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Company & Workshop Modifications

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Company / Workshop: Cuyan'solus

Modification Made: Tier IV -> Tier V

Tier Up: Tier V

Rationale: Organizing and submitting prior work already done by the owners or the workshop as crafters, prior to the workshop system creation.

New Submission:


Image Source: Self-Made
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A


Workshop Name: Cuyan'solus (Lone Survivor)
Location: Kuar
Specialty: Force Imbued Relics & Curious (from weapons to things like a Force Vision projecting watch, typically never more than a handful of a type of item at a time)
Tier: 5

At first the effort started as the personal forge of Ijaat (then Akun, now Mereel), and the various products made from it and his few students. Over the years, several iterations came and went, from large company formats to just informal smithing. Eventually, Ijaat trained Draco Vereen, who arguably has far exceeded his mentor and teacher.

Eventually, the business went from just armor and weapons to Force Imbued relics and curios, as the two main forces behind it grew in skill and Force knowledge. From building ever more powerful devices, the two slowly turned to the esoteric and unique. Abilities not often or ever before seen. And so, from Gotal'veman has come Cuyan'solus - The Lone Survivor, a play on the fact that all that is left of Mereel is its Alor, Ijaat.

Though still capable of making some of the best and strongest weapons and armor, Ijaat is loathe to make tools of war without some other form, function, or purpose to them. Unless for great need or purpose, as evidenced with his consent to work for Jaxton Ravos in his mission against the Sith. Now the workshop spends it's time out in left field, honestly, making the sorts of things that might just be the inspiration for the next generation of crafters to reach beyond what is known and mundane and tap into the fantastical.

Inherited business from his father, developed with his friend and pupil Draco Vereen to a further point, and further work on such basis.


Tier 5 Requirements Met Checklist
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Company / Workshop: Sasori Research

Modification Made: Adding Partner

Tier Up: Currently Max
Adding Operations: N/A
Adding Locations: N/A
Changing Headquarters: N/A
Other: Medical Minds

Rationale: New company added to partners

New Submission:
New Merger Added

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member

Company / Workshop: Sorenn-Syrush Industries - [ HERE ]

Modification Made:
  • Update of Company Submission
  • Added Subsidiary Companies at bottom of submission
  • Moving Headquarters from Alderaan to the Ishanna System

Tier Up: N/a
Adding Operations: N/a
Adding Locations: N/a
Changing Headquarters: The Mountains of Rabaan

[*]Sorenn-Syrush Banking

Rationale: To keep the Sorenn-Syrush Industries Company Sub updated and prepare it for future updates when they arrive.

New Submission:


..:: Out of Character Information ::..

Image Source:
Fire in the Background - [HERE]
Star in Foreground - [HERE]
Finished Product by Hawke Katamirth - [HERE]

Canon Link: N/a

Development Thread: N/a

Primary Source: N/a

..:: Corporate Information ::..

Corporation Name: Sorenn-Syrush Industries

The Ishanna System

Balmorra - Manufacturing Plant
Caamas - Minor Branch Office
Truuine - Subsidiary Headquarters and Facility
Cato Nemoidia - Subsidiary Headquarters and Facility

Armaments Manufacturing
Droid Manufacturing
Medical / Relief Aid Manufacturing

Tier: 3

..:: Description ::..

Sorenn-Syrush Industries focuses its attention on the production of Armaments and Droid Manufacturing for the purpose of securing the recently established Free Worlds Coalition. While serving as both the primary source of Income for House Syrush as well as producing items needed by House Syrush, much of its business comes from shipments to member worlds of the Coalition. It's unofficial motto being 'For the Betterment of the Coalition", showing that it does put the troubles and needs of the Coalition first.

Thus because Sorenn-Syrush Industries is present on Alderaan, and active within Coalition Space, it carefully picks and chooses its contracts and clients based on their views and standing with Alderaan. The company has no qualms about producing Armaments to equip military forces across the Galaxy, however it refuses to permit those Armaments from falling into the hands of those that would turn them on the Coalition. This has caused the company to label Armament sell and production for sources outside of Coalition member worlds as [R] - Restricted; with entire factions and organizations such as The First Order and any group with ties to the Sith as [F] - Forbidden (meaning that no contracts will be approved or accepted).

