Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Flashpoint: Roche

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G99 Space
RC watched as the second wave of fire came in battering the Dreadstar. The volleys splashed across the shields making a glaring blue flash. Just beyond the Starfall all of RC's Proton torpedoes hit their marks and he watched in satisfaction as the explosion punched a sizeable hole in the G99 asteroid. The side of the asteroid crumbled giving way to the hangars airlocks. Air and moisture streamed from the airlocks freezing in bluish tinted clouds.

"Direct hit sir!"

As the alarms continued to ring RC turned to deck officer.
"All shields at ten percent power. Too much more will be a hull breach sir. Please advise."

"All soldiers in the tubes now, recall first wing, First Mate plot a reverse course transition into lightspeed jump. Pods launch in one minute last firing solution!"

RC left the bridge heading directly to the lifts. The Warlord checked his gear one last time before crawling into the drop pod. The trajectory was plotted along the same line as the torpedoes. With deft hands RC strapped himself in and locked down the seals to the pod. In seconds the countdown had begun. RC gritted his teeth. This was the part he hated. The lurch of the pod, his guts scrambling and the heat that baked the inside when it entered a gravity field.

Five hundred of Dreadstars fast attack drop pods rocketed out of the tubes. RC held on tight to the harness as his pod sped into the hole created by the Dreadstar.
As the remaining pods soared in towards the opening the Dreadstar began to push at full burn backwards retreating from the battle. The crew scrambled about strapping down for the jump. The clock continued to tick down seconds. 5...4.....3....2....1

The Dreadstar now clear of the asteroids jumped out of the battle.

Kaine studied the constantly updated map display, looking for ways he could better aid the Imperial forces in the area. He spotted one very serious threat on his map, the Ion Cannons on Nickle One, and quickly moved into action. His Star Destroyer's fighter complement had been deployed to engage the Echani awhile back, and now Kaine recalled them to now provide escort for whatever bombers were left and begin an attack on the Ion Cannons. The fighters and interceptors would provide cover for the bombers to get in close and destroy the Ion Cannon pointed towards their forces, hopefully removing that threat from the equation. The fighters moved into a defensive formation around the bombers as they veered off towards Nickle One.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"], @[member="Velok"], @[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"], @[member="Jonathan Walsh"], @[member="Jesta"]

Three different salvos of missile fire were coming at Shorn. He used the same tactics as before. After all, they had worked. For the most part.

"Fire a return salvo, target their flagship's bridge. Abandon the Red Hail. Maneuver her with our tractor beams to set her in front of the incoming missiles."

Forty-four proton torpedoes were away, heading for Walsh's bridge. A minute later, lifepods began spilling from the Anemoi-class corvette Red Hail. She had been brutalized by the Ion Cannon and would be out of action for the remainder of the battle. Shorn decided the destruction of a single ship was better than the annihilation of his entire force.

"Widen the net on the tractor beams to catch incoming missiles. Prioritize the destruction of the proton torpedoes."

Concussion missiles, unlike proton torpedoes, were not suitable for the destruction of capital ships. They carried enough firepower to blow up a starfighter, which would leave a goodly sized dent in the hull of any capital ship they hit. However, they were nothing compared to the proton torpedoes which were designed to split open superstructures and punch through shields.

The first wave of incoming missiles - like before- slowed due to the tractor beams, giving time for point-defense laser cannons to open fire. Each Rampant carried RH8 laser cannons, while the anemoi corvettes had a whole complement of AG-2G quad laser cannons. Torpedoes burst into flames, taking whole swathes of their brethren up in chain-reaction explosions. A great deal burst through, however, and rocked against the shields of Rampants, Anemoi, and Pellaeons.

The Adjudicator shuddered.

Shorn stumbled back. "Status report!"

"Shields at sixty percent and holding! No ships lost."

"Fire chaff and flares."

By the time the second wave of torpedoes and missiles came, the Anemoi corvette was in place in front of their line of sight. Furthermore, the chaff and flares which now filled space in front of the flotilla confused the targeting sensors of the torpedoes and concussion missiles. They slammed into the only thing available. The anemoi corvette.

