Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt A Wish

You are now the Sith Emperor. Unfortunately, you're dyslexic, so you continuously misspell "Sith" in the most insulting manner possible.

I wish my friends weren't using my couch as cover against their own C4 escapades.

I shouldn't wish while gaming...

The Hound

Granted they use you as cover against their own C4 escapades.

I wish I was the best pilot in the Republic fleet. Oh wait ;D
I wish I was the Dragonborn.

Sienna Vekarr

Granted but on your adventures you are devoured alive by a horde of skeevers in some crypt no one has ever heard of and you die a slow painful death. Alone and in the cold darkness.

I wish I was rich again....

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Granted: But while your body is invincible, your age isn't. You grow so old you turn to dust. But are still alive. You are forced to live forever as all those you love die around you.

I wish I was Morigan from Dragon Age. <3 I am a lesbian for her.
Granted: you die by falling out of an airspeeder onto the back of a Krayt dragon. The dragon flies thorough a fireworks display, catching numerous rockets before they explode. Off-balance and angry, the dragon swoops down and collect two fistfuls of clowns who are in the process of spraying each other with seltzer bottles. One of the clowns kicks the disc jockey who dies instantly of a broken neck, but not before his digital system auto cues "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince. With seltzer and clown blood spraying everywhere, the dragon rises into the sky, reaching his apogee just as the fireworks detonate and the now-pilotless land speeder somehow crashes into him, blowing up on impact. The clowns explode in a riot of color, drenching you with their entrails and confetti as you finally fall from the beast's back. You strike the ground with a wet thump just as "Let's Go Crazy" ends with it's final power chord/cymbal crash.

Unfortunately, this was a private rehearsal, and anyone who might have seen it is dead.

I wish I had a beer that was less filling AND tasted great.

Sienna Vekarr

Granted, but they are all rigged to set off a nuke that resides under your home if you open one.

I wish Animal Crossing: New Leaf would download faster...


Anzat's How it's Done
Granted, but there's a virus in the download that makes your computer explode.

I wish I could eat raw chicken without getting food poisoning.
Wish granted: Yo momma's so fat, that even if we cut her head off she'd still weigh as much as Barry White!

I wish that feminists would dissapear from the face of the Earth.
I really, really don't want to corrupt this one. :(

Ah well. Feminists disappear, but afterwards you discover in horror that Joss Whedon, Niel Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion, and Hugh Jackman are gone. I hope you're happy!

I wish for absolution.

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