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Company & Workshop Modifications

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[member="Elaine Thul"]

Can you please elaborate as to how this thread relates to your company? It does not seem to be aimed at establishing an operation for House Thul Estates so much as an operation for the Shrouded Republic to establish territory.
[member="Elaine Thul"]

I would be more comfortable granting an operation if it was more specifically designed to the creation of the operation, however you could likely use that thread instead for one of your Tier Ups.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
Company name: Sith Inquisitor
Link to company:
Modification made: Tier up to tier-4, addition of ergonomic assessments to operations, addition of Tarhassan to locations
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with three organizations, one of which is either a major faction or a tier-5+ corporation.
Take part in two passive growths.
Take part in two active growth threads.
Complete a project of sizeable proportions. (100+ posts; get established in the ergonomic assessments market)
87 posts total

New submission:


Corporation Name: Sith Inquisitor

Headquarters: Ziost

Locations: Ringo Vinda, Alexandria, Commenor, Lok, Glyss, Tarhassan

Operations: Publishing, gaming, ergonomic assessments

Rationale: Yula realized that, to further the cause of the Commonwealth, a suitable vehicle for propaganda was required. So she took out a commercial loan in order to purchase the tabloid from an ailing Sith Lord. Realizing, however, that, to make the propaganda vehicle work, a hook is necessary, that is, maintaining the tabloid activities. Also, it provides the Rebellion with a source of income, despite its name and owner making it associated to Sith. In addition, she realizes that the manufacture of electronic games can be a profitable avenue to spread anti-Sith propaganda. Also, due to the areas of activity of the Comminwealth, some of the games have also featured pro-Commonwealth content.

Tier: 4

Description: The Sith Inquisitor's business is twofold: in the first instance, it operates as a newspaper with a significant tabloid component. However, the tabloid is a little peculiar in that it provides more room than normal tabloids to the intellectual upper crust among Force-users, light-sided and dark-sided, which the previous administration felt was overlooked by most tabloids, yet envied by so many potential readers. Of course, it also follows the lives of the rich and famous, and, despite its name, makes an effort to cover both light-siders and dark-siders, knowing that restricting themselves to one side of the Force would limit the amount of content. And, while its journalistic standards may be a little... questionable, it nevertheless attempts to cover current events. Given its concentration of staff near the Pacanth Reach and the Stygian Caldera, many stories are run on the Sith Order.

It is also famous for being attacked by the Sith Order in its headquarters on Ziost. The Sith Inquisitor went from weekly publishing frequency to a daily frequency while also increasing circulation.

Also, its gaming activities are designed to at least require some strategic effort on the player's part: from TRPGs, which are described by Sith Inquisitor staff as games of dejarik where the pieces and equipment evolve with the player as the game unfolds, to fleeting simulators, making use of the OmegaTM system, allowing players to fight with a wide array of starships available to the galaxy, using a wide range of parameters. The SI staff feels that it is important for players to be challenged as appropriate but also to offer a window for escapism that allows people to delve into what their heroes do.

Finally, after a run-in with workplace health and safety on Tarhassan, the Sith Inquisitor decided to enter the largely undeveloped market of ergonomic assessments by buying a failing company doing ergonomic assessments. As a result, it is becoming known for ergonomic assessments across CSA territory and the Stygian Caldera, where its media base allows it to market ergonomic assessments effectively and widely, holding a near-monopoly on ergonomic assessments in the Caldera.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Factory modification: Please add weapons to the list of operations for Rinzler-Zetta Shipyards.
Also if possible change the name of the company to Rinzler-Zetta Corporation
Company / Workshop: Open Circle Conglomerate

Modification Made: Changing Company Owner from William Kerkov to [member="Wellen Jones"]. Changing Name from Open Circle Conglomerate to Open Circle Armada. Changing operations to Private Military Contracts, Private Security, and Protected Transport.

Tier Up: N/A
Changing Owner: New Owner; [member="Wellen Jones"]
Changing Operations: Removed Operations: Transport, Commercial Equipment, and Commodities Exchange, Added Operations: Private Military Contracting, Private Security, and Protected Transport
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Name Change: Open Circle Armada

Rationale: OOC: Because the old owner is dead, and I wish to reuse this company in its original operations, rather than the revised ones I changed over a year ago. IC: When the old owner left the company to join the First Order, Wellen Jones was picked to lead the former mercenary company. After failing business, he reverted the Open Circle Conglomerate to its original form, the Open Circle Armada, changing with it its commercial operations to private military ones.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Open Circle Armada

Owner: Wellen Jones

Headquarters: Terminus

Locations: Terminus, Polis Massa

Operations: Private Military Contracting, Private Security, and Protected Transport

Rationale: Through Hard Work and Rank Advancement. How Else?

