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Crimson Tide (Sith vs. Republic Invasion of Manaan)

Aerrah Katamirth

@[member="Lan Raegin"]

The roar of engines drowned out the sounds of the war cries the city echoed. Both sides were hammering each other hard. There was only so much 'land' here to fight over; which made the fighting all the more concentrated and ferocious. Aerrah and her troops barreled down on the AA emplacement. Her crimson blade drew breath again, raised up awaiting to fend off any attack that may come. Their speeder bikes slowed as they neared. Dead bodies of Sith Troopers were strewn about the ground. Was the ones who brought them death still here though?
@[member="Aronis Vilgar"]

A dark chuckle escaped Faust's lips as he pulled the boy up onto his feet as he looked him over. "Get onboard the gunship." He ordered, directing him towards the Imperial S90 MAAT that was touching down currently. He didn't have time to finish up here, his little apprentice was at risk of dying, something he was not willing to accept. He had plans for the boy's future, rather big ones.
Aronis hobbled over to the gunship. The moment he got safely on board, he collapsed to the floor. Though not dead, his encounter with the Sith had left him severely wounded and injured. He tried using the Force to block out the pain, but it was of little help. He lay motionless on the gunship floor in dire condition.

@[member="Marcus Faust"]
Rianna nodded, "I am Rianna" he learned quickly she felt him begin to grow warmer he would not die of the cold. As he shrugged out of the robe Rianna reached up and pulled the aluminum blanket around him again, "You're core temperature must rise a bit more" It was almost a mothering action she was taking pulling the blanket tighter.

"If I had you at the hospital, you'd be out of these wet clothes, but doing so out here invites other problems" The problem, bare people were easy targets. Rianna looked into his eyes smiled, "Flint Dexen, of the Jedi" She nodded, all while removing his boots to get to his feet. People failed to realize how important it was to take care of their feet.

She reached into her bag again and brought out two packages, both sealed in plastic and white. She opened the first, and put it on Flint's head, she rubbed his head vigorously as the cloth absorbed the water it expanded, she set it down. Then she continued work on his feet getting the boots of and the socks she opened the other package and began to dry him. She looked around, necessity breeds invention. "stay put" She got up and walked back up the steps spotting a dead soldier. She thought little, grabbing his feet she removed boots, socks, taking the socks. "forgive me" she whispered.

She closed her eyes how she had such a hard time robbing the dead to help the living. She cleared her mind and ran back down the stairs, she put the socks on Flint. Then she sat back, "How are you feeling?"

@[member="Flint Dexen"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
@[member="Rianna Organa"]

Flint blinked as the Jedi Master pulled the blanket back around him. He had heard the female Jedi introduce herself as Rianna, but after that, he was rather tuned out from trying to keep himself warm using the Force. It took quite a lot of concentration to keep himself warm with the Force, and he was rather relieved when the Jedi Master left for a few moments before returning with an unsoaked pair of socks. He had a pretty good guess that she had taken it from a fallen soldier. It also greatly helped that Rianna had been trying to dry him. Flint was shivering considerably less now.

"Better..." he said in response to Rianna's inquiry on how he was feeling. "...all thanks to you, Master Rianna." he said a second later accompanied by a polite smile. Perhaps this was what gave this woman a Jedi Master and a spot on the Jedi Council. She healed people. For Flint, healing was rather a hard thing to do. He went around places defeating pirates, capturing bounty-hunters, arresting criminals, and the like, but he never really did much healing.

"I am very much in debt to you." Flint added, leaning his shoulders against the wall. His hands went to his belt, where he had his own as well as Vulpesen's lightsaber with him. That was good. He allowed his gaze to freely roam about the scenery, and he spotted dead soldiers on the stairs, and several other places. "Death seems to be... everywhere. Do you know if civilians evacuated out of the city before the Imperials attacked?" Flint inquired the Jedi Master.
Rianna shook her head, "there is no debt Flint Dexen" She put her hand onto his leg this time, and channeling the force she directed it to Flint, it was exhausting work for anyone to work so hard with the force, and healing others did take a lot from her.

Rianna nodded, yes she agreed death was everywhere. Sadness touched her eyes and her face war was inevitable it seemed. Rianna had seen many wars and they always ended up the same leaders got what they wanted for their governments, their planet the people however felt the loss in the husbands, wives, sons and daughters. "I heard some were evacuated, some refused to leave" A persons home was just that their home even in eminent danger they would stay in their home. "Your clothing is still wet, you should...have dry clothing but if you can use tapas it will help keep you warm, your clothing matters not"

She had used tapas on Hoth, it had saved her life. She closed her eyes, so many memories. She shook her head and looked to Flint. "I can have you taken back to the encampment where they can find you dry clothing" It was recommended that he do this, out here still wet...she'd be seeing him for pneumonia.

