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Company & Workshop Modifications

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[member="Valiens Nantaris"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

Please do list them.

As an additional step and oversight, I will review the modification template for company modifications and tier ups to include a line for adding additional operations and locations and to please list the thread that details where this expansion has taken place.

That way, there is no confusion in the matter and everyone is on the same page.
[member="Cira"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

If this format is suitable I will submit the other threads for Archangel.

Company: Firemane Industries & Technology

Modification Made:
Adding two additional lines for Operations: Civilian technology and medical technology.
It is very wise to have all potential production items listed even for a Tier 6 company. That way there is no holdup with whatever tech might be submitted.

Firemane Pertinent Development Threads

Both Medical and Civilian:
Denouement – In the aftermath of the defeat at Kaeshana, Firemane provides aid to the wounded of the battle with new cybernetics and treatment for displaced Eldorai. They also provide habitation and civilian technology for the refugee Eldorai and later suppress insurgents.

Civilian Technology:
Aftermath – In the fallout from the failed Eldorai noble coup, Firemane begins to look elsewhere. The plan to move into exploration is furthered by advances in civilian technology and the creation of the Quantum Communicators. The vast Worldships also are planned and implemented for carrying civilians to new worlds and giving them the tools to start new lives.

Medical Technology:
A Single Spark Starts a Fire Stack – Renowned Jedi Healer Coryth Elaris proposes and is funded to start the subsidiary ‘Firestack’, a medical and aid company.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Firemane Industries and Technology (FIT)

Headquarters: Alderaan

Locations: Tygara, Seltos, Arkas, Nubia, Mandalore, Tabaqui, Corellia, Laekia, Sullust, Dahomey, Gromas.

  • Design and manufacturing of military technology (armour, weapons, planetary defences, vehicles, starships etc)
  • Design and manufacturing of civilian technology (consumer goods, electronics, civilian vehicles, luxury spacecraft, cruise lines, speeders etc.)
  • Design and manufacturing of medical technology (cybernetics, clone tissue replacement, medical devices, hospital/ambulance craft, Force healing etc)
  • Mining
  • Exploration
  • Military contracting
  • Construction
Rationale: After stepping down as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate, Tegaea Alcori was given permission to form a company encompassing part of Star Corp’s Omega Industries. The idea was that Firemane would eventually expand outside the Protectorate. The Eldorai Queen gave them permission to use Kaeshana as a starting base.

Tier: 6. Firemane is now a truly galactic enterprise.

Restricted Material Specialty: Phrik

When Tegaea Alcori was nearly killed by the Sith Assassin Kaelin Isandros she was unable to continue her work as Lady Protector of the Omega Protectorate. Forced to resign, and with Siobhan soon following the couple withdrew to the planet of Kaeshana and Tegaea recovered there under the protection of the Queen.

Through almost entirely legitimate means, her and Siobhan Kerrigan had managed to acquire a substantial fortune through her time with Omega Pyre and the Protectorate. Due to clauses in her contract and later agreements she had acquired a percentage of all profits made on Dahomey and Vandelhelm, and even owned stakes in the planets personally. This made it easier to set down roots on Kaeshana and look to the future.

After realising that a life of leisured retirement was not for her just yet, Tegaea created the aptly named Firemane Industries and Technology. With backing from the Eldorai Matriarchy, the company set up a research and military technology division in Santaissa. This was to help the Eldorai catch up to the galactic tech level, but also to provide useful technology to sell to others. The goal of this company was to expand operations on Dahomey and Vandelhelm to other planets and becoming a mining and shipping concern in the Protectorate.

In all, this company had the potential for significant profits and great expansion. Tegaea Alcori became CEO, Siobhan Vice President. Crown Princess Anya Venari served as executive PA and head of operations until she became Queen herself following her sister's assassination.

After Anya Venari took the throne under the regnal name Tirathana VII, Firemane received the full backing of the Eldorai monarchy. It received a mandate to modernise the Eldorai army, expanded its operations into mining, and beyond, forming a profitable business relationship with Salacia Consolidated and the Abregado-Rae Guild of Hammers. Vice President Siobhan Kerrigan's exceptional combat skills earned her considerable profit and new clients. Over time, the firm expanded beyond the Protectorate and added exploration of worlds cut off from the Galaxy by the Dark Ages to its portfolio.

The impending doom of Kaeshana forced Firemane to diversify and expand its operations considerably. Now able to produce giant warships for the Silver Sanctum Coalition, move vast populations, conduct trade deals with Mandalorian and Republic alike, the company had come a long way since its humble beginnings.

