Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche

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Nickel One - Surface Station

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darth Apparatus

Slithering past each area of destruction had only shown to Mak that the Empire was going at all costs to win the battle, even if that meant damaging certain parts of the asteroid. Verpine also were scattered everywhere, slain by the Sith. It was senseless slaughtering, and the man behind it, Apparatus, had to be stopped. As he slowed himself, he heard voices.

They sounded arrogant and bold. Feeling out with the Force, Mak closed his eyes as the stench of evil hit him hard. He knew the one presence all too well. Slithering slowly, he readied the two lightsabers. Coming to where a group of Sith stood, speaking to themselves, he spoke loudly, holding no fear.

"Apparatus, it's been a long time since we've seen each other. Following your trail of destruction was easy enough, but I must say, seeing you alive, it really is something..."
NICKLE ONE - Munitions Factory

The still vacuum of space ruptured firey explosions from ships of all sizes exploding in the distance of every direction surrounding him. War surrounded him. Death and hate surrounded him. A'donari moved closer and closer to the bodies standing on the landing pad beneath him concentrating entirely on masking himself from them. The force had been with him upon entry for the Sith below had watched the ship sail away without noticing him. It was the only logical explanation he could come up with for why the small army beneath him had left. He landed behind one of the ships using it as best he could for cover.

When he peered around to look for a safe opening he noticed the landing pad was now empty. Moving cautiously he made his way through the surface facility. His stomach churned at the amount of death that surrounded him inside. He refrained from trying to reach out with the force for guidance to anyone in need of safety. It would only put him in harms way for the time being. His only option now was to roam the facility in search of possible survivors. The facility had been generously painted in yellow blood and the dead bodies made it hard for him to walk without allowing his rage to consume him. Keeping calm he pressed on searching for any signs of Republic life remaining.

It didn't take long before A'donari found a rail car that he knew would take him where he needed to go. Getting on board he moved to the control mainframe checking to see how long it had been since last used. The amount of time shown didn't bring comfort to his heart. It meant that if they had taken this rail then they would be sitting down in the Munitions facility when he arrived. He was faced with a decision that he knew would dictate how the remainder of this battle would spell for him. His hand slid over the controls and he engaged the rail car.

The train car came to a stop as A'donari decided to search further down the hallways to find the Munitions factory. The amount of death astounded him. Soon he found a sliver of hope. A Senator and Jedi Knight, already engaged with a Sith, stood with their backs to him as he walked up from behind them. A'donari drew his lightsaber without igniting it while listening to the Jedi Knights words as he moved behind the Senator and flashing him a smile, putting himself in a fight between the Sith surrounded by assassins. "Keep calm. I'll keep the Senator safe. This is not going to be pleasant. They have a small army from the looks of it and considering I've been having trouble locating a single one of their presences, well that doesn't bode well for us. You stick to your fight and I'll take care of the other one." A'donari spoke to the Jedi @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] and the Senator telepathically by connecting their minds with his tentacles.

"I knew there were more of you." A'donari thought to himself. He remained calm while staring at the man who oozed of tainted putrid Dark side energy. He didn't fear the Sith who he was staring down but that didn't stop him from respecting him as his opponents. The vow he had made to himself moved through his head. No matter what, they aren't going to claim any lives for the Dark Side in this battle.

Allowing himself to sink within the Light side of the force A'donari ignited his lightsaber and felt his body crouch into the beginning stance of Soresu. He was familiar with the hold the darkside had on the heart and understood the strength one gained when opening themselves to the malicious energy though he had surpassed himself a hundred times over during his Padawan training with his Master @Ben Watts. Remaining connected with the three using his tentacles once again A'donari spoke,"Senator, get behind me. I will protect you with my life. Do not fear. The Lightside of the Force is strong." Then he allowed his connection to drop from the Senators mind before speaking his final sentence only to the fellow Jedi, "You are still alone in your fight. May the Force be with you." He said calmly not waiting for the Jedi to respond considering A'donari had no plans to interfere. Protecting the Senator while finding a way into the Munitions facility was what he was after. He watched as the assassins and Sith took action of his arrival and wondered how this fight would begin. As a last precaution he latched on to the feint dark energies around him as a way to keep tabs on the enemies when the fight began. It was all in preparation to become a vessel for the light side, guided by the strength of the force.
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Edited to fit into timeline/ story line.
@Maximilian Jens
@Kamon Vondiranach
@Seth Shorn
(Discussions with @[member="Sirella Valkner"] say I am allowed 5 Star Defenders in this action under my command.)

