Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Me, It Was Tuesday - SJO Dominion of the Gyndine Hex



[SIZE=11pt]Riding the coattails of Sith Empire’s conquest of Commenor, another group calling itself the Imperial Shadows has carved out its own fiefdom within the Rachuk sector, seizing the historic sector capital Vladet for its wealth and resources. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The situation on Vladet was largely unknown to the galaxy at large until locals managed to transmit a distress call. A small team led by Master Dominus was sent to Vladet to investigate under the guise of a diplomatic mission, but a second distress call from the world revealed them to either be captured or on the run ([member="Potentas"]) from the brutal regime now running the planet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]One stealth probe was immediately deployed after the Silver Order received the distress call from the investigation team, which confirmed the presence of hostile forces planetside and in space with a large fleet parked in orbit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In response to the threat, a strike team has been deployed, consisting of elite special forces and a handful of experienced Jedi commanders to soften up the planet during night ahead of the main assault group. As for the Imperial fleet, a new weapon system will be employed to handle the enemy ships in one fell swoop. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Objectives:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A. Rescue Rangers[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt][member="Allyson Locke"], assigned to transport the investigation team, has been located by her subdermal SERE transmitter operating over untraceable [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]ghostwave[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. She is being held at an old Imperial stronghold repurposed as a military prison for all POWS and local dissidents. Intercepted comms suggest that government leaders from the ousted old administration may also be held there. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Disable the prison defenses with a stealthy airstrike ([/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Yutan fighter bombers[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]) dropping ion bombs, and cripple enemy comms between the prison and capital island with jamming pods. Strike teams will then move in to neutralize the guards and rescue the prisoners. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Assuming the air strike goes off without a hitch, resistance should be minimal but expect desperate measures from the guards like the use of sentient shields. Non-lethal takedowns are advised to keep casualties at a minimum. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Meanwhile, friendly squadrons need to stay on station to intercept any reinforcements coming in by air and sea. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]B. Headhunters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Another team is heading straight for the capital to take control of the orbital defense grid (via a malware injection called "Wildfire") and to kill or capture the leaders of the Imperial Shadows. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]While war droids are dropped on top of the capital city to disrupt enemy defenders and create a distraction, strike teams will rendezvous on Padawan Potentas’ position for pickup, then work their way downtown for the final leg of their mission. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Along the way, help Potentas free Master Dominus from the clutches of the Sith. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]((Everyone will start from a flotilla of Pantera frigates in stealth mode, then you can split off to achieve your respective objectives behind the air strikes at the prison and the orbital drops over the capital.))[/SIZE]


[SIZE=18pt]1408 Latria Tower (Gyndine):[/SIZE][SIZE=18pt] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The building and street have been evacuated and quarantined by authorities after several strange anomalies have been observed and reported. People and objects were seen zipping around fast as lightning one moment or drifting in slow motion the next. Sometimes people have even been witnessed walking backward like they're a holovid being played on the reverse. Victims pulled out of the edge of the affected area have mentioned feeling several instances comparable to deja vu. Others victims appear like they’ve aged or even de-aged by several years within no time. Atomic and optical clocks within the immediate vicinity of the building have been noted going haywire from electromagnetic disturbances. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Local authorities and scientists have no idea what's happening, but they have observed that the anomaly seems to be getting more severe with each passing day and is starting to spread beyond the confines of the skyscraper. Suspecting a paranormal origin, the Gyndine government reaches out to Silver Jedi Order to assist them in investigating the anomaly and figuring out a way to stop it.


[SIZE=11pt]C. 1408[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Thus far, all conventional sensors have failed and scanning the skyscaper and the growing field of distortion. The only solution seems to be going inside the building and figuring out the cause of the anomaly from within. However, to do means risking being trapped like all the rest stuck within the anomaly. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Any Jedi with experience using flow-walking and similar abilities is highly recommended for the investigation into the mystery of Latria. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]D. A Curious Case[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Roughly a dozen victims were recovered displaying signs of either rapid aging or de-aging, the worst case being 30-year-old Twi’lek female now 23 years younger.[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]While the rapid (de)aging process seems to have slowed down after the people were pulled, it still continues at a rate of about a few months every hour. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Physicians, xenobiologists, and even quantum physicists are called in to analyze the patients under quarantine and figure out a way to save them from certain death. Head over to quarantine zone with the Silver Circle to figure out a cure.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Don’t like what you see? Bring your own objective! Gyndine, in particular, is a world ripe for many business opportunities and scientific endeavors as it is host to several megacorps and advanced shipyards. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]((Special thanks to [member="Maki Dominus"] and [member="Syd Celsius"] for the original scenarios at Vladet and Gyndine, respectively.))[/SIZE]



Confronting Darth Sorkis



Maki imprisoned in a stasis field, in a massive round room that was very dark. The only light was from dim red lanterns around the room and the blue field of the stasis prison Maki was in. Darth Sorkis donning ancient sith robes of blue, purple and red, his face pale with black circles around his eyes, short hair brown and grey in color. Darth Sorkis seen here. Sorkis circled around the cell examining Maki. Maki simply hovering in the cell followed Sorkis by turning his head. Sorkis stopped directly in front of the cell staring up at Maki. Sorkis begun to speak, his voice was old and raspy. Darth Sorkis Voice I was wondering how long it would take before you and I came face to face. Oh yes I know who you are, your mask doesn't hide your identity from me. I can see your scars given to you by your parents hidden behind that mask. You know me as well. But you know me as Jorus Dominus. Maki begin shaking his head no. Yes, it's true. Surprised? I'm sure you are, see after you killed my Daughter and son in law, it was my duty to take over what you abandoned and hunt you down and destroy you. I will not make this quick, nor will it be pleasant. Your death will cause you much suffering and pain.