As the political landscape continues to change across the Galaxy, additional letter restrictions have been added; primarily those items labeled with a [G] - Government Contract Only, and [L] - Limited Stock

The internal structure of the company is formed into various Sectors...

Alpha Sector, which produces all the Armaments manufactured by the company; as well as run an R&D Department looking into the development of new Armaments.

Epsilon Sector, which produces all the Droids manufactured by the company; as well as running an R&D Department dedicated to the development of new Droid designs and models.

Delta Sector, which produces all of the Medical and Relief Aid manufactured by the company; as well as running an R&D Department focused on the development and production of new medical devices and breakthroughs.

Additional Sectors are currently in the works as the company continues to expand and grow; look forward to those new sectors arriving in the future.

..:: Rationale ::..

Sorenn-Syrush Industries was founded by Amelia Sorenn-Syrush to act as a primary credit source for continuing operations of House Syrush. Its location on Alderaan and its strict operating procedures, keeping it within Coalition space are by design. Amelia Sorenn-Syrush envisioned Sorenn-Syrush Industries to act as a dedicated manufacturing company to meet the needs of Alderaan and the member worlds of the Coalition as a means of ensuring that any armaments manufactured for the Coalition were not otherwise tampered with by ensuring that a Coalition loyal company produced the needed goods. Additionally, Amelia viewed the establishment of Sorenn-Syrush Industries as a means to further House Syrush's ambitions of ensuring that the House of Organa and the Coalition were defended. This ambition is seen as being possibly achieved through the expansion of Sorenn-Syrush Industries and its establishing offices and manufacturing capabilities on Coalition worlds to double as defensive points.

..:: Additional Information ::..

Sorenn-Syrush Banking
Sorenn-Syrush Condottieri Services

Parent Corporation: N/a
Company / Workshop: Dzujen'qo.

Modification Made: Tier up.


New Submission: Just changing 3 to 4 will do. Also add Bio-engineering to the specialties.
Company / Workshop: Lucerne Labs

Modification Made: Tier Up from Tier IV to Tier V, along with added location (Tanaan IV Cybernetic facility / factory) and operation (cybernetics) as detailed below in the template for upgrade from Tier IV to Tier V
Rationale: Expansion, growth, and development as per In-character development of company

Template for upgrade from Tier IV to Tier V

Sign a contract with two other different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies:
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
  • Sight of Shore: Lucerne Labs helps establishe a colony on Tanaan IV. (Participate in a planet's colonization)
  • In Search of Fresh Circuits: Gir recruits cybernetic scientists for Tanaan IV cybernetic lab. (Recruit personnel into your company)
  • Circuits and Coral: Gir gets a tour of the new cybernetic labs on Tanaan IV and their initial projects (Establish another operation for your company).
Successfully complete a project of major proportions.
Combining the Digital with the Molecular (15 posts)
The Alcibiades Strategem (20 posts)
The Silver Jedi come (12 relevant posts)
Who hunts the hunters? (24 posts)
The Abyss looks into you (25 posts)
Operation Torch (59 posts)
Among the Cold Starlight (32 posts)
Total relevant posts: 187

Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction
  • A Night in the Clouds: President Quee hosts a party for Silver Jedi VIPs to celebrate the company's close relationship with the Silver Jedi.
New Submission
Corporation Name: Lucerne Labs

Headquarters: Kwookrrr

Locations: Kwookrrr(factory/Headquarters), Gyndine (Shipyards), Hast (Shipyards), Voss (Droid Factory), Tanaan IV (Cybernetic Facility / Factory)

Operations: Starships, Vehicles, Starship/Vehicle Components, Droids, Cybernetics

Rationale: While Lucerne Labs retains much of its start-up culture as founded by Matthew Lucerne, the company has morphed from the grungy web of sometimes shadowy contacts into a more legitimate company with a traditional business model under Gir Quee's leadership. Using his connections with various galactic powers, Gir has steered Lucerne Labs into supplying a broad variety of starships and other defense products to individuals and organizations that Gir feels follows their founder's ethos. Recently, the traditional company ethos has taken root with several employees branching out with to start their own branches of the company based on their passions, including the cybernetics division of Lucerne Labs along with the establishment of Lucerne Personal Defense.