This is where the battle begins for real.

"Sir, enemy fighters are detaching the main body, moving into a flanking position!"
"Are they, by Gods...we shall deal with them! Launch all interceptors and fighters and form them up behind the capital ships. Ready the bombers and gunships." The Preservation Class Star Defenders were well equipped with attack craft. Each ship carried fifty interceptors and fifty starfighters. A total of some five hundred attack craft. Added to this were 150 bombers and 250 gunships which would stay docked until the right moment.
The interceptors and fighters drew up behind their respective capital ships. When the enemy flankers arrived they could be launched by squadron either to engage the enemy force or get behind them.

Meanwhile the capital ships drew up in line facing directly at @[member="Seth Shorn"]'s ships, moving into range to open fire with their heavy turbolasers and ion cannons.
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member="A'donari Cinn"]

Turning to the young Jedi, Mak looked over at the senator before he turned back.

"I can handle myself in battle. You can take the senator away to somewhere safe, young one. I'll be fine on my own, you know."
@MSE-007 |@[member="Sev3n"] | @[member="Kalia Vondiranach"] |@[member="Monty Jusik"] - G99 Mining Tunnels

The asteroid and been making odd noises, no doubt the sounds of their enemy landing and entering the tunnels. Soldiers shifted uneasily at their stations within the mining tunnels, armor and vac suits growing dusty with each step they took. Due to the near zero-grav of the situation it was making moving difficult and clumsy for most. Supplies were tethered down along the floor and along the craggy walls, it was the best they could do.

Sounds echoed through the mining tunnels, bringing the sounds of droids and troopers closer to the 73rds ears. Suddenly, suppression fire from the stormtroopers was being laid down. It echoed throughout the tunnels, hissing against the rock and body as targets were found.

"Two lines! Heavies in back! Lets fortify this section of tunnel....They are not making it past us if the 73rd has any say so."

Two lines were formed of soldiers, some using crates as over. Heavy gunners bearing rotary blaster cannons took to the back, setting up their equipment quickly in response to the E-Web fire. In front, soldiers armed with blaster rifles took much more measured shots as opposed to the suppression techniques of the heavy gunners. It was tempting to merely collapse the tunnel section but there were too many negative variables in it for the Republic Army to even attempt such a task.

[[OOC Note - Sorry for the delay, had work. Let me know if I missed something and need to edit.]]
@Selena Haylcon

With Stealth Team, in between asteroids.

Monty didn't even bother to reply, he simply followed instructions and got the stealth fighter into position. Wait. Wait.



Monty fired the missiles at the appropriate time and awaited the mismatched strike team's leader to make a move.

Jinn Sibot

Child of the Darkness
[Near Stahlmann's fleet]
@[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]

Jinn's plan was simple, get in close to one of the Republics capital ships and cause a core meltdown. With any luck, when he got on approach the crews would just think that he was a Republic soldier coming back for fuel or ammunition replenishment. From within he could make his way to disable engines, kill the bridge crew destroy fighters or take out weapons the possibilities were endless. Jinn did his best to stay out of the way of the battle, shutting down his Sith beacon so that the Republic wouldn't pick him up on his way in. He wasn't sure if the capital ship he was about try and infiltrate was the one housing the admiral or not, regardless whoever was inside was about to have a bad day.

As the X-wing drifted towards the capital ship he did his best to look inconspicuous (as much as one can with a space ship) and slowly brought the ship into port, hoping no one would pick up his presence as he neared the shields.


Well-Known Member
The Vault
@[member="Atrum Voidlighter"]

Zaiden used the shadows to create a small sheild over his chest as the man jumped, he looked at the young man, "Shut up and die!" He shouted and leapt forward again bringing all his might down in a powerful slash aimed for the boys chest. Then he took a step back.

