Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company / Workshop: IMF

Modification Made: Tiering up and adding some more history and adding "Clothing" as a separate operation to reflect the work done in the threads below

Tier Up (III to IV):

[*]Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.

[*]Make three mass-produced products in the Factory. (For Tier 2+ and equals to one passive company expansion)

[*]Display growth through two active expansions of your company.​
  • Establish or help establish a new location
    Threat Assessment - Establishing the company's headquarters []

[*]Secure investors for your company

[*]Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions. (Total posts: 55)
  • Expansion into multiple new industries
    Fashion - Total posts (31)
    A common want - Post numbers (#32, #57, #60) - Natalie takes part in a fashion competition and subsequently winning it, thus sparking her interest in this sector []
  • Pultchritudo - Post numbers (#1-#11) - Natalie meets her first model, Stephanie Swail and gets critiques on her latest creations []
  • Facilis Exitus - Post numbers (#1-#12) - Continuation of the above. Stephanie models clothing.
  • Not as planned - Post numbers (#29, #32, #36, #37, #43, #45) - Natalie takes inspiration from the local populace, citing it as "Fashion under Facism" []

[*]Medicine - Total posts (7)
  • ​Remedium - Post numbers (#1-#7) - Natalie helps in the conception of a partial cure for her vampirism, or at the very least reduce the effects of it. ​[]

  • ​Investment in other companies (17)
    ​The Bastion of Lacia - Post numbers (#1-#7) - Natalie and her wife Amelia discuss the mutual investment of eachother's companies. []
  • Post eum - Post numbers (#1-#10) - Donations to the Boolon Foundation []

Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: N/A

Rationale: (Why are you doing this?)

New Submission: (Enclosed in spoiler)


  • Image Source: Myself
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: If required
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Intergalactic Monetary Fund
  • Headquarters: Mygeeto
  • Locations: N/A
  • Operations: Droids, Starships, Weapons Systems, Energy production systems, Clothing
  • Tier: Tier 4
The Intergalactic Monetary Fund is a materialistic driven, hard working and determined company who is dedicated to ensuring the fair treatment and distribution of resources, at least, that's what their website says. In reality, it is owned by 2 individuals who use it as a front to justify their sick twisted desires. In planets where it operates, governments are forced into less than favorable contracts that often lead to political instability. In the small print, The IMF agrees to assist in the madness, in exchange for assuming direct control of the provincial government until they deem otherwise.

Among other things, they subsidize public expansion and providing necessary firearms to those in need of it. (For a hefty price), it wouldn't be too difficult to find them instigating wars for the purpose of profit, and perhaps to shift out of date stock. They are the embodiment of corporate capitalism with no restrictions. All goods manufactured come from industrial droid factories which produce cheap models sold off at outrageous prices, and for good measure, pollution which damages the environment, with good reason. The numerous buildings used to produce such goods would be far too expensive if they were "clean and green."

The company was founded by Natalie La Forte, her sister Carina LaForte, a supposedly dead scientist and a group of very wealthy individuals wanting a place on the Director's board in exchange for lump sums of money at regular intervals. In truth, the former 3 are not the bulk of wealth sustaining this, the various tycoons seeking to exploit planetary resources are.

The current director's board consists of over 50 members, the two largest share holders being Natalie LaForte and Lunara Ochenta

IMF has recently cut its ties with the Sith Ascendancy and has instead been focussing on supplying galactic powers with its exuberant range of goods and services, namely being droids, although has recently expanded into the market of developing clothing and has branching divisions in creating medical products for the everyday vampire.

  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Company / Workshop: Sorenn-Syrush Industries

Modification Made:
  • Advancing from Tier 2 to Tier 3
    ​Secondary Modifications include expanding on and fleshing out the description and rationale

Tier Up (Tier 2 to Tier 3):

  • Display Growth through One Active Expansion of your Company - Secure Investors for your Company
    The Bastion of Lacia - Amelia secures Natalie LaForte investments in SSI as well as her hand in marriage


Through time and hard work spent, I am applying for a Tier Upgrading for Sorenn-Syrush Industries from Tier 2 to Tier 3 based off of the creativity and work spent in the above threads.

New Submission:


..:: Out of Character Information ::..

Image Source:
  • Fire in the Background - [HERE]
  • Star in Foreground - [HERE]
  • Finished Product by Hawke Katamirth - [HERE]

Canon Link: N/a

Development Thread: N/a

Primary Source: N/a

..:: Corporate Information ::..

Corporation Name: Sorenn-Syrush Industries

  • Alderaan

  • Balmorra - Manufacturing Plant
  • Caamas - Minor Branch Office

  • Armaments Manufacturing
  • Droid Manufacturing
  • Medical / Relief Aid Manufacturing

Tier: 3

..:: Description ::..

Sorenn-Syrush Industries focuses its attention on the production of Armaments and Droid Manufacturing for the purpose of securing the recently established Free Worlds Coalition. While serving as both the primary source of Income for House Syrush as well as producing items needed by House Syrush, much of its business comes from shipments to member worlds of the Coalition. It's unofficial motto being 'For the Betterment of the Coalition", showing that it does put the troubles and needs of the Coalition first.

