Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Watch Rebellion of Mandalore Hex vs. Dominion


There was a way to keep the SNRPS a chaotic OOC mess. Allot of us were in TGC chat and we had a steady flow of communication. It did not always work and there was confusion at times. I know I had fun and others did as well.
Apologies to [member="Fleet Admiral Harris"] and any others I may have offended by being so blunt. I could have handled that better.

[member="Garith Darkhold"]
I remember. I was just never really interested in them. I did a few, but not many.
Soooo... Back on topic.

Does anyone have an up to date list of ships/fleets?

Have we un-absurded/retconned away the silliness?

Like... Ship number/total meters per faction at Wayland, Mandalore, and Concord Dawn?

Who's got a ground army larger than a platoon or two running around, and where?

Things had been fairly even up until sometime Saturday, then I lost track of things during the snowballing.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

Alek is splitting his fleet to assist at Wayland while also taking control of the space around Mandalore.

Aedan is dealing with Space Marines at Keldabe with Atheus and Ardgal.

I am not sure about the ground army nonsense on Wayland.
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Olivia's original mission was to counter the Space Marines in space and on the ground. Still gonna wreck their pair of super-carrier Star Destroyers from Factory 1.0... I have a 4-5 hit combo planned that should smash both of them. I'm just not sure if I'm still going to be dropping Olivia on to the planet anymore. The thread's evolved from "Death Watch + Fallout 4 characters vs the Dominion" into... Well... Space Syria + Warships.
[member="Olivia Dem'adas"]

Pending resolution on one issue the only confirmed presence at Concord Dawn I am aware of it my Heavy Cruiser in orbit and 4,300 troops on the ground . Any Dominion forces that were there have withdrawn.
Since [member="Olivia Dem'adas"] asked(Generally, she did not approach us specifically), and the Galactic Empire wants to play nice and fair, we will be posting all of our forces in a list in here for future reference. A reminder, we will still be attaching the forces to our posts (The ones our character commands, mind you) despite this post. This post specifically will only be the entirety of Imperial forces that are to act and engage at Concord Dawn, [member="Baron Morcus"] and [member="Tari Prule"] will post their forces at their respected locations soon.

Imperial Naval Forces
  • Imperial Moff Council Fleet

Imperial Army Forces
  • Imperial 3rd Sector Army
[member="Drox Fuga"]

Alrighty this looks interesting. Thank you for letting me know, I look forward to seeing what can be done.

[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]
Let's see what we can do here eh?

I have gone ahead and read most of the submissions and articles on the craft. I plan to attack with a small force, after all this fleet is being fielded by a minor faction and mostly by Ultimatum's handiwork. Since the focus is theft of the battleship, Ultimatum will attempt to focus his fleet on buying time for boarding parties.

From what I have seen, none of your ships have access to specialized stealth detection systems. Do you mind then if I have Ultimatum take the Sovereignty in close, while using the other ships as cover to draw attention away?
My army stats are located here for reference

X 5000 Five Oh First troopers


X 24 2-M Saber-class repulsor tank


Summary of actions: 1000 men remain behind to secure the Beachhead. The rest (Including the armored vehicles) Engage in a three pronged assault on Keldabe. Assume the troops and vehicles have been dived evenly between the three assault vectors.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

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