@[member="Flint Dexen"]

Lan Raegin

@[member="Aerrah Katamirth"]
Lan ran at the Sith troopers like a bat out of hell. He bounded over obstacles and speeders as though they were nothing. Behind him a dozen or so Havoc troopers began to fire at the Sith, covering Lan and his raging advance. There was no stopping the tall fuzzy Selonian, he was on a mission of vengeance, t fight for the Republic and win Manaan, to make the Sith Pay for everything they had done.

He rushed towards what he assumed to be the leader of the Sith group bounding over a speeder.

Lan fired his blaster three times, then rushed towards the woman, jumping and aiming to tackle her to the ground.
Doc was a crafty man. So crafty, that he had watched dozens of Action holos to formulate this plan. The Sith speeders had to rely on strafing runs to be effective, so Doc waited until they had to turn back around, and then took out the wrist-launcher that fired a small chord. He shot it across the street, and gulped as he was lurched forward as the speeders ran into it, yanking him with it. The chord caught several Sith in the torso, and finally latched around the final one, and started to drag Doc. Doc grumbled, bouncing around on the ground, his armor clinking as he struggled to maintain a sort of...balance. He was going in circles, screaming all the while.

Comical to some, terrifying to him. He managed to finally, resisting the impressive amount of g-forces, Doc slid out his knife and ripped the chord, gasping. He was hurt, he could feel bruises all over and maybe a broken rib and a shattered something in his leg. But the speeder charge was not so good now. He rolled upwards, leaning against the wreckage of a speeder, giving a thumbs up to the Havoc troopers. He needed to be moved, ASAP. Removing his side arm, Doc began to pop shots towards the incoming Sith troopers.

Talon Vosra

Location: Manaan Medical supply depot
Objective: Find hidden Mando.

Talon gave the order to move out just as the sound of a detonation went off not far away. It was strange. He hadn't sensed the danger. Prehaps it wasn't meant for his people?

"Fortify the medical depot. I want us dugg in deeper than a Corellian at an open bar." Talon said to his 2nd in command. "Then send a EOD team to check that detonation."

"Aye sir," the lieutenant replied.

Talon closed his emerald eyes and reached out in the force. Something wasn't right. This wasn't like Metalorn. They were the conquerors here not defenders.

"Great time to grow a conscience commander." Talon said to himself.

There! Something was pouring a mix of patience, anxiety, and determination into the force. Talon quickly put on his helmet, stuck his lightsabers in their gauntlet sheaths and took his blaster rifle in both hands.

"Fire team beta, come with me." Talon said through his helmet. "The rest of you execute your orders."

Talon began moving toward the person he sensed but he could only feel the vague location.

"Check the area." He said to the four trooper fire team, "if you find anyone bring them to me."

Talon raised the blaster to his shoulder and advanced slowly. He moved debris with his blaster barrel and the force. There was someone close and they were hiding...
Location: Near Medical Supply Depot and Sewer Filtration Relay
Objective: Enter city sewers, escape Sith troops, survive.

Betna heard the sound of rubble moving. A lot of rubble. He didn't hear the second charge go off and he knew the first wasn't enough to topple the huge building. That meant either an armored vehicle was nearby or something was moving the rubble somehow. Seeing as he couldn't hear the rumble of an engine or the whine of a repulsor, that meant someone was moving it themselves. That amount of rubble and debris shifted so quickly and suddenly meant bad news for the Mandalorian. Force User. Some red blade 'saber jockey was about to make Betna's job that much harder.

Sighing, the Mandalorian rolled out of his hiding spot and looked down at his injured leg. The knee was still shaky, but he needed the ability to bend the limb which he couldn't do with a splint in the way. He cut the tape and bandages with a vibroblade and pulled off the pair of rebar lengths. He started tossing them away, but stopped. He kept the one that had punched through his leg and tossed the other. He tucked the rebar through the webgear on his back, figuring it'd be a neat souvenir from the battle. He then grabbed his rifle and prepared to go to work.

He peeped his head over the lip of the rubble and let his helmet's systems pick up the moving targets. A squad was entering the building to investigate, but it wouldn't matter. He figured that they had five minutes or less to figure out what went off and even less time to figure out that there was a second explosive. Even if they did manage to find it in record time, or just got really lucky, there would barely be enough time to disarm the bomb and any EOD tech would figure out that the two explosives would bring down the building... directly onto the Medical Depot. Multistory sky scrapers weren't fun to have fall on you. Betna could very readily attest.

