OOC Writer Account
Blasters (Inc. Plasma-Type Weapons): High
Kinetic (Inc. Ballistic/Kinetic-type Weapons): High
Lightsabers: Low
Sonic: Low
Ion/Electrical: Low
Manufactured for the exclusive use of Security Bureau Agents trained as “Shadowtrooper” Operators who often act alone or in small squads ofupto four personnel. The FO-X2 Infiltration/Assault Armour is the successor to the more common FO-X1 Infiltration Armour with the The FO-X2 possesses technologies within it developed originally as part of various First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers projects. The FO-X2 however is a distinctly First Order Security Bureau program and classified as Secret with only essential personnel being familiar with its' ongoing development and deployment. Implementing existing First Imperial engineering concepts into a program which will supplement the older Pre-Great Galactic War FO-X1 armour the FO-X2 represents a distinct advancement in the level of protective quality offered to Special Agents in the operational environment over its' predecessor. Despite the difference in appearance the FO-X2’s parts and all its' variants parts will be interchangeable and compatible on the basic FO-X2 platform representing a distinct departure from the FO-X1 providing a new capability to security bureau personnel to sport a variety of different FO-X2 pieces giving the appearance of a Mercenary or Bounty Hunter when in an environment or confronted by individuals that might otherwise be hostile to First Imperial Personnel.
Each suit of FO-X2 armour including the different variants is bio-metrically secured to its' wearer as a security measure against theft and the maintenance of information security as each armour system has considerable storage space for content that can range from audio-visual to confidential digital documents. Equipped with an encrypted IFF transponder that broadcasts on a narrow-band of radio frequencies commonly used by the First Imperial Military, this ensures that friendly personnel can use their access keys to decrypt the basic biographic information transmitted by the FO-X2 Armour while recipients without the decryption keys only receive garbled gibberish and that's assuming they're tuned to the correct frequency in the first place. This sharing of biographic information across the First Imperial TEAMCOM reduces the real risk of friendly-fire incidents where regular military personnel are operating an area embedded with FOSB Agents equipped with the FO-X2 armour.
- Intent: Create an advanced suit of armour that will succeed the FO-X1 Infiltration Armour currently worn by First Order Security Bureau Agents in terms of technology although not in terms of raw production.
- Image Source: Source
- Canon Link: Death Trooper Armour, Death Trooper Armour Supplemental Information
- Primary Source: Death Trooper Armour, FO-XD Prototype Death Trooper Armour, FO-X1 Infiltration "Shadowtrooper" Armour
- Designer: First Order Security Bureau
- Manufacturer: First Order Security Bureau
- Affiliation: First Order Security Bureau
- Model: FO-X2 Infiltration/Assault Armour
- Cost: ~20,000 Credits
- Value: ~250,000 Credits (Black Market Value)
- Modularity: Yes (Accessories, Decals, Firmware, Software, Paint, Supplemental Armour, Webbing)
- Production: Semi-Unique (Alika Zovu, Shadowtrooper Team(s))
- Material: Armorweave, Duravlex, Reflec, Duraplast, Personal Cloaking Device, Transparisteel.
- Classification: Stealth-Capable Advanced Multipurpose Body Armour
- Weight: 15 Kilograms (Light)
Blasters (Inc. Plasma-Type Weapons): High
Kinetic (Inc. Ballistic/Kinetic-type Weapons): High
Lightsabers: Low
Sonic: Low
Ion/Electrical: Low
- Active Pulse Emitters (Resolution Intensifying)
- Advanced Annunciator (Programmable Distorter)
- Auto-Adrenal Injection System
- Biometric Security System (Facial Scan + Fingerprints + Password)
- Bio-restorative Underlay (Armourweave Bodysuit)
- Closed-Circuit Rebreather
- Cooling System
- Computer System
- Deflector Shield Generator
- De-ionizers (Boots)
- Environmental Controls
- Forearm-mounted Comms/Holo-Projector/Data-streaming Device. (Linked to Helmet's HUD.)
- Integrated Macrobinoculars (x4.0 Image Magnification)
- IFF Transponder (Biometrically-Linked)
- 19-30cm Knuckle-Gauntlet Retractable Vibroblade (Off-hand, ambidextrous)
- Laser Rangefinder (Helmet-Mounted)
- Macromotion Monitor (Motion Tracker, Elevation+depression, 360 Degrees, 50m Range)
- Magnatisable Boots
- Magnotomic High-Traction Glove Grips
- Microwave-Band Broadband Comlink Internal Antenna (280Ghz, 350km Range)
- Multi-Frequency Targeting & Acquisition System
- Oxygen Supply (Forty-five Minutes)
- Poly-Chromatic Visor (Retractable)
- Power Cells (Rear Cuirass Mounted, 336 hour PSU life)
- Power Gloves
- Reflec Polymer Coating
- Reinforced Greaves (Increased Stability)
- Reinforced Pauldrons (Increased Integrity)
- Reinforced Vambraces (For Deflecting & Blocking Melee Attacks)
- Shoulder-Sheath (Vibroblade)
- Solid State Drive (256 Gigabyte Storage Capacity)
- Sonic Dissipator (Helmet-Lining)
- Team Monitoring Software (Biometrics, position bearing)
- Utility Belt
- Cloaking Device: For maximum deniability and covert movement the FO-X2 is equipped with a potent personal cloaking device that allows the wearer to infiltrate and breach secure installations and areas without fear of detection on the visible-light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This capability allows the wearer to observe hostile actors safely even in-close quarters provided the environment is accommodating.
