Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [GA | Allies | Neutral] Hapes Charity Event




Hester walked carefully, taking delicate steps into the gathering. She had spent a lifetime in the spotlight and was now growing accustomed to a new role: the background mover and shaker who shaped destinies from the boardroom rather than the floor of the legislature. Her days in high government and planetary administration were long past, though she remained intricately involved in the affairs of Hamra, the Southern world that served as home to her industrial empire—and, some whispered, her alleged criminal operations. She dismissed these accusations with a smile whenever they resurfaced.

Hester exuded a commanding presence, her tall, statuesque figure draped in a sleek, metallic gown that clung to her with precise elegance. The lustrous silver fabric shimmered under the ambient lighting, seemingly molded to her body like a second skin. The design was minimalist yet dramatic, with long, flowing sleeves that extended like wings, lending her an ethereal, almost otherworldly air.

Her trademark fiery red hair was styled in a sophisticated updo, highlighting the sharpness of her features—a high forehead, defined cheekbones, and piercing almond-shaped eyes that suggested both intelligence and intensity. Her porcelain skin contrasted vividly with the deep crimson of her lips, drawn into a confident, almost imperious line. Despite her sixty-five years, she remained a defiant and stoic beauty.

Hester's aura was one of power and control, a figure who had navigated the complexities of business and society with calculated precision. The stylish setting, with its curved metallic arches and cool, sterile lighting, further emphasized her role as a visionary industrialist, a woman who was both part of and above the world she had helped to shape. Tonight, she was here to mold new attitudes.

As CEO of Sterdo LLC, Hester had achieved great wealth and success, yet her influence was now wielded through her vast fortune rather than her once-peerless political acumen. She took a drink and surveyed the room, feeling a pang of solitude. Thirty years ago, she would have been the sensation of the evening; now, she was unlikely to even merit a mention in tomorrow's papers. The vast nation she had helped to shape, and once presided over, was long gone. Her tenure as Viceroy of Scarif had been incredibly successful, a legacy she still held onto tightly.

Hester smiled faintly, ready to begin her new journey, no longer the center of attention but still very much a force to be reckoned with.


Objective I - Hapan Ball
Outfit: x x x x | Equipment: x x x x x x
Interacting with: Aris Noble Aris Noble

"Great! Yeah, I'm sure they must have Juma Juice!" Zaiya blurted out, her voice bright and eager to push past her embarrassment. Without a second thought, she grabbed Aris's hand and started pulling him forward, a whirl of soft, gossamer fabric trailing in her wake. So much for that whole promise to keep her hands to herself unless necessary -- her mind got swept up in a wave of needing to move, her fluttery feelings taking a backseat to more pressing matters. Like drinks. They really needed to find the beverages.

She was so lost in her own thoughts that she barely even noticed the shift in her usual touch. Normally, Zaiya's emotions spilled out through the connection, giving off warmth or nervous energy like a gentle pulse. But her practice with mental barriers was paying off, at least for now. The empathic guards she'd been working on held firm, muting the usual resonance that would flow between them. It kept her emotions from seeping into Aris's awareness ....but it also meant she couldn't feel the little jolts of happiness or confusion that might have been radiating from him from his thoughts. All she got was the sensation of his hand, steady in hers, but it felt oddly... distant, almost cold compared to what she was used to.

Funny how she had gotten so used to be able to feel him.

They barely made it halfway across the ballroom before Zaiya got completely sidetracked by the sights. The grand Hapan ballroom was everything she'd dreamed it would be -- opulent, dazzling, with twinkling chandeliers and a sea of shimmering gowns. She was instantly drawn in by the swirl of colorful fabrics, glittering jewelry, and the way the dancers spun gracefully across the polished floor.

"Oh... whoa," she breathed out, her steps slowing as her eyes went wide, taking it all in. The awe painted her face in a cascade of iridescent hues, soft colors shifting across her skin like ripples on water, trailing down her arms in delicate patterns.