Sorkis raised his right hand and lightning shot from his fingertips straight at Maki. Maki had lightning engulfing his entire body as he jerked in unimaginable pain. Maki gritted his teeth trying to focus on the force to control the pain. Maki could feel his skin getting extremely hot. After a moment Sorkis stopped. Maki let out a silent sigh. Sorkis then begin probing the mind of the weakened Maki. What's this? Jyoti Nooran, I see strong feelings for the Jedi Grandmaster, tsk tsk, not falling in love are we? No this isn't love, care deeply for her. Then I guess I know who I will be killing and making you watch. That comment made Maki angry as the room begin to shake as Maki rolled his hands into fist. The walls begin cracking. The metal generating the stasis shield begin to vibrate. Sorkis quickly raised his hand blasting Maki with lightning again. As Maki jerk in agonizing pain, everything went calm, but Maki still being engulfed by lightning was not calm. Sorkis kept it going this time for a bit longer then stopped. Sorkis then grabbed heavy objects from around the room and threw them at Maki using the force. The objects would hit Maki in the head, his chest, stomach and back. At one point a bone was heard cracking from an object hitting him. Sorkis stopped throwing stuff at Maki. Now if you excuse me, I need to see about destroying your pitiful Jedi Order. Sorkis turns and walks out of the room. Maki relaxes his body for the brief moment he had.
Team: Head Hunters​
Location: Floatilla Pantera Frigates, in orbit
Objective: Kill head of evil regime, rescue allies.​
Troops: Myrmidons (Two squads of ten)​
Draven looked down at his hand, the deformed thing which glared him in the eye without fear or remorse certainly made the jedi's stomach turn. He glanced around the ship, his newest batch of Myrmidons were all sitting in their respective seats, massive mech suits laying dormant around them, and all were rushing about with tools in hand to repair the huge suits of armor which had taken...quite a bit of time and effort to retrieve. And few of the massive armored behemoths had actually survived being ripped from their owner's grasps. This time would be different, Draven told himself, this time, they were taken from the finest of the silver troops. He had dug thoroughly into each and every man's background, and unlike before, he was searching for good men not strong men. The delicate, and volatile atmosphere which had persisted when the group had been called "Draven's Dudes" was no longer there, these were soldiers down to the last man, and all battle hardened veterans.

The ship did not shake or vibrate, as the objective of their mission was a stealth, and well...Draven had to do a lot of arguing to even be allowed on this mission after the last "stealth" mission he had been on, and the brutality which had ensued. Something that the knight had done quite a bit of meditation over. He had forced himself to relive the memories on that sandy planet, which had not phased him at the time, even brought him joy. To see slaves being drug out by their hair, tossed around like toys, trampled to death under foot, it had given Draven a distinct sense of power, but now the knight reflected on the events with...shame. He had allowed his troops to run him, to influence him, to give him orders, instead of the other way around.​
This time, he would set the tone, and every other time from here on out.

"Ladies and gentlemen," The grizzled knight called, standing at the front of the drop ship, and gathering his Myrmidons around him, along with whoever else was interested in listening. Scooting over a little crate, he would stand atop it, and say to those gathered, "We have come here for one reason, and one reason only, to liberate our allies from the enemy," A sharp, and animal like smile flitted across his features, causing the knight to look rather feral, "And cut off the head of the snake." This drew mumbles of agreement, and even a few scattered claps, which were quickly silenced with his mangled hand waving in the air to request silence, "We will drop down, and unleash havoc on those who oppose us, but remain focused, the objective, is the leaders. I repeat, the leaders. This is a blitz to the council room, and odds are, many of you Myrmidons will not return from it, but that's why we have such excellent dental plans and benefits." Scattered laughing, tough crowd. "Anyways, I just wanted to say, focus on the objective, let nothing shake you, and when in doubt, look for me." Nodding sharply, Draven stepped down.

His captain would step up, and begin issuing orders out, while Draven returned to the pile of crates which contained spare bits for the mechs his men wore, sitting down atop it and letting out a deep sigh. He was dressed in his customary medium strength armor, which had been repaired after its last battle. Rebuilt was more like it, with so much of it wrecked beyond repair, it might as well have been a new set of armor. Taking a deep breath, Draven would let the metallic hand of the war mask push up over his, face, and shake his head, preparing for what came next. Whatever that was.​
[member="Jyoti Nooran"]​

Rick Kaloo

OBJ: B (Headhunters)
Allies: [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Maki Dominus"]
Ground ops weren't Rick's specialty, but he was willing to perform them to save his fellow Jedi.
As the flotilla of stealth frigates entered the system, shuttles were rapidly deployed for the task of eliminating the Imperial Shadows on the planet. Truthfully, Rick knew very little about Vladet aside from the fact that it was under Sith occupation. But he would surely find out more soon, as he was going to be killing some of its government and military officials. While Rick knew the Jedi weren't too fond of killing, these were desperate times, calling for desperate measures.

Onboard a stealth dropship, Rick stood in a cramped metal hallway with six other Jedi. His lightsaber, Tidal Wave, was holstered on a belt fitted to his suit of armor. The transport dove sharply into the atmosphere, with Rick holding onto the nearby pole to prevent himself from falling over. Due to a lack of windows, Rick could not tell how far into Vladet the shuttle was or what sort of opposition they were facing. Instead, his ears popping were indicators of their sudden altitude changes.

A minute later, the troopship began to level out, gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance, slowly closing in. Finally, the ship stopped completely, floating two feet above an abandoned landing pad. The shuttle's stealth systems were temporarily pulled back as the boarding doors opened, revealing a bustling city, with masked soldiers patrolling in the distance. Igniting his lightsaber, Rick left the shuttle and prepared to determine who he would eliminate first.

Location: Old Imperial Stronghold (Vladet)
Objectives: Don’t break and escape
Gear: No socks :C

Breath condensed in front of her, it only meant that they had turned the temperature down even farther. Allyson did her best not to shiver, but it was inevitable as she sat there in barely anything. Looking down at her feet, she wiggled her toes wondering what monsters would have even removed her socks. She brought her knees to her chest as she examined the room around her, it was cold metal, and she blinked trying to sense if anything mechanical or even organic was around her.

