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First Order Pre-Factory Workshop

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"Are those freaks even Human?"
-Anonymous Army Trooper
  • Analgesic Resistance (99.9% Incidence, treated with non-human analgesic stims)
  • Anesthestic Resistance (99.9% Incidence, treated with non-human anesthetic stim combinations)
  • Bipolar Disorder (52% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Cascading Tissue Rejection (20% Incidence, Fatal)
  • Elephantitis (1% Incidence, treated with stim injections)
  • Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (8% Incidence, treated with Gene Therapy)
  • Hyperacidity (37% Incidence, treated with Ph buffer stims)
  • ​Hypercoagulation (41% Incidence, treated with anti-coagulation stims)
  • Hyperpituitarism (25% Incidence, treated with Hormone-Regulation Therapy)
  • Infertility (11% Incidence)
  • Muscular Dystrophy (21% Incidence, treated with rehabilitation)
  • Parkinson's Disease (13% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Pericardial Effusion (21% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Retinal Detachment (14% Incidence, treated with cybernetic prosthesis)
  • Suppressed Sexual Drive (35% Incidence)
  • Synovitis (33% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Psychosis (55% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Viral Myocarditis (17% Incidence, treated with stims)
  • Agility & Speed: The Procedure results in greatly increased endurance especially in the Cardio-Vascular System with experimental tests revealing that subjects are capable of reaching running speeds of 52 km/h and recover with preternatural speed after any physical exertion.
  • Endurance & Strength: Thanks to extensive surgical, chemical and cybernetic augmentation each subject who receives the procedure exhibits massive increases in muscle mass & density with their strength further enhanced by a Rybcoarse-derived polymer which amplifies already gargantuan strength by approximately 300%. The subjects' skeletons are reinforced with a Stygian-Polymer to handle the increased stress, these enhancements leave each subject an average 20-30 kilograms heavier than their pre-procedure weight. A single strike to the thoracic region of an unaugmented Human could very well impart enough hydrostatic shock to cause massive brain hemorrhaging in the target's brain, killing them.
  • Heightened Intellect: Gene Therapy leaves each subject with heightened capacity for learning and amplified memory recall, leaving them with elevated scores on standard intelligence tests in contrast to their pre-augmentation test scores.
  • Immune System Strength: Thanks to a plethora of Surgical and Chemical augmentations the subjects find themselves able to resist a wide variety of Poisons, Toxins and diseases commonly found across the universe. The model of cybernetic respirator implanted in the Thoracic region filters out harmful airborne agents and permits brief survival in a vacuum environment but does not permit them to breathe underwater like some models.
  • Nervous System Enhancements: Increased production of Myelin sheaths managed by a Cybernetic Implant results in much faster transmission of electrical signals from the nervous system to elsewhere inside the body. Resulting in reaction time being reduced by approximately 300% with most observers noting that the subjects seem to be able to react to things before the Human eye can perceive them.
  • Service Life: As a result of their Gene Therapy and plethora of surgical and chemical enhancements it's predicted that each graduate of afterlife will have a greatly extended lifespan and as a result; service life which is predicted to exceed each candidate's eighty-seventh birthday at the least with little if any deterioration in physical performance. Furthermore, it's expected as the subject's live with the Augmentations they'll become more efficient over time as their bodies adjust to them.
  • Buoyancy: Increased density in bodily tissue combined with a plethora of cybernetic implants leaves each subject with difficulty in remaining afloat in water and other liquid substances including bacta.
  • Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation: Subjects who graduate Project: AFTERLIFE cannot receive field Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation due to the nature of their skeletal augmentations which make their bones practically unbreakable. Making it difficult to provide medical treatment where consciousness has been lost and heart stopped.
  • Clotting: If subjects of Project: AFTERLIFE do not observe their anti-coagulation stim regimen and then receive an injury in the circulatory system that requires clotting they are at massive risk of going into cardiac arrest or receive a pulmonary embolism at the blood clots can get trapped within their heart, lungs or elsewhere in the circulatory system.
  • Force Powers: Despite all of their augmentations the individuals who undergo this procedure are just as vulnerable as they were before to force abilities, abilities which rely on the senses to inflict pain or discomfort tend to be particularly effective. Mind-Trick and Dominate-Mind are two abilities with above-average effectiveness at confusing the subjects.
  • Force Presence: Graduates of Project: Afterlife have a very peculiar and distinct presence within the force and they are easy to detect for an attentive adept as a result regardless if a graduate is force sensitive or not.
  • Irreversible: Receiving the procedure is a one-way street and the augmentations are practically irreversible, how one chooses to live with these augmentations and their side effects during service life or beyond is ultimately dependent on each graduate.
  • Limited Production: Due to the prohibitive cost of their augmentation procedures, First Order Death Troopers are an excessively rare sight and any NPC units featuring them must be player-character majority.
  • Sensory Overload: Graduates of Project: Afterlife are left with Superhuman levels of taste, visual acuity & colour perception, touch, scent, and hearing. And and this can be used against them in some situations; particularly in the form of acoustic/sonic weaponry where sound usually considered discomforting can be quite painful to unprotected ears and highly disorientating. Force lightning is such an ability which will inflict crippling amounts of pain.
  • Side Effects: The augmentation procedure has many side effects, some severely impacting quality of life in some cases requiring extensive multi-disciplinary rehabilitation while others are chronic albeit mild requiring continual pharmacological treatment. It also as the added bonus of subtly encouraging graduates to remain loyal to the First Order, else their pain overcomes them.
  • Stim Dependency: To counter some of the more radical alterations made to their body, Graduates of Project: AFTERLIFE suffer from a variety of chronic psychological and physiological ailments such as encroaching Psychosis, Hyper-coagulation and Hyper-acidity requiring steady access to counter-mutagen stims to regulate their bodies. Reducing their capacity for long-term deep-reconnaissance without material support.

"Unencumbered by ethics we shall reach the apex of Human evolution, and we shall lead the galaxy under the supreme leader's guidance to a bright and prosperous future."
-Anonymous Human Chemist

Project: AFTERLIFE is a series of biochemical, surgical and cybernetic procedures applied to "Death Trooper" candidates who have progressed passed pre-training screening and been inducted into First Order Special Forces to begin the "Pinnacle Warfare Course" The procedures in their totality are often considered unethical and immoral tampering with Human physiology though the First Order's Military are unwilling to be tethered down by such constraints when faced with the potential that Project: AFTERLIFE promises. The goal of the project is to create soldiers who stand above all others, unmatched in their physical and combat performance through a series of modifications made to the Human body incorporating existing cybernetic techniques used for milennia and new chemical and surgical processes developed exclusively for use within Project: AFTERLIFE. The new procedures were developed using flash-cloned specimens from a variety of Near-Human species along with baselines Humans to evaluate their effects both positive and undesirable; Near-Humans suffered massive casualties from rejection during the testing phase for the project in excess of 90% and were thus deemed unsuitable to receive them while baseline Humans fared dramatically between at only a 20% rejection rates with much better prospects for rehabilitation which is often multi-disciplinary and resource intensive but even a rehabilitated patient who initially rejects the augmentations only to accept them later or after multiple operations is better than a dead one. In contrast to their predecessors there are no height and weight requirements before induction provided they can meet fitness standards, as a result of their advanced augmentations. Any cybernetic prosthesis a subject has received prior to induction are removed and replaced with a prosthetic cloned from the subject's own generic material.

All subjects of Project: AFTERLIFE are subjected to a battery of Gene Therapies after having their baseline Genomes cataloged to repair any damaged genes or replace missing ones, turning each subject into a prime example of baseline Human capability; fine turning their body's cardio-vascular, digestive, immune, endocrine, neuroendocrine and nervous systems even before they undergo the invasive procedures, resulting in increased Strength, Endurance, Constitution, Dexterity, Speed, and Intellect. Telomere Genotherapy is performed at this stage aswell to grant each subject what are projected to be unnaturally long lives with a reduction in aging and performance, though it's unlikely given their nature they'll see the end of their life spans naturally or succumb to disease. During the augmentation process proper the Surgical augmentations take precedence with chemically-induced Osteogenesis where the entire skeleton become more broad and larger giving the subject a greater stature of an averge 14-18cm taller than their pre-augmentation height, removing height requirements. A thin stygian-polymer being bonded to the entire skeletal structure with the joints all being replaced with prosthetic constructed from the polymer, making the subject's bones practically unbreakable save heavy debris landing on them or some other massive mechanical force applied. This is necessary for the massive amount of stress that their new muscular structure exerts under stress which is adequate to shatter and disintegrate the bones of baseline Humans, tiny microscopic holes are drilled into the thin polymer prior to bonding this act ensures that bone and blood cell function and production continues normally if the polymer was too thick the body would experience osteonecrosis and lymphonecrosis.

Each subjects' musculature is surgically enhanced extensively; first the medical team clones extra muscle tissue from the subject making the risk of rejection of the tissue close to zero and then grafts it onto the existing muscle around the skeleton significantly improving muscles' mass and density, following this the Muscles are bonded with a Rybcoarse-derived polymer which amplifies their maximum output by 300% giving each subject triple the physical power and endurance a baseline Human of comparable size would possess, making it possible for the subjects to successfully engage and subdue species such as Wookies and Huok without specialist equipment in hand-to-hand fighting. Increased Oxygen intake for their newfound power is achieved through their Gene Therapy and a cybernetic-based weave that increases the heart's strength dramatically maximum beats per minute, with the result being the subjects being athletic monsters who often feel more beast than man with a heightened pain tolerance; suppressing their shock response allowing subjects to ignore what would normally be ghastly or life-threatening injuries and continue functioning. To help address the injuries Death Troopers might receive in combat their bodies are surgically implanted with nanotechnology which coaxes their nervous system to spur the immune system into working harder to clot injuries and fight infectious diseases. Their Immune system is bolstered further with two cybernetic organs which replace the kidneys, making the subject highly resistant to the symptoms of most documented diseases, poisons and toxins with the notable exception of nerve agents for example. This has the novel impact of making the subjects incapable of becoming intoxicated or inebriated through the consumption of alcohol or use of recreational spices.

Colour Perception and Visual Acuity is increased dramatically by the inversion of blood flow through the occipital capillaries; the front and visual processing center of the Human brain. This forces the more highly oxygenated blood towards the cones of rods of the eyes strengthening them considerably, permitting subjects to see clearly in low-light settings as if a nocturnal predator and easily read fine print across large spaces that would make them indecipherable to the baseline Human's gaze. Subject reaction times are massively decreased through a combination of Surgical and Chemical techniques, the surgical technique is to implant a cybernetic device over the two separate halves of the brain which permits electrical impulses to travel to and from the nerves throughout the body reducing the reaction to stimuli significantly and dramatically improving fine motor control, aiding agility and the operation of complex weapons and vehicles. Additionally, a nerve enhancement Implant helps to regular feedback from the nerves into the brain; preventing the subject from losing consciousness due to sudden blows or sensory overloads making the subjects extremely difficult to physically subdue by most soldiers with Blaster rifles. Finally, the subjects receive epidermal and dermal grafting from their own cloned tissue to have any marks, blemishes, damage and identifying features such as Scars or Tattoos removed and replaced by unmarred skin.

The bodies of the candidates following the surgical procedures then receive a series of chemically-induced mutagenesis with their body's chemical composition becoming radially divergent from baseline Humans; their Chondrycyte cell production and strength increases dramatically helping to clot wounds that have breached the dermis, permitting Subjects to receive less medical care following an injury and remain functioning. Significant changes to the frontal lobe of the brain occur with modifications to judgement and impulse control, the candidates' frontal and temporal lobes are re-programmed amplifying the aggressive emotional response to danger an attempt to suppress the Human flight-instinct aiding the focus on combat and a desire to overcome the First Order's enemies from a place of prejudice. Pain signals from the nerves are suppressed to increase the subject's endurance and pain tolerance further, allowing the subjects to ignore injuries that may prove fatal having the benefit of allowing subjects to function although potentially delaying critical medical attention. The Shock Response to emotional distress or fear is suppressed by the mutagenesis and permits optimal blood pressure and flow throughout the entire body at all times, vasoconstriction is suppressed while the adrenal gland's hormone production such as adrenaline is increased after reconstruction of the Neuroendocrine system but this also has the unintentional side effect of permitting any puncture wounds inflicted on the Trooper to exhibit a high egress of blood; one of the reasons their clotting is so augmented to permit this blood to congeal into a gel quickly before exsanguination becomes a significant risk. One of the chemical mutagens targets the subject's nervous system and results in increased Myelinogenesis, Myelin sheaths protect the nerves from electrical impulses allowing signals to meet less resistance when travelling along nerve clusters the effect of this is subject reaction time to physical stimuli is reduced by an average 300% when combined with the Surgically Implanted Reaction System. Facing the subjects in close-quarters fighting for most Humanoid soldiers would be considered suicide, capable of moving and reaction faster than what the majority of species can track with their eyesight putting the augmented subjects on a level-playing field with force wielders of significant strength. Their increased muscle mass is maintained with the dramatically increased production of muscle growth hormone driven by a chemically mutated endocrine system which also optimizes lactic acid production to allow muscles to perform at peak performance.

While there are significant physiological benefits to the augmentation process there is also a great number of drawbacks that necessitate constant medical screening and monitoring including but not limited to the plethora of Psychological and Emotional issues that arise without appropriate treatment. The most prominent of these is the concurrent onset of symptoms consistent with Clinical Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder due to the sheer amount of chemically-induced mutageneis introduced into each subject's brain, without access to stims or epidermal patches containing the prescribed counter-mutagen the Subjects should become irritable and erratic experiencing mood swings before steadily progressing witnessing hallucinations before being unable to distinguish between these hallucinations and reality often becoming uncontrollably violent. An issue compounded by the fact they are incredibly difficult to subdue through conventional means, they're all but immune to the Anasthetic and Analgesics used on baseline Humans and require pain killers and aesthetic normally reserved exclusively for beasts due to their augmentations and in high dosages. Besides the Psychological changes experienced, each subject receives steady Ph-buffer treatment for hyper-acidity which can be excruciatingly painful even for the augmented subjects where the stomach's hydrochloric acid becomes excessively corrosive. Another unfortunate side effect of their augmentations is that subjects cannot receive CPR and their bones have been rendered practically unbreakable; making compression of the sternum in the Thoracic region nigh impossible.

Losing consciousness and a cessation of heartbeat without near immediate access to advanced medical care spells almost certain death for the subject. Their sharpened senses leave them vulnerable to sounds that would otherwise not be perceivable to the Human ear and can be quite disorientating with symptoms such as nausea and vertigo being reported by test subjects. Pain signals from the nerves are suppressed and the mutagen's used on the brain focus on optimizing performance even when under severe physiological stress or experiencing pain that would normally prove debilitating, the issue arising from this is their augmentation don't actually make them immune to internal organ damage and they could very well ignore injuries that could very-well be life threatening if treatment is neglected. Additionally, if deprived their anti-coagulation mutagen stims and receive an injury that requires clotting their blood tends to congeal at inappropriate locations throughout the thoracic region making it possible for the subject to receive a cardiac embolism or experience a heart attack, the former of which is incredibly dangerous and has the capacity to instantly kill the subject. Due to their counter-mutagen dependence if an interrogator wanted to extract information out of their subject all they'd have to do is lock them in a cell and wait for the numerous side-effects to take hold. Generally each subject is provided with a water-proof adhesive epidermal patch which is placed on the ventral surface of forearm, containing a potent cocktail of counter-mutagen stims to address the augmentation's side effects, generally this patch contains enough stims to provide relief for 72 hours at which point it must be replaced. Sub-dermal implants can also be used for the same purpose, although for convenience the epidermal patches are the most commonly issued and prescribed medication authorised for the subjects post-procedure.


  • Intent: To create a new frigate for the First Order
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: The First Order
  • Model: Sabre-Class Frigate
  • Affiliation: The First Order
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Quadanium Steel | Durasteel | Glasteel
  • Classification: Anti-Starfighter
  • Length: 350 meters
  • Width: 130 meters
  • Height: 115 meters
  • Armament: Moderate
  • Defenses: Average
  • Hangar: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive Class: 2.0

E-WAR Jamming Suite: The Sabre-Class Escort Frigate is constructed with an advanced E-WAR jamming suite. The suite is designed to jam anything from missiles to transmissions.

Bastion-Class Missile Defence System

  • +Fighter Killer: Armed with fast tracking ion and turbolasers, the Sabre-Class is primed
  • Heavy Hitter:
Description: The Sabre-Class Escort Frigate is an intrinsically support vessel. Designed upon the old Dagger-Class frigates, the Sabre-Class is a larger vessel which takes on a stronger role. Despite an outwardly average, to mediocre offensive and defensive ability, the vessel shines with its synergy with other vessels. Taking into account the doctrines of the GADF and SJO in regards to fighters, and missiles, the Sabre-Class is designed to destroy gunships and vessels. Its point defence weaponry, in the way of the Bastion-Class Missile Defence System and E-WAR Suite, ensure that hostile missiles are destroyed.
Type-51 SAR/a Rifle in its' standard configuration with two-tone desert camouflage.
Source (x)

  • Classification: Air-Cooled Particle Beam Bullpup Sniper Rifle
  • Size: Hand-Held (Large)
  • Length: 83cm (Barrel), 110cm (Overall, Stock Collapsed), 118cm (Overall, Stock Expanded).
  • Weight: 14 Kilograms (Heavy)
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna-Hydrogen Gas Cartridge, Power Cell.
  • Feed System: Box Gas Cartridge
  • Operation: Particle Acceleration
  • Optic Magnification: 3.5-25x (5.3-1.5M Field of View @ 100M w/56mm Objective Diameter & Thermal Capability)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 3,000 Meters Per Second.
  • Ammunition Capacity: 10 Shots (Per Gas Cartridge), 20 Shots (Per Power Cell).
  • Reload Speed: ~8.5s (Low; Dependent on User)
  • Effective Range: 2,500 Meters (Battlefield)
  • Rate of Fire: 80 Rounds/Min (Average; Semi-Automatic & Safe Only)
  • Stopping Power: 64,000 Joules (Extreme)
  • Recoil: High
  • Ambidextrous Safety/Selector
  • Ambidextrous Cartridge Release
  • Angled Trigger Grip
  • Cheek riser
  • Collapsible Stock
  • Folding Bipod
  • Gas Canister Rubber Handle
  • Handguards
  • Heat Sinks
  • Magnatomic High-Adhesion Angled Trigger Grip
  • Sight Picatinny Rail(s)
  • Thumbhole Stock