Tier: 5

Description: While Lucerne Labs retains much of its start-up culture as founded by Matthew Lucerne, the company has morphed from the grungy web of sometimes shadowy contacts into a more legitimate company with a traditional business model. Its biggest change has been not only licensing designs out for production to other companies, but producing their products in their own facilities on Kwookrrr, Gyndine, Hast, Tanaan IV, and their fleet of Hephaestus-class Factory Ships. This array of manufacturing facilities allows Lucerne Labs to supply a variety of products close to many of their customers.

Gir Quee takes care to establish personal relationships with many of the Lab's customers, for both economic and moral reasons. It would not due for the Labs to supply starbombers to a terrorist group, for example. Lucerne Labs continues to be a significant member of the Directorate, lending its resources to the group and receiving support from the faction in turn. The Directorate has pulled the company to become more politically involved with its clients, seeing the company deploy both its industrial and security assets to advance the causes of several galactic powers, including both the Silver Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. Lucerne Labs enjoys a particularly close relationship with the ISAF and Silver Jedi, who have become the company's primary customer. Along with this allegiance, the company has formed working relationships with other Silver Jedi affiliated companies, such as Locke and Key and the Silver Jedi Engineering Corporation.

While Gir Quee remains the company's public face, he is but one member of a tight knit circle from the Lab's early days that keeps it running. Gir's adopted brother, Salmakk, a notable mon calamari starship engineer does most of the daily management tasks. He has been able to return to do more engineering work since Gir's retirement from Republic service. Azira, a bothan slicer from Kothlis, and Gai, a Duros mechanical engineer, are other notable members of this same circle. Lucerne Labs is not only their employment, but also their tribe. This circle continues to guide Lucerne Labs as they look to change the galaxy for the better.

Subsidiaries: Lucerne Biological Systems, Lucerne Personal Defense

Parent Corporation: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Company / Workshop: Malvern Shipping & Trade

Modification Made: Giving up Escort Shipping for Weapons Manufacturing

Name Change: Malvern Industries
Changing Locations: ​Changing Location to Bothawui
Changing Headquarters: Changing Headquarters to Bothawui
Other: Giving up Escort Shipping for Weapons Manufacturing

Rationale: Since Adron no longer operates out of Serenno, and is now a part of the GE I felt this was a good change of pace for him.

New Submission:

  • Image Source: "Huge Elite Dangerous Fleet Leaves Galactic Center In a Classy Way" by Gergo Vas at
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Development Thread: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Malvern Industries
  • Headquarters: Bothawui
  • Locations: Bothawui
  • Operations: Weapons Manufacturing, Shipbuilding, and Trade Deals.
  • Tier: II

  • Malvern shipping is a relatively new business, only having about ten years of activity under it's belt is has mainly served as an escort shipping business until recently. Founded by Avius Malvern the company was intended to be a small company that provided a necessary protected shipping service. Utilized mostly by upper-class nobility and military officials for their domestic shipping from and to Serenno there is a decent amount of activity for the business.
  • Though the business is basically led by a President heading a board of directors he is second in charge, behind the CEO of the Company who is named by the previous CEO or the head of the Malvern family. Though the company began in escort shipping it was expanded upon when Serenno gained it's own set of drydocks, allowing for domestic shipbuilding. With it's own Trade Fleet underway in production at an impressive pace, the board of directors felt putting more money into starship building would be a worthy investment. They had more offers than suspected for Serennoan ships, the quality of these starships being of a decent caliber for such a small company.
  • ​In it's latest years, Malvern Shipping and Trade, now known as Malvern Industries has taken a back burner position in it's Trade Escort Section. Instead, it now makes it's headquarters in Bothawui focus on Weapons manufacturing.

