Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt A Wish

Granted. Unfortunately, George Lucas takes it back over and the next three films are ewoks and nuclear bombs that are easily stopped by a fridge.

Post-snipe, you nerf herder! FINE! Gas is now cheaper because it's water and your car explodes!

I wish I didn't have a headache.
Granted: Jack Bower struggles with retirement, and takes up a job as a greeter at the local walmart to pass the time. The show is called "8" for the number of hours in a typical shift.

I wish for a chocolate cake to appear out of thin air before me.


Well-Known Member
Granted you now have a fat juicy steak in front of you.... but all your teeth have rotted out and you can't eat it.

I wish I had a kitty


Well-Known Member
Granted: Yogurt now tastes like the most delicious chocolate ever.... but you become allergic to it.

I wish there was something on TV

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