Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche

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Nickle One - Munitioins
@[member="Darren Brunswick"] @[member="Tyrin Ardik"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] @[member="Akura Yavis"]

The rockets A'donari had sent towards the Mandolorian's that seemingly landed on the soldiers reversed but he wasn't willing to let the stubborn masked Sith turn it around on him. Gripping the rockets with force was a simple use of focus for the force flowing from him. It paid to be an extension of the force rather than trying to manipulate it. A'donari stopped them before they had moved five ft from beside the Mandolorians before he felt the force's will move through him squeezing down on all four. The explosion ripped through the air surrounding the soldiers. Four rockets blasting in the air where the soldiers hovered would, if not maim them then at least give Darren time to pick off a few. Explosions caused by four simultaneous missiles erupting at point blank range would do the job. Two missiles by themselves had taken down many a stronger foe in A'donari's past battle experiences.

With the shock of the blast blinding the weak warriors who were moving from behind a door A'donari felt the force seize the opportunity. The shock from the force blast leaving his hand all but ripped the ground as it roared towards where the three stood. A'donari was beginning to see the Sith for what he was and adding attackers with vibro swords was pitiful. This felt like sport and A'donari was against that but the death around caused by the villains before him made the force well from deep within.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @Malica Dreyzan @[member="Sev3n"] @[member="Kalia Vondiranach"]

The maintenance access hatch, at which MSE had now been hovering for a great deal of time, yielded little in the way of access. Some security protocols simply couldn't be broken by a mouse droid.

But others -- say, the map of maintenance tunnels -- were remarkably simple. MSE-007 disengaged and skidded along through the tunnels, using his repulsorlift to handle portions of tunnel that his Valik-modified wheels could not.

He reached the starfighter production floor. One more innocuous droid would attract no notice. None. He dropped silently out of a thoroughly obscured hatch and traded repulsor power for wheels.

Scurrying up to a half-assembled starfighter, he began busily pretending to work on the ship while scanning the crap out of it.
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darren Brunswick |@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Rosa Mazhar | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]A'donari Cinn |@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Akura Yavis | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn

"Oh, hell."

The blast rocketed towards the trio of Sith. Tyrin did not have to yell for his two friends to leap out of the way, as they knew enough to do it on their own. Both assassins dove to the left, Tyrin chose the right. As soon as they were clear of the blast, they rolled to their feet, charging towards the Jedi. No matter how much of a hot-shot A'donari thought he was, he was still little more than a 17 year old boy. Tyrin, on the other hand, was a 32 year old man who had been training while this Jedi was nothing more than a twinkle in his father's eye. The same could be said for the two assassins with him. The Jedi Council could slap a shiny rank on a kid, but he was still a kid, and Tyrin was still a much stronger adult. This wouldn't be nearly as lopsided a battle as originally thought.

Tyrin and his assassins fell on the Knight from both sides in a blur of plasma and vibroblades. Whether or not this Twi'lek was a conduit of the force was irrelevant- he was a kid, and he was about to fight three trained Sith assassins simultaneously. Their style of fighting was by no means traditional to the Sith, focusing more on landing as many shiim as possible. They would cripple their enemy in a cavalcade of small, but painful wounds.

The three swords would move faster than one- it would be impossible to block or avoid them all.


Professor of Alchemy
Generator Asteroid
@[member="Eldoc Quasat"] @[member="Selena Halcyon"] @[member="Monty Jusik"] @[member="Lucien Cordel"] @[member="Roa Tang"]

While Valik heard the battle in the hanger bay, but instead of joining the battle he had another task, one far more interesting than simple fights. Here, the Verpine were creating something beautiful, some new sort of power source, some experimental power source. Quite honestly Valik was ashamed that he hadn't discovered whatever method they were using himself. Then again, he was only man to a hive mind. So he made his way to the Generator, he needed to get some scans and begin deconstructing it for removal, he couldn't keep it here where the Republic might find it.
NICKEL ONE - Ion Cannon's main generator
@[member="Ben Watts"] @[member="Racket"]

As Verpine soldiers continued to make their way to the ion cannons main generator, Ben and his team simply continued to cut them down. Damon had been wondering how his abilities would stack up in a real fire fight, but his speed proved more than adequate to take down any Verpine that crossed him. As he fought, he allowed the force to flow through him at an immense rate to where it began to increase his speed rapidly, growing faster and faster by the second. After fighting for what seemed like an hour, Damon was so used to the insect-like soldier movements and tendencies that he became a complete and total blur to the Verpine. To them he seemed to literally disappear and reappear by each of them before either disabling and maiming them or simply slicing through them.