Shorn watched with a pang of loss as the torpedoes slammed into the corvette and burst its shields. Explosions rocked the vessel before it sundered in half, spilling atmosphere and debris. At least the crew had all been evacuated.

The planetary ion cannon fired again. It aimed for Shorn's ship, however Shorn had a great many ships and without proper analyzation of the communication lines and transponder signals it was difficult to determine which one was his flagship. Nevertheless, the ion bolt headed straight for The Adjudicator. However, the ships were arranged in a wedge pattern at an angle to the ion cannon. Rampants on the outside, Anemoi on the inside, and Pellaeons inside them all. The ion bolt missed one of the Rampants by wingspan and slammed into another Anemoi-class, Zephyr. Shorn's grip on the map tightened again and his knuckles bled white for the second time. His jaw muscles clenched.

"Have the crew abandon the Zephyr. Move her with our tractor beams alongside the Red Hail's remains."

"Aye, Praetor."

By this time, Stahlmann began advancing. This had two implications. First, it cut off Walsh's line of sight. If he fired torpedoes and missiles again it would be straight into Stahlmann's right flank. Second, it meant that if the planetary ion cannon continued to fire it would risk hitting one of Stahlmann's Star Defenders. Better to be hammered in battle than to be decommissioned by ion bolts and be useless.

"All ships ahead full. Rampants, ramming speed toward the nearest star defender. Flotilla, give them a salvo of torpedoes."

Forty-four proton torpedoes sped towards Stahlmann's oncoming force.

"Turbolaser batteries, focus on that nearest star defender with all our firepower. We'll pick them off one by one."

"Sir, incoming fighters!"

"Pull our squadrons away from the engagement to the enemy's rear and bring them back around to hit the enemy squadrons engaging us from the flank. Are the anemoi-corvettes in position?"

"Yes, Praetor."

As the advance wings of incoming starfighters and bombers came within range, the two remaining Anemoi-class corvettes began to open fire. First with twenty long range laser cannons, then with 36 AG-2G quad laser cannons. The Anemoi-class carried no turbolasers, only dedicated anti-starfighter weaponry. It was a fast moving air defense platform. With a lot of guns. Starfighters started to explode.
Nickle One - Generator
@[member="Jesta"] @[member="Ben Watts"] @[member="Damon Kurosaki"] @No Sith.....

Blood lust couldn't be stopped. It could never be stopped. Deep within his heart he craved for it. The war, killing, EXPLOSIONS! "HAHhahhahahAHAha, We need more!!" Racket couldnt contain himself from over doing. Blame the nerves. He didn't but that was up to others to decide. The floor looked pretty beneath his feet. No one could see it like him.

From the wall to floor then stairs before back into Ion cannon. His bag had the goods. He needed the goods. "Don't look at me stupid. Keep shooting!!! Remmemmeber ttthhhat motto!!" All the members of the unit inside working the Ion Cannon shouted out "JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!" Racket emerged from inside with a bag twice the size of him filled with artillery on his back while clutching three land mines which had been altered to go off by the switch in his pocket or from tampering. In a flash the rodent flashed back into the courtyard where anyone would have to come if they wanted a piece. Fox man stepped in his way asking for the mines. "BBbuutt I ggettt to kkilll with thessee! Iiii brrougght themmm." Another hit from his cig cooled his nerves for a second. The guy had a convincing argument. Racket didn't want to stay remembering he had a bag of toys strapped to his back like a rocket! "Fine! BOOOOOMMM if TOuCheed!!!! HAhHAHAhAhaa!!!" The guy got the message. Racket tossed the detonator. He needed to find a safe place for his guns. In a flash he was gone.

Falon Azrakel


Despite the ground negotiations with the 73rd, Falon still had work to do elsewhere. It seemed that an Ion Cannon on Nickel One was causing issues. It seemed rather convenient that Falon happened to have sixty bombers currently without a proper objective. "TIE bomber squads, set targets to the Ion Cannons on Nickel One. Put it out of action."

The explosive force of sixty bombers would almost certainly be enough to take out any shields the cannons had, and could even be enough to destroy the cannons, should the shields be deactivated. The bombers shot forwards at the fastest speed they could attain fully loaded with explosives, weaving in and out of enemy firing lines.