Tier VI:

Kaeshana has been destroyed, but thanks to Firemane many Eldorai were saved from the cataclysm. Firemane has solidifed its alliance with the Silver Coalition and put down roots on Tygara. It has forged alliances with local rulers and has dedicated itself to developing the largely pre-industrial planet and ending slavery, though this goes hand in hand with Firemane expanding its own power base like a state entity would. The corporation provides private security, performs mining operations and develops military technology for sale on the market. Rather than trying to develop an intergalactic reach, the company has focused its activities in Coalition and Mandalorian space, though it maintains tertiary operations in what used to be Omega Protectorate territory.

It maintains a firm partnership with the Eldorai and their Queen, though the alliance was put to the test by recent events on Kaeshana. The corporation merges the culture and principles of the old Omega Pyre and the Eldorai. As a result, it it has a rather distinct martial culture and heterogenous Force traditions amongst its employees. Its leaders are fully integrated into Eldorai nobility as peers and run what can be described as their own fiefdom. Owing to the military background of its directors and many senior employees, military ranks are ubiquitous in the company.

Firemane can be described as a hybrid of corporation, Dark Jedi paramilitary force and matriarchal feudal dynasty. Its management operates per the principles of 'maternalist, benevolent despotism'. The company is loyal to its employees', takes care of their needs, welfare and provides educational opportunities for their children, but is rather autocratic. In addition, power is concentrated in the Kerrigan-Alcori clan and their inner circle, whose members are considered a sort of extended family. It maintains a nondenominated Forcer programme and has attracted a variety of magi from various Force traditions. Many have ample cause to oppose or hate Sith. Firemane's Force-using arm is called the Order of Fire, which is personally run by Siobhan Kerrigan. Most of its members are Grey Force-users or Dark Jedi.

While its conventional forces are comparatively small, they are well-trained, disciplined, loyal and equipped with a potent arsenal of anti-Forcer weapons, which goes back to the Omegan background of the corporation's leaders. Moreover, Firemane recruits native sepoys on worlds such as Tygara and Arkas to supplement the regular corporate troops. Many of these native recruits are freed slaves, which makes them particularly motivated and loyal to their corporate mistresses. On the flip side, though Firemane has strict rules of engagement, it has been accused of using methods that could be described as overkill during its military engagements and having a very militarist culture, as well as acting as a law unto itself.

For a long time, Firemane Industries had a very close relationship with the Silver Sanctum Coalition. For a while, Lady Kerrigan was a member of the Sanctum Assembly before stepping down. Firemane constructed their war fleet and assisted them in their expansionary ventures and in fortifying their worlds. However, relations have soured since the the Battle of Ruusan. Although Firemane still does business with the Coalition and is based in their territory, they are now a client among many instead of an ally. Firemane is aiming to expand its operations to areas in the Galaxy beyond the boundaries of Silver Sanctum space. To this end, it sought closer ties with both the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorian Clans. To this end, it provided aid to the former for the reconstruction of Coruscant after its liberation.

Recently, Firemane was an active participant in the First Order-Galactic Alliance War, a conflict that was sparked by a clash between both powers on the desolate wasteland of Kaeshana. Having spearheaded a humanitarian mission to aid the Eldorai who'd been left behind on the planet, Firemane was very invested in combating the First Order.

In present times, Firemane is looking towards new horizons. In particular, its exploration division is being strengthened, as the company intends to explore new worlds on the galactic fringe. Tegaea Alcori recently stepped down from the Board of Control, though she retains an honorary position. This leaves Siobhan Kerrigan as Executive CEO. Galina Kerrigan-Alcori, the couple's adopted daughter, is the heiress to the corporate empire.

  • Guild of Hammers: Originally founded by @HK-36. Focuses on specialised personal weapons and armour, gadgets, light to medium vehicles, household appliances and construction work.
  • Firefarm Produce and Pets: A small company that exports exotic foods and pets. Especially purple fruit and voracious but cute Jesters!