  • Optic Power: Standard Optical Sight mounted on each Type-51 is a cutting edge 3.5-25 x 56 magnifications scope with an in-built laser rangefinder and targeting computer which significantly increases the efficiency of the wielder by displaying the target's range and elevation after compensating for atmospheric conditions. For a sufficiently trained Trooper this permits them to operate normally without a dedicated Spotter increasing manpower at the squad-level for other tasks.
  • Penetrative Power: The Type 51 rifle fires an ionized stream of Tibanna-Hydrogen Gamma Particles with incredible penetrating power; capable of easily slicing straight through virtually any Infantry Armour and completely penetrating wearing the protective equipment with the notable exception of those constructed of materials such as Phrik or Mandalorian Iron. Which tends to prevent penetration albeit not the impact of kinetic energy on target which is usually still crippling. The Rifle is even capable of punching through armoured vehicles that are constructed with a thin armour envelope or from materials with low density making it a viable anti-material rifle.
  • Smart-Scope: Each Type-51 Rifle comes with propriety First Order Software-installed which permits the Death Trooper using it to link their heads-up-display with the optic-sight permitting them greater target resolution, instead of having to manually sight the target through the scope, the shooter can utilise the weapons' "Smart Scope" Functionality and protect the optic's sight as an overlay on the Head-Up-Display.
  • Whisper Quiet: When discharged the particle stream creates a barely audible 'hiss' as it moves through the air at approximately 3000 m/s practically functioning as an integrated suppressor without any of the drawbacks Suppressors generally impart on slugthrower-based weapons. Absent seeing the particle stream itself targets could feasibly be dispatched without ever becoming alerted to the shooter's presence.
  • Alert Systems: Certain armoured vehicles are equipped with a laser-warning detection system which is usually intended to alert the crew if their vehicle is being 'lased' by a hostile tank. Unfortunately for the Type-51's user these systems also react to the Optic sight's laser rangefinder making the element of surprise difficult to maintain when engaging combined-arms units. Users are encouraged to disable the optic's digital systems in environments with vehicles for this reason and rely on the analogue magnification with their own sniper training.
  • Battery Powered: Type-51 rifles contain an internal battery that is responsible for ionising the gas contained within the cartridges and cannot be easily replaced, to replace the internal battery the rifle must be field-stripped and then re-assembled with a new power cell/electric battery. This process usually takes anywhere between 18-30 seconds depending on the user.
  • Distinct Feedback: Despite the fact the weapon is whisper quiet and travels significantly faster than the speed of sound it creates a distinct aqua coloured lance on each shot's flight path identifying the shooter's position to the keen observer. This forces the Sniper to change firing positions quickly to maintain a concealed position. A distinct disadvantage especially in engagements at extreme or close-range.
  • Length: The Type-51 Special Application Rifle is quite long making it less suitable for Close-Quarters Fighting or Building Clearning unless the user is quite skilled with Sniper-Rifle type weapons. Rounding corners and bringing the weapon to bear for example takes ever so slightly longer due to the impressive barrel length.
  • Low Cartridge Capacity: Each Tibanna-Hydrogen Cartridge loaded into the weapon can only discharge ten shots before depleting its' gas capacity forcing the wielder to reload the weapon before firing any further shots.
  • Overheating: The weapon's barrel overheats considerably under sustained fire and two or three shots fired in quick succession will overwhelm the heat-sinks venting the nebulous blue Tibanna-Hydrogen gas visibly and cannot be discharged again until the vent is complete which can take more than a couple seconds; the weapon wasn't built for the amateur Marksman.
Appearances are deceiving and in this case the deception is used to conceal the true nature of what is ostensibly a simple slugthrower or cyclic rifle, no. The Type-51 Special Application Rifle/Advanced is exactly what its' name suggests it's no common Marksman rifle it was developed and constructed for the exclusive use in the hands of the First Order's most feared and awe-inspiring force; the Death Troopers. Utilising an unstable Tibanna-Hydrogen gas for ammunition the weapon is in truth a particle-beam accelerator which gives the weapon its' awesome penetrative power; the highly energised particle stream is incredibly effective as dispatching hostile infantry quietly. The narrow superheated particle stream usually passes through not only the target's armour but all the way through the target themselves with the possibility of creating secondary or unintended casualties. The particle stream on impact whistles through the target transferring its' 64,000 Joules of kinetic energy onto the atoms and molecules in its' path cauterising the wound and usually kills the target instantly; causing severe haemorrhaging of the circulatory and nervous system from the sheer amount of kinetic energy absorbed by the body. Non-fatal strikes due to the ionising radiation of the particle steam often cause symptoms of acute radiation poisoning in the victim and close contact with the ~2,000 degree celsius stream can cause severe third degree burns in the event it narrowly misses a target.

Another advantage of the particle beam technology used in the weapon over the traditional blaster or slugthrower is that its' audible report surpasses that of most Slugthrowers equipped with a dedicated muzzle suppressor; the report isn't only focused it's extraordinarily quiet, the trade-off here is that the Particle stream is an aqua colour due to the use of Tibanna gas and therefore highly visible to bystanders, witnesses and hostile troops making it a necessity for the user to displace after firing to minimise risk of injury from counter-attack or a counter-sniping Operation. Another significant trade-off for the weapon is that the Tibanna-Hydrogen gas creates massive amounts of heat when discharged; this is an issue as the weapon's heat-sinks become a distinct black body on Thermal sights and successive shots will disable the weapon while the heat-sinks vent on the rifle's chassis as a safety feature to prevent internal damage. The weapon cannot be discharged while the heat-sinks are venting so its' use by a confident and competent marksman is important as misses and discharges in general almost always result in other parties becoming alerted to the user's presence if not their position itself leaving little margin of error to correct shots that don't find their target. Generally, two to three shots in rapid succession will overwhelm the heatsink which also makes engaging multiple targets in close-quarters fighting quite problematic requiring a calm and steady hand with sufficient skill to utilise properly at short ranges. The Optic sight can be programmed to have six different magnification and field of view presets to reduce set-up time for the Shooter or where the typical engagement ranges are predictable.

The Weapon has two different types of ammunition; firstly its' battery which is located deep within the weapon and can only be accessed with a field disassembly and the Tibanna-Hydrogen Gas Canister which is shaped like a traditional box magazine for durability purposes and to conceal its' nature. The Cartridges come with enough gas content to fire ten shots before depleting while the battery can support twenty each shot depleting the battery by 5%; essentially limiting the maximum number of shots that can be discharged to 20 before requiring maintenance. Fortunately the weapon's battery is small and a Trooper could easily carry several though most take anywhere between 18-30 seconds depending on the individual and would require them to remain more or less stationary while stripping the weapon down into its' basic components.
Blackwing Electro-sword with Plasma Blade Ignited
Source (x)

  • Classification: Electro-Plasma Sword
  • Size: One-Handed, Two-Handed (Small)
  • Length: 70cm (Blade), 95cm (Overall)
  • Weight: 1.1 Kilograms (Light)
  • Double-Edged Blade
  • Handguard
  • Hydrogen Plasma Projector
  • Magnatomically-Paired High Adhesion Grips
  • Magnetically Sealed Plasma Field
The Blackwing Electro-Plasma Sword is a First Order developed and manufactured advanced plasma melee weapon for exclusive use by graduates of Project: AFTERLIFE, the project responsible for creating the First Order's awe-inspiring Death Troopers. The design of Blackwing Plasma Swords ironically dates back to a Jedi Artifact known colloquially as the "Darksaber" though unlike most lightsabers the Blackwing doesn't receive its' power from some focused kyber crystal but rather an extremely powerful Hydrogen battery which stores the plasma that is contained by magnets around the Turadium blade's edge giving the plasma a coherent shape and burns a deep crimson hinting towards its' scorching temperature of one-thousand seven-hundred degrees celsuis and giving rise to the erroneous belief amongst the superstitious that its' wielders are some description of Force sensitive Dark Jedi. The weapon is constructed exclusively from hardy materials which have proven highly resistant to Lightsaber strikes; with the First Order's engineers under no illusion that the Blackwing's wielders may find themselves too close for comfort with the likes of Jedi or other Force Wielders. It's also optimised for use in close-quarters fighting and so the blade's overall length was kept as compact as possible to facilitate its' effective use even within arms-reach of most humanoid species, a feat that many longer blades struggle to achieve. The hilt has pressure technology and the plasma blade will only ignite when the user exerts a pre-determined amount of grip strength upon it; permitting the user to draw the weapon without igniting the plasma blade and is switched off by the depression of two buttons on the pommel for an uninterrupted five seconds.

The Blackwing Plasma Sword is a terrifying melee weapon and while it's not exactly a lightsaber and cannot cut through thick bulkhead doors or tank armour it's an extremely effective weapon against infantry. It's hydrogen plasma edge burns at 1,700 degrees celsius and is extremely volatile capable of cleaving through even armour of rare quality and materials, injuries inflicted to the target can often be lethal in the extreme; cauterising the wound and rupturing surrounding bodily tissues and organs through flash vaporisation caused by the extreme temperatures emitted by the crimson blade. Veins and Arteries or other fluid-containing organs can expand and 'explode' within the target with the potential for side effects such as septicaemia and internal bleeding as a result, similar to lightsabers there is usually minimal chance of survival for the victims unless they can receive intense medical care immediately. In contrast to Lightsabers however, it is possible for the blade's magnetic field to get 'snagged' on metal-type armour making it difficult to extract the blade and opening the wielder up for counter-attacks in some cases so the user manual encourages thrusts to the Thoracic region, or slashes that will either decapitate or dismember the target to reduce this risk. When coming into direct contact with another magnetic field of significant strength such as those created by lightsabers the Blackwing's own magnetic field has a habit of ejecting small amounts of plasma creating a visible 'spark' effect, these 'embers' of plasma caused by the magnetic field's disruption have the potential to cause burns to exposed skin and even ignite the surrounding area if there is flammable material presence.

  • Compact: Due to the control the user has over the plasma blade ignition when inactive the weapon is quite compact, small and could be easily concealed when necessary similar to a Lightsaber in this regard. This permits its' storage in the FO-XD's over-the-shoulder Vibroblade sheath from which it could be drawn with surprising speed thanks to its modest size pre-ignition. Its' size also makes it an ideal close-quarters weapon permitting its user to strike even when within arms' distance to a target.
  • Cutting Power: With its' plasma blade ignited at 1,700 degrees celsius the Blackwing Plasma Sword can cut through even the sturdiest Infantry Armours with frightening ease. One quirk due to the powerful magnetic field containing the plasma is that sometimes the blade can get 'stuck' inside an opponent wearing metal-derived armours. Potentially allowing the target to strike back at the wielder. That said, even non-fatal strikes tend to send the targets into shock with the flash-vaporisation of circulatory systems and organs close to the blade.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: Even without its' plasma blade ignited thanks to its Turadium, Duraplast and Triprismatic Polymer construction the weapons can survive prolonged contact with lightsabers and other Electro-plasma weapons. Offering up a rude surprise to any haughty force sensitives.
  • Melt them down: Due to the extreme temperature emitted by Blackwing's plasma blade other melee weapons constructed from common and even tough materials such as Titanium that come into contact with it tend to melt or be sliced straight through completely; in this sense it's similar to a Lightsaber. The only materials capable of giving its' blade pause are those its' constructed from or materials generally immune to lightsaber strikes such as Mandalorian Iron and Phrik.
  • Distinct Appearance: Due to the weapon's nature when activated it is difficult to miss and easy to identify for observers as a threat especially in low-light situations where the plasma blade burns with a fantastic crimson passion through the darkness. The weapon in an ignited state is additionally incredibly obvious on thermal imagine equipment.
  • Edge Ignition: If pressed against a target and then ignited; the magnetic field cannot properly form and so the superheated plasma flails around wildly and retrogrades down into the battery and can cause a devastating explosion severely injuring parties in close-proximity to the weapon.
  • Particle-Beam Weapons: Particle-Beam type weapons by nature of their operations alongside masers and charrics have the potential to damage the weapon or wielder given the plasma blade wouldn't deflect them as it does with blasters on the off-chance it is hit, another less likely possibility due to its advanced grips is that it might be knocked out of the wielder's hands.
  • Prominent Thermal Signature: The weapons when ignited emit a massive thermal signature and can be easily distinguished with IR/NIR imaging equipment when in this state, alerting potential hostiles to the presence of a formidable enemy.
  • Power Source Scanners: Hydrogen plasma batteries used within the Blackwing weapons can be detected using Power Scanners, where they appear as quite power contacts. Having the potential to raise suspicion or investigation by so-equipped troops with the potential to endanger the operations Death Troopers will be expected to perform.
  • Metallic Edges: The Metallic edges of the weapon have greatly reduced cutting power despite their Turadium construction and have extreme difficulty at cutting through anything stronger than Plastoid-based armour, even Durasteel proves stubborn for these edges. Reducing the weapon's efficiency massively when the Plasma Blade is inactive.

G-12A Blaster Rifle in Standard Configuration.
Source (x)
  • Intent: Create an advanced and breathtakingly powerful blaster rifle for exclusive use by the First Order's most feared and elite operators, the Death Troopers.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: G-11F Blaster Rifle, E-11D Blaster Rifle, Particle Beam.
  • Classification: Repeating Blaster, Blaster Rifle
  • Size: Hand-Held (Average)
  • Length: 787mm (31.0 In), Stock Extended, 756mm (29.75 In), Stock Collapsed.
  • Weight: 8.0kg, Loaded (Heavy)
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell, Tibanna Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 180 Shots (Gas Canister), 180 Shots (Power Cell)
  • Reload Speed: ~15-30s (Very Slow)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 1,660 Meters/Second
  • Effective Range: 300 Meters (Average)
  • Maximum Range: 500 Meters (Long-Range)
  • Rate of Fire: 360 Rounds/Minute (Average)
  • Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic, Three-Round Burst, Safe.
  • Stopping Power: 13,778 Joules (Extreme)
  • Recoil: High
  • Ambidextrous Fire Selector
  • Ambidextrous Accessory Controls
  • Collapsible Stock
  • Extended power pack capacity
  • Front Iron Sight
  • Foregrip Pictinny Rail
  • Heatsink
  • HUD-Linked Cartridge & Battery Status, Dynamic Reticle, Optic Sight
  • Magnatomically-Paired High Adhesion Grips
  • Optic Pictinny Rail
  • Triggerguard
  • Underslung Barrel Accessory Housing
  • Grisly Injuries: G-12A Rifles can inflict extreme injuries which for the most part are normally fatal without intense primary care. The kinetic energy imparted can atomise tissue and even leave unarmoured victims dismembered or bisected with the initial site of impact being cauterised with surrounding circulatory systems or organs expanding and exploding spectacularly due to expansion from the extreme temperatures conveyed by the tibanna gas.
  • High-Capacity: In an attempt to off-set the problem of reload speed the power-cell used in the G-12A has been improved when compared to the G-11F and results in greater shot capacity at the loss of automatic fire.
  • Modular Platform: Designed with the special requirements of Special Forces Operators in mind, the G12-A can feature a wide variety of different accessories thanks to the inclusion of Pictinny rails; Scopes, Foregrips and Underslung mounts are all replaceable and modular. Of note the weapon comes standard-issue with an underslung particle-beam launcher to use against crowded infantry or lightsaber wielders.
  • Penetrative Power: ​Lethality exemplified; the G-12A is any blaster's equal when it comes to penetrative power with 13,778 Joules of Kinetic Energy burning through its' targets at two-thousand degrees celsius the weapon's bright azure bolts of magnetically contained tibanna plasma eat through common materials and infantry armour with ease, exception only given to those constructed of the toughest materials such as Reinforced Duraplast, Stygian Polymer and Turadium. The weapon is capable of disabling unarmoured or armour-skin clad vehicles such as speeder bikes or improvised speeder weapons platforms without much difficulty.
  • Cleaning Schedule: As a blaster-type weapon the rifle requires attentive care to function properly even if it is amongst the more durable designs; failure to completely disassemble and clean the weapon atleast once every 24 hours in typical combat environments is begging to have the weapon misfire and malfunction repeatedly.
  • Internal Gas Cartridge & Battery: Similarly to the G-11F if the weapon's volatile Gas Cartridges or battery is breached for whatever reason, it can result in the weapon being rendered inoperable or explode violently with force that can severely injure or disable the wielder. The greatest risk of this happening exists where high-velocity debris such as shrapnel is being thrown around the weapon from explosives or close-quarters fighting where a hostile might have a perpendicular angle on the weapon.
  • No Full Automatic: Due to the weapon's excessive reload drill and high recoil it lacks a fully-automatic fire setting and instead possesses three-round burst capability to aid in the conservation of ammunition and facilitate controlled accurate fire, this puts the users at a distinct suppression disadvantage when facing hostiles armed with true repeating blasters at close-range featuring fully-automatic capability.
  • Overheating: G-12A Blaster Rifles contain high quality heatsinks however under sustained burst-fire the heatsinks can reach their capacity for thermal energy quickly and after being filled the weapon performs an emergency vent which lasts approximately 4.5 seconds where the built-up plasma gas is ejected visibly, during this time the weapon is inoperable and cannot be fired until the venting is complete.
  • Particle Beam Volatility: The standard-issue rifle's particle-beam projector that is mounted in the underslung housing has the potential of being disabled by a well-placed shot and could even detonate fantastically and completely obliterate the weapon and inflict grievous injuries upon its' wielder.
  • Slow Reload: Reloading the weapon is not an easy feat and one that has to be performed while stationary; both the weapon's power cell and gas canister are stored internally to help reduce the weapon's sensor and physical cross-section. Forcing the wielder to perform a field strip to access and replace both the Power Cell and Gas Canister which can take anywhere from fifteen to thirty seconds depending on the wielder. Either way it's a significant amount of time especially at combat range and gives hostiles ample time to suppress the user or displace positions while they're performing the weapon's reloading drill.
  • Sustained Burst: Sustained firing in three-round bursts adversely impacts accuracy noticeably at the ceiling of effective range, with the shots from the rifle steadily increasing in spread with dramatically increased felt recoil.
The G-12A Blaster Rifle is advanced lethal and volatile befitting characteristics for what is the cutting-edge of First Imperial Blaster Rifle technology, the weapon is intended for use by the First Order's few albeit crack Death Trooper Operators. Designed to be modular so as to be capable of fulling any mission requirements backed by precise and expert engineering the G-12A Blaster Rifle is of a quality unmatched even amongst the First Order's already impressive engineering resume. It is not an entirely original design however but merely a refinement of existing concepts seen in its' predecessor the G-11F which is wielded proudly by Stormtroopers and Special Forces personnel across the galaxy. When comparing the G-12A to the G-11F the former is superior in almost every characteristic imaginable and represents a physical departure from centuries of Imperial-Design that the G-11F remained true towards. The biggest drawback of the G-12A Rifle at a glance is the necessity to field-strip the weapon in order to replace either its' power cell or Tibanna Gas Canister, both of which sit snugly above the trigger grip within the barrel's housing. Field-Stripping the weapon is not a rugged procedure and almost always demands the wielder remain stationary lest they enjoy attempting to juggle weapon parts through the air. Another glaring drawback of the weapon is its' conspicuous absence of a Fully-Automatic firing mode, this is due to the immense heat and recoil the weapon generates when firing, the former rapidly overwhelming the heat-sinks while the latter causes jarring recoil and dramatically reduced accuracy under sustained fire to strike a happy medium between Semi-Automatic and Automatic fire the weapon incorporates a 'three-round burst' mode where there shots are discharged with the single-pull of a trigger. The weapon's heat-sinks can safely handle sustained semi-automatic fire with little concern however sustained burst-fire without fail will overwhelm the heat sinks after six to eight three-round bursts, at this point the weapon becomes inoperable over approximately 4.5-5 seconds as the heatsinks vent. The venting is a necessary safety procedure to stop the expensive internal components from being damaged.