Tier: III

Description: The OCA, a mercenary group with dignity and grace, characteristics rarely combined with that kind of 'outfit'. After the dissolution of the Open Circle Fleet of the Republic, they were reborn as a Mercenary Fleet called the Open CircleArmada. At first it was a small fleet only receiving minor contracts it slowly built it self up over time. Right before Kerkov took over the fleet was huge, doing expensive contracts for gigantic battles when an insurgency on Terminus wiped out main command. At first many of the ships were lost and only a few could be salvaged from the old Armada.

As it was reborn and rebuilt by the new Fleet Admiral William Kerkov they began to use the money they had so long saved up. Thusly he founded a new company with more than just Mercenary work and Private Military Operations, to broaden the horizon of work for the Company. Keeping strictly to their locations on Terminus and Polis Massa, the company is very secure.

Subsidiaries: Open Circle Shipyards

Primary Source:

Promotion[SIZE=12.2222px] to Tier 3:[/SIZE]

Company / Workshop: Csillian Labs
Modification Made: Company name, New location/HQ

Rationale: Sila no longer works on Csillia so it only seems fitting that the company name change and hq location change

New Submission:

  • Corporation Name: Blaire Laboratories
  • Headquarters: Maramere
  • Operations: Xenobiological Research, Pharmaceutical Research & Production, Medical Technology Research & Production
  • Tier: 2
After Sila Blaire's apprenticeship under Grand Admiral Davin, she managed to utilize resources provided by him to put her vast knowledge to some good use. So, she invested in the creation of the Csillian Laboratories that would be where the Chiss Ascendency's weapons of war would be produced. With the money, Sila contracted architects at TranStar construction to build the laboratories while she scouted the remains of the Gulag virus ravaged Chiss space for the scientists and engineers that would work for the Ascendency at Csillian Laboratories. Once construction was complete and an appropriate number of employees were brought to the location, Csillian Laboratories had begun operations under the supervision of Davin's apprentice.

Sila Blaire serves as the owner of the laboratories. As such, she shares her knowledge with those who work there for the Ascendency. The main business that the Csillian Labs work on is Xenobiological study. Before becoming Grand Admiral Davin's apprentice, Sila was an avid studier of poisons and various alien species. Poison is known as the weapon of politicians and the diplomatic Chiss will be needing such a weapon if they plan on becoming a force in the galaxy. The Xenobiologicalresearch also leads to bioengineering such as the bioengineering used on the insects used in the parasite bomb. Also, the Csillian Labs have projects regarding the research and development of Chiss weaponry including charric weapons and vape charges. Once more investments are granted, the Csillian Labs plan on researching and developing parasite and radiation bombs for the Ascendency and it's allies.

Csillian labs has a strict no alien policy. Any non-Chiss are not allowed within the facilities. Chiss hybrids are only allowed in non-secure zones.Csillian Labs are kept as secure as possible, featuring many security checks, it's own security force, and an advanced encryption network so no plans could be stolen by the enemies of the Chiss Ascendency.

The facility was built with 4 separate laboratories in order to maximize efficiency by reducing the confusion involved with multiple sciences being studied in the same area. The Xenobiology labs study the biological systems of various alien species that are most abundant in the galaxy such as humans(including various near-humans), twi'leks, and others. This division is made to exploit weaknesses in the species being studied that can be exploited by the Ascendency. There is a branch of the Xenobiology labs called Bioengineering. In Bioengineering, scientists perform experiments on various species to maximize their potential on the battlefield much like the insects that were made to destroy the Killik in the Swarm War. Another division within Csillian Laboratories is the Weapons research and development division. There, maser weapons, known as charric in Cheunh, are developed for the Ascendency. Improvements on developed charric weapons are also being researched within the laboratories. Also, less so than charric weaponry, other forms of Chiss weaponry is researched and developed like the vape charge. The final division of Csillian Labs is the Armor research and development. It is here that Fractal-pattern armor and more are developed by the engineering genius of the Chiss minds tasked with creating the armors that shall protect the Ascendency's soldiers of war.

But now, with Davin's hold over Sila extinguished, Sila has reformed the Labs. The weapons and armor laboratories were dismantled and replaced with more medicinal research and development labs.