Thus because Sorenn-Syrush Industries is present on Alderaan, and active within Coalition Space, it carefully picks and chooses its contracts and clients based on their views and standing with Alderaan. The company has no qualms about producing Armaments to equip military forces across the Galaxy, however it refuses to permit those Armaments from falling into the hands of those that would turn them on the Coalition. This has caused the company to label Armament sell and production for sources outside of Coalition member worlds as [R] - Restricted; with entire factions and organizations such as The First Order and any group with ties to the Sith as [F] - Forbidden (meaning that no contracts will be approved or accepted).

As the political landscape continues to change across the Galaxy, additional letter restrictions have been added; primarily those items labeled with a [G] - Government Contract Only, and [L] - Limited Stock

The internal structure of the company is formed into various Sectors...

Alpha Sector, which produces all the Armaments manufactured by the company; as well as run an R&D Department looking into the development of new Armaments.

Epsilon Sector, which produces all the Droids manufactured by the company; as well as running an R&D Department dedicated to the development of new Droid designs and models.

Delta Sector, which produces all of the Medical and Relief Aid manufactured by the company; as well as running an R&D Department focused on the development and production of new medical devices and breakthroughs.

Additional Sectors are currently in the works as the company continues to expand and grow; look forward to those new sectors arriving in the future.

..:: Rationale ::..

Sorenn-Syrush Industries was founded by Amelia Sorenn-Syrush to act as a primary credit source for continuing operations of House Syrush. Its location on Alderaan and its strict operating procedures, keeping it within Coalition space are by design. Amelia Sorenn-Syrush envisioned Sorenn-Syrush Industries to act as a dedicated manufacturing company to meet the needs of Alderaan and the member worlds of the Coalition as a means of ensuring that any armaments manufactured for the Coalition were not otherwise tampered with by ensuring that a Coalition loyal company produced the needed goods. Additionally, Amelia viewed the establishment of Sorenn-Syrush Industries as a means to further House Syrush's ambitions of ensuring that the House of Organa and the Coalition were defended. This ambition is seen as being possibly achieved through the expansion of Sorenn-Syrush Industries and its establishing offices and manufacturing capabilities on Coalition worlds to double as defensive points.

..:: Additional Information ::..

  • TBD

Parent Corporation: N/a
[member="Natalie LaForte"] - Congrats on Tier 4! Thank you for the incredibly nice formatting. It made reviewing your request incredibly easy for me.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] - Congrats on Tier 3!

[member="Dagorn"] - Changing ownership of a company requires a thread to display the change.

[member="Zeradias Mant"] - Modifying locations and headquarters requires a thread for each change.
Company/Workshop: Pizza Hutt
Modification made: Tier up to 4, addition of Bimmisaari to locations, addition of humanitarian aid to operations
Rationale: Expansion of business
Pertinent development threads:

Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction or a tier-5+ corporation.
Complete two actve expansion threads.
Complete two passive expansion threads.
Complete a project of sizeable proportions (expanding in several areas: 95 posts total).

New submission:


Image source: Rex Ryan

Corporation Name: Pizza Hutt

Headquarters: Nal Hutta

Locations: Toydaria, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, Dulvoyinn, Glyss, Skor

Ownership: 90% Ringovinda StarYards, 7% Cathul Thuku, 3% others

CEO: Lorca Desilijic Tiure (Lorca the Hutt)

Operations: Fast-food pizza restaurants, humanitarian aid

Rationale: Ringovinda StarYards effected a hostile takeover from the Desilijic Clan

Tier: 4

Description: Owned by the Desilijic kajidic for centuries, it is one of the symbols of the clan's past. Jabba the Hutt's likeness was used in its logo since the company's inception in 3 ABY, it used to have been a major galactic fast-food chain by 420 ABY, but the Gulag marked a long decline in popularity for the chain as locations were forced to close, constraining it to remain in Hutt space for the four centuries to follow. In a bid by the Ringovindian government to root out criminal activities, it encouraged Ringo Vinda residents to purchase as many criminal-owned businesses as possible, and Pizza Hutt was targeted to serve as a counter to McYoda's, Mandalorian-owned MandalBurger and to First Order-owned TKFC. It only serves cheese made from biological nerf milk farming. Due to Hutt business mergers and acquisition practices, the price of buying the company was the same as its equity.

Pizza Hutt menu:

Baseline, 8-inch bambino pizza (cheese, tomato sauce): 2 credits
Extra topping: 1 credit per additional topping
Supersizing: 1 credit per size upgrade (available in small, medium, large, extra-large and Hutt-sized, which are respectively 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 inches)
Ziro Stuffed crust: 1 credit
Gardulla garlic bread sticks (6): 2 credits

Boorka churro: 2 credits
Fries: 1 credit for small fries, 2 credits for medium fries, 3 credits for family-sized
Salad: 2 credits


Caf: 2 credits
Jawa juice: 2 credits
Tihaar: 6 credits
Bluemilk: 2 credits

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: Ringovinda StarYards

Development thread: Cleansing Flame

Primary Source: N/A
Company / Workshop: Jast Shipwright Co.

Modification Made: Tier Up to 3, Adding Denon to locations (Renting shipyard space)

Tier Up:



Adding Locations: Deneba, In the Jast Do it thread above.

Rationale: To Grow Jast Shipwright Co.

(This is my first ever tier up request so no idea if this is correct or not. Please advise.)