Like many Blaster-Type weapons the G-12A is maintenance intensive despite being widely acclaimed as a rugged design the user manual states that for optimal performance in combat environments the G-12A should be completely disassembled and thoroughly cleaned once every twenty-four hours to minimise the risk of malfunction or misfire the former of which can result in the weapon sometimes being rendered inoperable. In the barracks or urban environment this same maintenance procedure can usually be neglected for a few days without serious increase in the incidence of weapon malfunction. Despite it's many drawbacks and disadvantages when compared to Slugthrowers or more antiquated Blaster designs the G-12A is an absolutely devastating system especially in the hands of its' well-trained users, with an eye-widening muzzle velocity of 1,660 Meters per/second the rifle takes full advantage of Electrothermal-chemical technology resulting in each shot conveying the equivalent of 13,778 Joules of Kinetic Energy more than sufficient to kill a large felucian beast never-mind a Human or other Humanoid Species. Survival is possible albeit unlikely with most targets suffering shock from a massive drop in blood pressure often caused by dismemberment with it not unheard of for unarmoured targets to bisect gruesomely around the rounds' impact. When the magnetically-contained Tibanna plasma enters the body it has a temperature of approximately 2,000 degrees celsius and cauterises the entry wound itself though it can cause massive secondary injuries such as flash vaporisation of organs and their contents with veins and arteries expanding and 'exploding' within the target as the blood within them boils. Due to its lack of a fully-automatic fire mode and the risk of Death Troopers encountering dangerous lightsaber-wielding force sensitives while deployed each rifle comes-equipped with an Underslung Particle beam which acts as a Greande launcher; firing highly energised weighty and unstable golden-orb like projectiles which arc noticeably with a maximum range equal to the rifle's own effective range while this might sound excellent due to the nature of particle weapons each discharge of the particle beam launcher depletes 50 battery units from the power cell; leaving a full-loaded rifle capable of launching only four grenades, the casualty radius of those particle beam 'grenades' is about 15 meters while the kill radius is approximately 5 meters.

The rifle features two pictinny rails for accessories; one above the receiver where a variety of different optic sights/scopes can be mounted to suit the Shooter's needs though the Standard sight is a Holographic sight optimised for close-quarters fighting while the second pictinny rail is located beneath the underslung barrel mount housing and can he used to shift the straight foregrip for optimal comfort or even replace with an angled foregrip as the operator sees fit. Finally the underslung barrel housing can sport a wide number of accessories beyond the Particle Beam launcher including: Chemical-Driven Grenade Launcher Flashlight, Flashlight and Laser Pointer.
G-6E Light Repeating Blaster in Standard Left-Hand Configuration
Source (x)
  • Classification: Compact Light Repeating Blaster
  • Size: Hand-Held (Small; One-Handed, Two-Handed)
  • Length: 635mm, Fixed Stock (Standard-Variant)
  • Weight: 6.0 Kilograms, Loaded. (Heavy)
  • Ammunition Type: Tibanna Gas, Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: 80 Shots (Gas Canister), 240 Shots (Power Cell)
  • Reload Speed: ~5.5s (Average; Gas Canister, varies with user), 15-30s (Very slow; Power Cell)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 450 Meters Per Second
  • Effective Range: 50-200 Meters (Personal-Average)
  • Maximum Range: 250 Meters (Average)
  • Rate of Fire: 900 Rounds/Minute (Very High)
  • Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic, Fully Automatic, Safe
  • Stopping Power: 1,923 Joules (High)
  • Recoil: High-Extreme (Semi-Automatic & Automatic)
  • Ambidextrous Canister Release
  • Ambidextrous Fire Selector
  • Barrel Accessory Rails
  • Foregrip
  • Front Ring Sight
  • Handguard
  • Heatsinks
  • HUD-Linked Cartridge & Battery Status, Dynamic Reticle, Optic Sight
  • Magnatomically-Paired High Adhesion Grips
  • Rear Aperture Sight
  • Triggerguard
  • Vented Barrel Housing
  • Compact: G-6E Light Repeating Blasters are quite compact weapons and can be stored comfortably in a thigh holster while freeing up the hands or back for a larger weapon such as a fully-sized blaster rifle, targeting blaster etc.
  • Powerful: Its' size sneakily belies its' firepower the G-6E isn't an average light repeating blaster, it strikes its targets with sufficient kinetic energy to break bones and convey massive amounts of hydrostatic shock which can cause internal hemorrhaging and bleeding of vital organs within the circulatory and nervous system.
  • Shred Them: Despite its' significant drawbacks related to recoil and long-range accuracy under sustained fire, at close-range the weapon is terror personified firing 900 rounds/min it's often too much even for novice and some adept force wielders to withstand. At close-range within 50-150 meters the Tibanna Plasma bolts are also at optimal power.
  • Barrels Melting: Repeatedly overheating the weapon's heat-sinks in close sequence can destroy them and melt the barrel rendering the G-6E inoperable and useless until it can be repaired in a workshop and have the defective parts replaced. This is one of the main reasons why sustained fully automatic fire is discouraged by the user manual.
  • Can you tell if I'm hitting anything?!: Under sustained automatic fire the G-6E has a gargantuan spread and immense uncontrollable recoil with noticeable 'muzzle walk' where the weapon's barrel steadily creeps upwards due to the weight distribution, stock design and force of rounds being ejected from the barrel. When firing in Sustained Automatic bursts the Effective ranges also reduces dramatically to an approximate whopping fifty meters, reducing its' effective use to close-quarters fighting.
  • Close-Range Wonder: While the weapon is quite powerful the magnetic field containing the Tibanna plasma quickly weakens when travelling through the atmosphere across combat distances, therefore damage and power in inversely proportional to distance form target; the further away the target the less damage it could do. While close-range shots might over-penetrate an unarmoured target at long-range the same target might only be left with third-degree burns.
  • Explosive Consequences: Both the Hydrogen battery and Tibanna Power Cells are volatile and highly explosive. If either of them were to be breached at best it'll fry the weapon and at worst cause an explosion of super-heated plasma; threatening to inflict burn injuries to the user. The greatest risk of this occuring happens when a hostile has a perpendicular angle on the weapon or when high velocity shrapnel is travelling wildly through the air.
  • Ghastly Reload: Like other weapons in the Death Trooper's arsenal it has a minimal cross-section and due to this the weapon's power cell has been put inside the chassis towards the stock. To access the power cell the entire weapon must be field-stripped, making reloading after firing 240 shots incredibly time-consuming and an often stationary affair which leaves the operator vulnerable. For this reason the user manual discourages continuous automatic fire as the power cell can be rapidly exhausted.
  • Overheating: When firing in fully-automatic the weapon's heatsinks are capable of being overloaded at which point they'll execute an emergency vent to prevent damage to the weapon's components. This tends to occur after firing sixty rounds in automatic sequence, the equivalent of four seconds of continuous fire and leaves the weapon inoperable for approximately 4.5-5.0 Seconds. The aqua-coloured Tibanna Gas venting is also highly visible and can alert hostiles to the over-heating and provide opportunity to return fire or suppress the user.
The G-6E is a plasma-based blaster weapon that uses ionized Tibanna Gas as its' projectile. Tibanna Gas is rare and expensive albeit powerful and offers the weapon's magnetically-contained plasma projectiles excellent performance against both organic and inorganic targets such as droids. The G-6E has the benefit of being quite compact similar to blaster rifle designs such as the E-11 and can be easily holstered on the thigh while also boasting the capability for fully-automatic fire, similarly though to its' Blaster Rifle predecessors however is an extremely short range which limits the wielder's ability to effectively engage targets at any range that exceeds two-hundred meters. In contrast the weapon outperforms its' G-11F cousin with a furious 900 rounds/minute which is particularly useful at ranges of about fifty to one-hundred meters where even the considerable spread and recoil is offset by the sheer suppressible capacity for the weapon. The weapon's automatic recoil is extreme and most users report it becoming quite uncontrollable with sustained fire the barrel seems to climb noticeably and carries the risk of overheating the heat-sinks rendering the weapon inoperable for several seconds while they vent, semi-automatic fire with the weapon is reportedly much more comfortable and allows the shooter to maintain high accuracy and control. Optimal shooting performance can be achieved by firing in short-bursts of about 15 rounds, permitting the vents to cool the weapon between each burst across a couple of seconds.

The magnetically contained Tibanna Plasma bolts fired from the G-6E burn at about 1,700 degrees Celsius and impact with the equivalent of 1,923 Joules of Kinetic Energy; the entry and exit wounds are typically cauterized although the damage these impacts cause isn't necessarily visible. The sheer heat of the bolts can cause flash vaporization of the surrounding tissue and inflict third degree burns punching through armour of good or rare quality with varying amounts od difficulty. Internally, the heat generated by the plasma is sufficient to boil the target's blood and cause circulatory organs such as veins and arteries around wound to expand and 'explode' and can send the target into shock response from a massive drop in blood pressure. Impacts to the thoracic region can impart enough hydrostatic shock on the cardio-pulmonary and nervous systems to cause massive hemorrhaging and kill the target instantly. Close-range impacts to unarmored humanoid targets can pass straight through in an example of over-penetration and if a burst of rounds hit a joint such as a knee or elbow it can blast them off in a gruesome display, coupled with its' full-auto capability some First Order military personnel have dubbed it "The Shredder" after its' ability to tear apart targets at close range into pieces or strips.

The G-6E fulfills its' purpose of taking hostile combatants out of the fight while forcing the opposition to expend resources on treating the grisly injuries it inflicts. One of the glaring issues facing Troops equipped with this weapon during capture and retrieval issues is the conspicuous lack of a stun setting. Especially where the target in question might attempt to flee, offer resistance or be unarmoured. Conversely the rifle is fully ambi-dextrous with capability to switch the fire selector or "charging handle" from either side of the weapon. The fire selector for the G-6E repeating blaster sits above the trigger with weapon break-down starting with the depression of two locks on either side of the weapon just rear of the Foregrip. Following a bullpup-type design the Gas Canister is inserted into the weapon behind the trigger assembly towards the shooter's shoulder, this permits a reduction in length of the weapon but places most of the weight to the rear and is responsible for the obnoxious muzzle climb with fully-automatic fire in the design due to the massively uneven weight distribution.
Design of the Mk. I Single Occupant Atmospheric Insertion Vehicle (Mk. I SOAIV)
Source (x)

  • Intent: Creating a stealthy Drop-pod that can be launched from First Order Starships in low or geosynchronous orbit that can enter the Atmosphere while ostensibly appearing as a meteor to the eye or sensors, facilitating the deployment of First Order Special Forces Operators, Spies, Assassins or Military Personnel evacuating their Ship in an emergency.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Imperial Troop Drop Pod, Kashyyyk Pods
  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • Model: Mark I Single Occupant Atmospheric Insertion Vehicle (Mk.I SOAIV)
  • Cost: 40,000 Credits
  • Value: 400,000 Credits (Black Market Value)
  • Affiliation: First Order Navy, First Order Special Forces, First Order Security Bureau, Death Troopers, Shadowtroopers, Storm Commandos.
  • Modularity: Yes (Can be converted into a re-supply or communications pod)
  • Production: Limited (First Order Navy, First Order Special Forces, First Order Security Bureau, Death Troopers, Shadowtroopers, Storm Commandos.)
  • Material: Duravlex, Reflec, Thermal-Gel Layer, Titanium, Turadium.
  • Classification: Single-Occupant Insertion Pod
  • Role: Emergency Escape Craft, Special Forces Deployment
  • Size: Average
  • Length: 2.5 Meters
  • Width: 2.9 Meters
  • Height: 6.3 Meters
  • Weight: 750 Kilograms (Average)
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 1
  • Propulsion: Thrusters, Reverse-Thrusters, Counterweights
  • Top Speed: ~15,000 Meters Per Second (Very High)
  • Maneuverability: Very Low
  • Armaments: None
  • Defenses: Very High
  • Squadron Count: 8 Drop-pods (Low)
  • Passenger Capacity: 1
  • Cargo Capacity: 60 Kilograms (Low)
  • Air-Brake System (Titanium-Constructed)
  • Climate Control (Automatic)
  • Com-link System (TEAMCOM, FLEETCOM)
  • Electric Generator
  • Environmental Controls
  • Flight Controls
  • Gas-Operated Entry/Exit Hatch
  • 350Ghz Microwave Broadband Antennae (400km Range, First Order Encryption Keys)
  • Guidance System
  • Individual Field Disruptor
  • Leather Seat
  • Left-Side Weapon Rack
  • Liquid-Crystal Display Panels
  • Navigation Computer
  • Overhead Cargo Container (150L)
  • Reserve Fuel Tank
  • Reverse Thruster
  • Right-Side Weapon Rack
  • Six-Point Quick-Release Seat Harness
  • Subspace Transceiver (11 Light-Year Range)
  • Tertiary Thruster System.
  • Thermal Detonator.
  • Thermal-Gel Layer.
  • 2 Terra-byte Solid-State Drive (R/W)
  • Boarding Craft: Due to their velocity, size and capability the Mk. I SOAIV can be utilised as a makeshift boarding craft during Naval Actions. They can be launched from the ventral surfaces of First Order Warships towards Hostile Warships and thanks to the sheer kinetic energy they exhibit act like a projectile; borrowing through the hulls of hostile vessels deep into the super-structure. Alternatively on extremely heavily armoured vessels they can land on the hull's surface and allow their occupants to gain entry via a nearby airlock.
  • Got to go fast: These drop-pods travel with velocities in the void of space and high-orbit that no fighter could hope to match, only the likes of missiles and weapons firing at fractions of the speed of light can hope to catch them when passed. This aids in their penetration of any orbital or terrestrial defences significantly as it reduces time sensor or weapon crews have to react dramatically.
  • Individual Field Disruptor: Mk. I Insertion pods are equipped with a powerful Individual Field Disruptor which permits them to pass through deflector shields used by the likes of Starships, additionally it allows them to breach Deflector Shields such as those used in application of Planetary Shields and more localised defences. This provides Special Forces troops the potential to breach a hardened target and potentially open the way for regular military forces. Performing this manoeuvre though almost always confirms to military forces that the pods aren't simple meteors and would probably warrant immediate investigation or response to their landing. When attempting this however, casualty rates can increase to 75% in deploying troops as the IFD can fail to function properly on the pods and explode against whatever shield its' attempting to penetrate.
  • Reflec Coating: The entire Atmospheric Entry Vehicle is covered with a matte black Reflec coating before having the Duravlex applied; as such they appear a powdery white and land as an ominous black; The Reflec coating helps to prevent electromagnetic sensors from correctly scanning the pod and more often than not it can be mistaken for a simple meteor. Even if its surface details are correctly obtained, discerning the pod's occupant or cargo is significantly harder.
  • Shooting me is a war crime: They're unarmed and can double as escape craft from stricken vessels, as a result they're regarded as protected by the same customary laws of war protecting life pods, ambulances and parachutists. Furthermore, attacking them is contrary to the 'Jedi way' which prohibits the injuring or killing of a defenseless opponent. And First Order military personnel treat those responsible for attacking such craft with one sentence; summary execution.
  • Tough Nut: Mark I SOAIV pods are constructed from an extremely durable Titanium hull and coated with Duravlex to resist the heat that is created by atmospheric friction when hurtling through orbit, while they're unarmed their hulls can handle being fired upon by the likes of Blaster Rifles and Repeating Blasters. Which is fortunate since their occupant might find themselves having to use their pod as cover.
  • Can't Steer: The Mk.I Atmospheric Entry Vehicle isn't very manoeuvrable, in-fact it can hardly manoeuvre at all due to its lack of powerful thrusters or other propulsion systems. It's designed to make course-corrections or deviations in high-orbit while hurtling through space or the atmosphere at several thousand meters per second, not pull high g-force manoeuvres like a fighter. If for some nefarious reason someone was to fire at the vehicle there would be very little chance of them being able to avoid the path of incoming unguided munitions at close range and relies primarily on its speed for safety in such a situation. Guided Munitions that travel at supersonic speeds are especially devastating weapons to use against the pods.
  • Dangerous: It should go without saying that operating the Mk. I Dropod is considered highly dangerous and failures in the hull are not unheard of and almost always certainly fatal for the occupant, for example if the air-brake system deploys too late, too early or shears away from the pod during re-entry the Duravlex layer can be annihilated prematurely and cook the pod's contents. If the air-brakes deploy too late the pod slams into the ground and kills the occupant instantly via hydrostatic pressure, there's also the risk of a pod being struck by space debris when attempting to breach orbit or an enemy vessel and either being destroyed or knocked off-course into deep space. Due to these factors it's rare not to see casualty rates amongst units that deploy in them. Potentially losing valuable equipment and personnel.
  • Electromagnetic Pulses: Despite their plethora of defensive technologies and extremely durable Turadium hull they are not designed to withstand the effects of high-powered electromagnetic pulses created by the detonation of Nuclear Weapons or Ion-based Weapons. Exposure to EMP or Ionic Threats can disable the Pod's navigation computer or guidance system. Spelling a violent crash-landing for the occupant at best and death at worst.
  • Lacks any Armament: The Mk.I drop-pod wasn't designed exclusively as a vehicle for the insertion of crack troops but also a compact escape craft aboard First Order Warships particularly for Stormtrooper or Army Trooper passengers who might be unable to reach lifepods in-time to abandon ship safely. The vehicle according to First Order Military training materials is labelled an "Escape Craft" Despite its' intended purpose, as a true escape craft it lacks any weaponry to ensure it and its' occupant receives the benefits of a Non-Combatant or Unlawful target status.
  • Limited Storage Space: The passenger compartment's height from floor to ceiling is a cramped 1.6 Meters and so necessitates its' occupants sit, it also limits the length of weapons that can be loaded to approximately 1.4 Meters in the standard variant and 1.5 Meters in the dedicated re-supply variant. This restricts its' occupants ability to deploy with heavy support weapons such as Heavy Mortars and Heavy Repeating Blasters.
  • One-Way Ticket To Hell: The Drop-Pod is an insertion vehicle and cannot evacuate or extract the same troops it deposits unlike some models of personal insertion vehicles, forcing the occupants to rely on other methods of transport or ex-fill when planet-side. Their communication equipment also uses distinctly First Order Encryption keys which allows skilled cryptographers with the necessary equipment to detect some nature of First Order Military presence if radio silence protocols are not observed.
  • Restricted Numbers: Due to their expense and nature generally speaking a Frigate-class First Order vessel equipped with these vehicles will not feature more than three squadrons or 24 pods, barely large enough for a single platoon. While the maximum a heavy cruiser can feature is 27 Squadrons which is equivalent to roughly two companies of troops. These pods cannot be featured on any vessels smaller than a Frigate as they rely on long shafts and electromagnetic rails for initial acceleration and propulsion.
The Mk. I Single Occupant Atmospheric Insertion Vehicle is an advanced drop-pod type vehicle that permits a single Human or Near-Human Individual to enter a planet's atmosphere and land without use of a dedicated escape pod or other craft; it isn't very manoeuvrable and neither is it armed however it is blindingly fast and can often land on hostile occupied world without raising any alarm as its' radar cross-section and behaviour gives it the appearance of a small and harmless meteor. These Vehicles can be found aboard First Order Warships and Military Space stations in dedicated drop-bays where they are usually located in close proximity to the local Special Forces garrison or embarked troops if there are any. While they double as an emergency evacuation vehicle their primary military purpose is the covert insertion of Tier One Special Forces assets, assassins and spies onto the surface of hostile planets where these personnel then engage in Special Missions assigned to them. Their lack of armament was a deliberate design decision to impart a level of legal immunity in the event the pods and their occupants affiliation are identified as the often precious special forces assets carried aboard them are completely vulnerable until they can exit the vehicle. While any individual could feasibly use the drop-pod thanks to its guidance and navigation computers which are usually pre-programmed with a flight path the general military community consider these cramped and dangerous craft to be the exclusive domain of the suicidal, insane and thrill-seekers and amongst the First Order's Special Forces and Assassins the distinction is often blurred.