Arrbi waited until the squad was completely inside the building before he acted. He quickly scuttled a few dozen yards closer to the sewer entrance until he was maybe ten to twenty yards from the edge of the rubble. He then took a knee and tried to ignore the screaming pain from the puncture wound in his thigh. Shoving the pain to the side and focusing hard on what he had to do, Betna brought the rifle up to his shoulder and took aim. He slowed his breathing and let his mind zone in on his target. He saw the man speaking to someone. The target's head turned this way and that. The armor was camouflaged, true. bit Betna was trained to pick out minor details on the battlefield. The man had odd, oblong pouches of some sort on his gauntlets and his armor was a bit cleaner than the rest of the troopers. Toss in the body language of the troops around him and how he was moving far more debris than he should be able to do with just some muscle and a blaster barrel, and Betna knew he'd found his mark. Cut off the head, the body will die.

Betna took up the slack in the trigger, waited for his breathing and heartbeat to synchronize, and pulled the trigger to send a high velocity rifle slug at his target's chest.

@[member="Talon Vosra"]

Talon Vosra

Location: Near Manaan medical depot.
Objective: Find hidden threat while not dying much.

Talon stopped in his tracks. Something had changed he slowly scanned the area in search for the enemy unit. He could feel the person but whoever it was did a good job of staying unseen.

Talon looked toward the nearby sewer access and...there! It was a Mandalorian Sniper from the look of the weapon. Talon was too late. The shot burst from the muzzle of the Mando rifle and streaked straight at Talon's chest.
The round closed in fast Talons eyes widened the round drew close Talon twisted sideways and dropped to the ground immobile.

@[member="Arrbi Betna"]
Location: Near Sith Medical Post and Sewer Entrance
Objective: Disengage from Sith Forces, enter sewers, avoid falling building.

Betna worked the bolt on the slug thrower rifle and racked another round into the chamber. Another crack of the rifle and another trooper went down with a hole through his head. Two more shots and two more Sith followed their buddy into death by cranial ventilation. Betna fired the last shot, killing another trooper, when his timer went off to signal the one minute warning for the second bomb.

He slid the bolt home and started into a limping run. Pain arced up and down his thigh with each impact of his right boot on the ground, but he kept going. He knew he had only a minute before everything went to osik and he didn't plan on being around when it did.

The Mandalorian slung the rifle as he ran and drew his pistol. As he cleared the last of the debris field, he heard and felt the crump of the second bomb. Soon after, he heard the shattering, tearing groan of a building as it fell to the ground.

Betna had set the explosives in the hopes that he could draw out the Sith troopers to the building. The first bomb would catch their attention and shatter the spine of the building. The second bomb would rupture the corner closest to the Medical Post. The initial result would be obvious enough as shrapnel wickered through the Sith soldiers, killing, maiming, and wounding wherever it went. The second result was a calculated risk on Betna's part. By destroying the corner of the building, the bomb destroyed a key point in the building's construction and compromised the structural integrity of two of the outer walls. As the corner and walls had helped hold the building upright after the central spine had been shattered, the structure was now collapsing towards the tents, the troops, and, unfortunately, Betna.

"Shab shab shab shab shab shab shab shab shab," Betna shouted inside his helmet as he hauled tail as fast as his leg would take him.

Behind him, he could hear the multi story building coming closer as it crumpled and fell faster. He knew it was just a matter of seconds before it hit and he really did not want to deal with a second building landing on him today.

@[member="Talon Vosra"]
CITY CENTER - Poison Deployment Area
@[member="Valentina Clairemont"], @[member="Darth Apparatus"]

All things considered, Selena Halcyon was a fairly selfless woman. Sacrifice was not something beyond her. Throwing herself into a blade to deliver the killing blow to a significant threat to the galaxy for some reason hung in her head as how she would die. As one who was not prone to idle musing it was odd that this one stuck around so much. Part of her felt that maybe it was prophetic. The Force telling her how it would end for her on this plane of existence. As if it was preparing her for paying this ultimate sacrifice. That concept struck her as silly though, she did not need to be more prepared than she was. The Sith that stood before her now was not the one that she had to lose her own life in order to stop though. Yes, she knew that Darth Apparatus was a powerful Sith Lord, and her sacrifice would not be wasted but he was not the large threat she was destined to die slaying.