Sila has recently been convinced to leave her homeworld of Csilla in favor of working for the Confederacy of Independent Systems. She has moved her research to the planet Maramere where she now works.
Company / Workshop: Howlingfjord

Modification Made: Tier up from Tier I to Tier II
3 Unique or Semi-Unique Products:
1. Ice, the Lightsaber of Théodred Heavenshield
2. Syn's Secret
3. Nam'krit, the Mantle of Rhen Var

3 Personal Commissions:
1. Indiana Beorni and the Temple of Ice (excavating and salvaging the relic on Rhen Var)
2. Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave... (studying tailoring)
3. A Song of Ice and Beorni (creating his first lightsaber as a gift for Master [member="Théodred Heavenshield"])

Rationale: To reflect Kiriko's growing skill as a craftsman and Jedi Artisan, in preparation for character growth from padawan to knight.

New Submission:
  • Image Source: Tribal Bear Tattoo by Kariana San. Photoshop manipulation for final image by me.
  • Canon Link:N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Workshop Name: Howlingfjord
  • Location: Rhen Var
  • Specialty: Personal Weapons and Custom Tailored Clothing
  • Tier: II
Howlingfjord is the name by which the works of Kiriko Howlingfjord are put up at crafts fairs and bazaars. Under most circumstances, the items are intended for a single owner and, as such, are presented as gifts rather than sold as merchandise. When items are sold, it is usually for a specific effort to raise awareness so that a charitable donation of the earnings can be made. As his materials are either provided to him by the Jedi Order, Sasori Research, or obtained by him directly (such as through crystal cave expeditions) there are no manufacturing costs to him other than the investment of time and effort. As Kiriko is a student of [member="Matsu Ike"]
, some materials are passed down through Sasori's crafting subsidiary, Wey'lan Dyu'tani.


Kiriko is a traditional Jedi Artisan, producing utilitarian items and object d'art alike as he studies and practices his craft. This sub serves as establishing an entity for use as a reference when submitting factory or codex submissions derived from his training and development as a blacksmith and artisan. The products will be Unique, Semi-Unique or Limited in scope, as befitting the nature of the activity. As a student of the Silver Jedi, Voss is the center of where his learning takes place; however, Rhen Var is the location of the smithy and forge he ordinarily uses, comprising the locations for the submission. Also, as a student of Matsu Ike, there is a de facto relationship with Sasori Research which manifests itself in that Kiriko's studies are often resourced with materials made available through its subsidiaries.
Modification Made: Tier up to 4
Rationale: Expansion and growth
Pertinent Development Threads:

Tier III to Tier IV
  • Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
Spice and Slugs - Hutt Cartel
A Different Class - Tier 5 Heartbeat House
To Denounce the Evils of Truth and Love - The Cabal
  • Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Three location subs for One Passive Requirement.

SIN Resorts
  • Three Massed Produced Factory Subs for Passive Requirement
S.I.N. Cigarillo case
S.I.N. Savorium Cigarillo
Drinks of SIN
  • Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
The Second Bite
Enduring Enterprises
  • Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
Expansion Takes Blood 13
The Original 24
"Chestnut" 37
The Stray 19
Dissonance Theory 14

New Facilities: Ukio, Nar Kreeta, Rishi, Zeltros, Utapao, Coruscant, Spira, Kowak, Roon
New Operations:
New SUB:

  • Image Source: I honestly can't find any of the sources for this because it was all PS and mashed together years ago
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: Me, I'm great. Also Illie she's okay.
  • Corporation Name: SIN Incorporated
  • Headquarters: Rishi
  • Tier: 4
  • Locations: ​
Main Club: The Rishi Maze
Facilities: Ukio, Nar Kreeta, Rishi, Zeltros, Coruscant, Utapau, Spira, Kowak, Roon
  • Operations:
Entertainment: Above all and before everything SIN seeks to entertain. The Club was founded on a singular and rather simple principle, aiding those who seek to get lost. The Rishi Maze is filled with the bodies of those who have gone to explore it, lined with the gold and credits of those who found themselves adrift within it. SIN was created to catch those bodies before they could be lead astray. The Club, and the company itself, seeks to be the light one goes through before they see the dark. The club and everything set around it was made with the purpose of parting every passersby with their money, and perhaps more.


Escort Services: Of course, music and alcohol is at times not enough for those within this galaxy, and for them SIN offers a more earthly delight. Being well aware of the variance within the galaxy and the shifting nature of ones will, the proprietors of SIN have ensured that those who enter into business with them are properly enticed at all times. Through means of will and want SIN seeks to entertain all the dreams of it's patrons.