The battle proved to be great training for Damon as he could feel abilities growing exponentially even during the fight. All of the sudden, Damon heard a very loud and very shrill screech. "RRRRRRAAAACCCKKKKEEEETTTT JJJJUUUSSSSTTTTIIIICCCEEE!!!!" Damon turned only to see a small blur of what appeared to be a rodent rapidly bouncing back and forth firing wildly into the pool of Verpine troops. Who in the world is this crazy son of a queen? He sure can fight! Damon thought to himself. At first he was skeptical about the seemingly insane comrade, but after seeing his determination and blood lust for the enemy he came to the conclusion that he could be of great use in this battle. "Friend! I'm not sure what a Racket is but together we will enact the justice you seek on these insects!" Damon exclaimed to Racket.
@[member="Velok"] @[member="Iron Maiden"]

The Infidus Diabolus II moved to reinforce Velok's position, its shape banking as it made its way to aid the Sith Lord. Word was also sent to the various frigates and corvettes under Kaine's control away from the asteroid to regroup back at homebase and defend from the invasion of Republic forces. Meanwhile, transports began to stream out of the Invictus' hold to attack the Maiden's land forces from behind, and hopefully begin to land some tanks, walkers, or assault droids to try and sandwich them between the Imperial forces, while the Infidus Diabolus II moved into attack range of the Maiden's two cruisers, backing up Velok's cruisers in the process. Kaine returned to his obsidian throne on the bridge, directing his crew to move into position to aid his Imperial allies, the battle meditation the First Apprentice radiated giving them increased morale and overall better performance in their duties, something Kaine desperately needed to have in this conflict. This 'Iron Maiden' was a worthy adversary.
@[member="Monty Jusik"] @Roa Tang @Selena Halcyon, @Iron Maiden, @Lucien Cordel, @Valik

Eldoc smirked at the man and screamed loudly at the group of troops and Monty with a Force Bellow as he dodged the blaster bolts and continued the dance of death with Selena, he waited for her to make another move other than parry.

It was amusing to eldoc as he didn't often get to fight one of such skill she seemed to meet him blow to blow and didn't seem phased yet, but he was getting more an more into the heat of battle, and he opened himself to the darkside further allowing it to aid him in his fight, using his will to strengthen his blows with the force.
Nickle One - Generator area
@[member="Damon Kurosaki"] @[member="Ben Watts"]

Smoked licked his barrels sending death in every direction. Off the wall, back through a group of soldiers killing two with shots to the face and sliding in underneath one of the Verpine soldiers guarding the door Racket spread justice. Oh did he serve justice.

Stopping at his catch phrase Racket stared. Blood shot eyes twitching at the young dark skinned boy. "YYYYou WWaannnTT tto see hoooowwww tooo spreed JJJJustice HuHHHHH? TTTHhicker the bettttterrrr!!!!!! HaHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA?!!!!!" Whatever held him together lost control. He moved his index finger and ran back the way he had come with two sticky grenades into the ranks of the cowering Vermine. Movements from the rodent couldn't be followed. Hell Racket had forgot about what he was doing as soon as he grabbed the sticky grenades. "RAcccKKKeeEETTTT JJJuuuSststiicecece!!!!!" and Screaching was all that could be heard from Racket while he threw his arms out wide launching two grenades at walls. Three seconds later dust debri and fire errupted through the courtyard from the blown columns that were now falling. Only stubbs of the once massive tons of stone stood attached. Enjoying a huge hit on his cigarette that was clenched between his lips was the perfect accent to death. Admiring his work only got him off for so long. Both trigger fingers began to wiggle uncontrollably. Racket searched for his next victim.

Akura Yavis

Deathwatch Soldier
Akura's jet pack sputtered and she started slowly losing altitude. Her two men laid wounded on the ground, coughing and hacking up presumably blood into their comms. She wasnt doing much better then them. She dropped to the ground after her jet pack gave out.

"I got two badly wounded men here, and I need to get them out of the fight." She said into her comm. Her forces were not needed here, she had gotten that message.

"Fall back!" She called. "We will deal with you later senator, perhaps when you don't have jetii protecting you like concerned parents." She laughed. Akura knew the insult would get under his skin.