Ciana Teigra

Company: Panacea
Modification Made: Changing headquarters to Mon Cala, changing locations, tier up, reformatting submission according to
new system.
Rationale: Taking advantage of Capitalism Rein Mandate for the SJO.
Pertinent Development Threads:

New Submission:

  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link:
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source:
  • Corporation Name: Panacea
  • Headquarters: Mon Cala
  • Locations: Sullust, Kiribi (Chaos Submission)
  • Operations: Medical (bioengineering, pharmaceuticals, devices/implants), Agriculture (bioengineering, hydroponics)
  • Tier: III

After cutting off ties to the Jedi and assuming a new identity, Suravi would use the decades of experience she had acquired as a bioengineer and alchemist to create her own biotech startup on her native planet of [SIZE=10.5pt]Kiribi, located within the wealthy core region. This was during the height of the dark ages, when a cure for the Gulag Plague had yet to be found, and the Kiribian System had all but been cut off from regular supplies of [/SIZE]bacta and kolta. Having become so dependent on bacta, the diminished medical industry had to be almost rebuilt from scratch. Suravi played a large role in seeing that happen, with her most important contribution being to the development of gene therapies to accelerate the immunity of the Kiribian population to the Gulag Plague.

Using her knowledge of virology and
biots, she would go on to create a special line of protein-based nanomachines for tissue repair and boosting immune systems, to be used in concert with proprietary nutrient solutions. The results were superior to standard bacta treatments, as the nanomachines and nutrient solution could be optimized for a specific individual's biochemistry and ailments. Best of all, manufacturing was not limited to one planet. Any decent lab could be used for mass production.

The success of this technology resulted in massive profits for Suravi and Panacea. She was able to use her new wealth to expand into other areas of the biotech field through in-house developments and acquisitions. From steroids to designer babies. By the 800's, Panacea would be one of the leading biotech firms on [SIZE=10.5pt]Kiribi[/SIZE], servicing much of the galaxy.

Despite its growth and success, Suravi continues to keep the Panacea private. This affords her almost complete control over the direction of the company. Going public would mean becoming beholden to shareholders, who usually prioritize short-term profits over the longevity of the company. Vampires who have no personal stake in companies outside of getting a fat return.

The bulk of Panacea's products and services are catered for the consumer market and medical industry, but the company has begun to expand into the lucrative defense sector


Founded by Suravi Teigra herself as a means to expand her philanthropic activities. She collected the funds necessary for her startup by impressing Kiribian investors with her cutting-edge research and presenting them a plan for revolutionizing medicine on a galactic scale.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Thank you. Will review and update as requested.

Ciana Teigra said:
Company: Panacea Modification Made: Changing headquarters to Mon Cala, changing locations, tier up, reformatting submission according to new system. Rationale: Taking advantage of Capitalism Rein Mandate for the SJO. Pertinent Development Threads: Tier Up:
[member="Ciana Teigra"]

Please provide the expansion threads for a change in Headquarters as detailed in the Company Tier Up Rules and in the guidelines for requesting Modification changes.

Cira said:
Every additional new Location & Operation or Headquarters change requested through the Company Modification Thread will require proof of expansion.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Cira"]

Resubmitting my operations expansion with dev:

Company: Archangel Research & Design

Modification Made: Expanding on Operations to keep up with the company’s future growth areas.
Rationale: The listed Operations no longer fully represent Archangel’s complete package.

Pertinent Development Threads:

Civilian and Military Droid Production:
Update the Matrix – A new and powerful walker is created by Archangel.
Blood and Iron – AA Droids are tested in capturing and purging rebels on Eriadu.

Spaceships and Vehicles :
One Vision, One Purpose – Machines and vehicles are designed.
In a World where Kings are Employers – AA deploys vehicles in support of the First Order Dominion.

Medical and Cloning Technology :
We can rebuild her – whether she wants it or not! – After nearly being killed on Korriban, Enyo is rebuild into a cyborg of fearsome power through medical and cloning technology.
Mirage of Metal – Amara, the Clone of Kaelin Isandros, is brought into the world.

Processing and Entechment :
Does this Unit have a Soul? – Maelion, Moira and Doll test new methods of processing.
Ghosts of Endor – The new Enteched walker is tested against the Ewoks. Flaws are found and repaired.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Archangel Research and Design

Headquarters: Denon

Locations: Denon, 244Core, Loronar, Elysium, Lianna, Seltos, Eriadu, Zygerria.

  • Civilian and military droid creation. This includes combat droids of all sorts, HRDs, infiltration droids or other servitors. Civilian units can include protocol droids, labour and maintenance units and more.
  • Spaceships and vehicles. This can include military and civilian vessels. Warships and attack craft can be manufactured in large amounts for Archangel's usage or sales on the closed market.
  • Medical and cloning technology. Archangel is experts in cloning, either as coverings for HRDs or creating organic clones to be servitors. They are also experts at creating cybernetics.
  • Processing and entechment. Taking organics and absorbing their skills and knowledge into machines is one of the prime concerns of Archangel.