This required a defensive move. His sideways slash was at an awkward place for her to defend from the side, she pivoted on her lead foot and spun towards the attack. Two hands on the long hilt of her lightsaber was enough to stop the attack. Pivot completed and using the force of the attack, she jumped backwards doing a backwards somersault. She noticed the other Sith arrive. Tiresome. She supposed if she was gifted with some of the fancier force powers this might be less of an issue, it really is amazing how useful basic telekinetics can be but she did not have them. Even for the grandmaster she did not like fighting outside of logical odds. Could she take the two? She could see herself doing that but odds were important.

Objective. Mission. Sith were important. Their destruction was important to securing peace in the galaxy but the droids were at work. What point was there to defeat a few Sith but to lose the planet to poison. Attention still on the Sith, knowing that any opening could be taken advantage of, she flipped a switch on her hilt. The silver blade of her lightsaber turned a deep purple as it doubled in length. The grandmaster began to move through the mixture of crates and droids, jumping on top of crates and back between them. Using the extra range of her lightsaber to destroy the droids. She knew the Sith would come after her, it was just a matter of being ready for them. She was quick, the force lent her much aid in that regard, so she would be hard to catch let alone off guard.

Talon Vosra

Location: Dromund Kaas near sewer access.
Objective: follow @[member="Arrbi Betna"]

The crack crack of the Mandalorian's rifle stopped and the sound of a second charge went off. Talon looked up and saw the sniper hobbling away at choo choo speed. Talon called on the force and rushed forward then dropped back to the ground.

"Clear the area." He said over his helmet's internal comlink.
Once again he drew on the force and leapt into the air. He grabbed the outside of the falling building and scrambled to the opposite side. He bent his knees as the huge building drew closer to the ground and finally jumped clear as it hit and rolled across the debris riddle street.

Talon followed the Mando at a distance using his camouflage armor and the force. He was going to go after the Mando and find out what he was up too.

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
@[member="Rianna Organa"]

Flint was simply glad that the Jedi Master was around. He closed his eyes as warmth spread across him like fire, despite his soaked condition. Flint sighed when he heard Master Rianna's information regarding the civilian evacuation. It was rather depressing to hear that some had refused to leave.

He shook his head in response to the offer to go to encampment for dry clothing. "The status of my clothes does not matter like you said, master. Dry clothes can wait. We should probably assist the people of Manaan to the best of our abilities first." Flint pointed out. He wasn't quite sure who exactly was winning this skirmish, but regardless, Flint was bent on making sure that civilian losses were at a minimum.

The Jedi Knight slowly stood up, slightly leaning against the wall as he took his lightsaber hilt out of his belt. Suddenly, sound of footsteps could be heard, and out of nowhere, Stormtroopers descended down the stairs towards the pair of Jedi.
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer - Outbreak (Flagship) [Engaging the Straight Edge, all batteries]
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer - Valor [Engaging the Straight Edge, all batteries.
Ardent-class Fast Frigate - Thundering Spire [Orbital bomardment, Point defense attacking fighters]
High Orbit, Manaan
@YubYub the Vengeful @Ronin Fel @Zrash'toul'frusku

This was a massive waste of Fel resources on such a petty thing that the Republic had got themselves into. No use in wasting valuable soldiers and crewmen of his fleet and risking the lives of tens of thousands more. His fellow officer, Zrash was already groundside, and would be able to extract the Imperator if he hadn't done so already.

"All forces, prepare for extraction. Deploy gunships to retrieve groundside troops and make the jump to lightspeed."

And after a few minutes of gathering up his fighters and launching gunships, hyperdrive equipped gunships, he and the rest of the fleet were gone with the blink of an eye.



@[member="Steph Zenima"]

"I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING." TD-19 roared in response, his universal language translator failing to pierce the impenetrable barricade that was Steph's dialect. He could spend years pouring over the interaction but still turn up nothing in response.
TD-19 did not understand what was going on. First he was bonding with his ally over the homicide of an orphan, now he was on the receiving end of a headbut. Why was his ally headbuting him? Why was anyone headbuting him? Tactical Droids were not very sturdy droids. They weren't built for combat, making TD-19's presence on the battlefield with a sledgehammer in hand somewhat of an anomaly. But Durasteel was still Durasteel, and TD-19's distinct lack of pain receptors made most unarmed attacks against him little more than... Well, nothing.

There was a loud clank as a meaty, not-Durasteel skull met TD-19's steely, totally-Durasteel head. TD-19 took a step back, more in confusion than due to the force of the blow. Nothing was adding up, but this creature was apparently not of the friendly variety, despite their common tastes. This could lead to one thing only.

"SO BE IT. THE GROUND SHALL HUNGRILY LAP AT YOUR SPILLED BLOOD." TD-19 announced, practically to anyone in a 100 foot radius. He was loud. "MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODS, FLESHTHING."