"Drop your bombs on my mark." Falon was half paying attention to the business with the 73rd and half to the Ion Cannon. The Ion Cannon was second priority, given the trouble it was causing for the fleet. It needed to be neutralised, and how better to do it than with sixty fully armed bombers. "One. Two. Three. Drop!" He roared, the sixty TIE bombers dropping their payloads upon the planetary shield of the Ion Cannon, a thunderous roar echoing out into the darkness as the shield fizzled and sparked, the shield dissipating as explosions rang out across its surface. "The shield is cleared." The head of the bomber assault notified Falon, his voice happy at a job well done.

"Nicely done. Get your bombers to arm their second round of payloads." Falon wanted the Ion Cannon out of commission, or at the very least weakened enough for one of the Sith ships to destroy it. Time was of the essence. This wasn't turning in the Sith's favour. "They are armed. We will drop on your word." The man chirped through the comms. Falon knew there was no time to lose. "Drop." The sixty bombs spiralled through space, plunging towards the cannon.

(Apologies for the rapid posts, I just wanted to get this done)


Special Agent Joker
@[member="Falon Azrakel"] | @[member="Darren Brunswick"] |@[member="Rosa Mazhar"] | @A'donari Cinn |@[member="Akura Yavis"] | @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] | @[member="Ben Watts"] | @[member="Racket"] | @[member="Damon Kurosaki"] | @[member="Ardak Serifen"] | @[member="Velok"]

'Jesta another ship has approached. They are launching torpedoes on our gun. Whats are defense?' Porch commed in as Jesta sat down and watched the tunnel that lead to the generator area. Jesta sighed and spoke. "How many?" Jesta asked curiously. There was a long silence. 'Sir...we count 60...and more incoming.' He told him in a voice that that said they were screwed. Jestas eyes went wide and he turned to the Raccoon. "Change of plans my pretties mission failed." Jesta laughed running into the station and jumping down the staircase into the Generator room. Looking at the Jedi @[member="Ben Watts"] jesta smiled underneath his helmet and chuckled. "Well we are screwed. We need to leave now." Jesta told him. Suddenly the earth shook ans Jesta fell to the floor rolling and laughing like a moron. "WOOOOO AHAHAAHA!" He laughed. Getting to his feet and heading for the stairs. "Get ready to blow this popsicle stand!" He shouted to the Jedi secretly telling him to blow the bomb he had set. Running up the stairs Jesta entered the control room urgently. "Alright fellas pack it up pack it up." He said rallying his squad. They did not ask questions and quickly they all stood up and packed their. Jesta walked up to Porch and handed him a huge empty duffle bag and spoke. "You know what to do. Go get em." Jesta told him. Porch nodded and ran out the Command room and bolted out into the open area. Jesta had one more trick up his sleeve. Going to the Ion Canon he shut down the one that was being fired upon he left its shield up until it died. However once it was dead they launched another wave. Jesta powered up the third Ion canon and aimed straight for the next fleet ship Veloks. Once it fired Jesta shot another for good measure and abandoned it turning around Jesta laughed and turned on his comm. 'Bravo bring the speed.' Jesta commanded. Ordering his backup to bring him his toys. 'On our way.' They responded. Jesta packed up all his stuff and his claymores and put his backpack back on. His squad behind him they all headed out the facility and once out the front door Porch was running back to them with the duffle bag stuffed. Looking at the Senetor Jesta grinned under his helmet. "We are heading for the facility. We are going to take it back. We need you with us. You to Padawan." Jesta told them.

About ten minutes later about two dozen speeders approached their location directly in front of the Generator building. Jesta watched as ten men got off ten of then and then got onto the back of the other ten. Then the two dozen men who arrived drove off as quickly as they came in twos. Jesta smiled. Turning around at his squad Jesta gave his orders. "Alright Brutus you drive one, Porch your on the back. Nyra, Sulli, your on another. Kar you take the senators speeder that he brought and ride it to a good spot. Raccoon, your with me. Senator, the Jedi is with you. Padawan your with one of the troops below. I take point everyone leave on my mark." Jesta said getting onto his speeder, his squad doing the same except for one who left on an alternate route. He waited for the Raccoon and everyone else to climb aboard their speeders.
Space and whatnot.