Her breathing deepened as she felt the sudden pounding in her chest. This feeling was all too familiar, and Allyson had tried to block it out. A hand moved quickly to her neck as she felt the cold material wrapping around her neck. She waited to feel the Force return to her like before, twelve seconds – she always had twelve seconds with the Force returning and then leaving her again. Time went on, and the Force never returned. This collar was something different, one that she wouldn’t be breaking out of.

Footsteps were heard down the hallway, or what she assumed to be a hallway. They sounded far and as they drew near she was able to pick up that she was most likely on the farthest end. She looked over and listened as the footsteps stopped in front of her cell. Eyes closed quickly as she pretended to be a sleep.

“She’s a sleep again.” One static sounding voice spoke, it seemed almost sympathetic – if that was at all possible. “Wake her up then, she’s not supposed to sleep.” The second was rough and the door quickly opened. A hand moved across the Corellian’s face, “Wake up!”. The hard duraplast of the armor crashed into her face as she fell over slightly, but she was able to catch herself. Quickly standing, she became light headed but was determined to fight back. The lack of food and sleep wore on her as reflexes suffered. The end of a rifle found her stomach and she was back down on her metal bed. “Stay down, don’t sleep – we’ll maybe feed you tonight.” The two men laughed and left the cell, Allyson curled up on the cold metal and sighed.

She needed to figure out how to get out of here, the two Jedi she came with weren’t going to be saving her they could barely take care of themselves, her Co-Pilot was executed in front of her. Every time she closed her eyes she would see his face and hear the laughter of the soldiers that captured them. Instead, she sat there trying to figure out what she was going to do to get out of here. She couldn’t wish or hope for someone to save her specifically, she needed to keep her mind a blank slate, and she couldn’t break.

[member="Draven Dursden"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"]
Location: Pantera frigates
Objective: 1
Equipment: Standard UFARB equipment kit, EKR-20 Mass Driver Rifles
Allies: [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

Amari waited alongside his fellow Umbarans inside a Pantera frigate in orbit, awaiting the call to board the dropships that would bring them planetside. Stealth and night strikes were something he was quite familiar with, and this would be little different. An interesting aspect he was bringing into the fray, however, were the new 20mm rifles he and a few others carried. It would be interesting to see how effective they were, especially when paired with the S.E.A.R. rounds. Speaking of which...

"Make sure you've packed at least two magazines of the sear rounds in addition to your standard ammunition load," he said to his troops as they all awaited their order. "Remember the orders from higher up, no collateral damage. These will burst inside the target so they don't overpenetrate and hit civilians behind. And there may well be civilians present, so check your fire."

Some of the troopers had moved from their resting positions to the ammunition stockpile that Amari had overseen. The rounds had significant size to them, twice as large as the rounds they carried in their standard issue rifles, of which at least two troopers per squadron still carried. Between the 10s, the 20s, the light blaster cannons and Ranger pistols they were quite well armed.

"And once we land, stick to the Ranger pistols until we've been compromised. They're silent and won't give away your position too early."

Amari pressed a few buttons on his wrist-mounted display to bring up a holoprojection of the prison's layout. "Once the bombers have done their jobs and eliminated the facility's heavy defenses we'll move in and work our way towards Commander Locke's position here," he said, pointing to a red blip on the projection. "Her beacon's positioning says she should be here, in this cell block. Prisons are built to keep people in, not out, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get to her if the primary defenses are taken out. The trip back out however will be a bit more difficult."

He looked up from the projection to a pair of Corporals. "Corporal Burl, Corporal Elle, you'll keep Squads 2 and 3 here on the outside where we make our entrance. Fortify and hold the position against reinforcements on the ground so we won't have too hard of a fight getting back out. If you can commandeer enemy weapon emplacements, do it. Squad 1 will be on me, Squad 2..." he paused, looking over to Lieutenant Maru, her helmet off as she studied the projection. "Will be led by Lieutenant Maru. We'll go in along with [member="Drystan Marakos"] and whoever else we can fit in the dropships. There isn't much room on them, it'll be a tight fit until we land, but it shouldn't be a long flight."

A green light kicked on, signalling that it was time to get moving. Amari pressed a button, dissipating the projection, but transmitting the layout to his squad leaders along with instructions for their groups. "There it is. Everybody ready?"

The fighters would have already launched by now for their targets. It would be less than a few minutes before the dropships would as well.

[member="Drystan Marakos"]
Objective A: Rescue Rangers
Location: Vladet orbit

"It seems a little bizarre to have us transferred into stealth fighters, but they are loaded with ion bombs; this is an extraction mission, where there are loads of high-value prisoners to rescue by our teams after we hit our targets. As soon as we undock, activate the cloaking devices"

"Copy, Hotelier Actual"

"Look at the size of these ion bombs! We have to keep a minimum altitude, lest we get disabled ourselves"

"Keep wedge formations, the leader shall drop the bomb and then the element shall climb back up"

Varindar knew that, while these Yutans had no better handling characteristics (while de-cloaked) compared to the Chiloon-IIIs she previously flew, she couldn't fly at maximum speed while under cloak; these were about as fast as a Telepath-III while cloaked. But the ion bombs that were loaded were, in fact, much larger than normal proton bombs, at the cost of there being only two of them on any given Yutan. The upside is that they can afford to be somewhat off, but the downside is that any notion of surgical strike goes out the window. Given the size of those bombs, however, they only needed four of those to hit their targets for the rest of the mission to proceed, and every single directed-energy weapon inside the premises will be fried for a few hours. As they left their station, under cloak, in elements of three, Hotelier Squadron decided that approaching the area under several approach vectors would be best, and spend as little time de-cloaked as necessary. From the prison's standpoint, they wouldn't see Hotelier Squadron coming until the bomb is dropping.