Haute Couture: The newest division for SIN includes the expansion into manufacture, production, and distribution of Haute Couture. Using quality materials, S.I.N. invites itself to the premier fashionista society to embark on products lines such as clothing, shoes, perfumes, accessories, beauty, and many more.
Wear your S.I.N. proudly.

Agriculture: One of their nest acquisitions includes farmland and pilfered estates on the agriworld of Ukio. This includes growing flora that can be utilized and refined in their pharmecutical diviison into high quality drugs.

Pharmaceuticals: A deal with a local hutt in Nar Kreeta has opened up the opportunity to fine tune into the pharmaceutical sector. S.I.N. utilizes spice as well as other drugs to craft new methods of being able to provide

Robotics: A more recent development has been SIN's seizure of several smaller robotics companies located around the galaxy. These corporations were neither massive nor really on the cutting edge of technological development, through SIN's rather unique influence however they have quickly advanced and become far more efficient than before.

Construction: Through recent developments SIN has found itself producing many of it's own buildings and structures. Though initially utilizing back channels and smaller construction corporations Slevin and Natalia quickly found it far more simple to co-opt these companies into SIN itself. Through their usual methods they managed to take and assimilate these corporations into SIN.

Finance: With money now almost literally flooding into SIN itself, the company has begun to give out small corporate and personal loans. Through guile, deceit, and perfectly legal practices SIN has managed to grow quite the financial arm.

SIN Incorporated, in short, is the legal name of a corporation that owns one hundreds percent of the SIN nightclub within the Rishi Maze and seeks to expand into further entertainment faculties within the Galaxy.

SIN itself is owned by two separate people who have denied giving their names to the public, though they are often seen within the confines of the main nightclub. Both figures, a male and a female, are enigmatic yet charismatic. Their names are known to but a few, and though they are approachable, more often then not doing so renders a chill down ones spine. Where they intend to take SIN is difficult to tell, yet the Club has gained massive notoriety during the short time that it has been open.

The street outside of SIN are lined with bright lights and ambient music, as one gets closer the music gets louder, much like a sirens song. The doors of SIN are decorated with a massive sign that reads three simple letters on the backdrop of a snake biting its own tail, a figure art carved from its body. The doors themselves are a plush leather that open automatically on approach, holding back a massive boom of electronic music and a roaring crowd. The club itself is expansive, and holds many features that draw customers to it.

The Club is the main attraction of SIN, the star and the very core of its foundation. The massive structure holds what many people would consider to be dreamworthy. Dozens of beautiful women, three separate bar areas, a VIP section, and of course a massive dance floor within the middle of it all. The Club seems to spread out for forever, bright blaring lights deafening music dimming the senses. There are no windows and no sign of a clock anywhere, SIN itself is designed to make one forget themselves, make them leave and spend their time within a dream instead of reality. Every facet of SIN is geared towards this, from their advertising to the decoration of the club.

Yet it is not the club itself that draws people to it, rather it is the people within and what SIN represents.

SIN sits on the entrance of the Rishi Maze, the satellite galaxy that so many are drawn to. Like the Galaxy that surrounds it SIN is a mystery, an enigma. It is the lighthouse before the dark, the bright and shinning globe within the black. In short, SIN has become the last stop of explorers before they enter the Rishi Maze. People from all walks of life pass through SIN, and as they do they find themselves changed, for the better or for worse.


That is the meaning of SIN.

Being founded within the Rishi Maze, and holding to no laws of god or government, SIN is a Gomorrah among the stars. The company follows no moral code, seeks no oppression, and is content to let the wants of the people run wild. There is no judgement within SIN, no reckoning that will land, those who enter the doors of SIN go to live their dreams and are as free as when they were born.

As the Club expands and the company begins to shift forward SIN seeks to further it's hold within the entertainment industry, as well as the hearts and minds of its patrons.

Over the years SIN has grown to something truly tremendous, becoming more than just a club, but an entire sprawling operation. SIN has become something far more, it has grown into a small corporate empire capable of holding reach in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and entertainment. The Corporation continues to flourish and grow, seizing opportunity when it can and making partners enough to substantiate even further growth.

All throughout this SIN maintains a face of legitimacy, always hiding, always conducting it's business in the shadows.