Rationale: The company was created by Maelion and Moira Skaldi using their carefully collected resources from their time in the Protectorate. In addition to their wages (which HRDs barely use) the two of them were able to ‘acquire’ a good deal of funds and sellable items when they left the Protectorate. This company is the result of their investment.

Tier: 4.


Archangel Research and Design provides a full range of specialist droid models for the savy customer. Whether you’re looking for a personal bodyguard, an attentive aide or a head-turning companion, Archangel will provide just what you are looking for.
Our HRDs (Human Replica Droids) are top of the line models programmed and designed for your needs. We can tailor the unit’s height, weight, appearance and capabilities to YOUR needs.
When you need the best, forget the rest, and look to Archangel – Looking Out For You!

Advertisements aside, this company was created by Maelion Liates and Moira Skaldi to do what they do best; process organics and create unstoppable droid conquerors design machines like them for use in the private sector. The advantages of HRDs are many, after all both Maelion and Moira were created to fulfil dangerous roles that ordinary organics would find difficult. Therefore, this company is mainly to enrich the pair for their other projects, but also to create more units like themselves which can further those other aims.
The pair do not of course reveal their true identities, and have taken aliases whilst running this business.

On an OOC note this company is intended to be the front for Maelion and Moira’s efforts to assume direct control of the galaxy. It’s good to start small, after all!
Each HRD designed by Archangel will have secret backdoors the pair can exploit to gather information or control them if needed. It will also provide funds for their research into a processing machine for turning organics into machines (a future tech submission). Naturally none of this will be known by anyone except the two owners.

Recently Archangel has greatly expanded its business after acquiring Loronar and opening a marketplace storefront. Large orders and considerable funds have been gained through these transactions.

Even more recently the development of Force clones to complement their HRD designs has allowed Archangel to continue expansion. Further deals with factions and new sales allow the company to provide better products to more customers

Company: Battlewell Security and Arms

Modification Made: Changing HQ to Denon and moving locations to Duro and Nubia

Pertinent Development Threads:

Battle Well Or Die Hard [KeCholo] (move is ordered)
Moving Day [Denon] (move is completed)

Corporation Name: Battlewell Security and Arms

Headquarters: Antecendent

Locations: Denon, Duro and Nubia

Operations: Mercenary work, arms creation and manufacturing and vehicle creation manufacturing.

Rationale: After many years of mercenary work, Ke'Cholo decided to go big time. After the hostile takeover of Antecedent, he set up a headquarters on the booming metropolitan planet. The headquarters was built quickly with the help of the Black Ties, former Techno Union soldiers, elite Nikto guards and several thousand Urko soldiers. Minus the Black Ties, the mentioned groups left their native planets to join Ke'Cholo in his march throughout the city of Thotoro to liberate it from gangs. While they were all still on the planet, he convinced the majority of them to stay with him.

This would be the founding group of his mercenary and arms group. Within weeks, factories would pop up on Antecedent and local people would flock to them to get employed. This boost allowed Ke'Cholo to expand to other planets such as Enigma Prime and Via. He is currently planning to build a massive factory around the Colluctari Nebula.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: Battlewell Security and Arms has four major products it sells: Mercenary work, arms and vehicles

The mercenary section of Battlewell is open to the public, this includes purchasing mercenary help and becoming one. The influx of mercenaries has been slow on the planet of Antecedent, the people seem to want to work in the factories but not be employed as mercenaries. Battlewell only leases out the best of their mercenaries, untrained rabble will be taken through boot camp until they are ready to be leased out. Everyone hired by Battlewell will go through this process unless it is proven they have a previous career in mercenary, military, or bounty hunting. The bootcamp does not have a set length, men will go through the process until they are deemed worthy for combat. The mercenary section of Battlewell is strictly, male only.

The arms section of Battlewell provides it's mercenaries with the best equipment. This equipment ranges from small arms to large sniper rifles. The head of the arms branch of Battlewell is Ke'Cholo's close friend, Zobacca. Zobacca oversees the creation and production of arms, which is going through an influx. Arms creation is one of the top priorities at Battlewell as Ke'Cholo sees the need for his employees to be well armed.

The vehicles section of Battlewell is it's slowest moving branch. Vehicles are meant to complement the mercenaries, and thus are not the main focus of the company. However, Ke'Cholo plans to increase production of the vehicular branch so that Battlewell's products can be sold to licensed buyers. Ke'Cholo is currently contemplating opening the product line to the public.