"So beautiful," she whispered, her voice hushed with admiration. The excitement she'd felt earlier reignited, and a soft golden glow returned to her rosy-golden skin. This was her first gala, her first taste of a world so grand and full of life. She couldn't help but let herself get swept up in it, letting the thrill of it all light her up from the inside.

After all, she reminded herself, this was a night to enjoy. For just a few hours, she could let go of her worries, let go of the awkward crush she was trying so hard to bury, and just live in this moment. Zaiya turned to Aris with a grin, eyes sparkling with excitement, giving her signature little delighted bounce. "We should totally dance later!"

Objective: 1 Hapan Ball
Tag: Tarw Rhyfelwr Tarw Rhyfelwr

“Well I did hear some people talking at the other end of the bar. They said there is a disco rave right in the middle of the Jedi Temple. I doubt it’s true though.”

Her eyes still showed a burning desire to sneak in and find out even though she knew it was rubbish. Holly loved secrets.

“Sounds like a good gig. What’s your name?”

She finished cleaning the bar and then sat out a bowl of popcorn for the patrons to munch on.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Factory Judge
Interacting with Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

It didn’t take too long for Noah Corek Sr to find the bar, he was like a bloodhound when it came to sniffing out where to get a stiff drink. Leaning against the bar top he was quick to flag down the bartender and just as quick to order a glass of tihaar, a Mandalorian drink for the Mandalorian of course. An eyebrow was raised at the peculiar order but was met with a shrug before it was quickly fulfilled.

Drink in his hand Noah turned around and leaned against the bar and observed his surroundings, seeing if he could find anyone he knew here. He of course noticed Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , the Sword and Shield of the Jedi drawing the attention of almost all of the room. He had tried to get his own better halves to come but they had refused and so he was here stag.

The fiery mane of Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was of course noticeable as she talked, mostly likely business, to a Skakoan man whom he assumed was a trade representative of some sorts.

His attention was however drawn to the young man who approached and extended his hand, a smile coming to his face as he reached his own hand out to grasp the newcomers. “Makai, it’s good to see you. It has indeed been a long time. I’m doing well, as is the family and the business. One of the only upsides to war is companies like mine tend to get an uptick in business. Speaking of family…I hear that the Dashiell-Arceneau family will be expanding soon…congratulations.”
"Ah, apologies. I find it hard to stay in one place for too long before it starts to feel like my skin is crawling."

Eloise blinked. She was beginning to wonder if this guy might have some issues, but whatever. He was cute and he could tango? Yes please.

"Care to dance?"

"Hell yeah," she agreed enthusiastically, taking his hand. They made an odd pair, given the difference in their heights, but she didn't care if people stared. "I don't know how to tango, but I've always wanted to try it." She'd follow his lead out on the dance floor.



Charity Events and Galas, the homes to Socilites, and the hunting grounds of those seeking power, fame, and even fortune if they were able to get their claws into the right heiress or widower on the cusp of their final breath. It had been some time since she had frequented or attended such an event, and even now she found it vexing that she couldn't seem to remember the last time she had been in attendance. Perhaps it was during those years spent with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or perhaps it was even earlier when she called the Commenor Systems Alliance her home. Either way, it had been longer than she could remember nor cared to admit, yet, she still found herself pushing into the depths of the wardrobe and pulling free what had to have been an ancient garment of hers that she'd not worn in an equal amount of time.

A soft smirk crossed her lips as she thought back on those earlier years, the days when she found herself a bit more revealing and open when it came to her desires and permitting others to see her beyond the facade of warrior and destroyer that she so often wore. As she stepped in front of the mirror, it was clear that it had been some time since she'd worn the article, feeling the tightness of the corset more than she remembered, though she still appreciated how it flattered and accentuated her figure. Her slender fingers slipped over the cloth, pushing away a few wrinkles as they traced along her side before slipping over her hips, feeling the intricate details of the embroidered design that was inlaid with semi-precious gems and crystalline beads.