She turned and headed back to her main detachment of troops. "Come my vode, we march on the ion cannon."
@[member="Mereel Vaun"]
G99 space above hangar.
The Dreadstar had slipped silently out of space and crawled through the asteroids fields towards G99. RC watched as the skilled Deathwatch crew blasted asteroids to bits with well aimed proton torpedos. There was a blinding orange flash and then the way parted. They Venator cut a swath through the field.

"Sir we are approaching Nickel One and scans indicate dual friendlies in the area."

RC nodded as the asteroid came into view. There were already Deathwatch soldiers spread thin about the area. RC needed his men alive and well. The Deathwatch would not last long separated and they had more important matters at hand. RC leaned on the railing clad in his red beskar'gam. From beneath his helmet he frowned as the rock came into view.

"Theres no landing areas! Where the hell will I insert troops!" RC roared over the bridge.

For a second RC raged at the setback. The hangar was well guarded by turbolasers a transport would never make it through. Then an idea struck the Warlord.

"All hands prepare Nuclear Warhead Number one. I want a firing solution in the top of this rock. If there no entrance we'll have to make one!"

The Dreadstars crew scrambled about relaying orders. RC watched the status greens go from red to green as the solutions matrices were locked in and the several ton Nuclear Warhead was loaded into the tube. This was his first time firing this baby off and it gave the Warlord a warm fuzzy feeling.

"Solutions online, Nukes ready sir!"
"FIRE!!!!!" RC roared with a gusto swinging his arm through the air to illustrate his point.

The Dreadstar shuddered beneath his feet and RC's bones rattled at the force of the warhead exiting. RC watched the warhead spiral towards the top of G99. It tumbled down like a drunken hornet on a suicide run.

Racket's unorthodox behavior puzzled Damon. He had never seen a fighter like him before a did not know what to think of him. For crying out loud he was in the middle of a huge fire fight smoking cigarette after cigarette as if he required them to continue. Also his actions seemed to be sporadic and have no real pattern other than to kill the enemy's forces.

However, none of his concerned mattered at this moment because Racket had already blown up another wall and dashed away in the blink of an eye. The soldiers were barely able to track his movements but speed was Damon's forte. A grin stretched across the young padawan's eager face as he muttered to himself, "finally someone to keep up with me. This should be fun."

Damon then dashed after Racket using the force to make him leap through the air faster and faster. He even decided to make a game out of the chase leaping to the walls and any surface he could find to mimic Rackets dizzying movements. Once the two were together again, they began to really do some damage. Racket would launch a barrage of blaster fire and grenades while Damon would charge alongside him cutting down soldiers left and right with his dual blue lightsabers. Together, they were the perfect duo of speed and deadly force.
Open Space, G99
@RC 212
Malica Drezyan, @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

As soon as the Venator dropped out of hyperspace, Ayden had eyes on it. It was an older model, Venator. It certainly wasn't trying to be subtle. When it turned towards G99, Ayden had the Starfall begin turning towards it. It wasn't broadcasting a Republic IFF signal. Then it happened. Radiological alarms went off as it fired a missile.
"It's hot, Exarch." The man had fired a nuke.

"Scramble the Rangers. I want them to intercept that missile and blow it out of the sky." Outside the ship, forty-three Rangers turned as one and shot off towards the incoming missile, viridian blaster fire lighting up the whole area around it. As it got closer and closer to the asteroid, there was no telling when it would explode. Fighters began to peel off and break for safe distance. Then, a mere kilometer from the base, a Ranger scored a series of direct hits and the missile was destroyed, spraying its radioactive payload into the stars. Ayden was sure the people on the facility would appreciate that, both Republic and Sith.

"Start sending out the dropships. Contact the G99 facility head and coordinate with him the evacuation of all staff. Helm, put us between that Venator and the station. I want all available batteries to open fire." Dozens and dozens of batteries swiveled into place. Some merely sparked and twitched, but most accepted the commands from the tactical officers who controlled them. As one, they all began to fire on the offending Venator. Ayden did not want to be inside that ship when the turbolaser fire hit.


Special Agent Joker
@RC 212 | @[member="Darren Brunswick"] |@[member="Rosa Mazhar"] | @A'donari Cinn |@[member="Akura Yavis"] | @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] | @[member="Ben Watts"] | @[member="Racket"] | @[member="Damon Kurosaki"] | @[member="Ardak Serifen"]

[Nickel One Ion Canon.]