Subsidiaries: None, currently.
The Admiralty
Company: Czerka Mining and Industrial
Modification Made: Archival of the company and release of the canon status.
Rationale: Don't have the muse right now for this idea, so I am archiving it for now to make room for something else.

Pertinent Development Threads: N/A

New Submission: Just an archival of the company and removal from the canon list will do.
The Admiralty
Company: Santhe Corporation

Modification Made: Just a revamp of the aesthetic and making it conform to the new template.
Rationale: Because I like pretty things.

Pertinent Development Threads: N/A

New Submission:
  • Corporation Name: Santhe Corporation
  • Headquarters: Lianna
  • Locations: Corulag, Omar, Byblos, Dennaskar, Hypori, Styx, 244Core, Ryloth, Nar Shaddaa, Raxus Prime, Coruscant.
  • Operations: Santhe Corporation owns a variety of subsidiaries through which it creates starships, military hardware and other things including but not limited to civilian-grade vehicles and transportation.
  • Tier: V
Santhe Corporation a holding company for the most part. Directly underneath is Santhe Security and Santhe/Sienar Technologies. Santhe Security was the original company of the Santhe Family before they bought a controlling percentage of the Sienar stocks. S/S focuses, like the name already suggests, on the security of all the different Santhe Corporation assets throughout the galaxy. If you encounter a holding of Santhe, you can bet it will be protected by their own Security Force.

Next to Santhe Security stands Santhe/Sienar Technologies, formerly known as the Republic Sienar Systems . Whereas Santhe Security focuses on actual manpower and protection of internal assets, Santhe/Sienar Technologies is responsible for the creation of the exceptionally wide range of military and commercial technology. It accomplishes this through the various subsidiaries that are linked to the company.

Santhe Passenger and Freight is a transport arm of Santhe located in allied Tion. Almost 15% of the galaxy's passenger liners hailed from the Allied Tion, home sector of Santhe Passenger and Freight, during the Galactic Civil War. As the dominant passenger service in the sector, Santhe makes up a substantial part of that 15%.

The Santhe Corporation has been wholly owned by the Santhe-Sienar family since its inception during the buy-in by the-then separate Santhe family of Lianna. About two decades ago the corporation was briefly controlled by a shadowy figure of the Fringe Confederation, before it returned wholly in the hands of the Santhe-Sienars. Alec Sienar, a cousin of Sasha Santhe, has recently taken more interest in the family business with the retirement of Sasha from the public scene.

Right now he serves on the Board of Directors, whilst the corporation’s day-to-day business is regulated by an intermediate CEO loyal to the Santhe-Sienar interests.


Santhe/Sienar Technologies
Sienar Fleet Systems
Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory
Sienar Ships
Sienar Intelligence Systems
Sienar Army Systems
Santhe Passenger and Freight
Curich Engineering
Santhe Security
SunTech Industries
Haor Chall Engineering

Parent Corporation: N/A

Lord Mettallum

A really buffed Metal Lord
Company: FOTM
Modification made: Tier 3 and adding armour as operation
Rationale: Metal Lords now have Capitalism Reign as a mandate

Pertinent Development Threads: N/A

New Submission
Image Source: made by me and HK-36
Canon Link: Loronar
Development Thread: Apart of Lord Mettallum's arc in Metal Lord Dom
Primary Source: N/A
Affiliations: Lord Mettallum

Corporation Name: Foundry Of The Maker
Headquarters: Lononar
Locations: Loronar Loronar Shipyards
Operations: Droids, Weapons, ship construction, Armour
Tier: 3

Foundry Of The Maker creates the droids that the Metal Lord Lord Mettallum could use in his army. FOTM creates advance droids with advance droid ai enabling them to think effectively on the field of battle. FOTM mainly focuses on battle droids with religious creatons in between and yes you heard it here FOTM makes droids that are meant to help spread the faith of the maker. FOTM also specialises in creating products for droids by droids.

Lord Mettallum needed to create an army thus he needed to make a factory which means he would need to make a company and since the Metal Lords are showing themselves why not base that company in the area the Metal Lords are showing themselves which is Loronar. The advantage of starting a company there is the ability to take control of the loronar shipyard. Once Lord Mettallum is able to get his factory up and running he will build new droid models under the FOTM name. Lord Mettallum decided that FOTM will mostly focus on constructing new droid models with weapons to suit them and ships to transport them.
[member="Sasha Santhe"] Updated.
[member="Alec Sienar"] Updated.