New Submission:

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Jast Shipwright Company
  • Headquarters: Excocron
  • Locations: Exocron, Kal Shebbol, Denon
  • Operations: Ship building, Ship Repair, Parts Manufacture
  • Tier: 3

Jast Shipwright Company is a Medium shipyard company out of Exocorn that builds vessels both the free market and for the Outer Rim Coalition. At a time it employs about a hundred to three hundred workers and frontiers folk. The board of engineers in unique in that it's composed of Spacers and old Jast Family friends.

Jast Shipwrights use a variety of ore sources and parts sources. Most of it is salvage brought in from battles, or smuggled good brought to her by connections. Most of the time Hala leaves the larger functions like engineering as well as procurement to her colleagues. Rarely does she step in to take control of things unless they are truly gone awry.

The morals and Ethics of company promote freedom and libertarian values. They do not steal or engage in actions that would be unsustainable or fruitful for the endeavours of tyranny or other oppression. This also reserves them as to who they choose to sell their designs to.

Recently they have begun an aggressive expansion into the war vessel market.


Jast Shipwrights was created by a purchase of almost all salvaged materials. After a few jobs Hala had enough money to return to Corellia and see her folks. The Jast family is famous for being gun runners and smugglers across the Galaxy. With a sizeable donation she was able to buy a husk of a Shipyard, some salvage and some foundries and retool them.

After a few more employees and Engineers were hired on she sent out the call for Spacers. Now the Company serves as a Spacers dream job and haven for the uncivilized, but knowledgeable folk.

  • N/A

Parent Corporation:

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[SIZE=11pt]Workshop: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The Wretched Hive[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Modification Made: [/SIZE]Upgrade to Tier VI

[SIZE=11pt]Rationale: Accumulated threads a bit at a time between May and October.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Pertinent Development Threads:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]7 Unique or Semi-Unique products[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (semi-unique) - for ORC/Underground[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (unique) - for Karren Trask[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (unique) - for ORC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (semi-unique) - for ORC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (semi-unique) - for ORC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (semi-unique) - closed market[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (unique) - for ORC[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]7 Personal Commissions[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - recruiting a modder[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - recruiting and arranging modifications[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - recruiting and arranging modifications[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - arranging modifications[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - arranging modifications[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Jorus and the Hive’s crew create a secret undercity base. Continuation of [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Deals in Absolutes[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - Jorus and crew use their tech knowhow to survive a Contingency incursion and keep the Hive safe.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]2 Mastercraft Projects[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - “In desperate circumstances, your character must use their specialty to improvise a solution using extremely insufficient/unsuitable resources.” - Jorus and the Wretched Hive coordinate an impromptu response to a zombie outbreak. Jorus uses modder skills to confront the source of the problem. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] - “In desperate circumstances, your character must use their specialty to improvise a solution using extremely insufficient/unsuitable resources.” - Jorus modifies the crap out of many things to rescue smugglers that the Sith have crucified.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]New Submission: Old one’s fine, thanks. [/SIZE]
Company: Nadir
Modification Made: Tier up to 4, Add some locations & operations, Add subsidiaries, Merge RCFC into Nadir, Add new company logo

Tier Up: 4

Sign a contract with three player-run organizations, one of which must be a major faction
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Display growth through two active expansions of your company.
Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
Adding Operations: Technology R&D (freebie), Mercenary services [ X | X | X ]
Adding Locations: Maena [ X ], Kwenn space station [ X ], Dressel (merger), Breehara (merger), Bastion (freebie)
Adding Subsidiaries: Comet Industries, Transgalactic Cuisine
Merging Company: RCFC merges, Nadir remains

Rationale: Expanding the company.
New Submission:


  • Image Source: Me.

  • Canon Link: /

  • Development Thread: X

  • Primary Source: X

  • Corporation Name: Nadir

  • Headquarters: Point Nadir

  • Locations: Nar Shaddaa, Dubrillion, Maena, Kwenn space station, Dressel, Breehara, Bastion

  • Operations: Drug trade, Illegal arms & armor, Trade of sentient goods, Technology R&D, Mercenary services

  • Tier: 4
Nadir represents everything its namesake and homebase stands for. Namely sex, drugs, and rock’n’r— just joking. That’d be murder, drugs, and slavery. At a glance, Nadir is reminiscent of any old criminal organization, but a thorough look quickly reveals the differences.

First, it’s impossible to define any kingpin leading the syndicate. A couple names float around, of course, associated with Nadir in reputation, but never with any hard evidence. To all but a chosen few, the station appears the same as it always was, except it’s stronger, faster, and better.

Second, the syndicate seems to employ few people of their own. By and large, they field the muscle, smugglers, and thieves of the Great Clans under their influence. (That is to say, all the Clans.) This makes it extremely difficult for potential attackers or spies to infiltrate their ranks, because, well, there are no ranks to infiltrate and no people to target.

Third, and perhaps the strangest, is their unusual business model. Where most cartels and gangs vie for turf in vicious wars, Nadir allows most anyone to live and work in their sphere. There is the profit tax, of course. And the protection fees. And the warehouse and real estate rent. And the casinos, and bookies, and hookers, and blow. Nothing good in life comes for free.