Jesta looked at the senator who said he was going to be more popular and Jesta chuckled. "Ill give them my sexiest pose." He told him jokingly. Suddenly some...small raccoon thing came charging in blasting all the hostiles as well as another jedi padawan. He clapped enthusiastically. "Now that was Fethijg entertaining. I give you a ten." Jesta said insanely, walking over to the side he set up three heavy turrets and aimed them to the one tunnel that lead to the Ion canons. He also had a surprise waiting for them when the arrived. Looking at three soldiers he told them to man the gun and Jesta waited. Suddenly Brutus contacted him. 'Sir a Death Watch ship just arrived. Your orders?' He asked. Jesta yawned and replied halfheartedly. "Well i guess you can blast then as well." Jesta said, looking around. 'Roger. Firing in 3...2...1' they fired a blast directly at @RC 212 Dreadstar ship. Avoiding all of the allies it would undoubtably be a direct hit.

"Jesta, troops are on their way to your position. What should we do?" Soldiers asked. Justa shrugged and smiled. "Sent a team of soldiers to intercept them.' He said simply. Scratching his head with the barrel of his gun. Looking through his mask he eyes the senator. "Listen man...before they get there. Can i have a hug? This has been really emotional." Jesta asked teasingly.
G99 - Inner Bay
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]MSE-007 | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Kalia Vondiranach | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Phylis Alince | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Malica Drezyan |@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Siobhan Kerrigan | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Falon Azrakel | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Sev3n

The Sith Beast was proving unstoppable by all of their tactics thus far. Having not one Force-User within the 73rd rendered the group clueless, treating the beast as if it was a dumb rancor rather than the cold-blooded,tactical killing machine it really was. Troop levels fighting the terentatek were falling dangerously low. Time to throw in the big guns and see what happened.

"Thermal detonators at the beast. I don't care if we have to bring this bay down with us!"

The 73rd fighting the Sith Beast quickly formed a new strategy. Using some members as bait while others flanked, throwing a barrage of thermal detonators around and under the beast,tricky to do with the calculated movements. Five seconds after throwing the first wave of thermal detonators the explosions started to rock the flank fighting the creature, dust pouring into the dark bay and clouding out much of the light, plunging them further into darkness.

The Empire was also throwing their own detonators at the 73rd, adding a deafening roar into the space.Confusion rained down as the absolute front line dissolved into chaos.

"Keep fighting! Watch those vibroblades and explosives! Do we have any heavy gunners left? Suppress those E-Webbs."

Delila was fighting on the front line herself. Once the troopers brought out the vibroblades she knew it was about to get serious. Blood immediately made the floor slick from the stabbing and the overall melee the situation had dissolved into. Explosives rocked both sides of the bay, almost non-stop. At least her soldiers were still trying to take down the terentatek, even if they had taken out a section of wall.

Stabbing a enemy in the gut, Delila turned to see the progress with the Sith beast and explosives. Pulling a thermal detonator out of her own pants pocket-her only one, Delila threw it towards the beast, letting it roll to his side while distracted in tearing down her soldiers.

As she watched, hoping in five seconds the detonator would take out the terentatek, a stormtrooper stabbed her in the side with his own vibroblade. Things had just gone from bad to worse.
@[member="Jesta"] @[member="Darren Brunswick"] @[member="Tyrin Ardik"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"] @[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Moments were precious which was the reason A'donari had forced the Sith to their knees in the first place. Sinking deeper into the force was his talent much like his Master's who was the only Jedi greater than he at Soresu. It was what he had speant years training for. Moments like this. He connected once again with the warrior within who he had released from for only a split second moments before. The Sith rushed in. Foolish.

A'donari knew what had happened. Under estimating the opponent made for brash decisions. The force was an ancient mistress in the dance of death. The vessel she chose to wield made no deference to how effective she was at claiming lives who sought to bring death and hatred. Together charging in, their first attacks landed exactly where he expected from seeing them in his minds eye split seconds before. The force wasn't blinded for a second. A'donari's lightsaber moved with the most minute precision to parry the three Sith's attacks who had fallen into his trap. The force disguised his power allowing his blade to seem weak twice when connecting against the three's blade individually. The hum and glow of his lightsaber moved at the exact speed needed to block allowing the Assassin's and Sith to believe their attacks where gaining ground before he spotted the weakness and exploited it.