When launched the Mk. I Single Occupant Atmospheric Insertion Vehicle normally follows a pre-programmed flight path and makes corrections as necessary although it does feature flight controls on either armrest which can be used to manoeuvre the vehicle manually if the occupants desires; this feature is often only utilised by Special Forces and Security Bureau personnel who have been trained to use the craft and are experienced enough to be comfortable in its' use. Outside of the Atmosphere and in Geosynchronous orbit before breaching the Atmosphere the pod can reach top speeds in excess of fifteen-thousand meters per second, comparable to a missile once it begins re-entry the slows the craft considerably and the reverse-thruster brings down the speed to ensure the craft's protective Duravlex coating doesn't burn away prematurely. Upon entering a planet's Thermosphere the pods' speed is approximately ten-thousand meters per-second and continues to decelerate steadily over its descent, once the pod enters the Stratosphere and its' hull cools revealing the matte black reflec coating the Titanium air-brake deploys from the pod's roof increasing drag massively and therefore reducing velocity rapidly, there is a small risk here if the pod's velocity is too high upon the air-brake's deployment that the air-brake will shear free and send the pod tumbling into free-fall dooming its' occupant to a violent death. Once the pod is about twenty-kilometers above sea-level the air-brake will detach and allow the pod to free-fall the remaining distance at about nine-hundred and eighty meters per second second and is referred to as the 'twenty-second' mark as this is the typical time it takes for the pod to make landfall. The Insertion vehicle's floor is heavily reinforced with Turadium and the Thermal-Gel layer then absorbs the hydrostatic shock and kinetic energy of landing permitting its occupant to spring into action immediately after freeing themselves from the six-point quick release harness, the Gas-Operated Hatch can then be opened where it drops down like a short metal ramp. If the door fails to open due to a malfunction the occupant can arm four explosive bolts around the Door's seal where the hatch will then be blown violently free, much to the surprise of the foolish opportunist or scavenger.

The Drop-pod is equipped with a reserve tank of Hydrogen fuel which it can use to power the reserve thruster and steadily move around thirty-meters above whatever surface is beneath it. This is to ensure that if the Pod lands in a position that is undesirable or dangerous such as on edge of a cliff face or building the occupant can displace the pod far enough to an alternate deployment location so that they may exit safely. The Mk.I SOAIV is an excellent long-range reconnaissance tool as it provides everything an operator needs; equipment storage, long-range communications and a place to sleep secure from any hostile fauna or flora, often when deployed on Deep-reconnaissance missions Special Forces troops will move their pods close together and camouflage the area to create a sort of forward operating base from which to conduct their operations.
Design of the Tooka FSV
Source (x)

  • Intent: Create an extremely reliable, durable and rugged wheeled vehicle that is quick, agile and highly modular and capable of fulfilling a variety of battlefield needs for the First Order's Military. Essentially, it fulfils the role as the First Order's Humvee.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Canon Wheeled Vehicles
  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • Model: Mk.I Tooka Force Scout Vehicle
  • Cost: 7,500 Credits
  • Value: 11,000 Credits (Black Market Value)
  • Affiliation: First Imperial Army, First Order Security Bureau, First Order Special Forces, First Order Stormtrooper Corps
  • Modularity: Yes (Weapon Emplacement can be readily changed for Anti-Armour and Anti-Air Weapons or removed completely and converted into a marked unarmed ambulance)
  • Production: Minor (First Imperial Army, First Order Security Bureau, First Order Special Forces, First Order Stormtrooper Corps)
  • Material: Durasteel, Titanium, Transparisteel, Reflec (Special Forces & FOSB Only)
  • Classification: Wheeled Force Scout Vehicle, Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
  • Role: Ambulance, Anti-Armour Platform, Anti-Air Platform, Infantry Fighting Vehicle, Scout, Tractor.
  • Length: 6.0 Meters
  • Width: 3.0 Meters
  • Height/Depth: 3.2 Meters, 2.4 Meters (Weapon Station Removed/Collapsed)
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: 4.5 Metric Tons (High)
  • Minimum Crew: 1
  • Optimal Crew: 2 (Driver, Gunner)
  • Propulsion: All-Wheel Drive (4x Wheels)
  • Engine: FOCIE 5.0L Turbocharged 12-Cylinder Multifuel 1,118kW (1,500 Hp) Combustion Engine.
  • Power/weight: 333hp/tonne
  • Transmission: Electrically Operated Semi-Automatic Transmission (Eight-forward, Four-Reverse Gear)
  • Suspension: Independent Progressive Coil Spring w/ Upper Control Arm and Lower Wishbone.
  • Operational Range: 600km (373 mi)
  • Combat Radius: 300km (186.5 mi)
  • Speed: 150 km/h (Fast)
  • Maneuverability: Four-Wheel All Wheel Drive (High)
  • Armaments: Pintle-Mounted Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon (Low)
  • Defenses: Durasteel-Titanium Laminate Armour (Average)
  • Squadron Count: 8 (Low)
  • Passenger Capacity: 4 (1x Passenger Seat, 3x Cargo Tray)
  • Cargo Capacity: 400 Kg (Average)
  • Fording Depth: 1.3 Meters
  • Atmospheric Temperature Gauge (Digital)
  • Bucket Seats (Leather)
  • Brake Lights (Rear)
  • Mirrors (Pillar Mount + Rear View)
  • Four-Point Seat Harnesses
  • Holographic Dash Display
  • Hydrogen Battery
  • LED Headlights
  • LED Indicator Lights
  • Odometer
  • Rear-View Mirror
  • Roll Cage
  • Safety Handles
  • Speedometer
  • Tachometer
  • Transparisteel Windshield & Rear-Window.
  • Deploy-ability: Thanks to their modest size in comparison with other Imperial-type Armoured Vehicles, Tookas can be deployed on a battlefield very quickly and two manned Tookas can be carried albeit barely by Atmospheric Assault Landers and deposited with frightening speed. This offers Stormtroopers and Special Forces Personnel quick and reliable access to heavy support weapon firepower in expeditionary or assault operations.
  • Durasteel Tyres: Unlike archaic tubed or tubeless tyre designs that rely on the tyre's rubber membrane to maintain a seal for the gas contained within the Tooka's tyres are actually constructed from an intricate Durasteel-Titanium lattice; thin innumerable albeit tough strands of Durasteel-Titanium create the Tyre's shape before having the vulcanised rubber sheath pulled over it which has the heavy-duty high-grip tread on it. This makes the Tooka immune to the effects of tyre punctures, as there is no gas which gives the tyre inflation; although they can still be heavily damaged or destroyed by explosives such as grenades.
  • Fast: With a whopping multi-fuel combustion engine sitting under its' hood the Tooka is capable of reaching a top governed speed of 150 km/h and accelerates from 0-100 km/h in approximately 5.5 seconds, the engine Governor can also be removed by Engineers in the field to give the vehicle's a greater top speed at the elevated risk of rolling the vehicle in sharp turns due to its' high center-of-gravity.
  • Mechanically Reliable: These vehicles are as reliable and durable as it gets, they can be driven and operated for days and hundred upon hundreds of kilometres in the Galaxy's most unforgiving conditions and continue functioning with little issue, the same can often not be said for vehicles with advanced propulsion systems such as Repulsors.
  • Maneuverable: Tooka Protected Mobility Vehicles can turn in extremely tight circles thanks to its' all-wheel drive system, it can also withstand advanced driving maneuvers such as fishtailing and hand-brake turning. Traction is also impressive the Tooka is capable of operating in any terrain, Snow, Ice, Mountains, Forests? You name it the Tooka can move in it. Although amorphous bogs tend to prove troublesome.
  • Modularity: The vehicle can quickly have its' anti-personnel blaster cannon replaced in a workshop with Anti-Tank or Anti-Air weapons making it an ideal light vehicle to deploy alongside Special Forces Troops or a Stormtrooper Expeditionary force. The weapon emplacements can also be folded permitting the vehicle's combat-ready storage aboard the First Order's Atmospheric Assault Landers, from where it can simply be driven off making it an excellent support for Expeditionary Assault.
  • Reflec Coating: Available on the Special Forces and FOSB variants is a special coating of Reflec which helps conceal the vehicle's cross-section from sensors and radar. Providing unconventional warfare Troops with the possibility to keep their tactical movements covert. At close-range however despite the Reflec the vehicle's thermal and IR signature is visible from the grille and at the vehicle's exhaust to the rear.
  • Transparisteel Windshield: The vehicle's windshield is constructed of a high-grade transparisteel and has been forged so as to be highly resistant to blaster-based and projectile type weapons giving the crew protection over the frontal firing arc from typical Infantry small arms. Sufficiently powerful support weapons, explosives and concentrated small arms however can damage and destroy this Transparisteel Windshield; with the potential to send hazardous pieces of transparent metal towards the crew in the case of explosive striking the vehicle.
  • Electro-Magnetic Pulse: The Tooka's onboard computer which handles display information and manages the electrically assisted transmission is vulnerable to high-powered EMP attacks; the effects of which on the Tooka cripple its' operational mobility with effects ranging from forcing the computer to reboot and thus temporarily disabling the Tooka or completely frying the ECU and necessitating workshop repairs.
  • Exposed Crew: All three principal members of the crew are vulnerable to attack at any given time; the gunner is extremely vulnerable and is offered no protection or blast shield by their station and both the Driver and Passenger to his left can be fired upon from their flanks due to the lack of armoured doors.
  • Exposed Passengers: Passengers riding on the edge of the Cargo-Tray via handle-grip are extremely vulnerable and could make traversing the weapon platform difficult. Optimally the Tooka should only be carrying one passenger in the passenger seat beside driver.
  • Firing Arc: Any weapon mounted in the Tooka's Pintle-Mount can only be rotated a maximum ninety degrees left or right from the axis of advance, making it unable to pivot and engage targets behind the Tooka.
  • Front Grill: As a combustion engine powers the vehicle it has a narrow Durasteel Grill at the front of vehicle to faciliate air-intake into the engine compartment. If a well-placed high-powered blaster shot were to slam into the Tooka's front grill it could disable the engine and force it to a stop leaving the crew and passengers highly vulnerable to attack.
  • High Center of Gravity: The Tooka is very maneuverable, yes. Although this isn't without disastrous potential. Attempting to turn the Tooka at high speed is likely to be met with roll-over which can cause serious injuries to the crew, especially the Gunner who has no safety harness that could tether them to the vehicle.
  • Hostile Armour!: While it's highly modular the standard and most common variant of Tooka is armed only with a Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon in a rotating weapon station and is of questionable effectiveness particularly against heavily armored vehicles. That said it does well against Infantry and is moderately useful to engage slow-moving low-altitude aircraft.
  • Mines: Heavy enough to trigger Anti-Tank mines these defensive weapons can flip a Tooka over at best and utterly obliterate them at worst. The Tooka's largely flat hull doesn't help with the deflection of force and unsecured passengers can be thrown clear of the vehicle after an anti-personnel or anti-tank mine has detonated beneath it.
  • Small Arms Fire: The Took's armour is resistant to small-arms fire albeit concentrated and sustained weapons fire can seriously damage the chassis stripping away its' tough Durasteel-Titanium Laminate Armour. The Tooka cannot withstand dedicated anti-tank weapons and thrown explosives such as fragmentation grenades which can cause crippling or disabling damage particularly if they land directly beneath the chassis or in close proximity to it.
  • Transversely Mounted Engine: The Tooka's engine is mounted on the transverse and while this allows for a reduction in overall length it presents a greater target to an enemy engaging from the front. An enemy with a high-powered weapon such as a laser cannon or shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon who fires at the Tooka's frontal arc could very well mobility kill the vehicle. Leaving the crew and passengers stranded.

The Mk.I Tooka Force-Scout Vehicle is a right-hand all-wheel drive, all-terrain multipurpose vehicle that can be used in a wide variety of different roles on the battlefield from an Infantry Fighting Vehicle to an unarmed ambulance that can quickly evacuate battlefield casualties where air casevac isn't possible or too dangerous for the craft in question. what makes the Tooka so valuable to the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps is that it can be loaded (albeit barely) Onto an Atmospheric Assault Lander, providing Infantry Platoons with instant access to support weapon platform support. The Tooka is capable of having a number of weapon systems mounted on it including the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster, Minimag PTL Missile Launcher or a Medium Mortar making it a truly flexible vehicle capable of tackling a variety of threats though due to its' light armour is capable of being decimated by the same kinds of weapons it carries with concentrated fire. As a true all-terrain vehicle with a powerful combustion motor the Tooka can move admirably across virtually any terrain and climb steep inclines thanks to a whopping 1,500 horsepower sitting behind its' grille. The Tooka's large engine is mounted on the transverse to reduce the vehicle's overall length; this has the effect of making the engine's cross section greater over the frontal firing arc however increasing its' vulnerability especially behind the engine grill which is a necessity to bring oxygen in for the combustion engine's cooling system. To aid with the logistics of supporting combustion engines in the field FOCIE Engineered the Tooka's motor to be a multi-fuel engine permitting the usage of virtually any combustible liquid as fuel although the motor performance can vary wildly with the use of high-grade versus low-grade fuels.

The Tooka is quite comfortable for its' passenger and drive with tough leather bucket seats for maximum grip on the occupants and ease of cleaning surface damage. Each seat is equipped with a pillar mounted safety harness system to secure the seat's occupant to the vehicle in the vent the vehicle rolls-over. Unfortunately many troops in the field neglect to equip the harness due to the fact it's a four-point harness leading to deaths and accidents on vehicle rollover not unheard of under training conditions. The Tooka is equipped with a roll cage to give its' chassis greater stability and prevent the occupants from being crushed as it rolls across hard surfaces such as across rock scattered across hills, its' dash offers the driver a number of holographic displays with information pertinent to the vehicle such as speed, engine revolutions, gear number, kilometres travelled on the current engine, engine temperature and oil pressure along with more than a dozen other features either represented by numerical values or symbols which are subdued or active depending on whether or not the driver's attention is required for whatever the symbol represents. The vehicle's transmission is an electrically-assisted computer controlled semi-automatic clutchless gearbox with paddle shifts on the steering wheel to permit manual selection of the gears without worrying the driver about having to maintain the correct accelerator-to-clutch ratio seen in clutched manual transmissions. While using such a transmission modestly extends maintenance time it makes turning the vehicle and shifting down several gears quickly from high speed significantly safer and reduces the risk for overly-zealous Troopers from prematurely wearing out the mechanical parts.
"You must be deep of breath child, steady your hand with deadly purpose and become one with the spirit of the hunt."


Intent: Give Kyli a stern mentor-type character that I can NPC to help flesh out her character away from being a Death Trooper. Providing a companion who she can be empathetic and gentle with.
​Image Credit: Source
Role: Companion, Mentor.
Links: Kyli DT-6767

Age: 51 Standard-Years
Species: Loth-Wolf
Height: 1.5 Meters
Length: 1.3 Meters
Weight: 110 Kilograms
Appearance: Snarl is a giant venerable Loth-Wolf with disheveled grayed fur, long snout and prominent pointed ears. When Snarl speaks he does so with his teeth which is the habit that earned his Galactic Basic moniker from Kyli.

  • Name: Snarl
  • Loyalties: Kyli DT-6767, Dark Side of the Force, Himself
  • Notable Possessions: Stygian-Triprismatic Polymer Blast Vest
  • Personality: [Please describe the NPC with at least one paragraph. Acerbic? Friendly? Ditzy? Annoyingly calm and superior? What about mannerisms?]
  • Training: [If your beast companion has been trained to perform special tasks or follow certain commands, please list those things here.]
  • Combat Function: [Combat is difficult to avoid -- after all, this is Chaos. Should your NPC wind up in combat, what would they be good at? How would they work alongside you, or would they be a liability? Please include relevant strengths and weaknesses. The Combat Function line also helps assure us that you won't be abusing this NPC.]

[Please provide at least one paragraph explaining the history of this creature and how it came to be a companion to your character/involved in your character’s story.]

Source (x)
RPG-51 in the Standard Configuration.