- Deflector Shield Generator: Following contemporary trends in First Imperial protective technology the FO-X2 is equipped with a Deflector Shield Generator which interdicts any projectiles accelerating towards the armour at a velocity equal or greater to thirty meters per-second. This offers increased survivability to the wearer permitting them to be surprised sustainaining plasma and kinetic attacks without risk of serious injury while the generator retains some charge. It isn't without vulnerabilities however.
- Kinetic Resistance: The FO-X2 armour is constructed from highly durable reinforced duraplast and as a result confers high protection to its' wearer from the kinetic energy exerted upon the body from high-velocity small and intermediate calibers of slugthrowers. While it often prevents penetration of even high-velocity large caliber slugthrower rounds the kinetic energy can be sufficient to break or fracture the wearer's bones over the impacted area.
- Power Gauntlets: Both gauntlets are powered and contain microservos which permit massively increased grip strength allowing heavy weapons to be operated with ease and increased recoil control. The powered gauntlets also increase lethality in disarmed fighting permitting a dilligent and careful wearer to defeat much larger and heavier opponents who would otherwise be nigh impossible to beat such as Wookies.
- Reflec Polymer: Like the FO-XD and FO-X1 upon which it is based the FO-X2 features a layer of Reflec Polymer coating which provides spoofing against detection on the electromagnetic spectrum rendering the wearer practically invisible on specialized EMS visioning equipment and naturally conceals heat emissions from the wearer and power supply.
- Deflector Shield Generator: Within the cuirass rear protruding slightly from the back in the same casing as the environmental control and cooling unit is the Deflector-Shield Generator. A well-placed hit here can permanently disable the Trooper's Deflector-Shield Generator until it can be repaired. This weakness is most often exploited by explosives, particle beams and melee weapons which bypass the shields the Generator produces.
- Explosives: The Shock-Waves created by high-yield explosives detonating in close proximity to the armour are capable of inflicting blunt force trauma and over-pressure injuries to the armour's wearer. What's worse is shrapnel or debris generated by explosions often go under the minimum velocity necessary for the deflector shield to react with the potential to pierce the armourweave bodysuit.
- Lightsabers: Lightsabers and other plasma-based weapons are incredibly effective at penetrating the armour's protective layer; firstly they usually move too slow to trigger the Deflector shield permitting the superheated blade to directly strike the Reinforced Duraplast armour plates.
- Melee Instruments: THe Personal Deflector Shield Generator doesn't react any object accelerating towards the wearer less than thirty meters per second, as a result. Melee is a viable option for inflicting damage upon the armour and its' wearer.
- Particle-Beams: These kinds of blaster-based weapons cause devastation to the FO-X2, due to their energised particle stream they usually force their way through the deflector shield and underlying armour with frightening ease.
- Shocking: While insulated against low-level electric and ionic hazards commonly encountered within the barracks or operational environment. The likes of Ion Blasters and Force Lightning are devastating against the armour, with the former capable of depleting the Deflectors in a single-shot with the latter capable of completely bypassing them and inflicting injuries onto the wearer.
- Sonics: Sonic-weapons possess greater than average effectiveness against the armour completely bypassing the Deflector Shields due to the nature of their function. Only the Trooper's head is afforded quality protection from Sonic assaults with Dissipators placed in the lining to filter out harmful noise.
Manufactured for the exclusive use of Security Bureau Agents trained as “Shadowtrooper” Operators who often act alone or in small squads ofupto four personnel. The FO-X2 Infiltration/Assault Armour is the successor to the more common FO-X1 Infiltration Armour with the The FO-X2 possesses technologies within it developed originally as part of various First Order Corps of Imperial Engineers projects. The FO-X2 however is a distinctly First Order Security Bureau program and classified as Secret with only essential personnel being familiar with its' ongoing development and deployment. Implementing existing First Imperial engineering concepts into a program which will supplement the older Pre-Great Galactic War FO-X1 armour the FO-X2 represents a distinct advancement in the level of protective quality offered to Special Agents in the operational environment over its' predecessor. Despite the difference in appearance the FO-X2’s parts and all its' variants parts will be interchangeable and compatible on the basic FO-X2 platform representing a distinct departure from the FO-X1 providing a new capability to security bureau personnel to sport a variety of different FO-X2 pieces giving the appearance of a Mercenary or Bounty Hunter when in an environment or confronted by individuals that might otherwise be hostile to First Imperial Personnel.
Each suit of FO-X2 armour including the different variants is bio-metrically secured to its' wearer as a security measure against theft and the maintenance of information security as each armour system has considerable storage space for content that can range from audio-visual to confidential digital documents. Equipped with an encrypted IFF transponder that broadcasts on a narrow-band of radio frequencies commonly used by the First Imperial Military, this ensures that friendly personnel can use their access keys to decrypt the basic biographic information transmitted by the FO-X2 Armour while recipients without the decryption keys only receive garbled gibberish and that's assuming they're tuned to the correct frequency in the first place. This sharing of biographic information across the First Imperial TEAMCOM reduces the real risk of friendly-fire incidents where regular military personnel are operating an area embedded with FOSB Agents equipped with the FO-X2 armour.
Disclaimer: Each variant has the same technology and overall protection level, although some might cover greater surface area than others with the inverse also being true with some variants designed to provide greater comfort or efficiency in a certain squad role. Parts from each different Variant are interchangeable with one-another for maximum modularity and agent effectiveness.