@[member="Tyrin Ardik"] had taken his stance and slashed at A'donari's leg though the attack was avoided by A'donari. By lifting his front leg, which moved so fast and in tune with his defense it would have gone unnoticed to the naked eye, before slamming it back down into place giving him what he needed. Using the forward momentum of returning his foot to the ground to perry the vibro blade of the Sith assassin on his left, A'donari's full powered perry shot the sword towards Tyrin's sternum from where the missed slash had left him vulnerable. In less than the blink of an eye, the blade was upon him causing the Sith to choose between being stabbed through the sternum or falling back. The moment his advanced swordplay left open gave A'donari enough time to bring his light saber over to the left in a sweeping motion with the full power of the force crashing through the other assassins vibro blade. The force resonated deep within him snapping his stomach muscles around with speed and ferocity that A'donari had grown use to in this state. The shear power of the parry ripped the blade from the assassins hands and sank deep into the wall beside them. With the Sith assassin defenseless, A'donari slashed his blade through the assassin's throat with the same speed as he recoiled back to face his other two attackers. He remained unmoved from his Soresu while the lifeless body went unnoticed in his mind as it crumpled to the ground beside him.
@[member="Ayden Cater"]
G99 Space
The fusillade of turbolaser fire slammed into the Dreadstars shields and RC clutched the railing hard as his baby shuddered. Alarm klaxons rang across the ship as reports flooded in. RC had to admit the Starfalls captain was smart. But he had put himself in a bad spot. RC would unleash full blown destruction on him now.
"Report!" RC bellowed to the bridge officer.
"Shields at sixty percent sir!"

RC watched as the enemy fighters and drop-ships streamed from the Starfall. For a second he formulated a plan then sprung into action.

"Helmsman, present broadsides!"

The Dreadstar turned presenting her left side in full towards the Starfall.
"Ion cannons online, all shields to port, Arm proton torpedo tubes one through fifty, lock firing solutions!"

The crew scrambled amid the chaos frantically typing into the consoles and relaying commands.

"Scramble first wing!"

A hundred Dreadhawk fighters streamed from the Dreadstar in quick succession. The First Wing took up a wedge position bearing down upon the enemy. RC watched as they locked their target tracking systems and began to unleash a barrage of crimson cannon fire onto the enemy fighters. The wing split and the second half sped towards the dropships. Two Nano missiles each cut through space tracking their targets with deadly precision. The small blue contrails burned in space as they weaved towards the dropships, homing in.
"Torpdos are hot!, Ion cannons hot all firing solutions locked Sir!" The Deck officer shouted.
"Fire!" RC screamed.
The Dreadstar dimmed slightly as the secondary Nuclear reactor discharged wads of built up energy into the Ion cannons. The twenty Ion cannons fired in crisscrossing arcs towards the Starfall. The Ion particles were hungry, aiming to strip away her Shields and power systems in a a brutal cascade of raw electrical power.

"Ion fire iincoming!"

RC's Deathwatch pilots of the first wing saw it and immediatley several Dreadhawks veered off from the formation, taking the beams in a direct hit on their systems. RC watched with indifference as they spiraled off into the void, all power systems fried.

The Dreadstar shook again as the remaining weakened beam smashed the hull. RC cursed as he watched the ships power systems take a hit.

"Power disruption, we lost twenty percent of couplings from reactor one."

"Send the engineers! Fix that osik asap!"
The decks shook as the dull thuds of the proton torpedoes launching echoed through the ship. The fifty torpedoes arced above the top of the Starfall aiming for the side of the G99 Asteroid. RC would have his day and the Deathwatch would seize the objective, even if it meant a river of blood....
Open Space, G99
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member="RC 212"]

Ayden watched as the ship deployed fighters. He didn't doubt the skills of his pilots, though the numbers were somewhat disconcerting, until the enemy fighters broke into two groups. Now it was a more even fight, once the Avengers reinforced the Rangers. The dropships were not such easy prey, and fired their anti-personnel cannons at the approaching missile swarm. They were aided in this by the defenses of the facility that lit up the space around them like a night on Coronet City. And soon thereafter, the Peregrine gunships were launched to intercept the enemy fighters that attacked the facility. Clearly, Ayden had been saving a few tricks.

While the fighters engaged in a pitched fight, Ayden stood on the bridge and watched as the enemy fired a scant few ion blasts. The shields fluctuated, but held. Repair crews continued their work on the blown relays, bringing some batteries back online while a few others went out due to repair errors. He contemplated bringing his own ion cannon batteries online, but decided that he wasn't particularly interested in taking this ship in one piece. That feeling was only compounded when a crewmember alerted him to its identity; the Dreadstar. The Mandalorians had placed a bounty on it, asking for the return of their technology. Well, they'd get their tech back, just in pieces.

