruler of the largest Qadiri empire, the noble responsible for the disaster is deposed and Firemane gets to instal a successor more amicable to its influence. Moreover, a skilled Qadiri warrior called Sahal Jai Azal is recruited. Dev thread for Fort Kerrigan.
  • You're grounded for, like, ever: (37 relevant posts) After dealing with family drama, Siobhan, Tegaea and Abaigeal E'ron go on a trip to visit the Vashyada, the wood elves. The Firemane clan makes first contact and diplomatic negotiations ensue. Eventually both sides agree on a treaty of alliance. Firemane will set up a trading post and help protect the wood elves against slavers. The three also meet Tylania, the 'demigoddess' of the wood elves and gain valuable information about the Xioquo.
  • Twilight of the Goddess: (25 posts) After many weeks of preparation and plenty of skirmishes, a Firemane-Qadiri-Eldorai coalition army commanded by Siobhan and Tegaea invades the Xioquo capital. A bloody battle begins.
  • Knightly Duties: (23 posts) Siobhan and her knight Sahal visit New Santaissa, inspecting the construction efforts of Firemane and the Eldorai. Dev thread for the city and its defences.
  • Fort Kerrigan (Codex location sub): Firemane fortress built to serve as a bulwark against the Xioquo.

Obtain the sponsorship of another major faction:

Wright the ships: Firemane obtains SSC sponsorship.

New Submission

Corporation Name:
Firemane Industries and Technology (FIT)

Headquarters: Mon Calamari

Locations: Tygara, Etti IV, Laekia, Seltos, Arkas, Nubia, Mandalore, Gallos, Tabaqui, Sullust.

  • Design and manufacturing of military technology (armour, weapons, planetary defences, vehicles, starships)
  • Mining
  • Exploration
  • Military contracting
  • Construction

Rationale: After stepping down as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate, Tegaea Alcori was given permission to form a company encompassing part of Star Corp’s Omega Industries. The idea was that Firemane would eventually expand outside the Protectorate. The Eldorai Queen gave them permission to use Kaeshana as a starting base.

Tier: 6. Firemane is now a truly galactic enterprise.

When Tegaea Alcori was nearly killed by the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros she was unable to continue her work as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate. Forced to resign, and with Siobhan soon following the couple withdrew to the planet of Kaeshana and Tegaea recovered there under the protection of the Queen.

Through almost entirely legitimate means, her and Siobhan Kerrigan had managed to acquire a substantial fortune through her time with Omega Pyre and the Protectorate. Due to clauses in her contract and later agreements she had acquired a percentage of all profits made on Dahomey and Vandelhelm, and even owned stakes in the planets personally. This made it easier to set down roots on Kaeshana and look to the future.

After realising that a life of leisured retirement was not for her just yet, Tegaea created the aptly named Firemane Industries and Technology. With backing from the Eldorai Matriarchy, the company set up a research and military technology division in Santaissa. This was to help the Eldorai catch up to the galactic tech level, but also to provide useful technology to sell to others. The goal of this company was to expand operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm to other planets and becoming a mining and shipping concern in the Protectorate.

In all, this company had the potential for significant profits and great expansion. Tegaea Alcori became CEO, Siobhan Vice President. Crown Princess Anya Venari served as executive PA and head of operations until she became Queen herself following her sister's assassination.

After Anya Venari took the throne under the regnal name Tirathana VII, Firemane received the full backing of the Eldorai monarchy. It received a mandate to modernise the Eldorai army, expanded its operations into mining, and beyond, forming a profitable business relationship with Salacia Consolidated and the Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers. Vice President Siobhan Kerrigan's exceptional combat skills earned her considerable profit and new clients. Over time, the firm expanded beyond the Protectorate and added exploration of worlds cut off from the Galaxy by the Dark Ages to its portfolio.

The impending doom of Kaeshana forced Firemane to diversify and expand its operations considerably. Now able to produce giant warships for the Silver Sanctum Coalition, move vast populations, conduct trade deals with Mandalorian and Republic alike, the company had come a long way since its humble beginnings.

Tier VI:

Kaeshana has been destroyed, but thanks to Firemane many Eldorai were saved from the cataclysm. Firemane has solidifed its alliance with the Silver Coalition and put down roots on Tygara. It has forged alliances with local rulers and has dedicated itself to developing the largely pre-industrial planet and ending slavery, though this goes hand in hand with Firemane expanding its own power base like a state entity would. The corporation provides private security, performs mining operations and develops military technology for sale on the market. Rather than trying to develop an intergalactic reach, the company has focused its activities in Coalition and Mandalorian space, though it maintains tertiary operations in what used to be Omega Protectorate territory.