  • As the name would suggest Malvern Shipping & Trade is a business held by the Malvern family of Serenno. Adron Malvern as passed this company after the passing of his father, naming him the rightful heir to the company as well as its holdings. Though Adron originally had no intent of stepping into the companies affairs he quickly changed his mind when he saw a use for the company in The Dominion as couriers and traders. So he exercised his right as CEO and took a more hands-on command of the company. It was after he took over that Malvern Shipping became Malvern Shipping & Trade.

  • N/A

  • N/A
Company / Workshop: WESTAR

Modification Made: Adding on Mandalore as a location and switching the headquarters over from Annaj to Mandalore.
Thread link: A WESTAR Place

Adding Locations: Mandalore
Changing Headquarters: Change headquarters from Annaj to Mandalore.

Rationale: To reflect WESTAR re-establishing itself on Mandalore and getting the headquarters switched over to there from Annaj.
Company / Workshop: Didact Defense Solutions.

Modification Made: Lots of expansion.

Rationale: Did all the work.

Sign a contract with two other different major factions OR Tier 5+ companies.
Display growth through two passive expansions of your company.
Display growth through three active expansions of your company.
Successfully complete a project of major proportions.

Begin a strong expansion into space for Didact Defense Solutions.

[ HIGH COST OF LIVING ] - Asset is kidnapped. Didact mounts a rescue and suffers heavy losses, because of a lack of space/air capabilities. Start of the project.
[ RED RIGHT HAND ] - Fast-forward in time. Didact accomplishes a hostile raid on a Chiss space fortification. Mission success. Project deemed viable.
[ WHAT BEAUTY ] - Chiss contract continues. Itash recovers an ancient artifact that grants force sensitivity to others. A new plan forms.
[ FLESH ] - Didact constructs a large skyhook, showcasing their new prominence in space.
[ PETS ON THE PROMENADE ] - GenPals Conference Center Opening is a resounding success.
[ AMONG THE CLOUDS ] - Didact sets themselves up as security for another space contract. Also serves as a liaison as a sub-contractor for the project itself.
[ WHEN THE DROIDS COME MARCHING ] - Nisha, Jorryn and Itash breach an abandoned fortification to take back an Isotope-5 deposit.

Keeno-class Interceptor
Alyx-class Elite Fighter
Jindo-class Elite Bomber
Vance-class Dedicated Carrier
Nixa-class Destroyer.
Xena-class Patrol Frigate
Reesha-class Scout Drone

Void Squads.

GenPals Conference Station.
Shaltin Shipyards
Sunder-class Military Outpost
Nema-class Aerial Outpost.

Obtain the permanent sponsorship of a major faction

New Submission:


  • Image Source: [x] [x]
  • Canon Link: /
  • Development Thread: /
  • Primary Source: /
  • Corporation Name: Didact Defense Solutions
  • Headquarters: Etti IV - Administration.
  • Locations:
Biewa - Manufacturing.
Bonadan - Recruitment & Storage.
Davirien - Training.

Atchorb - Recruitment & Outpost.
Tothis - Shipyards & Droid Production.
Ord Mantell - Smuggling Ring.
Oron III - Information Hub & Outpost.
Lythos - Mining & Outpost.
Reltooine - Outpost & Entertainment.
Thandon Nebula - Shipyards & Outpost.
  • Operations:
Private Security.
Military Equipment Manufacturing.
Information Gathering.

  • Tier: 5
Didact Defense Solutions operates under three pillars: gather, build and defend. It was decided early on that while it would be impossible to become completely self-sufficient (especially in the beginning), it was important to lay down the groundworks from the start.

Its current holdings were chosen for those reasons.

Biewa: One of the many industrial worlds of the Corporate Sector was the perfect place to occupy an abandoned factory plant. A steady stream of credits from Itash ensured that it was restored to proper working order and soon after personnel began to return. The people must eat, after all. Biewa currently functions mostly as a professional restoration, repair and modification center for Didact Defense Solutions, rather than the construction of new designs. This will surely change in the near future.

