[member="Eric 'Deadeye'"]
Here's a good tip for fleeting.
1 Movement
1 Defensive/Utility Action
1 Offensive Action
1 Dialog
Per post.
So... Post one would be arriving (movement), assessing sensors/radar/environment (utility), preparing to launch fighters (offensive), and opening dialog to introduce yourself or threaten your opponent.
Post two would be moving your fleet towards or away from a target or area, initiating Interdiction and launching fighters, maybe opening fire with long range weapons now, and continuing to talk to someone.
Think of each post as a single move in chess, or a single round of actions in D&D, or a single turn for a table-top game (like Warhammer 40k).
Also, you typically want to announce that you are going to try something, then let people respond. Like... Post that you are powering up Interdiction, then let your opponent respond, then post that you activate it. Post that you shoot at someone, let them respond saying what damage they took (if any), and then you respond with your observations of their actions and your next action.