[member="Lord Mettallum"] I can grant you the Tier 3 rank, however you cannot add operations without a thread being completed to add that new operation.

Company: Bareesh Kajidic

Modification Made: Tier 2 -> Tier 3
Rationale: $$$

Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]Active Expansion: 1

[*]Contracts: 2

New Submission:

Out of Character Information:
Corporation Information:

  • Corporation Name: Bareesh Kajidic

  • Headquarters: Nal Hutta

  • Locations: Nar Shaddaa, Sleheyron, Droxu, Ryloth

  • Operations: Scrap & Salvage, Warehousing, Entertainment, Slave Trafficking

  • Tier: III

“In ancient times, Bareesh was a powerful clan, but its strength has diminished greatly over the centuries. It still retains its ancient holdings on Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta, but it struggles to return to power. Hundreds of years ago, a massive supervolcano erupted on the clan’s throneworld of Kor Bareesh, burying much of the main continent in ash and lava. With its vaults and estates destroyed or buried and many influential clan leaders dead, the Bareesh kajidic struggled to remain profitable. Enemy clans took advantage of the chaos to take over Bareesh operations and holdings elsewhere. The Hutts of Bareesh are determined to return their clan to its former glory and status. They retain estates on Nal Hutta to keep involved in Hutt politics.”*

Like their forefathers, the Hutts Gorba and Kazbog seek to return Kor Bareesh to habitability, but Kazbog is more concerned with recovering the lost riches and artifacts of the Hutt world than with terraforming it.


Gorba Bareesh Laglan, aka Gorba the Hutt, is a member of the Bareesh Hutt Kajidic. His father, Lorca, sought to expand Bareesh holdings and restore the kajidic to its former glory. However, Lorca lost a turf war against the younger Vermilic Kajidic and was assassinated. Fortunately, Gorba has managed to prevent Bareesh from becoming absorbed into Vermilic. He has taken over the family business as Kajidic Lorda. However, he is a young Hutt, likely to be ignored by the Hutt Council, and he faces many threats from the rival kajidii. Consequently, he is unlikely to govern from a central location, like most of the more venerable Hutt kajidii, but will instead take a more active role in the kajidic’s day-to-day business.






  • N/A

Bareesh Kajidic Enforcement Structure


Points of Contact in Illicit Activity


Company: AD-Manufacturing

Modification Made: Tier 2- Tier 3
Tier Up: Changing to Tier 3, using the metal lords capatilisim reigns mandate
Adding Operations: n/a
Adding Locations: n/a
Changing Headquarters: n/a

Rationale: $$$$$

New Submission:
Image Source: Original artwork [x] Edited by HK-36
Canon Link: n/a
Development Thread: n/a
Primary Source: n/a
Corporation Name: AD Manufacturing
Headquarters: Hakassi
Locations: Orbital Shipyards and other facilities on Hakassi.
Operations: Starship, Droid and Weapon Manufacturing
Tier: Tier 3
AD manufacturing was created to supply AD-8s kingdom of the void with ships, weapons and most importantly, droids. To comply with the code of the metal lords most of the attack droids they manufacture are drones. For the droids that are fully sentient, their AI is created first and they get to chose the role that they think suits them best, whether that be a special forces soldier or a maintenance droid. The weapons and ships that they produce are suited for Droid use. Since its creation, the company has expanded and now sells to the open market, for the right price.

AD-8 is required by the code of the metal lords to be able to maintain and grow his Droid kingdom so he founded AD Manufacturing to do just that, and more. AD also uses the company as a way of making easy credits by selling his stock to other metal lords or the open market. The company make droids, weapons and ships to cater for AD-8s kingdoms needs and is loyal to him. AD designs the droids with the help of his head designers to create a formidable war machine to defend his kingdom.

Subsidiaries: n/a

Parent Corporation: n/a
So I figured I'd go ahead and do the whole tier up thing if that's ok and use Vehicles as the next upgrade for RMIA's tier up to 4 if that's ok:


Template for upgrade from Tier III to Tier IV

  • Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
    Major Faction contract: Commenor Contract
  • Organization Contract 2 Base Subjects (Forming a contract with a third party to build a base on Pzob)
  • Organization Contract 3 Servants to the Slave (Contracting to make soldiers for the GenoHaradan)

[*]Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

[*]Passive Growth 2 (Make more stuff)

[*]Display growth through two active expansions of your company.

[*]Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.

New submission: Old one is fine.

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
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