It was likely the first time that many in the Alliance would have seen the woman in this manner, and she was already taking mental notes as to whom was likely to not recognize her or think she was another individual. Those thoughts alone, to be seen as other or not recognized, brought a softer smile to her lips that tugged at the edge of her mouth even as she carefully pulled her long tresses of hair into a high and tight bun. She wanted nothing to distract from the other accenting articles she wore that night, and having her hair down in her usual manner would have hidden both the earrings and the stunningly detailed Songsteel Gorget that was resting against her neck and plunged over her clavicle and sternum. Pleased with the outcome of the preparations and the time it took to prepare herself, both mentally and physically, all that remained was to pull on an equally stunningly designed bracelet that complimented the rest of her outfit before she was ready to arrive fashionably late.

The Hapes Cluster had a nasty habit of consistently being bright due to its multiple stars and the transitory mists, though she was thankful enough that she would be able to attend and avoid much of the sunlight once she arrived in the Royal Palace. However; the pain from the slight burns that she endured, both to attend and in the name of beauty, was still an annoyance - so much so - that she wore what many would describe as a resting face belonging to a rather unsavory term for a female. Amelia kept her attention forward, focused, as she made her way down the hallway towards the Ball Room, the music already filling the air and dancing down the corridor as she made her entrance, the Supreme Commander of the Galactic Alliance, not in mere armor or formal uniform as many would think; rather, arriving dressed in a gown that revealed her figure and form.

Golden-yellow hues slowly surveyed the room, falling upon those others in attendance before they settled upon a familiar face, an old acquaintance from the years gone by. A smirk tugged at the edge of her lip, revealing a hint of her fang for a moment before she composed herself and stepped forward to close the distance between herself and Hester Shedo Hester Shedo , the fiery woman who had reestablished herself in the Alliance, and whose conversation with Amelia had previously been cut short due to unforeseen circumstances.

"Fancy seeing you here..."

Her voice trailed off into the air as she leaned forward from behind Hester, allowing her lips to nearly brush against the woman's ear before she pulled back and stood up straight. Amelia's hands remained at her sides, brushing against the fabric of her dress slightly as she kept her attention, for the moment, fully upon the corporate magnate before her. After all, flirting with the Hapan Queen Mother Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray could come later once she'd had time to catch up with her old friend for a second time.



"I'd be doing things wrong if I didn't tempt you, mm?"

His eyes never left her, even as she looked around the room mid twirl. For him, he didn't need to see the people around them. There were plenty here, all talking, all enjoying their evenings in their own ways. Didn't matter. Valery was the only thing that mattered. He pulled her close again, smirking for a moment as the music tempo increased. Good.

He pulled her along in their dance, guiding her to spin, twirl, and dip with practiced ease. An advantage of being raised royalty, learning how to dance.

"I wasn't exaggerating that I'd rip the Force apart to bring you back if I had to. That hasn't changed in the slightest."

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Red Dress~ | Wedding Ring

"I'd be doing things wrong if I didn't tempt you, mm?"

"Two can play that game, love," Valery purred as he pulled her close, her eyes locking onto his with a passionate intensity. The ballroom was filled with friends and familiar faces, but none of them mattered tonight — only him. He was her world in this moment, and she was more than willing to be caught in the spell they were weaving together. As the music swelled, she grinned, sensing the perfect opportunity for them to steal the spotlight.

With Kahlil's expert guidance, they moved effortlessly across the dance floor, his every step commanding and assured. Valery matched his pace, her body responding to his lead with a natural grace, her movements fluid and enticing. He spun her, her body pivoting elegantly on her high heel, her ponytail with its curled ends sweeping through the air like a ribbon. She laughed, a sound filled with both delight and desire, as he drew her back in.

Then, with practiced ease, he dipped her low, his strong arms supporting her as her back arched, her body curving seductively closer to the ground and to him. The world around them blurred, leaving only the sensation of his hold, the heat of his gaze, and the electricity that crackled between them. Her breath quickened, her chest rising and falling in rhythm with the pounding of her heart.

It was overwhelming.

As he pulled her upright again, their faces were mere inches apart, her lips hovering tantalizingly close to his. "I never doubted it," she whispered, her voice a mix of confidence and raw emotion.

