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Death Watch Rebellion of Mandalore Hex vs. Dominion


Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure you are aware that physical objects can't pass through unless a passage opens up or the shield is broken.

But I can only assume you are not talking about physical objects.
Jaig Vizsla said:

Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure you are aware that physical objects can't pass through unless a passage opens up or the shield is broken.

But I can only assume you are not talking about physical objects.

You, sir, underestimate my ability for bullshittery.
The guy who destroyed it has personally said that it's not all that karked up. Also the thing about extremists is the don't like to work together unless they are all the same kind of extremist, which loops back around to my original question.
Ignus said:
Mandalorians, correct me if I'm wrong, wouldn't typically unify behind a Darmanda clan.
You know... I had entirely forgotten about that. I just remember the Tal'verda not being a part of the Alor Council for a long, long time. But I do recall something about them being exiled or self-imposed exiles back around the time of the Lords of the Fringe.
Alice Tal'verda said:
[member="Jaig Vizsla"]

Generally you don't get to start an invasion by defending the planet you are invading.

This is a rebellion, not an invasion. The natives of Mandalore or rebelling against the Dominion which is trying to take control of the planet.

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