This kind of approach has cut the amount of internal strife and border disputes by a whopping three quarters, stabilizing much of the black market economy in the Unknown regions. With open trade routes and a welcoming policy, Nadir has earned more investors and associates in a few years than most operations ever do in their whole existence.

When the Equalizers arrived on Point Nadir, the shadowport was a frantic melting pot of criminal scum and… other criminal scum. Hailing from a background of organization and discipline, they dove in the deep end right away. Over the course of a few months, the pair killed, cajoled, or bought out the major players of the fragile ecosystem, leaping to the top of the food-chain with practiced efficiency.

In the following months, this new leadership – unknown by the public – wrangled the economy, tamed dissent, and began a rapid expansion into the underbelly of the galaxy.

Parent Corporation: /


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Company: The Bounty Hunters' Guild

Modification: Giving complete, total ownership to [member="Sal Katarn"]

Rationale: The Bounty Hunters' Guild as a whole is being revamped in terms of its lore and current leadership since a young face leading it wouldn't make sense from a storyline point. I also cannot devote enough time to the Guild as well due to some personal real life issues, so giving formal ownership to a capable person as Sal will be beneficial for its future. (This is a non-canon company, by the way)
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Company: Arctis Genetics: Bareesh Kajidic
Modification Made: Turning it into a subsidiary of Bareesh Kajidic
Rationale: consolidation
New Submission:
Corporation Name: Arctis Genetics

Headquarters: Adascopolis, Arkania

  • Arkania
  • Felucia
  • Bioengineering
  • Bioprospecting
Rationale: Controlled through a board of directors made up primarily of prominent Arkanian scientists and businessmen (which are usually synonymous) in the city of Adascapolis, Arctis Genetics struggles to compete with other industry giants, like Adascorp. Consequently, some of the directors have ventured into less savory realms to try and gain an upperhand on the competition. The leader of their exploratory corps is Ariston Altunen.

Tier: II


Arctis Genetics, a corporation designed to pave the path into a new age of genetic engineering. These specialists are determined to place the future in your hands, with each team bringing a different set of skills to the table. The Arkanians are known for their genetic breeding programs. They can create whatever your heart desires. Don't want to go through the pain of childbirth? Develop your own baby and have it grown for ​you! Want a personal house assistant? Design and produce one at Arctis Genetics!

Other products include overpriced vaccines and reconstructive surgery.

Arctis Genetics also engages in bioprospecting to create new, hitherto unknown pharmaceutical drugs and other medicinal uses. In order to acquire new biological material, Arctis Genetics employs a team of exploratory and investigative researchers to go into remote places, such as the jungles of Felucia, and retrieve rare fauna. Unfortunately, these exploratory teams occasionally run afoul of indigenous tribes.

A fact known only to two board directors is that Arctis secretly develops biological weapons for sale to the criminal underworld and has recently established ties to the Bareesh Kajidic.

One of the more popular services is the private security feature, where you can select the species, or combination of species, build and temperament of a personal body guard that can be grown in less than a year using newly refurbished spaarti cloning cylinders. Space is limited, so they can only be developed in batches of twenty.*

*Flash-memory is not 100% effective. Arctis Genetics is not responsible for any cloning madness or personality defects that may occur after purchase.More traditional development takes up to 15-20 years.

**Start-up funding comes from sale of diamonds and pearls from small-scale mining operations crewed and overseen, or contracted by Arctis Genetics on Arkania.

***Crews may consist of unpaid labor caste members, not limited to Talz and Arkanian Off-shoot.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Primary Source: N/A


Out of Character Information:
Corporation Information:
  • Corporation Name: Bareesh Kajidic
  • Headquarters: Nal Hutta
  • Locations: Barab I, Boz Pity, Bootana Shagplan, Kintan, Nar Kreeta, Nar Shaddaa, Sleheyron, Droxu, Rorak 4, Ryloth
  • Operations: Scrap & Salvage, Warehousing, Entertainment, Slave Trafficking, Narcotics Trafficking
  • Tier: IV

“In ancient times, Bareesh was a powerful clan, but its strength has diminished greatly over the centuries. It still retains its ancient holdings on Nar Shaddaa and Nal Hutta, but it struggles to return to power. Hundreds of years ago, a massive supervolcano erupted on the clan’s throneworld of Kor Bareesh, burying much of the main continent in ash and lava. With its vaults and estates destroyed or buried and many influential clan leaders dead, the Bareesh kajidic struggled to remain profitable. Enemy clans took advantage of the chaos to take over Bareesh operations and holdings elsewhere. The Hutts of Bareesh are determined to return their clan to its former glory and status. They retain estates on Nal Hutta to keep involved in Hutt politics.”*

Like their forefathers, the Hutts Gorba, Kazbog, and their cousin Nor'baal Durga seek to return Kor Bareesh to habitability; but Kazbog is more concerned with recovering the lost riches and artifacts of the Hutt world than with terraforming it.


Gorba Bareesh Laglan, aka Gorba the Hutt, is a member of the Bareesh Hutt Kajidic. His father, Lorca, sought to expand Bareesh holdings and restore the kajidic to its former glory. However, Lorca lost a turf war against the younger Vermilic Kajidic and was assassinated. Fortunately, Gorba has managed to prevent Bareesh from becoming absorbed into Vermilic. He has taken over the family business as Kajidic Lorda. However, he is a young Hutt, likely to be ignored by the Hutt Council, and he faces many threats from the rival kajidii. Consequently, he is unlikely to govern from a central location, like most of the more venerable Hutt kajidii, but will instead take a more active role in the kajidic’s day-to-day business. Nor'baal Durga Bareesh is his right hand man and is in charge of their web of infochants.