Singing the songs of angry droids, TD-19 raised his vibromace over his head with both hands. He brought it crashing down towards the drugged soldier, particularly uncaring about how easy it could be to avoid such an attack.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
(OOC: I was given permission by Zrash's writer to describe his movement of Ronin)

As the battle raged around, Zrash pulled carried the Imperator to the landing zone outside of the city square. As the Chiss carried Ronin, his CELL Commandos and the Imperator's Praetorian following close behind, blaster bolts whizzed by and the sound of AA fire thundering in the distance was enough to shatter eardrums. By the time that the group had reached the landing zone, the Praetorian had been cut down to just a single man and the Cell Commandos were not looking good either. The Fel had fought bravely, but with the Imperator wounded as he was and the losses they were taking, there was just noway that the Fel could continue this fight. The gunships sent by Davin quickly descended upon the planet, waves of them being destroyed before even reaching Ahto City.

A few stray gunships, however, were able to land safely on the deck where Zrash quickly loaded Ronin inside before stepping in himself. Once all of the survivors had been loaded, the gunships quickly lifted off of the deck and blasted off into the sky. The ride was bumpy, the explosions of AA fire around the ship was causing an earthquake proportionate rocking but Ronin was still dead to the world around him. The Chiss General just watched as medics went to work to stabilize Ronin, but things were looking down. With barely the skin of their teeth, the gunships broke past the atmosphere and their hyperdrives were activated. They would jump to a nearby system in Republic space and then rendezvous with Davin for the very important ride home.

In the blink of an eye, as the battle raged on, the Fel gunships disappeared into the void of space.....

The Fel have officially pulled out of Manaan.
@[member="Aronis Vilgar"] would find himself by medics as Faust stepped aboard the shuttle, sighing as the door slid shut behind him, hissing as it sealed. The chamber became air-tight, the only distinguishable sound was the subtle beeps of medical equipment. Marcus let out a sigh as he patted one of his saber guards, who'd boarded soon after him, on the shoulder and sat down. Looking down on the saber in his hand.
Location: Hauling shebs underground
Objective: Head under city, find Ahto city buoyancy cells, survive.

The deafening roar of the falling building urged Betna onwards, despite his injuries. His mad dash would look almost comical were it not for the multistory structure seemingly chasing him as he ran. Chunks of plaster, concrete, and glass crashed and shattered all around him, some even pinging off his heavy armor. The dust cloud was catching up and from the corners of his eyes, the Mandalorian spotted Sith troopers going down here and there from debris or trying to take cover from the collapsing building. Betna knew it wouldn't work. The only reason he'd survived a similar collapse earlier was partly due to his beskar armor, but mostly from shear luck.

He reached the relay station and saw the door was locked. Without hesitation, Betna pulled his revolver and shot the lock once. Twice. The lock bent and shattered, flinging the metal doors wide open. Betna dashed inside as the building filled the sky. The access hatch was, thankfully and miraculously, open to the sewers from some lazy city worker, or perhaps a worker desperate to escape both armies, failing to close it. Either way, Betna didn't care and didn't have time to ponder if he did. He leaped through the hatch and hit the ground a few yards below, rolling to absorb the impact and biting his lip at the agony shooting up his leg as he did so.

Above, the building shuddered and splintered as it hit the ground. Debris and dust exploded from the broken structure sending yet another plume into the skies above Ahto City. The building crushed the Sith troops beneath it along with the Medical Post they had guarded. It had also crushed the Sewer Filtration Relay building that stood between the building and the Medical Post.

Betna stood shakily and looked up into the hatch. A large amount of debris and rubble had fallen through the open hatchway and yet more completely blocked the hatch itself. He knew that Ahto's sewer system was only accessible through the relay system or through the main sewer hub in the city center, so he knew no one would follow him this way. Despite this knowledge, Betna knew he had to move quickly. It was only a matter of time before someone else in the city would try and cut him off from his objective.

Looking down, his face beneath the helmet perplexed, Betna wondered why his right leg felt warm. Checking the bandages, he realized the exertion and flexing of his thigh had reopened the wound there. Pulling out packs of gauze from his webgear, he repacked the wound and bandaged it, but didn't splint it for easier range of movement, just in case. He also injected one of his remaining bacta/pain killer cocktails into his thigh through a tear in his flight suit. It would keep him going a little longer and speed up the healing process a bit.

Turning, Betna began jogging onwards. He had to make it to the access hatches ringing the city sewer network. They led to the city's buoyancy cells deep beneath the city itself. From there, he might be able to do something to help out up top...

@[member="Talon Vosra"]

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