Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Death Watch Rebellion of Mandalore Hex vs. Dominion

Kalius Aegrus

[member="Jaig Vizsla"]

I will be out and about this weekend to spend time with some friends. Posts will come slowly, if at all.
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

Concord Dawn is like main base for Clan Munin plus it has a lot of Mandalorian influence since the beginning of the Clans.

Not to mention you would also be facing the Journeyman Protectors (AKA local elite law enforcement) as they probably wouldn't like some invasion force coming their way. And they have good relations with the Mandos through both canon and chaos lore.
[member="Vengeance"] [member="Lok Munin"] [member="Ignus"] Oh no I simply wouldn't deploy Jessica on her lonesome - that would be suicidal. Just to make sure that I have an idea what kind of force I would need.

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