But he wasn't getting his kiss just yet — not before the music faded away into the night.

"I love you so much, Kahlil," Valery said as she spun away again, only to return with those same raw emotions in her fiery gaze, "I know I say it all the time, but you've been my everything and you always will be."

As she finished her declaration, the music began to slow, the notes lingering in the air like the final breath of a long, beautiful story. The world around them grew still, the other dancers gradually coming to a stop as the last notes of this song echoed through the ballroom. Valery's heart raced, her body coming to rest just inches from his, their movements perfectly in sync with the dying melody.

And then, silence.

Kiss me.




OPEN TO ALL: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

Hester felt Amelia's presence before she heard her voice, a subtle shift in the air that spoke of familiar yet dangerous energy. As the golden-yellow gaze settled on her, Hester didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The smirk in Amelia's voice, the slight graze of her lips near Hester's ear, sent a shiver down her spine—not of fear, but of anticipation.

"Amelia," Hester murmured, her voice a low, almost purring acknowledgment. She allowed a slow smile to curve her lips as she turned to face the woman, her piercing gaze locking onto Amelia's with the same intensity that had once ruled boardrooms and senates alike. "Fancy indeed. Though I've never believed in coincidences, have you?"

She took a step back, not out of retreat, but to appraise Amelia fully, letting her eyes roam with the same keen assessment she reserved for rivals and allies. Hester was a woman of control, but Amelia had always been one to test the boundaries of that control, a fact that intrigued and perhaps even delighted her, though she would never admit it aloud.

"It seems unfinished business has a way of catching up with us," Hester continued, her tone now layered with both warmth and the steeliness of someone who had navigated through the treacherous waters of power for decades. Her gaze flicked briefly to the Queen Mother across the room, then back to Amelia. "But then, I've always preferred to finish what I start."

Hester extended a hand, a gesture both welcoming and challenging, her smile deepening as she anticipated the verbal dance that was sure to follow. "Shall we?"


Nursing her second glass of champagne, Cora kept to the periphery of the women. A man in a smart suit approached, introducing himself as Alex and soaking up the immediate flattery.

She almost felt a sense of duty as the rumor about Valery continued to blaze. That was, until the gentleman redirected them with some gossip of his own.

Allegedly, one Lady Corhaa had a habit of snacking on grass. Cora's lips pursed to hold back a sudden snicker. Either Alex had been sowing this particular rumor elsewhere in the ballroom, or he hadn't been the one to come up with it, because the woman in question quickly identified herself.

It was hard to miss the beauty with silvery hair and a pair of massive horns, especially as she fixed her glowing gaze on a group of Hapan noblewoman and verbally put them in their place.

"If you believe I eat grass, I leave you with this. I do tend to enjoy eating fruits. Especially plump peaches. Take this information however you like."

Cora couldn't hold back a trickle of a snicker, though a touch of pink dusted her cheeks at the vague insinuation. Her nose scrunched in momentary delight as she raised her glass to Alex.

"It appears as though you've been fact-checked."

Alexander Hayes Alexander Hayes


Carlo’s ever-present smirk played across his pale features, and his sapphire eyes gleamed with a playful light. "A blank canvas is the best to work with," he teased, his tone carrying a hint of mischief.

As he gently guided her toward the dance floor, his voice softened, "Just follow my lead and trust me. The tango is like a conversation, but without words."

Positioning himself before her, his left hand rested lightly on her waist while his right hand held hers with firm yet graceful assurance. Noticing the slight height difference, his smirk softened into a more genuine smile as he tilted his head to meet her gaze.

"Ready?" he asked, his voice laced with a blend of anticipation and reassurance.

Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn
Eloise and Carlo walked out onto the floor. Other guests danced around them while he showed her the proper placement of hands and feet. He seemed to be in his element here, his posture relaxed and his smile genuine as he tilted his head up to meet her gaze.

"I'm glad I didn't try to wear heels tonight," Eloise remarked, grinning down at him. It would've made dancing much more difficult, to say nothing of increasing the disparity between their heights.