Just as he did so, Zaiden called to his Darkestnite saber and his spear, immediately launched at his opponents spine. The saber flew in his direction and ignited as it hovered over his left shoulder. Before launching in for another attack, Zaiden began a powerful onslaught of fear at the man's mind.


Special Agent Joker

@[member="Mak Manto"]
@A'donari Cinn
@[member="Darth Apparatus"]
@[member="Kiara Alanna Decoix"]
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

Jesta sprinted up to his room on the SS covenant and unlocked his safe. Walking in he stripped down out of his politic disguise and put on his Military suit. His job as an agent may have been completed but there were other objectives that needed done. Putting on his Mandolorian armor and then his spec ops uniform over it he reached for his mask and slipped it on. Then pulled up his hood. Contacting the rest of his squad he gave direct orders. "Everyone gear up and move out. Bring the C4 charges and as many explosives as you can carry." He ordered. Now going through his armory. Reaching for his large back pack Jesta started to reach for everything he needed. Grenades that sent a wave disconnecting force users from their abilities, plenty of C4, Regular Grenades, his hacking gear, and not to mention his favorite. Smoke grenades. The bag was filled and Jesta zipped it up and set it down next to him. Reaching for his Pistol, he put it on the back of his shoulder as if it were sword of some sort and he took his mothers knife and placed it on his lower spine horizontally. After this he reached for his assault rifle and strapped it on so he did not lose it. He reached for his backpack and slipped it on, then high tailing it back out of his personal armory he skidded to a stop and ran back into it to grab one last item. On the wall above his three lightsaber types was a weapon he would need. He grabbed it as put it between his back and the backpack so it would stay. Running out of his safe Jesta moved down to his elevator and rode it to the drop pods. "Fly us closer to Nickel One, set pods to land on surface station."

Jesta soon reached the hanger and he sprinted down to the pods. His squad of six were waiting for him. 'Whats the job Jesta?' He asked. Jester laughed and activated one of the pods. "We are taking the factory....maybe." He said stepping into the large pod. "Come on, we leave now." He noticed they all had their new uniforms on, if anything they all looked like the police force. Brutus had his sniper and Nyra had her trusty lightsaber. Porch or course had his rocket launcher and a backpack loaded with ammo. A grin spread on his face as they all piled into the pod. 'Countdown initiated. Launching in 5...4...3...2...1....Launch.' There was a sudden bust of power and seven total drop pods spat out the Covenant and down to the planet. Going at blinding speeds turbulence took over as hey got closer. A few long minutes passed and Jesta pierced through the celling in the landing station and slammed into the floor. Creating a creator. Red lights flashed in the pod and suddenly turned green. Looking up Jesta grabbed a latch and pulled on it hard. The front piece of the shuttle suddenly popped and flew off, releasing him. Stepping off the pod and taking his backpack he ran off and took a knee, waiting for his squad to join him before they moved out to the factory. They all stepped out their pods and ran over to Jesta. Brutus cleared the area and sighed. "Alright we are clear. No hostiles detected." He said. Jesta chuckled and nodded. Time to move out. Spec ops all over again.
En Route to Generator Asteroid [Between Nickel and Generator]
@[member="Thessa Kai"] - @[member="Iron Maiden"] - @[member="Kaine Zambrano"] - @[member="Velok"] - @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Finding himself completely useless at the G99 Asteroid, the situation well under control, Judah had flown his way towards the Generator Asteroid under the urging of his commanding officer. Republic forces were massing and that could only mean the enemy was going to do the exact same thing. Quickly juking starboard, the young pilot barely missed a huge chunk of floating debris. R7-F8 whistled loudly behind him.

"I saw it, don't get your circuits in a knot."

As he was pulling away from G99, panicked voices came across the comm. The Tetan Legion was under attack while en route to the generator and it didn't sound good. Pilots joined into the chatter, shouting for formations and certain Squadrons to move out quickly. Judah pushed the fighter to the max acceleration that was considered relatively safe in such a thickly crowded space. At any second two pilots could easily intersect and that would be the end of that. Weaving in and out, the Squadrons came upon the large vessel being fired on by the enemy. From his own trained eyes it wasn't looking well.