Bareesh Kajidic Enforcement Structure


Points of Contact in Illicit Activity

Tier 3 Promotion
Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]Active Expansion: 1

[*]Contracts: 2

Tier 4 Promotion

[*]Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.


[*]Display growth through two active expansions of your company.

[*]Successfully complete a project of sizable proportions.
  • Our Collective - Gorba's assets are attacked on Nar Shaddaa. Even with all the assets at his disposal, he barely manages to suppress the threat.
  • Black Collar Gala - Fearful of another attack, Gorba attends the Nadir gala to extend feelers for possible allies.
  • To Denounce the Evil of Truth and Love - Gorba invites all his allies and former rivals together for a meeting to create the Rorak Compact.

[*]Adding Operations:

[*]Adding Locations:

[*]Changing Headquarters: N/A
[*]Other: Adjusting the linked images.


Well-Known Member
Company / Workshop: Angamar Enterprises

Modification Made: Changes in Compan Description

Rationale: Stuff happened

New Submission:

Image Source: Here
Canon Link: N/A
Development Thread: Old Company
Primary Source: N/A
Corporation Name: Paradigm Hypernautics

Former Names: Titan Industries, Clan Kryze Shipyards,

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations: Mandalore, Yaga Minor, Illum, Yavin IV,

Operations: Ships, Vehicles, Technology, Armor, Weapons,

Tier: III
Paradigm Hypernautics is a manufacturing company that makes almost everything. Weapons? We make them. Ships? We make them. Tech? We make it. Paradigm Hypernautics(PH) is a company that places value on tradition, but also innovation. We offer technology that could be considered an antiquity to the enterprising collector while simultaneously selling high tech weapons and gear to the militaries of different factions and planets. At Yaga Minor, Mandalore and Yavin IV we offer our wares wares to you, whoever you are, to be used wherever you want. Paradigm Hypernautics offers 24/7 support staff and customer service which has been given the Clan Kryze Award for best customer service every year since PH's founding. At Paradigm Hypernautics we do not pressure you to buy our products, we accept that you may want to stay loyal to other companies. But if you want superior service and products, buy from Paradigm Hypernautics.

Titan founded Paradigm Hypernautics to expand the influence of Clan Kryze on the back of his had work and money, iinternal disputes, however, caused a change of direction. It started to expand the influence of Titan instead of the Clan and its profits delivered to him and his employees rather than the clan. However when Titan was kidnapped, the board of investors sold it to a Sauron Saxon who soon disappeared from galactic affairs again the board sold it this time to an anonymous buyer who turned out to be Titan. After he killed the board Titan renamed the company to Paradigm Hypernautics.


Parent Corporation: None
Company: Mytaranor Lumber
Modification Made: Turning it into a subsidiary of Bareesh Kajidic
Rationale: consolidation
New Submission:

Image Source: N/A

Canon Link: N/A

Development Thread: N/A

​Primary Source: N/A


Corporation Name: Mytaranor Lumber

Headquarters: Trandosha

Locations: Kashyyyk (Lumber Mills), Trandosha (Headquarters)


  • Lumber

  • Labor Exploitation and Exportation

Zareca Cartel hired the Blackscale Clan of Trandoshans to create a logging corporation based out of Kashyyyk. Fa Holdings purchased land from the Chieftain of the Wookiee Fyyyrol clan, which Fa then turned over to the Blackscales. Helix Syndicate constructed a space station in Kashyyyk’s orbit for processing the giant Wroshyr trees. Vitor Avendahl supplied the Blackscale clan with small arms. Arctis Genetics sold nerve agents to Zareca, which then sold them to Blackscale. Blackscale uses them to smoke out hostile and primitive wookiee tribes who stand in the way of the logging.

After Thengil Ri'shajirr left the Zareca Cartel, their operations on Kashyyyk were eventually absorbed by the Bareesh Kajidic.

Trandoshans run the operation, but the Bareesh Kajidic is the unseen sponsor, taking a portion of the profits in exchange for making sure its associates supply Mytaranor with arms and engineers. Helix Syndicate leases the New Hsskor space station to Mytaranor, but charges a tariff on all exported and imported goods that pass through it.

Tier: II


In the known galaxy, there are no trees as useful as the Wroshyr of Kashyyyk. The smallest specimens, mostly on the coastline and tropics, average in about 300 to 400 meters in height. Farther inland, the Wroshyr grow densely together and reach kilometers in height. The eldest of these trees are just over 50,000 years old.

More interesting than their growth patterns is their usefulness. Wroshyr trees are widely used for the uses outlined below.

  • Timber

  • Textiles

  • Furniture

  • Décor (statues, wood carvings, etc.)

  • Medicine

  • Food

  • Fuel

  • Chemicals
Given that the Kashyyyk system is the only known system to contain these trees (they are also present on Alaris Prime), it is the sole exporter of Wroshyr products. Any lumber company operating off of Kashyyyk will have a Wroshyr monopoly. However, the natives are firmly against the industrialization of the Wroshyr trade. Some of the natives have been persuaded to cooperate through pecuniary methods to sell a portion of their land, which Mytaranor is now engaged in deforesting.