"Just follow my lead and trust me. The tango is like a conversation, but without words. Ready?"


And they were off. Sort of. Eloise had no idea what she was doing. The tango was very different from the sort of dancing she was used to. She hesitated to call it refined, as that would've implied the graceful gyrations of the Shaal and the prancing leap of the Zaathri on her homeworld were primitive. But it certainly seemed more complicated when she was fumbling her way through the steps.

She kept trying, gradually improving as she settled into the rhythm. He had called it a conversation without words, so she figured there was no talking. But she couldn't resist asking him, "How am I doing?" She sounded startlingly vulnerable, in a way that the usually flippant and haughty girl might never have seemed capable of before.

A soft chuckle escaped Carlo's lips at her remark. "I'm glad I opted out of heeled boots myself. They make dancing rather difficult." The dance floor, much like the grand events that accompanied it, felt like a second home to him. His ease and confidence were evident in every step and movement, a natural grace honed over years of practice.

Once she confirmed she was ready, Carlo began the dance, keeping the tempo slow and steady, allowing her to get comfortable with the rhythm and flow of the tango. The dance brought back memories of his own early lessons, the countless hours spent perfecting each movement, driven by a relentless desire to master the art.

As he noticed her quickly adapting, Carlo subtly increased the pace, the rhythm becoming more dynamic. His pelt cloak flowed with every step and turn, adding a dramatic flair to their movements. With a light, genuine smile, he complimented her, "You're doing perfectly. A fast learner, indeed."

Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Noah Corek Noah Corek

“Makai, it’s good to see you. It has indeed been a long time. I’m doing well, as is the family and the business. One of the only upsides to war is companies like mine tend to get an uptick in business. Speaking of family…I hear that the Dashiell-Arceneau family will be expanding soon…congratulations.”

"It is good to hear the family and business is well. Unfortunately this is a harsh reality of war and business. Salvage is through the roof, between the space battles and rubble clean up on the ground, Dad is up to his neck in work. Its disheartening to see all the destruction at times but we've rapidly expanded the workforce, focusing on refugees, so a small bright spot in the chaos."

Makai sipped his drink and nodded at the mention of the expanding family. He had told Corek Junior when they met last, thinking it prudent when he was on his tour of sharing the news. He was happy most of that was over, it was a bit exhausting. He had told Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell that next pregnancy they were merely sending out a mass text message and calling it a day.

"Thank you. Myra and I are very excited, as is the rest of the family. Can't wait for the kid to get here, I'm sure Danger will have the baby on the trade routes by month three. Got to start corporate dominance early."

The half-Galan chuckled at his own assessment before continuing.

"I've been trying to hook Junior up but he's very resistant."



Make a Wish
Palace Fountain, Hapes
- Shan Pavond Shan Pavond - Open -

The corner of Alicio's mouth twinged in sympathy at the young Jedi's plight. "Trust me, missing family is nothing to get bored over. If Val couldn't help, I don't know how much better I'd be, but I can keep my eyes open." Alicio's mother was... not with them, anymore. Shan looking for his hit him a little closer to home than he let show.

"I don't think that wish is selfish either. Wanting your family to be safe and grow up healthy is a completely normal wish. Anyone would want that. Now if you were wishing for your family to be safe at the expense of another family, that's a different story."

"Mmm. I suppose not." Some hidden, coy twinkle lit the senator's eye. That had been his point all along. Shan hoping his family was safe wasn't a selfish wish. Alicio had mirrored him to make the Jedi reconsider. Not that he'd say it out loud, now.

Shan's view of peace caused Alicio to hide his hands within the folds of his cloak, pensive. "Not only is lasting peace impossible, I think it's immoral." He let his eyes scan the Mirialan's, looking for his reaction. "There's always a battle worth fighting. Peace means we don't see it, or worse yet, we turn a blind eye."