Originally simply called "The Holdover", the business that would become SIN Incorporated was originally a cantina located within the Rishi Maze. The seedy bar was owned by Sal Virin, a Twi'lek with the mind of a crook. Sal founded The Holdover on the edges of the entrance to the Rishi Maze, creating the cantina as a rest spot for travelers looking to get into the Maze and explore it. Of course, Sal never intended for many of them to make it out of his doors. Because so many people went missing within the Rishi Maze Sal saw it as a perfect opportunity to turn his Cantina into a house of kidnapping and murder.

Over the years The Holdover collected many hundreds of people, kidnapping about one in ten people who walked through the doors and outright killing one in twenty. Sal robbed the rich, sold the poor into slavery, and scammed the middle class out of what little money they had.

The Holdover remained a staple of travel to the Rishi Maze despite its mysterious disappearances, becoming well known among people who denoted themselves as explorers.


That all changed when two travelers came to The Holdover from within the Rishi Maze itself. A man, and a woman, both with smiles on their faces and blood on their fingers. They stepped into The Holdover with a flourish, a predatory nature hanging around the both of them. They quickly spread cheer and charm through the cantina, talking up a storm and telling tales and stories of the Maze. The two caught Sal's attention, and Sal caught the woman's.

Within an hour of their meeting, Sal met his happy end within a chair in the back of The Holdover, a smile on his face and a cut of red across his throat.

The famous cantina closed its doors, Sal disappearing into the dirt and the charismatic man and woman taking his riches. They worked tirelessly, and within a month the cantina opened its doors once again, this time with a single word flashing above its doors "SIN".


Parent Corporation:
  • N/A
Company / Workshop: Koensayr Manufacturing

Modification Made:

Adding Operations: Droid Manufacturing

Rationale: To expand on Koensayr Manufacturing's capabilities

New Submission:



  • Corporation Name: Koensayr Manufacturing
  • Headquarters: Mikko
  • Locations: Mikko, Jamoura
  • Operations: Starship, Starship component manufacturing, and droid manufacturing
  • Tier: Tier 2
Koensayr Manufacturing was once a well known company that produced most of the starship components used onboard the many starships throughout the galaxy. It was once known that 1/5th of all the starships in the galaxy had Koensayr equipment onboard ehile also creating imperssive star ships such as theBTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bomber and BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter. The sale of starship parts was 72% of the profits Koensayr Manufacturing acquired.

Cady realized that she would need more than her looks to get her where she wanted to be in the galaxy. She needed a proper income. On a well needed vacation to Nal Hutta, she met with a man named Gigor. He seemed to be a wealthy man to Cady so she thought she'd work her magic on him. Of course, she was successful. He took her to his home where he was planning on having her for the night. What he didn't know was that the entire time, she was preparing her trap by reading into the deep recesses of her mind. In his head, he was in bed with Cady, but in reality, she was searching his home for a safe or any valuables. Eventually, she checked his wallet. In there, she found his ID which labelled him as the CEO of Koensayr Manufacturing. Cady quickly realized that this was her opportunity to acquire the funds for her lavish lifestyle. While Gigor was trapped in his little 'dream', Cady took control of his mind to make him her slave. From that point he'd continue to be the face of the company, but she was the mind behind it all.

After Cady managed to gain control of Koensayr Manufacturing, she immediately began working towards bringing new technology into the Confederacy. After having talked with Darth Metus about potential plans for her company, she realized that solely constructing starships for the Confederacy was only one part of her corporate dream. She realized that the Confederacy required advanced droids as part of the Confederacy's military in order to truly be superior to enemies of the state. This led Cady to search for where she might begin her droid manufacturing venture. She recieved advice that Lok was open for her to base her new factory. Cady enlisted to aid of several construction companies known throughout the galaxy to build this massive factory and then immediately begin working on new designs for the Confederacy's armed forces.

This is a canon company.

[member="Joza Perl"] - Apologies, Congrats on Tier 6!

[member="Dunames Lopez"] - Apologies, Congrats on Tier 6!

[member="tsarwars"] - First of all please follow the template when making requests. Secondly, please link your company. Third, to make changes to operations a thread is required to display the work.

[member="William Kerkov"] - I can modify the owner however a complete redesign of the company's operations will require threads to display the work. Alternatively, and likely easier, you could just have this company archived and resubmit it as Wellen Jones as it is essentially a completely different company after the changes you wish to make.

[member="Sila"] - Editing locations requires a thread to reflect the changes.

[member="Jartris Entumaa"] - Edited

[member="Kiriko"] - Congrats on Tier 2!

[member="Slevin Thawne"] - Congrats on Tier 4!

[member="Cady"] - Operations cannot be added on a whim unless you have a thread to display the work in adding an operation.
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