Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Episode IV: No Hope

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"[member="Gilamar Skirata"] died."

Preliat pushed past [member="Strider Garon"], and ignored the other Mandalorians in the room. A single gauntlet-adorned finger pointed at Gilamar."He is not an imposter."He turned and gazed at everyone, brown eyes glaring deep at everyone.

"This is either an omen or a miracle." Preliat turned back to face Gilamar.

"Tell us what you know, Lazarus."
Vulpesen's eyes snapped open with a bright golden light. Brighter than usual. It burned his vision to see it. But it wasn't a physical pain. It was as if his very presence was burning away. And yet, he was clinging to it. It etched them into his mind. The rifts. He saw them clearly, but unlike the rest of his experience, there was no burning light. All he felt was a sickly knot in the pit of his stomach. Pure darkside. He pushed past the feeling and called his daggers from his coat. All around him the blades carved deep into the stone. The rings of the surrounding systems and the area around Coruscant. once he was done, he would flick his hands, causing each dagger to stab on a place of a planet. It was time to leave.

Running up to his room, he saw a datapad with a familiar face on it. Picking it up, he sent out one message and one message only. I found them. "Daeda, take a picture of the meditation room and watch the kids!" While the wolf ran into the meditation room with his bond mate's datapad, the Tenevi Valde burst into his bed room and focused the force into the air. "You will bring me to her!" He focused his power into the darkness above himself. Pure energy flowed form his hands and into the rift. Dark and light mingled to make it present until finally, Vulpesen could see the beak in the force. It opened before him and with this freedom, Vulpesen leaped through it, forcing himself into the netherworld for not even Hell itself could keep him from his love.

Xhinx listened to this voice, this innocent voice. Xhinx still could not trust it, or anything for that matter. Xhinx concealed his lightsaber under his cloak for a worst case scenario, hoping to find answers to all of this. Hoping to eventually conspire with this entity capable of mass amounts of people disappear. Once more Xhinx sat down meditating, hoping to contact such a thing, letting his presence be known to whomever caused this...

Xhinx sat up gathering his things, preparing to travel on foot to Jentara Vel's location. "I am setting off, I should be there soon." Xhinx said confirming his own arrival to the woman. Becoming one step further to his conclusion.

After what seemed a journey, Xhinx finally started to see figures taking shape, a few steps, the figures took color, and even more steps, the figures began to complete. Xhinx stood a distance, trying to confirm this was the women contacting him, trying to assess the situation. "Are you Jentara Vel, of the Emeritus Industries?" Xhinx asked, hopefully not endangering himself. Appearing before this women, in full armor, shrouded by his thick black cloak, and a darkened head.

[member="Jentara Vel"]
In Umbris Potestas Est

The individual in question was a holographic representative of Jentara Vel, accessed and projected through her ship's hacking of a nearby terminal. "Good to see you... if you'll look up -" she pointed at the corvette overhead - "you'll see your ride. Meet me up there." With that, the hologram disappeared, and the sound of a door opening from the above corvette would indicate to him a remotely controlled craft - a TIE Detonator - quickly landing and opening up the frontal cockpit so he could get into it and get to the corvette, meeting the benefactor in person.

One step away from having a new part of the crew.
| [member="Jentara Vel"] |

Who do you think, sweet thing?

The words vibrated through Alicia Drey's head. Hours passed by in the Niathal-class transport, as she contemplated on who she was going to meet. Circe Savan supposedly died in the spire of the One Sith, on the same night that Darth Junra had made her move to betray the Dark Lord of the Sith, so that she could assume his mantle.

Their plan had always been for one or the other to infiltrate the Sith Order, so as to use it for their own schemes. But that plan had gone badly when it came to a point that both of them could die. Darth Ayra had made the difficult decision to betray her Sith Master, so as to ensure that their work continued. Through Pandeima's sacrifice, she had become a full fledged member to the One Sith, successfully helping to bring down Kashyyyk in the ensuing months since that night on Coruscant.

Now that chaos had gripped the galaxy, seemingly her Sith Master had made the decision not only to reveal that she had survived, but was now ready to make contact with her Sith Apprentice. For the first time since her teenaged years, during the early stages of her apprenticeship under the woman, Ayra felt nervous. Where her unrivaled temper was normally, an anxiety gripped her as she climbed off the vessel at the coordinates she had sent.

Under the cowl of her robe, Darth Ayra observed her surroundings, wondering where she was and what world she was on?
[member="Gherron Vael"]
[member="Darth Valtryx"]

There was a pause in the Zabrak's movements as a voice very different from his little green friend's own rang out into the hanger. First thought that came to mind? Trap. The very first thing he thought was that Minna had actually done this to kill him. Used this massive disaster to get her revenge, which he still didn't understand. But after thinking about it, he realized he would of been dead before he heard anything.

Raising his voice up he would address the masked man, a hand still resting on his saber hilt. "Honestly that sounds like a good way for the bar owner to go out of business." Still, Krest's eyes would dart around, ever wary of a trap. A masked man didn't exactly inspire trust after all.
Xhinx nodded, slowly boarding the TIE after giving the transport a quick scan, anything harmful. Xhinx wondered how the lady had a Corvette at her disposal, perhaps she is a native of this place, Xhinx hoped, trying to unlock the mysteries that lie within.