Judah flipped his comm channel open just before hitting the main part of the battle. "Friendly fighters have arrived. Keep us updated on the status of your vessel" If a certain area started to fail more than the other some fighters could break off and try to keep more damage from being inflicted on the area. Right now it was like one open wound, everything needed attention.

Flipping his bird towards the Republic vessel, Judah flew straight towards the incoming fighters, turbolasers continuously pumping out a steady stream of fire from the S-foils. They had to keep the bulk of the enemy focused on their fighters rather than @[member="Iron Maiden"] and her mission. Seeing the enemy amassing on the far flank of the friendly forces, he pushed his X-Wing in the direction, seeing the strategy the enemy was deploying. Herding the fleet in like nerfs to slaughter.

Firing near constantly once again, it was a dance between his fighter and the enemy's, a struggle to keep the flanks clear as possible. It seemed for every fighter he shot down two more appeared. Multiplying like vile insects.

Falon Azrakel


@[member="Ayden Cater"]

The Khan shot forwards swiftly and Falon scrambled from the crew pits with as much speed as he could muster, but not without viewing the total of life forms aboard the ship on the viewscreen. Two thousand. The entire ship was now ridiculously unstable, and if Falon didn't get out soon the entire bridge was going to detach from the ship. The sheer impact sent him flying across the room, his helmet smacking off the rear wall of the bridge with a loud crack. Then he heard the blood-curdling metallic shriek of durasteel tearing. Two thousand men were now alone in space, with one unified destiny. Death, alone amongst the stars.

The bridge had been separated, and was now floating.

Falon just stared out of the main viewports with wide eyes, watching as the Khan plunged into darkness. He couldn't turn away. He just couldn't. He forced himself to watch as two-thousand men went to their eventual graves- stranded forever, shooting into deep space. He could only scream. "KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!" He screeched, his scream echoing out among the stars.

There wasn't much time left for Falon to escape. The hull had missed the Starfall. The bridge wouldn't. The whole bridge had been turned at an angle, and the floor was now a slope. A slope which Falon didn't have the strength to climb. Had he not been clutching the doorway of the rear wall, he'd have gone flying through the main viewports. Now he just needed to climb through the rear wall doorway and get into the escape pods, the Starfall nearing rapidly.

Falon summoned all of his strength, his every last muscle working its hardest to haul him up through the door. He was so tired. So many had died for so little cause. Now it was his turn. He could hear the death bell ringing for him as he pulled himself up through the door, the bridge escape pods now in sight. Gasping with the deepest exasperation, the greatest exertion, he pulled himself along the floor, the rapid heaving of his breathing breaking the eerie silence. The silence that was then destroyed.

The Khan's bridge smashed into the Starfall, hurling Falon towards the escape pods. He now had a very strict deadline as to when he would escape. Reaching out with one desperate hand, he tapped the escape pod entry button and rolled inside with the last of his strength, his body lying limp as he shot towards G99 in the last escape pod of the Khan. The ground forces had now reached G99, the artillery being set up as he lay, almost asleep in the darkness.

G99 awaited.
Amidst Asteroid Veil of Roche Hive Research Station
@[member="Monty Jusik"]

After the three clicks the torpedoes were away. Twelve torpedoes were more than sufficient to knock out a shield generator in a single volley. The second the torpedo left the tube of her fighter she cranked her stick back. It flipped her fighter around quickly, and she found an efficient route through the asteroid veil around the research station. Her ship went full speed out of the screen with ease, but behind her she could tell that the defenses of the station added by the Sith were going nuts. Much of the screen was getting pounded. The StealthX's made a loop around the research station though. Getting clear away from the region they had just been in. Eventually fighters might start trolling for the source of the mysterious torpedo barrage but that would take a little bit of time to mobilize, especially with the large firefight going on.