While the asteroid dealt with the other wave of bombers, Kaine's squadrons learned and reacted accordingly, spreading out to avoid the fate the other missiles received. As the shields fell, the bombers unleashed their deadly payloads upon the ion cannons from the other direction, hoping this volley would take them out.

Rosa Gunn

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darren Brunswick | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Tyrin Ardik |@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]A'donari Cinn

The elbow connected with Rosa's visor knocking her head back and leaving a ringing in her ears the she clenched her jaw, one foot moving back to stabilize herself as Mikahil moved in close, his armoured fist slamming into her ribcage. She drew in a gasp of pain a flicker of fear running through her as she felt her own armour crumple beneath the gauntlet.

Her hand snapped forward, a force push aimed at Mikhail's chest, to bring the space back between them. She drew in a deep breath, exhaling her fear as best she could, before wrapping the force around Mikhail's elbows and knees and squeezing.

Lord Ghoul

@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Darren Brunswick | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Tyrin Ardik |@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Rosa Mazhar | @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]A'donari Cinn @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jesta @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Ardak Serifen

The force push slammed into Mikhail's chest. He felt the breath leave his lungs in a whoosh and stumbled back one, two, three steps. His saber came up to deflect a blow he was sure would be coming, but sudden pain flared around his elbows and knees as the Jedi began to crush down on him using the Force. Mikhail's eyes widened in pain and his nostrils flared, but pain, to a Sith, is just more fuel. It is what makes them so dangerous, so terrifying, but also reckless. Of course, Rosa was using telekinesis on Mikhail.

He happened to have some experience with telekinesis.

Shorn raised his own hand, his fury roiled inside him like a fire, razing what little walls of restraint he had left. Telekinesis lashed out to meet telekinesis. They battled back and forth with their opposing wills, struggling for control over the power of the Force. Mikhail's opposing pressure surges met the ones wrapping around his elbows and knees, canceling out the attack with his own wavefronts of invisible energy. Pressure began to ramp up. Pockets of air began to compact, until they were suddenly ruptured. The shockwave sent Mikhail skidding backward across the ground for a good five feet, his planted feet were fixed to the ground with telekinesis keeping him from being flung like a ragdoll.

The expressionless helm fixed on Rosa. He grabbed her in the Force and yanked, seeking to pull her forward... and right onto his extending violet blade.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
@[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
@[member="Seth Shorn"]
@[member="Jonathan Walsh"]
@[member="Iron Maiden"]


Utterly borked.

But with Kaine now occupying Iron Maiden's Star Defenders, Velok rerouted his own two hundred fighters -- who had been gleefully bombarding those Star Defenders, which had not deployed fighters in the race to prioritize dropships -- to his own right flank. They wouldn't get there in time to fully bolster his own fighter screen of one hundred Taral-class vessels, quick little shielded things with concussion missiles.

That was fine.

As the death wave of over seven hundred gunships, bombers, starfighters and interceptors crashed into his paltry one hundred starfighters, the Dark Lord grimaced.

As the wave passed through the fighter screen, as the Star Defenders began to trade serious amounts of fire with the Pellaeons, and the shields of the five Pellaeons began to drop at a really alarming rate - down to sixty-five percent across the board -- the Dark Lord ordered that the Verpine rep be placed in an s90 MAAT, and that every technician on the generator asteroid be sent to help @[member="Valik"].

As the survivors of the hundred starfighters continued to fight Stahlmann's small craft, the other two hundred Taral-class bomber-killers slashed up from the south to engage them.

And as the full cloud of over seven hundred bombers, gunships, small craft and assorted fighters fully engaged with the Pellaeons, all five starships triggered their overdrive banks, which could boost shields, engines or weapons by 100% for ten minutes, at the cost of reduced performance before and drastically reduced performance after.

Each Pellaeon had sixty point defense lasers, for a total of three hundred weapons, which now doubled in strength along with the nearly five hundred turbolasers that spat fire at the small craft and the Star Defenders. Mass drivers spat incredibly fast proton torpedoes in volleys of eighty. To minimize interception, the mass drivers focused on the cloud of small craft which was sandwiched between the lines, Shorn's side position, and Velok's flanking bomber-killers.

