Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Watch Rebellion of Mandalore Hex vs. Dominion

[member="Rach Vizla"] [member="Ronan Vizsla"] [member="Drox Fuga"]

[member="WD-334"] and myself will be attempting to steal the PLS Anaxes on behalf of the Metal Lords. We look forward to RPing with you three and wanted to know if there was anything that we should be aware of.
It has been said more than once. Rebellions are open. It is even possible to see a naval skirmish between the First Order and the Galactic Alliance. The possibilities are endless. You never know. You could even see a Jawa and a Wampa having tea on the planet Zeltros.

Since, again, people are speaking for me. And doing so in a vastly incorrect fashion... Which is a disturbing trend, but I'm off work for once, so I can correct it this time. Definitively.

Mandalore IS karked up...Badly... Like Rocky fighting that Russian Dude in whatever Rocky movie it was... I (Ijaat) dropped a load of shielded seismic bombs into the very core of the planet and triggered a simultaneous and full eruption of all the planets volcanoes by detonating them. This would also have triggered mass seismic activity. Tsunamis. Ash coating the sky and blotting out the sun, killing vegetation and wildlife. Land masses have likely shifted, with islands and certain continents disappearing or changing in size/shape due to shifting tidal volumes and the like. I have only ever said it is not a nuclear waste land. Not that it wasn't that messed up. The very core is destabilized, so one can assume there are still frequent(ish) and spontaneous eruptions and tsunamis and the like all on their own. You're fighting on a deathworld. Enjoy.
[member="Garith Darkhold"] - Thank you. I live in Kentucky and today was the Derby. My sobriety and coherence is in deep question at this point, and so my film catalog is internally karked.

[member="Mishka Larraq"] - I skimmed it, admittedly, but you capture the feel very well. Especially in the first post. Think of the Death Worlds in 40k, like Fenris or Catachan, but with a more varied form of climate.

[member="Darth Metus"] - Tomorrow is my last day off. I work 5x shifts of 16 hrs next week. All 911. I will barely know my name by the end of next week. I just popped in because someone was kind enough to tell me people were speaking on my behalf in an asininely incorrect fashion. Not got the time for IC shenanigans at the level of a rebellion. Way too fast a pace.
[member="Fleet Admiral Harris"]
Too many moves in one post. One does not jump into a system move to surround, and bombard in one post. Additionally, as you have not posted what your fleet is, it cannot be responded to. I will be replying in the morning when I've woken up, but as of right now your post is ludicrous.
Darth Metus said:
[member="Ijaat Mereel"]

Then we'll make a duel thread and you can reply to it once a year?

(No problem dude, I totally understand!)
If you are good with a glacially slow pace, hit me up with details and we'll kick the can and see what we come up with.
I had a character (named Mereel Vaun lol) who was in Death Watch when that happened. Ewoks attacked us during our first dominion as a major faction. My character got trapped on our own flagship ._.

Can confirm, was hillarious
Meraal Vaun said:
I had a character (named Mereel Vaun lol) who was in Death Watch when that happened. Ewoks attacked us during our first dominion as a major faction. My character got trapped on our own flagship ._.
Can confirm, was hillarious
I was the homicidal flying mouse droid who assisted the Ewok boarding parties. Can likewise confirm. That was the best.

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