Location: Pantera Frigates
Objective: Assault Prison Complex/Rescue POWs
Equipment: Shadow Armor, Lightsaber, Ancile Shield, Ranger Pistol, "Baroness" Vambrace
Allies: Allysocks, [member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Amari Deechi"]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Drystan Marakos, Jedi Sentinel & Bladeswoman, rested silently in a seat. Though her eyes were closed, she listened carefully to Amari Deechi give his orders... Only half-present, her attention was taken up elsewhere, as she began to stretch out her feelings.​
The group of Umbaran Operatives were direct, focused on their objective - professionals, all. It was easy for her to direct her focus beyond them... Stretching out through the vast distances of space, reaching through the atmosphere of Vladet, and seeking a quiet glimmer of The Force with-which she'd be familiar. Though it would be difficult, she was sure she'd find [member="Allyson Locke"] somewhere down there... She need only feel...​
It took her a few moments to realize that she could feel nothing of Allyson's presence... Anywhere. The woman was strong-willed and dedicated, but the Operative knew the body could only take so much. Outwardly, to anyone whom managed to glance her way in the confines of the drop ship, she would have seemed serene; almost asleep. Inwardly, however... hers was a powerful well-spring of emotion, as she assured herself Allyson would be alive. This certainty would drive her forward against all odds.​
This was a special mission for the Jedi Knight - recently, she had undergone a number of enhancements to her system; after approval through the Grandmaster of the Order, she had chosen to become outfitted with some augmentations, which would improve her performance across the spectrum. The beautiful blonde woman was well armed & armored, and a highly skilled Combatant. There would be no charismatic infiltration of this prison, no assumption of alternate identities, no acts of artifice... In short order, she would be waging war.​
As Amari finished his instructions and asked if everyone was prepared, Drystan emerged from her center-point, looking his way. Her hazel eyes were calm. She offered him a thumbs-up, visual confirmation, and replied with the echo of his soldiers, "Good to go!"
Location: Pantera frigates
Objective: Rescue Rangers
Equipment: Weapons, Saber, Nexu Armour
Allies: [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Allyson Locke"]

Tana once more checked over his current gear while awaiting deployment in the hanger bay, stealth suit, vibro blades, saber and other devices mainly in the form of stealth and hacking. He was unsure of what exactly had transpired inn the old imperial facility and how Allyson was capture, all that he knew for sure is that this mission was going to need extra care to avoid any collateral damage.

Finishing off final checks he followed behind [member="Drystan Marakos"], the other Jedi assigned to the Ubrian Rangers team, she was, how would one say disinterested in what the team leader was saying during the briefing. He did not know a lot about the women, only that she was a expert with the blade like him and well enhanced for combat, a person who excelled in battle. Perhaps she was already familiar with the plan of frocused on other issue with this recuse.

Despite how professional the Ranger were non of them were Jedi, they did not have the same senses or powers that allowed them to feel things other could not. The lack of any force presence coming from the facility made the young Jedi very questionable about what they could expect, it would not be surprising to believe such a facility had entities to nullify force users, making this mission that ever bit dangerous. "We ready to more out"?
Location: Pantera Frigates
Objective: B/ Headhunters
Equipment: Blasters x4, Lightsabers x2

It had been sometime since Gorteko had seen a battlefield, though he'd had his fights since then. Still he couldn't help but be nervous; especially with his situation of recent. Having just become a Jedi after a lifetime as a Sith, he doubted he was trusted here. Though they did accept him as a combatant when he offered to help where he could, so he needed to trust that they would trust him.

The man looked to those around him on the ship and recognized no one. It seemed he hadn't been a part of this order for long enough to really know anyone, he hoped this wouldn't pose much of a problem. His nerves however would pose a problem, so he spent the last few minutes of the fight calming himself down so that he'd have little issue doing his job, whatever that ended up being. Things happened so fast he barely understood his objective, but this was a battlefield so he could find something to do to help if it came down to it.

Once the ship landed and the other Jedi rushed out, he followed them onto the ground. He hadn't armed himself yet, believing he'd have the time to react should he need to fight. He didn't want to ignite his lightsabers yet because he had not acquired new ones and was still using his Sith weapons with their red synthetic crystals. Gorteko felt igniting red sabers while surrounded by Jedi forces might lead to a misunderstanding, trust in a stranger can only go so far after all. He then looked around for someone who seemed to have a clear objective, he would follow them if he could find someone like that.

[member="Rick Kaloo"]
Location: Vladet
Objective: B: Headhunters

Working with: [member="Gorteko Graye"] | [member="Potentas"] | [member="Rick Kaloo"]

It was...well some what of a typical deployment for the Silver Jedi Order, dropping down onto a planet to save one of their own who had been captured, who was in danger. Only this time it was nice to not be the one who needed to be rscued, but to be on the other side of the table. There were two targets for the Jedi here, Allyson Locke and Padawan Potentas, while the majority of the Jedi forces had fallen on the prison where Allyson was being detained Asaraa had opted to join the rescue mission. She knew that Allyson would be alright, that the others would get her out in time, but she had wanted to repay the favour to the order.

A pair of blue eyes flicked open as she heard a shift in the tone of the shuttle's engines, the whine of the repulsor's a warning just before the doors swung down, the wind whipping her hair backwards as she pushed herself onto her feet, hastening out into the city, the sound of explosions from the main assault echoing in the distance as she glanced down at the holographic projection deployed by the Apollo system in her gauntlet. "Ok, looks like his last known location is....over here." The girl glanced up, gesturing further into the mess of streets and buildings. "It might be worth finding Potentas before we go searching for any trouble." And hopefully no trouble would find them in the mean time.
Arrived to Gyndine in: Scorched Earth (

Wearing: 451 Suit (

Armed with: Heliosphere (Curved Hilt Orange Bladed Lightsaber.)

Wind and Fire Wheels (Twin Blue Bladed lightsabers)

Objective: Investigate building.

Twenty seven years after the Gulag Plague...

Mimban had always been a good place to set up shop for those who wanted to hide.

Miles of impenetrable jungle. Deadly predators. Poisonous insects. Even the occasional lethal anomaly with the Force. Unless you know the landscape or are an army equipped and trained specifically for jungle warfare, you'll never get to whoever chose to hide here.