"Three hundred double-strength point-defense weapons, for an effective strength of six hundred, three hundred fresh Tarals, volleys of eighty proton torpedoes...against that monstrosity. Boom."

The Dark Lord muttered to himself as his command ship's shields dropped to fifty percent. The other vessels held steady at sixty-five.

Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Kaine Zambrano, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Velok, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Friedrich Stahlmann, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jonathan Walsh, @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jesta

"Sir, Lord Velok's Pellaeons just activated their overdrives!" shouted a pit technician below as the Adjudicator shuddered and ground beneath the bombardment of bombers and other small craft.

Seth's head snapped over to Velok's line of Pellaeons. Each one was sending annihilating waves of energy into the thousand or so fighters as well as the oncoming star defenders.

The Rampants - all six of them - were still headed at ramming speed toward the nearest star defender. Their RH8 laser cannons with an incredibly high rate of fire managed to fend off attacking swarms of fighters, most of whom went for the bigger, meatier targets of Velok's Pellaeons. Much to their chagrin. The triple-redundant shields of the Rampants would hold for a while yet.

Right now, Seth needed to add his own firpower to Velok's desperate gambit, or they could lose everything.

"Put our Pellaeons to overdrive."

The switch was thrown; the die was cast; and the overdrive banks of the Adjudicator and the Arbiter surged to power their weapons at 200% capacity. Point-defense weapons shredded fighters, adding to the Anemoi-class corvettes. The turbolasers pounded the nearest Star Defender, coordinating fire so as to maximize shield penetration and hull damage.

"Fire double rounds of concussion missiles into that mess of fighters."

Dozens of the small, speedy starcraft killers sped through the air and into the mass of fighters plaguing the Imperial lines.
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Akura Yavis @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Tyrin Ardik @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Rosa Mazhar @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Mikhail Shorn @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]A'donari Cinn


Senator Brunswick let out a wary laughter when he realized that he had managed to take down the Mandalorian Twi'lek's jetpack. "We will deal with you later senator, perhaps when you don't have jetii protecting you like concerned parents." Brunswick glared at the Mandalorian. Glancing at the Jedi Knight beside him and realizing that the Jedi was plenty occupied, Brunswick reloaded his blaster rifle and ran after the Mandalorians heading to the ion cannon. The Kuati senator reached into his pocket and pulled out a comlink and contacted Jesta.

"@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Jesta, you've got a group of Mandalorians heading towards your location." reported the senator. He followed after the Mandalorians carefully, cautious to not be noticed.
Wolan's squadron was beginning to approach Darth Velok's line of warships at increasing speed, specifically from the undefended left flank. All of his fighter pilots were engaged at full throttle, and were coming onto them fast.

"We're coming into cannon range, boys", Wolan said, on an optimistic tone. "Let's do the maneuver we've been practicing".

Just as the fighters came into flak range from the leftmost Palleon-class Star Destroyer, they did a pursing maneuver, doing a full down throttle, getting back up in a corkscrew circle. They were now directly under the Star Destroyer. Fine maneuver, Wolan thought to himself.

"Bombs away, gentlemen!", Wolan ordered

The squadron responded, firing their proton torpedoes on the bottom ship. There was nothing to stop them, as the underbelly of the cruiser had virtually no protection against it. They targeted the vulnerable hangar, trying to cause as much damage as possible before coming for another pass.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]

Upon reaching the bottom of the leftmost Star Destroyer, Wolan's squadron would quickly realize that they were in range for -- and, in fact, prime targets of -- the full half of the Star Destroyer's armament which was on the ship's underside, including thirty temporarily double-strength point-defense cannons. Considering Stahlmann's forces were focused on the three central Star Destroyers, that meant that Wolan's squadron got extra special focus from not only those thirty cannons -- plus assorted fire from Velok's nearby Star Destroyer Reviler -- but also the main guns on the bottom and rear of the left flank's Star Destroyer. Perhaps five double-strength turbolaser batteries focused on Wolan's squadron.

