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Death Watch Rebellion of Mandalore Hex vs. Dominion

Alice Tal'verda said:
The guy who destroyed it has personally said that it's not all that karked up. Also the thing about extremists is the don't like to work together unless they are all the same kind of extremist, which loops back around to my original question.
I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. There was indeed widespread devastating destruction on Mandalore with violent volcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes, and large scale tsunamis not to mention the ash cloud that is in atmosphere and now ash cover on the ground. My character is a survivor as she participated in said thread where this incident happened. I can link you if you'd like to read through it for reference. Some limited restorations could have been made since, but it will take a long time and resources to make it livable again for the populace.

Cheers :)
Mando head count of unique characters supporting what side of the war: (That has made an ic post)

The Dominion: 2
The Rebellion Vrs the Dominion: 14
Unsure: 1 (Why) Because they did not list whom they were supporting in their IC post

It looks like the majority of the Mandalrians are in favor of a Rebellion vrs the Dominion. I would be writing JR supporting the Rebellion if it would make sense for him to there. It would have nothing to do with what I feel OOC. It would have everything to do that JR would feel the Dominion was an invading force and he would wish to defend his people.
[member="Garith Darkhold JR"]
Precisely. The Ascendancy has an alliance with the Mandalorian people, so we're supporting them. Additionally, you could support them in defending themselves. By nature, Rebellion's are open.

Thank you.

I’m aware the thread is open. Garith JR has just returned and he just does not know what is going on in the galaxy. Currently IC he going to visit his sister [member="Faith Organa"] . Until that thread is done or more established I will not feel comfortable bring him into other threads.
Mesh'la Dral said:
I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. There was indeed widespread devastating destruction on Mandalore with violent volcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes, and large scale tsunamis not to mention the ash cloud that is in atmosphere and now ash cover on the ground. My character is a survivor as she participated in said thread where this incident happened. I can link you if you'd like to read through it for reference. Some limited restorations could have been made since, but it will take a long time and resources to make it livable again for the populace.

Cheers :)

I have been looking for that thread for days. I'd love a link.
Oh also. I know I've been away for a while and I typically have a bad rep for being hot-headed, so I just want to say that anything Olivia says/does IC is just the character being bitchy, which I find fun to write. I have zero OOC malice or drama here. Olivia's just a queen and I'm enjoying derping off with what seems like a fun storyline.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Kalius Aegrus"], [member="Lunarius Admonis"],

So since odds look pretty stacked against you guys I'll send only HK and his team to try and board and then take control of one of those Permanence-class Battleships you two have in the orbit, I know it sounds crazy but he literally pulled off more ridiculous things before.

Although ICly it would make more sense for him to go after Luna's ship since he saw his troops leave and now be trapped underneath the world-shield, I'll give you guys benefit of choice- which one of you would rather deal with me?


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lunarius Admonis"],

I actually just was! I consulted the What Can Be Fielded My What Tier Of Company and Faction chart, turns out I remembered the numbers wrong and I wouldn't be able to use the battleship as my flagship because it's too big without going major just to use it :p

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