Unless, of course, you are a specialized group of Consular's, who have, relatively recently, created a terrible living weapon for whom that impenetrable forest is merely fuel.

This was the problem facing these temple guards, clad in dark purple robes, armed with swords of Alchemized Durasteel, and heavy blaster rifles.

Few of them were actually Force sensitive. One group out of millions of amatuers, who'd found a tome or text written by some Sith Lord everybody had forgotten about and decided to form a cult around whatever said Sith Lord had fancied about the meaning of life. Their alchemized weapons were bargain grade, a basic bare minimum of the craft. That said, thousands of years ago, they were so uncommon that men would have betrayed and killed to obtain even these poor examples. But with the ever increasing proliferation of Alchemized items, these were no longer the once priceless relics they would have been treated as in older times.

The temple itself wasn't even all that impressive. Carved into the rock in the middle of the jungle, some great meteor that time and erosion had exposed, bu large enough that a complex could be carved into it. Not the best place for a stronghold, but it was much better than what many, many other cults were forced to make do with.

They'd even shown the foresight to alchemize the front door. They were not morons. Every reasonable measure within the budget had been taken. It wasn't as if they hadn't prepared.

They weren't the vilest sorts either. Not the really crazy ones like the Disciples of Ragnos. Hadn't even sacrificed anybody on an alter. Worst these people might have done was fry an intruder with Force Lightning. Weren't even looking for Artifacts, just studying the dark tomes they possessed.

They were low key. So low key that normally, The Resistors of Darkness might have not prioritized their destruction as much as they were currently doing. They'd have still hit the place eventually, but they would have put it off and prioritized bigger fish.

But this cult had the unfortunate luck of stumbling on something wondrous...



Entirely too dangerous to be left in the hands of second rate sorcerors.

This was the reason the Forest around them was on fire. A great orange blaze cutting a swath through the jungle, sending predator and prey fleeing before the weapon that had created it.

They could hear the sounds of fighting below them. Smelled the burning flesh. The sound of flame spreading.

These robed men stood, nervous and uncertain in their dark chamber, a round chamber of golden walls and floors, scrawled with unholy writings, its center which was surrounded by an eight meter radial trench full of a dark, bubbling liquid. At the center of that trench lay eight meter radial pedestal. At the center of that was a fountain of black, faceted stone, shaped like a palm holding a book with multiple tears in the middle of it's pages., all leaking the strange, bubbling black liquid.

Guarding that trench were four women, covered in translucent blue sheer robes, the unholy scralls on their flesh barely visible.

Their faces were covered by that same translucent material, their eyes clouded over. Their Lightsabers were old, weathered by time, simple once-silver tubes with an activation button. Hand-me-downs from their predecessors.

"It approaches, sisters..." the oldest of them, facing the door noted.

"The Construct wants the Formula..." the second oldest of the four fountain nuns noted.

"Of course it does..." the third oldest sneered. "Can we stop it?"

"We are not unskilled." The fourth oldest and last of them stated confidantly. "And that door is alchemized."

"So was the front door..." The Oldest noted wryly.

The sounds of fighting grew closer, though muffled by the heavy round rotating track vault door.

Finally they could hear it just outside the vault door, heard the screams of men as they were cooked. And then...a terrible silence.

"Third? What's directly below us?" The Oldest asked.

"That would be the apothecary..." Third answered. "Why?"

"Because, we might have alchemized those doors, but we can't alchemize this entire place..."

They all backed away as two blue blades of plasma erupted from the floor, the purple robed warrior priests backing off from the spot in front of the door the blades had come from...

(Character Theme Song Powerup)

Theme: "Girl on Fire" by Alicia Keys

The chunk of aurodium plated floor fell through, revealing that whatever was left of the Apothecary was shrouded in flame, so intense and large it did not need what had created it to continue.

What had created it floated up out of the flames, clad in a skintight red and gold combat suit, arms folded across its chest, eyes glowing orange as it's feet touched the ground.

Twin Lightsabers, silvery and with slightly longer than normal hilts, with a subtle flame pattern on their surface, floated off the clasps of its long, golden sash and into its waiting hands. Its prized hilt, taken from its first Sith, still rested against the sash, gold and red like its suit, modeled after Dooku's.

The Geist's eyes still glowed orange as she took a step forward, the others stepping back. All except for the fountain nuns.

"You are in possession of something you are unworthy of holding." The Geist said stoically, as indifferent to these foes as she was to the previous.

"And what makes your vaunted Resistors so deserving?" The Oldest asked in clear disgust.

"That is not within the purview of my objective." The Geist snapped, mildly annoyed. She had been busy studying an old artifact from the Clone Wars when she had got the call. She hadn't been subtle about it. She never was. These cultists had fought to the last, even as they burned, so she'd give them mild respect for that. It meant they understood what they guarded.

"So you are an unthinking slave, as the rumors say..." The Oldest mocked.

"I'm not a slave." The Geist replied, voice acid with irritation.

"Then what are you?" The Oldest asked, removing her lightsaber from her belt and clutching it in her left hand.

"I am simply the weapon..." The Geist answered. "Slaves are beaten. Weapons are cared for. If the weapon breaks down, its never the weapon's fault...its the wielder..."

"Convenient answer..." The Oldest sneered.

"I give one chance. Throw down your weapons and quit antagonizing me."

"You want the Formula? Why? So you can lock it away? I've heard the rumors, creature. You only exist because of The Kolda-Bratha Calculus."

"Then I understand better than most why someone like you must never possess it."

The Oldest glared with dead white eyes at her killer.

"We could undo your loyalty. Give you free will like the rest of us. Help you understand autonomy, which we enjoy."

"I was created to destroy your kind. No."

The Oldest sighed. "A slave to the last. Kill it."