"Fire again. Make that ship go away." The Starfall turned to face the ship fully, presenting nearly its full complement of various turbolaser batteries. Once they got lock, hundreds of bolts of viridian lanced through space. Closer and closer they got. The ones that reached their target slammed into hull for devastating effect.

Jinn Sibot

Child of the Darkness
[Space near generator]

Jinn had dodged the interceptors but was still caught in the thick of the battle, he dipped his fighter as a group of Republic ships moved to engage.
Space [Between the Vault and Research Facilty]
The Peregrine

Spencer seeing that her influence was welcomed by Anaya, she pulled her focus from the woman and the battle meditation spread out once more. She focused everything she had into continuing to push the forces, her words whispering into the Force helping them continue the fight. The battle was continuing to move each battle flashing before her mind as she did her best to maintain the connection with the rest of the Empire. As her mind cycled through the fights watching them with the Force feeling the emotions from everyone she became focused on one fight. The fight that she knew in the back of her mind was the one that she cared only about. She could feel the flare of emotions from the Empress; the woman was facing the Grand Master of the Order – someone who had taken a special interest in Spencer. How odd how their fates were tied?

Something surged in the force, it ripped through the currents. Spencer could see it the bright light crushing through a force aura. Whoever had conducted that much energy had to be strong, she even felt it in her bones, the power that was being created. Just as sudden as the surge occurred pain filled the aura and changed. Her full attention focused on the aura and in an instant she quickly recognized it. Spencer was thrusted out of the Battle Meditation, her mind swirling with the feelings of pain from the Empress, the changes that had been occurring. Their bond was something unlike she had ever felt and here she was safe in the ship that the woman had built and in the plants that she had created. The girl clutched her chest trying to catch her breath, her mind continued to focus on Ashin pressing farther trying to feel the woman like she had so many times before.

Alive, she was still alive.

It was then the fear set in. She had never feared a life without Ashin, the woman was always there and seemed to have the right timing to come and save Spencer. It was in that instant, that feeling of pain and the way the force aura was ripped through by the Grand Master – she was scared. Falling forward on her hands and knees Spencer remained there, eyes wide and tears fell onto the ground of the meditation mat. Frozen and unable to move she did her best to maintain some sort of connection and awareness to Ashin. The hand finally fell from her chest as she touched the ground feeling the tears that had fallen from her face. The reality that all Ashin had ever done for her was protecting her. Every training session, the acclimation of her poisons, and the temple on Mimban, everything meant to protect Spencer from the outside world.

After some time, Spencer regained the ability to move. She sat back up and brought her knees to her body, still she cried trying her best to try and not think of what she would do without the Empress. The feeling of being truly alone set in; Ashin was all she had left. Her head rested against her knees as her body shook, the meditation chamber had grown cold and she realized she was alone here in this ship which was once again Ashin’s attempt at protecting her. Her youth hindered her from entering battle meditation again, staying curled up she hid in her cage of vines. She needed time to let her accept the reality that she was presented with. A reality she prayed to the Force never happened, she wished she could enter the trance to once more hear the music of the Force and strum the cords of fate changing them to her and Ashin’s favor.


Falon Azrakel


@[member="Delila Castillon"]

"Bring in the E-WEBBS." Falon floated through the ranks of the Stormtroopers as they stormed the bay. Five-thousand troopers were now rushing through corridors and setting up defensive positions all throughout the facility as the 73rd attempted to provide resistance in the main bay. They'd downed a few squads, but the sheer number of troopers allowed for casualties. "Flank them!" He roared, troops now advancing on either side of the bay, their ranks ordered in a cross-hatch pattern to avoid a crossfire killing their own men. Bringing his comms unit close to his mouth, he had a plan to really kick up a storm. "Bring the H-MATs in. All of them." G99 would be his.

Sixty-five H-MATs charged the facility, their mass driver cannons tearing apart the facilities' defenses, their quadruped legs slamming on the durasteel floor with a thunderous crash that shook the whole facility. "73rd! Surrender, or die. You are outgunned and outnumbered. Any further conflict will only result in your death. You cannot win." Falon didn't want to kill them all. He knew he could though. His walkers would tear them apart and his soldiers ridiculously outnumbered the 73rd. "Don't make us kill you. We can both walk away today. You will become our prisoners, and you will be treated fairly and justly. I promise." Falon had every intention to keep the 73rd alive. They would be a useful bartering chip. Killing them would be a waste.
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