  • Intent: Create a modern and powerful albeit unguided Rocket-Propelled Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry weapon for the Special Forces and Stormtrooper Corps that's sure to give armoured crewmen and riflemen alike one hell of a fright for good and bad reasons.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: RPS-6 Rocket Launcher, M1-VX "Vee Ex" Grenades
  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • Model: Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher 851
  • Name: RPG-51
  • Affiliation: First Order Special Forces, First Order Security Bureau, First Order Stormtrooper Corps
  • Modularity: Yes (Projectile-Type, Optic-Type)
  • Production: Minor (First Order Special Forces, First Order Security Bureau, First Order Stormtrooper Corps)
  • Material: Titanium, Durasteel.
  • Classification: Rocket-Propelled Grenade Launcher
  • Size: Shoulder-Fired (Average)
  • Length: 1.83m (Ready to fire), 98cm (Disassembled)
  • Weight: 30 Kg, Loaded. 22.3 Kg, Unloaded. (Very Heavy)
  • Ammunition Type: High-Explosive Anti-Tank, Thermobaric Anti-Personnel, VX Antipersonnel.
  • Ammunition Capacity: 1 (Breech-Loaded)
  • Reload Speed: 10s (Slow)
  • Muzzle Velocity: 500 Meters Per Second
  • Effective Range: 500 Meters (Average)
  • Maximum Range: 800 Meters (Long Range)
  • Rate of Fire: 6 Rounds/Min (Low)
  • Fire Mode: Breech-Loaded
  • Stopping Power: 837,500 Joules (Very High)
  • Recoil: Very High
  • Ambidextrous Safety
  • Ambidextrous Breech-Release
  • Carry Handle
  • HUD-Linked Optic Sight
  • HUD-Linked Targeting Reticule
  • 2.0x Magnification Optic
  • Multi-Frequency Targeting & Acquisition System.
  • Laser Rangefinder
  • Triggerguard
  • Weight Support Handle
  • Dumb-Fired: Due to its' projectiles' 'dumb' nature they cannot be deflected or disarmed by electronic countermeasures, flares, chaff or other related common anti-missile systems. Whatever is in its' flight path is getting hit lest the target in question shift from flight path in question. The trade-off here is ineffectiveness against fast-moving targets particularly those moving too fast for most users to track such as Repulsor-type vehicles and fast moving star-fighters.
  • Tandem Warhead: The RPG-51's High-Explosive Anti-Tank ammunition features a Tandem Warhead charge to defeat composite and reactive armour; the initial charge on the projectile detonates any reactive or composite armour before the second charge punches through what remains of the hull or turret's armour capable of easily breaching most tracked, wheeled and repulsor-propelled armoured vehicles capable of eviscerating everything inside their fighting compartment with the high possibility of detonating any ammunition struck.
  • Thermobaric Anti-Personnel: When dealing with infantry or softer targets such as gun pits or pill boxes the RPG-51 can fire a Thermobaric Charge which upon detonation creates a wide over-pressure wave that can outright obliterate humanoid targets near the explosion and is designed to cause shattered eardrums, bones, ocular capillaries and liquefy the organs of any humanoids within the secondary casualty radius. Rarefraction of the over-pressure wave causes a brief localised vacuum and could rupture the respiratory system of its' victims and any burning fuel left behind by the explosives can be accidentally inhaled which can cause further damage to the airways and lungs, contact with the burning fuel can cause serious 3rd and 4th degree burns to exposed skins and the airways.
  • VX Anti-Personnel: The last projectile fired by the RPG-51 is a charge containing a whopping amount of the VX-Chemical developed by the First Order, these projectiles deliver a huge payload of the chemical and disperse it into an aerosol solution saturating the blast area. This Projectile is particularly useful as an area denial weapon and inflicting mass casualties upon opposition forces.
  • Cook-Off: Repeatedly discharging rounds from the weapon quickly builds up heat in the firing tube and around the propellant ammunition; this issue is exasperated in environments with high background temperatures. Cook-Off becomes an issue and can cause anything from an accidental discharge to a pre-ignition detonation of the ammunition with the potential to inflict severe injuries on the user.
  • Crew Recommended: Due to the RPG-51's great weight it's recommended by the user manual that the user is aided by an accompanying loaded who can load the weapon for the firer. Not having a loader aid the user drastically increases the time it takes to reload as they must personally heave the long tube off of their shoulder and perform the drill themselves, due to the weight doing this on the move is difficult to impossible for regular troops.
  • Droids: Droids and other automaton targets are resistant or outright immune to some of the Thermobaric and VX ammunition's effects, in the case of the latter the droids are totally immune to the nerve agents' effects.
  • Limited Production: These weapons are not mass-produced and within the context of the Stormtrooper Corps, one squad of Troopers will typically only have access to one of these weapons and eight to ten rounds of ammunition; the types of ammunition carried dependent on the operating environment and anticipated threats but is usually a mix of 5 tandem-warhead and 5 thermo.
  • Muzzle Flash: When the weapon is discharged the rocket's ignition creates a highly visible flash down the tube and upon its' exit from weapon creates a visible and spectacular orange flash along with a distinct 'thud' sound both of which can identify the firer's direction and precise position. This makes it important for the first-shot to be carefully aimed as it lacks a magazine to self-load from and another round must then be loaded into the breech mechanism.
  • Recoil: Without assuming the proper firing position the RPG-51 has the potential to shake its' user off-balance or push them back away from the barrel flat on their back if not careful. Not securing an adequate grip on weapon prior to firing can even see it flung wildly from user's hands leaving them potentially stunned or confused as the RPG flips through the air upon them.
  • Unguided: The weapon doesn't feature any sort of guidance system which makes it ineffective at engaging fast moving targets such as speeder bikes or low-flying fighters, particularly at range. Its' effectiveness is limited mainly to slow-moving or stationary targets such as Walkers, Tracked or Wheeled Vehicles and hostile dropships or spacecraft lingering around at low altitude at approximately five hundred meters from the user.
  • Weighty: Somewhat cumbersome and unwieldy of weight despite its' small size the rocket launcher is usually carried via carry handle or broken-down into parts while being transported in the field. Maintaining a prepared firing position constantly can quickly prove tiresome and fatiguing. For this reason at the Platoon and Section level typically the most robust Troopers wield this weapon.

The ambidextrous RPG-51 was designed as a compact multi-purpose rocket-propelled grenade weapon that can be easily transported within the confines of vehicles when disassembled as appropriately; providing Stormtrooper Infantry with the means to effectively engage and destroy hostile armour, hardened defensive positions and deliver deadly VX gas to unlawful combatants or individuals the First Order have deemed to be War Criminals. The weapon's effective range is approximately five-hundred meters while models equipped with the Laser Rangefinder are capable of engaging targets at a ranges upto 800 Meters, making it particularly useful in Semi-Rural or Urban environments particularly. As a breech-loaded weapon there isn't any risk of backblast making it an excellent weapon to fire from a protected position such as within a building although it gives off a bright and distinctive flash as the projectile's rocket engine ignites within the weapon after trigger is pulled.

The Fin-Stabilized High-Explosive Anti-Tank Tandem Warhead charges fired by the RPG-51 are designed to be absolutely devastating weapons and can penetrate virtually any vehicle armour being used on the modern battlefield making it an extreme threat to hostile and even friendly armour crews in the wrong hands. The Projectile works by containing two shaped charges; the first when impacting an armoured vehicle's hull is designed to destroy any composite and reactive armour in the projectile's path while the second shaped charge then punches through the remaining armour into the fighting compartment where the high-explosive filler is designed to detonate.

Thermobaric Charge Projectiles fired from the RPG-51 aren't designed to be used against armoured vehicles instead they're intended to be used against Infantry and Defensive emplacements which they can absolutely decimate. The overpressure wave created around the immediate area of this charge detonating could be so violent and powerful that lightly armored or unarmored victims are at risk of being outright obliterated by the force. The fuel contained within the Thermobaric charge is highly hazardous and is at high risk of not being entirely vaporised in the explosion where the burning liquid can cause third degree burns on unprotected skin and could damage the airways and lungs if inhaled due to the fuel's chemical properties; for these reasons it's important Troops operating near the RPG-51 are wearing their personal protective equipment. When the Overpressure wave rarefracts it is designed to create a localised vacuum that can cause unprotected eardrums to burst, bones to break and capillaries in the eyes to burst rendering the effected temporarily blind.

The final ammunition for the RPG-51 and its' most controversial is the low explosive-yield Vee Ex gas warhead; a potent nerve agent that has been in the First Order's use for a considerable amount of time. The M1-VX Area Denial/Antipersonnel round is distinguished from the other two rounds immediately by the sickly green colour of its' warhead, based on experience during the original First Imperial-Galactic Alliance War this ammunition can not be used or carried within twenty-five kilometers of a densely populated urban area unless provided with the explicit authorisation of a field-grade officer of the rank of colonel and its' equivalents or above. This projectile is almost exclusively reserved for use on insurgents and rebels in remote locations who the First Order considers unlawful combatants and therefore undeserving of legal protection from such a weapon although its' use against professional military forces isn't prohibited so long as its' authorised by a field-grade officer of the rank of Colonel its' equivalents and above and that individual can only authorise its' use if they reasonably suspect hostile forces have made gross violations of the customary laws of war.

Unfortunately droids are immune to the VX projectiles as they lack a central nervous system.
The VX gas produced by the projectiles attacks the victim's nervous system, designed to enter the body through either skin contact with the vapour or inhalation within seconds of exposure symptoms such as nausea and uncontrollable muscular convulsions throughout the body can begin to become apparent. Without immediate and emergency medical treatment paralysis, complete respiratory failure and death is designed occur within eighteen seconds to fifteen minutes with projected time until death being inversely proportional to proximity with round detonation; the further away from it you are the less likely one will absorb a lethal dose potentially providing greater time to receive medical treatment. The most effective defence against this weapon is to wear hermetically sealed body armour, which makes the wearer immune to the nerve agent provided the seal is maintained. Which makes it an optimal weapon for the First Imperial Military as they make use of this type of armour virtually to the exclusion of all others.
11th Platoon, VDF.
Jonathan Lucero - Police Cyborg
Intent: To create an NPC unit to serve as a private militia for [member="Madelyn Lowe"]
Image Credit:
Role: A unit of the Varonat Defence Force. Now primarily used as guards for Commissioner Madelyn Lowe.
Links: N/A

Unit Name: 11th Platoon, C Company, Varonat Defence Force.
Affiliation: The First Order, [member="Madelyn Lowe"]
Classification: Infantry
Equipment: Self-Loading Carbine

Availability: Rare.
Deployment: Limited.
Strengths & Weaknesses:

[+] Loyalty - Each member of 11th platoon has shown their unwavering loyalty to Madelyn lowe and her cabal. Huge bonuses and fake overtime payments keep any doubts at bay.

[+] Skilled Bodyguards - While it is certainly not in their official job description as soldiers, the members of 11th platoon are highly trained in escorting, and protecting VIPs.

[+] Ruthless - Hand in hand with loyalty comes the need to follow orders to a t. The soldiers of 11th platoon fulfil this criteria, and none are afraid to get their hands dirty when required.

[-] Heavy Armour - Only equipped with small arms, the 11th platoon has no way to combat larger vehicles such as walkers.

[-] Force Users - 11th platoon is trained to fight the common soldier, or would-be assassin. They are not at all equipped to handle a powerful Force user.

Description: 11th platoon, C company is officially a standard infantry division of the Varonat Defence Force. In reality, they serve as a private militia to the corrupt Commissioner of Edgefields, Madelyn Lowe. Over her political career, they’ve been used for a number of purposes, such as bodyguards, assassinations, and extortion.



Frank Dunning - 11/22/63

Name: Artemis “Arty” Pollik.
Rank: Lieutenant, Platoon Commander.
Specialty: Leadership, tactics.


Shoshanna Dreyfus - Inglourious Basterds.

Name: Adrianna Braithe.
Rank: Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant.
Specialty: Radio operator.


Tony - 13 Reasons Why.

Name: Gabriel Vantio.
Rank: Corporal, Platoon Medic.
Specialty: Medic.


Andy Defresne - The Shawshank Redemption.

Name: Irwin “Ironsights” Notting.
Rank: Corporal.
Specialty: Marksman.


Courtney - Flatliners.

Name: Meghan Tyra.
Rank: Corporal.
Specialty: Maintenance/Repair.


OOC Writer Account
  • Intent: Fleshing-Out Anari's personal J-Type 327 Nubian Starship
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
  • Primary Source: J-Type 327 Nubian Starship
  • Classification: Luxury Executive Transport
  • Length: 76 Meters
  • Width: 31 Meters
  • Height: 14.3 Meters (w/Landing Gear), 11 Meters (W/o Landing Gear)
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Low
  • Hangar: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1.8 (Average)
  • Biometrically Locked Bolted-Down 700kg Safe
  • Climate-Controlled Interior
  • Conference Room (Replaces Throne Room)
  • Droid Bay
  • En suite Executive Bedroom
  • Environmental Contols
  • Flight Computer
  • Flight Controls (HOTAS)
  • Guest Bedroom(s)
  • Guidance Computer
  • Headon-5 Sublight Engines
  • Helium-Hydrogen Miniaturised Nuclear Fusion Reactor
  • Holonet-Uplink
  • Heads-Up-Display (Cockpit, Pilot + Co-Pilot)
  • Life Support Systems
  • Navigation Computer
  • Subspace Transceiver (15.0 Ly Range)
  • T-14 Hyperdrive Generator
  • 327 Hyperdrive Core
  • HIMS-Equipped: Due to its' complete lack of weaponry and vulnerability to tractor beams combined with the frequency that sensitive research, design and materials find their way onboard the Cirrus is equipped with a HIMS system to prevent it from being captured by a hostile party after entering hyperspace.
  • Hyperagile: Cirrus can perform some stunning and exciting maneuvers both within atmosphere and in the cold vacuum of space comparable though not quite equal to smaller more agile fighter craft.
  • Supersonic: The Cirrus is breathtakingly fast and has acceleration and top speed performance of craft classifications beneath it such as fighters. Usually making it not too difficult to escape predatory individuals within the void of space where a contest of speed is concerned.
  • Fragile Hyperdrive: Due to the craft's tiny cross-section and lacklustre armour plating the internal components are highly delicate to damage from impacts to the hull. This is a glaring issue most noticeable when the craft's aft quarter is struck where most of the Engineering, Propulsion and Hyperdrive compartments are located.
  • Thin Armour Envelope: As a primarily Luxury Craft the Cirrus features little in the way of armour that exceeds its needs and is particularly vulnerable to damage from all weapons mounted on spacecraft.
  • Tractor Beams: Due to its' small cross-section and low weight the craft is susceptible to the tractor beam weapons mounted on larger space-faring craft, making it important that it stay away from potential military targets.
  • Unarmed: As a true civilian craft the J-Type 327 owned by Anari Mero is completely unarmed and incapable of retaliating against threats with its own weaponry. Relying on its speed and agility to escape and outrun potential aggressors before they can get into range.
"No. Half. Measures"
-ALPHA Team's Motto
  • Intent: To create the First Order Military's most dreaded and elite Commando unit, creating a heroic unit of protagonists for the faction while offering a truly intimidating and hellish antagonist to overcome for the opposition.
  • Image Credit: Source (Lewis Roth for Edits)
  • Role: Special Forces Supersoldiers, Protective Detail, Jedi Hunters.
  • Links: Luther Ando, Kyli DT-6767, Dergan Twigg, Rexus Wenck
  • Unit Name: ALPHA Team
  • Informal Names: Kark Squad (Derogatory), Freak Show (Derogatory), Black Team (Complimentary), Men In Black (Complimentary).
  • Affiliation: First Order Special Forces, First Order Special Warfare Command/Group Four.
  • Classification: Special Mission-Capable Special Operations Force
  • Headquarters: Victoria, Dosuun
  • Loyalties: First Order, First Order Special Warfare Command/Group Four.
  • Group Sigil: Members of ALPHA Team wear their sigil on the right-pauldron of their armour as proof of their affiliation and membership with the unit. For beleaguered Stormtroopers and First Imperial Citizens the sight is usually comforting for their unique qualities and capabilities are highly regarded within and without the First Order's Military.

  • The team has no rigid hierarchy and its' members rather co-operate together to complete their objectives with the role of team leader loosely being filled by Luther Ando or Rexus Wenck as necessary; to stand among the fabled supersoldiers of ALPHA is to stand among equals regardless of rank carried outside of it. To special forces outsiders the team seems clannish and undisciplined; they frequently address each other by first name and freely engage in usually frowned-upon or prohibited activities such as gambling over pazaak and smoking.
  • Project: AFTERLIFE is a required procedure that every member must be a successful subject of prior to being accepted for admission into ALPHA team; providing the Death Troopers with the necessary augmentations they require for the often perilous and suicidal tasks and missions they're given by Group Four's Special Warfare Command.
  • ALPHA Team are infamous for going in shooting and leaving no if any survivors given their targets are almost exclusively military or insurgent in nature. ALPHA leave ashes not witnesses and it's an unspoken understanding within the team that unless one of their targets might give them valuable intel or make for a good bargaining chip for the First Order they'll destroy all lawful targets without exception, because they can't surrender if you don't give them a chance to.
  • Given their unique nature among the First Order's military the members of ALPHA Team grow closer with each passing mission and have resolved to never abandon one another in the field whether wounded or in danger of capture even at the insistence to pull-out by the victim, ALPHA Team take care of their own and will never leave their comrades to languish and rot especially when being deprived of their counter-mutagen stims can drive them to madness.
  • Because of the awe and fear they inspire within friendly and hostile troops alike who witness their work the First Order's Military presents ALPHA Team as beyond Human; gods of war who cannot be killed on the battlefield by any enemy because they're Death Troopers the very incarnation of grim fate, as a result the members of the team can never be lawfully classified as killed-in-action only wounded-in-action or missing-in-action.
  • Holotags: Members of the Unit are equipped with Holotag identity chips which identify their first name, DT-code and rank along with their full personnel file number. Curiously the holotags feature no last name and replace the wearer's last-name with their DT-code, only the personnel file contains each member's full biographical information and name respectively.
  • Win battles and complete all objectives set before them.
  • Keep each other alive.
  • Corporal Luther DT-4742 (ALPHA-ONE) - Luther is typically quiet, cool, calm and collected and serves as ALPHA's expert combat paramedic and surgeon while also doubling as the team's leader when necessary. Luther is perhaps the most intelligent member of the team and his insights are highly valuable on matters of strategy. Prior to augmentation Luther was the most emotionally stable individual on the team.
  • Staff Sergeant Kyli DT-6767 (ALPHA-TWO) - Solemn and thoughtful Kyli serves as ALPHA's designated marksman, sniper and slicer. Kyli is a born-and-bred Stormtrooper and was removed from her Father's care as a Juvenile and taken into the Stormtrooper Corps as a ward of the state, she has known only the military through her entire life with little to no recollection of life before it. Kyli conveys a lot of her emotions through subtle body language that she cannot control and can be easily read by the trained eye.
  • Sergeant Rexus DT-4539 (ALPHA-THREE) - Ferocious and Violent Rexus Wenck serves as ALPHA's close-quarters fighting expert and is a volatile and violent force to be reckoned, compensating for his education or lack thereof with an overwhelming physique even amongst the Death Troopers. Rexus is a dedicated soldier and ferocious combatant known for his violent tendencies which once ran to such an extreme that even the First Order once charged him with War Crimes, Rexus embodies ALPHA's relentless wrath and merciless reaper.
  • Corporal Dergan DT-7088 (ALPHA-FOUR) - Dergan Twigg serves as ALPHA Team's explosive ordinance and heavy weapon expert both of which he wields with an idiot savant's proficiency, Dergan Twigg is far from intelligent and struggles to string together multi-syllable words but makes up for this with terrifying physical power; standing over seven feet tall out of his armour and weighing over one-hundred and thirty-kilograms Dergan Twigg could best be described as Half Man and Half Tank and about as tough. Twigg makes for an unassailable disarmed fighting target and despite his outwardly gentle nature is capable of acts of savagery that rival Rexus when his team or best friends' lives are threatened.
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Limited
  • Beyond Human: Each member of ALPHA Team has been extensively augmented under Project: AFTERLIFE which has transformed them into Superhuman Warriors with physiological capabilities far beyond that attainable by a Baseline Human and it shows particularly in close-quarters fighting where the majority of combat takes place. Their enhanced physiologies even permit them to engage most force wielders at personal range with extraordinary effectiveness.
  • Constitution: With their enhanced physiologies the members of ALPHA Team are capable of dishing out and taking punishment in equal measure, they're extremely hardy and can resist or shrug off all but the most life-threatening injuries and damage to their bodies. Giving them astronomical levels of Endurance that permit them to engage and outlast units of size that far outnumber their own, atleast in theory as not even the members of ALPHA team can resist their lungs or heart being pierced.
  • Technological Superiority: Victory comes not just from heroism and physical performance but also access to cutting edge offensive and protective technology which ALPHA Team has in spades; their equipment is so advanced it can confidently compete with the capabilities of any equipment fielded by hostile armies whether used by regular forces or commandos.
  • Always Outnumbered: Due to the team's small-size it's not unusual for them to be outnumbered and surrounded by the enemy often having to cleave their way through hostile ranks at close-range. The kind of situations they find themselves in would be quickly dismissed as suicidal for Stormtroopers.
  • Casualty Evacuation: Casualty Evacuation is usually difficult given where they operate, if one of the team's number is gravely injured they'll usually need to be treated in the field reducing the team's combat efficiency while their members help provide first aid treatment for each other.
  • Force Sensitivity: Any Force Sensitivity the members of the team possessed prior to their augmentation has been eviscerated in they cannot use force-based powers in any offensive or protective capability. Any connection to the force they possessed prior to augmentation is now minimal at best and non-existent at worst.
  • Force Presence: Each member of the Team regardless if they were force sensitive or not prior to augmentation exhibits an extremely peculiar and distinct presence in the force, for the light-side users it's quite disturbing making attentive and trained force users capable of perceiving their presence perhaps prior to actually making contact with them especially in close-quarters.
  • Infantry Weapons: ALPHA Team when performing covert insertions via drop-pod are limited to weapons they can be transported aboard these craft and given they operate normally far from friendly support assets they typically have restricted access to direct or indirect fire support in the form of mortar weapons and heavy repeating blaster nests. And because of the team's size if one of their number were to carry a support weapon it can reduce the team's tactical flexibility and mobility.
  • Stim Dependent: Thanks to the team's physiological augmentations they're reliant on a steady supply of counter-mutagen stims lest their bodies experience chemical imbalances; some of which can drive them into the arms of Psychosis; making them as much a threat to each other and allies as they are to their enemies.
  • Vehicle Access: Because of their unit's nature they often operate deep behind enemy lines and far away from re-supply or support assets making heavy vehicle and starship access and support sporadic, outside the context of a great invasion they often have difficult procuring support assets.
Description: ALPHA Team of the First Order Special Forces' Special Warfare Command Group/Four is the Military's elite team of "Death Troopers" Soldiers who have been physiologically augmented to elevate them beyond what is considered Human, complimented by training that has been tried and testing across decades of history; First with the Galactic Republic and then the Galactic Empire and now the First Order. ALPHA's membership is diverse and varied with only the team's Sniper Kyli DT-6767 being a child "volunteer" Hailing from the Stormtrooper Corps while Luther Ando was an Adult Volunteer originally from the First Imperial Army with Rexus Wenck and Dergan Twigg being once-disgraced war criminal adult volunteer Stormtroopers who earned some measure of redemption after their conscription back into the Stormtrooper Corps. Together the four Troopers became the First Order's initial candidates in Project: AFTERLIFE which has permanently changed them from mere Human warriors into something much more deadly and dangerous.