Once a sufficient distance away from the highly alerted group, the StealthX's descended just below the veil not far from the hanger of the asteroid. With care the twelve fighters found their way to small outcroppings to land at. With helmets secured and spacesuites sealed, the team exited their StealthX's and began a short walk to the hanger entrance. The approached from below it and got to the edge of it. The artificial gravity started to pull them in the direction they were intended to. Selena pulled herself up the edge and attached a strange device to the edge of the hanger. The group moved into the hanger, stepping into the room and making their way to a shuttle. The displays on her helmet's minimal HUD told her that they had entered atmosphere, which was good. She wanted out of this space suit as quickly as possible. In it she felt very constricted in it.
En route to G99

@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Malica Drezyan"]

While the space battle was heating up, a lone fighter exited the hangar bay of the freighter on which Jesta and his crew had carried the Verpine politician in league with the Republic to safety, having narrowly avoided destruction when their Sith pursuer made a kamikaze run. Siobhan accelerated the fighter to top speed, deftly trying to steer it through the great conflagration that had seemingly enveloped space.

In the pandaemonium of battle, Sith fighters and battleships seemed to be engaging the joint Republic and Echani fleets. The black space was set alight by streaks of read and viridian fire, missiles impacted upon cruisers and fighters, flashes of brilliant explosions that would have made a certain Admiral Allaine Mare whoop with joy if she were there. However, Siobhan was not primarily a space combatant and so her focus lay in swiftly steering her fighter through the mess, only letting off shots with her blaster cannons when Sith fighters got in close.

She took a rough turn, dodging incoming laserfire, then spun to unleash a hail of fire that sent her enemy reeling. Her target was the asteroid G99, where the fighter production facility controlled by Republic forces was located. More and more allied forces seemed to be landing on Nickel One, she could pick up strong Force signatures, but securing G99 seemed of the essence for now.

She activated the ship's comm systems, sending a quick signal. "Beta Company, this is Colonel Kerrigan. Report on your current status?"

There was some static before the terse reply came through from the mercenary in charge. "Exited the Starfall and en route to your position. Sith pulled a kamikaze run. What's the situation on Nickel One. It's crawling with troops."

Siobhan acknowledged the information on the Starfall's state, but outwardly showed no reaction, though inside she hoped it and the crew would make it. However, she had the situation on G99 to focus on. "Change of plans, Captain. Get your dropships to G99 and reinforce Republic defences."

"Hell of a lightshow in space, boss. Breaking through it wasn't covered by insurance."

"You should've read the fine print, now get moving. I want an Inimica in guardian position above that asteroid. We're bringing out the big guns."

"Acknowledged. One moment, sensors are picking up intense activity in the outer bay. Looks like we're in for a dramatic entrance. The Verpines are missing their calls."

"Hear that, Phylis?" As she made a full-spectrum and came in closer, she picked up on the Imperial dropships that were gourging out troops on the asteroid, including a swarm of AT-STs that seemed to be making mince meat of the defence cannons the Verpine had set up, the walkers advancing relentlessly as she flew through the vacuum of space above the asteroid, trying to navigate the treacherous field.

"Maybe more than one Inimica," she muttered to herself.
@Phylis Alince
@Malica Drezyan

"I hear you!" Phylis called. The ship she was in was hardly the best, but it was good enough to let her land in the Republic owned part of G99 and head over to join @Delilah Castillon and her troops.
"Bring in a full bombing run, Siobhan, I've linked up with the Republic troops here and am holding the line."
@[member="Seth Shorn"]

(In space battle area between Nickel One and the Generator)

While the Sith fighters were still planning to make their move, Stahlmann looked ahead and saw that the Sith forces arrayed directly ahead of him were terribly light. He could see only one Star Destroyer and numerous smaller ships. The Republic admiral meanwhile had five Star Defenders and numerous smaller ships with attendant attack craft. Five to one was pretty good odds, and his ships moved forward, concentrating turbolaser and ion cannon fire at long range at the Sith capital ship....