Mytaranor expects to see skyrocketing profits as it is the sole “legal” exporter of Wroshyr lumber.

Parent Corporation: Bareesh Kajidic
Subsidiaries: N/A


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Company / Workshop: Iron Chef's Fine Meats And Rations

Modification Made: Transfer company ownership from HK-36 to [member="Rosa Gunn"], added operations on Denon to reflect their agreement

Rationale: IC agreement between the two of them to support to Boolon Foundation within this thread.

New Submission:

  • Corporation Name: Iron Chef's Fine Meats And Rations
  • Headquarters: Abregado-Rae
  • Locations: Atzerri, Corellia, Denon, Dentaal, Kinyen, Kooriva, M'Haeli, Moorja, Naboo, Teyr, Thyferra, Varonat
  • Operations: Production and refinement of basic foodstuff, production and refinement of various cuisines, production and refinement of medical supplies
  • Tier: 3

Iron Chef's Fine Meats and Ration was the brain-child of the droid HK-36, known as the Iron Knight.

During his numerous journeys and campaigns for the Omega Protectorate, HK witnessed many atrocities, including famine and starvation, in places such as Tatooine he visited on numerous occasions, for example. The droid began to devise marketing and manufacturing plans in order to set up a company that would aid in relieving the poorer areas of the Galaxy, most of them found in the Outer rim where the Omega Protectorate is based on.

The droid finally got his chance to set in the motion when he became the first Baron of the Protectorate, receiving in award a manor on Abregado-Rae, a planet close to him since the capture of Dreadpirate RC 212 from when HK took on himself to lower the crime levels of the planet. HK decided to go a step further, asking Lady Protector Cira to allow him manage economic and governmental functions of the planet, she agreed, naming Baron 36 also the Observer of Abregado-Rae. This allowed HK an access to economic base on which he was able to build the heart of his new company, making Abregado-Rae center of his business by setting there the Headquarters of Iron Chef. Among with providing aid to less fortunate planets, HK also needed more funding for his other projects, he decided the Iron Chef should provide some relief to funds without asking the Protectorate for more aid.

There was only one more step the droid needed to take to finish the genesis of his company. In his next meeting with the Lady Protector he showed her his designs and plans for the company, formally asking her for the Protectorate's support and if the Iron Chef could be the subsidiary of Omega Star Company, in his own words, HK described the company as

"Now this is an idea I had, Iron Chef's Fine Meats and Rations, it will be a company based on selling meats, rations, dry among others, foodstuff, and refined meals. In other words, nutriments of all kinds and sizes, always prepared with best quality, but offering products for all economic classes, both poor, rich, and those in between. The goal is to give bit more funding to my enterprises while providing quality food, so often needed on many planets, to populations in our territory, and our allies."

The Lady Protector agreed, allowing HK to use other resources and planets offered by the Protectorate to further his company's goals, and allowing him to trade with Omega's allies, including Mandalorian and Republic territory, as subsidiary of the Omega Corporation.

Lady Protector had only one demand, new product developed by Omega Protectorate S.A.A.T. division will be marketed and sold by the Iron Chef company, they were called MRE's, Meals Ready to Eat, simple, cheap, quick and easy to manufacture, providing everything a being needs to survive, and in a quantity that could feed a whole family for a month, they would soon become a common sight among the Outer Rim's suffering worlds, one of the trademark products of the Iron Chef. (Submission pending) In Lady Protector's worlds they were described as:

"I like the idea you have about the fine meats and rations... but I would also like to go a step beyond that if you are interested," she suggested, bringing up a display in her own holoscreen.Rather than being in pill form, they are about the shape and size of bricksnote and can feed a large family for a month. Longer, if they don't like their kids very much.
"The S.A.A.T has been working on perfecting a food ration that can be sent off to the border worlds, used in long term space missions and for humanitarian aide."

"We want it to be full of nutrients, calories needed, protien standard immunizations, vitamins, and even a bit of bacta to speed up healing."

The Iron Chef offered a whole range of meals, from the cheapest MRE's, to exquisite meals and rare ingredients, the Iron Chef offers pretty much anything, wide assortment of ready meals and raw ingredients for home-cooking, from basic to exotic. The Iron Chef also took personal customized orders, cooking specific meals and platters for those who could afford such.

However, the Iron Chef was a company with strong ethics, the meals were always prepared in clean conditions, sanitation was key to prevent any outbreaks of plagues of food-related illness resulting from consumption of the Iron Chef products. The Company also never made meals from animals or plants that were considered endangered, frequent inspections, of both manufacturing plants and shipments, made sure that nothing like that would ever happen in the company.

The company's manufacturing plants were based on many agricultural planets of Omega Protectorate, to whom the Company was loyal to, close ties to those planets ensured that the ingredients, even for the cheapest and simplest products, were always of highest quality and as fresh as possible.

