| @[member="Lan Raegin"] | @[member="Darth Apparatus"] | @[member="Selena Halcyon"] | @[member="Matsu Ike"] | @[member="TK-5914 Shank"] | @[member="Aerrah Katamirth"] |
Location: Leaving AA Ring placement 3, and begin march into the center of the city.
Objective: Assist Darth Apparatus in Intensifying the Massacre.
ooc comment: Jumping back into this to assist Mr. Apparatus.
Holding the comlink that communicated to the Blackblade platoon that Valentina had tasked for a security sweep of the security building and area. The task was simple, eliminate any Republic forces found in the area. This was a relatively minor issue to her mind, being well behind sith lines she did not expect any significant amount of resistance.
That's when it happened, the platoon snuffed out the apparent hiding spot of a Jedi Master, known as Matsu Ike. Valentina could not tell exactly what Matsu did, but she could hear the screams of the platoon as they were quickly eliminated.
Much to the surprise of the young apprentice. Blackblades
hunted Force Users, so to see the platoon wiped out so quickly the young apprentice found it as impressive as it was interesting, just what that Jedi harlot did to the poor platoon Valentina may never know.
That's when the Blackblade officer nearby the apprentice identified the master, her name, and her given name,
The Butcher of Metalorn.
Around this time, Valentina expected a threat from this aggressive, blood thirsty, short, Jedi. Instead of that the young apprentice heard concerns about Valentina and the rest of Sith Empire's safety in regards to turbulent weather, and a polite offer to surrender.
A word weaved in defiant venom of
nooo almost escaped Valentina's lips as she raised the comlink and considered her options, one being to have Blackblade Legion call in a bombing run to erase this, heart warming, compassionate,stomach churning, pint-sized terror. However her defiant overture found itself interrupted by repeating blaster fire from the squad of TK-5914 Shank over the comlink. In which case Matsu flew off, battering and murdering his squad too. Before TK-5914 began to chase the Jedi around Ahto city.
The young Sith wasn't exactly sure if Matsu's complaints were for the comlink or not, nevertheless she overheard it, as the transmission crackled to life.
From Jedi Master Matsu Ike.
"Are you done sending faceless lackey's, I can fling them around all day and night well into eternity and they won't change a thing."
As the transmission faded into the background noise, Valentina's thoughts in reply was simple. Valentina had a seemingly limitless supply of so called "faceless lackeys" more aptly better known as "winions" to do her bidding, in the wake of the Emperor's will. And she had every intention of using them, she was anything
but done.
In fact, she had only just begun.
As for TK-5914, the results at the security center was a job that was exceptional, forcing the Jedi Master out of the area, Valentina was confident that TK-5914 would "Beat the Butcher." Somewhere hidden in that saying perhaps lied irony due to your everyday butchers habitual action of beating meat, although any was not intentional.
Which leads us up to the present moment, Blackblade Legion was now bogged down in front of AA placement 3, advancement through to the Republic Embassy lied an impossible course, the Republic were being stubborn and had an absolute death grip on that AA ring, matters were further complicated with Valentina's downed gunship, that burning wreckage blocked advancement as well. Further developments had Darth Apparatus landing within the center of the city, it became clear that the way to victory was more simple, they were going to have to defeat Jedi grandmaster Selena Halycon directly to win this battle and secure the capital building.
With that in mind Valentina and Blackblade's advisor's whipped up a plan to quickly get themselves into the city center.
Most of the advancement would rely on heavy AT-TT cover, tanks, and a symphonic mix of artillary support through mostly held Sith lines and advancing into the weakest part of the Republic Forces.
And with that, they began mobilizing, and fast.
But before they left, they decided to leave a parting death kiss to the remaining Havoc Squad members within the area. If they wanted that anti-aircraft battery so bad, they could have it, but Valentina was not about to leave it, with it working.
An AT-TT lumbered forward, beginning to press on to the heart of the city and with its firepower at full blast it let the AA ring have it. Rocking the ring, and the second shot, was a dose that landed on the base of the gun itself, of course they could not be sure the extent of the damage, but the were sure it was massive, right before the AT-TT rounded the corner and stomped forward on its tour to the center of the city and Blackblade legion fell back and filed in to follow, marching west, combined with the remaining soldiers that survived the gunship downing and regrouped with the Legion, as fighters zoomed in providing top cover.
Such a bittersweet parting from Havoc Squad... a low blow, one were the Blackblade Legion got the last part in, and then started running, at least that is the way it appeared.
And now they were marching to the heart of the city, straight for Darth Apparatus and Selena Halcyon.