@[member="Jinn Sibot"]

As for the Sith drifting around in his X-Wing, he wasn't noticed at first, but that'd do him little good. His was the wrong sort of ship, the shields were up on the Defenders, and the bulkheads closed.
It was only when he had mostly been passed by a ship that the ship was detected and fired upon by the Star Defender. Ten interceptors detached from the cloud following each capital ship to deal with this potential threat....
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Malica Drezyan"]

"Good hunting, Phylis. Be sure to leave me some targets. We've got explosions quotas to fulfil!" Siobhan called to her over comm ere she cut the connection and switched to the Omega forces that were linking up with her as she swooped down, taking the lead, though strictly speaking the starfighter she was in was not equipped for a bombing attack, ere the gunships caught up with her and moved into formation.

"You know the drill. Tempest One, Two and Three, form up and start bombing run. I want every single walker turned to wreckage," she commanded, dodging incoming laser fire while she transmitted coordinates of targets to the bombers.

The Inimica-class Heavy Gunship was equipped with a variety of heavy ordinance, being created explicitly to serve in a bomber capacity. It reflected the Omega philosophy of hitting fast and hard, designed to inflict maximum punishment in a shock and awe pattern. Moreover, they were heavily armoured, but required a great deal of power to maintain shielding and speed, hence the need for two ionisation reactors. Having evolved from a mercenary company to a government in charge of its own space empire by a combination of design and luck, Omega was not outfitted for conflicts of attrition and this was reflected in its design philosophy.

The passing of three huge shadows above the asteroids and the deafening roar of engines was the harbinger to the arrival of the heavy gunships, their pilots intent on driving the engines to the maximum.

"Targets into moving into range., arming proton torpedoes."

Laser fire came their way, the gunships slewed in and dodged, unrelenting in their pursuit.

"Ready to engage."

"Blow them to pieces."

With that proton torpedoes shot out from the 12-shot launchers, seeking their quarry with typical machine accuracy as they streaked through the air towards the AT-STs, hopefully to soon detonate in fiery blossoms and obliterate their enemy.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
@[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"], @[member="Velok"], @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

While Kamon's Echani forces fled straight into a trap laid by Moff Kirk, Praetor Shorn did not idle. It was apparent that he had done all he could do against the Echani. They had been brutally smashed and would not soon return to the battlefield. However, he had greater problems to deal with. Admiral Stahlmann sought to smash his vessels with Five Star Defenders. Shorn knew the statistics of the Republic vessels. Even despite his six frigates, four corvettes, and two star destroyers he was outmatched.

"Order our starfighter compliments to aid Velok's in attack Stahlmann's rear," Shorn's face was grim. The Admiral had a great many starfighters. It would be a terrible dogfight.

Lord Velok had reoriented three of his Pellaeons toward Admiral Stahlmann, but they were to Shorn's physical right and behind him. "Pull back into the asteroid's defensive ring."

The vessels of the flotilla turned about and chugged into the asteroid's defensive ring of gun platforms.

Meanwhile, the Sith TIEs tangled with Republic starfighters to Stahlmann's rear. It would have gone badly for the Sith, except... they had Spencer Jacobs. Battle Meditation bolstered the confidence and coordination of the TIE pilots, letting them ravage the Republics starfighters.
G99 - Inner Bay
@MSE-007 |@Delila Castillon | @Kalia Vondiranach |@Monty Jusik @[member="Phylis Alince"] @[member="Malica Drezyan"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Falon Azrakel"]

The troopers of the 73rd fought valiantly and it seemed as if they would soon overwhelm 3rd company of the 211th, even with their E-webs. Stormtroopers fell, pierced by many blasterbolts. Soldierds died, but victory was near for the Republic! But the power of the Terentatek, could not be undone. The ten foot tall, five thousand pound armored monstrosity charged into the physical right flank of the 73rd. Blood sprayed into the air and made the ground run slick as Sev3n tossed whole fireteams into the air with every stroke of its mace. It did not stop charging, running straight down the narrow two lines of the Republic troopers.

Men and women died beneath its feet as it trampled them, while the great tusks of the beast impaled all those in its furious charge. Many tried to turn around and open fire on the beast, some got off a few shots, but many were tossed back by the bodies of their comrades before they too were trampled underfoot. The mace cracked down again and again, splintering plastoid armor and bones beneath. Sev3n came down the width of the line so that only a bare handful of soldiers could face him at a time.