After flying into the Corvette, Xhinx exited the TIE, and slowly walked scanning the insides of the entire Corvette, still weary. After walking up to the bridge of the ship, Xhinx called out, searching for [member="Jentara Vel"] . "Jentara Vel, of the Emeritus Industries, I have come, are you here?" Xhinx shouted in a dark ominous tone, trying to find this mystery woman that came to his aid, whilst keeping his hand near his light saber which he earlier concealed within his robes.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Alicia Drey"]

"And so she arrives... The traitor to the cause, who has quite the high degree of explaining to do - and punishment to endure." Jentara would look out over the hangar bay, very clearly a different woman from what she had last seen, but still with the same resonating voice. "Come up the side elevator. We have quite the discussion to make..."

And a discussion they would indeed have, within one of the normally locked rooms, accessible solely through the usage of the Force itself - though the Force was somewhat wonky. Even the Dark Side felt wrong. Hopefully it wouldn't remain locked, as it was where all her sith relics now lie.

And where her laboratory was located.


"But don't think I've forgotten about you as well... Come with me to one of the sealed rooms here in the starship. We have much to discuss if we're ever going to successfully move forward with these plans."
| [member="Jentara Vel"] |

The ramp to the Nithal retracted back into itself and it's doors closed, sealing itself shut. The carrier was something that did not surprise Ayra in the slightest. Pandeima, one of the galaxies greatest minds in the creation of vessels ranging from your average civilian vehicle to the mammoth war ships and in between, had always had a ship in which for them to either use or meet. Subach was a testimony to that and the service it had given to Sith and others in recent years.

As she crossed the hangar, to the summons of her Sith Master, a thought spread across her mind. Could she defeat her? It was possibly a thought that every Sith in every generation had thought of through the history of the Sith. But isn't our relationship different? She had grown up with Circe Savan and it had only been on Coruscant that she revealed her real name: Darth Pandeima, the Dark Lord of the Sith who would reconstitute the Order of Sith Lords in a perfect Rule of Two, one that she would share with the young Alicia Drey.

She had become Darth Ayra that night. But she had already taken a shot at Pandeima, in order to save the secrecy they had created together. Doesn't she understand that what I did had to be done? Moving into the side elevator, it carried the Sith Lord up. Within the room, sealed by Pandeima, thus locking herself inside with her Sith Apprentice, Ayra lowered the cowl of her robe.

Hands falling to the side, she begun their discussion with. "You look different."
Xhinx willfully followed this woman, a face to the name, as he entered the bridge, it appeared as any bridge on any ship, but then he entered this sealed room, into an industrial like fortress within a ship. Xhinx wondered what plans [member="Jentara Vel"] had in mind, or what were going to happen, Xhinx did not even know where he was. Xhinx stood in the room, awaiting for the woman to be ready for this discussion. "So I finally meet you, this... place, it seems otherworldly, I am sure allegiances do not matter here... At least in this room. I serve the Dark Side, you do not seem the type. Where exactly ARE we?" That was a big question bouncing around the mind of Xhinx.
In Umbris Potestas Est

"As of right now, we are onboard the personal starship of the Sith Lady known as Circe Savan, though many others know of her under many other names. In the event that something this catastrophic were to happen on a galactic scale, I was told to seek out any and all contacts of hers in order to create a stable territory within the corrupt galaxy, to protect it from threats, such as an extragalactic invasion."

[member="Alicia Drey"]

Allow me to assuage our friend's worries. She sent a brief message to Alicia telepathically, in order to indicate that her cover story, for now, needed to be kept intact. Later, they would be able to talk in private, perhaps have a more intimate discussion on the recent goings-on considering the circumstances at which they had last left. The alliances she was forging weren't even in place yet - hopefully they soon would be.
| [member="Xhinx"] | [member="Jentara Vel"] |

Ayra nodded. The yellow iris went away and hazel brown replaced them. Alicia Drey turned her gaze away from Jentara Vel to Xhinx. Unsure whether to introduce herself as a Sith Lord or as her alter ego, the dirty haired blonde concealed her presence in the Force away from the newly arrived Sith and slunk to the side lines, watching him and Jentara quietly.
[member="Jentara Vel"]'s datapad would beep in return, giving Vulpesen's regards as well as an apology that he could not be present. However, attatced to the message would be the words, "I found them." As well as a picture of two galaxy maps on the floor, one surrounding Veradune, and another surrounding Coruscant. On these maps, daggers would be stabbed into the ground to indicate where the Vel's crew could find the rifts.
Zun yawned as he stretched his arms, Concord Dawn... A beautiful world, he thought to himself. When he went downstairs he noticed that ma wasn't cooking breakfast and that pa wasn't working on the ole' T-16.

"Hello?", he asked to see if anyone was around. No response. Grabbing the hoe, the farmer's son went outside towards the farm. It was a rather beautiful morning, sunlight, birds, the neighbor's homely daughter. Everything was good. It was a rather alright living.