It was a proactive viewpoint, one he'd shared in the senate, and with close friends before. But from an Alderaanian, and a Jedi's husband, it was an odd stance to take.
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Zane met her compliment with a warm smile, but he couldn't help but notice a flicker of something in her eyes — apprehension, perhaps, or maybe a lingering uncertainty. The soft blush coloring her cheeks only deepened the contrast as she quickly averted her gaze to the crowd, as if seeking an escape from this very moment. Yet, she hadn't turned him down. Instead, there was a spark of excitement in her playful smile when she accepted his offer to dance.

But once more, her attention drifted back to the crowd, her thoughts seemingly miles away.

Was she waiting for someone? Or was there something weighing on her mind?

"They do," Zane agreed, his voice gentle, though his eyes remained on her, refusing to let the crowd steal his focus. To him, she was the only one in the room that mattered. But a nagging thought crept in — was his presence causing her unease? Did his approach stir up memories she'd rather forget, or fears she wasn't ready to face?

He took a slow breath, willing himself to bridge the gap that seemed to widen between them with each passing second. His hand brushed against hers, a light, reassuring touch that he hoped conveyed his intentions. "But, if I'm honest," he said, his tone softening, "All I've noticed tonight is you."

His words hung in the air, as he allowed her the space to process them. He didn't want to push, but he also didn't want to let this moment slip away without making it clear that he was here, for her, and that he was more than just the pilot she might be cautious of.

Zane gently offered his hand to her, inviting her into the dance with a smile on his lips, "Come on," he whispered, his smile inviting her back into their shared space, away from the distractions of the crowd and whatever worries clouded her mind.

"Why don't we leave the drinks and go dance, eh? Make this Gala worth remembering."

"The last news I managed to get to do with her was that some Sith had bought her from a Slaver. The trails ran cold for now...but I plan on picking it back up. Eventually. It's just a matter of time."

Shan continued to stare ahead of himself, clenching his jaw at that thought. There was no point in him stressing over it. She was still out there. He was sure that if she wasn't, he'd have felt it by now. It was nice at the very least to talk about it however. Having kept it inside of himself had only been adding unnecessary stress for the Mirialan.

"Not only is lasting peace impossible, I think it's immoral. There's always a battle worth fighting. Peace means we don't see it, or worse yet, we turn a blind eye."

"Heh. The younger me who joined the Jedi would have called you out for that. I used to believe any form of fighting was wrong. I couldn't believe how in any way it could be a good thing. I couldn't wrap my head around the Echani, or the Mandalorians. I used to think I had some form of...moral high ground because I saw myself as "better" than people who fought. Though I've had too many experiences now that have pointed out how foolish and ignorant I was."

Most of those experiences had been with battling against Sith...but there had also been experiences that had given him people he wanted to protect. Even if they could protect themselves. Zaiya. Ko. Colette. The other Noble kids. Braze. There were honestly too many for him to name now.

"Galactic peace is impossible. There will always be some form of strife or suffering. The only kind of peace I think that is possible is personal. To be at peace with your life and where you are."

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa
"I saw no need for a handbag this evening," Olivia said with her characteristic robotic delivery. "I did not even bring a gun and my lipstick fits in my bra." She lifted a hand to the neckline of her dress and tugged it to confirm that the lipstick was where it ought to be. She took a sip of the champagne and forced herself to swallow. It would not do to offend their hosts, after all.

"Not to worry, Mr. Veillion," Olivia continued, adjusting her necklace self-consciously. "I keep my bank account details on hand at all time and I know what is expected of me. Luckily for me, my husband's untimely death coincided with my own person becoming radioactive to polite society, so it has been awhile, admittedly, since I have been invited to one of these idiotic soirees."

Her free hand smoothed the lavender fabric of her dress. "Luckily for all of us, my rehabilitation is directly related to how much money can be wrung out of me. But as far as Hapes, this is my first time. I have never had a need before. I do not think I have a need today," Olivia added dryly. "A place known for its hideous wine and beautiful women. Quite your speed, I should think."

Trent Veillion Trent Veillion

Objective III - Gossip
Interacting with: Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger Arceneau paused, considering the idea of gathering like-minded folks for a summit. The notion of discussing ventures on a broader stage with the Viceroy had been on her mind for a while now. With a gracious nod toward the Skakoan, she quietly mused, "I do wonder if now might be the time to see if others would be interested in sittin' down to discuss these matters in a more formal setting'."