The terentatek's distraction proved vital for the 3rd company as they now finished unloading their company from the mines and began to find better fighting positions behind crates and durasteel canisters while the E-webs poured down suppressing fire on the enemy lines. Any soldier who was drawn out of cover by the terentatek's charge died beneath the E-webs repeaters.

G99 - Outer Bay

AT-STs exploded into flames as the heavy gunships of Omega Pyre went to work. However, they were merely the advance force of the Charon's troops. Falon Azrakel's entire armored division was landing in the outer bay, supported by artillery fire, AT-SATs began to advance. Their enormous forms towered over everything in the outer bay as dropships from the now destroyed Charon-class Star Destroyer continued to land and deploy more mechanized armor units.

Three hundred dragoon-class dropships descended along with two hundred TTAT Imperial Tanks, one hundred HSAT Imperial Tanks, sixty-five H-MATs, and all twenty-five AT-SATs. The entire ground compliment of a Charon-class Star Destroyer. General Azrakel's sacrifice had not been in vain, for Imperial might would carry the day.
@[member="Phylis Alince"]
@[member="Falon Azrakel"]

The AT-STs that had been targeted by the gunships were engulfed by fireballs, leaving nothing but fiery desolation. However, as Siobhan could see from her fighter, this had been vut the vanguard. Hundreds of gunships were descending upon the outer bay at a fast rate, spillling out hundreds of armoured tanks and walkers of varying design.

The entire compliment of an Imperial Star Destroyer was truly awe-inspiring, this was the force that made the core worlds of the Republic tremble before their might. To say that the Inimicas were heavily outnumbered, as they swerved through the air, trying to dodge incoming fire, was a colossal understatement, much like saying that Siobhan was just a little bit of a nympho or krayt dragons were not cuddly. No doubt resistance against them was futile and the Republic troopers would soon be crushed.

There was just one little problem with this grand design. A small oversight that, however, carried great weight. An asteroid was simply not meant to accommodate such a large mass of vehicles. The mechanical behemoths might be unstoppable, but to carry out their destructive work they needed room to manoeuvre.

One wondered whether Sardines had ever been packed so tightly as the hundreds of Sith vehicles and dropships crammed onto the asteroid. Siobhan could hardly believe her luck, for they represented a prime target for the Inimica gunships.

"Start bombing. Fire at will. Rockets, proton bombs, cleanse that asteroid. Tempest Four to Ten, get right here and join the party. And someone put music on."

Undeterred the Inimicas swooped down, soon joined by seven additional gunships of the same design, making it a force of ten in total. Given how crammed the asteroid was with vehicles, they did not even have to take much care to aim. Every gunship opened fire, unleashing a hailstorm of proton missiles from the top-mounted turrets, diving in deep to spit out proton torpedoes.

Soon the bomb dispensers of the Gunships opened and proton bombs were dropped down, targeting the multitude of Imperial Tanks. The enemy force was substantial, laser fire striking at the gunships was intense, but the Inimicas were tough and had a great deal of ammunition and so they offloaded their deadly payload, all this under the sound of Hammer of the Gods.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Nickel One - Outer Labs

@[member="Anaya Fen"]

Jaxton was impressed with the woman's alacrity as she span around and redirected the electro staff towards him, using her spinning momentum to recover in her sprint without missing a beat. With the electrostaff coming forward Jaxton did not flinch, and instead focused what little telekinetic strength he had on the electrostaff's side. He wasn't strong enough to throw it to the side, or even push it away, but he was just strong enough to angle it to where it wasn't coming at him head on, and Jaxton met it with his blade and batted it down like it were mere stick. He continued on with the Force enhancing his already considerable speed and he knew he would catch her soon, he was faster without the Force, and gained more from the Force as speed was his primary power. He caught her in a few more seconds, and slashed downwards to her legs, then came around and in front in a defensive position. She would be unable to pass him or jump over him on account of his large frame and the crowded hallways, and the inevitable battle of the scarlet Jedi and Sith had begun.
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