The purple robed warriors rushed forward, and she weaved through the first group, her style not a pure application of Makashi, but a hybrid style of Forms One, Two, and Three. A nice, efficient, nasty technique made only deadlier by the use of two blades, that she spun around her body effortlessly in tight wheel patterns, ruthlessly parrying and then cutting down her purple robed attackers. She heard and felt the heavy blades moving for her and positioning her body out of their trajectory, retaliating lethally as her plasma blue blades cut through arms and midsections, points burning through necks and faces, even as they batted away heavy slashes and stabs, though dodging when an attack was too heavy to meet. Swords dropped or were accidentally flung out of their hands as they died, blue plasma cutting through purple cloth and leather, slashing with all the efficiency and purpose of an industrial saw. Her blades never stopped moving, never outright blocking once, just parrying and stabbing, or parrying and slashing a head off. One bought it when she feinted a man who blocked high only for her to drive the swords into his chest and scissoring his upper part off. She didn't feel anything as they died except the give of their bodies as blue plasma consumed them.

They were not that bad actually. They attacked smart, tried to overwhelm her from all sides, struck whenever one of them pulled back, never let up.

But she was the Flame Geist, and she would see these Bogan Worshippers purged.

Her blades ceased spinning only when the last of the fodder dropped, their swords clattering to the golden floor. The four Nuns stared dispassionately.

The Oldest's red blade hissed out of the recesses of her hilt...

Syd snapped out of the recollection as the Scorched Earth descended into the atmosphere of Gyndine, knowing how urgent the situation was from the moment the first reports came in.

She recognized some of the effects. But she needed to be certain, absolutely certain.

The SJO did not know what they were messing with.

She had flown there using the Force once she had parked her ship, flying past buildings at high speed, hardly paying attention to the bustling metropolis as she felt the intensity of the Magic. She had brought an ultraviolet lamp and as she landed from her Force Flight her worst suspicions were confirmed.

The Skyscraper had that particular style of Coruscant skyscrapers, smooth lines and architecture, with a steel color, trying to pose as a work of art, almost.

But then she saw the writing, glowing green across the entire surface.

The writing looked like some cursive version of Algebra, but the formulas hurt to stare at, made the eye instinctively want to glance away, the Formulas joining together, interlinked by Pentacles at key points, linking to other Pentacles in a repeating pattern across the building.

She recognized the formula. She would recognize it anywhere.

The Kolda-Bratha Calculus.

It is not a thing created by some wise and learned scholar. No formal school of magic is arranged around it, anyway. The Calculus is much older. The Calculus, if it was a thing that was crafted, it was certainly not crafted by mere mortals. Or any mortals.

The Calculus is old. Older the civilization, whispered only in the darkest most disregarded pages of myth.

For the few who know of it on an academic level, its often mistaken as a mere sterotypical 'Magic Time Travel' formula. This is inaccurate. No one, no one, has ever found that part of the Formula...if it even exists...

The Formula is not found by digging into old tombs and searching through rotting books and crystals that talk back. The Formula is of the Spirit Realm, what small parts of it the Mortal mind can understand revealed in an act of Divine Revelation, for often ambiguous reasons as to whoever is chosen for the unfathomably rare honor. Though what scraps of it that remain as a result of the revelation are fair game...though those too are rare.

But it seemed she was destined to deal with this dangerous magic. She was after all, only able to exist due to it.

But how had someone obtained such a large fragment of the Calculus?

No, Syd corrected herself. That wasn't a large part of the Formula. Not by 'its' standards anyway. But it was large by her standards. A fragment of the Calculus, big enough to fit on a stone stage, had created her...what could a whole building covered in it do. She did not know, certainly. That was what made it scary.

"It started glowing this morning..." a Chiss Male in white robes spoke, his hair cut close to his scalp, black like midnight. He was young, with a square jaw, his eyes glowing red. "Fifteen pulled from the building before the writing spread everywhere are dead now, rapid aging...or...worse...the reverse of it. I watched a grown man turn into a fetus then vanish.

"There will be more...pull your men back from the building..." the Geist told him. "...and get all available Jedi. I know what this is...none of us are safe...that's a magical formula known as the Kolda-Bratha Calculus. We need to go in and see how extensive this is, but I need volunteers to get the magical protection inscriptions painted on. I need to know how bad this is on the inside."

"Are you saying this formula can control time?" The chiss Jedi asked, shocked.

"Aspects of it. But I don't know what aspect 'this' fragment deals with. You mentioned age accelerating or reversing...but it cannot be 'that' simple..." Syd asserted, staring at the building. "I'm going to need volunteers fast..."

OOC: You need to get painted with protective runes by Syd to enter the building safely. Hi everyone!
Objective: Save PoWs and bring socks.
Fellow peeps: [member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Drystan Marakos"] | [member="Amari Deechi"]
Location: Some ship in orbit, getting prepped to drop to location.

Yuroic had been tasked with the role of saving Allyson Locke and a few other prisoners from the Silver Jedi Order. No killing, there was a likely chance that most of the people were serving the enemy to just survive, minimalising the amount of kills not only showed that the Silver Jedi were more forgiving and altrustic but that there was another way to live. If they went in guns blazing, what made them any different from the Imperial Shadows? He also wanted to reduce the amount of attention they would bring as well, getting the prisoners out would be tricky and the less noticed they were the better off. He wasn't sure how much physical strength these people might have left. If they were being starved then they wouldn't have much and having to fight or run could be too taxing on them.

It would be difficult but things were made easier with the implant in Allyson Locke, it was somewhat unnerving knowing that the Grand Master might have placed a tracker in anyone but then again, it did help locate the woman this time round. Grabbing his bow, Yuroic decided against his specialised arrows and wondered if in future he should create a non-lethal variant. For cases such as this, it would be very useful. He was wearing his armour, with expection of his helmet. Yuroic thought it be good to show a friendly face instead of an intimidating helmet, he strapped his Lightsabers to his belt and prayed that he would not need them. He was hoping for a stealthy operation, but was prepared for a noisy one. Things almost never go to plan, that was at least what experience taught Yuroic as he headed to the dropships.