It maintains a firm partnership with the Eldorai and their Queen. The corporation merges the culture and principles of the old Omega Pyre and the Eldorai. As a result, it it has a rather distinct martial culture and heterogenous Force traditions amongst its employees. Its leaders are fully integrated into Eldorai nobility as peers and run what can be described as their own fiefdom. Owing to the military background of its directors and many senior employees, military ranks are ubiquitous in the company.

Firemane can be described as a hybrid of arms manufacturer, paramilitary force and matriarchal feudal dynasty. Its management operates per the principles of 'maternalist, benevolent despotism'. The company is loyal to its employees', takes care of their needs, welfare and provides educational opportunities for their children, but is rather autocratic. In addition, power is concentrated in the Kerrigan-Alcori clan and their inner circle, whose members are considered a sort of extended family. It maintains a nondenominated Forcer programme and has attracted a variety of magi from various Force traditions, which include Jedi, though on the whole Neutrals and Dark Jedi predominate. Many have ample cause to oppose or hate Sith.

While its conventional forces are comparatively small, they are well-trained, disciplined, loyal and equipped with a potent arsenal of anti-Forcer weapons, which goes back to the Omegan background of the corporation's leaders. Moreover, Firemane recruits native sepoys on worlds such as Tygara and Arkas to supplement the regular corporate troops. Many of these native recruits are freed slaves, which makes them particularly motivated and loyal to their corporate mistresses. On the flip side, though Firemane has strict rules of engagement, it has been accused of using methods that could be described as overkill during its military engagements and having a very militarist culture, as well as acting as a law unto itself.

At the same time, the company is on friendly terms with the Silver Sanctum Coalition, built their fleet and assisted them in their expansionary ventures. It remains very hostils to Sith and expects its darkside employees to adhere to a code of conduct. Presently, the corporation is headed by Tegaea Alcori and Siobhan Kerrigan as joint CEOs. Their daughter Galina-Kerrigan Alcori is the corporate empire's heiress.
Company: Chandrila Group
Modification Made: Tier II to Tier III advancement; change in description; change in locations; change in operations.
Rationale: I have completed the necessary criteria for tier advancement; changes made based on aforementioned completed criteria

Pertinent Development Threads:

Sign a contract with two more factions or organizations. (May be NPC).

Packin' Meat
"Girls Gotta Eat, Right?"

Make an additional three mass-production products.

Endorian Chicken [Foodstuffs]
Roba Chops
Nerf Steaks

Complete three miscellaneous threads.

The Starting Point
Two Dragons
Food, Oh Glorious Food! Everyone Needs It!

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Chandrila Group

Headquarters: Emita

Locations: Chandrila, Antecedent


Development Thread: [x]

Rationale: After the successful sale of her assets, Alicia Drey uses her new found capital to buy out the farm lands surrounding the cities of Emita and Nayli. After arranging her takeover of the local farms, she founds Chandrila Group in Emita.

Tier: 3

Description: After liquidating her assets in Chandrila DataTech, Alicia Drey invests her capital into a new project. Seeking to build into one of Chandrila's main exports (agriculture and foodstuffs), she ventures deep into the farm lands surrounding the cities of Emita and Nayli to acquire ownership of them from the local farmers. Through negotiations and her enforcer, she acquires ownership of the lands surrounding these two cities, so that they can be used by her new company.

Meeting with a contact, she also arranges the use of the local hangar bays and spacesports for the transporation and supply of the products her company will manufacture and produce, in return for investment into the redevelopment or construction following the Netherworld event, which plunged Chandrila- as it did many other worlds- into a state of crisis. Using the Netherworld event and the chaos that sprung from it, Chandrila Group was formed out of an opportunist with apparent good intentions.

In 844 ABY, Chandrila Group began to grow. Following the signing of a contract with the Trade Conglomerate at Tier 1, the corporation released the Acavus Sprinkler System, Acavus Harvester and the Morpho Burger Dulux. After it's progression to Tier 2, the company expanded it's services by expanding to Antecedent, where it begun supplying carvanium, lommite, carbon, meleenium, neutronium, zersium, and Durasteel through Alicia Drey's associated, [member="James Justice"]. After releasing a new range of meat based produce- Endorian Chicken [Foodstuffs], Roba Chops and Nerf Steaks- Chandrila Group signed new contracts with Salliche Agricultural Corporation and the Paladin Consortium so as to continue it's growth and progress to Tier 3.

Subsidiaries[SIZE=10.5pt]: N/A[/SIZE]
[member="Ember Rekali"] Welcome to Tier 6

[member="Count Morcus"]

I need one more Mass produced submission please. The requirement is 3.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] welcome to tier 6

[member="Alicia Drey"] welcome to tier 3
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