With the decline of Omega Protectorate the company laid mostly dormant, focused on supporting and maintaining the populations of various worlds OP still had holdings on as well those sworn to aid previously, but not spreading their influence otherwise. First signs of change however came in a meeting between Rosa Gunn of the Boolon Foundation and HK-36. During this meeting the machine proposed to transfer the ownership of the company to the humanitarian as long as she promises to use and develop it, putting their agricultural capabilities to work in order to support the Boolon Foundation and their need for foodstuff.


HK planned it out and simply asked Lady Protector Cira in thread Ready to Relieve 'em of a Sour or Two if the company could be created as Omega Star Company's subsidiary, she agreed. Later it was willingly transferred to [member="Rosa Gunn"].

  • N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A

Rosa Gunn

Company / Workshop: The Boolon Foundation

Modification Made: Increasing to Tier 2, adding new locations.

Tier Up: Tier 2

Pertinent Development Threads:

[*]Passive Expansion - A Contract - Rosa meets with Adron Malvern to discuss a new sponsorship contract.
[*]Active Expansion - Building a Foundation - With Kali Talith’s permission and assistance, The Foundation and the Silver Jedi rebuilds the old city in order to create a new settlement for refugees.
Adding Operations:N/A
Adding Locations: Kiara, Denon
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: Updating submission to reflect these changes

Rationale: The Foundation has received a lot of interest, gaining 5 sponsors in the last few months and this should be reflected.

New Submission:
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Development Thread: As Above
Primary Source: N/A

Corporation Name: The Boolon Foundation
Headquarters: Teth
Locations: Kiara, Denon
Operations: The Boolon foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the support and protection of those who need it. A neutral party, their aim is to provide humanitarian aid in times of war, build new homes for refugees and set up sanctuaries across the galaxy for all who may need it.

Tier: Tier 2

Named in honour of a deceased member of the Silent Conclave, the Boolon Foundation was born from the need to protect and hide younglings of the Jedi Academy, the foundation takes no sides in wars, existing only to protect those who need protecting. Be it by evacuating citizens, providing supplies and medical aid to refugees or providing sanctuary to those who seek it.

It relies heavily on donations from other companies and individuals but it will not accept any donations from major factions due to the risk of getting tied to them and as such caught in their wars. As it stands, the sanctuary on Teth, known as the Silent Temple is a closely guarded secret, known only to a handful of masters in the Jedi Academy, the original members of the Silent Conclave and its Protectors.

Upon launching the Foundation, it has been inundated with requests from corporations to provide donations and assistance where possible, acquiring five different sponsors and an array of new assets including a small fleet of ships and a two droids commissioned specifically for the Foundation in a short space of time. An opening up sanctuaries on Denon and Kiara as well as assisting in the rebuilding of the Old City on Kiara to allow for a new and secure location for refugees to be located.

The Foundation now turns its eyes to other possible locations to set up sanctuaries as well as bolstering its member base in order to make them more readily available for citizen extraction during invasions.

Upon being requested to help in the relocation of the children from Yavin Academy, Rosa recalled the Silent Conclave. A group that had come together for sanctuary, friends that became family, this group grew to become the Levantine Sanctum and for political reasons was swallowed by the Silver Jedi and lost its original purpose. She seeks to find and establish new sanctuaries across the galaxy, and in doing so, find redemption for herself.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Company / Workshop: Voodoo Military Supply Co.

Modification Made: Switching Owners

Rationale: After his time running the company Felix Hardy had enough of the limelight and decided to go and settle down and do some of his own things. Searching around for a while he looked for someone to fill the position, not anyone that came from a business background, he needed to find someone who would take this company to new heights. When Felix found Jack he knew that he was the one to take the company higher then before. With the same company brand of VMS and the many items, they have a lot going on them.

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Voodoo Military Supply Co. (VMS)

Headquarters: Demonsgate,

Locations: Demonsgate, Kesh

Operations: Combat/Survival Gear, Combat/Survival Weapons, Vehicle Building

Rationale: Bear Mylls father was a powerful political man who managed a significant amount of wealth. Bear, joined the army after school and became a very skilled soldier going into the special operations. After leaving the army he decided to take his skills that he learned about apply them to business. With his father's support he made a businesses (Mylls Survival Co.) to manufacture items that he thought would be useful for surviving in the wilderness, and in combat. After selling items for a few years he expanded off of Demonsgate to the nearby planet Kesh.

After many years of running the company he realized that he could not help it expand much more and that he needed someone else to lead the company with that he turned to a perfect candidate in Felix Hardy. A knowledgeable man he would help lead the company into new and different directions. With new ideas for ships, vehicles and weapons to be designed and produced in the future. The Company went through a re-branding phase and now goes under the Name Voodoo Military Supply Co. or (VMS)

After his time running the company Felix Hardy had enough of the limelight and decided to go and settle down and do some of his own things. Searching around for a while he looked for someone to fill the position, not anyone that came from a business background, he needed to find someone who would take this company to new heights. When Felix found Jack he knew that he was the one to take the company higher then before. With the same company brand of VMS and the many items, they have a lot going on them.