Once he reached the hangar, Yuroic spotted several groups of people. "Those heading to the prison where Allyson Locke is located, I'm going to give a short brief. I want things done quietly and with minimal kills, knock out but avoid killing as these guards are just trying. We're better than the Imperial Shadows and we are not conquerors like they are. All we want to do is extract the prisoners, if we do that without killing enemies then there will be less attention on us and safer extraction for the prisoners. We're not certain on their conditions, they might not be capable of running or maintaining a fight." Yuroic cleared his throat as he moved towards the lead dropship. "I'll take a small team and head to Allyson's location, rest of you split and collect the others. Meet at the extraction point asap, our mission isn't taking down the Imps, it's getting these people to safety."

Lifting the hood of his cloak over his head, Yuroic stepped onto the dropship. Ordering the pilot to head down planetside. It was time to rescue their fellow people.
Objective: Investigate

It was interesting some fo the worlds that she got to see with the silver jedi. "You always take me to such nice places." She said it dryly but was moving thorugh the seeker class when it touched down. To go and investigate with one of the other members they are around them. Trying to find a better purpose though before she slid her lightsaber on her hip and finished sealing the tactical bodysuit. Designed for her to go explporing and cave diving the altisian jedi wasn't one to well she wasn't one to mess around when it came to the subkject and she took this position very serious as the doors of the ramp opened revealing it all.

Her lightsaber on her hip, the force whispering and she was silent listening to everything that she could, for a brief moment she thought she heard her ancestors ghost who had been messing with her in the cave but she couldn't be certain while they were all moving around and choosing this moment to really beef up some of the security and works the silver jedi were doing. Her tiny island the more she explored the galaxy continued to just get bigger and bigger but there always seemed to be more jedi types then what she had seen or experienced. Master Jarl would say it was inevitable that they would become lax.

She was moving now as the bodysuit changed coloring to blend in and she shifted it manually to a more silver/white look. Her pack on her back and hip, he saber secured to her thigh with a small clasp and her utility belt with everything that she would need. The twin carrying axes for climbing and getting around or prying things loose, tactical knife and whatever else she might be able to need or use ion the field like her survivors bow. The corellian design but dathomiri inspired bow ha been tested and worked by the altisian jedi into something better and sasori's engineers had tweaked it to have a steady stream of improvements.

Her small quiver coming off of her hip was a testiment to that and the bow was silent with heavy draw and small ultrasonic arrows. So she would handle that if she needed to before moving forward with her interest on what was happening. Stopping just enough to look at the building and seeing one fo the newer silver jedi as she stood prepared but not drawing her weapons. "What is going on?" She asked it and the other woman was in a bodysuit and she was would fiery make too much of a joke? She was curious though so the jedi kngiht was moving in but observing all that was around her and around them before making a final decision.



Confronting Darth Sorkis



Maki begin channeling the force, calling it to him, focusing on it. The metal stasis field generator begin to vibrate and then it crunched up and broke the shield around him. Maki collapsed to the ground overwhelmed in pain. Maki focused on the force to sustain his pain. Maki walked to a box where his lightsaber was, Maki opened the box and took his saber. Maki then exited the room to see two troops guarding the room. Maki activated his purple lightsaber and quickly killed both troops before they could catch onto what was happening. Maki turned right and followed the long halfway down. As he walked, he noticed the hallway was much like the meeting room he was in when he first arrived on the planet. Maki then heard a wookie growl, it came from a door nearby guarded by two troops. Maki used force crush on both troops crushing their helmets killing them.

Maki walked up to the door and cut the door down with his lightsaber. Then out of the darkness came out a 7'6" Wookie, his fur was black, and brown, some of his hair around his head was in dreadlocks, and wore chest and shoulder armor. The wookie roared and thank you, telling Maki that the wookie now owed him a life debt and that his name was Taraka. Maki nodded. You don't owe me anything, but I know your traditions and I will accept it, help me by going out to the city and helping the Silver Jedi Order fight these imperial freaks. Taraka roared in acknowledgment and started heading off. Maki proceeded on looking for Sorkis, Maki knew he was close he could feel it. As Maki patrolled the halls, he came to a window and peered out the window watching the fight ensue in the city. Maki then stepped away from the window, as he turned around he was lifted up and thrown through the window by a force blast. Maki fell 3 stories and landed on a hard concrete balcony. Maki laying on his back looking up through his visor to see Sorkis come flying out the window. Maki tried moving but was in too much pain to move. Sorkis landed next to Maki jabbing his red lightsaber through Maki's side where there was a gap in his armor. Maki yelled in pain under his mask from the lightsaber stab.