Bonadan: Located on the crossroads between many important shipping lanes of the Corporate Sector Bonadan was chosen for its ability to attract and retain individuals from every walk of life, its central location with the Corporate Sector and cheap options to hire warehouses for storage. This world has a mid-sized recruiting station in the main starport of the planet, while having several smaller booths in the other starports.

Davirien: A jungle world formerly owned by large medical interests Davirien is unremarkable for the most part. It is for that reason that Didact Defense Solutions picked it as their main training grounds within the Corporate Sector. A facility was constructed in the jungle and the tracks around it have been cordoned off with regular patrols and sparse outposts. After all, it would be a sad affair if some tourists wandered into Didact’s territory and accidentally got killed during a training session.

Atchorb: A regional trade hub due to its positioning between two major lanes within the Corporate Sector Atchorb was a prime choice to expand Didact's recruitment efforts within the Sector. With an eye on an expansion on its mandate in the future Didact Defense Solutions has acquired a well-meshed military facility, recently abandoned by the former security forces of the Corporate Sector. It has been renovated and serves as a medium-grade outpost for Didact in this part of the Corporate Sector.

Tothis: An industrial center of middling stature Tothis is the site of the former Baktoid shipyards and production facilities, before its owner sold the company to Didact Defense Solutions. Didact had little use for the ancient, archaic products and brand that it used to keep and discarded it almost immediately. They sold them off on the open market and used the winnings to expand the facilities and the shipyard extensively. Right now the shipyards and facilities operate under a free trade agreement, where Didact rents out the operations to start-up corporations and design firms that do not have the capital to purchase their own manufacturing centers. Furthermore they are used to repair or refit any vehicles and starships that Didact might operate.

Ord Mantell: Lawless, chaotic and incapable of being brought to order, this is Ord Mantell. Didact Defense Solutions operated here in the past under the contract of the Collective. Their mission was bringing an ambitious smuggling operation to heel and neutralize it, to pave the way for the Collective's expansion northward. Once there Didact made the executive decision to co-opt the operation for its own ends instead of completely destroying it. The Collective considered the contract fulfilled as the smuggling ring was now run by an organization that was amenable to its goals. The smuggling ring mostly operates independently, but accepts directive from Etti. When Didact is in need of equipment, resources while avoiding the public eye, they turn to Ord Mantell for their needs.

Orron III - Previously only known for its agriculture and agrarian community Orron III was the site of a ruthless band of reavers for the past decade by the name of the Sons of the Shard. Utilizing the ancient Data Hub hidden on the world, the pirates used it as their primary outpost to hit trade convoys and other targets within the Corporate Sector. Didact Defense Solutions was contracted out to wipe these pirates out. Once this goal was met they acquired legal paperwork to operate independently on Orron III, establishing an elaborate military outpost to pacify future pirate infestations in that part of the Corporate Sector. Of course, little did the Authority know that the outpost was build on top of the ancient Data Hub it operated about four-hundred years ago.

Lythos System - Down the Bonadan and the Hydian Super-Lane lies the Lythos system. It is known for both its output in agriculture and mining resources, but it is for the latter that Didact turned its eye towards the middling star system. Establishing another frontier outpost to assist with the stability of the system, they sub-contracted the construction of several substantial mining outposts on both Lythos I and XIV, to funnel the minerals and ore back to their refineries and manufacturing centers on Tothis and Biewa. Most of the excess resources are sold back to local manufacturing companies that need it more than Didact does.

Reltooine - Known for its many moons and tourist destinations Reltooine Didact keeps a permanent outpost here to provide security for the station against the usual threats. At the same time Didact invested in entertainment interests within the system, from providing more hands-on security at many of its tourist attractions, casinos and other establishments to beginning the build-up of their own assets in the system. After all, diversification is always a must in the business of making money.

The Thandon Nebula - Much like Didact's interests in Orron III its holdings in the Thandon Nebula are covert in nature. In cooperation with the Corporate Sector Authority the private military corporation began the construction of advanced automated shipyards within the Nebula, after finding and clearing out a large swath of space deep within the Nebula. This was done with expensive S-thread boosters provided and supplied by the Corporate Sector Authority.