Tier: Tier 2

Description: Bear Mylls made this company to support the men and women who wanted to venture into the unknown parts of the galaxy and make it out alive. In his dream, and in his birthplace of the Kathol Sector he bases his operation and sells his survival and combat gear out of the planet Demonsgate . Bear is not in it for the profit, he only does this to make quality equipment for the people that are willing to go and discover the unknown. All the equipment he makes and sells is personally tested in the wilderness by Bear himself, to prove its reliability and usefulness in the wilderness of the galaxy. In his making of the company he decided he would make vehicles that were going to be useful for people in the wilderness to live and survive out there for extended periods of time and using his father's money to add a section onto the main store to provide a workshop to build custom vehicles. Each item made is constructed out of the purest quality metals and designs to improve efficiency and usefulness. All credits made by sales are put into producing and obtaining more materials to make better and more reliable products. All products made by Voodoo Military Supply Co. has a 60 day credit return guarantee along with a 3 month expense paid repairs.

Under their 2nd CEO Voodoo supply Co. prodcued more advanced and superior items to put into the market and also developed personal designs and produced them in the advanced facilities they house. CEO Felix Hardy has not made any statements about any new policies coming except that the 60 day credit return guarantee and 3 month expense paid repairs will remain for the time being.

After another switch of CEO to new and upcoming Jack Morrison he has kept many of the similar stand points of his predecessor Felix Hardy. He has pumped the credit return guarantee from 60 days to 90 and also has stated ideas on having repair plans starting to appear in the coming months after his placement in his new role.

Subsidiaries: N/A

Parent Corporation: N/A
Company / Workshop: Rendili Stardrive

Modification Made:

Tier Up: Tier IV to Tier V

Rationale: Out of character because I've had the requirements done for over 2 years and been too lazy to do it until a reason prompted me to. That being the need to be Tier 5 now to make 3 kilometer starships (though I've done several in the past). Thus I've stopped being lazy and am getting this done like a responsible adult.

Sponsored by the Free World Coalition
Major Project: Will of the Force

Passive: Link - Link - Link | Link

Active Expansions: Link | Link | Link

New Submission:

Corporation Name: Rendili Stardrive

Headquarters: Rendili

Locations: Rendili, Quellor, Humbarine, Shri-Tal, Voss, and Vaynai
(Always looking for more)

Operations: shipbuilding, minor vehicle production, droid construction

Rationale: Camellia inherited the shares from her grandfather who worked his way through the company to become a large stakeholder in Rendili Stardrive during his time as an employee. She herself taking an interest in starships, though through Rendili's Planetary Defense Fleet, made her a much more preferable and likely more potentially devoted worker than her father, his son, who pursued his own medical career. The Elder Swift had long worked from a lower level dock worker to higher position among the shipyards, purchasing into the company through his status as an employee to climb the ladder.

Eventually after waiting and working an opportunity arose with the removal of one of the company's directorship's due to a failed project. Moving from his then already influential position of supervisor for the entire station the shipyards were operated from, the Elder Swift moved into the directorship through his influence from his time working with both low tier workers and upper level management as well as his significant share of of company assets he had purchased during some instances of the shipyards in hard times.

Seeing that his granddaughter had an equal passion for space faring craft, in his will as he passed, shortly after Camellia's promotion to Captainship within the Defense Fleet, he left to her his company assets and his directorship with his recommendation should she accept and be approved due to her record in the Rendili Defense Force. Which she of course did, wishing to bring about a knew goal oriented drive for the company by pushing for the creation of Rendili specific designs, especially for the Home Defense Forces.

Always having been fond of the models her grandfather had given her as well as the parts she had once used as a teen to work on making her own small project, Camellia aims to bring Rendili Stardrive back to the map to rival those prominent shipwrights of the current age and remind them all of the title of founding shipwright Rendili so richly and rightly holds.

Tier: Tier 5 - Rendili Stardrive, once Rendili Hyperworks at the time of the old republic, was a company that provided a majority of the warships the Republic navy used. However, by the time of the Clone Wars Kuat Drive Yards had made itself a clear rival and emerged victorious by the Imperial Era as Palaptine's Empire mostly used KDY produced ships. Rendili Stardrive while having rivaling facilities, never achieved the same market. Such issues no longer plague the company at present.

Description: Rendili Stardrive is one of the founding shipwrights, along with Core Galaxy Systems and the Corellian Engineering Corps. A longstanding company, Rendili Stardrive has long provided the Galactic Republic with the vessels they've needed. Especially for their naval military division. Producing such designs in earlier days as Rendili Hyperworks such as the Hammerhead or Valor Cruisers, and later on towards the Clone Wars with the Dreadnought Heavy Cruiser, Rendili Stardrive has long had the knack for constructing incredible vessels. They once held many yards throughout the Mid and Outer Rim, though the number has decreased since its glory days. The shipwright nonetheless intends to make a return as a prominent shipbuilding figure in the galaxy.

With their headquarters and largest shipyards over Rendili itself, Rendili Stardrive operates their smaller vehicle production facilities on Quellor and a smaller and less adept shipyard over Humbarine, a rather large and prominent city-scape world with large areas of commerce. While the capacity of the Humbarine yards is less significant, it allows the larger yards over Rendili to focus on construction of larger vessels if orders arrive while the Humbarine station handles smaller and personal requests. Many designs will come from their drydocks soon enough.

The recent additions of adequate yards over Shri-Tal, Voss, and Vaynai have also provided Rendili Stardrive with a reach into the market in another part of the galaxy, and in addition have opened up new revenues as well as influence. These yards each capable of handling large cruisers and small destroyers if need be, further increase the company's production capabilities.
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