Their proton torpedoes vanished before impact, in a hail of fire so profound that it would blot out sensor contacts. A few warheads made it through the point defense guns to smash against the warship's shields. A truly stupid amount of firepower focused on Wolan's squadron at relatively short range.
Velok said:
@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]

Upon reaching the bottom of the leftmost Star Destroyer, Wolan's squadron would quickly realize that they were in range for -- and, in fact, prime targets of -- the full half of the Star Destroyer's armament which was on the ship's underside, including thirty temporarily double-strength point-defense cannons. Considering Stahlmann's forces were focused on the three central Star Destroyers, that meant that Wolan's squadron got extra special focus from not only those thirty cannons -- plus assorted fire from Velok's nearby Star Destroyer Reviler -- but also the main guns on the bottom and rear of the left flank's Star Destroyer. Perhaps five double-strength turbolaser batteries focused on Wolan's squadron.

Their proton torpedoes vanished before impact, in a hail of fire so profound that it would blot out sensor contacts. A truly stupid amount of firepower focused on Wolan's squadron at relatively short range.
(OOC: Velok, though your maneuver is realistic, it's extremely unrealistic that all my proton torpedoes didn't hit. At least a quarter of them should have)
Wolan, seeing that only a quarter of his squadron's proton torpedoes have hit, saw that he wasn't going to work easily. Immediately, he thought something else. He kept his squadron under, flying too fast for the enemy guns to hit any of them effectively, they would do the same maneuver they did earlier, except this time they would be facing the enemy ship's reactors. He would fire another huge salvo at them (and not in them, that's stupid) to try and disarm them., and this time no shield or armament could stop them [OOC: There's no guns behind a Pallaeon, don't even try it].

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]

As thoroughly noted in the technical specifications for a fully modernized Pellaeon II-class, the vessel boasted sixty point-defense emplacements, which are always intended to cover blind spots. As Wolan's squadron unloaded proton torpedoes into the Star Destroyer's engines, those point defense guns continued to hammer away, eliminating the majority of the torpedoes. Others vanished in the engine efflux, their hypersensitive baradium warheads annihilated by the engine wash. A good number detonated against the ship's shields, which fell to 62%.

The point defense guns continued to assault Wolan's ships.
Wolan started to feel a little overpowered by the Pallaeon's capacities. Even though he had only lost 3 fighters, most of his torpedoes scathed off Admiral Velok's shields. He had to think of something good. Suddenly, just as hope began to fade majorly, he got a genius idea.

He ordered 7 of his best fighters, who fought with him for year upon year, to do somewhat of a suicide mission. They repsonded instantly

The detachment of 7 fighters went high up, really high up, and then came back down at a 90 degree angle, outside the PDS guarding the shield generators area's targeting range, they then came in about 100 meters from it, and then made a loop at around 30 meter altitude, firing all laser guns. At this range, the shield was virtually useless, and some of the point defense system should cave in.

As that happened the rest of the squad came on, firing all weapons on the shield generators. This should lower the shields a lot

"Admiral, I recommend you fire on your rightmost Star Destroyer. Their shields are collapsing", he said.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Wolan Tsomcren"]

Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers had no vulnerable shield generator domes, but -- with enough ingenuity -- one could find one of the redundant generators. The generator damage dropped overall shields to 45%.

Meanwhile, double-strength point-defense guns continued to hammer against Wolan's fighters, and a squadron of Taral-class vessels, vastly more maneuverable than line fighters, settled in on his rear. All of this was now taking place in the immense furball of one thousand starfighters, gunships and small craft. It would now be exceptionally difficult to focus on any one target, as one thousand starfighters and small ships duelled for supremacy.
"Commander, sir, we have an entire squadron of Tallal's on our tail! Your orders?", one of the Flight Lieutenant's yelled,

"Return to the R.S.S Surprise, make sure those fighters don't follow you. I'm sending a message to Lt. Commander Jenkins to load the long range flak guns to keep those fighters off our tails."

The remaining 38 fighters then returned to the carrier, full throttle. Just as the Tallal's would begin pursuit, the Frigate's long range anti-AA batteries would open fire. Just as the lasers would come in, they squad did a maneuver, pushing downwards to evade the fire, exposing the Tallal's to the frigate's shots. They would then get back up and rush for the hangar.
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