While the concept of the Death Trooper is centuries old the First Order never truly embraced it, if ever using augmentation technology in the past it was based on out-dated procedures developed under the Galactic Empire's reign. ALPHA team are the first true Death Troopers within the First Order with entirely new technology both in their equipment and Physiological Enhancements making them more than a match for any threat on the modern battlefield including trained force wielders. Project: AFTERLIFE came to life on Mephout within what's called "The Dead City" Deep beneath the city there is a First Imperial Military facility and this is where the members of ALPHA Team were changed forever becoming the Death Troopers they are today within the secret and shadowy laboratories surrounded by Doctors and other Professionals who came at the subjects with soft re-assuring voices that what was to become of them was for the greater good of the First Order. To prove their superiority to all other Troopers within the First Order; after recovering from their augmentations ALPHA Team were inoculated against the Blackwing Virus and then sent deep into the Dead City and fought off hordes of Undead and returned to be successfully decontaminated without a single casualty; a notion that prior to this would have been deemed unthinkable but ALPHA Team passed their test admirably and proved to be worthy of the mantle "Death Troopers" and have quickly been elevated within the First Order Military as the Paragon of Human Achievement and Harbingers of Sieger Ren's Order.

Within the First Order Military itself ALPHA Team are met with a mixture of fear, awe, respect and derision depending on the individuals, typically fellow Special Forces Troopers both envy and deride them as "Freaks" for their superhuman capabilities or "Kark Squad" for their ostensibly casual attitude when off-duty where certain members of the team enjoy partaking in activities that would normally be frowned upon or prohibited for regular special forces and military personnel. The rank-and-file soldiers and stormtoopers usually aspire to follow their example, particularly the latter who have been found to generally regard ALPHA highly. The Missions ALPHA Team perform vary wildly and are capable of fulfilling any operational special forces role as necessary; Covert, Clandestine or Direct Action Operations? ALPHA can do it all and admirably. The Order of Ren and Central Command both frequently requisition ALPHA Team's services and they can be found all across First Imperial Space and beyond when deployed often performing Operations that most of their Special Forces Peers would describe as suicide; such as fighting through a city filled with ravenous, intelligent undead. ALPHA Team is both derided and admired as the "Kark Squad" because when everything is farkled you can still count on them to get the job done or die trying. To protect their personal identities each Death Trooper's holotags and redacted personnel file doesn't feature a last name and instead exhibits their DT-Number which is usually their previous servicenumber with the alphabetic letters replaced with 'DT' for 'Death Trooper'. This is to help prevent foreign Intelligence agencies or insurgents from attempting to track down the Death Troopers when on leave or otherwise engaged in private activities.

  • [SIZE=11pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] First Order Department of Military Research, Brandt-Volcata Industries, Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, Kuat-Entralla Engineering.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] “Oberon” - Class Interceptor Corvette.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] The First Order.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Production:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Mass-Produced.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Material:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Titanium-reinforced Durasteel Hull and Armour Plating, Alusteel Skeletal Frame, Glasteel Viewports, Tunqstoid Blaster Shutters and Doors, Agrinium Reactor Shielding, Various Internal Starship Components.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Anti-Starfighter, Escort, Patrol. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Length:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 150 Metres.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Width:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 60 Metres.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Height:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 60 Metres.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Armament:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Moderate.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][4] Homing Cluster Missile Launcher Pods. (30 Cluster Missiles Per Pod.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][20] Point Defense Laser Cannons. (Rapid-Fire; Fire-Linked; Fast track Mountings.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][10] Antimissile Octets. (Fire-Linked; Fast track Mountings.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][10] Quad Laser Cannons. (Fire-Linked; Fast track Mountings.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt][10] Single Barrel, Light Ion Cannons. (Fire-Linked; Fast track Mountings.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Defenses:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Average.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Combat Ray Shielding.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Combat Particle Shielding.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard Hull and Armour Plating.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Retractable Spinal Barricades. (Emergency Internal Defenses.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Retractable Autoblasters. (Emergency Internal Defenses.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Warhead Countermeasure Launchers (Chaff and Flares.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Missile Deactivation Transmitter. (Short-Range.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Anti-Ordnance EM Probe Launchers. (Long-Range.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Emergency Thrusters (Chemical Propellant and Repulsors.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hangar:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [None.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Miscellaneous Auxiliary Craft, Shuttles, and Cargo Transports.[/SIZE]
  • Maneuverability Rating: 30 - 50 DPF [Low.]
  • [SIZE=11pt]MGLT:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] 30 MGLT.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Maximum Atmospheric Acceleration: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]360 Km/H[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Speed Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [Average.][/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Primary Power Plant: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Compact Fusion Drive.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Secondary Power Plant:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Solar Ionization Conversion Module with Retractable Collection Arrays.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Crew (Optimal): [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]410 Enlisted Personnel and Commissioned Officers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Crew (Skeletal): [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]250 Enlisted Personnel and Commissioned Officers.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Passengers: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Fourty Soldiers, Standard Shipboard Security.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Cargo Capacity: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]300 Metric Tons.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Consumables: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Six Months.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Hyperdrive Rating: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Class 2.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Secondary Hyperdrive Rating:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Class 10.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Transitional Shift Shields.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Sensor Suite. ([/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]AS[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]DER[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]EPR[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]HSI[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Communications Suite.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Navigation Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Electronics Warfare and Countermeasure Package. ([/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]EC[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]FSDP[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]220-SIG[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]SJ[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]TAT[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] and [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]BAC[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Combat System Suite.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Ionic Shielding Package. ([/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]IS[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]CP[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]/[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]RDP[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Tractor and Pressor Beam Emitters.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Environmental Control Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Standard [Military-Grade.] Damage Control and Hazard Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Retractable Spinal Barricades. (Emergency Internal Defenses.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Retractable Autoblasters. (Emergency Internal Defenses.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Warhead Countermeasure Launchers (Chaff and Flares.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Emergency Thrusters (Chemical Propellant and Repulsors.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Emergency Escape Craft.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=11pt]Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainer; Immune to Interdiction Fields if in Hyperspace.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Consummate Countermeasure Package; See Advanced and Standard Systems.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Fast-Tracking Anti-Starfighter Weaponry; Able to engage Interceptors with ease.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Cluster Missile Launcher Pods, Fixed Firing Arc’s. (Port and Starboard.)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Limited Ship to Ship Combat Capabilities, Optimized for Starfighter Engagements.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Exposed Bridge Tower; Crippled Combat Capabilities if Destroyed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Description: [/SIZE]Designed to replace the ageing Mukhtiar after years of service and the prime designer's inexplicable betrayal, the Oberon - Class Interceptor Corvette was to be the newest generation of Anti-Starfighter warships to flesh out the burgeoning Navy of the First Order. Though it’s armament was considerable, in the simplistic numerical stance, the Oberon was unable to match the firepower brought to bear by similar starships contained within the corvette classification. Thus, the warship was regulated to the duties of a dedicated anti-starfighter corvette that was not only capable of operating as an escort vessel for larger craft but a system’s patrol ship as well - should they be required.
  • Intent: Create an extremely potent support weapon for use by the First Order's Special Forces such as Storm Commandos and Death Troopers.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon
  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • Model: Z-9X Rotary Blaster Cannon
  • Cost: 35,000 Credits
  • Value: 90,000 Credits (Black Market Value)
  • Affiliation: Project: AFTERLIFE, First Order Special Forces
  • Modularity: Yes (Handle & Support Grip)

  • Production: Limited (Project: AFTERLIFE, First Order Special Forces)
  • Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Duraplast, Titanium, Turadium.
  • Classification: Rotary Blaster Cannon
  • Size: Extreme
  • Length: 1,850mm (Total), 925mm (Disassembled)
  • Weight: 40.0kg (Extreme)
  • Ammunition Type: Power Cell, Tibanna Gas Canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 750 Shots (Tibanna Gas Canister), 1500 Shots (Power Cell)

  • Reload Speed: 10-15s Slow-Very Slow (Gas Canister-Power Cell; varies according to user)

  • Muzzle Velocity: 452 Meters Per Second
  • Effective Range: 100 Meters (Personal)
  • Maximum Range: 300 Meters (Average)
  • Rate of Fire: 1,200 rounds/minute (Very High)
  • Fire Mode: Fully-Automatic, Safe.
  • Stopping Power: 11,032 Joules (Very High)
  • Recoil: Extreme
  • Ambidextrous Carry Handle
  • Ambidextrous Gas Canister Well
  • Carry Handle
  • Electric Motor
  • Gas Canister Well
  • Heatsink
  • HUD-Linked Reticle
  • HUD-Linked Weapon Data Readout
  • Magnatomically-Paired High Adhesion Grips
  • Power Cell Cage
  • Triggergrip
  • Close Quarters Monster: Between the extreme firepower and rate of fire the Z-9X is simply designed to be an unholy nightmare to be faced with in close-quarters regardless if the target is an adept force wielder or not. These qualities are very useful within the tight confines of a ship for example with what are usually lengthy albeit narrow corridors and hallways potentially turning them into shooting galleries for the Z-9X's wielder.
  • Firepower: Spitting out heavy magnetically contained fields of azure plasma that impact with the equivelent of 11,032 Joules of Kinetic Energy the Z-9X is designed and capable of ripping apart light vehicles and heavily armoured infantry while also being powerful enough to also demolish common forms of battlefield cover such as ferrocrete walls and sandbags with ease. The Z-9X was designed with exotic armours in mind and can easily break the bones of an individual who is wearing protective equipment constructed from the hardest and most durable of materials without necessarily having to penetrate said armour due to the sheer Kinetic Energy.
  • Rate of Fire: The Z-9X features a high rate of fire and indeed the speed with which the bolts leave the weapon's barrels could dazzle a target from their sheer volume. The quantity of magnetically contained tibanna plasma bolts sent out from the weapon could suppress an infantry squad instantly and overwhelm the hapless Force Wielder. The Z-9X's suppressive power is fantastic and in a tactical application permits one Trooper to potentially pin down units significantly larger; allowing their team-mates to flank and outmaneuver what could be a numerically superior force.
  • Electric Motor: Each Z-9X rotary blaster cannon features an electric motor located behind the trigger grip attached to the weapon's chassis, this motor is a vulnerable target for those with a perpendicular angle to the wielder on the side of the wielder's master hand. If the electric motor were breached either by an intentional shot or stray piece of high velocity shrapnel is could disable the weapon at best and cause a small albeit violent explosion at worst potentially electrocuting or injuring the wielder.
  • Massive: The Z-9X is a simply gargantuan weapon and is almost twice as large as the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon from which its' design is inspired while also being more lethal; this restricts its use to Troopers of significant stature such as the Death Troopers it is intended. The size also necessitates that when being transported in the confines of a drop-pod for example the weapon must be dis-assembled prior to transport. The same can be said of crawling through tight spaces which can be seen during certain boarding action and covert operation tactics.
  • Heavy: With great power comes great mass and the Z-9X has that in spades, it's a cumbersome beast that non-augmented First Order soldiers would struggle to if at all wield just based off its' sheer mass. Because of this its' usage is relegated to the subjects of Project: AFTERLIFE who could still find the weapon to be difficult to handle when its' significant weight is combined with the teeth-rattling recoil.
  • Recoil: With recoil sufficient to blow a baseline Human off their feet and sprain wrists the Z-9X's horizontal recoil is so powerful it reduces even a Death Trooper or Power Armour wearing soldier's mobility to a lazy walk at worst and slow mortal jog at best. Making the wielder a prime target for marksmen, snipers and indirect fire support such as mortars in a terrestrial combat environment. This uncontrollable recoil makes rounds reliably finding their target a difficult feat, the extreme rate of fire in close-quarters is designed to compensate somewhat for this after-all you should hit something.
The Z-9X is a rotary blaster cannon weapon designed to be wielded exclusively by First Order Special Forces such as Death Trooper or Storm Commando Strike Forces, it's a highly unwieldy rotary blaster cannon and much larger than antiquated designs albeit with much greater power output and shot capacity which usually necessitates its' wielder have an augmented physique as seen in Death Troopers or Power Armour for Storm Commandos in order to effectively wield the weapon and manage an immense recoil that is sufficient to sweep most humanoid organics straight off their feet. The Z-9X is designed to provide fire support on the section or squad-level permitting small teams or strike forces of Commandos or Death Troopers to effectively engage and suppress Infantry formations with greater manpower, these effects are maximize in Close-quarters such as buildings or within starships although the blaster cannon's length and size makes it somewhat difficult to maneuver quickly around corners.
"Flatten them"
-Anonymous Hoplomachus-Class Captain
  • Intent: Create a heavily armed albeit lightly protected Frigate that can provide material, intelligence and fire support to First Order Special Operations Forces when they are deployed.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
  • Primary Source: Brawl-Class Torpedo Frigate
  • Classification: Frigate
  • Role: Atmospheric Fire Support, Destroyer, Fleet Escort & Support, Troop Transport.
  • Length: 480 Meters
  • Width: 230 Meters
  • Height: 168.0 Meters
  • Installed Powerplant: Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
  • Emergency Powerplant: Nuclear Fusion Reactor
  • Minimum Crew: 25
  • Optimal Crew: 300
  • Passenger Capacity: 264
  • Consumables: ~One Year
  • Propulsion: 5x Engine Units
ARMAMENT (Extreme)
Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
Speed Rating: Moderate
Hyperdrive Rating: 3.7 (Slow)

  • Agile: Each of the class boasts higher than average agility both within the void of space and atmosphere permitting it to easily flank heavier more sluggish vessels or flat out-run them if being pursued.
  • Atmospheric Entry: Thanks to its small size, powerful engines and use of Repulsor technology the Frigate is capable of descending into low-orbit and hovering above a battlefield where it can permit First Order Forces to simply dominate their ground-side opposition in the absence of powerful Anti-Aircraft Batteries or significant aerial resistance.
  • Bastion: While it's otherwise highly vulnerable the Hoplomachus-Class is equipped with the Bastion System to increase the effectiveness of interdicting small craft and guided munitions such as missiles. Both of which are considered great threats to the vessel.
  • Extreme Firepower: What the vessel lacks in defences it makes up in sheer firepower and is capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage to the careless frigate, small cruiser or terrestrial target unfortunate enough to earn its' attention. Within the context of a fleet action It's designed to hunt-down and execute Shield-less Frigates and Cruisers with its awesome armament. Nothing smaller than a star destroyer should dismiss the Hoplomachus just because it lacks Deflector shielding.
  • Hyperwave Inertia Momentum Sustainer: Equipped with a HIMS system the Hoplomachus can successfully penetrate interdiction fields while in Hyperspace, however it cannot escape interdiction fields when in subspace which can be problematic for the vessel and crew.
  • Nuclear Missiles: Each Hoplomachus class Frigate is equipped with three Guided Missiles featuring a 750 Kiloton Warheads which it can use to destroy hardened military targets in-atmosphere or large warships in space; the missiles are designed to destroy vessels much larger than the Hoplomachus such as mid-sized Star Destroyers.
  • Reflec: The Hoplomachus-Class Destroyers are covered in a sensor spoofing coat of matte black Reflec polymer which reduces their sensor and radar signature considerably, this is intended to increase the effectiveness of its' sensor jamming technology and deployment of terrestrial forces.
  • Supercomputer Core: The extensive use of droid brain technology managed by a Supercomputer increases the ships' efficiency especially in regard to the processing of data such as firing solutions, targeting data, sensor operation etc. The Hoplomachus' weapons are generally more accurate than their contemporaries and the sensors provide more thorough scans and data. Anything involving calculation on the part of the vessel's computer is exponentially faster and more accurate.
  • Bridge: The Streamlined bridge is highly vulnerable to damage as seen in previous Imperial design and this issue is exasperated by the lack of Deflector Shielding, while it boasts a CIC deep within the hull in the event of bridge destruction it doesn't change the fact the most senior staff aboard the vessel could be quickly incapacitated with a precision attack.
  • Boarding Action: Hoplomachus-Class Frigates are small complements of both crew and combat passengers given its' role as a troop transport and atmospheric fire support vessel that lacks Deflector Shields if its' Troop Complement is fully deployed the vessel is in a very poor position to successfully resist boarding actions and could be overwhelmed by a concentrated and determined boarding effort.
  • Deflector Shields: Outside of an atmospheric friction shield, the vessel isn't equipped with any large-scale application of defensive shield technology such as Deflectors making its' hull highly vulnerable to damage from weapons fire and space debris. Prolonged contact with ships such as heavy cruisers is an extremely risky engagement making severe or crippling damage to the Frigate a distinct possibility.
  • Engines: The vessel's propulsion units are vulnerable over the aft quarter as a result of not being protected by Deflector shields and could be effectively engaged and disabled by the likes of heavily armed fighter craft equipped with proton torpedoes for example.
  • Lightly Armoured: The Hoplomachus-Class Frigate has less than half the armour featured on the Brawl-Class Torpedo Frigate while this makes it resistant to weapons carried by sub-capital craft such as fighter craft, buzz droids and freighters but leaves it highly susceptible to damage from capital warship weaponry. Heavily armed Star Destroyers could split the Frigate from bow to stern without much difficulty due to this weakness for example and large cruisers can easily damage vital and volatile systems such as the ship's reactors.
  • Limited Production: By no means are these expensive frigates a common sight, they're not mass produced and seen almost exclusively in small numbers, each Fleet within the First Order is typically provided with no more than four of these ships. Making them an excessively rate sight within the First Order Navy as a whole.
  • Missile Magazines: The Hoplomachus-class Destroyer is equipped with a staggering amount of missile which are stored in large 'pods' covered by a thin armoured door which opens prior to being fired; this 'door' can be easily penetrated by most warship-grade weapons and can detonate all the missiles in the pod with the potential to cause crippling or catastrophic damage to the ship.
  • No Fighter Craft: This Frigate doesn't have a single fighter-craft to its name and relies on escorting vessels or deep-space fighters for small-craft support making the vessel vulnerable to damage from swarms of fighter and bomber craft especially when its' missile pods/magazines are exhausted.
  • Slow Hyperdrive: Each vessel of this class is equipped with a hyperdrive with a sub-par rating of 3.7 allowing opposition warships to escape the vessel into the safety of hyperspace effectively outrunning the Frigate fuel stores not-withstanding.
  • Ventral Firing Arc: The majority of the vessel's turbolaser batteries and missile pods are located on the Dorsal surface with considerably reduced firepower consolidation on the ventral surface; leaving it with increased vulnerability from attacks that originate directly beneath the Frigate especially at close range.
  • Ventral Hanger: The ships' ventral hanger is a structural weakness located roughly amidships a sufficiently powerful concentration of firepower here could potentially shear the vessel in half.