Sorkis retracted his Saber and stared down at Maki. My dear grandson, you've betrayed your family name by becoming a Jedi, and because of that, I took what's yours, didn't you recognize these troops? This was your military from when you were the Dark Lord, but they are mine now and they are going to eradicate your Jedi order, and you've been a thorn in my side for the last time, now you'll die. What Sorkis didn't realize was Maki was gathering his strength as his grandfather spoke. Sorkis raised his lightsaber in the air to kill Maki. Maki however used the force to blast Sorkis back and made him fall on his back. Maki got to his feet just as Sorkis did and both men swung their lightsabers at each other locking themselves into a lightsaber duel.
Location: Planet Side, in the city, crash landed in a pavilion drop site.​
Objective: (Bring your own objective) Join up with war droids, and make a lot of noise .​
Allies: [member="Asaraa Vaashe"] [member="Gorteko Graye"] [member="Drystan Marakos"] silver jedi in general.​
Team: 20/20 Myrmidons​
"GO GO GO," The knight roared as the Myrmidon's dropship came crashing down to earth, a stray blast had clipped their tail, and things had not gone according to plan for them. The drop ships filled with war droids began to set down as the Myrmidon's came skittering into the capital area, defenders already beginning to mobilize and lay down heavy fire, the back of the Myrmidon's drop ship flapped back and forth, completely and totally blown open, leaving them cornered in the tin can like fish in a barrel. The knight grunted, "Myrmidon's forward!" And the shock troopers began to blast out of the back of the ship, taking up defensive formations around it, those massive chain guns they carried spewing suppression fire at any defender who looked their way.​
This was exactly what the Myrmidons had been designed for, heavy, intensive, short ranged battles where they could decimate enemy lines and back out once their job had been completed. Or at least Draven had hoped they would be able to back out, assuming the head hunter group got a move on. They had crashed in a pavilion like area, a water fountain serving as their main source of cover as the lumbering mechs continued to return fire at the scattered, but rapidly mobilizing enemy forces.​
Before they had launched, Draven made a split second decision, and decided to accompany the war droid force. The head hunters had plenty of jedi, and he didn't trust a hunk of junk droid as far as he could throw it.​
Now on the ground, Draven was a quite noticeable figure, his massive broad saber glowing with unstable power as he leaped through the pavilion, reaching the enemy lines and engaging. The clear, filtered oxygen blasted his lungs underneath the battle mask as Draven sliced one of the defenders clean in two, screaming abruptly being cut short as he decapitated another. He wondered, would they send a force user to come and meet him on the field? Or would he have to make more of a ruckus to get noticed?​
The Myrmidons were all now forming a rough line in front of the ship, digging in to freshly blasted craters, and behind debris from the surrounding buildings, slowly but surely pushing the enemy back from the pavilion and into the city. They only needed Draven's signal, and a good charge, to wipe out the wave of first respondents, nobody lasted long in melee combat with the myrmidons. Be it with the massive pistols that obliterated a man's whole body with each shot, or the crushing fists and boots of the mechs, enemy troops would fall like blades of grass.​
The dropships were away, somewhere behind the bombers, and whatever stealth mechanisms they had equipped were activated to prevent ground forces from spotting them too early. Along with his fellows he found himself sharing a dropship with [member="Tanaski Yumi"] and [member="Drystan Marakos"] despite its small interior. Being paired with Jedi was nothing new to him, as his Rangers were often tasked with it, though it was the first time he'd met these two. The blonde woman in particular appeared a bit distressed, though she did well to hide it.

"Is Commander Locke a friend of yours?" he asked [member="Drystan Marakos"] as the ship bucked slightly, a sure sign they were entering the atmosphere. "I can't say I've had the pleasure of meeting her, but if all goes well today, perhaps I'll have the privilege."
((This takes place a short while before the raid happens in present time.))

Location: Sethlan Imperial Prison
Objective: A (Interrogation)
Opposition: [member="Allyson Locke"]


Lord Vogt, Prison Warden​

A few minutes after the chortling guards left the cell, the Warden entered the cell, closely followed by a large black spherical droid. In her line of work, the Corellian should have been quite familiar with that particular model of droid.

The Warden didn't say anything at first, just staring down at the sorry pilot before him while running a thumb over her confiscated wallet, giving her a chance to straighten up.

"Welcome to Sethlan, Commander Locke," he said finally, a baritone voice given a metallic ring from his helmet's vocoder. "I hope everything has been to your liking."

Over the past couple days, she had been roughed up by the guards (though not actually tortured) and often kept in stress positions without hope for sleep in the cold dank cell. All the while, she had only been offered a few cups of water and tasteless nutrient bars with the consistency of hard tack. Every so often, some guard would come to question her, but they weren't serious about it, mostly shouting sessions to unnerve her.

It was all to soften her up for this moment.

"Imagine my surprise netting a former pilot of Rogue Squadron, and an SIS agent of all people...small galaxy. What's someone of your prestige doing working as a glorified shuttle pilot?"

[member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"] [member="Drystan Marakos"]
Location: Sethian Imperial Prison
Objective: A
Opposition: [member="Lucent Echo"] (Lord Vogt, Prison Warden)

The door slid open and Allyson rolled her eyes, what did they want now? The sound of a droid echoed in her ear and she looked over to see the hooded and masked figure. What was up with everyone wearing a mask now a days? First it was that Jedi she was with and now this dude. Allyson sighed and sat up, but when her eyes made contact with the floating black ball, she stiffened. She knew what that was and it wasn’t the first time she had seen it.

Rumors about the interrogation droid were all true and never gave it justice. The droid was something only a sick and twisted individual would make up. He said her name and rank, an eyebrow raised as she looked to his hand to see her wallet. The Corellian held her breath as she stared at the wallet and then looked back at the Warden. Shrugging slightly, she didn’t answer doing her best to keep her sarcasm to a minimum. The last time she was in this situation it didn’t do her any favors.

He continued to speak and then he mentioned off her credentials and it made her chest tighten, but she did her best to keep any emotion from her face. Then the warden decided to ask the question that she was most annoyed with.

Another shrug and the Corellian smirked, “Oh you know had to fly around a lovely diplomat that required a gentle hand. You know diplomats these days – can’t figure out the difference between the yolk and other things.”

She quietly sized up the warden, then spoke again. “You know, it’s a bit chilly in here – could you turn up the heat. I mean I’m all prestigious and such – so I’m a guest here in your lovely prison.”
Objective A: Rescue Rangers
Location: Vladet orbit -> atmo
Allies: [member="Amari Deechi"] [member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Now that they split up, they were approaching their targets, with the dropships some distance away, but trailing them. Hotelier Squadron was closing in but, as usual in a stealth mission, Varindar preferred telepathic comms to regular comms; they were much harder for a NFU enemy to intercept than regular comms, even encrypted. Because she knew that, even if it took forever to tell the content apart with known decryption techniques, comms would give their position away, which would still be an exploitable weakness. And yet, because she could detect a dark signature in the Force that suggested a Force-user was around, probably some Sith, she'd rather keep to radio silence, and just wait until they are about 600-700m above ground to de-cloak and drop the payload near critical areas of the prison. Once those gigantic ion bombs were dropped, time was short for the pilots to re-cloak, so as to make it short enough for the security guards to be confused about their entire predicament. And then these bombs crashed on the ground a few seconds later, releasing their ionic payload in four humongous explosions.


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