"Well, these crops aren't going to farm themselves...", he said as he dipped his hoe into the ground and began to move soil.

And thus without much awareness to the outside world, Zun continued his mundane life.

Lachlan Thorne


"How come they disappeared?" the boy asked from his friend. Kaleeya was sitting right next to her in his ship, just looking at the stars and everything around. She was mostly fascinated by such simple things, unlike Equa himself who was more of a serious type of person.

"I am not sure," Kaleeya muttered, and that's all the boy heard from her. The girl disappeared from her seat in a matter of moments, just at the time when he looked away from her.

"Feth." That was strange. How did people just disappear from the world? There had to be a logical reason behind that. The boy's brain just couldn't understand how is it possible that millions, billions, trillions, even more people go missing so suddenly, without nothing hinting to their location.

Only a moment after Equa understood his friend had gone missing, she understood what had really happened.

"Kaleeya!" he shouted. "Where are you?" Her heart started racing, blood in his veins started pumping faster than ever before. Her own friend was not in the same realm anymore. "What is going on?" And even though there was nobody to listen to him, he still couldn't shut up.
Before Gherron could really register if the red man had answered his question, the low voice of another man cut into the room. Krest had popped up with a snide remark about the tell-tale joke, but Gherron was in no mood for laughs. Eyeing the guy, he kept his body even between the two. He didn't trust Krest, and he certainly didn't trust a random guy in a mask that liked to flip coins. He wouldn't show his back to either. Still... something seemed off about the newcomer. "What is it you want? We're having a meeting over here. Unless you wanna try to find someone who disappeared, I'd tell you to buzz off." No chances. If he was friendly, that's something the Jedi would have to gauge for himself.

[member="Krest"] [member="Darth Valtryx"] [member="Bol-Jahir"]

Lachlan Thorne


"Why did you have to go?" Equa yelled, trying to deal with all the emotions he felt inside due to the loss of his best friend. Who knows where she could be. Who knows why did she have to go. But one thing that was known for sure -- there was no way to get her back any time soon.

And the former peaceful Jedi Knight had lost his calm attitude and released all the emotions that had been pressed deep inside. And there were many of them which had gathered in so many years.

"Maybe landing on the planet will clear my mind."

Tears streamed down his face and there was literally nothing he could do to stop them from coming. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't force himself to calm down, he couldn't even stand still to meditate.

The only thing to do was letting all of it leave his body so that he could focus again.
Location: Mandalore
Vod: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Davin Skirata"] [member="Zandra Tal'verda"] [member="Anastasia Rade"]

Nolan woke up late, he heard the sirens from the city calling to him. Jumping from bed he ran to hear up. Six years it had been since he and his wife [member="Satine D'ulin"] had married and how well kept he'd been by her side. Come to think of it, shouldn't she be gearing up too?

Nolan returned to the bedroom, it was empty save him. Had she gotten up before him? He looked around the house, no sign of her or her gear. Nolan went outside to find the city in a panic. People screaming, crying and asking why!!!!

Something felt off, the Force was static at best. He couldn't sense anyone. Locking his helmet in place on his head he booted up the HUD to find that there were names missing on his radar. The biggest one, Satine. Her IFF was not there.

The screams of people being taken, had she been one of them? Nolan found a few IFF's nearby and radioed.

"Strider, she's gone! Satine is one of them! Kark!
Location: Courscant
Objective: Watch and Learn
Unknown: [member="Gherron Vael"], [member="Krest"], [member="Darth Valtryx"], [member="Bol-Jahir"],

Watching was a specialty. It was a skill that only some had. Most of the times things just fall into your lap. Much like this one.

Three people standing there. A very small green species, Dark side of the force by his appearances, A Zabrak who looked more like a Nomad, and a Jedi..... Knight? His demeanor had that of power and authority, but nothing like a Jedi Master or a member of the blessed council. They were talking and arguing over what to do. Their little meeting, as the Jedi had put it, was important to them, as it was to myself.

With the Fourth man coming up, I hadn't noticed him off to the side. Despite this, I had a feeling that this would be interesting.

Standing on top of one of the support beams in the ceiling, I watched all that walked and ran below me. I paid attention to those most likely to survive. These three had that gift. However, once the fourth man showed up, I had a feeling that this would change the entire game. Either I will choose to intervene, or just sit here and watch what happens.

As the saying goes, I utter from my vocal box, "Aw hell." Letting my body drop down to be a few feet behind the Jedi Knight.

My metal framed body slammed hard into the ground, and the cloak I wore around me followed soon after. The ground now was broken where my feet had landed, and my right hand was down on the ground to keep myself stable. Standing up, I spoke only two words.

"Hello boys."


Lord High Grand Commander Esq.
[member="Felicity Mason"]

The slap was unexpected, and it hurt. It made him step back and flash an outraged glare at the girl, but she was already striding away. He turned to look at his uncle who just gave him a "you deserved that" look before tilting his head, telling Owain to go after Felicity. Suppressing a sigh, the younger Barnabus followed.
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