Hoplomachus-Class Destroyer Ventral View
Description: The Hoplomachus-Class Destroyer is a single-hull warship based on a heavily modified Brawl-Class Torpedo Frigate hull that has been redesigned to be larger and is far more heavily armed at the expense of less armour and possess greater capacity to support First Order Terrestrial forces while in low-atmosphere without significantly sacrificing speed or mobility. Each Fleet within the First Order is authorised to possess four of these Destroyers which are classed as 'Frigates' under the Anaxes war college while in truth the class has sufficient tonnage to be considered a true cruiser hence why internally it's classed as a 'Destroyer' by the First Imperial Navy due to its heavy armament and high manoeuvrability. Hoplomachus-Class Destroyers are an incredibly vulnerable warship with no large-scale application of defensive Deflector shield technology beyond the atmospheric friction shield which leaves its' thin armour envelope which is less than half of the Brawl-Class on which it is based highly susceptible to damage from warships and heavy bombers. Each Hoplomachus-Class Frigate features incredibly powerful engines with two tertiary fusion engines and a primary hypermatter annihilation reactor which provides it with impressive maximum low-atmosphere speed of approximately 900 km/h at the cost of significant manoeuvrability within exoatmospheric conditions it is a match for most average mass-produced light cruisers and heavy frigates in this regard. Personnel requirements aboard the vessel are significantly lowered aboard the Hoplomachus-Class Destroyers due to their wide-scale implementation of droid brains to manage non-critical and tertiary functions representing significant saving costs for the Navy which somewhat offsets each vessel's steep price in the long term. Hoplomachus-Class Destroyers are intended to transport Troops and material to the surface of celestial bodies and can transport approximately two-hundred Stormtroopers in the form of two companies and sixty-four Special Operations Troops usually organised into two platoons, the latter of which are intended to be used to clear anti-aircraft defences and secure footholds for the deployment of Stormtroopers. Facilities to support the mysterious Death Troopers are also included with a large Stasis Chamber bay located near the drop pod bays and armoury, their purpose is to ensure that Death Troopers can have optimal amounts of counter-mutagen stims circulating in their bodies prior to deployment prior to operations as opposed to have to consume supplies while enroute in subspace or Hyperspace. The use of stasis chambers also allows critically injured Death Troopers to remain alive and restrained until they can receive appropriate medical treatment in the event they suffer ghastly wounds or become Psychologically unstable.

To facilitate the deployment of Special Operations Forces the ship's ventral hanger has a series of electromagnetic rail 'chutes' built into the ceiling that lead to magazine-fed Drop-pod deployment bays where Special Forces troops can board these same Drop Pods and be launched towards their intended target either from deep-space or the upper layers of a planet's atmosphere. Normal cargo transport is handled by the vessel's complement of Assault Landers, Banshee Dropships and Theta-Class barges which can handle anything from munitions and foodstuffs to large walker-type vehicles. Standard vehicle complement aboard the vessel lacks any walker systems due to the restrictive height of the Hoplomachus which makes storing large numbers of such military vehicles difficult in the case of AT-STs and nigh impossible for AT-AT type walkers. Crew and Passenger comfort aboard the vessel is consistently rated as high thanks to the reduction in berths required for the ships' complement of Sailors and embarked troops which is another overt benefit with the widespread adoption of automation and droid brain technology, all of the Hoplomachus' automated functions are managed by a central supercomputer which has possesses protocols for Human interaction which permits each Destroyer's officer commanding to issue orders to the core which it will then process; aiding significantly in the vessel's operation in theory it is possible for a single Officer to operate the Destroyer if they disable the supercomputer's input safeguards. In terms of weaponry the Hoplomachus-Class are unparalleled and capable of effectively engaging any Frigate-class vessel on even terms in terms of armament, even Cruisers and Star Destroyers are not safe from the Hoplomachus as it carries a large quantity of missiles in different magazine-fed 'pods' and three guided nuclear missiles which it can use to disable or destroy Star Destroyer-type vessels.

The Hoplomachus does fail in one key area with its lackluster armour with half the armour thickness of the Brawl-Class Torpedo Frigate it's extremely vulnerable to damage which is an issue exasperated by its' lack of fighter escorts and deflector shields in these situations Hoplomachus-class Destroyers use their superior speed and firepower for endurance in fleeting actions. It would be dishonest to suggest the ship has no defences, each Hoplomachus features a wide-variety of sensor jamming technologies which helps reduce the effectiveness of long-range attacks especially with guided munitions such as missiles this is one of the few countermeasures the Hoplomachus can reliably rely upon for reduction of hostile attacks. Further reducing the effectiveness of guided munitions and hostile fighters to an extent is the implementation of the advanced bastion system which uses the Destroyer's own missiles and laser cannons to intercept incoming projectiles and fighters, and since the calculations for interdiction vectors are provided by its' awesome Supercomputer Bastion's effectiveness here is impressive although it obviously doesn't protect the Hoplomachus from energy weapons such as turbolasers, particle beams or ion cannons.

The Supercomputer within the Hoplomachus is highly advanced and can analyse data collected from the sensor array with an efficiency unparalleled by other computer types which aids in a variety of tasks. The Supercomputer grants the Hoplomachus and its' crew a great level of resolution and situational awareness capable of identifying sensor contacts accurately across the system where it is deployed, interestingly enough the Supercomputer can detect material cross-section anomalies created by vessels with Reflec coating on their hulls like itself though even the mighty Supercomputer usually fails to detect "true" Stealth Ships equipped with a cloaking device without sensor data from an engine wake to indicate an anomaly.
"Just listen to my engines roar!"

  • Intent: Create a Space-to-Ground capable dropship for the First Order that can also serve as a Gunship or Material Transport, supplementing the more common Assault Landers. Essentially this will be a functional replacement of the LAAT/i as it can transport both personnel and material readily.
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: U-wing, Theta-Class AT-AT Barge.
  • Manufacturer: First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers
  • Model: Banshee 851-Carrier/Gunship
  • Affiliation: First Imperial Army, First Imperial Navy, First Order Special Forces, First Order Stormtrooper Corps, First Order Security Bureau.
  • Modularity: Yes (Passenger/Cargo Bay Layout)

  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Reflec (FOSF & FOSB Vehicles Only), Thermal Gel, Titanium, Transparisteel, Quadanium.
  • Classification: Vertical Take-Off and Landing Space-To-Ground Dropship-Gunship
  • Length: 31 Meters, 6.21 Meters (Troop/Cargo Compartment Standard Variant)
  • Width: 25 Meters (Wingspan), 4.67 Meters (Troop/Cargo Compartment)
  • Height: 11.5 Meters (W/landing gear), 11.1 Meters (w/o landing gear), 3.25 Meters (Troop/Cargo Compartment)
  • Weight: 72 Metric Tons
  • Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 670 Km/h - 905 Km/h (Laden 75 Tons - Unladen)
  • Engine(s): 8x FOCIE IC4 Ion Drive Engine 12,000 Kw (16,092 Hp), 4x FOCIE MZ11 Tertiary Ion Drive 3,728 Kw (5,000 Hp)
  • Power/Weight Ratio: 1,540 kW/ton, 2,093 hp/ton
  • Armament: 1x Ball-Mounted Repeating Medium Laser Cannon, 1x FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster, 16x Fin-stabilized ST2 Concussion Missiles (Moderate)
  • Defenses: Moderate
  • Squadron Count: 8 (Low)
  • Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Hyperdrive Class: None
  • Complement: 10 Passengers (Seated) OR ~75 Metric Tons of Equipment/Material (No Passengers)
  • Minimal Crew: 1 (Pilot)
  • Optimal Crew: 3 (Pilot, Air-Combat Officer, Loadmaster)
  • Auto-Pilot Functionality.
  • Access Doors (Port & Starboard Side, Electrically Driven)
  • Blue-Force Tracking.
  • Closed-Circuit Life Support System.
  • Digital Avionics.
  • Expanding Cargo Ramp
  • FLEETCOM-Uplink.
  • Flight Controls (HOTAS).
  • Four-Point Quick-Release Seat Harnesses
  • Global Positioning System.
  • Guidance Computer.
  • Heads-Up Display.
  • Intercom System.
  • Magnetic Compass.
  • Navigation Computer.
  • Overhead Durasteel Seat Occupant Restraints (Passenger Seats Only)
  • Subspace Transceiver (11.0 Ly Range)
  • Targeting Computer.
  • TEAMCOM-Uplink.
  • Weapon Racks (Seat Mounted)
  • 300 Ghz Broadband Comlink Transmitter (300 Kilometer Range)
  • Hull Thermal-Gel Layer.
  • Matte Black Reflec Coating (FOSB & FOSF Variants Only).
  • Armament: Thanks to its design and armament the =Banshee can provide close-air support to disembarked or disembarking ground troops and vehicles mercilessly battering hostile personnel and material with what can be fatal effectiveness.
  • Durability: Despite the fact it has no Deflector shielding the Banshee is fairly durable and capable of sustaining concentrated small arms fire without too much worry, even the likes of Heavy Repeating Blasters are given long pause by its' tough armour.
  • Modularity: Each Banshee can have a variety of different interior cargo lay-outs, internally the Banshee can usually carry ten troops but their seats can be removed and the Dropship can then be laden with seventy-five metric tons of cargo or even a combat-ready Mk.I Tooka Force Scout Vehicle internally, in addition to an externally carried tracked tank.
  • Reflec Coating: Banshee Dropships in service with the First Order's Special Forces or First Order Security Bureau are pained in sensor and radar-spoofing Reflec Coating which is designed to make them difficult to detect short of physically seeing them. Manufacture of models so equipped is less than the standard which reflects the size of the units equipped with them.
  • Thermal-Gel Layer: Using a layer of Thermal-Gel in its Hull the Banshee is considered an incredibly safe airframe to be transported within by Troops. In the event of a crash the Thermal-Gel Layer within Hull hardens and absorbs the kinetic impact that would normally be exerted on the airframe and its' contents, short of the airframe completely disintegrating the passengers should survive even the most violent crashes if properly secured in their seats; it results in low casualties and greater combat effectiveness.
  • Deflector Shields: Beyond an astmospheric friction shield for use when entering a planet's atmosphere the craft makes no defensive use of protective Deflector shielding as it was found they increased its' atmospheric drag; as a result the Banshee is very vulnerable to damage whatever weapon impacts it is going to hit the hull and not some amorphous ray or particle shield.
  • Fighter Prey: Despite the fact it has a respectable speed in-Atmosphere that exceeds that of antiquated dropship designs it is still very vulnerable to attack by fighters both in a terrestrial setting and in space where it generally cannot out-run them.
  • Hyperdrive: Banshee dropships lack any hyperdrive capability which means they cannot operate independently of First Imperial Assets such as airbases or First Order Navy warships. Banshee dropships that find their warships destroyed more often than not find themselves trapped.
  • Vector Pylons: Banshee Dropships uses pylon-mounted vectoring wings and thrusters to achieve its' VTOL and flight capability, if any of the vectoring wings are sufficiently damaged it could cause a crash in atmosphere unable to generate sufficient lift and disproportionate thrust on the two sides of the craft. The secondary vertical vectoring pylons mounted on the fuselage which provide the vertical take off and landing capability if destroyed during landing or take-off generally results in the heavy vehicle crashing.
  • Vehicle Transport: The Banshee has a magnetically sealable series of panels towards the rear of the fuselage and above the boarding ramp which permit the Dropship to carry a variety of wheeled and tracked vehicles upto a mass of seventy-five metric tons. However, the Banshee cannot carry a tank in this fashion through orbital re-entry and thus deployment of heavy vehicles requires a warship carrying Banshees to enter atmosphere which can increase said warship's vulnerability. Because the tank must also be carried outside the Banshees armoured Hull it renders them vulnerable to damage from heavy ground-based weapons, which is exasabated by the fact carrying a seventy to seventy-five ton load reduces maximum speed to around 670 km/h.


Left to Right: Banshee Dropship with Cargo Ramp Lowered and Extended, Banshee Cockpit with Pilot and ACO.
Named after an Umbaran Predator, the Banshee 851-Carrier/Dropship is an all-weather Space-to-ground capable craft that can effectively maneuver in exoatmospheric conditions and enter terrestrial atmospheres. Banshee dropships are considered 'Heavy' dropships both for their mass and capacity to deliver upto seventy-five tons of equipment or material, in contrast to the Atmospheric Assault Lander the Type 851-Carrier/Dropship carries less personnel although it transports them with greater safety and can also transport far greater amounts of material while featuring an airframe twice as large as the Assault Lander with greater amounts of weaponry to clear landing zones of fortifications and hostile infantry for its' embarked troops. Unlike the Assault Lander the Type 851 uses a number of Ion Engines to propel it's great mass and this gives a distinct roar not dissimilar to a TIE fighter but these same Ion Engines are also quite vulnerable to damage and the destruction of just one vectoring pylon or wing can be sufficient to down the entire airframe in this way the craft are more susceptible to anti-aircraft fire.

To aid in the protection of crew, passengers and any cargo loaded aboard the Banshee its' hull is impregnated with a Thermal-Gel Layer which is designed to absorb the massive kinetic energy usually placed on the airframe during a crash landing; protecting the crew and passengers from massive amounts of hydrostatic shock though unfortunately the aircrew are more susceptible to injury due to design limitations caused in part by the cockpit's transparisteel canopy. In this sense the craft is far superior to the assault lander even if it carries half the troops with the exception of the entire air-frame disintegrating it will get the embarked passengers on the ground one-way or another. The Banshee is popular within the Stormtrooper Corps for this reason as it gives them the capability to often get troops on the ground even through dense anti-aircraft defences even if they don't necessarily land at their desired target. Some troops on the ground is better than no troops on the ground.

Another interesting quirk about the Banshee is that it can carry a combat-ready Tooka Force Scout Vehicle within the cargo compartment although it must have the internal passenger seating removed, the Banshee can also carry an additional Tooka on the fuselage just behind the rear expanding cargo access ramp against the magnetized plating featured on the aircraft's "Tail" providing instant access to armour support for disembarking Infantry. As an example the Banshee's full combat load can include an internally stored Tooka Force Scout vehicle and an externally carried TX-230A Combat Assault Tank although the Banshee is incredibly slowed by this seventy-three metric ton load and makes it drastically more vulnerable to fighter interception and AA batteries. In contrast to the Atmospheric Assault Lander the Banshee is more heavily armed with a Medium Repeating Laser Cannon that sits in a rotating ball-mount on the aircraft's 'chin' with an impressive field of fire with two magazines of concussion missiles stored in each vectoring 'wing' giving a total count of sixteen missiles per Banshee. Both of these weapons permit the suppression and destruction of hostile armour, fortifications and infantry.

To prevent the mass casualties of Troopers while they disembark the Banshee features three access points; a thick square shaped receding door on the port and starboard sides in addition to the cargo ramp that can be lowered and extended or retracted as necessary. This permits the Banshee's pilots to use the vessels hull to protect vulnerable deploying troops or vehicles and allow the embarked troops to leave the Dropship in relative safety. Barely behind the main cargo loading ramp in the cargo compartment's ceiling is a vertically stored FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster in a pintle-type mount that can be pulled down and then used by the loadmaster or a passenger to cover disembarking troops. When descending through the Atmosphere of a planet the Loadmaster and ten Passengers sit in their opposed seats restrained in the cargo bay and remain so until re-entry is completed at which point embarked Troops will generally release their seat restraints and wait until one of the airframe's doors are opened by the pilot shortly before exiting the vehicle. Unlike some other vehicles such as the LAAT it is descended from the Banshee's cockpit can only be accessed via the interior with a door centred on a vacuum-proof bulkhead at the far end of cargo compartment; forming an armoured petition between the cargo/passenger compartment and cockpit. This adds an additional layer of protection for the troops or cargo as any projectile which penetrates the cockpit can be prevented entry into the cargo compartment by the Quadanium Bulkhead.
Camp Aurark | The Rancors Reach

Intent: To add to the First Order’s lore on newly secured systems.
​Image Credits:
  • Camp Kerkov | Death Star Shield Generator - Wookieepedia (x)
  • Camp Braisely | Jurassic World Concept Art - Jurassic Park Podcast (x)
  • Zentrum Labor | Sci-Fi Doodle 2 - Yellowmice Deviantart (x)
  • Camp Thraken| Project X Military Base - Ned Rogers Deviantart (x)
  • Camp Vaas | Endor Shield Generator Bunker - Wookieepedia (x)
  • Camp Kalast | Pottle Hall - Southeastern Louisiana University (x)
  • The Chancellery | InGen Compound - Jurassic Park Wiki (x)
Canon: Dagobah Tech (x)


  • Military Base Name: Officially; Camp Aurark Training Facility. [Secretly: The Rancors Reach]

  • Classification: Officially: Military Training Facility. [Secretly; Military Biological Research Facility]

  • Location: Dagobah, Mount Yoda

  • Affiliation: The First Order. Facility administered by FOSB and Central Command

  • Population: 19’700 Personnel

  • Population Breakdown:

    12'000 First Order Army Regulars

  • 3’000 First Order Stormtroopers

  • 400x First Order Security Bureau Special Forces

  • 300x First Order Navy Personnel

  • 400x Animal Specialist

  • 2’000x Scientific Personnel

  • 1’300x Maintenance and auxiliary personnel

  • 700x Civilians

Accessibility: Due to the nature of Dagobah, the facility is not easily accessible to most, if any personnel. Access to the facility is only to be approved by Central Command’s highest echelons and the FOSB. Physically, the massive shielded wall which surrounds the base, denies any land access, meaning all official troop transfers must be performed by landing pad.

Description: Situated far from any settlements and beneath the shadow of Mount Yoda, and in the midst of the thick jungle is Camp Aurark, or known by the FOSB as the Rancors Reach. Formerly Dagobah Tech, the camp makes extensive use of the prior facilities, as well as expansions to the defensive and scientific capability of the facility. Among the first expansions is the grand wall, made out of duracrete and quadanium steel. The wall is fitted with guard towers, sat every few hundred meters as a means to deter intruders, but also to keep any renegade subjects contained. This is in addition to the new landing depot erected near the centre of former campus, which acts as the only way in and out of the facility.