Didact Defense Solutions was formed shortly after certain events occured on Eshan. Itash Mecetti, exiled nobleman and renowned scholar, found himself suddenly in control of a large detachment of Thyrsians. At first this seemed like good fun, then it became annoying, until Wes (one of his trusty sidekicks) pointed out the benefit of having a small standing army at your call.

Itash, always ready to assist the needs of his fellow sentients, made a decision right there and then. He would utilize their strengths and together they would make a lot of money.

First order of call was capitalizing on his efforts on Arkania. With the sudden access to professional muscle hundreds strong it became trivial to finalize the last stages of his project around the excavation site of a certain Sith library. Rather than restore it… Itash had it ransacked, extracting anything valuable and demolishing the site soon after that to cover his tracks.

Next port of call: the Corporate Sector.

There were other places to visit for a fledgling private military corporation, of course. But there was something brewing there and his luck guided him along.

They found the Corporate Sector different from what Tash could remember.

Much of the order of things were strangely lacking, which concerned him briefly, before Tash realized that this meant he could avoid some of the frustrating bureaucracy.

They comfortably settled themselves in.

Didact Defense Solutions was open for business.

Subsidiaries: Corondex Industries.

Parent Corporation: /
Company / Workshop: Corondex Arms.

Modification Made: Change ownership & name.

Rationale: Did the transfer.

New Submission: Change the name to Corondex Industries, remove the canon claim and add a new line to the rationale as followed: "Recently Corondex Arms was acquired by Didact Defense Solutions, Itash Mecetti, to serve as the sole manufacturing arm of his holdings. This to consolidate his efforts throughout the Corporate Sector and beyond it."
Tier Up: GenPals - Tier up from T4 to T5

Adding Operations: Free with Tier up-
Experience Tourism: With the opening of the GenPals Station, the company now offers driven, experienced based vacation options, as well as outside business accommodations for events or meetings.

Adding Locations: Free with Tier up-
D'ian, GenPals Conference Station

Continued company growth.

New Submission: N/A


Well-Known Member
Company: Paradigm Hypernautics
Modification Made: Name Change and Consolidation of Assets
Rationale: For neatness and ease

Pertient Development Threads:

New Submission:


Image Source: Google Images
Canon Link: N/A

Primary Source: N/A
Corporation Name: Suros Corp.

Former Names: Titan Industries, Clan Kryze Shipyards, Suros Corp., Concordia Crescent Technologies, Concord Dawn Arms,

Headquarters: Mandalore

Locations: Mandalore, Yaga Minor, Illum, Yavin IV,

Operations: Ships, Vehicles, Technology, Armor, Weapons,

Tier: III
Suros Corp. is a manufacturing company that makes almost everything. Weapons? We make them. Ships? We make them. Tech? We make it. Suros Corp.(PH) is a company that places value on tradition, but also innovation. We offer technology that could be considered an antiquity to the enterprising collector while simultaneously selling high tech weapons and gear to the militaries of different factions and planets. At Yaga Minor, Mandalore and Yavin IV we offer our wares wares to you, whoever you are, to be used wherever you want. Suros Corp. offers 24/7 support staff and customer service which has been given the Clan Kryze Award for best customer service every year since Suros's founding. At Suros Corp. we do not pressure you to buy our products, we accept that you may want to stay loyal to other companies. But if you want superior service and products, buy from Suros Corp..

Titan founded Suros Corp. to expand the influence of Clan Kryze on the back of his had work and money, iinternal disputes, however, caused a change of direction. It started to expand the influence of Titan instead of the Clan and its profits delivered to him and his employees rather than the clan. However when Titan was kidnapped, the board of investors sold it to a Sauron Saxon who soon disappeared from galactic affairs again the board sold it this time to an anonymous buyer who turned out to be Titan. After he killed the board Titan renamed the company to Suros Corp..


Parent Corporation: None
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