But just as she was about to delve deeper into the thought, her attention shifted back to Jysell Bruman, her curiosity piqued at the mention of Faltech Pharmaceuticals.

Danger's brows lifted ever so slightly in surprise, but she maintained her warm, practiced smile. "Well now, I do appreciate the kind words about my attire, Miz Bruman. A gal's got to put her best foot forward, especially in such refined company." Her gaze swept briefly across the glittering crowd of Hapan nobility, all clad in their dazzling finery. There was an unspoken acknowledgment in her tone that in the Hapes Consortium, looking your best was almost a requirement.

"Though I must say, you might have me mistaken. I'm not aware of any dealings with Faltech Pharmaceuticals under my name." Danger's tone was polite but tinged with subtle intrigue. Was there some acquisition she wasn't privy to? Or perhaps a case of mistaken identity? Either way, it was worth hearing more.

What truly caught her interest, however, was Jysell's mention of former Imperial military camps. There was a story there -- one that piqued the seasoned businesswoman's curiosity. Perhaps Jysell had once been a refugee or had a past tied to those camps. Such details were often the threads that could unravel deeper insights.

"Of course, it's the little pleasures in life that can be most soothin'," Danger added, her smile holding a hint of knowing charm. "A familiar scent can carry a whole world of memories and calmin pleaures, don't you think?"

When Jysell mentioned drinks, Danger gracefully inclined her head, shifting her attention back to Viceroy Laborr. "Viceroy, would you care for me to see if they have a suitable drinkin' receptacle for your needs? It'd be my pleasure to arrange something proper." Her offer was made with the effortless hospitality of someone well-versed in high society, knowing just how to navigate the delicate art of mingling while still steering the conversation exactly where she wanted it to go.

Already the gossip mills were murmuring around them. Even Danger was able to pick up a few rather intriguing commentary. How much of them had a semblance of truth?

The Skakoan observed the journalist Jysell Brumen Jysell Brumen with great care, noting the apparent lack of enthusiasm to his straightforward comments. The subdued reaction was understandable, given that the Trade Federation harbored suspicions towards anyone they had not thoroughly vetted. As a new reporter for the Holonet News Network, she was not among the familiar faces typically associated with the Finance Reporting Section of the News which were more favorable to corporations as they did not ask certain social questions that might compromise their public relations.

Brumen transitioned away from the Viceroy in pursuit of securing the patronage of Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , and it appeared to be effective as their dialogue shifted fluidly across various subjects, predominantly consisting of light-hearted social exchanges and amicable repartee. He recognized the fundamental strategy behind this maneuver from a considerable distance; aligning with Danger would grant access to a vast network of producers and consumers throughout the galaxy, ripe for interviews regarding stories and potential controversies that might bring bad publicity to the Arceneau Trading Company.

Danger swiftly seized the opportunity presented by the Viceroy's interest, to propose that the corporate entities of the galaxy convene for a summit to address the declaration made by the Dark Empire. This notion was certainly compelling, as the collective political and military strength of these corporations would be more than sufficient to confront various threats and bad actors within the corporate sector.

"That could be arranged..." Laborr reflected on the idea, recognizing that the Trade Federation could exploit any scheduled summit to advance its own industrial and financial objectives throughout the galaxy, unencumbered by allegiance to a single faction or corporate directive. Additionally, this would serve as a chance to assess potential competitors and evaluate the technological advancements that would be available beyond the year 900 ABY.

"Unfortunately I must decline for business never stops for pleasantries or hospitality as you may be aware from our last private meeting. Take care of yourself, Lady Arceneau." The Skakoan gestured dismissively with a polite wave of his hand as he withdrew from the conversation, while contemplating two key considerations. Firstly, he believed that prolonging his interaction with the reporter would not serve the interests of the Federation. Secondly, he recognized that there were numerous business opportunities on other planets that he was neglecting by attending the Hapan Gala.


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