The First Order, after having erected the perimeter defences, set about organising the facilities into various sub-camps. Due to the nature of the university campus being so spread out, it was thought the best idea for the development of the facility to specialise each of these sub-camps into a certain role. During the first stage of development, it saw the current facilities and buildings available redeveloped into sub camps. These camps being Thraken, Vaas, Kalast, and the Chancellery.

With expansion, three more facilities were erected. Although the landing dock was completed, defensive emplacements were added to Camp Kerkov, the landing and supply depot, Camp Braisley, the facility used to house animals imported from across the Galaxy, and finally the secretive underwater research facility, Zentrum Labor. All seven facilities are spread around the camp, and to an extent are isolated. Although roads have now been erected between them, streamlining the mobilisation of troops, the thick jungle and fog still prove a logistical problem in terms of security.


The Chancellery (x): The former Chancellery of Dagobah Tech has been converted into a miniature fortress. Although it was never directly centred in its time in academic service, the Chancellery now sits as the direct centre of the facility after the rezoning. Defensively, it is a tough nut to crack with the aging structure refurbished and reinforced with duracrete, quadanium steel, pillboxes localised shields. The Chancellery acts as the command hub of the camp, as well as a data repository for the scientific endeavors of staff within the facility. In addition to the renovations, the Chancellery has been gifted with communications equipment, designed to call for reinforcements in the event of an attack, and a system of underground tunnels, leading to pilloboxes, surrounding the building, as well as to nearby barracks, ensuring a consistent stream of reinforcements.

Camp Kerkov (x): Located to the south of the Chancellery, Camp Kerkov, is the highly fortified landing depot. It acts as the only way in, and out of the camp by conventional means, making it an extremely valuable facility. The landing pad is lifted onto massive stilts, to avoid flooding and the hazard of low hanging fog, this is the only official access point into the Camp proper. Along with an extensive garrison of armed naval and logistics personnel, Camp Kerkov is fitted with turbolaser batteries, and anti-air missile speeders. In addition to this, Camp Kerkov houses a squadron of TIE fighters. The facility is, to say the least, highly fortified, and prepared for any attack.

Camp Braisley (x): Sat deep within the jungle along the north, and eastern sides of the camp are the breeding and accommodation pits. Designed to breed and train beasts from across the Galaxy, be used in mainstream military applications, or for use by the mysterious Knights of Ren. The beasts are treated well by their trainers, with the hopes of domesticating some of the Galaxy’s most brutal predators into more malleable weapons of war. The trainers of the beast, are a mixture of First Order trained staff, and mercenaries, bought from these distant worlds to work with them. The beasts are caged in large, spacious terrariums and are nurtured by their masters, in order to accommodate them, and make them used to sentients.

Zentrum Labor (x): Hidden below a large swampy pond, in water tight bunkers, the Zentrum Labor is the Camps scientific hub. Advanced laboratory equipment is stored here, with the express purpose of genetic splicing and exploring the genetics of the beasts housed at Camp Sloane. The laboratories goal to pursue the goal of researching and creating creatures able to exceed their natural potential. It also acts as a midwifery and pregnancy clinic for some of the animals, ensuring that they can carry their offspring until birth. Due to the nature of the science performed, only hardened FOSB special forces guard this facility, and act as an escort for the scientists, to and from Camp Kalast.

Camp Thraken(x): Located in the eastern quadrant of the facility, the sub-camp, Camp Thraken acts as the vehicle hub. Crews of armoured personnel stand ready at the camp, ready to deploy the camps fleet of vehicles at moment’s notice. Many of the older Dagobah Tech buildings have been torn down in favour of brand new, metallic and brutalist architecture, favored by Central Conmand.

Camp Vaas (x): Situated eight hundred meters due north of the Chancellory, and in the former school of psychology, is sub-camp Vaas. It is here that Camp Aurark’s shield is powered, and generated. The camps closeness to the chancellory ensures that any attack upon the generator or its power supply can be quickly responded to. Despite its less than sizeable garrison, the camp holds high tech defences, such as automated turrets and a sophisticated alarm system hidden within the treeline which surrounds the camp.

Camp Kalast (x): Camp Kalast is the largest of all camps, and makes up the greatest proportion. It is here where a vast portion of the garrison is held. Using the former student dormitories to great effect, as to house a majority of the guards, extra housing has been erected to fit the scientists and accommodate their families. Because of this, Camp Kalast houses its own recreational facilities, including a school, gymnasium and other comforts to remind scientific personnel of home.


The security of Camp Aurark is high to say the least. Although its official designation as a training facility is a sham, it nonetheless houses thousands of soldiers, who operate the facility and ensure its smooth operation. A bulk of the facilities security force is made up of regular First Order Army soldiers, taken from posts around the First Orders burgeoning empire, for assignment on the system. This is then complimented by support force of stormtroopers, and then finally a battalion of FOSB special forces, designated to hold the research facilities and ensure none of the subjects escape.

Outside of the strong military presence, the defences allocated to the facility are a twenty-two-meter-high, and six-meter-thick quandanium steel and duracrete wall. The wall contains no entries and exits, and every few hundred meters, is fitted with a guard towers, armed with heavy repeating blasters and E-Webs. Anti-air emplacements are sparse around the facility. A majority of its defensive capability comes from its garrison and the vehicles.

The designers of the facility, as well as Central Command have conceded that a well-planned guerrilla assault could infiltrate the base, given the terrain and natural cover offered by it. Ergo, each sub-camp houses a standing garrison, designed to assist it in the event of attacks, along with an armoured and mechanised rapid response force, armed and ready for response. In any event, the defensive doctrine of Camp Aurark can be considered, rather reactionary in nature, with strategic thinking to be, to allow enemy forces to make the first move, an allow themselves to be drawn into greater military conflict.

  • 2x AT-HAT
  • 3x AT-SG Walkers
  • 8x Hussar-Class Command Speeders
  • 12x Cruissar Assault Tanks
  • 8x Cossack Repulsor Tank
  • 20x Light Infantry Utility Vehicles
  • 30x BARC Speeder Bikes
  • 1x TIE/III Squadron
  • GAVW Armoured Personnel Carrier
  • 6x Turbolaser Batteries
  • 8x Rapture Missile System
  • 368x E-WEB Blaster Emplacements
  • 22x6 Meter high Durasteel-reinforced duracrete perimeter wall
  • 1x DSS-02 Shield Generator
  • 16x Anti-Personnel Autoturrets

Dagobah Tech was established during the Galactic Civil War by the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a training school to educate the children of rebel scientists and officers based at a local military facility. After the war, it was expanded, and became a beast unto its own, educating those hungry for knowledge from across the Galaxy. But it was not to last.

With the Gulag Plague, the education facility withered and died, only to allow Gungan students to participate in education there. However, with the advent of the Galactic Alliance, the facility was once more transformed into a place of learning and culture. But with the defeat on Dagobah, and a successful rout of military personnel, the First Order seized the university, and decidedly fortified it.

Dagobah’s natural flora and fauna, the secretive nature of the planet, tickled the fancy of the FOSB who wished to transform it into a research facility. One designed to perform research into the domestication of otherwise dangerous fauna for use by the Order of Ren, and in the pursuit of other military applications.

The reason for the choice to use such a backwater as Dagobah was ultimately three fold. Firstly, the remote nature of Dagobah made it a perfect location for such secretive projects. Secondly, the climate was prime for breeding the tropical predators which afflict the Galaxy. And finally, the dark side of the force. With the dark side being almost palpable on Dagobah, it was considered the world would be perfect for testing various theorys held about the use of the force upon massive predators. To subjugate and domesticate those which perhaps, at one point were not able to be. This is in addition to the extensively planned genetic modifications designed, in order to breed the genetic apex of the chosen research subjects.

In order to hide the nature of the facility, it officially became a training camp for soldiers in Swamp Warfare, and as apart of that, the base is garrisoned by a healthy force of First Order regular army troops, stormtroopers and FOSB operatives, meaning its covert nature could be pursued. Despite this, many of the troopers stationed at the facility questioned its true motives.
[SIZE=11pt]Intent: To create a planet to host a Force Nexus rewards to me in the Codex Contest, and to facilitate inter-faction RP between GA and FO writers over a valuable resource.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Canon: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Links: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Codex Contest VI Results[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Planet Name: Salis Sterili[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Demonym: Salisians[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Region: Outer/Mid Rim[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]System Name: Salis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]System Features: Single main sequence star, 0.9 stellar masses. 1 planet in habitable zone, 1 gas giant.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Coordinates: L,38 (Hex below and left of Kaeshana)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Major Imports: Food, raw materials, technology, machinery.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Major Exports: Salt, ores, precious stones.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Gravity: Standard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Climate: Cold & dry. The planet’s small size and weak magnetic field has resulted in stripping of the atmosphere by solar wind. This in turn has evaporated all surface water on Salis, leaving behind huge expanses of salt flats on its largely level surface. Water still runs below ground in underground aquifers, and must be desalinated before consumption. Due to the thin atmosphere, the surface is typically very cold. Temperatures can reach a pleasant 30 degrees C during the day on the equator, but often plunge to 100 below in the night.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Terrain: Salt flats, small rolling hills on the equator.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Major Locations:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Neutral Force Nexus: Temple of Annihilation. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Size: Area.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Intent: To create a neutral Force Nexus, that can be used by both Light Side and Dark Side writers. The nexus will be placed in First Order space close to the frontline with the Alliance, in order to support faction and inter-faction storylines. I want to create a resource for First Order writers to make unique artifacts from, and to create an interesting location to flesh out an empty hex. This Force Nexus will be submitted as my reward from Codex Contest VI.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Temple of Annihilation is made up of several ancient stone rooms and chambers, each interconnected by a series of winding passages. The structure extends a few floors under the ground, and likewise above the ground. However, most of the upper floors have been lost due to time, and the corrosive effects of the salt flats on which the site is situated. One part of the temple does remain intact, and that is the central courtyard, a huge ring of stone supported by worn pillars, and with an elegant tree in its centre. This is generally perceived to be the centre of the Nexus, and the source of its power.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The Temple became a neutral Nexus sometime between 110 and 400 ABY, after the simultaneous deaths of a number of Grey Jedi while performing a ritual to become Force Ghosts. It is now protected by a small sect of Neutral Force Users, that do what they can to maintain the temple’s crumbling structure, translate scripture, and restore artifacts that have been lost to time.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Platform 16[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Platform 16 is the largest of Salis Sterili’s mining platforms. It serves 3 purposes. The first is to extract natural gas from a seam under the fragile crust, the second is to supply a series of small mines in the nearby area. Workers head out each day to excavate, then return to sleep on the platform each night. The third role of Platform 16 is to harvest salt. A number of repulsor vehicles set out each day, gathering tons of the material to be shipped off to other First Order worlds. Like all of the mining platforms. Platform 16 is protected by a small garrison of stormtroopers, the only real military presence on Salis Sterili.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Solomon’s Flats[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The small shantytown of Solomon Flats is made up of a collection of ramshackle buildings, arranged in close, concentric rings around the Temple of Annihilation. The interior buildings are the oldest, and house the many clerics that maintain the ancient temple. The outer buildings consist of bars and shops, and accommodation for the non-permanent residents, mainly smugglers and criminals seeking refuge from the Order. Most of the buildings are rough and dilapidated, built with whatever was at hand. With very little infrastructure to support the population, many of the residents of Solomon’s Flats live in very poor conditions.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Native Species: N/A. Planet was devoid of life before the invention of faster-than-light travel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Immigrated Species: See demographics.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Population: Minimally Populated. The few permanent residents live in shanty towns around an ancient temple. Mining platforms that dot the surface are either automated or staffed by minimal crew.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Demographics: Human + Non-human (97%,) Non-humanoid (3%.)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Culture: The modern Salis is largely deserted, and thus devoid of any culture. Only one site on the planet retains any of its ancient history. A crumbling temple, thought to have once been settle by Grey Jedi, is now the home to an order of clerics worshipping the holy site, and preaching the way of the Grey Jedi. As they are such a small and little-known sect, their presence is not seen as a danger to the First Order, and their presence on the small world is tolerated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Government: No central government.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Affiliation: The First Order[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Wealth: Very low. The planet only exports salt and raw materials.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Stability: High. The small permanent population does their best to avoid trouble, to ensure First Order tolerates the small community around the Temple.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Freedom & Oppression: With no central Government, the planet is largely lawless. An armed militia keeps the peace in the small shanty town, but there is no organised force to keep the population in line.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Military: The military capabilities of Salis Sterili are very low. The many mining platforms dotting the surface are defended by stormtroopers, and the planet is protected by naval patrols, but there are no bases to support a larger organised defence force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Technology: In-line with rest of the Galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]For most of its history, Salis Sterili has been deserted. Recent archaeological evidence suggests that the Outer Rim world was settled by a sect of neutral Force Users around 110 ABY. These Grey’s built a large temple complex near the planet’s equator. It is presumed that the small community was wiped out by the Gulag Plague, as so many others were at the time. It is exactly unknown for what reason, but it is thought by historians that at some point during its history, a large number of Grey Jedi took their own lives within the temple. Through an in-depth analysis of texts found within the temple, experts on the Force within the First Order have surmised that the deaths were part of a ritual suicide, in an attempt to transcend their physical bodies and become Force ghosts. While the exact motivations of this strange group are lost ot the passage of time, the results are clear. The temple has become what is known as a Force Nexus. It has no particular alignment, but its effects are profound. It is said to bless Force Users with strength, focus, and charisma. But, if too much time is spent on its grounds, one would find themselves beginning to dissolve, their physical body slowly fading as they gradually join with the Force.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Salis Sterili was rediscovered in the beginning of wave of exploration emerging from the Gulag Plague. As the Outer Rim once again began to be settled by groups of fledgling settlers, the small, desolate planet was largely overlooked. Eventually, as the First Order began to carve their name into the Outer Rim, the backwater world of Salis Sterili fell into their purview. Seeking to harness goods for the First Order war machine, mining platforms were set up across the planet’s surface, gathering raw materials such as salt and metallic ores. It was around this time that a band of explorers discovered the Temple of Oblivion, and a small, ramshackle town was built around the site to house the clerics that had decided to settle there. Today, Salis Sterili is seen as something of a safe haven. If you’re in trouble with the First Order, it’s generally a safe spot to hide away, at least for a time. As such, smugglers and criminals can often be found skulking in the shadows of the shantytown of Solomon’s Flats.[/SIZE]


Intent: To create use my Codex Contest award and create Force Nexus.
​Image Credit:
Infinite Solstice” by Beeple
Canon: N/A
Codex Contest VI Results
(link to Salis Sterili

Nexus Name: The Temple of Annihilation
Nexus Alignment: Neutral
Location: [Please link the planet upon which this location resides.]
Affiliation: The First Order
Size: Small
Accessibility: The Temple is not outwardly hidden. But it is isolated from the rest of society. Located on the all but uninhabited world of Salis Sterili, and the site was only recently discovered. A low, sprawling settlement known as Solomon’s Flats has sprung up around the Temple for worshippers and clerics, as well as smugglers hiding from the First Order, but there is no established form of transportation to routinely bring people to the isolated site.
Security: The temple is protected by a group of clerics numbering roughly 100, who’ve travelled to the Temple, settled, and are now dedicated to protecting it from outside interference. Occasional inspections from First Order forces are tolerated, but as a general rule outsiders are unwelcome.
Description: The Temple of Annihilation is made up of several ancient stone rooms and chambers, each interconnected by a series of winding passages. The structure extends a few floors under the ground, and likewise above the ground. However, most of the upper floors have been lost due to time, and the corrosive effects of the salt flats on which the site is situated. One part of the temple does remain intact, and that is the central courtyard, a huge ring of stone supported by worn pillars, and with an elegant tree in its centre. This is generally perceived to be the centre of the Nexus, and the source of its power.


  1. Increased connection to the Force. The temple grounds are saturated with the energies of both Dark and Light. Because of this, Force Sensitives in the area around the temple will feel a stronger attunement to their chosen path of the Force. Practices like meditation or mind reading, will become easier for the user. Similarly, abilities like telekinesis or Force Lightning will become more powerful while within the influence of the Temple. These effects are only active while within the temple, and do not continue once the Force User leaves the site.

  2. Objects imbued with special characteristics. Items left to soak in the pools and channels of underground salt water beneath the temples will gain unique properties over time. Ancient weapons found bathed in the waters beneath the temple have been found to be particularly powerful in the force. A stronger edge and a ethereal glow are just two of the effects studied in artefacts recovered from the waters below the nexus.

  3. Annihilation of living beings. If one were to look carefully at the temple, they may notice that despite the many cracks and crevices, holes in the walls and forgotten corners, there is not a spider or rat in the entire complex. This is due to a peculiar effect of the Nexus, in which a living being is slowly absorbed into the Living Force. Those who spend an extended time in the temple complex may find their physical grip on reality weakening, and those who spend many weeks or months there may fade away entirely. It is believed this is a result of the event thought to have created the Nexus, when a large number of Grey Jedi sacrificed themselves in a ritual to join the Living Force as Force Ghosts.

  • The Centre Garden: The highest surviving point in the ruins of the Temple of Annihilation is the ancient garden at its centre. A ring of shrubs and flowers surrounds a wide circle of flagstones, at the heart of which is a clearing with an ancient tree. It is believed that the garden is the exact location where the order of Grey Jedi transcended the physical world and joined the Living Force. As such, it is perceived to be the centre of power for the entire temple complex.

  • The Force Pools: Below the temple, and seeping into the ruined lower rooms, runs a network of pools and streams. The water is saturated with salt, and the influence of the Force. In the years after the discovery of the temple, it was discovered that items left in these pools and streams could be imbued with special properties. These properties could be further strengthened or changed by the influence of a skilled Force user.
The Temple of Annihilation was built somewhere between 100 ABY, and 350 ABY. It was settled by a group of Grey Jedi seeking shelter from Galactic conflict, and a place to unlock the secrets of the Force. As time went on, the goal of the sect of Force users became to unlock the secrets of the Living Force, and thus preserve their consciousness as Force Ghosts. Many years after its creation, the Temple became a Force Nexus. This is due to the actions of more than 50 Grey Jedi, who sacrificed themselves simultaneously in the temple’s centre garden in an attempt to connect with the Living Force, and live on as Force Ghosts. The order within the temple never recovered to its former numbers, and the dwindling population of clerics were wiped out by the Gulag Plague, leaving the temple abandoned.

The temple was rediscovered many years later, as people once again began to settle the Outer Rim. As the First Order began to take control of territory in the area, Salis Sterili was largely ignored, written off an unimportant and of little value. However, the establishment of scattered mining operations by the First Order lead to the accidental discovery of the dilapidated temple complex. Researchers exploring the site were able to find some written accounts of the life of the Greys, and thus piece together a fragmented history.

Soon after its rediscovery, a group of neutral Force Users secretly occupied the temple, building a ramshackle settlement known as Solomon’s Flats around it. Today they work to maintain the temple grounds, protect it from outsiders, and research its many artifacts and texts. Their presence is tolerated by the First Order government, as they maintain the site, and do not interfere with the planet’s mining operations.

It is not public knowledge that the Temple of Annihilation is a Nexus of the Force. Only a limited number of officials are privy to that knowledge, as well as some of the elite amongst the Knights of Ren.

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